Narrative Day 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
West Baguio Central District


Upper irisan, Baguio City

Day 1

The day started with a prayer led by Mrs. Lydia Chaguna, followed by an energizer given by
Belen Nanggilam.

The principal then presented her OPCRF, she reminded that formulated IPCRF of teachers
should be cascaded from her OPCRF.

After the presentation, the teachers were asked to revisit their IPCRF and check if the
objectives were congruent of that from the OPCRF of the principal.

The teachers, led by Mrs. Pundo, the master teacher agreed to revise the at hand IPCRF and
finalize it.

At the end of the day, the teachers were able to finalize their IPCRF based on the objectives of
the principla’s OPCRF.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
West Baguio Central District


Upper irisan, Baguio City

Day 1

The Grade I teachers were in charge of the registration which started at 7:30 in the morning,
followed by the opening program at exactly 8:00.

The ball kept rolling and the first lecture was given by the school head, Florida F. Cael on the K
to 12 Lesson Planning, she said that in roman numeral IV which is the procedure, the teacher has
the freedom to choose if she/he will follow the procedure from the old lesson planning, thus she
encouraged the teachers to use the DLP instead of the DLL. After the teachers enjoyed the healthy
snack served, workshop on K to 12 lesson planning was done.

In the afternoon, K to 12 Test Construction and the table of specification was discussed by
the master teacher, Teresa S. Pundo. Following the lecture was a workshop on the the preparation of
Test and TOS.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
West Baguio Central District


Upper irisan, Baguio City

Day 2

The day’s activities began with the roll call followed by the MOL led by the Grade II teachers.
The first lecture was on the Guidelines of Child Protection Policy which was discoursed by Ma’am
Florida. She emphasized that teachers were supposed to help the pupils overcome their fear to learn,
fear to try new things, fear to mingle with others, etc, and not the ones that may cause their fear.

An open forum has transpired, teachers shared their experiences and strategies on how to
handle problem pupils and not going beyond violating any of the rights of the children.

After a productive sharing, lunch was dished up.

The rest of the afternoon was taken by Juliet T. Paspasan as she discussed and shared what
she learned during the Barangay Training about Disaster Risk Management and Basic First Aid and
Emergency Treatment Instructions.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
West Baguio Central District


Upper irisan, Baguio City

Day 3

The third training started with the usual MOLwhich was led by the Grade III teachers in a
vibrant way, the participants were able to imbibed that good vibes and carried it through out the day.

The first lecture was on Developing Behavior Modification Plans and techniques on How to
Handle Learners with special Needs again discussed by Ma’am teresa Pundo, with her knowledge
and 35 years of experience in SPED, she shared her best and worst practices on how to handle
pupils with special needs.

The afternoon session was taken over by Christine K. Flag-ey, she share her tips on how to
make and prepare instructional materials for 21st century learners. After which was a workshop,
teachers were tasked to make their own instructional materials about certain topics.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
West Baguio Central District


Upper irisan, Baguio City

Day 5

The fifth day was a team building held at Pooten’s Resort in Asin. Before the day’s activities,
the Grade VI teachers, led the opening program followed by the team formation and orientation about
the objectives of the day’s undertakings by Shirly Basilio.

The first game was facilated by Lydia Chaguna, the objective of which is to build up
communication skills and to see the importance of it.

The second game was Planks given by Alma Demot it is about solving problems, the
implication of this activity is that as teachers we should know how to attack and not be overthrown
with the problems we faced inside the classroom.

The next game was introduced by Sharon Wagayan, it is about exlporing team values, building
trust and developing cooperation skills.

After the games the group enjoyed the sumptious lunch and a little time of swimming and

The day ended with a debriefing, it was indeed a very productive and fruitful activity. The
teachers (mind and body) were relaxed, refresh and rejuvenated.

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