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100 Years Ago...

Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra Regional Jalsa Salana in National MKA Shura 2018
Propagation of Islam in England An Early Ray of Western Kamuli, Uganda Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK
Al Fazl, 12 October 1918 Sunrise On 14 October 2018, Kamuli District hold their 30th Majlis-e-Shura, in Baitul
Tracing the roots of early Islam held their regional Jalsa Salana Futuh Mosque, Morden
Ahmadiyyat in the USA

Page 6 Page 3 - 4 Page 5 Page 12


AL HAKAM | Friday 19 October 2018 | Issue XXXI
Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL. UK | F: +44(0)208 544 7673

Huzoor’s Fourth Visit to the USA

Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the
Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
A Muslim is a Brother of
Another Muslim
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar, may Allah
be pleased with him, narrates that the
Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, said,
“A Muslim is a brother of another
Muslim, so he should not oppress him,
nor should he hand him over to an
oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs
of his brother, Allah will fulfill his
needs; whoever brought his (Muslim)
brother out of a discomfort, Allah will
bring him out of the discomforts of
the Day of Resurrection, and whoever
screened a Muslim, Allah will screen
him on the Day of Resurrection . "
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Muzalim)

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas,

In His Own Words
Leaders Have Responsibilities

O you the affluent, and O Kings! O

you who are wealthy! There are but few
among you who fear God and are pious
in the ways prescribed by Him. Most of
H azrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah
strengthen his hand, departed from
The Baitur Rehman Mosque was packed
with around 3,500 Ahmadis who eagerly
waited to present a very warm welcome,
in the Baitur Rehman Mosque. 
The next morning, Baitur Rehman
Mosque saw hundreds of Ahmadis
you are devoted to the possessions and
territories of this world, and spend your
London on Monday, 15 October 2018 for the like of which is rarely ever witnessed flocking in to offer Fajr prayers behind entire lives occupied to this end and give
not thought to your death. All those
his tour of the Americas. in the town. Slogans of Nara-e-Takbeer and Huzooraa.  Later that morning, Huzooraa
wealthy persons who do not observe
Huzoor came out of his residence in replies of Allahu Akbar along with other inspected the offices at Baitur Rehman
their prayers and are unmindful of
the afternoon and led the hundreds of slogans in praise of Allah and his bounties Mosque and also visited the Ansar Hall,
God carry the sins of all their servants
local Ahmadis who had gathered at the filled the air of the surroundings. Huzooraa Langar Khana and MTA International
and attendants around their necks. All
Fazl Mosque hours before in prayer to bid responded with his radiant smile waving USA studios.  
those wealthy persons who consume
farewell to their beloved Imam.  back to the crowds with great love and In the afternoon, Hazrat Khalifatul
alcohol also carry the sins of the people
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa arrived on affection. Although there was a drizzle, the Masihaa blessed 60 families with
who intoxicate themselves under their
Monday evening at Washington Dulles members remained glued to their spaces, mulaqat  and also visited Mukhtar Malhi influence. You who claim to possess
Airport at about 9pm local time where a overwhelmed  with the awe and love for Sahib’s home at the premeses and met with understanding! Know that this world is
group of US Jamaat officials were present Khilafat. These members, on a weekday the residents at Malhi Sahib’s home.  He not eternal, so take hold of yourselves.
to welcome Huzooraa.  Huzoor’s entourage evening, stayed until 1am and then reached even made remarks to Malhi Sahib about Eschew all immoderation and abstain
proceeded from the airport to Baitur the overflow-parking via shuttle service his previous stay in 2008. from every type of intoxicant.
Rahman Mosque located at  15000 Good and departed.   When you take a look at his demeanour
Hope Road in Silver Spring, Maryland, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa led the on such occasions, it never occurs to (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Noah’s
arriving there at around 10:30pm.   congregation in Maghrib and Isha prayers Ark, pp. 114-115)
Continued on page 2
2 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

This Week in History

Compiled by Tariq Hayat, Pakistan

19-25 October
19 October 1924: Hazrat Musleh Maudra laid the 24 October 1905: The Promised Messiahas was in
foundation stone of the Fazl Mosque, London on Delhi where he paid a visit to the shrines of saints in
this day. The foundation stone laying ceremony was the city and offered prayers for them.
attended by 200 guests.
25 October 1903: Abdur Rahim, the youngest son
20 October 1891: The Promised Messiahas went to of Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra, suffered a
Delhi’s main mosque sitting in a light carriage. There severe fever which continued for a fortnight. His
was a large gathering of people chanting slogans senses were disturbed, he experienced episodes
against him, so Huzooras had to come back in the of faintness, and he finally began to experience
protection of a police vehicle. burning sensations. The Promised Messiahas was
requested every day to pray for him, something
20 October 1899: The Promised Messiahas wrote:
which he continuously carried on. On this day,
“In a dream, I saw a boy whose name was Aziz and
the Promised Messiahas was told with great agony
his father’s name began with Sultan. That boy was
that his life was almost despaired of. Huzooras was
brought before me and was seated before me. I
praying for him in Tahajjud when it was disclosed to
noticed that he was slim and had a fair complexion.”
him in a Divine revelation:
At the end of February 1906, about six years after
‫دقت�ی ر ربمم ےہ اور الہتک دقمر‬
seeing this dream, Hazrat Mirza Aziz Ahmad, son
of Hazrat Mirza Sultan Ahmad, took the Bai‘at at “The decree is unchangeable and his death had been
the hand of the Promised Messiahas and joined the decreed.”
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.
The Promised Messiahas said: “I was severely
21 October 1904: The Promised Messiah received
distressed at this awe-striking revelation and quite
three guests in Qadian who were all Christians and involuntarily the words escaped my lips: ‘O Allah,
intended to personally meet the Promised Messiahas. if there is no time left for supplication, I beg to
intercede, for there is time for intercession.’ Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa,
22 October 1903: An Australian convert, Abdul Haq,
inaugurated Masjid Bait-ul-Aafiyat on Wednesday, 17
reached Qadian to see the Promised Messiahas. “Immediately thereafter, I received a revelation
October 2018
[Arabic – ‘...Who is it that can intercede without
22 October 1905: The Promised Messiahas embarked
His permission?’] This majestic revelation made me
on his journey towards Delhi, the ancestral Continued from page 1
tremble and I was struck with fear and awe that
hometown of his wife, Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begum
I had interceded without permission. One or two you that Huzooraa has just Amir USA.
Sahibara. The family departed at 8am from Qadian
minutes later, I received the revelation: disembarked a transatlantic “The whole air of the
and reached Batala at 10am. Zuhr and Asr prayers
ْ َ ْ َ َ َّ
were offered after which lunch was served. At ‫اِنک انت ال َم َجاز‬ flight. From the very next vicinity is filled with the
1:35pm, the train set off for Amritsar. From there, morning, Huzooraa has been love that the community has
‘Surely, you have permission.’”
the next leg of the journey commenced at 9pm. occupied since Fajr with a for their beloved Imam. We
Thereafter, Abdur-Rahim made a recovery stage by regular schedule, similar to are looking forward to the
24 October 1902: A debate started on this day in
stage and whoever looked at him was filled with what he follows in London. opening of the newly built
Mudd, a small village in the district of Amritsar,
gratitude to God Almighty and admitted that such
between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis. The Promised Maghrib and Isha prayers mosque in Philadelphia, for
a one who was dead had undoubtedly been brought
Messiahas has given its details in his book, Ijaz-e-
back to life. were offered in the evening which we have been preparing
Ahmadi (The Miracle of Ahmad). hours after the mulaqats of since May this year.”
many families with Huzoor.   Bilal Rana Sahib, Sadr
Huzooraa has just Majlis Khuddam-ul-
inaugurated the newly built Ahmadiyya USA, said,
Bait-ul-Aafiyat Mosque in “Volunteers have taken
Philadelphia.   time off from work, schools,
“It was a splendid sight colleges and universities to
as thousands of Ahmadis contribute to the arrangements
anxiously waited for Huzoor in whatever way they can.
to arrive at Baitur Rehman Everyone seems ready to
Mosque,” said Dr Nasim make themselves available; all
Rahmatullah Sahib, Naib this for the love of Huzoor.”

Never before seen angle of the prayer at Fazl Mosque's foundation stone laying | Ahmadiyya ARC
Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM 3

Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra bin Abdul Wahab in Arabia to the South

Asian Anglophilic movement of Sir
heaven and would not return to this
world in person. This was no less than a
Syed Ahmad Khan, a number of Islamic fatal attack on the very foundations of the
An Early Ray of Western Sunrise reform movements took off during the
aforementioned span of time, bearing
Christian faith. Christian missionaries took
serious notice of this “new Messiah” and
testimony to the fact that the need for their agitation was noticed in their reports
Tracing the roots of early Islam Ahmadiyyat in the USA reform and a reinterpretation of Islamic sent back home from India. Christian
doctrine was acute. missionary societies were perplexed at this
Asif M Basit
London, UK Whilst the interpretations of certain “novel approach” taken by a Muslim against
Islamic doctrines were mooted, the most Christian beliefs. (Asif M Basit, The Holy
T he history of Islam in America dates
back to the time of the thirteen colonies,
thus Islam has existed in this vast country
powerful stroke came from Hazrat Mirza
Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, India. Through
throughout its modern history. (The Oxford Divine guidance, he set out to rectify the Amidst such tensions, where conflict and
Handbook of American Islam, p. 15) most fundamental of misconceptions: that fierce opposition clouded the skies, Hazrat
Like many other deep and lasting socio- of Jesusas being alive in the heavens. Hazrat Ahmadas  stood firm not only in adhering
cultural impressions of the African slave Ahmadas  proved from the Holy Quran that to his claims, but also to publicising and
trade on American society, Islam is no Jesusas had died a natural death and that the proselytising his understanding of Islam.
exception. West African slaves that were Messiah that was prophesied was meant The whole world, of course, included the
traded into America had brought with to be a person with similar characteristics Western hemisphere where Christianity
them their faith of Islam and continued to to Jesusas, rather than Jesusas  himself. This was the dominant religion.
practise it even when it was near impossible metaphorical reincarnation of Jesusas,
Hazrat Ahmadas  claimed, was fulfilled Foreign Missions and the Outreach
for them to live and act freely. (Ibid.)
through his own self. He claimed to Scheme
It is interesting to note that the areas of
Africa first victimised by the transatlantic be the Messiah and Mahdi (Divinely Hazrat Ahmadas  began sending literature
slave trade had been the first to be Guided Leader) who had been Divinely for worldwide printing during his lifetime.
introduced to Islam. Both phenomena had commissioned to reform the world of all Newspapers from Australia to London and
coincidentally been through trade; Islam wrongdoing and stray behaviour. from Europe to the Americas would, from
was brought to the West Africans by Muslim time to time, carry his message in their
The Dual Challenge for Hazrat Ahmadas
merchant-missionaries and slavery through publications. He had also begun a seminary
the worst trade of human trafficking. Their With this claim, Hazrat Ahmadas had to face in Qadian to train missionaries who could
deep-rooted affiliation to Islam is evident fierce opposition from not only the Muslims, take the message of the true Islam to the
from the fact that they managed to practice but also Christians. The arguments put corners of the earth.
Islamic rituals like Salat (obligatory prayers), forward by Hazrat Ahmadas  were so logical Soon after the demise of Hazrat
fasting and even offered Zakat (prescribed that both groups found no way to counter Ahmadas, Ahmadi missionaries were sent
alms). them, hence resorting to illogical and to many countries, notably to England
It was in the final two decades of the nonsensical accusations against the person and America, where the population was
nineteenth  century that the formerly and character of Hazrat Ahmadas. Muslim predominantly Christian. What paved the
enslaved Africans began to decrease and circles accused him of being an agent of way for early missionary deployment in the
with their deaths, Islam as a religion started the British Government commissioned Western hemisphere was based on a vision
to wane from America. The descendants of to destroy the Muslim nation; a baseless of Hazrat Ahmadas, when he had seen
these Muslim slaves had no connection with allegation with no grounds whatsoever, himself conveying the message of Islam to
the faith of their forefathers, although they as the prevalent Muslim appetite for the Western world and its acceptance. An
had saved their prayer mats, prayer beads sectarianism and exclusionism left the even more basic motive was a tradition
and their sacred book, the Holy Quran, as Muslim “nation” in no need of an external of the Prophetsa  of Islam where the sun is
relics and souvenirs. (Ibid., p. 21) agency to erode them. Another fact symbolically said to rise from the West in
By the early twentieth century, Islam overlooked by such an allegation was that the latter days.
had virtually disappeared from the canvas how could a person be an agent to a nation, The Ahmadiyya Muslim mission in
of American society. This may be classified whilst challenging the very foundations of London was established in 1914 and Hazrat
as the first phase of Islam in America. The their faith through his claims and widely Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayalra  was
second phase was destined to coincide with Islam was no exception and a vast array publicised writings? appointed as the first missionary. The
the final phase of Islam itself, which was of reform movements arose in various A great deal of the writings of Hazrat London mission served as a training
prophesied by the Prophetsa of Islam. Islamic parts of the Muslim world. From the anti- Ahmadas focused on proving that Jesusas had camp for almost all missionaries heading
eschatology, agreed upon by all sections and innovation movement of Muhammad died a natural death, was not alive in to various parts of the world in the early
denominations of Muslims, has it that the twentieth century.
second phase of Islamic glory is to resume
with the advent of the Messiah in the latter
days. It is also unanimously agreed upon by
all canonical works of Islamic tradition that
this would be the time when the sun would
rise from the West, symbolically meaning
that the message of Islam would reach the
Western hemisphere.

Advent of the “Mohammedan” Messiah

All major religions of the world awaited
a Saviour or Messiah, to relieve the world
of social, moral and spiritual ailments.
Islamic and Christian eschatology foretold
the advent of Jesus Christas, or someone
in his similitude, in the latter days for the
reformation of all mankind. The middle
of the nineteenth and almost all of the
twentieth century saw a proliferation of
reform movements in almost all major
religions. All faiths sought to reform
their beliefs so as to make their doctrines
compatible with the challenges of modern
life. They felt that by not being able to do so,
their faiths were prone to becoming extinct. Remains of Pier 53, Philadelphia where Hazrat Mufti Sahibra first disembarked in the USA | Ahmadiyya ARC
4 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

from The
(14 March
1920) in
which news
was given
on Hazrat
Mufti Sahib’s
upon arrival
in the USA |

Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra in London distributing literature and delivering journal that worked as the organ of to preach polygamy (Ibid., p. 116).  This
lectures far and wide in the country. An the  Société, acknowledged his lectures arrest was based on the Immigration Act of
One prominent name among the many
example of such booklets was  The Crying with high esteem (British Library shelf 1891 that deemed “Polygamists; or persons
missionaries who stayed in London and
Need of the Age Fulfilled, a print copy of mark: “General Reference Collection who admit their belief in the practice of
gained hands-on experience of preaching
a lecture delivered by Qazi Abdullahra, Ac.9756”). These lectures and publications polygamy” inadmissible to the United States
to the Western public was Hazrat Mufti
introducing the advent of the Promised not only won degrees for Mufti Sadiqra  but of America (The Cambridge Companion to
Muhammad Sadiqra. Mufti Sadiqra  would
Messiahas  and the revival of Islam (British also the hearts of many English men and American Islam, p. 208). The immigration
later be the first Ahmadi missionary to
Library shelf mark: X.100/26796).  The women who embraced Islam after receiving officers wanted to deport him, however
take the message of Islam to America,
booklet offered universities and societies an its true message. Mufti Sadiqra  asked for a chance to present
and among the very first to actually revive
opportunity to invite Mufti Sadiqra  or Qazi his case before the federal authorities. He
the message of Islam in America. Mufti
Abdullahra  to deliver lectures. Such offers The Sunrise from the West argued before the tribunal that there was
Sadiqra  is unanimously described as “a
were readily accepted by a great number of Mufti Sadiqra was instructed by Hazrat a difference between  Halal  (permissible)
learned and well-respected representative
institutions across the country. Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra and  Fardh (obligatory) in Islam. Islam, he
of his faith, a philologist and expert in
These lectures won him great renown (Second Successor to the Promised argued, does allow men to marry up to
Arabic and Hebrew. He also had a deep
amongst the intellectual circles of the Messiahas) in December 1919, to proceed four women at a time, but does not make
spiritual commitment, and came to his
country. It attracted the attention of to America and take the message of Islam it obligatory to do so. His argument was
task with ardour.” (The Oxford Handbook of
literary and religious societies which felt Ahmadiyyat to Americans (Al Fazl, Qadian, heard and accepted, resulting in him being
American Islam, p. 146.) But before moving
honoured to have him as a speaker. His 11 December 1919). Mufti Sadiqra boarded allowed to walk free with the condition that
onto his services for Islam in America, it
command on philology earned him acclaim the SS Haverford (a major transatlantic he would not promote polygamous trends
is important to take a look at the time he
and he was invited as a regular speaker at steamship) from Liverpool that set sail in America. (Richard Brent Turner, Islam in
spent in London as it laid the foundation
the  Société Internationale de Philologie, for the American state of Pennsylvania the African-American Experience, p. 116)
for many successes that came his way later
Sciences et Beaux-Arts. This “society was on January 24, 1920, arriving on February The time spent behind bars was not
serving as a missionary in America.
founded in 1875 for the advancement and 15, 1920 (Richard Brent Turner, Islam in wasted as Mufti Sadiqra utilised this time in
The approach taken by Mufti Sadiqra,
encouragement of all branches of Science, the African-American Experience, p. 115). propagating the message of the true Islam.
like other early Ahmadi missionaries in
Literature, Music, and the Fine Arts This first step of the representative of the Many in the detention centre showed an
London, was to propagate the message of
generally, and particularly the science of Promised Messiahas and his Khalifa, was the interest and he converted nineteen inmates
Islam to members through general lectures
Philology.” (The Philomath, October 1921.) first significant step towards the revival of in a very short period of two months before
in Hyde Park on Sundays, and to members
The Society registered him as a member Islam in America. his release in April 1920. (Ibid., p. 117)
of various societies and clubs during the
and granted him an honorary degree of The first difficulty faced by Mufti
week. (Originally published in the Review of Reli-
B. Phil., acknowledging his work on the Sadiqra  upon his arrival was that he was
Mufti Sadiqra  and a co-missionary, gions, November 2015)
“comparison of the Arabic and Hebrew arrested by the American authorities on
Qazi Muhammad Abdullahra, would
languages.”  The Philomath, the literary suspicion that he had landed in their country
(To be continued...)
actively proselytise through printing and
Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM 5

Regional Jalsa Salana in Kamuli District, Uganda

Ahmad Kaire Batte
Uganda Correspondent

Otheir regional Jalsa Salana.

n 14 October 2018, Kamuli region held of the responsibilities placed upon every
Ahmadi Muslim according to the Promised
The programme began with Zuhr and Asr Messiahas. Amir Sahib then launched a fund
prayers. This was followed by the inspection which will be a helping hand to Humanity
of different departments, including Langar First.
Khana,  water department, exhibition, Following Amir Sahib’s speech, members
registration and others.  of the Jamaat were introduced to guests who
The formal part of the programme began had come to attend.
with the recitation of the Holy Quran (Ch.5: The District Councillor, Mr Mutaawe
V.9-12) by brother Shaban Ssentongo. This Ronald, said:
was followed by an Urdu poem by Sheikh “I have become a great friend of the
Nasir Ahmad Ssonko.  Jamaat because when I was young, I lost
The first speech of the event was on The my father. The man who helped us so
Need for Khilafat by Sheikh Faisal Buyonjo. much in this sorrowful situation was an
To deal with this topic, he first elaborated on Ahmadi missionary called Sheikh Sulaiman
the concept of Khilafat according to Islamic Sewannyana. Then, I was encouraged to go
terminology. Then he explained how other for Jalsa Salana, though I was not a Muslim.
people understand this concept, after which I ate to my full and I was given the best
he established the need of Khilafat according hospitality, a thing which doesn’t happen
to the Quran and Hadith. at other non-Ahmadi Muslim gatherings.
Next on the programme was a speech At the Jalsa, I saw that the teachings of the
on  The True Meaning of Ahmadiyya by Jamaat were exactly as what I saw in one of
Sheikh Adam Hamid Ssembajje. By using the the Ahmadi missionaries during the time of AMJ Uganda
Quran (Ch.62: V.3-4), he explained the aims the death of my father. This made me love
of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and then managed Ahmadiyyat a lot.”
to establish the true meaning of Ahmadiyya Former MP of Kamuli Municipal
by explaining the history of the establishment Council, Martin Muzaale Mugabi, was very
of the Jamaat as compared to the prophecies much interested in the  Jamaat slogan  and
contained in verses 3-4 of Surah al-Jumu‘ah asked to hear it again, to which the Jamaat
and Hadith.  slogan was proclaimed again, a thing which
The Amir and Missionary In-charge impressed him a lot. He then said:
recognised the activities of  Humanity “When I was still schooling at Wandegeya
First  and gave a brief history about the Ahmadiyya high school, a missionary who
organisation and the aims of its establishment. was in charge of that school took good
He then briefly spoke about their various care of me. That man was called Sheikh
projects  like  Water for Life,  where many Sulaiman Sewannyana. I am working in the
boreholes were constructed; Orphan government because of the Jamaat’s help. I
Care, where orphans are helped in attaining want to thank the Jamaat because at the time,
knowledge through bursaries and Knowledge when I was still in the office of the MP, I was
for Life,  where poor families with bright greatly helped by the Jamaat to bring help to
children are helped in giving children quality our people.”
education. The Jalsa saw an attendance of 2,569
Amir Sahib called upon all Jamaat people, and these are the people who received
members to give Humanity First a helping the message of the Promised Messiahas.
hand because helping God’s creation is one
6 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

100 Years Ago...

I did not experience this joy and had to
wait another fifteen days. I shall wait to

Propagation of Islam in England

see when it arrives.
Around one hundred and fifty years
have passed since the United States of
Al Fazl, 12 October 1918 America gained independence. From
that period onwards, the American
people uphold a celebratory gathering
each year on 4 July to commemorate
this independence. This year, celebratory
gatherings were not only held in America,
but also in England, Italy, France and
other countries.
In London, a very large gathering was
held for this function in which Lord Bryce,
Lord Armaghdale, the Earl of Coventry,
Lord Burnham, Lord […], the Duchess
of Marlborough and numerous esteemed
people gathered in a vast hall which is
renowned by the name of Westminster
Central Hall.
I also went to observe this gathering,
but having gone there, I came to know
that only selected people could attend this
gathering who had been sent invitations
with their names beforehand and that
chairs with names had been reserved for
every person. When I arrived at the doors,
the person assigned there enquired,
“Ticket?” I replied, “What sort of ticket?”
He became surprised and said, “Very well,
your turban is better than all such tickets.
Please go ahead.” In this manner, I headed
inside. The people with tickets were all at
their allocated seats. The gathering was
prepared to commence and there were
no free spaces. I headed straight for the
platform. I was asked for my ticket and
replied, “I have no ticket”. The person
in-charge of the stage said, “Well, there
happens to still be an empty seat beside
Viscount […]. Please seat yourself there.”
I sat down after expressing my gratitude.
The function commenced.
Viscount Bryce, the Bishop of London,
Mr Churchill, and General […] all
delivered addresses. The address of Mr
Churchill was lengthy and very powerful.
On behalf of this gathering, he sent a
telegram of congratulations to President
Wilson. During the speech, he said that all
hearts were united in the war, mentioning
Australians, Africans and others. He
happened to omit India. I was close to
The Daily Sketch published this picture of Liberty Day Meeting at Westminster Central Hall. Hazrat Mufti Sahibra­ is seated at the far back, second
from left | Ahmadiyya ARC
him. I added, “And Indian”. He replied,
“Yes, Indian as well.” Upon this, people
cheered very loudly.
O ur existence, works and efforts, all no one who can bring Him to account. this post to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih for
are insignificant and inconsequential Who can attain guidance in this rocky approval. (Editor: It has arrived.) The newspaper, The Daily Telegraph,
without the grace, forgiveness, mercy, land of blind Christianity and rebellious ّٰ ّ ‫بالله‬ّٰ ّ mentioned it and The Daily Sketch
‫العلی العظيم اللھم زِد ف ِزد‬  ‫وما توفيقنا الا‬
kindness, covering of faults and the irreligiousness? There is none save He published a photo of those individuals
assistance of the Holy, Glorious, High Who can guide mankind. Our endeavours [We possess no power but through Allah who were on the stage. My photo was also
and Great God. This is because He is the are weak, in fact, the word “weak” is weak the Great, the Highest. O Allah, increase included in it. A copy of this newspaper
being Who possesses all power. It is He to in itself to describe them. and increase further.] has been sent to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih.
Whom belong all treasures. Everything Letters and invitational cards Presently, the mail of Hindustan Due to this small incident, all attendees
lies within the sphere of His control. are penned for weekly lectures, arrives after every fifteen days. It used to had specially recognised me. For this
He gives to whomever He pleases and announcements are made, with some previously arrive weekly. The mail which reason, many esteemed people met me
takes away from whomever He pleases. people in attendance, while others, was meant to arrive on 5 July has not yet there while others met me outside after
All are accountable to Him and there is having quietly listened, depart. Some ask (on 8 July) arrived. I have come to hear the gathering. Some people, with great
questions while others promise to return. some rumours about it. desire, exchanged visiting cards. To some,
A respectable lady by the name of If the mail has been lost, those friends I had the opportunity to briefly perform
Miss Spitan, who attained the rank of who wrote important letters from India tabligh and convey the tidings of the
captain at […], attended a few lectures from 4 May to 25 May should write them second coming of the Promised Messiahas.
The Daily Telegraph published Winston and addresses. Then, one day, after much again. The missing batch most probably All praise be to Allah.
Churchill's speech of 4 July 1918. Here, Haz- contains these dates of letters. I used to
rat Mufti Sahibra (“A Voice”) affirmed Indian
deliberation, she finally accepted Islam.
sympathy with the British | Ahmadiyya ARC She has been given the Islamic name, receive letters from friends every fifteen
(Translated by Fateh Alam, London, UK)
Hasina. Her Bai‘at form is being sent in days and would feel joyful. This time,
Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM 7

An Audience with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa

Uzbek and Lithuanian Guests

W hile Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa is

gracing the Jalsa Salana of a country,
delegations that travel from various parts
she was translating addresses originally
delivered in English, then she could get
closer to the meaning.
of the world get the blessed opportunity The lady’s passion became even more
to have audience with Huzooraa and to get evident when she asked again, “Some
to speak to him. sentences are so energetic that I feel that
On the occasion of Jalsa Salana I am unable to convey the energy behind
Germany 2018, a delegation from the words.”
Uzbekistan and Lithuania got this Huzoor said that this is how
blessed opportunity. They asked Huzooraa translations work and that she should
questions on a variety of issues. Some continue to do whatever she had been
of these questions and the enlightening doing because there is only so much that
answers given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih can be done about it.
Vaa are given below.
A gentleman in the audience asked
A gentleman asked Huzoor that since it that he felt that his faith was not firm
is becoming difficult to practice Islam enough. “What should I do?”
in Russia and other countries under
Huzoor asked him, “Do you believe in
her influence, what are some measures
that Muslims should take to continue
He replied, “I do. I believe in Jesus Christ.”
practicing their faith. He also wanted
Huzoor replied that then he should
to know if Huzoor thought that the
pray to God – the Almighty and the
situation could get any better, if new
Omnipotent God – and fervently ask for
leaders came to power.
His help. Huzoor said that he was quite
sure that if he prayed to God with zeal
Huzoor replied:
and passion in relation to this matter for
There is a very slim chance that replacing a number of days, his faith would become
the current leaders can bring about stronger and firm.
much positive change. Who is it that
A lady in the audience wanted to know
would come to power? Politicians? But
why men are not allowed physical
politicians that get elected and form a
contact with women in Islam.
government are usually those that are
backed by the same powers that are
Huzoor stated:
against Islam. When politicians come to
power, they become cowardly and only Islam teaches to abstain from anything
want to save their positions. All this is temporary solution but Muslims should The gentleman repeated his question that has even the slightest chance of
part of the same scheme of the antichrist voice their concerns and remind the by adding that how Huzoor had got to taking one astray and deviate them from
that is fully functional against Islam. Since authorities that it is also a legal right of the position of Khalifa. the right path. Islam understands that
Christianity – the religion of the West – every citizen to practice their religion. men easily fall to temptation, so this
got abrogated and no longer exists in its When such sanctions are placed on our To this, Huzoor replied that this was prohibition of physical contact is due to
true form, they want the Quran, which women in universities or workplaces in a question that he had no answer to. the psyche and mentality of men. So this
is still intact, to disintegrate in form the West, they have spoken out and made Huzoor said that he had thought about it is not something against women, rather it
and meaning so that Islam too becomes their point of view known. Their pleas but had not got an answer to what it was should be men, if at all, objecting to this
impracticable. Asking women to remove have been duly heard and, in many cases, that brought him to this position. and not women.
their hijab is one of the initial steps that the authorities have decided in their Huzoor said that the world is now
they are taking. favour. A lady took the microphone and told beginning to realise the importance
One other demand made by the Huzoor said to the gentleman that Huzoor that she had had the honour to of avoiding physical contact between
Western powers is that the Quran the ulema of his country should raise translate many speeches and addresses opposite sexes, except in lawful relations.
should adapt to the modern world and the issue with the authorities; or, Huzoor of Huzoor into the Lithuanian The recent series of accusations raised by
not otherwise. When he speaks to the asked, are the ulema just there to receive language. She said that Huzoor’s women in Hollywood is an example of
Western media, Huzoor said, he tells salaries? message is always so strong that she where this physical contact can lead to.
them that they want religion to follow feels she is able to translate the message There has been a lot of hue and cry about
The gentleman replied that one of the
modern man whereas religion is there for but not the power behind the message. this matter in the media. The West is also
Muslim ulema in their country had
people to follow it and not vice versa. “What do you suggest I should do?” becoming more cautious in this matter by
recently helped restore a statue of
Huzoor said that Muslim countries was her question. organising segregated concerts for men
should unite against this surge of Western Huzoor replied that if she had been and women like a recent one in Berlin.
schemes against Islam and defend their Huzoor said, “They are ready to restore translating addresses that were delivered Employers have considered segregated
religion. It is the duty of anyone who Lenin’s statue, but not their faith!” in Urdu, and then translated into English work places for women.
claims to be a Muslim to defend their before she could translate them into Huzoor further clarified the matter
faith and uphold its teachings. Another gentleman in the audience Lithuanian, then she was of course not by explaining to the lady, “If you are in
asked Huzoor how he had become what translating from the direct source. “In difficulty and need help, you will see me
The gentleman asked that, if they
he is. this case,” Huzoor said, “I suggest that you or any true Muslim to be at the forefront
are legally required to do so, should
learn Urdu. That is all I can suggest”. This to help you. If you are lying on the ground
women remove hijabs.
Huzoor smiled and replied, “What am was thoroughly enjoyed by the lady who for being ill or are unconscious, then I can
I? I am only a human being. I am only a had asked, as well as by other members of raise you up and touch your body with
Huzoor replied:
humble servant of Allah.” the audience. my hands. So, where there is a need, we
This could be an immediate and Huzoor further explained that if do it; but without need, there is no need.”
8 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

Friday Sermon
28 September 2018
Delivered from Baitul Futuh Mosque

Men of Excellence
After reciting the Tashahud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

B efore my last tour, I was relating

the accounts and incidents of the
Companions of the Holy Prophetsa who
Mosque of the Prophet, the Holy Prophetsa
saw them conversing among themselves
secretly. The Holy Prophetsa instructed that
route to Tabuk, the camel of the Holy
Prophetsa, Qaswa, disappeared from sight.
The Companions of the Holy Prophetsa
is.” After this, the Holy Prophetsa said, “By
God! I do not know of anything, but what
God Almighty has informed me of. I do
took part during the Battle of Badr. Today, they be evicted from the mosque. Thus, set out in order to search for it. Hazrat not know the unseen. However, I speak
I shall continue with the same subject. One they were removed from the mosque. Ummarah bin Hazm was also with the as God Almighty informs me.” Following
of the Companions whom I shall mention Hazrat Abu Ayyub advanced towards Holy Prophetsa. He had taken part in the this, in order to silence this hypocrite, the
today is Hazrat Ummarahra bin Hazm. Umar bin Qais, who belonged to the clan pledge of initiation at al-Aqabah, he was a Holy Prophetsa stated that God Almighty
Hazrat Ummarahra is one of the seventy of Ghanam bin Malik bin Najjar and who Companion who participated in the battle informed him [of the camel]. The Holy
Companions, who participated in the used to take care of their idols during the of Badr, as has already been mentioned, Prophetsa further said, “Indeed, God
Second Pledge at al-Aqabah. Both of his period of ignorance. He grabbed him by his and he was the brother of Hazrat Amr bin Almighty has informed me in relation to
brothers, Hazrat Amr bin Hazm and Hazrat leg and dragged him out of the mosque. He Hazm. The person narrating this account my camel that it is in such and such valley”.
Muamar bin Hazm, were also Companions. kept saying, “O Abu Ayyub! Are you going states that Hazrat Zaid bin Salat was in The Holy Prophetsa then pointed into the
He joined the Holy Prophetsa in all the to expel me from the company of Banu the carriage of Hazrat Ummarah. In other direction of the valley and said, “Its rein
battles, including Badr and Uhud. He was Tha‘labah?” Then [Hazrat Abu Ayyub] words, he was given the responsibility of got caught in a tree. Go and bring it to me.”
holding the flag of the tribe of Malik bin turned to Rafi bin Badi‘ah, who also hailed taking care of the rides and carriages and Hence, the companions went and brought it
Najjar in his hands at the occasion of the from the clan of Najjar. He wrapped him in he was the person to place the carriages on back. In order to silence the hypocrite, God
Victory of Mecca. After the migration, his sheet of cloth, pulled him firmly, and hit the camels. Some people were assigned to Almighty then showed the Holy Prophetsa
the Holy Prophetsa established a bond of him and removed him from the mosque. place a form of carriage or saddle on the the exact location of the camel.
brotherhood between Ummarah and Hazrat Al-Bayhaqi and Abu Na‘eem state that
Muhriz bin Nazlah. Upon the demise of Hazrat Ummarah went to his carriage and
the Holy Prophetsa, when a fitna [disorder] said, “By God! A strange thing occurred
arose from among the apostates and they today. Moments ago, the Holy Prophetsa
initiated a war against Muslims, he joined mentioned to us the comments of a certain
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleedra in the battle individual, which God Almighty had
[against them]. He attained martyrdom informed him of.” Thus, it has become clear
during the Battle of Yamamah. (Ashaab-e- that God Almighty had informed the Holy
Badr, Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman, p. 182, Prophetsa of the comments of this hypocrite,
Maktabatul Islamiyyah, Lahore, 2015) Zaid bin Salat. A person in the carriage
His mother’s name was Khalidah bint of Hazrat Ummarah then said, “By God!
Anas. Abu Bakr bin Muhammad narrates, Before you came, Zaid had uttered this
“When a snake bit Hazrat Abdullah bin exact comment you have just mentioned to
Sahl, the Holy Prophetsa instructed that he us.” Upon this, Hazrat Ummarah grabbed
be taken to Hazrat Ummarah bin Hazm, Zaid by the neck and said to his comrades,
so that he may perform dam [special “O servants of Allah! There was a snake in
prayer for health and protection] for him. my carriage and I was unaware of removing
He replied, ‘O Messengersa of Allah! He is it.” He then turned to Zaid and said that he
about to die!’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Take would cut off all his ties with him. According
him to Ummarah! When he will perform to some people, Zaid repented later, while
dam, God Almighty will cure him.’” (Subul- according to others, he remained engaged
ul-Huda Wa al-Rishaad, Vol. 10, p. 771, in such mischiefs until he died. (Tarikh-ul-
Cairo, 1995) Khamis, Vol. 3, p. 18, Ghazwa Tabuk, Dar-
Certainly, the Holy Prophetsa must have Abu Ayyub then said to him, “You wicked camel. He belonged to the tribe of Qaynuqa ul-Kutb Al-Ilmiyyah, 2009, Beirut)
taught him that dam and that prayer. This hypocrite! May you be cursed. Get away and was a Jew, and although he became a Hazrat Ziyad bin Nuaim narrates from
does not mean that, God forbid, the Holy from the Mosque of the Prophet!” Hazrat Muslim, he showed some hypocrisy. Zaid, Hazrat Ummarah bin Hazm that the Holy
Prophetsa was in need of the dam prayer by Ummarah bin Hazm went to Zaid bin Amr i.e. the person who became a Muslim but Prophetsa said that there are four important
Hazrat Ummarah or that he was unable to and dragged him out of the mosque while had a sense of hypocrisy within him, asked principles. If a person acts in accordance
do it himself. Certain people are especially grabbing him by his beard. Then Hazrat in a very pretentiously innocent manner, with these, he becomes a Muslim. However,
appointed for certain roles, however the Ummarah struck both of his hands on his “Does Muhammadsa not claim that he if he leaves out even one, the other three
actual source of the impact of the prayer chest with such force that he fell down. is a prophet and that he informs you of will be of no avail to him. Hazrat Ziyad says
was owing to the holy power and the He said, “O Ummarah! You have injured heavenly matters? Yet, he is unaware of that he asked Hazrat Ummarah about these
blessings of the Holy Prophetsa. me!” Upon this, Hazrat Ummarah replied, where his camel went!” Hazrat Ummarah four principles and he said that these are,
It is stated in Sirat ibn Hisham that the “O hypocrite! May God destroy you! was near the Holy Prophetsa and somehow prayers, Zakat [almsgiving], fasting and
hypocrites used to come to the mosque of The punishment that God Almighty has this comment reached the Holy Prophetsa, Hajj [Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca]. (Usdul
the Holy Prophetsa and after listening to the prepared for you is more severe than that. or God Almighty must have informed him Ghaba, Vol. 4, p. 129, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-
conversation of the Muslims and departing Thus, never come close to the Mosque of about it. The Holy Prophetsa then said, “A ilmiyyah, Beirut)
from them, they used to mock them. They the Prophet ever again!” (Sirat ibn Hisham, person had commented that Muhammad It is necessary to believe in and act
used to ridicule their faith. Sometimes, they p. 246, Dar-e-ibn-e-Hazm, 2009) tells you people that he is a prophet and in accordance with these four principles.
would even do so in front of them. Once, On the occasion of the battle of that he informs you of heavenly matters, Prayers are obligatory. Zakat [almsgiving]
when some of the hypocrites gathered at the Tabuk, when the Holy Prophetsa was on whereas, he is unaware of where his camel is obligatory upon all those who are eligible.
Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM 9

It is obligatory to fast if one has good chief of the Quraish. After accepting Islam, differently. The Holy Prophetsa then asked would do everything for the Holy Prophetsa.
health. It is also obligatory to perform the he stayed with the Holy Prophetsa and him to recite the verse and when he did so, He would assist in putting his shoes on, he
Hajj for those who have the means to do eventually became a great scholar as a result told him that that was also correct.” Hazrat would travel with the Holy Prophetsa when
it. Nevertheless, it is necessary to believe of the company of the Holy Prophetsa. The Musleh Maudra thus concluded from this needed, he would hold the purdah (cover)
and adhere to these four principles. These majority of Fiqh Hanafiyyah [Hanafi School that “This shows that in addition to the when the Holy Prophetsa took a bath. He
principles have been written in [the book] of jurisprudence] is based on his accounts four Companions whom the Holy Prophetsa was known amongst the companions as
Usdul Ghaba. These are the very books in and interpretations. (Sirat Khatam-un- used to teach the whole of the Quran, there Sahib-ul-Swaaq. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p.
which Muslims themselves have outlined Nabiyyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, were others who used to learn portions of it 383, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut)
the definition of a Muslim. However, now p. 124) from him. Umar’s submission that he had According to another narration he
there are some scholars who issue edicts There is a narration regarding his been taught to pronounce a certain word in was known as Sahib-ul-Swaaq, Sahib-ul-
of disbelief and have now formed a new proficiency in religious knowledge. Hazrat a particular way shows that he, too, used to Wasaad and Sahib-ul-Na‘layn as well. (Al-
definition of being a Muslim. Ibn Mas‘ud states, “People know that I have learn portions of the Quran from the Holy Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 113, Dar-ul-
The second Companion to be a lot of knowledge of the Holy Quran. I Prophetsa himself.” (Dibacha Tafsirul Quran, Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990).
mentioned today is Hazrat Abdullah bin know when and where each chapter and Anwar-ul-Uloom, Vol. 20, pp. 427-428) Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was a confidant of
Mas‘ud. His title is Abdur-Rahman and he every verse of this Holy Book was revealed.” It is mentioned that after the Holy the Holy Prophetsa; he would prepare the
belonged to the tribe of Banu Huzail. His Abu Wa-il narrates, “No one raised any Prophetsa, Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was bedding of the Prophetsa and would carry
mother’s name was Umm-e-Abd. He passed objection to this”, i.e when Hazrat Abdullah the one to recite the Holy Quran in public the Holy Prophet’s Miswaaq (short dry
away in 32 AH. His father’s name was bin Mas‘ud made this statement. (Ashaab- for the very first time. There is an incident twig used to clean teeth) and also carry his
Mas‘ud bin Ghafil. Abdullah bin Mas‘ud is e-Badr, Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman, p. 107, mentioned regarding this: shoes. The meaning of these Arabic words
counted among the early converts to Islam. Maktabatul Islamiyyah, Lahore, 2015) “One day, the Companions had gathered just mentioned in fact refer to the services
He accepted Islam at the same time as the The four Companions regarding and it was mentioned that the Quraish had he rendered and translate as: preparing
sister of Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat Fatima bint whom the Holy Prophetsa instructed [the not yet heard the recitation of the Holy his bedding, providing the Miswaaq for
Khattab and her husband, Hazrat Sa‘eed bin believers] to learn the Holy Quran from, Quran aloud in public. They enquired his teeth, help in arranging the water for
Zaid. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 4, p. 129, Dar-ul- Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud is on the top if there was anyone who could recite it ablution and bathing. One who prepares
Kutub Al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) of this list. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitaab-ul- to them. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud the bedding is known as Sahib-ul-Suwaad
He accepted Islam before the Holy Munaaqib, Baab Munaaqib Abdullah bin responded, ‘I will recite the Holy Quran and he would render this service for the
Prophetsa went to Dar-ul-Arqam (Al- Mas’udra, Hadith no. 3760) to them.’ They replied, ‘We fear that the Holy Prophetsa and he would also repair
Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 112, Dar-ul- Hazrat Musleh Maudra has explained disbelievers may cause you harm as you and carry the Holy Prophet’s shoes and
Kutb Al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990). Dar-ul- this in detail in Dibacha Tafsirul Quran are a poor man. It would be better to find therefore was known as Sahib-ul-Na‘layn.
Arqam is the place which was built in Mecca [Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran] someone of a prominent status instead and He would carry water for the Holy Prophetsa
for Muslims to be able to gather. Hazrat in the following manner, “As the eagerness his tribe will protect him if the disbelievers to perform ablution. He would also take
Abdullah bin Mas‘ud relates, “I was the of the people for memorising the Quran resort to violence.’ Hazrat Abdullah bin care of these chores when the Holy Prophet
sixth person to accept Islam. At that time, increased, the Holy Prophetsa appointed Mas‘ud responded, ‘Do not worry about it as would travel.
there was no other Muslim on the face of four principal teachers of the Quran who God shall protect me.’” These Companions Abu Maleeh narrates, “Hazrat Abdullah
the earth apart from the six of us.” Narrating used to memorise it under the supervision had such extraordinary passion. “The next bin Mas‘ud would provide a purdah
his acceptance of Islam, Hazrat Abdullah of the Holy Prophetsa and then taught other morning, he began reciting the Holy Quran (covering) for the Holy Prophetsa when
bin Mas‘ud says, “When I reached the age people to commit it to memory. These publicly near the Ka‘bah. He recited: he would bathe, he would wake the Holy
ُ ْ َّ ّٰ ْ
‫الرَ ْح ٰم ُن َعل َم الق ْر ٰا َن‬
ّ ‫الرَ ِح ْیم۔‬
ّ ‫الرَ ْح ٰمن‬
of understanding (an age where a person is four in turn trained a number of other ّ ‫الل ِہ‬ Prophetsa when he would sleep and he
ِ ‫ِبس ِم‬
able to correctly recognise and distinguish people who became competent to teach would also travel fully armed alongside the
between good and bad, the age of maturity), the Quran. These four were: Abdullah bin That is, ‘In the name of Allah, the Holy Prophetsa.” (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol.
I was grazing the sheep of Uqba bin Mu‘ayt Mas‘ud, Salim Maula Abi Hudhaifa, Mu‘az Gracious, the Merciful. It is God, the 3, p. 113, Dar-ul-Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut,
one day. The Holy Prophetsa approached me bin Jabal and Ubayy ibn Ka‘b. The first two Gracious. Who has taught the Qur’an’. (Al- 1990).
and Hazrat Abu Bakrra was also alongside of these were Muhajirin, early Muslims Rahman:1-3) Hazrat Abu Musa narrates, “When I
him. The Holy Prophetsa said to me, ‘Young who had migrated from Mecca to Medina, The people of Quraish were astonished initially arrived in Medina from Yemen, I
man! Do you have any milk?’ I replied that and the last two were Ansar, early Muslims when they heard this and some said, ‘He thought that Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud
I did, but as I had been entrusted with that, of Medina. Abdullah bin Mas‘ud used to is reciting from the same scripture of was amongst the Ahl-e-Bait [the family of
I could not give him any.” He was extremely occupy himself as a labourer, Salim was a Muhammadsa recites’ and when they heard the Holy Prophetsa peace be upon him] as
pious from his very childhood. “The Holy freed slave, and Mu‘az and Ubayy were two this recitation they got up and began to he and his mother would often visit the
Prophetsa then said to bring him a sheep, of the leading men of Medina. Thus, the strike Abdullah bin Mas‘ud on his face. Holy Prophetsa.” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p.
which is not expecting, nor producing any Holy Prophetsa appointed teachers of the However, he continued with the recitation 384, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut)
milk.” He further states, “I brought a young Quran from among different sections of and finished the entire portion he had Since they would often visit the Holy
sheep to the Holy Prophetsa. Following this, society. It has been mentioned in a Hadith: intended to recite. When he returned, the Prophetsa and do a lot of his work, therefore
ّٰ َ َ ٰ ُْ ُ ُ
‫خذواالق ْرا َن ِم ْن ا ْرب َ َع ٍۃ ِم ْن ع ْب ُ ِدالل ِہ ابَْ ِن َم ْس ُع ْو ٍد َو َسال ٍِم َو‬
the Holy Prophetsa tied its feet together, Companions saw the marks on his face he states that those who newly came to
‫َم َعا ِذ ابْ ِن َج َب ٍل َو ٔاب َ ْی بِن ک ْع ٍب‬
rubbed his hands on its teats and started to because of the beating he had endured Medina would think that they too were
pray until they were filled with milk. Hazrat and they said that this is exactly what they from among the family members of the
Abu Bakrra then brought a bowl, which the ‘Those of you who wish to learn the feared that he would be attacked. Hazrat Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud
Holy Prophetsa filled with its milk and then Quran should learn it from Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Mas‘ud replied, ‘In my sight, participated in both migrations – the
told Hazrat Abu Bakrra to drink from it. Mas‘ud, Salim Maula Abi Hudhaifa, Mu‘az these enemies of God have never been as migration to Abyssinia and also to Medina.
Hazrat Abu Bakrra drank the milk and then bin Jabal or Ubayy ibn Ka‘b.’ These four had insignificant as they seemed when they He accompanied the Holy Prophetsa in
the Holy Prophetsa drank from it. The Holy learnt the whole of the Quran under the were attacking me. If you’d like, I can do the Battle of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Bai‘at-
Prophetsa then rubbed his hands over the supervision of the Holy Prophetsa. But many the same tomorrow.’ The Companions e-Rizwan and many other occasions.
teats and said, “Contract” and they began other Companions of the Holy Prophetsa responded, ‘No! This is enough. You made After the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, he
to contract and returned to their previous had also learnt portions of it directly from them listen to something they did not want participated in the Battle of Yarmuk. He
form. I asked the Holy Prophetsa to teach him. It is related that on one occasion when to hear.’” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 383, Dar- was amongst those companions who were
me the words he had recited. Upon this, Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was reciting the Quran, ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) given the glad tiding of paradise by the Holy
the Holy Prophetsa placed his hand on my Hazrat Umar pointed out that a certain The Holy Prophetsa kept Hazrat Prophetsa in their lifetimes. (Usdul Ghaba,
head and said, ‘You are an intelligent young word should be pronounced in a particular Abdullah bin Mas‘ud with him after he had Vol. 3, p. 383, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah,
man.’” He then states that he memorised way. Abdullah bin Mas‘ud protested that accepted Islam and he would serve the Holy Beirut)
seventy chapters of the Holy Quran directly he had been taught by the Holy Prophetsa Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa had instructed He also played a huge role in putting
from the Holy Prophetsa. (Usdul Ghaba, to pronounce it in the manner in which him that if he heard the voice of the Holy an end to Abu Jahl. It is narrated by Hazrat
Vol. 3, p. 382, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-ilmiyyah, he had pronounced it. Hazrat Umarra took Prophetsa and the entrance of his home was Anas that at the end of the Battle of Badr, the
Beirut) him to the Holy Prophetsa and complained uncovered (i.e. it was open) then he could Holy Prophetsa said, “Is there anyone who
With regard to him, Hazrat Mirza that he did not recite the Quran correctly. enter therein without permission. Meaning can find out the accurate and correct news
Bashir Ahmadra also writes in Sirat Khatam- The Holy Prophetsa asked him to recite that he should not enter without permission regarding Abu Jahl?” And so, Abdullah bin
un-Nabiyyeen [The Life and Character of the portion concerning which there was when the entrance was covered. If, however, Mas‘ud went and saw that Abu Jahl was lying
the Seal of Prophetsa] that Abdullah bin a difference of opinion between the two the entrance was not covered, the door was in the battlefield, wounded and in agony.
Mas‘ud was not from among the people and when he recited it, the Holy Prophetsa open and he could hear the Holy Prophet’s The sons of Ifra had caused him to be in this
of Quraish, but belonged to the tribe of said he was quite right. Thereupon Hazrat voice, then he had his permission to enter state. Hazrat Ibn Mas‘ud grabbed him by his
Huzail. He was a very poor man and used Umarra submitted that he had been taught therein because it meant that there were beard and said, “Are you Abu Jahl?” Even in
to graze the sheep of Uqba bin Abi Mu‘ayt, by the Prophet to pronounce the word no ladies present inside at that time. He that state he very arrogantly replied, “Have
10 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

you ever killed a greater chieftain than me?” bin Mas‘ud near the mosque whilst Banu companion was the closest to the Holy cure me. Only You can cure and there is no
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Maghazi, Baab Zahra were placed far in a corner. (Al- Prophetsa in terms of conduct and habits, cure except through You. Such a cure which
Qatl Abi Jahl, Hadith no. 3962) Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, pp. 112-113, Dar- his behaviour and characteristics, Hazrat leaves behind no disease.’” (Sira Al-Sahaba,
The first narration was from Bukhari ul-Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990). Huzaifah stated that to his knowledge, in Vol. 2, p. 225, Dar-ul-Isha‘at, Karachi)
however there is also a narration from Sahih Hazrat ibn Mas‘ud himself narrates terms of conduct, dialogue and behaviour, So those people who go to mystics and
Muslim. The narration from Sahih Muslim that the Holy Prophetsa instructed him to Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was the closest mendicants, who spend their entire day
regarding this incident is that Hazrat recite Surah al-Nisa to him. (He is relating to the Holy Prophetsa. Perhaps this is the intoxicated, not offering a single prayer,
Abdullah bin Mas‘ud grabbed him by the his own incident and states,) “The Holy reason why the Holy Prophetsa would say, they go to them to make use of charms
beard and asked him, “Are you Abu Jahl?” Prophetsa instructed me to recite Surah al- “Whatever Abdullah bin Mas‘ud prefers, and amulets and then they claim that they
Abu Jahl replied, “Have you ever killed a Nisa to him. I replied, ‘What can I recite I desire the same for my people”. This is have been cured and have been bestowed a
great man like me before?” The narrator to you since this was revealed to you?’ The a Hadith of Bukhari. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, great favour, or they have now been granted
states that Abu Jahl said, “If only a person Holy Prophetsa replied, ‘I like it when others Kitaab-ul-Munaaqib, Baab Munaaqib offspring, or such and such has happened as
other than a farmer would have killed me.” recite the Holy Quran and I listen to it.’” He Abdullah bin Mas‘udra, Hadith no. 3762) result; this is the answer to all those things.
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Jihad Wa Al-Sair, then states, “I began to recite it and when I Hazrat Alqamah relates that Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud once went to see
Hadith no. 4662) reached the verse: Abdullah bin Mas‘ud’s behaviour, his his friend, Abu Umair. However, he was
َ ُ َ َْ َ َ َُ ُ َْ َ ََ
‫فک ْی َف ِاذا ِجئنا ِم ْن ک ِ ّل ا ّم ٍۃ ِبش ِہ ْی ٍد ّو ِجئنا ِبک َع ٰلی ٰہ ٔولَٓا ِء ش ِہ ْی ًدا‬
There were two boys of Medina who left good character and his moderation in his not at home. So he conveyed his greetings
him in this state. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih practises were similar to those of the Holy to his wife and requested some water to
IIra has also mentioned this in Tafsir-e- ‘And how will it fare with them when We Prophetsa. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masu‘d’s drink. There was no water available in
Kabir in great detail that how the opponents shall bring a witness from every people, and son, Ubaidullah, relates that he [Abdullah the house so she sent a female servant to
burnt in the fire of spite and malice all their shall bring thee as a witness against these!’ bin Mas‘ud] had a habit of waking up for bring water from the neighbours, but she
lives and even at the time of their death they (Al-Nisa:42) the eyes of the Holy Prophetsa the Tahajjud prayer at night when everyone did not return till very late. Umar’s wife
were in this state. He writes that Hazrat were filled with tears.” It is also mention else was asleep. One night, he heard him scolded their female servant saying she
Abdullah bin Mas‘ud said, “After the battle, in the narrations that the Holy Prophetsa murmuring like the humming of a bee. was extremely lazy and cursed her. Having
I saw that Abu Jahl was groaning in agony instructed him to stop. (Usdul Ghaba, (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 386, Dar-ul-Kutub heard her, Hazrat Abdullah returned home
due to the wounds. I went to him and asked Vol. 3, p. 383, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) i.e. he was murmuring thirsty. The following day he met Abu
how he was. He replied, ‘I am not regretful Beirut), (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Fazail-ul- lightly as he supplicated or recited the Holy Umair and he asked him why he returned
of my death. It is soldiers who die after all. Quran, Hadith no. 5050) Quran. home so quickly without drinking water.
I am regretful that I was killed by the hands Once, Hazrat Umar Farooqra was at Hazrat Alira relates that the Holy He answered, “When your wife cursed the
of two Ansari boys of Medina. I am going to Arafat when a man approached him and Prophetsa said, “If I was to ever appoint servant, the saying of the Holy Prophetsa
die so confer one favour upon me and sever said, “O Leader of the Faithful (this is after he someone as a governor without consultation came to mind that whoever is cursed but
my head with a sword so that I am relieved was elected as the Khalifa) I have come from it would be Abdullah bin Mas‘ud.” (Usdul is innocent, the curse is reverted to the one
of this misery. But remember to sever my Kufa and I have seen a man there dictating Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 385, Dar-ul-Kutub al- who cursed. So I thought that if the servant
head from the lower part of the neck so that the Holy Quran without looking.” Hazrat ilmiyyah, Beirut) was innocent then the curse would revert to
my head stands tall as generals are killed in Umarra said angrily, “Woe to you! (This is Then, the same narration of Hazrat Alira me without cause.” (Sira Al-Sahaba, Vol. 2,
a similar manner from the lower part of the a style of speech of the Arabs) Who is this has been recorded in the following manner p. 223, Dar-ul-Isha‘at, Karachi)
neck.’” Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud said, “I man?” The man replied fearfully, “Abdullah in Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra wherein Hazrat Therefore, it is better to go without
will not fulfil your last desire and will sever bin Mas‘ud.” When Hazrat Umarra heard Alira relates, “The Holy Prophetsa told me drinking. So this was the level of fear of
your head from your chin.” At last he placed this his temper subsided and returned to that if he was to appoint an Amir without God these people possessed that if there was
his sword on his chin and beheaded him. the state he was in before. He then said, the consultation of the Muslims, he would even a remotest chance of God Almighty
Hazrat Musleh Maudra writes, “Look at “In terms of undertaking this task, I do not appoint Abdullah bin Mas‘ud as an Amir.” being upset with them for any reason, they
the scale of this fire that was burning Abu see anyone more worthy and befitting than Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud relates that would abstain and stay away from it.
Jahl. All his life he was spiteful over the fact Abdullah bin Mas‘ud.” (Masnad Ahmad after embracing Islam he never slept beyond Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was
that they were unable to inflict the pain that bin Hanbal, Vol. 1, p. 128, Hadith no. 175, the period of chasht [between sunrise and slim, short in height and had a wheatish
they desired upon the Holy Prophetsa. Even Alim-ul-Kutb, Beirut, 1998). He could write noon]. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 114, complexion. He would wear fine white
at the time of his death he was burning with the entire Holy Quran without looking. Dar-ul-Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990). clothing and use perfume. Hazrat Talha
rage since he was going to die as a result of Hazrat Umarra states, “One night, Hazrat Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud loved his relates that he would be recognised by his
an attack from the hands of two unskilled Abu Bakrra and I were in the company of wife and children. When he entered the perfume. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, pp.
boys of Medina. The last desire that he had the Holy Prophetsa when we passed by home, he would clear his throat and speak 116-117, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut,
at the time of his death was also not fulfilled Abdullah bin Mas‘ud who was reciting up so that the household members would 1990).
and he was beheaded close to the chin.” the Holy Quran whilst offering voluntary know [he arrived]. His wife, Hazrat Zainab Hazrat Alira relates that once the Holy
(Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 6, p. 461). Ultimately prayers. He was standing in prayer reciting relates, “One day Hazrat Abdullah entered Prophetsa instructed Abdullah bin Mas‘ud
burning in all sorts of enraging fires he and the Holy Prophetsa stood listening to the house when an elderly woman was for a certain task to climb a tree. Seeing as
departed from this world. his recitation. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud giving me an amulet to wear”. It is the habit his calves were apparently thin and weak,
When Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud then bowed and went into prostration. The of women to sometimes make use of charms the Companions began laughing. The Holy
migrated to Medina he stayed at the house Holy Prophetsa said, ‘O Abdullah, whatever or amulets perhaps in hope of gaining Prophetsa thereupon asked, “Why do you
of Hazrat Mu‘az bin Jabal. According you now ask of God will be granted to you.’ blessings. She knew Abdullah bin Mas‘ud laugh? The virtues of Abdullah bin Mas‘ud
to some, he stayed with Hazrat Sa‘d bin The Holy Prophetsa then departed saying, did not like this. She says, “So in fear of him will be heavier in the scales on the Day
Khaisma. In Mecca, a bond of brotherhood ‘Whoever desires to read the Holy Quran I hid it beneath the bedstead I was sitting of Judgement than the Uhud Mountain.”
was established between him and Hazrat with such freshness as though it was just on. He came and sat next to me and looking (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 385, Dar-ul-Kutub
Zubair bin Al-Awam, whilst in Medina the revealed, then he should learn the Holy to my neck he said, ‘What is this thread al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)
Holy Prophetsa appointed Mu‘az bin Jabal Quran from Abdullah bin Mas‘ud.’” This which you have placed on your neck?’ I told Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud had hair
as his brother in faith. In the early days of Hadith and narration is of Musnad Ahmad him it was an amulet. He broke it and threw which he would lift from his ears. According
Medina, his financial state was quite poor. bin Hanbal. (Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, it away immediately saying that the family to one narration his hair reached his neck.
When the Holy Prophetsa made some Vol. 1, pp. 156-157, Hadith no. 265, Alim- of Abdullah is free from shirk [associating When he prayed he would put his hair
arrangements for the accommodation of ul-Kutb, Beirut, 1998) partners with Allah]. Abdullah bin Mas‘ud behind his ears. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol.
the Muhajireen near the Prophet’s Mosque, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Yazid relates then said, ‘I heard from the Holy Prophetsa 3, p. 117, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut,
certain people belonging to the Banu Zuhra that we went to Hazrat Huzaifah and said, that making use of charms and amulets is 1990).
tribe displayed some hesitation in keeping “Tell us of such a man who was closest shirk.’ I then said, ‘What are you saying? My Zaid bin Wahhab narrates: “One day, I
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud with them, to the Holy Prophetsa in his practise, in eyes would swell up and become painful was sitting with Hazrat Umarra when Hazrat
saying that he was a layman, a poor person, following his example and in his deeds, so and so I would go to a certain Jewish woman Abdullah bin Mas‘ud arrived. Since he had
whilst they were of higher status. When the that we may learn from him and listen to to use the amulet. and I would be relieved a short stature it was difficult to see him in
Holy Prophetsa came to know about this, his narrations”. He told them, “The person after doing so.’ Abdullah bin Mas‘ud then the crowd of people that were seated.” The
standing up for his poor and weak servant, closest to the Holy Prophetsa in his practise said to me, ‘These are all works of Satan. other people seated in the congregation
he said, “Has God sent me so that you is Abdullah bin Mas‘ud”. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. The following prayer of the Holy Prophetsa were tall or perhaps they were seated in
can have these indifferences? Remember 3, p. 385, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) should suffice you: a way that it was difficult to see him. He
َّ َ َ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َّ َّ َ َ ْ َ ْ َْ
‫ف َوانت الشا ِف ْی لا ِشفائ اِلا‬
that God Almighty never blesses such a The level of passion he had in following was almost concealed from view. “When
ِ َ ‫اس اِش‬
ِ ‫الن‬ ‫اذ ِھ ِب الباس رب‬
community in which a weak person is the example of the Holy Prophetsa was such ً‫ائ لا ی ُ َغاد ُِر َس َقما‬ً َ َ ُ َ Hazrat Umarra saw him, he smiled and
‫ِشفاءک ِشف‬
not given his due rights.” Then the Holy that after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, then began to converse with him in a joyful
Prophetsa accommodated Hazrat Abdullah when the Companions were asked which ‘O Lord of mankind! Remove my illness and manner. During this discourse Hazrat
Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM 11

Abdullah remained standing lest he became During his last days of his illness, Hazrat then said, ‘Have you come from Medina to of qualities?” Hazrat Abu Mas‘ud replied,
obscured from view. When they finished Usmanra went to visit Hazrat Abdullah bin offer my funeral prayer? As it seems that “The fact is that during certain times when
the conversation and Hazrat Abdullah left, Mas‘ud and asked him, “Do you have any my time has come.’ A short while later he we were not allowed to go and visit the Holy
Hazrat Umar watched him until he was out grievances”. He replied, “Now that you have passed away.” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 386, Prophetsa, Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was
of sight. He then said: “This individual is an asked, my only grievances are my sins, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) permitted to enter the Holy Prophetsa’s
extraordinary vessel of knowledge”. (Usdul for there are many.” Hazrat Usmanra then However, prior to his demise, when home. When we were not around the Holy
Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 386, Dar-ul-Kutub Al- asked if he required anything, to which he Hazrat Usmanra learnt of his illness, he Prophetsa, Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud
ilmiyyah, Beirut) replied that he only required the Mercy of called him to leave Kufa and come to however had the opportunity to serve
One can gauge the level of Hazrat God Almighty. Hazrat Usmanra then asked Medina. However, the people of Kufa urged the Holy Prophetsa and benefit from his
Abdullah bin Mas‘ud’s knowledge and him if he should arrange for a physician him to remain in Kufa and also assured him company. Thus, how can it be that there is
stature from the following incident that to attend to him. To this he replied that that they will protect him. It is also possible someone else who possesses the same kind
took place towards the end of Hazrat it was the physicians who had put him in that this incident of Hazrat Usmanra calling of qualities?” (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol.
Mu‘az bin Jabal’s life when people asked this condition, i.e. that whatever was taking him to Medina was prior to his illness as 3, p. 119, Dar-ul-Kutb Al-ilimiyya, Beirut,
him to give them some advice. He replied place was due to the Will of God and he was it seemed as if he was in good health then 1990).
by saying, “Knowledge and faith both hold content with it. Hazrat Usmanra then asked if when this incident took place wherein this Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud would
separate ranks. Knowledge has a certain he should set an allowance for him to which man related his dream to him. However, it fully adhere to the noble practise of the
rank and so does faith. Whoever strives to he replied that he did not require anything. was after this that Hazrat Usmanra called him Holy Prophetsa. Once, Hazrat Aishara was
attain them both will be successful. He then Hazrat Usmanra said that it would be useful from Kufa. And, even though the people of asked [in regards to the correct practise
mentioned the names of four individuals for his daughters. He replied by saying, Kufa desired for him to remain there and of breaking one’s fast] that there are two
who led by example and Hazrat Abdullah “From this, do you imply that my daughters promised to protect him, he said that it was Companions; one of them breaks his fast
bin Mas‘ud was among those four people. will be left impoverished?” He then further the instruction of the Khalifa of the time quickly, that is, he breaks his fast as soon
(Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 7, p. 375, said, “I have advised my daughters to recite and it was incumbent upon him to obey. He as the sun sets and also offers his prayers
Hadith no. 22455, Alim-ul-Kutb, Beirut, Surah al-Waqi‘ah every night. I heard the also said that very soon, certain disorders immediately, while the other Companion
1998) Holy Prophetsa say that whoever recites would emerge and he did not wish to be does both of these relatively later. Hazrat
After the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, Surah al-Waqi‘ah every night, they will the cause of them and after that he left to Aishara enquired as to which Companion
Hazrat Umarra appointed Hazrat Abdullah never have to endure starvation.” (Usdul go the Khalifa of the time. He passed away does it immediately and she was informed
bin Mas‘ud as a missionary for the Ghaba, Vol. 3, pp. 386-387, Dar-ul-Kutub in 32 AH in Medina. Hazrat Usmanra led his that it was Abdullah bin Mas’ud. Hazrat
education and moral training of the people Al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) funeral prayer and buried him in Jannat-ul- Aishara said that this was also the practise
of Kufa and at the same time appointed This was the level of the trust in God and Baqi. At the time of his demise, his age was of the Holy Prophetsa which the Abduallah
Hazrat Ammar bin Yassir as the governor. the contentment of these shinning stars. just a little over than 60. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. bin Mas‘ud followed. (Masnad Ahmad bin
Hazrat Umarra then said to the people of Salma bin Tawam says, “A person once 3, p. 387, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) Hanbal, Vol. 8, p. 51, Hadith no. 24716,
Kufa, “Both of these individuals are among met Abdullah bin Mas‘ud and related his According to another narration he was Alim-ul-Kutub, Beirut, 1998)
the close companions of the Holy Prophetsa dream and said, ‘I saw you in my dream last just over 70 when he passed away. (Al- There are many other traditions and
and have a special standing. They were night. I also saw that the Holy Prophetsa was Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, translated by Abdullah accounts regarding Hazrat Abdullah bin
among the people who took part in the sat on a tall pulpit while you were sat below Al‘amadi, Pt. 3, p. 230, Vol. 3, p. 387, Nafees Mas‘ud which I will Insha-Allah relate in
Battle of Badr. You all should follow their the pulpit. The Holy Prophetsa then said, “O Academy, Karachi) the future. May God Almighty enable us to
example and obey their directives and also Ibn Mas‘ud! Come close to me for you have Upon the demise of Hazrat Abduallah follow the example of these shinning stars.
listen to what they say. For you, I have given become so detached since I have gone.”’ bin Mas‘ud, Hazrat Abu Musa said to Hazrat
precedence to Abdullah bin Mas‘ud over Abdullah bin Mas‘ud then said, ‘Swear by Abu Mas‘ud, “Do you think that Hazrat (Translated by The Review of Religions)
me.” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 385, Dar-ul- God that you really did see this dream.’ He Abdullah bin Mas‘ud has left behind after
Kutub Al-ilmiyyah, Beirut) replied that indeed he did. Upon this, he him a person who possesses the same kind

Hurricane Michael Relief Operation

Continued from page 12
Sahib had earlier referred to Hazrat Musleh ul-Ahmadiyya – those entering Majlis
Maud, pointing out that the purpose of Ansarullah – who had rendered significant Dr Aziz Ahmad Hafiz
our service within Majlis Khuddam-ul- services towards the Majlis in their time as Director, International Disaster Relief HF
Ahmadiyya is to train the next generation a Khuddam, were presented with tokens to 155mph (249 km/h). Relief operations
so that a continuous improvement is
always maintained. Sadr Sahib then led
of appreciation, including a special crystal
trophy. There were 45 such special guests
L ast week, the east of the United States,
along the Florida panhandle was heavily
battered by a category four hurricane.
began immediately after the hurricane.
Humanity First, in association with the
the congregation in silent prayer, thereby this year that received this award on behalf Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat USA, imme-
USA experienced a fiercest of storms as
concluding the final session with all four of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK. diately set out with members driving from
Hurricane Michael ravaged eastern parts of
proposals being approved for submission The delegates and guests of Majlis-e- Atlanta all the way down to Panama City in
the country, leaving many missing as well
to Huzooraa. Shura made their way home after a long Florida with relief supplies to assist those
as others severely affected, without food or
It was almost 9:30pm when the Shura day, one which will Insha-Allah shape that had been affected. The Humanity First
delegates were served with dinner in the coming year and beyond for Majlis volunteers worked alongside the Nation-
The hurricane destroyed many of the
the marquee to the rear of Baitul Futuh Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK with a al Guard of the United States to distribute
surrounding areas with winds reaching up
Mosque. As per tradition, during this desire and passion to seek continuous these supplies to those most in need.
meal, the outgoing members of Khuddam- improvement.

12 Friday 19 October 2018 | AL HAKAM

National Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK

Shura 2018
greater accuracy. The names along with
their respective votes were documented by
Hafiz Zafarullah Sahib and were presented
to Huzooraa for his consideration.
After the Zuhr and Asr prayers were
combined, a delicious Chinese-style lunch
was offered for all to enjoy – lovingly
prepared by the exceptional and well-
regarded chefs of MKA UK’s Ziafat team.
After lunch, the sub-committees
that had been formed were able to now
deliberate over their respective proposals.
To keep the size of sub-committees to a
reasonable number, allowing discussions
to be manageable and meaningful, there
were inevitably a number of unallocated
delegates. Therefore, in parallel to the sub-
committee deliberations, two presentations
were delivered to these members:
1. General Data Protection Regulation,
delivered by Naib Sadr, Muddassar Ahmad
Sahib and members of the Khuddam IT
2. Dealing with Disabilities, delivered by
Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq (Abdul Rauf
Lodhi Sahib)
The plenary & closing session of the
Shura commenced at around 6pm, with
tilawat. The sub-committee chairmen
along with their secretaries presented their
summary reports of the deliberations and
Hamid Choudhry recommendations made. The floor was
Motamid MKA UK then opened up for questions, comments
and suggested additions/amendments to
O n Saturday 13 October, Majlis
Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK held
their 30 Majlis-e-Shura, in Baitul Futuh
(Hamid Choudhry).
In total, 26 proposals were presented
to the National Amila by members
for all those in the audience, who had been
serving under his passionate leadership
for the past six years. Nonetheless, the
the recommendations. The proposals were
then voted upon for approval to be sent to
Mosque, Morden. The event formally throughout the country, across many audience found themselves having to Huzooraa for review and approval.
commenced at 9:30am with the recitation different departments. Of these proposals, prepare now for another challenging task Soon after the plenary session had
of the Holy Quran, followed by the 4 had been proposed to, and approved by, – electing the next Sadr Majlis Khuddam- commenced, Hafiz Zafrullah Sahib had
declaration of the Khuddam Pledge by all Hazrat Amirul Momineen, may Allah be ul-Ahmadiyya. returned with a message from Huzooraa,
delegates. his Helper. This year, a record number of delegates something everyone had been anticipating.
Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya At around 11am, the sub-committees were present to conduct the election – 402 The announcement was thus made that
(Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib) were formed, based on delegates being delegates would vote to determine the Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa had graciously
then delivered a welcome address and nominated by their respective regional names to be presented before Huzooraa, as appointed Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib as
summary report of key activities from qaideen, as well as special appointments by recommended by the Shura. Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK
the previous year. The many activities and Sadr Majlis. Huzooraa had appointed Hafiz for the next 2 years. Abdul Quddus Arif
initiatives undertaken by the Majlis over As this year’s Majlis-e-Shura was also Zafarullah Sahib from the Markaz to Sahib, is currently a serving missionary
the year offered a moment of reflection required to conduct an election for Sadr preside as chairman of the Sadr election. and teacher at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK.
for the delegates, who were able to Majlis, since Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib At around 12:30pm, the election began Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib came up onto
appreciate the significant achievements had now served 3 consecutive 2-year terms, with silent prayer. Hafiz Zafrullah Sahib the stage and after embracing him, Mirza
and advancements through their efforts his morning address was noted by him pointed out that all members should Waqas Ahmad Sahib congratulated him
and those of their peers. However, as was as his final formal opportunity to address spend that critically important moment and the entire Majlis on his appointment
noted by Sadr Sahib, all of the humble the distinguished delegation of Khuddam in reciting Durud Sharif and Istighfar. He and asked that everyone should pray for
efforts made by the Majlis are only ever before him, in the position of Sadr. His advised the delegation to pray sincerely so him and offer their full support to him.
sacrifices in the name of Allah, Who is the address was therefore an opportunity to that the Shura may present some suitable Shortly after, Magrhib and Isha prayers
actual doer of all good things. reflect and pass on some words of advice suggestions for candidates to lead this were offered and the plenary and closing
In his address, Mirza Waqas Ahmad and support to the Majlis. Majlis before Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. session reconvened. Once all proposals had
Sahib referred to the guidance of Notably, Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib This year, MKA UK Aitimad department been presented and reviewed by the Shura
the founder of Majlis Khuddam-ul- referred to the guidance that he had had developed a digital solution to support delegates, a few closing remarks were given
Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin received from Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa the counting of votes cast against all the by Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib, in which he
Mahmud Ahmadra – al-Musleh al-Maud – upon his appointment to the office of Sadr nominated candidates. In total, there were 7 thanked all the Majlis for their support and
may Allah be pleased with him. Majlis, which was to always refer to Mashal- candidates nominated. With all candidates hard work, as well as requesting prayers for
After the opening session, the e-Rah (a compilation of the speeches given having to place 3 votes, the system was himself and his family.
implementation reports of the previous about Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya by designed to capture votes and stream the The Majlis-e-Shura then repeated the
year’s Shura proposals were delivered by Hazrat Musleh Maudra) to seek guidance results live for presentation on a dashboard Pledge after the newly appointed Sadr
the respectively allocated chairpersons. and wisdom, especially in difficult and that was placed in front of the chairman. Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK.
Following these implementation reports, trying times. Allhamdolillah, the voting was counted A short address was then given by Sadr
the proposals for this year’s Majlis-e-Shura The address by Mirza Waqas Ahmad and validated by the system in record Sahib, in which he reflected upon the
were presented by Motamid MKA UK Sahib was indeed a moment of reflection time, saving significant time and ensuring speech in which Mirza Waqas Ahmad
Continued on page 11

Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Design & Layout: Jalees Ahmad|© Al Hakam 2018

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