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STORY: AMISOM holds peace seminar for Somali leaders

from three districts in the Lower Shabelle region

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1. Wide shot, participants listening to a speech being delivered the AMISOM

Senior Political Affairs Officer, Hajji Ssebirumbi Kisinziggo, during the
2. Wide shot, participants following proceedings during the workshop.
3. Med close up shot, Participants listening to speeches.
4. Med close up shot, Participants taking notes.
5. Med shot, participants paying attention during the workshop.
6. Med close up shot, Participants following proceedings during the workshop.

7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Simon Mulongo, Deputy Special Representative of

the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia.
“African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is transitioning. We are passing
over responsibilities that we have been handling to you as the population of
Somalia; So, we expect you to apply the skills and knowledge we give you
very favourably because tomorrow we want to be the guests in areas, villages
that is stable and peaceful.”

8. Wide shot, participants listening to speeches.

9. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Simon Mulongo, the Deputy Special Representative

of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia.
11. “And we want to count on you, each one of you, as you go down to the field
to amplify what we have been doing; to engage the communities even better
than before because of the skills (you have gained).”

12. Med close up shot, participants listening to speeches.

13. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.
14. Med close up shot, participants listening to speeches.
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hajji Ssebirumbi Kisinziggo, African Union Mission in
Somalia Senior Political Affairs Officer.
“We are expanding in terms of building capacity and also we shall also
emphasise dialogue and reconciliation as we work towards the transitioning
of (responsibilities) to the Somali security forces.”

16. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

17. Med close up shot, participants listening to speeches.
18. Close up shot, participants listening to speeches.

19. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Barre, Governor of Lower

Shabelle region.
“AMISOM can only support us when we are united, when we are one, and all
our forces are focussed on fighting the anti-peace elements. But if we are
divided on the basis of clans, then they (AMISOM) cannot pacify, make
advances and fight Al-Shabaab. But it will be easier for Al-Shabaab to live and
thrive amongst us because of the clan in-fighting.”

20. Wide shot, participants following proceedings during the workshop.

21. Med close up shot, participants writing notes during the workshop.
22. Med close up shot, participants writing notes during the workshop.

23. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Mr. Abdinasi Alim Ibrahim, District Commissioner of

“I thank our brothers from AMISOM who always stand with us to enable us
recover from the destruction and lack of government. You can understand
that the most important thing a human being can give you is his life. They
have sacrificed their blood in order for Somalia to stand on its feet.”

24. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

25. Med close up shot, Participants listening to speeches.
26. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

27. SOUNDBITE: (English) Major John Byarugaba, the Civil-Military Officer for
AMISOM Ugandan contingent based in Ceel-jaale, Lower Shabelle region.
“With conflict, there is nothing. Instead it destroys society. Now that I have
got a big number that has been trained, my job has been simplified further.
However, we need to build on that. We need bigger meetings whereby
(participants) have to interact with a lot of people hence we need some
funding from the centre.”

28. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

29. Med close up shot, participants listening to speeches.

30. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Ms. Nurto Ahmed Mohamed, member of the Somali
Women’s Association in Marka district, Lower Shabelle region.
“I also call upon the people, especially my fellow residents of Marka, to work
together for peace and integration. And when I go back to the region,
especially Marka district, I will teach people and share the lessons I have

31. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.

32. Med shot, participants listening to speeches.


AMISOM holds peace seminar for Somali leaders from three districts in the Lower
Shabelle region

Mogadishu, 24 October 2018 – To end intermittent flare-ups triggered by inter-clan

conflicts in Somalia, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), has held a
training forum on peace and unity for leaders of three districts in the Lower Shabelle
region, one of the regions adversely impacted by such conflicts.

Lower Shabelle was earmarked for the peace programme, in a bid to promote
peaceful co-existence between clans, in a region which has variously experienced

Religious leaders, traditional elders and representatives of women and youths

groups from Marka, KM50, Shalambot and Afgoye districts were among the forum’s
participants. The three-day gathering held in the capital Mogadishu was facilitated
by AMISOM’s Political Cluster.

“We are passing over responsibilities that we have been handling to the people of
Somalia,” Mr. Simon Mulongo, the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson
of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia, remarked in his address to the
participants today. He urged them to find amicably ways to resolve their differences.
“We expect you to use the skills and knowledge acquired here, to promote peace,”
he said, while also challenging them to focus on the delivery of essential social
services such as health, education, emergency humanitarian response and
infrastructure development.

AMISOM’s Senior Political Affairs Officer, Mr. Hajji Ssebirumbi Kisinziggo, noted that
the seminar was part of ongoing efforts by the Mission’s Civil-Military Coordination
(CIMIC) unit, to end clan differences through dialogue.

“We are expanding in terms of building capacity and we shall also emphasize
dialogue and reconciliation, as we work towards the transitioning of responsibilities
to the Somali security forces,” Mr. Ssebirumbi said.
He announced that the initiative would be expanded to other parts of Somalia, to
help promote peace and reconciliation.

The Governor of Lower Shabelle, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Barre, underscored the
importance of unity and peaceful co-existence between clans. He added, that it was
only through peace and unity that the region could develop and defeat Al-Shabaab
and other armed groups who have destabilized communities for many years.

“AMISOM can only support us when we are united, when we are one, and all our
forces are focused on fighting the anti-peace elements,” said Barre, adding, “If we
are divided on the basis of clans, then they (AMISOM) cannot pacify areas or make
advances in the fight against Al-Shabaab.”

He noted that Al-Shabaab thrived on divisions and cautioned the leaders against
falling prey to the militants’ machinations.

The Governor’s sentiments were supported by the District Commissioner of Afgoye,

Mr. Abdinasi Alim Ibrahim, who lauded AMISOM for spearheading peace efforts
across Somalia.


a three day Workshop on Training for Peace and Unity for 3 Lower Shabelle Districts.


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