Test For 8 TH Forms Earth Day Celebration

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Akouda Prep School Level: 8th form Teacher: Mrs Ben Halima

2016- 2017 End of Second Semester Test Mrs Kortas

Name: …………………………………………….. Class: ………………………………….. Mark: ……… / 20

Name : ………………………………………………………… Class : …………………………………… Mark : ……… / 20

Why do we Celebrate Earth Day?

1 The celebration of Earth Day began in the city of San Francisco and it is now celebrated each year
on April 22nd. Earth Day is important because it reminds us to look at the problems of our environment.

2 We need to make plans to recycle materials that are recyclable and to clean up our environment
such as rivers, forests, and oceans. Pollution is a danger to the air we breathe, our land, and our water
sources. Factories, cars, and other means of transport are releasing dangerous smoke into the air we
breathe which causes serious health problems. We must do our part to recycle and reuse products
instead of throwing them away.

3 Schools around the world play an important role in making sure that our world is a cleaner place.
Students volunteer to pick up rubbish at their schools, homes, and neighbourhoods, they also
participate in cleaning campaigns and collect paper, glass and plastic to recycle them. Think about what
you and your classmates can do to celebrate Earth Day. We can all do something.

I- Reading Comprehension: (6 marks)

Task 1: Circle the right option: (1 mark)

a) use cars.

Earth Day helps the people: b) save the environment.

c) recycle papers.

Task 2: Pick out from the text one reason that causes pollution : (1 mark)


Task 3: Fill in the blanks with the right word from paragraph 3: (1 mark)

Students can do many things to make our planet cleaner. They can be volunteers to ................................
rubbish in many places .

Task 4: Find out a synonym of the following word: (1 mark)

Waste (para3)= ………………………………

Task 5: What does the underlined word refer to: (1 mark)

It (line2): refers to ……………………………………

Task 6 : “We must do our part to recycle and reuse products instead of throwing them away”.

Expressing : advice obligation prohibition

II- Language: (8 marks)

1- Circle the correct alternative: (2marks)

Family relationships are an important part of our lives, from birth of children, to weddings, to
our old age. However, learning to get along ( with- by –on) everyone is sometimes a challenge.

Some people make new friends easily (but – besides – and) 2 others don’t. They are shy to talk to

new persons so they feel (lonely- cheerful-good) 3 at times. Moreover, they are not confident so

they are often (happy – sad – glad) 4.

2- Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. There are 2 extra words: (3 marks)

solve /up / food / fish / try / me / keep / affection

Jane has a lot of pets. She has a bird, a cat, a dog and a turtle. She
said: “My pets …………………………1 me company and share my secrets. They are all dear to ………………….2.
They're just like any other family member. Every morning, they sit by the bed waiting until I
get…………………………3 to start my day. They ask for nothing but love, a clean litter-box, ………………………
4 and drink. They don't feel the need to talk nonstop, or to………………..……………5 my problems. They
just want to be with me and are always there to give unconditional love." They generously give me
their loyalty, love, and ………………………………6 . They make me laugh and keep me active."

3- Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form: (3marks)

I’m 18 years old. I have a little brother. Two days ago, I fought with (he) …………….(1). It happened
while I (read) ……………………………………2 a book for an exam , my brother wanted to watch his

favourite TV program. We (not agree) ………………………..……….3, then I turned off the TV, but he

turned it on and he suddenly became (violence) ………………………4. He pushed me down angrily and

hurt me. I think that (he) …………………………5 changing behavior is just because he is becoming a

teenager. What should I (to do) …………………………………6?

III- Writing: (6 marks)

 You are studying in Britain, you strike up a new friendship there, so you are
going to write an e-mail to your brother to describe the physical appearance of your
new friend, his/ her personality, and what makes him/her so special?
These hints

Physical appearance Personality may help you :

- round / long face - active/ full of energy

-young - smart/ friendly
-blond/black hair - ready to lend a hand / helpful
- smiling face - confident / hard -working
- slim/ fat /- short/ long - easy-going/generous/moody
-white T.shirt /- blue jeans

Linkers: Besides, moreover, too ,however, but , yet…....

Hi Sami,



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