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The United Newsletter

Nations System
in Lebanon March-April 2005

Working Together for South Lebanon The consultations sought to

discuss with the local
Inauguration of the Renovated Water Reservoir stakeholders the findings of
in Beit Yahun the agro-food industry
survey conducted in the
The Australian liberated area of South
Ambassador, Mrs. Lebanon.
Stephanie Shwabsky,
inaugurated on 10 March Mr. Antoine Mansour, UN-
2005 the renovated ESCWA Team Leader of
water reservoir in Beit Private Sector and
Yahun, funded by the Enterprise Development,
Australian Embassy, reviewed the results of the survey done in cooperation with the
executed by the ”Association d’aide au développement rural”. He subsequently
Ukrainian Battalion in engaged local stakeholders in an interactive discussion on the
UNIFIL, and coordinated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of two promising
by the Mine Action groups of products, one being honey and its by-products and
Coordination Centre South Lebanon (MACC SL) and the the other herbs, mainly thyme and “sumac”.
Humanitarian Cell - UNIFIL. The ceremony was attended by Mr. As a follow-up to these consultations, the Team will prepare an
Chris Clark, MACC SL Programme Manager, Lt Col Sarna, in-depth assessment of one of the promising products discussed
UNIFIL Force Humanitarian Officer, and Col Zvak from the with local stakeholders. The assessment will be used to identify
Ukranian Battalion, in addition to local officials from Beit Yahun. training needs and means of technical cooperation in Phase II of
the project.

Collaboration Between ESCWA and Fares

Foundation Continued

As part of an ESCWA
initiative aimed at building
the capacity of member
countries in harnessing new
technologies for local
community development
and within the framework of
The resident population expressed gratitude and appreciation to
cooperation with Fares
the Australian Embassy for the generous donation, which will
Foundation initiated in 2002
contribute to the development of the village. The Australian
to support socio-economic
Ambassador thanked MACC SL for clearing the mines in Beit
development in Lebanon and the region, three Multipurpose
Yahun and for their coordination between the different parties in
Technology Community Centres (MTCCs) were established in
the renovation of the reservoir and she stressed that clearing
the villages of Tal-Abbas, Bebnine and Al-Mkaybleh, in Akkar
mines should be followed by development projects encouraging
region, North Lebanon. They were established in cooperation
the people to stay in their villages. She also thanked UNIFIL for
with local municipalities and with the support of the Arab Fund
their help in renovating the reservoir. The Ambassador praised
for Economic and Social Development, Microsoft, the
UNIFIL, MACC SL and the local population for their partnership
International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations
with the Australian Embassy in this project.
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).The
MTCCs offer courses in basic computer skills that constitute a
Building National Capacities step towards obtaining the International Computer Driving
License (ICDL). They also provide language training courses and
internet access services, thus presenting the local communities
Developing Agro-Industries in South Lebanon
with the means for enhancing their job skills.
As part of the implementation of the phase I needs assessment
The centres are also intended to offer vocational training
of the project on “Employment Creation and Income Generation
sessions and support for small and micro enterprises in order to
through the Development of Micro and Small Agro-industries in
contribute to the creation of new job opportunities. Within this
South Lebanon,” ESCWA undertook two consultative meetings
context, efforts are underway to expand the range of services
in Bint Jbeil and Khiam on 3 February.
and training courses of the MTCCs to include secretarial and
Over 60 participants attended the meetings, including municipal accountancy training as well as provision of selected e-services,
council officials, farmers, business owners, members of local and to replicate the experience through planning three other
cooperatives and chambers of commerce, professors and school centres in other Akkar villages.
administrators, as well as representatives from the Ministry of
Economy and Trade, non-governmental organizations and
United Nations agencies working in the region.
The three MTCCs have graduated around 200 trainees after one The Attorney and Counselor at Law, Mr. Nizar Saghieh has been
year of operation. The Al-Mkaybleh centre, which serves 17 chosen to undergo the legal review for Lebanon. Mr. Saghieh
villages in Wadi Khaled and Mashta, organized a graduation will be cooperating with the Lebanese National AIDS Programme
ceremony in January 2005 that included twenty-seven trainees and the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS (consisting of all UN
from different backgrounds and age groups. The youngest agencies in Lebanon) for any technical, political or
graduate in this ceremony was 10 years old and female administrative input.
graduates constituted 37% of their total number.
This project has been in the making for over two years, and it
The legal Framework for HIV/AIDS and Human was not until this first workshop on the 13-14 March 2005 held
Rights in the Arab States in Cairo, that it has finally been officially launched, after having
carefully chosen high caliber experts to undergo Phase I in the
The International Labour Organization/Regional Office for Arab selected Arab States.
States (ILO/ROAS), in collaboration with the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the United Nations AIDS Programme
(UNAIDS), the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner Awareness Raising Initiatives: Women’s
for Human Rights (UNOHCHR) and the Arab Institute for Human Legal Rights
Rights (AIHR), announces the launching of a common project
titled: “ The legal Framework for HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in
the Arab States”.
Promoting the Rights of Children and Women in
the Arab Region through Information
This initiative aims at reviewing the international instruments
and national legislations (Statutory and customary laws, The United Nations Development Programme / Information and
jurisprudence and policies) related to the human rights of Communication Technology for Development in Arab Region
children, their families and other vulnerable groups, infected UNDP/ICTDAR and the Lebanese Council to Resist Violence
with/affected by HIV/AIDS in 15 Arab States (Algeria, Djibouti, Against Women launched on 8 February 2005 a CD-Rom on
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine women’s rights under the project “Promoting the Rights of
Oman, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen) proposing a model of Children and Women in the Arab Region through Information”.
legislation. The project aims at providing women with necessary
The project is divided into four main phases: information to obtain financial and legal support from the
Phase I: Review and analysis of HIV/AIDS related laws government, social service institutions or their separated
(statutory and customary), regulations and policies and spouses. The project will help empower women to address and
jurisprudence. resolve issues related to family law, including child support
Phase II: Develop user-friendly training materials for payments, marriage and divorce, labor, adoption and custody.
legislators, policy and decision makers, including religious The project has two primary target groups: civil society and
leaders. women.
Phase III: Training of legislators, policy and decision makers, The CD-Rom contains a digitized copy of all main acts, laws and
including religious leaders. decrees related to family law, alongside answers to frequently
Phase IV: Improvement of policy, regulatory and legal asked questions, and the text of major relevant international
frameworks. conventions.
ILO’s approach to the fight against the epidemic is above all Dr. Mona Hammam, UN
rights based and one of its main regional priorities is the reform Resident Coordinator and
of Labour Legislation, including promotion of policies focusing UNDP Resident
on vulnerable workers to ensure equal rights in employment. Representative, Dr. Najat
Therefore, it is of high relevance for ILO to develop, adapt and Rochdi, Regional
disseminate appropriate material to combat stigma and Coordinator,
discrimination faced by HIV infected or affected employees in UNDP/ICTDAR, and Mrs.
the workplace. Zoya Rohana, Coordinator,
This interagency initiative is inspired by one of the priority areas Lebanese Council to Resist
defined for the region by the 2006-2007 UNAIDS Unified Budget Violence Against Women,
Work plan (UBW), which is that of legislation, legal frameworks, delivered speeches on the
and policies. occasion.

In the 2006-2007 UBW draft report, it is clear that the growing The objectives of the project are:
number of UNAIDS cosponsors and the increased commitment, 1. To provide women social workers in local communities with
engagement and resources in the region on HIV/AIDS, calls for centres of support and rights-related information, including
stronger coordination among these cosponsors. referrals to legal counsel enabling them to advise other women
on the most appropriate recourse to resolve legal issues and/or
ILO will base its technical contribution on the principle to obtain financial support.
guidelines of the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the 2. To assist the judicial system to process and monitor child
world of work. This will need to involve the tripartite partners support information by computerizing the domestic court’s
(Ministry of Labour, employers’ and employees’ representatives) payment system. Each woman eligible for child support will
in social dialogue on the issue of HIV/AIDS and the world of have a personal account and will receive remittances made on
work. her behalf by the spouse or by the government.
3. To train staff who will provide information as in point 1)
The first phase of this project was initiated by a regional expert
and run the pertinent services in the domestic court system as
inception workshop for all partners and selected researchers
in point 2) in the basic operation of computer-based information
from 15 Arab States on 13 and 14 March 2005 in Cairo. These
expert legal researchers will be undergoing the review in their
respective countries following a common methodology and UNDP directs the project through ICTDAR that is responsible for
producing national reports in preparation for a consensus providing substantive guidance, technical and managerial
meeting in early October 2005 to come up with advice. In each country where the project is active there will be
recommendations and an action plan for Phase II. a national project coordinator and national support staff. The
project will rely on partnerships with CSOs, research institutions
and consultants for the implementation of a substantial share of
its activities.
The UN ESCWA Launches the Second Conference of the Lebanese Invasive
Report on Arab Women: coronary Registry
Beijing+10 The National Non-Communicable Diseases Program (NCDP) and
The ESCWA Executive Secretary Mervat the Lebanese Society of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (LSC)
Tallawy launched a report prepared by in association with the Ministry of Public Health and the World
UN-ESCWA entitled “Arab Women: Health Organization (WHO), have succeeded in creating the
Beijing+10” that documents the most Lebanese Interventional Coronary Registry (LICOR). The
important achievements of Arab Purpose of the Registry is to record cases of invasive
women and highlights the obstacles cardiovascular procedures. Therefore, a software was developed
and challenges they have faced in the and installed in all Catheter Laboratories in Lebanon. This
ten years following the Beijing software serves as a computerized reporting form, allowing
Conference. It recommends a regional reports to be exported monthly through the Internet. This
framework to overcome these obstacles and challenges in the advanced method of data collection made the LICOR one of the
next decade based on the Beirut Declaration on Arab Women most successful and reliable registries in Lebanon.
launched last July at the conclusion of the Arab regional The LICOR 2004 preliminary data were presented in a
conference “Ten Years after Beijing: Call for Peace” and conference held on 23 of March 2005 at the Metropolitan Hotel.
organized by UN-ESCWA.
Achievements and Obstacles
World Health Day
The major accomplishments listed by the report include the
2005: Make every
dissemination of new legislation benefiting women; the
establishment of new mechanisms concerned with women’s mother and child
issues, for example ministries, councils and commissions; the count
attainment of women’s political rights in some countries; the
The World Health
allocation of quotas to increase the representation of women in
Organization (WHO) is
national parliaments; and the ratification by 17 Arab countries
pleased to announce healthy
of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
mothers and children as the
Discrimination Against Women.
theme for World Health Day 2005. This is also the subject of the
The most significant obstacles facing women as outlined by the World Health Report 2005, which will be launched on World
report are the current economic, cultural, social and political Health Day, on 7 April 2005
situation and the impact of occupation and wars; the lack of The slogan for World Health Day 2005 is "Make every
gender disaggregated statistics and information in official mother and child count", which reflects the reality that today,
documents and reports that reflect the true level of women’s the health of women and children is not a high enough priority
contribution to economic, cultural, social and political life; and for many governments and the international community.
limited mechanisms of coordination, monitoring and
Major challenges for women include illiteracy; the high rate of
female school dropouts; poverty and unemployment; violence
against women; permanent discrimination within legislation
particularly within penal codes; limited allocation of financial
resources for the empowerment of women; and social traditions
and restrictions related to customs.
For more information on the activities of the UN Country Team
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, Tallawy in Lebanon or to submit ideas on upcoming events, please
said there were plenty of laws that afford major opportunities to contact the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator:
instigate change on the level of women’s participation in the Francesca Giovannini, UN Coordination Analyst, e-mail:
political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the, tel: 961-1-978716
development process, but that implementation was more Michèle Abou-Saad, UN Coordination Associate, e-mail:
important than the drafting of texts. Tallawy was speaking at, tel: 961-1-978715
the opening of the 5th Conference of the National Council for The Newsletter is posted on the UN System Web Site:
Egyptian Women held in Cairo from 14 to 16 March 2005. She
said that the regional instability caused by the Arab-Israeli
conflict, the situation in Palestine, the war in Iraq and
successive wars was a great hindrance to the progress of Arab
women. She hoped that Arab peoples would look to the future
without submitting to the difficult circumstances and challenges
that have always faced them.

World Bank


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