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Verb in Action

By: Madison Boeck, Rachel

Doran & Simon Jongekryg
What is Verb in Action?
● Irregular verbs (Ran, Built) often are overgeneralized with the suffix -ed in
younger students and ELL’s
● Research shows that when students repeat and act out words, they are
more likely to understand and remember the words being taught.
● Verbs in action simply means to add an action to the verb to help
students understand its meaning.

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words

(Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words).


SWBAT write irregular verbs using complete sentences in their journals.


SWBAT to form past tense verbs using their present tense form.

SWBAT understand how to use irregular verbs in writing.

“I can” Statements
I can write sentences using irregular verbs.

I can write past tense verbs.

I can explain where the irregular verbs are in my writing.

Drawing a Picture/Writing a Sentence (Activity #1)
● Draw a picture and write a sentence about it!
● What are the different verbs in the sentence above?
● How can we change these verbs to make them past tense?
● Share a sentence about your drawing using these past tense verbs aloud!
Build and Break (Activity #2)
● Use the spaghetti and marshmallows to create a tower
● Break the spaghetti into smaller parts to help your building
● Competition!!!
○ Whoever builds the tallest tower, that doesn't fall over wins!
● What verbs did we use while doing this activity?
● What would be the past tense of these verbs?
Verb Journals + Exit Ticket! (Activity #3)
● Take out a sheet of paper, and a pencil.
● Explain how we used the verbs: Broke, Built, Drew, & Wrote today in class.
○ Today I drew….
○ I wrote a sentence about….
○ I built…
○ I broke….

Exit Ticket: “Where is the Verb?” worksheet.

● Change the verb in the sentence to past tense.

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