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Name : Irfan Sudrajat

Number ID student : 41035003171036

Courses : English
Date and Time : Monday, 9 July 2018
Majoring in Agrotechnology
Faculty of Agriculture

1. why did some children laugh at name of Pi ?

Answer : Because they are elementary school friends Pi replace the full name "Pi" ie
"piscine" to "pissing" which means that urine or urine so Pi is so always laughed at
by his school friends.
2. How did Pi convert his belief ?
Answer : By searching and trying the religions that exist in India at that time. Such as
Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Initially when converting to Christianity
was unreasonable but still he felt and always asked the pastor of the church, and
upon entering Islam he tried to worship prayer and it turns out when after the solat
he felt calm. And his father said "to enter into one religion at the same time it is the
same as empty" and finally Pi chose the one he thinks is right.
3. What made the Pi’s family leaving India ?
Answer : The reason Pi's family came out of India is for a better life especially for Pi and her
brother "Ravi". Because at that time felt that India under the leadership of Indira
Ghandi is a life that can not accommodate for the future of Pi and Ravi. Her father
was worried about family life, a healthier zoo outside India and the government
council was not supportive, so taxes moved to Canada to work and the zoo was
sold then the animals were sold to America.
4. where did about the ship sink ?
Answer : By the time the ship headed to Canada in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after four
days from Manila on the mantle of the deepest point of the world, at that time the
Tsimtsum did not care about the rainstorm with the lightning and the ship was
tossed, instantly when Pi came out and said "more torrential god of the storm"
waves also hit the ship so sink the ship to the bottom of the Pacific ocean or Marina
5. what accompanied Pi on the Ocean ?
Answer : The accompanying Pi in the ocean is a zebra painting, orange juice or orang-utan
who lost his son, a wolf and a tiger.
but zebra and orange juice are fed by wolves and wolves are eaten by a tiger named
Richard Parker. And until Pi's trip is accompanied by Richard Parker.
6. why did Pi leave the island?
Answer : because the island is a carnivorous island which during daytime clean fresh water
and beautiful trees have plenty of food but at night the island changes the water
contains a high acidic substance and all the animals in the water are dead and the
meat-eating trees whose leaves are glowing which may have been the one who
lived there and eaten by that tree until it leaves only one tooth that is being eaten by
the leaves. Pi worries about the island is afraid that he lives there will only die

7. what did the animal live in the island?

Answer : not the animal did not live on the island, the animal followed Pi to the coast of
8. describe the plot (story, subplots, drama) briefly?
Answer : i is the son of a zoo owner in India. Then his family agreed to sell all the animals
they had and moved to Canada due to political problems with boarding the ship.
But then the ship sank in the Pacific Ocean, the Pi family and most of the animals
drowned. Pi survived and floated on a small raft with zebras, orangutans, hyenas
and tigers. He also struggled to survive. Not only pi who fought, the animals who
participate together are also equally fighting for his life.
For almost eight months, Pi survived by fishing. The only remaining animals are
tigers, the tiger repeatedly wants to eat pi, and vice versa, repeatedly Pi has a
chance and intends to kill the tiger. Various amazing adventures passed by pi
during the waves oscillate in the ocean. Finally Pi managed to reach the coast of
Mexico and found the rescue team. Pi was interviewed about the events that
happened. Unfortunately, they do not believe what he is telling. Pi also thinks they
do not believe because he involves the animals.
9. Tell the characters you know and describe their character!
Answer : 1."Pi" or piscine molitor he is the main character in the movie "life of Pi", he has a
character who is always curious about the belief of the soul to a god or a deity
whose family considers irrational.
2. his father Pi he an atheist because at the time of illness paralyzed he strongly
believe in the help of gods, but science that can cure his illness.
3. His mother Pi he is a rational for science because he is a doctor graduation in
one European country, but he is still a Hindu.
4. ravi is the older brother of Pi, he always obeys what his father teaches and loves
5. an adult Pi friend who invites Pi to tell all the stories of his journey to his faith.
6. anandi is an indian woman that Pi loves while still in India, she is a dancer of the
horizon (spiritual).
7. richard parker is a tiger, he who accompanied Pi travels in the Pacific Ocean for
8 months.
10. What is the theme?
Answer : belief in god
11. what is the conflict?
Answer : the conflict was when he was traveling precisely amid the Pacific ocean Marina
trough the deepest point in the ocean and Pi was on the ship Tsimtsum. At night
when it was in the ocean there was a thunderstorm with a thunderbolt, and Pi came
out of the ship by shouting "more swiftly" "rain god" instantly the big bang hit the
ship and the ship sank in the Pacific Ocean, uddered with some animals
unintentionally saved until Pi was stranded and living on a boat with a tiger named
Richard Parker for 8 months.
12. Is there a twist? Describe i fit is!
Answer : What happens to the character of Pi is the character of his belief in the god who
was originally before the conflict occurred Pi still can not determine what his
religion and his belief in God is still on the verge of doubt, after confilk there is a
matter of confidence can be overcome and can choose who his god.
13. What do you think the level of the used language?
Answer : I think simple language is simple because of the pronunciation of a good way of
pronunciation still sounds typical of the Indonesian language.
14. Is there any favorite quote the have from the conversation?
Answer : The moment I reach mexico beach. I was afraid to take off the lifeboat. I have no
energy I'm so weak. I'm afraid even though the water is only two feet tall and so
close to liberation. "I will drown, I fight to reach the beach and fall on the sand, the
sand is so warm and soft as pressing your face on the cheek of God". And
somewhere, he watched me and was happy because I got there. I was so tired and
unable to move. and Richard Parker he walked ahead of me. he stretched his legs
and walked along the beach. at the edge of the forest, he stopped. I'm sure he'll turn
to me. wiggle his ears and head, falter. that he would end our relationship that way.
but he just stared silently at the forest. then Richard Parker, my fierce friend. the
friend who made me survive. "disappear forever in my life".
15. What is the value you can draw related to the real life?
Answer : the way I judge the film to be related in real life is how big and small the sacrifices
and struggles of life in the middle of the ocean Pi. With responsibility to himself
and to a tiger stump.
I think the value is quite large in real life because to fight for and sacrifice for its
responsibilities or to the people around it it requires a mature preparation and the
ability to rely on. and the process is not easy.
16. What do you feel after watching the movie!
Answer : which I feel is so great the creator of the universe (Allah SWT) to the way that
human beings are frightening but after that the belief in him is increasing and
17. What is your rate for the movie?
Answer : think the rate given for this movie is almost perfect, but there are some indications
that are less good. and the most prominent thing in this film is the crystal clear
camera catch and the different storyline from other films that rationalize the

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