Internship Activity: Faculty of Economic Sciences and Public Administration

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Faculty of Economic Sciences and

Public Administration


Name: Campion Tour

Sector: Travel agency group

Student :
Nicoleta Cristina Vasile
Practice Coordinator,
Conf.univ.dr. Angela ALBU

Suceava 2018

The travel agency is not only the intermediary between the tourist product and the
consumer, but it is also the one that promotes the tourist values of a country. The travel agency is
an enterprise with a commercial purpose which procures and provides tourists or travelers with
services in the form of stays and journeys, namely, the sale or distribution of transport tickets,
information on means of transport, luggage and passenger transport, the provision of hotel
services, reservation of rooms, distribution of travel checks, organization of visits and
excursions, guides, translation, accompanying and courier services.

1. Presentation and characterization of the activity of a firm in tourism field:

identification elements of the firm; track record of the firm; the object of activity
and the organization of the firm.

Campion Tours SRL was founded in March 1999, at the initiative of Miss Cimpanu
Ioana, having the legal form of a limited liability company whose social obligations are
guaranteed only with the social patrimony.
The agency is based in Suceava, having the following contact details:
- the address: University Street, no. 12; phone: 021-212.41.76; fax: 021-335.20.20;
: e-mail:
: contact person: Cimpanu Ioana

Since its founding, the agency is a member of the ANAT (National Association of
Tourism Agencies) and collaborates with an impressive number of travel agencies, voyages,
accommodation structures (hotels, motels, boarding houses) both externally and internally.
Travel Agency Campion Tours SRL holds the A (tour operator) license nr. 1545 / 27.07.2000, the
license issued according to the provisions of H.G.R. 513/1998 and O.M.T. 125/1998. The
company is registered with the Trade Registry under no. J40 / 2122/1999 of 02.03.1999
Tour operators differentiate according to the level of integration of tourism products and
their offer capacity; depending on the positioning, destination, socio-demographic profile of the
clients or the activities offered. They often offer the following advantages: lower prices of
packages or tourist services offered, numerous circuit possibilities, numerous circuit possibilities,
holidays and various activities for spending time at the destination, creating the chances for
traveling in groups of people with the same affinities, offers the possibility of presetting the
budget required for travel arrangements.

In the organizational structure of a tour operator, the production department plays an

essential role, the agency having the mission of conceiving and creating tourist products. It
performs four functions: market research and forecasting, tourism product research,
manufacturing, and an economic function linked to pricing.

2. Organization and management of the activity: the organizational structure and

the organization chart; human resources of a tourism firm.

The structure of Campion Tours travel agency staff consists of: staff with management
functions, sales staff, staff from the operational / booking department and accounting. In the staff
with leading positions are: the General Director, Mrs. Cimpanu Ioana and the Executive Director,
Mrs. Costea Mihai. Sales staff must meet the following requirements: knowledge of the required
services, the perfect knowledge of at least two foreign languages, must inspire trust, presence,
insight, understanding and tolerance in customer confrontations, initiative spirit, ability to
understand client psychology. In the attributions of the travel agents, the issuance of invoices and
receipts, the conclusion of contracts with the suppliers and the clients or with other reselling
agents; correspondence with foreign or domestic firms, the sale of own programs or partner
agencies, the provision of information and counseling to tourists. Campion Tours Ticketing
Agents sell airline tickets through the Hotelcon and Be Free Travel agency, but this time it is
hoping for agents to enroll in a specialty course (to use the Amadeus system). Among the sales
agents for Campion Tours we mention: Larisa Sebe, Daniel Papae, Gabriel Oancea, Ionut Stan,
Ruxandra Panduru. The accountancy deals with the bank and with the treasury both for
depositing and withdrawing cash (lei or foreign currency). Makes internal or external payments,
raises account statements, keeps records of the company, balances and balances, as well as makes
payments in time for hotel, food or transport providers. At the same time, within a control, it
provides all the necessary materials to carry out the verification activity. All accountants
periodically analyze accounts and perform annual inventory. The accounting department includes
Ioana Panduru and Dan Alexandrescu. It is thus sought to obtain a stressful, collegious
atmosphere so that the environment within the agency becomes ideal for productivity and
satisfaction of the needs of the staff and the clients.
3. Analysis of the financial situation of the firm.

In order to carry out the economic and financial analysis of the Campion Tours travel agency,
a number of economic indicators have to be taken into account: the number of employees, the
turnover, the total revenues and expenses incurred over time or the profit / loss recorded by the
company. For the purpose of this analysis, we have taken over data from the balance sheet for the
period 2006 - 2009.

Turnover is an indicator that measures the results at microeconomic level, representing

the volume of revenue from its own activity over a period of time. It sums up the proceeds from
sales of material goods, services, deposits with banks and financial institutions. It is also referred
to as "gross income", measures the economic performance of firms and is used as a criterion for
classifying them according to their economic importance. Being a global performance indicator
explaining the effectiveness of the firm's business, international accounting standards have
determined its value to be identified in the synthetic accounting documents - in the profit and
loss account as the first element, the net turnover.

Table 1. Evolution of Turnover in 2006-2009 RON

AN 2006 2007 2008 2009

CA 393.636 1.447.595 1.900.176 2.893.005

Sursa: Departamentul de Contabilitate al agentiei de turism CampionTours

From the table above, it is easy to see an increase of 1.053.959 ron between 2006 and
2007, representing an increase of approximately 268%. Compared to 2007, in 2008, the turnover
increased by 31% compared to the previous year and by 383% compared to 2006, and in 2008 by
635% compared to the base year and by 52% compared to 2008.
Graph1. Evolution of Turnover 2006 - 2009

The total revenue from the activities of the Campion Tours SRL travel agency comes
from operating income and financial income. While operating income represents the total of
turnover, stock change or fixed asset, financial income consists of income from participation
interests, other financial investments and receivables that are part of the fixed assets, interest

Table 2. Total Income for the period 2006-2009 RON

AN 2006 2007 2008 2009

Venituri Totale 450.902 1.555.565 2.003.151 2.993.895

Sursa: Departamentul de Contabilitate al agentiei de turism Campion Tours

The table above shows a major increase in total revenue in 2007 and 2008 compared to
2006. If in 2007 there was an increase of about 245% compared to the previous year, 2008
brought an increase of 29% compared to 2007 and 344% against the base year, and in 2009 total
revenues increased by 564% compared to 2006 and by 49% compared to the previous year.
Graph 2. Total revenues in the period 2006 - 2009

Spending represents the economic and financial indicator that expresses the investments
made for the maintenance of the entire society as a system - the human resources and tourism
resources used in the development of tourist packages.

Table 3. Total Expenses in the Period 2006-2009 RON

AN 2006 2007 2008 2009

Cheltuieli Totale 400.189 606.635 751.804 956.877

Sursa: Departamentul de Contabilitate al agentiei de turism Campion Tours

Total expenses are divided into operating expenses, financial expenses and extraordinary
Graph 3. Total Expenditures for the Period 2006-2009

Net profit is the profit after deduction of tax. This or possible losses make up the net
result of the financial year. Profit / Loss = Total Income - Total Expenses

Table 4. Net profit and loss RON

AN 2006 2007 2008 2009

Profit / Pierderi 42.599 793.480 1.045.563 2.037.018

Sursa: Departamentul de Contabilitate al agentiei de turism Campion Tours

In 2007, the travel agency Campion Tours SRL posted a profit of 750.881 units higher
than in 2006, following a new growth of 252.083 units in 2008 compared to the previous year
and by 1.002.964 units compared to the base year 2006. 2009 saw an increase of 1.994.419 units
compared to the base year and 991.455 units compared to 2008.

anul de baza si de 991455 unitati fata de 2008.

Graph 4. Net Profit and Losses for the Period 2006-2009


Campion Tours covers a wide range of offers, starting from the demands
and expectations of consumers, building customized packages for each type of
market, individual accommodations or charter packages that meet all the
requirements of the tourists. Campion Tours is, among consumers, synonymous
with the seriousness, interactivity, creativity and flexibility of marketed products
and services.

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