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The origin of HIV is unknolt'n, but it is cl"ri= .= -'
greater muscle weakness, and increased susceptibility to in-
tection. Keeping physically active is important for maintain- a virus found in simians (monkeizs)' \\itiate'''e: := --

ing strength and coordination, and is one of the best defenses HIV is a type of virus known as a retrovitus ih-a - - :ll=: --

ugiirrrt such accidental injuries. It is also important to dis- primarily through sexual contact or blood-to--irit'ij :--:-
iss with your physician or pharmacist the possible side ef- tact, such as occurs with the sharing of needles bv ir'ra'''=-
fects of any medications you are taking' nous drug users. It can also be spread by blood transl-ri: i':'
(now rare) or the use of blood products such as cloitrns i:':-
] Aging is not an illness, but it does increase one's chances
tors, if the blood used for these purposes is infected' i{e-
of developing certain health problems. Constipation, de-
mophiliacs, who require a specific coagulation factor lrtll:'
pression, diarrhea, dizziness, heart palpitations, heartburn
blood concentrates, historically have been especiallv r-r-il-
ind indigestion, and weight gain are some of the more nerable to HIV. In the United States, as well as ir mall-r'
corRmon complaints that accompany aging'Detailed infor-
other parts of the world, blood is routinely screened for the
mation on the causes of and treatments for many problems
pr"r"r-r." of HIV antibodies, the warning sign of HIV infec-
that commonly affect older people may be found in the
iion. It is possible HlV-infected blood may occasionalh'
relevant sections of this book. See AGE sPorS; ALZHEIMER's
pass through the careful screening processes. HIV antibod-
i"r *uy not appear in the blood for as many as three to six
months after a person is infected, so their presence in blood
taken from a person who contracted ihe virus recently may
notbe detectable. Blood products are now subjected to heat
to destroy the virus, although some AIDS advocates raise
concerns that this process may not be 100 percent effective'
The chance of a blood donation having undetectable HIV is
lvlMUNE SYSTEM; and/or WRINKLES, all in Part TWo'
less than one in one million. You cannot get HIV from do-
] tf you follow the suggestions in this sectjon and do not nating b1ood, as was once rumored.
:ee1 apositive change in your energy level, see coLlTlS; DIVER- It is possible for dentists and medical workers who come
-icuLIIS; and/ ot MALABSORPTION SYNDROME in Part TWo' into close contact with the bodily fluids of infected persons
to become infecied under certain conditions' This is why
AGNOSIA paramedics, emergency medical technicians, dentists and
dental hygienists, hospital and clinic employees, emer-
Jee WTdCT RARE DISORDERS, gency room personnel, and law enforcement officers wear
iubber gloves to prevent contact with blood products or
AIDS (ACOUI RED IMMUNODEFICI ENCY SYNDROME) saliva. The practice of wearing gloves and eyewear also
protects patients.
\IDS is an immune system disorder in which the body's Many people who are infected with HIV are not even
ability to defend itself is greatly diminished. When human aware that they have ii' The U.S' Centers for Disease Con-
:rLmunodeficiency virus (HIV, the virus that causes AIDS) trol and Prevention (CDC) has estimated that one in five of
rn\.ades key white blood (immune) ceils called T lympho- the more than one million HlV-infected people in the
in the body's United States are not aware that they are infected' While
{,tes and multiplies, it causes a breakdown
rrrrmune system, eventually leading to overwhelming in- some people experience a mild flu1ike illness within two to
:ection and, ultimately, to death. AIDS used to be a series of four weeks of exposure to the virus, it may take at least two
';arlous illnesses such as cancer, infections, and skin prob- to five years before any symptoms of HIV infection appear'
-ems made possible by the initial HIV infection'
Since the The virus does not lie dormant during this time, however'
:nid-1990s, medicines have become available to reduce Instead, it immediately attacks the immune system'
-,he stress load of the virus, thereby reducing its affect on The virus quickly begins producing a billion copies of
-.he body. Since its discovery in the early 1980s, AIDS has itseif each day, which in turn forces the human immune
:ransformed from a death sentence to a chronic condition system to produce the same number of antibodies as ar
-Jrat requires regular medical management. |ust about any- attempted defense against the intruders. Year after vear'
-ning you want to know about AIDs and HIV is found the body struggles to beat the virus until finally, its or-er-
rn the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website (www worked immune system simply wears out and AIDS re-, and it is updated regularly' Worldwide, sults. The novelty of the virus is that it lives in the imm;'r''"
approximately 33 million people have HIV infection and cel1s called T cells, which are your body's onlr- deie:"-
against the disease. \Ahen the T cel1s are compromise
j :-
,lIbS, and 7,500 become infected each day. On average, life '
expectancy is shortened by twenty years, but people with nearly impossible for the body io fight off the tn-'
,ess access to modern drug regimens have below average In many cases, the first symptoms of Fil\- ar-j --Il: -':=
iie spans, and those in weaithier nations, with greater ac- nonspecific and variable' One of the rnos: .:::j::: -: j
:ess to medical care, live longer' tongue coated with white bump-'. 1L-'

-,IITS: s&.::l- si: W.rW-\::::: i.. 1. Sr\)ROME) THE DISORDERS lPartTwo

rlri$trnr:ius- !-4-.L=:Esis ;s.iicaies a comprcmised inrmune have used a questionable test kit, contact your doctor for
itHs,!!r- . :e:aslreS are another comrnon problem. another test or use the approved test kit.
ittlrs -ts:r:e i:'!rto[rs indude: Further, testing HlV-positive does not mean that one
e farcrs*: '-=er:lained fatigue. has AIDS. Rather, it means that one has been exposed to
HIV, as demonstrated by the presence in the blood of anti-
. jq,&" 5":,:,{is rlrurph nodes). bodies to the virus. However, a confirmed positive HIV
r '-:r*:-"::lei fever lasting more than ten days. test result is often the earliest indication that the person
r irr=slu e *seating (especially at night). may eventually develop AIDS. The medical criteria for a
diagnosis of full-blown AIDS are quite specific, requiring
r \ttnrth neions, including thrush and painful, swollen the presence of one or more opportunistic infections or
:'iitrL.- cancers known to be associated with HIV infection. Ac-
r \-!E tfu6at. cording to the CDC, these include:
. Cough, . Pfieurnoncystis carinii pneumonia.
r Shortress ofbreath. o Candidal esophagitis, esophagitis from herpes simplex,
r or cytomegalovirus.
Changes in bowel habits, including constipation.
r r Cryptosporidiosis of the intestine for more than four
Frequent diarrhea.
r Srrnptoms of a specific opportunistic infection. o Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system.
. Tumor (Kaposi's sarcoma). . Kaposi's sarcoma.
. Skin rashes or lesions of various types. . Herpes simplex ulcers, extensive in location, lasting for
. Unintentional weight loss. more than one month.
r Ceneral discomfort or uneasiness (malaise). o Toxoplasmosis of the brain.
o Headache. The risk of developing AIDS is proportional to the de-
Additional symptoms that may be associated with HIV gree of immune suppression and the amount and duration
and/or AIDS include speech impairment, memory loss, of exposure to HIV. i
joint swelling, joint pain, bone pain or tenderness, a lump HIV is highly adaptable and capable of changing its {
form. According to scientists at Oxford University in Eng- I
or iumps in the groin, blurred vision, genital sores, muscle
akophy, decreasing intellectual function, joint stiffness, r.rn- Iand, this may be the key to its survival. They say that i
through subtle mutations, or changes in its genetic struc- (
usual or strange behavior, anxiety, stress, tension, pruritus
(generalized itching), sensitivify to light, decreased vision ture, HIV evades and ultimately defuses the body,s mecha-
or blindness, blind spots in the field of vision, and chest nisms for the elimination of infected cells. As a result, it .:

continues to survive despite the immune system,s aggres- c

sive attacks. If you suspect you have HIV, get tested imme. a
No one should assume he or she is infected with HIV
diately and begin treatment at once if necessary, because F
fust because he or she has one or more of the above symp-
the earlier treatment is started the longer the 1ife expec- d
toms, however. These symptoms can be related to many
tancy with fewer complications. n
illnesses, so being tested for HIV is the only way to be sure.
In2007 there were 3,792 children under thirteen years of d
This can be done by a doctor or with a home HIV testing
age living with AIDS in the United States. The vast major- n
kit. Simple to perform, this test requires a very small blooJ :
sample, obtained by pricking a fingertip. The sample is
mailed to a laboratory, which analyzes it and offers a diag-
nosis bv telephone in a matter of days. Each test is identi-
fred bv a code number (no personal information is attached Risk Factors for AIDS tl
ttl anl- sampie), so the test and the results are completely
conr-lential. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the 19g0s, several a

Tt- date, the FDA has approved only one home test kit, health conditions and lifestyle factors have been identified
tx Lr:rss HIV-1 Test System from Home Access Health that increase an individual's risk of contracting HIV and
C.-r:r--r.ctn {-we ManuJacfurer and Distributor Informa- developing AIDS. The more factors present, ihe greater
rsE :r-. :-e Appendlx). Beware of fraudulent or unproven the risk. They include the following:
:':rr :ilr- :st kits. Doctors say if a kit claims to provide .
'=s,=::' :=: resu]Ls tfuough a visual indicator such as a .
Male to male sexual contact
High-risk heterosexual contact
;*'.,--rc :;: ,-':t a llece of paper a-fter saliva has been ap, . lnjection drug use.
:,rt': jE -- -::.-=€ nar- be urueliable. U you believe you


After being diagnosed, patients usually start off rvith

one NNRTI and two NRTIs, or with PIs and two NRTIs,
Women and AIDS but it is best to leave it to a physician to choose the best
drugs for your individual case. If you experience side
Seventy-five percent of people with AIDS in the United effects from one of the drugs, such as stomach pain, diar-
States are male. Women account for one out of every four rhea, or both, tell your doctor as soon as possible so that
new cases, and of these newly infected women, about a new one can be substituted. Once you are on HAART, it
two out of three are African American. AIDS is now the is important to stay on the medications. Since HAARI was
leading cause of death for African American women age introduced, the death rate from non-HlV-related causes
twenty-five to thirty{our, and they are more than twenty-
exceeded those caused directly by AIDS. Non-AlDS-related
one times as likely to die from HIV/AIDS as non-Hispanic
deaths in those thirteen years of age and older increased
white women. Most women contract HIV through sex with
a man who is infected. Today, AIDS in the fifth leading by 33 percent, while AlDS-related deaths decreased by
cause of death for women age thirty{ive to forty{our. The 60 percent. Now the major cause of death in the United
following are steps you can take to protect yourself: States is heart disease, non-AlDS-related cancer, and sub-
stance abuse.
. Use latex condoms anytime you have sex, whether Before HAART, many HIV/AIDS patients had difficulty
vaginal, oral, or anal. absorbing nutrients from food and supplements and often
. lf you use drugs and cannot or will not stop injecting
appeared malnourished. This is not a concern with HAART.
drugs, use new, sterile syringes to prepare and inject
Instead HAART often leads to obesity, an increased risk of
. lf you are getting a tattoo or having your body
heart disease, and diabetes. Patients taking the HAART
pierced, ask what procedures they use to combat the medications are also at risk of developing metabolic syn-
spread of HlV. lf they do not use new, sterilized, or drome, which is comrnon in patients with diabetes and
disinfected equipment, go somewhere else. heart disease. Metabolic slmdrome is defined by having
three of the following conditions: high blood sugar, high
insulin, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and
abdominal obesity. In a three-hundred-patient study con-
ducted in the greater Boston area,73 percent of men and29
ity of these children acquired the virus from their mothers percent of women with AIDS were obese. These obese HIV
during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or breast-feeding. A preg- patients had lower essential micronutrient intakes than
nant woman can take medicine to lower the chance of giv- those patients of normal weight. Thus, despite eating more
ing her baby HIV, but research shows that only 33 percent calories, the nutrient content of those calories was poor.
of pregnant women with HIV take the drugs. \Mhat is interesting is that calorie needs are greater for HfV-
The optimal treatment of AIDS is called HAART (Highfy positive patients compared to those without the virus.
Active Antiretroviral Therapy). HAART is made up of a Patients with the virus need about 100 more calories per
combination of several different kinds of medicines. It is an day. However, the Boston study underscores the fact that
aggressive therapy used to suppress the replication of the the calories consumed should come from highnuality,
HIV virus and the progression of HIV disease. The reason nutrient-dense foods.
that there are so many drug options is that the virus has Many patients taking HAART develop HfV hpodvsko-
mutated over the years and has become stronger and more phy, which is characterizedby abdominal fat, regional ar-
difficult to treat. Patients with HIV/AIDS may get any of a eas around the body of fat pads, and profound metabolic
number of drug combinations depending upon the physi- abnormalities like low good cholesterol (FIDL), high trig-
cian's assessment. The virus gets attacked in a variety of lycerides, and malfunctioning insulin (or insulin resistance).
ways using HAART. Viral loads are a measure of how ac- These factors predispose HW patients to heart disease.
tive an impact the virus has in the body. Basically, HAART Because of the issues discussed above, people with
kies to outsmart a very smart virus. The drugs that maybe HIV/AIDS are good candidates for supplementation. Mul-
used in HAART are: tivitamins have been shora'n to delay the progression of
. HIV disease. M*y of the nutrients listed below can be
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)
found in combination formulas. A high-potency multivita-
. Non-nucleoside reverse tuanscriptase inhibitors (NINRns) min and mineral supplement should be included as well.
. Protease inhibitors (PIs)
Be sure to check the amounts of different nutrients in the
complex you choose against those in the table below. Make
. Fusion inhibitors sure that the supplement contains at least the DRI for vita-
. Integrase hhibitors min A with beta-carotene, a B-complex with folate, and vi-
tamins C and E. In studies, these were most likely to reduce
. Entry inhibitors
the progression of the disease. The treatment of HIV/AIDS
. Combination drugs has come a long way in recent years. In this new edition we

a :: r-::- THE DISORDERS lPartTwo

i,use frrre-tuned the list of supplements to create a comple- Natural carotenoid As directed on labei. Powerf ul antioxidant, free
complex (Betatene) radical scavenger, Potential
rrEntarr regimen for people who are responding well to cancer fighter, and immune
tlire rrers treatment protocols. enhancer. Also protects against
head disease.
Unless otherwise specified, the dosages recommended
m this -ction are for adults. For a child between the ages Pycnogenol As directed on label. A unique bloflavonoid. A Potent
antioxidant and immune
of trr-elve and seventeery reduce the dose to three-quarters enhancer.
the recommended amount. Adolescents especially have grape seed extract As directed on label. One of the most potent
treel shown to have poor nutrient intakes, especially of vi- antioxidants known. Protects
0r the cells.
tamins A, E, and C, and the minerals zinc and iron. For a 0PC Goldblend from As directed on label. A combination of grape seed
child between six and twelve, use one-half the recom- Primary Source and pine bark extracts.
mended dose, and for a child under the age of six, use one-
Ouercetin As directed on label. Aids in preventing allergic
quarter of the recommended amount' reactions and increases
All ingested substances pose a threat to the way HIV/ plus immunity.
As directed on label. Take lncreases absorption of
AIDS drugs are tolerated. If you are having trouble with
on an empty stomach. quercetin and aids in reducing
vour medications, stop any herbal or supplement use until 0r inflammation.
Contains quercetin plus
the issue is resolved. It is more important to take the medi- Activated Ouercetin As directed on label.
from Source Naturals bromelain and vitamin C.
cations than the herbs or supplements.
S-adenosylmethio- As directed on label Good for depression and
nine (SAMe) chronic fatigue.
Caution:Do not use if you
have bipolar mood disorder or
NUTRIENTS take prescription
to a child under twelve.
Superoxide As directed on label. Free radical scavenger needed
As directed on label. An energy carrier, metabolic
dismutase (S0D) for cell protection.
facilitator, and cell membrane
protector. Also protects the
Taurine Plus from As directed on label An important antioxidant and
heart. immune regulator necessary
American Biologics
for white blood cell activation
Body Language As directed on label Protects the body from free
and neurological function. Use
Super Antioxidant radical damage, environmental
liquid sublingual form.
from 0xyFresh stresses, and pollutants.
Vitamin C 1,000-3,000 mg daily. Strengthens the immune
Bone Support As directed on label Contains minerals needed for
system. Use buffered Powdered
from Synergy Plus better absorption of calcium.
ascorbic acid or Ester0 with
lncreases circulation and
Coenzyme 01s 100-200 ms daily
energy, and protects the heart.
Vitamin D 400 lU daily Necessary for proper immune
A powerful antioxidant and
signif icant immune stimulant.

Vitamin E 600 lU daily. A powerf ul antioxidant.

Garlic (Kyolic 2 capsules 3 times daily, A powerful immunostimulant
from Wakunaga) with meals. 0r place 1 that also aids in digestion,
dropperful of Kyolic liquid endurance, and strength. lt is
in a 6- to B-ounce glass a natural antibiotic and is good Acid-Ease {rom As directed on label. Take Contains pure plant enzymes
of distilled water. for candida infections. Enzymatic Therapy with meals. Take between that function in the breakdown
meals also if excess acid
and assimilation of foods.
Gtuhthione As directed on label, lnhibits the formation of free is a problem.
on an empty stomach. radicals. Aids in red blood cell
integrity and protects immune Aerobic 07 from I drops in water For tissue oxygenation. Kills
cells. Aerobic Life 3 times daily. harmful bacteria and viruses.
(-, rOophilus As directed on label. To supply essential friendlY
bacteria for the intestinal tract Ultimate Oilfrom As directed on label. Supplies essential fatty acids,
and liver function. Fights candida Nature's Secret a most important element of
infection, often associated the diet.
with HIV

..rC-a=!,j As directed on label. Supplies nutrients and

fld_ da chlorophyll needed for rePair.
lmpoftant in immune response.

JfjacE-E As directed on label A strong cancer preventer. f aloe vera contains carrislm, which apPears to inhibit
the growth and spread of HIV. Take 2 cups twice daily. Use
ulutu@nn As directed on label. Nutrients are designed to
(TJrfuTmnu|-a suppoft general health and apt;rte/ food-grade product. If diarrhea occurs, reduce the
iitr T,"rB :ffi- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,'-= wellness, in addition to dosage.
ilmlmhrrq supporting immune f unction.
,mirp =r*,-nu-
firfllDfl]|rlf Use a high-potency, hypo- f Astragalus boosts the immune system.
iurE!.'irmqEgiiu- aliergenic powdered form.
Caution: Do not use this herb if you have a fever.


nlack radish, dandelion root, and siiymarin (milk thistle turn enhances replication of the vir:-'
extract) protect and aid in repairing the liver, and also
Tieraona Low Dog, Director of the Fel-ic"" ': :
zona Center for Integrative Medicine
cleanse t-he bloodstream. The liver is the organ of detoxifi- --::
cation and must function optimally' Use these extracts as Caution: Do not take echinacea for longer 'r''-r
months. It should not be used by peopte rvho are i-c:--- - :

directed on the Product labeis.

[l Cat's claw enhances immune function, and has been
Jhown to be helpful for people withAIDS and AlDS-related
cancers. Cat's Claw Defense Complex from Source Natu-
rals is a combination of cat's claw and other herbs, plus l=l If voutest positive for HIV, arrange for repeat tei:-: -
antioxidants such as beta-carotene, N-acetylcysteine' vita- as soon as you can to rule out the possibility of a ial=e-
min C, and zinc. positive result. If ihe initial result is confirmed, immedi-
Caution: Do not use cat's claw during Pregnancy' itety begin taking-measures to boost your immune sYsterr''
fl fhe seeds and peels of the Chinese cucumber inhibit Thii is the single most important factor in disease Pre\-en-
cancer. The root is currently being used in AiDS research' tion, and it is the best defense for the person with HfV' Your
Ciearlungs from Ridgecrest Herbals is a Chinese first step should be to obtain the necessary medications to
fl reduce your viral load. In addition, correct diet, approprl-
herbal formula that is good for all lung disorders'
ate supplements, exercise, stress reduction, a proper envi-
[l Cintgo biloba extract is good for the brain cells and
.on-J.ri, and a healthy mental outlook all play significant
roles in keeping the immune system u'orking adequately'
Caution: Do not take ginkgo biloba if you have a bleed-
ing disorder, or are scheduled for surgery or a dental pro-
El Pay special attention to meeting your nutritional needs
and requirements, and keep in mind that a higher than
normal intake of nutrients will probably be necessary'
E For mouth sores, place alcohol-free goldenseal extract Eat
c u piece of sterile gauze andapply the gauze between
the [l Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables'grown
a diet consistigof T1percent raw foods, organically
lips and gums or to mouth sores before going to bed' Leave
if possible (avold foods that have been treated with pesti-
iion overnlght. Sores and inflammation should heal in a cides and other sprays), plus lentils, beans, seeds' nuts' and
few days with this treatment.
-Licorice whole grains, inctuding brown rice and millet' and also
fl and wild yam root are good for endocrine , fruit such as bananas, all berries, peaches'
gland function. apples, and, melons. Raw foods are particularly important
Catiion: Licorice root should not be used during preg- becuute cooking depletes foods of their vital enzymes'
nancy or nursing. It should not be used by persons with fl fat plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli'
diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure/ or
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower' Also consume
history of stroke. yellor,^,, and deep-orange vegetables such as carrots,
[l Magnolia vine berries increase oxygen absorption and kin, squash, and Yams.
boost the immune system. They coordinate the activities of [l Consume plenty of fresh live juices' ]uicing is extremely
the internal organs and help control the balance of the beneficial for supplying nutrients' (See 'lutctxc in Part
body's physiological Processes. Three.) "Green drinks" made from leafy greens such as
im- kale, spinach, and beet greens, and carrot and beet root
[l Pau d'arco is a natural antibiotic and potentiates
and is
mune function. It is also a powerful antioxidant juice, sihouldbe consumed on a daily basis, with garlic and
good for destroying candida in the colon' onion adcied. Kyo-Green from Wakunaga is an excellent
El St.John's wort contains two substances, hypericin and "green drink" product that contains chlorophyll' protein'
pr"raonyp"ricin, that inhibit retroviral irrfections and vi"tamins, minerals, and enzymes Take this drink three
iouid be useful in the treatment of AIDS' times a day.
Caution: St. John's wort may cause increased sensitivity E Orinf< steam-distilled water only (not tap water), and
to sunlight. It may also produce anxiety, gastrointestinal t,"ts of it-eight to ten 8-ounce glasses daily-to flush out
symptoirs, and headaches. It can interact with some drugs toxins from the body. Ali ceils and organ systems need t a-
inciuaing antidepressants, birth control piIls, and antico- ter. Drink plenty of water even if you are not thirstr-' The
agulants. organs, and especialiy the brain, become dehydrated Ioi-rt
Siberian ginseng helps bronchial disorders and boosts before thirst develoPs.
energy. El nat onions and garlic, or take garlic in suppiere:.:
Caution: Do not use this herb if you have hypoglycemia' form (see underNutrients, above).
high blood pressure, or a heart disorder' E eaa shiitake, reishi, and maitake mush:o":-t :--
diet, or take them in supplement form (sgr ;":';' \-.:::=::'
[l Echinacea is an immune stimulant, and shouid be
avoided. In fact, it stimulates replication of T cel1s, which in above).

: :: -o!sM IHE DISORDERS i Part-lwo

J Eiiminate from your diet colas, foods n,ith additives binds to the HIV r.irus that car-rses AIDS. In laboratory tests,
and colorings, junk foods, peanuts, processed refined the enhanced bacteria reduced the rate of HIV infection in
foods, saturated fats, salt, sugar and sugar products, white susceptible cells by at ieast half.
t-lour, all animal protein, and anything containing caffeine. f Ever since the AIDS epidc.mic began, researchers har.e
] take supplementai fiber daily. Alternate betw'een psyl- been looking for a "magic bullet"-a single miracle drug to
lium husks and freshly ground flaxseeds. Take psirl- combat the virus, or a vaccine to seek out and destrov the
lium with a glass of water and drink it quickly before it virus in the bloodstream antl lvmphatic svstem. Research
thickens. into this field is promising, hou,ever, and existing therapies
No/e: Always take supplemental fiber separatelr- from almost guarantee that people with AIDS will live much lon-
other supplements and medications. ger and have more productive lives than rr,as once the case.
[l Exercise caution in your choice of foods so as to avoid [l For persons infected rvith HIV the most logical ap-
exposure to foodborne illness. Food poisoning can be vert' proach to staying n,eli is to eliminate all known causes of
dangerous for people rvith HIV or AIDS infection. (See immune suppression and to implen-rent the use of therapries
FOODBORN E,^/VATE R BOR N E I LLN ESS in Part Tw,O. ) that inhibit viral activity and stimulate imrnune function.
f no not smoke, and stay away from secondhand fl Human growth hormone (HGH) therapy has been
smoke. shor,vn to help prevent and /or reverse wasting svndrome.
This treatment must be given under a doctor's supervisior-r.
[l Avoid alcohol, noxious chemicals, and anvthing else
that can damage the liver. Humal growth hormone also has been sholt,n to redr-tce
abdominal bodv fat and corrcct abnormal fats in the blood.
El Obtaln as much fresh air and rest as possible, and mod-
(sed cROWTH HoRMoNE THERAPY in Part Three.)
erate amounts of sunshine.
] Hvperbaric oxy,gen therapv is sometimes used, to-
[l Determine what food sensitivities or allergies mal be
gether n,ith medications and other treatments, to help
present. The best way to do this is to har-e vLrurself tested
overcome opportunistic infections associated u'ith AIDS.
by a health care professional. It is importani to eliminate (See HvreRaeRrc oxycEN THERApy ir.r Part Three.)
allergenic foods from the diet because ther-rrreak havoc in
the bodl', causing damage to the immune sr-stem. (See nl- fl N-acetylc),steine and L cart-ritine both sholt' some
LERGIES in Part Tr,r,o.) promise in the ability to prevent and counteract the ex-
treme weight loss common in people with AIDS.
[l Ahvay,s use a condom (latex, not sheepskin) and sper-
micide (spermicide kllls HIV) for anr- serual contact. If you [l
There are some AIDS strrvivors (epidemiologists cail
use a lubricant with a later condom, use only a rt,ater-based them long-term nonprogressors) who are free from all symp-
lubricant such as K-Y je11v. Do not use petroleum jelly toms and lead absoluteil, r-ro.rr', lives years after being
(Vaseline), vegetable shortening (Crisco), hand lotion, or identified as HfV-positive. This ls a rare subset of all those
baby oil, as these substances can break down latex in a infected worldlvide, and they are being studiecl intensir.elr-,
matter of minutes. Be aware, holvever, that even the proper A key to the AIDS cure ma-v reside in these peopie, some oi
use of a condom is not a guarantee against the transmis- whom have had HW for over ten vears trnd rvho ner-erthe-
sion of HfV. less remain healthr,'. Many thousancls i,r,ill continue to be
HlV-positive but not manifest full-blou'n AIDS. And,
] Seek out the care of a qualified health care provider if
knon.n to the general public antl many in the medicai
'--ossible, one lr''ho has a great deal of experience in treating
establishment, there are also people who are now'antibodr--
:eopie rvith HIV Research shorvs that the length of sur-
'.' r'al of a person with AIDS is closelv linked to how much negative though once diagnosed as HlV-positive. They ap-
parer-rtlv no longer have the virtrs present in their bodies.
:--s or her phvsician knor,r''s about treating the condition.
The same thing happened during the plague; not everyone
I Educate yourself. HIV and AIDS are complicated con- who lvas exposed developed symptoms.
--- .,.i1s. arLd treatment options are constantly changing and
: , --- -ir-.--llng. ln order to stay well, it is vital to be as informed
[l Ser n/so srxuRLLy TRANSMITTED DtsEASE in Part T'"r,o.

-: : - ::,ble. fl for information about organizations that can pror,irle

information and assistance for people u,ith HW and AIDS
.src Health and Medical Organizations in the Appendir.

: ..=--^-:^-^
=-tul 5
- .- :: . ,'.'. -hat a rnoclifiecl form of bacteria normallv ALCOHOLISM
- .-: :.:,:.,: mar- one dav be used to protect
- -- : i=.e:.rchers nsed a strain of Lactobqcil- With an estimated 64 percent of American aclults ovcr eigl.r-

r. . ._::.Trliitil:.fTf*ff; consuming alcol-rol, it is hardlv a surprise that one or-rt

. teer-i
of ten people suffers adverse consequences of alcol'roi corr-

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