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Equal Protection achieve a compelling state interest,

and that it is the least restrictive
1. Concept means to protect such interest.
The constitutional right to equal c. Intermediate Scrutiny Test
protection requires that all persons or
things similarly situated should be treated When the classification
alike, both as to rights conferred and puts a quasi-suspect class at a
responsibilities imposed. It requires public disadvantage, it will be treated
bodies and institutions to treat similarly under intermediate or heightened
situated individuals in a similar manner. review. Classifications based on
(Source: ABRC 2017 Special Lecture Notes) gender or illegitimacy receives
intermediate scrutiny. To survive
2. Requisites for Valid Classification intermediate scrutiny, the law must
not only further an important
The requirements for a valid and governmental interest and be
reasonable classification are: (1) it must rest substantially related to that
on substantial distinctions; (2) it must be interest, but the justification for
germane to the purpose of the law; (3) it the classification must be genuine
must not be limited to existing conditions and must not depend on broad
only; and (4) it must apply equally to all generalizations. (Source: ABRC
members of the same class. (Source: 2017 Special Lecture Notes)
Political Law Reviewer 2018, Atty. Alexis
Medina) E. Searches and Seizure
3. Standards of Judicial Review 1. Concept
(Mosqueda, et al. v. Pilipino Banana
Growers & Exporters Association, Inc., et al., The right of a person against
G.R. No. 189185, August 16, 2016, En Banc unreasonable searches and seizure is
[Bersamin]) recognized and protected by no less than
the Constitution, particularly, Sections 2 and
a. Rational Basis Test 3(2) of Article III which provide:
The rational basis scrutiny SEC. 2. The right of the people to
(also known as the rational relation be secure in their persons, houses,
test or rational basis test) demands papers, and effects against
that the classification reasonably unreasonable searches and
relate to the legislative purpose. seizures of whatever nature and
The rational basis test often applies for any purpose shall be inviolable,
in cases involving economics or and no search warrant or warrant
social welfare, or to any other case of arrest shall issue except upon
not involving a suspect class. probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after
b. Strict Scrutiny Test examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and
The strict scrutiny review
the witnesses he may produce, and
applies when a legislative
particularly describing the place to
classification impermissibly
be searched and the persons or
interferes with the exercise of a
things to be seized.
fundamental right or operates to
the peculiar class disadvantage of a SEC. 3. x x x
suspect class. The Government
carries the burden to prove that (2) Any evidence obtained in
the classification is necessary to violation of this or the preceding
section shall be inadmissible August 11, 2010) (Source: Political Law
(Source: Political Law Reviewer Reviewer 2018, Atty. Alexis Medina)
2018, Atty. Alexis Medina)
3. Warrantless Search
2. Warrant requirement; Requisites for a
valid warrant In a search incident to a lawful
arrest, the law requires that there first be a
Accordingly, Sections 4 and 5, Rule lawful arrest before a search can be made --
126 of the Revised Rules on Criminal the process cannot be reversed. Search
Procedure laid down the following incident to a lawful arrest: A search
requisites for the issuance of a valid search incidental to a lawful arrest requires that
warrant: there must first be a lawful arrest before a
search is made. Otherwise stated, a lawful
SEC. 4. Requisites for issuing search arrest must precede the search; the process
warrant. – A search warrant shall cannot be reversed. (Source: Political Law
not issue except upon probable Reviewer 2018, Atty. Alexis Medina)
cause in connection with one
specific offense to be determined 4. Warrantless Arrest
personally by the judge after
examination under oath or There are three (3) grounds that
affirmation of the complainant and will justify a warrantless arrest. Rule 113,
the witnesses he may produce, and Section 5 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
particularly describing the place to Procedure provides:
be searched and the things to be
seized which may be anywhere in Section 5. Arrest Without Warrant;
the Philippines. When Lawful. -A peace officer or a
private person may, without a
SEC. 5. Examination of warrant, arrest a person:
complainant; record. – The judge
must, before issuing the warrant, (a) When, in his presence, the
personally examine in the form of person to be arrested has
searching questions and answers, committed, is actually committing,
in writing and under oath, the or is attempting to commit an
complainant and the witnesses he offense;
may produce on facts personally
(b) When an offense has just been
known to them and attach to the
committed and he has probable
record their sworn statements,
cause to believe based on personal
together with the affidavits
knowledge of facts or
circumstances that the person to
Therefore, the validity of the issuance of a be arrested has committed it; and
search warrant rests upon the following
(c) When the person to be arrested
factors: (1) it must be issued upon probable
is a prisoner who has escaped from
cause; (2) the probable cause must be
a penal establishment or place
determined by the judge himself and not by
where he is serving final judgment
the applicant or any other person; (3) in the
or is temporarily confined while his
determination of probable cause, the judge
case is pending, or has escaped
must examine, under oath or affirmation,
while being transferred from one
the complainant and such witnesses as the
confinement to another.
latter may produce; and (4) the warrant
issued must particularly describe the place The first kind of warrantless arrest is known
to be searched and persons or things to be as an in flagrante delicto arrest. The validity
seized. (People v. Tuan, G.R. No. 176066,
of this warrantless arrest requires
To make the provision applicable to all
compliance with the overt act test:
persons arrested or apprehended for
[F]or a warrantless arrest of in any crime not listed under Article II is
flagrante delicto to be affected, tantamount to unduly expanding its
"two elements must concur: (1) the meaning. Note that accused appellant
person to be arrested must execute here was arrested in the alleged act of
an overt act indicating that he [or extortion. A charge for violation of
she] has just committed, is actually Section 15 of R.A. 9165 is seen as
committing, or is attempting to expressive of the intent of the law to
commit a crime; and (2) such overt rehabilitate persons apprehended or
act is done in the presence or arrested for the unlawful acts
within the view of the arresting enumerated above instead of charging
officer." (Veridiano v. People, G.R. and convicting them of other crimes
No. 200370, 07 June 2017) (Source: with heavier penalties.
Political Law Reviewer 2018, Atty.
Alexis Medina)
F. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
5. Administrative Arrest
1. Private and Public Communications
Vivo v. Montesa, G.R. No. L-24576 July
29, 1968 Section 3. (1) The privacy of
communication and
As long as the offense of the respondents correspondence shall be inviolable
has not yet been established and their except upon lawful order of the
expulsion finally decided upon, their court, or when public safety or
arrest upon administrative warrant order requires otherwise, as
violates the provisions of our Bill of prescribed by law.
Rights. The constitutional guarantees of
individual liberty must be liberally (2) Any evidence obtained in
construed and applied if we are to enjoy violation of this or the preceding
the blessings of a regime of justice, section shall be inadmissible for
liberty and democracy that the Philippine any purpose in any proceeding.
Constitution sought to secure and
Case Doctrines
6. Drug, Alcohol and Blood Tests
Exclusionary Rule (Sec3, par2)

People v. Marti – package bound for

Dela Cruz v. People, G.R. No. 200748, Switzerland – The Bill of Rights is not
July 23, 2014 meant to be invoked against act of
private individuals. It is directed against
The drug test in Section 15 does not
the government and its agencies tasked
cover persons apprehended or arrested
with the enforcement of the law. The
for any unlawful act, but only for
constitutional against unreasonable
unlawful acts listed under Article II of
searches and seizures cannot be
R.A. 9165. A drug test can be made
extended to acts committed by a private
upon persons who are apprehended or
arrested for, among others, the
"importation," "sale, trading,
administration, dispensation, delivery,
distribution and transportation",
"manufacture" and "possession" of
dangerous drugs and/or controlled
precursors and essential chemicals;
2. Intrusion, when allowed
Waiver of Rights
Veroy v. Layague – search of rebels in a Gamboa v. Chan, G.R. No. 193636, July
house – Permission was granted by Veroy 24, 2012
to enter the house but only to ascertain
the presence of rebel soldiers. Where The right to privacy is considered a
permission to enter a residence was fundamental right that must be
given, protected from intrusion or constraint.
it is illegal to search the rooms therein When the right to privacy finds tension
and seize firearms without as search with a competing state objective, the
warrant. courts are required to weigh both
notions. In these cases, although
Okabe v. Gutierrez – estafa case – An
considered a fundamental right, the right
application for or admission to bail shall
to privacy may nevertheless succumb to
not bar the accused from challenging the
an opposing or overriding state interest
validity of his arrest or the legality of the
deemed legitimate and compelling.
warrant issued therefore.. An application
for bail SHALL NOT BE considered as a
waiver of rights. A valid waiver,
3. Writ of Habeas Data
requisites. 1) rights must exist; 2) there
must be clear and convincing proof that
there was an actual intention to Gamboa v. Chan, G.R. No. 193636, July
relinquish the right 24, 2012
Anti-Wiretapping Act
Habeas data – The writ of habeas data is
Navarro v. CA – police complaint gone a remedy available to any person whose
bad – where the exchange between two right to privacy in life, liberty or security is
persons is not private, the tape recording violated or threatened by an unlawful act
is not prohibited or omission of a public official or
employee, or of a private individual or
Salcedo-Ordonez v. CA – annulment with entity engaged in the gathering,
damages – husband is cheating on me collecting or storing of data information
case – Unauthorized tape recordings of regarding the person, family, home and
telephone conversations not admissible correspondence of the aggrieved party.
Privacy of Bank Accounts Vivares v. St. Theresa’s College, G.R. No.
Marquez v. Desierto – secrecy of bank 202666, September 29, 2014
deposits – exceptions: 1) depositor
In developing the writ of habeas data, the
consents in writing; 2) subject of an
Court aimed to protect an individual’s
impeachment case; 3) by court order in
right to informational privacy, among
cases of bribery and dereliction by public
others The writ, however, will not issue
officials, 4) deposit is subject of litigation;
on the basis merely of an alleged
5) unexplained wealth
unauthorized access to information about
Privacy of Communication a person. Availment of the writ requires
the existence of a nexus between the
Roxas v. Zuzuaregui – Contempt of the right to privacy on the one hand, and the
Supreme Court – the letter ceased to be right to life, liberty or security on the
private when Roxas furnished the letter other. Thus, the existence of a person’s
to all the justices and not just to the one right to informational privacy and a
whom it is addressed. showing, at least by substantial evidence,
of an actual or threatened violation of the
right to privacy in life, liberty or security
of the victim are indispensable before the
privilege of the writ may be extended.
G. Freedom of Expression expression that may be a nexus to
criminal conduct is subject to
1. Concept and Scope punishment and restraint.

a. Prior Restraint (censorship) 2. Content-based and Content-neutral

Chavez vs. Gonzales G.R.No. 168338
February 15, 2008 a. Test

This refers to official governmental Chavez vs. Gonzales G.R.No. 168338

restrictions on the press or other forms February 15, 2008
of expression in advance of actual
publication or dissemination. Freedom A distinction has to be made whether the
from prior restraint is largely freedom restraint is (1) a content-
from government censorship of neutral regulation, i.e., merely concerned
publications, whatever the form of with the incidents of the speech, or one
censorship, and regardless of whether it that merely controls the time, place or
is wielded by the executive, legislative or manner, and under well defined
judicial branch of the government. Thus, standards;60 or (2) a content-
it precludes governmental acts that based restraint or censorship, i.e., the
required approval of a proposal to restriction is based on the subject matter
publish; licensing or permits as of the utterance or speech. 61 The cast of
prerequisites to publication including the the restriction determines the test by
payment of license taxes for the privilege which the challenged act is assayed with.
to publish; and even injunctions against
publication. Even the closure of the
business and printing offices of certain
newspapers, resulting in the b. Applications
discontinuation of their printing and
publication, are deemed as previous When the speech restraints take
restraint or censorship. 57 Any law or the form of a content-neutral
official that requires some form of regulation, only a substantial
permission to be had before publication governmental interest is required
can be made, commits an infringement of for its validity. Because regulations
the constitutional right, and remedy can of this type are not designed to
be had at the courts. suppress any particular message,
they are not subject to the strictest
b. Subsequent Punishment form of judicial scrutiny but
Clear and Present Danger.—Certain an intermediate approach—
expression, oral or written, may somewhere between the mere
rationality that is required of any
incite, urge, counsel, advocate, or
importune the commission of other law and the compelling
criminal conduct; other expression, interest standard applied to
such as picketing, demonstrating,
restrictions. The test is
and engaging in certain forms of
“symbolic” action, may either called intermediate because the
counsel the commission of criminal Court will not merely rubberstamp
the validity of a law but also
conduct or itself constitute criminal
conduct. Leaving aside for the require that the restrictions be
moment the problem of “speech- narrowly-tailored to promote an
plus” communication, it becomes important or significant
governmental interest that is
necessary to determine when
unrelated to the suppression of
expression. The intermediate the words used are used in such
approach has been formulated in circumstances and are of such a
this manner: nature as to create a clear and
present danger that they will bring
A governmental regulation is about the substantive evils that
sufficiently justified if it is within Congress has a right to prevent. It
the constitutional power of the is a question of proximity and
Government, if it furthers an degree."
important or substantial
governmental interest; if the The regulation which restricts the
governmental interest is unrelated speech content must also serve an
to the suppression of free important or substantial
expression; and if the incident government interest, which is
restriction on alleged [freedom of unrelated to the suppression of
speech & expression] is no greater free expression. (Chavez vs.
than is essential to the furtherance Gonzales G.R. No. 168338 February
of that interest. 15, 2008)

On the other hand, a governmental 3. Facial challenges and Overbreadth

action that restricts freedom of doctrine
speech or of the press based on
content is given the strictest Facial Challenge
scrutiny in light of its inherent and
invasive impact. Only when the James M. Imbong, et al. v. Hon. Paquito
challenged act has overcome N. Ochoa, Jr., et al., GR No. 204819, April
the clear and present danger 8, 2014, En Banc [Mendoza]
rule will it pass constitutional
muster, with the government The application of doctrines originating
having the burden of overcoming from the U.S. has been generally
the presumed unconstitutionality. maintained, albeit with some
modifications. While the Court has
Unless the government can withheld the application of facial
overthrow this presumption, challenges to strictly penal statutes
the content-based restraint will be (Romualdez v. Commission on Elections,
struck down. 576 Phil. 357 [2008]; Romualdez v.
Sandiganbayan, 479 Phil. 265 [2004];
With respect to content- Estradfa v. Sandiganbayan, 421 Phil. 290
based restrictions, the government [2001]), it has expanded its scope to
must also show the type of harm cover statutes not only regulating free
the speech sought to be restrained speech, but also those involving religious
would bring about— especially the freedom, and other fundamental
gravity and the imminence of the rights(Resolution, Romualdez v.
threatened harm – otherwise the Commission on Elections, 594 Phil. 305,
prior restraint will be invalid. Prior 316 [2008]). The underlying reason for
restraint on speech based on its this modification is simple. For unlike its
content cannot be justified by counterpart in the U.S., this Court, under
hypothetical fears, "but only by its expanded jurisdiction, is mandated by
showing a substantive and the Fundamental Law not only to settle
imminent evil that has taken the actual controversies involving rights
life of a reality already on which are legally demandable and
ground." As formulated, "the enforceable, but also to determine
question in every case is whether whether or not there has been a grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
branch or instrumentality of the
Overbreadth doctrine 5. Commercial Speech

Jose Jesus M. Disini, Jr., et al. v. The Disini v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No.
Secretary of Justice, et al., G.R. No. 203335, February 18, 2014
203335, Feb. 11, 2014, En Banc [Abad]
To prohibit the transmission of
Under the overbreadth doctrine, a proper unsolicited ads would deny a person the
governmental purpose, constitutionally right to read his emails, even unsolicited
subject to state regulation, may not be commercial ads addressed to him.
achieved by means that unnecessarily Commercial speech is a separate category
sweep its subject broadly, thereby of speech which is not accorded the same
invading the area of protected freedoms. level of protection as that given to other
But Section 4[a][3] does not encroach on constitutionally guaranteed forms of
these freedoms at all. It simply punishes expression but is nonetheless entitled to
what essentially is a form of vandalism, protection.The State cannot rob him of
the act of wilfully destroying without this right without violating the
right the things that belong to others, in constitutionally guaranteed freedom of
this case their computer data, electronic expression. Unsolicited advertisements
document, or electronic data message. are legitimate forms of expression.
Such act has no connection to guaranteed
freedoms. There is no freedom to destroy
other people’s computer systems and
6. Private vs Government Speech
private documents.

Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v. Commission on

4. State Regulation of Different Types of Elections, G.R. No. 190582, April 8, 2010
Mass Media
Freedom of expression constitutes one of
GMA Network v. Commission on the essential foundations of a democratic
Elections, G.R. No. 205357, September 2, society, and this freedom applies not only
2014 to those that are favorably received but
also to those that offend, shock, or
Where there is a need to reach a large disturb.
audience, the need to access the means
and media for such dissemination Disini v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No.
becomes critical. This is where the press 203335, February 18, 2014
and broadcast media come along. At the
Libel is unprotected speech and may be
same time, the right to speak and to
penalized. The government has an
reach out would not be meaningful if it is
obligation to protect private individuals
just a token ability to be heard by a few.
from defamation. The cybercrime law
It must be coupled with substantially
penalizing the author of a libelous online
reasonable means by which the
statement or article is valid.
communicator and the audience could
effectively interactPolitical speech is one The Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on
of the most important expressions Elections, G.R. No. 205728, January 21,
protected by the Fundamental Law. 2015
"[F]reedom of speech, of expression, and
of the press are at the core of civil Speech with political consequences is at
liberties and have to be protected at all the core of the freedom of expression
costs for the sake of democracy." and must be protected by this court.
Accordingly, the same must remain
unfettered unless otherwise justified by a
compelling state interest.
7. Heckler’s Veto b. Acts permitted and not
permitted by the clause
In the free speech context, a heckler's
veto is either of two situations in which a In re: Holding of Religious Rituals at the
person who disagrees with a speaker's Hall of Justice Building in Quezon City,
message is able to unilaterally trigger events A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 7, 2017
that result in the speaker being silenced.
In the same breath that the
In the strict legal sense, a heckler's veto establishment clause restricts what the
occurs when the speaker's right is curtailed government can do with religion, it also
or restricted by the government in order to limits what religious sects can or cannot
prevent a reacting party's behavior. The do. They can neither cause the
common example is the termination of a government to adopt their particular
speech or demonstration in the interest of doctrines as policy for everyone, nor can
maintaining the public peace based on the they cause the government to restrict
anticipated negative reaction of someone other groups. To do so, in simple terms,
opposed to that speech or demonstration. would cause the State to adhere to a
The term was coined by University of particular religion and, thus, establish a
Chicago professor of law Harry Kalven. state religion.

In common parlance, the term is used to Father Bernas further elaborated on this
describe situations where hecklers or matter, as follows:
demonstrators silence a speaker without
intervention of the law. "In effect, what non-
establishment calls for is
government neutrality in
H. Freedom of Religion religious matters. Such
government neutrality may be
1. Non-establishment Clause summarized in four general
propositions: (1) Government
a. Concept and Basis must not prefer one religion
In re: Holding of Religious Rituals at the over another or religion over
Hall of Justice Building in Quezon City, irreligion because such
A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 7, 2017 preference would violate
voluntarism and breed
The non-establishment clause reinforces dissension; (2) Government
the wall of separation between Church and funds must not be applied to
State. It simply means that the State cannot religious purposes because this
set up a Church; nor pass laws which aid too would violate voluntarism
one religion, aid all religion, or prefer one and breed interfaith dissension;
religion over another nor force nor (3) Government action must not
influence a person to go to or remain away aid religion because this too can
from church against his will or force him to violate voluntarism and breed
profess a belief or disbelief in any religion; interfaith dissension; [and] (4)
that the state cannot punish a person for Government action must not
entertaining or professing religious beliefs result in excessive entanglement
or disbeliefs, for church attendance or with religion because this too
nonattendance; that no tax in any amount, can violate voluntarism and
large or small, can be levied to support any breed interfaith dissension."
religious activity or institution whatever
they may be called or whatever form they
may adopt or teach or practice religion; that
the state cannot openly or secretly
participate in the affairs of any religious
organization or group and vice versa. Its
minimal sense is that the state cannot
establish or sponsor an official religion.
c. Test

3. Tests
Imbong v. Ochoa, G.R. No. 204819, 8
April 2014 a. Clear and present danger test
In a situation where the free exercise of Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers
religion is allegedly burdened by Union G.R. No. L-25246 September 12,
government legislation or practice, the 1974
compelling state interest test in line with
the Court's espousal of the Doctrine of
The constitutional guaranty of free
Benevolent Neutrality in Escritor, finds
exercise and enjoyment of religious
application. In this case, the
profession and worship carries with it the
conscientious objector's claim to religious
right to disseminate religious
freedom would warrant an exemption
information. Any restraint of such right
from obligations under the RH Law,
can be justified like other restraints on
unless the government succeeds in
freedom of expression on the ground that
demonstrating a more compelling state
there is a clear and present danger of any
interest in the accomplishment of an
substantive evil which the State has the
important secular objective. Necessarily
right to prevent (American Bible Society
so, the plea of conscientious objectors for
v. City of Manila G.R. No. L-9637 April
exemption from the RH Law deserves no
30, 1957). It is only where it is
less than strict scrutiny.
unavoidably necessary to prevent
In applying the test, the first inquiry is an immediate and grave danger to the
whether a conscientious objector's right security and welfare of the community
to religious freedom has been burdened. that infringement of religious freedom
Accordingly, a conscientious objector may be justified, and only to the smallest
should be exempt from compliance with extent necessary to avoid the danger
the mandates of the RH Law. If he would
be compelled to act contrary to his
religious belief and conviction, it would
be violative of "the principle of non- b. Compelling State Interest
coercion" enshrined in the constitutional
right to free exercise of religion. Estrada vs Escritor : AM P-02-1651 :
August 4, 2003

The "compelling state interest" test is

2. Free Exercise Clause
proper where conduct is involved for the
whole gamut of human conduct has
In re: Holding of Religious Rituals at the different effects on the state's interests:
Hall of Justice Building in Quezon City, some effects may be immediate and
A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 7, 2017 short-term while others delayed and far-
reaching. A test that would protect the
The Free Exercise Clause of the
interests of the state in preventing a
Constitution protects the freedom to
substantive evil, whether immediate or
believe and the freedom to act on one’s
delayed, is therefore necessary. The test
beliefs. The individual is free to believe
requires the state to carry a heavy
(or disbelieve) as he pleases concerning
burden, a compelling one, for to do
the hereafter. But where the individual
otherwise would allow the state to batter
externalizes his beliefs in acts or
religion, especially the less powerful ones
omissions that affect the public, his
until they are destroyed.
freedom to do so becomes subject to the
authority of the State.
c. Conscientious Objector Test Article III, Section 6 of the 1987
Constitution should be interpreted
In a situation where the free to mean that while the liberty of
exercise of religion is allegedly travel may be impaired even
burdened by government without court order, the
legislation or practice, the appropriate executive officers or
compelling state interest test in administrative authorities are not
line with the Court's espousal of armed with arbitrary discretion to
the Doctrine of Benevolent impose limitations. They can
Neutrality in Escritor, finds impose limits only on the basis of
application. In this case, the national security, public safety, or
conscientious objector's claim to public health and as may be
religious freedom would warrant provided by law, a limitive phrase
an exemption from obligations which did not appear in the 1973
under the RH Law, unless the text (The Constitution, Bernas,
government succeeds in Joaquin G., S.J., Vol. I, First Edition,
demonstrating a more compelling 1987, p. 263). Apparently, the
state interest in the phraseology in the 1987
accomplishment of an important Constitution was a reaction to the
secular objective. Necessarily so, ban on international travel
the plea of conscientious objectors imposed under the previous
for exemption from the RH Law regime when there was a Travel
deserves no less than strict Processing Center, which issued
scrutiny. certificates of eligibility to travel
upon application of an interested
In applying the test, the first party.
inquiry is whether a conscientious
objector's right to religious
2. Right to Travel
freedom has been burdened. The
Court is of the view that the
obligation to refer imposed by the a. Watch-list and Hold departure
RH Law violates the religious belief orders
and conviction of a conscientious
objector. Once the medical A Watchlist Order (WLO) is a list of
practitioner, against his will, refers persons who cannot leave the
a patient seeking information on country without first seeking
modem reproductive health clearance from the Department of
products, services, procedures and Justice (DOJ). A Watchlist Order is
methods, his conscience is valid for sixty (60) days unless
immediately burdened as he has terminated. The WLO may be
been compelled to perform an act extended for a non-extendible
against his beliefs. period of not more than sixty (60)
days. A Hold Departure Order
I.Liberty of Abode and Freedom of Movement (HDO) stops an individual from
exiting Philippine territory. Hold
1. Limitations Departure Order is valid for five (5)
years unless terminated, reckoned
The constitutional right to travel is not from the date of issuance.
absolute, it can only be restricted in the
The instances when an HDO may
interest of national security, public safety,
be issued are as follows:
or public health, as may be provided by
law. As held in Silveriov. Court of Appeals: (a) Against the accused,
irrespective of nationality, in
criminal cases falling within the 3. Return to one’s country
jurisdiction of courts below the
Regional Trial Courts (RTCs).
(b) Against the alien whose FERDINAND MARCOS, ET AL. VS. HON.
presence is required either as a RAUL MANGLAPUS, ET AL., G.R. NO.
defendant, respondent, or witness 88211, September 15, 1989
in a civil or labor case pending
litigation, or any case before an The right to return to one’s country, a
administrative agency of the totally distinct right under international
government. law, independent from, though related
to the right to travel. Thus, even the
(c) Against any person, either
motu proprio, or upon the request Universal declaration of Human Rights
by the Head of a Department of and the International Covenant on Civil
the Government; the head of a and Political Rights treat the right to
constitutional body or commission; freedom of movement and abode within
the Chief Justice of the Supreme the territory of the state, the right to
Court for the Judiciary; the Senate leave a country and the right to enter
President or the House Speaker for one’s country as separate and distinct
the Legislature, when the adverse rights.
party is the Government or any of
its agencies or instrumentalities, or The right to return to one’s country is not
in the interest of national security, among the rights specifically guaranteed
public safety or public by the bill of rights, which treats only of
health. (Section 1, Department of
the liberty of abode and the right to
Justice Circular No. 41.)
travel, but it is our well-considered view
that the right to return may be
The instances when a WLO may be considered as a generally accepted
lifted or cancelled are as follows: principle of international law, under our
(a) Whent the validity of the WLO constitution, is part of the law of the
has already expired; land.
(b) When the accused subject of J. Right to Information
the WLO has been allowed by the
court to leave the country during
1. Limitations
the pendency of the case or has
been acquitted of the charge
Chavez v. Public Estates Authority (G.R. No.
(c) When the preliminary 133250. July 9, 2002) thus laid down the
investigation or petition for review rule that the constitutional right to
or motion for reconsideration is information includes official information on
terminated. (Section5, on-going negotiations before a final
Department of Justice Circular No.
contract. The information, however, must
constitute definite propositions by the
government and should not cover
recognized exceptions like privileged
information, military and diplomatic secrets
and similar matters affecting national
security and public order. In addition,
Congress has prescribed other limitations
on the right to information in several
all its transactions involving public
2. Publication Laws and Regulations interest. (Emphasis supplied)

Tanada Vs Tuvera (136 SCRA 27 April 24, These twin provisions of the Constitution
1985) thus stated that Art. 2 of the Civil seek to promote transparency in policy-
Code does not preclude the requirement of making and in the operations of the
publication in the Official Gazette, even if government, as well as provide the people
the law itself provides for the date of its sufficient information to exercise effectively
effectivity. The clear object of this provision other constitutional rights. If the
is to give the general public adequate notice government does not disclose its official
of the various laws which are to regulate acts, transactions and decisions to citizens,
their actions and conduct as citizens. whatever citizens say, even if expressed
Without such notice and publication, there without any restraint, will be speculative
would be no basis for the application of the and amount to nothing. These twin
maxim ignoratia legis nominem excusat. It provisions are also essential to hold public
would be the height of injustive to punish or officials at all times x x x accountable to the
otherwise burden a citizen for the people, for unless citizens have the proper
transgression of a law which he had no information, they cannot hold public
notice whatsoever, not even a constructive officials accountable for anything. Armed
one. with the right information, citizens can
participate in public discussions leading to
3. Access to Court Records the formulation of government policies and
their effective implementation. An informed
Section 7, Article III of the Constitution citizenry is essential to the existence and
explains the peoples right to information on proper functioning of any democracy.
matters of public concern in this manner:
4. Right to Information relative to:
Sec. 7. The right of the people to
information on matters of public a. Government contract
concern shall be negotiations
Initiative vs Power Sector G.R. No.
recognized. Access to official
192088, October 9, 2012.
records, and to documents, and
papers pertaining to official acts,
The Court distinguished the duty to
transactions, or decisions, as well
disclose information from the duty to
as to government research data
permit access to information on matters
used as basis for policy
of public concern under Sec. 7, Art. III of
development, shall be afforded the
the Constitution. Unlike the disclosure of
citizen, subject to such limitations
information which is mandatory under
as may be provided by law.
the Constitution, the other aspect of the
(Emphasis supplied)
people’s right to know requires a demand
or request for one to gain access to
The State policy of full transparency in all
documents and paper of the particular
transactions involving public interest
agency. The duty to disclose covers only
reinforces the peoples right to information
transactions involving public interest,
on matters of public concern. This State
while the duty to allow access has a
policy is expressed in Section 28, Article II of
broader scope of information which
the Constitution, thus:
embraces not only transactions involving
public interest, but any matter contained
Sec. 28. Subject to reasonable
in official communications and public
conditions prescribed by law, the
documents of the government agency.
State adopts and implements
Such relief must be granted to the party
a policy of full public disclosure of
requesting access to official records,
documents and papers relating to official
acts, transactions, and decisions that are
relevant to a government contract.
b. Diplomatic Negotiations The right of eminent domain is usually
understood to be an ultimate right of the
Akbayan v Aquino G.R. No. 170516, July sovereign power to appropriate any
16, 2008
property within its territorial sovereignty for
Diplomatic negotiations, therefore, are a public purpose. The nature and scope of
recognized as privileged in this such power has been comprehensively
jurisdiction, the JPEPA negotiations described as follows: (Jesus is Lord Christian
constituting no exception. It bears School Foundation, Inc. v. Municipality (now
emphasis, however, that such privilege is City) of Pasig, Metro Manila, 503 Phil. 845
only presumptive. For as Senate v. Ermita
holds, recognizing a type of information
as privileged does not mean that it will be
2. Expansive concept of “public use”
considered privileged in all instances.
Only after a consideration of the context Republic vs Borbon G.R. No. 165354,
in which the claim is made may it be January 12, 2015
determined if there is a public interest
that calls for the disclosure of the desired Public use, in common acceptation,
information, strong enough to overcome
means “use by the public.” However, the
its traditionally privileged status.
concept has expanded to include utility,
advantage or productivity for the benefit
of the public.
K. Right of Association
To be valid, the taking must be for public
In Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers Association, et use. The meaning of the term “public
al. (G.R. No. L-25246, September 12, 1974), the use” has evolved over time in response to
Supreme Court declared that the right to join a union changing public needs and exigencies.
includes the right to abstain from joining any Public use which was traditionally
union, for a right comprehends at least two broad understood as strictly limited to actual
notions, namely: first, liberty or freedom, i.e., the “use by the public” has already been
absence of legal restraint, whereby an employee abandoned. “Public use” has now been
may act for himself without being prevented by law; held to be synonymous with “public
and second, power, whereby an employee may, as interest,” “public benefit,” and “public
he pleases, join or refrain from joining an convenience.”
association. In as much as what both the
Constitution and the Labor Code have recognized 3. Just Compensation
and guaranteed to the employee is the right to join
associations of his choice, it would be absurd to say a. Determination
that the law also imposes, in the same breath, upon
the employee the duty to join associations. Republic v. Mupas, G.R. No. 181892,
September 8, 2015
L. Eminent Domain
It is he full and fair equivalent of the
1. Concept
property taken from its owner by the
In Republic, et al. v. Limbonhari& Sons, G.R. expropriator. Just compensation means
No. 217956, November 16, 2016, Peralta, J, that the former owner must be returned
the SC was confronted with the issue as to to the monetary equivalent of the
whether title to a property which the State position that the owner had when the
took under the power of eminent domain taking occurred. We use the standard
was transferred since there was no payment value of b. Effect
"fair ofmarket
Delay value" of the
of just compensation. property at the time of the filing of the
complaint for expropriation or at the time
of the taking of property, whichever is
4. Abandonment of intended use and right M. Contract Clause
of repurchase
1. Contemporary Application of the
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Contract Clause
Authority v. Lozada, Sr. G.R. No. 176625
February 25, 2010 Social Weather Station v. Commission on
Elections, G.R. No. 208062, April 27, 2015
With respect to the element of public
use, the expropriator should commit to It is settled that "the constitutional
use the property pursuant to the purpose guaranty of non-impairment . . . is limited
stated in the petition for expropriation by the exercise of the police power of the
filed, failing which, it should file another State, in the interest of public health,
petition for the new purpose.If not, it is safety, morals and general welfare." "It is
then incumbent upon the expropriator to a basic rule in contracts that the law is
return the said property to its private deemed written into the contract
owner, if the latter desires to reacquire between the parties." The incorporation
the same. Otherwise, the judgment of of regulations into contracts is "a
expropriation suffers an intrinsic flaw, as postulate of the police power of the
it would lack one indispensable element State." [W]hile non-impairment of
for the proper exercise of the power of contracts is constitutionally guaranteed,
eminent domain, namely, the particular the rule is not absolute, since it has to be
public purpose for which the property will reconciled with the legitimate exercise of
be devoted. police power, i.e., "the power to
prescribe regulations to promote the
health, morals, peace, education, good
5. Miscellaneous Application order or safety and general welfare of the
people. x x x We do not see why public
Hacienda Luisita Incorporated v.
welfare when clashing with the individual
Presidential Agrarian Reform Council,
right to property should not be made to
G.R. No. 171101, July 5, 2011
prevail through the state's exercise of its
police power.
In Agrarian Reform, The basic law allows
two (2) modes of land distribution: direct
This case does not involve a "capricious,
and indirect ownership. Direct transfer to
whimsical, unjust or unreasonable"
individual farmers is the most commonly
regulation. It effects the constitutional
used method by DAR and widely
policy of "guarantee[ing] equal access to
accepted. Indirect transfer through
opportunities for public service" and is
collective ownership of the agricultural
impelled by the imperative of "fair"
land is the alternative. By using the word
collectively, the Constitution allows for
indirect ownership of land and not just
outright agricultural land transfer. Thus,
allowing corporations or associations to N. Legal Assistance and free access to courts
own agricultural land with the farmers
becoming stockholders or members does People v. Rio G.R. No. 90294 September
not violate the agrarian reform policy 24, 1991)
under the Constitution.
Sec11, ArtIII of the 1987 Constitution
imposes a duty on the judicial branch of
the government which can cannot be
taken lightly. "The Constitution", as aptly
stated in one case, "is a law for rulers and
for people equally in war and in peace
and covers with the shield of its
protection all classes of men at all times
and under all circumstances."
O. Rights of the Suspect 3. Waiver

1. Availability (d) Any extrajudicial confession made by a

person arrested, detained or under
custodial investigation shall be in writing
People v. Marra,, G.R. No. 108494 and signed by such person in the presence
September 20, 1994 of his counsel or in the latter's absence,
upon a valid waiver, and in the presence of
Custodial investigation involves any any of the parents, elder brothers and
questioning initiated by law enforcement sisters, his spouse, the municipal mayor, the
officers after a person has been taken municipal judge, district school supervisor,
into custody or otherwise deprived of his or priest or minister of the gospel as chosen
freedom of action in any significant way. by him; otherwise, such extrajudicial
It is only after the investigation ceases to confession shall be inadmissible as evidence
be a general inquiry into an unsolved in any proceeding.
crime and begins to focus on a particular
suspect, the suspect is taken into (e) Any waiver by a person arrested or
custody, and the police carries out a detained under the provisions of Article 125
process of interrogations that lends itself of the Revised Penal Code, or under
to eliciting incriminating statements that custodial investigation, shall be in writing
the rule begins to operate. and signed by such person in the presence
of his counsel; otherwise the waiver shall be
Manila Water Company v. Rosario, G.R. null and void and of no effect. (Sec 2,
No. 188747, January 29, 2014 Republic Act No. 7438 April 27, 1992)

The constitutional right to counsel is P. Rights of the Accused

available only during custodial
investigation. If the investigation is
Section 14(2), Article III of the 1987 Constitution
merely administrative conducted by the
employer and not a criminal enumerates rights of the accused in all criminal
investigation, the admission made during prosecutions, to wit:
such investigation may be used as
(a) Right to be presumed innocent until the
evidence to justify dismissal.
contrary is proved;

(b) Right to be heard by himself and

2. Requisites
(c) Right to be informed of the nature and
Tanenggee v. People, G.R. No. 179448, cause of the accusation against him;
June 26, 2013
(d) Right to have a speedy, impartial, and
A person under custodial investigation is public trial;
guaranteed certain rights which attach
(e) Right to meet the witnesses face to face;
upon the commencement thereof, viz: (1)
to remain silent, (2) to have competent and
and independent counsel preferably of
(f) Right to have compulsory process to
his own choice, and (3) to be informed of
secure the attendance of witnesses and the
the two other rights above.
production of evidence in his behalf.

The right to be presumed innocent refers to the

constitutional guarantee that the accused should be
treated as if innocent until he is proven guilty
beyond reasonable doubt.

The right to be heard is the heart of criminal due

process. Basically, it refers to all the mechanisms
afforded to the accused during the criminal
proceedings. It is a safeguard against prejudicial and
partial judgments by the courts, as well as a
guarantee that the accused be given an opportunity
to participate during trial in defense of himself.

Right to be informed is again an essential aspect of

procedural due process. The constitutional mandate
is complied with by the arraignment of the accused
in which he is informed by the court of the offense
charged to which the accused either pleads guilty of
not guilty.

Right to speedy trial is based on the maxim that

“justice delayed is justice denied.” Unreasonable
delays may result to a prolonged suffering of an
innocent accused or an evasion of justice by a truly
guilty person. It offends not just the accused but also
the State, inasmuch as what is at stake is the speedy,
inexpensive, and orderly administration of justice.
Undue postponements not only depletes the funds
of the defense but also of prosecution.

The right to confrontation enables the accused to

test the credibility of the witnesses. The right is
reinforced under the rules of criminal procedure by
the so-called cross-examination. Cross-examination
is conducted after the presentation and direct
examination of witnesses by the opposing side. Both
parties are allowed to test the veracity of the
testimonies presented by the other.

In the right to compulsory process, the form of

criminal proceeding is adversarial because two
opposing parties battle out against each other and
only one of them could emerge as victor. It is often
the case that the party with the weightier evidence
wins. In criminal proceedings, the accused needs
only to create reasonable doubt on the mind of the
court to be acquitted. Nevertheless, evidence is
difficult to find because of people’s anxiety in
testifying in court as well as their dislike for
burdensome court processes. In recognition
therefore of this fact, the law and the rules give the
accused the right to avail of compulsory means for
attendance of witnesses and production of needed
document or things.

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