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Unit: Design and Technology

Design Project: D&T Apron Logo Design and Portfolio

Focus Area: Graphics
Core Task: Designers Processes

This design project introduces students to Logo Design, focusing on the designers process in fulfilling a design brief. Students will
enhance their knowledge of the design process as well as develop their skills in graphics, offering flexibility to ensure students are
engaged and work independently.

Students will create an eye catching Logo which they have developed through researching logo trends, customer needs and
graphic tools. Students will print their logo on the schools D&T aprons accompanied with a portfolio to document the design
process, including investigation, experimentation, development and justification of ideas.

Timeline: Syllabus Outcomes Covered:

4.1.2 describes and follows a process of design when developing design ideas and solutions
5 weeks (15
lessons) 4.3.1 describes the work and responsibilities of designers and the factors affecting their work

4.4.1 identifies innovative, enterprising and creative design ideas and solutions

4.5.1 communicates design ideas and solutions using a range of techniques

4.6.1 uses management strategies when developing design solutions

4.6.3 uses a range of technologies appropriately and safely in the development of quality design solutions

Life skills Outcomes Covered:

LS 1.1 recognises that a process is used to develop design solutions

LS 1.2 considers factors that influence design
LS 2.1 explores the impact of past, current and emerging technologies                                                            
Cross-Curriculum Priorities: General Capabilities:

Numeracy - Interpret scales, proportions and timelines, use

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History and geometric patterns and sort survey data
culture - Acknowledge social, cultural and historical trends Literacy - Reading, writing, visual literacy, responding to questions,
interpreting a design brief
Sustainability ICT capabilities - Computer use for research and creating the
- Comprehend appropriate materials to be used project portfolio
Critical and Creative thinking - Group discussion, interpreting
design brief
Ethical Understanding - The changes to the apron manufacturing
Personal and social capability - Peer collaboration, and group
work throughout

Quality Teaching Elements: Bloom’s Thinking Skills Utilised:

Intellectual Quality Relevant pedagogical strategies are optimised to establish the goals
Substantive Communication - peer collaboration and and progress of students learning over the course of 5 weeks, which
class discussion encourages sustained interactions in which promote student ability to: Remember, Understand and Apply
student thinking and understanding is explicit knowledge, and begin to utilise the skills to Analyse.
Deep knowledge - The centralisation of Logo design is
maintained throughout the project

Quality Learning Environment:

Social Support - group activities as well as active listening
create a supportive and inclusive class environment
High Expectations - the lessons are scaffolded to allow
diverse learners to create explicit and challenging work

Connectedness - a social platform is used that students
can relate to, creating a high element of connectedness
Inclusivity - the lessons are scaffolded to allow students to
explore diverse categories, which they can connect to
Resources Required:

Text: Worksheets, design brief

ICT/Technology: Computers or other electronic device with internet connection, overhead projector, iron
Multimedia and Web References: Youtube videos:

Literacy Approaches to Learning: Numeracy Approaches to Learning: Technologies Integrated:

Students are provided with the students are provided with the tools to Students are provided with the opportunity
opportunities to develop their literacy skills, develop their numeracy skills through their to integrate a variety of ICT applications to
through the research and documentation of exploration of size, proportions, quantities, research and document their portfolios.
their design project portfolio. Students the interpretation of timelines, data analysis These include the use of internet search
engage in the production of information and and the use of geometric patterns. engine, database to interpret data, word
technological literacy through the use of processing, powerpoint and a website
oral, written and visual language. builder to record and present the
documentation of their design project.
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks
Modified or
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task Resources Reg
4.3.1 Research and * use research and information Task 1,2,3: Research - Identify Students are offered Youtube video:
exploration when generating creative qualities and significance of a multiple choices to https://www.yout
4.5.1 design ideas logo present their
* access information and completed tasks v=dQV1b57F8D0
LS 2.1 data *collaborate when developing *Teacher provides overview of the creating a UDL
design ideas and solutions course including class expectations, styled project. Weblink:
Identification of needs practical tasks and safe working https://thinkma
and opportunities * identify and summarise practices Students may rketingmagazin
choose to advance
* opportunities for new and information from a range of
better solutions sources for the design project *Students learn about the purpose of in the project logo-evolution-
a logo and it’s significance to a creating their own
* requirements of end users story/
*research appropriate product or brand website or can use
and stakeholders
materials, processes and a basic word format.
* design considerations production methods for the * Students research and Task 2 and 3 also projector,
design project compare a case study on logo offer a flexible whiteboard and
design approach to learningmarkers
as they allow
* Students explore the history of the students to research
apron designers of their
Assessment: Students will be
assessed on their creation of an
electronic design project portfolio,
where they will document their
completed tasks. Students are given
the flexibility to document their work in
a word document, powerpoint or
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks
Modified or
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task Resources Reg
4.1.2 Creative and innovative * establish and document the Task 4,5,6: Experimentation - Focusing on a UDL Resource A,B,C,
idea-generation using requirements and design Explore multiple techniques that sequence, students D, E, F
4.4.1 considerations for the design can be used to create an are given multiple (Attached)
* brainstorming project effective logo design options to explore
LS 1.2 orthography, writing whiteboard and
* concept sketches and * use idea-generation styles and marker pens
*Ss explore orthography and its
maps techniques when developing
significance in logo design geometric patterns,
creative design ideas
through hand
* interaction of hand and drawing and ICT
mind * use research and information *Ss explore writing styles and
when generating creative complete individual tasks methods. All Ss are
design ideas expected to
* observation
*Ss revisit the value of colour in complete tasks 4,5
* research graphic design & 6, however some
Ss may execute
* collaboration * Ss explore contrasting their work with more
colours in geometric patterns precision and detail
through the use of
* Ss appropriate a geometric pattern different
Experimentation to create their own design methodology or
skilled technique
* testing and experimenting Assessment: Students will be
assessed on their technical abilities in
completion of tasks 4,5 & 6. Ss must
be capable of replicating and
appropriating geometric and other
graphical components to create an
eye catching visual design.
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks s

Modified or
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task
4.1.2 Research and *identify the needs of the end Task 7,8,9: Analyse - Students Students are offered Resource H
exploration users and other stakeholders in receive design brief and annaylsemultiple means of (attached)
4.3.1 their settings information to effectively adhere engagement, action
* access information and *use market research to it and expression in
4.6.1 data techniques for a targeted group these tasks in order
of end users to develop and *Ss must identify concerns and to successfully
LS 1.2 *market research test design ideas requirements of stakeholders to determine the
techniques *interpret and manipulate data effectively fulfil design brief
values of the school,
to develop information solutions
adhering to UDL.
*criteria for success using ICT applications including *Ss interpret and analyse data to
spreadsheets and databases determine school values and attitudes
*resource requirements
*use research and information * Ss draw connections between
*appropriate technology when generating creative information and commence
design ideas experimentation of a logo design

*collaborate when developing Assessment: Students will be

design ideas and solutions assessed on their ability to interpret
and analyse information which can
*project management
strategies when be used to effectively create a logo
implementing and design that reflects the school and
evaluating a process of communities values and attitudes
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks s

Modified or
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task
4.5.1 Realisation of design *select and use tools and Task 10,11,12: Design - Students Students may use Books,
ideas using technologies equipment when designing and create multiple prototypes before multiple means of Computers,
4.6.1 including producing each project refining and finalizing design expression when portfolios
*tools and equipment developing their
4.6.3 *justify the selected resources *Ss experiment with graphical logo design, from
*materials used for each design project elements to create multiple prototypes hand drawn
LS 1.1 *Ss must choose their most effective sketches, to collage
*techniques *select and use a variety of
logo design and refine it for or computer
appropriate techniques when
completion programs e.g.
designing and producing each
design project *Ss may convert their designs onto a photoshop for
computer program e.g. photoshop advanced learners
Evaluating *Specific measurements must be
*document and evaluate
decisions made throughout the followed to ensure design is clearly
*criteria for success
design process using specified printed on product
criteria for success
*evaluation techniques Assessment: Students will be
*self-assess and peer-assess assessed on their technical skills in
designed solutions graphic design and their ability to
represent their design process
through multiple and progressive
prototypes before the final project
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks s

Modified or
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task
4.4.1 Communication and *apply appropriate Task 13,14,15: Finalise Project -Students should all Students
presentation techniques communication techniques Students concert their designs have achieved the watch:
4.5.1 *visual when documenting and onto D&T aprons and present outcome at their https://ww
presenting design ideas and their project own learning level
4.6.3 *graphical solutions adhering to the UDL com/watch
LS 1.1 * Ss convert their logo design framework ?
*written *use ICT applications such as onto the D&T Aprons using v=lL5wn4J
multimedia communication transferable paper and an iron ztI
*oral devices, computer-generated
graphics, word processing and * Ss present their project to T Teflon
*digital desktop publishing for and class outlining the values and paper,
presentation of documentation attitudes they have represented
through their design transfer
*document and evaluate
Evaluating paper,
decisions made throughout the * Ss submit apron and portfolio
design process using specified for marking
*criteria for success criteria for success Iron, apron
Assessment: In final completion of
*evaluation techniques *self-assess and peer-assess their project students will be assessed
designed solutions on their technical skills in graphic
design, their understanding and
*justify and document decisions execution of the design brief and their
made during conceptualisation
the development of designed

*reflect on their learning in the

design project
Weekly Play-by-Play
Length Time Teaching and learning tasks Registratio

Week 1 – 21 lesson Overview of project - What is a Logo

Teacher provides overview of the design project including class expectations, practical tasks and safe working practices.

T explains that over the next 5 weeks Ss will develop their graphic skills and knowledge of Logo designs to ultimately
design a Logo for the D&T departments new aprons accompanied with a portfolio for documentation.

T explains the purpose of a logo by identifying what it is and why it is used

Ss are invited to the front of the class to draw or write company logos that they know on the whiteboard which can be
used as a form of informal diagnostic assessment of students prior knowledge.

(Resource) Students watch the Youtube video Top 10 Business Logos to acknowledge popular logo designs:

In an open class discussion, Ss are prompted to discus positive and negative qualities of these logos in mind map activity
focusing on areas of colour, clarity, size, words used etc.

Task 1: Create a portfolio (empty shell), which you will add completed tasks to each lesson and submit at the completion
of week 5. The portfolio must include: front cover, contents page, numbered pages, and tasks (which are to be completed
each lesson).
Ss are to add completed mind map task (photo or scans can be used).
Portfolios can be completed on word or powerpoint or as a website using etc and saved in google drive folder.
2 lesson Explore the design process – origin, trends, prototypes

T discusses the meaning behind logos and how marketing and research effects the ultimate finalisation of a logo design.

CASE STUDY: T gives an example of the development of the Apple logo, showing multiple prototypes before the final
design, using the following link:


Task 2: Students break into groups to perform their own case study research on one specific logo and it’s design
process. Ss must answer the following questions in their portfolio: ‘what research did the company take before finalising
the logo design’, ‘how the design changed over the design process’, ‘what captured their attention’, ‘why it would
encourage them to buy the product’, ‘who was the logo marketed towards’ and compare the process to the Apple logo
design process.

3 lesson Research history of aprons – how the materials and styles have evolved and why

T explains the importance of understanding the product in order to create a logo design that correctly represents the

Ss research the history and evolution of the basic clothing protector, the apron.

Ss must include an example of an apron or equivalent used throughout the history of Aboriginal and Torres Straight
Islander peoples.

Task 3: Students are to create a timeline with annotations and illustrations on the history of the apron and add to their
portfolio, including at least one example of an apron or equivalent used by Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people.

4 lesson Students learn about orthography

T explains what orthography is and how it is used in logo design.

T gives examples of orthography on board and hands out orthography example sheet (Resource A)

Ss are invited to the front of the class to choose a ‘mystery cards’, which will have an adjective written on it e.g. beautiful,
edible, breakable

Task 4: Ss must use the word on their mystery card to create 3 different representations of the word using imagery
instead of letters. Students should complete task using coloured pencils or textures, however if advanced students
complete task early they may wish to convert it onto a computer program including photoshop or illustrator.
5 lesson Students learn to simplify an image into a traditional logo design

Ss learn to identify the graphical elements of a logo design and the differences between a logo design and a regular
image or photo

T provides handout (Resource B) of process from regular image to simplified image

Ss must find an image from an internet search engine or magazine that represents the adjective they used in the
previous lesson

Task 5: Students choose an image and simplify it using shading or one basic colour, to create an appropriate image that
could be used in a Logo. Students may sketch their image in pencil, use collage or use photoshop to complete task.

6 lesson Students incorporate geometric patterns into a logo

T introduces Ss to visual strengths of geometric patterns in graphic design

T goes over contrasting colours to remind students (Resource C)

Ss are given options of geometric design colouring pictures to complete using 2 x contrasting colours. They are to
choose on design to complete (Resource D, E, F, G)

Ss must also appropriate design into their own geometric pattern design using rulers for accuracy

Task 6: Ss are to add 2 completed geometric pattern designs into their portfolio. The first is a coloured in version of the
geometric design picture using contrasting colours to make it ‘pop’, and the second is their own geometric pattern design
(which has been appropriated from the first design).
Week 3 - 41 lesson Students receive Design Brief and commence research into project

T hands out Design Brief (Resource H)

T goes through project and design brief to ensure all Ss have a thorough understanding of whats expected

Ss identify requirements of a good logo design and identify what research they must first undertake
before the design process can commence.

T prompts students to consider key stakeholders values and expectations of design outcomes, which can
include the: style, image, safety, targeted audience, sustainability, cultural aspects, Aboriginal and Torres
Straight Islander influences etc.

Task 7: Students must identify any possible concerns of stakeholders by soliciting the needs and values
from peers, teachers and the wider community. Students can work in groups to do this in the form of a
survey or vote. Students should identify the values and attitudes of the school and its students which will
be incorporated into the design of the logo.

2 lesson Students use data collected to identify trends

Ss interpret data to reveal the most common themes associated with the values and attitudes of the
school and community

Ss must apply these findings into the design of their logo

Task 8: Students must write a short paragraph on the results of their collected data, demonstrating their
ability to interpret and apply information in new situations. Ss must identify the most common themes
which they will use as a basis for their logo design.

3 lesson Work on design

Ss draw connections among ideas and research to commence experimentation of a logo design

Ss sketch, plan and experiment using research and graphic skills to create a logo design that reflects
school values and attitudes

Task 9: Students demonstrate their ability to analyse information by experimenting with their gained
skills and knowledge to create a logo design that adheres to the design brief
4 lesson Create prototypes

Ss are required to produce at least 2 x prototypes of their logo design before final submission

Students should now have a basic concept which they can add further detail to in this lesson

Task 10: Students must show evidence of their design process by executing at least 2 x prototypes
before their final submission

5 lesson Refine design

Students should now be in the final stages of their design process, and can refine their work throughout
this lesson

Students may convert their hand drawn sketches into an electronic version, using either photoshop or

Task 11: Students must select their chosen prototype for submission, and refine their design to ensure it
effectively fulfils the design brief

6 lesson Finalise logo design and prepare for printing

Students must finalise their logo designs, ensuring they have all elements of brief incorporated into the
design and are ready for scanning or printing

Task 12: Students finalise their designs and prepare them for scanning or printing

Week 5 1 lesson Learn how to print logo on shirt - Print logo on shirt

T presents YOUTUBE presentation demonstrating how to

print designs onto transferable paper then apply to apron, using teflon paper and an iron

T hands out aprons to each students and assists them in printing designs and transferring them onto
aprons using a hot iron

Task 13: Students print their designs and transfer them onto the school aprons

2 lesson Finalise portfolio and presentation

Students are to finalise their portfolios including photos of their completed logo designs on the school

Task 14: Students are to complete portfolios and prepare for their presentations in the next lesson
3 lesson Students present their work to the class

Students present their work to the class, identifying the values and attitudes represented in the logo design and how they
have thoroughly adhered to the design brief.

Task 15: Students submit their portfolio and aprons to the teacher for marking

Academic Justification

It is essential that teachers produce quality educational standards through the use of effective programming

that fulfill the specific requirements of the NSW syllabus (NESA, 2012). A unit of work must consist of

engaging and high quality tasks that support diverse learning needs. To ensure lessons are differentiated to
cater for all students, a variety of pedagogical strategies must be used that adhere to a Universal Design for

Learning and Blooms Revised Taxonomy (2001), as well as the Quality Teaching (Model) in NSW Public

Schools (Ladwig & Gore, 2009) and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2017).

The Unit of Work (attached) has been developed using the NSW Design and Technology syllabus outcomes

(NESA,2012), enabling students to develop their technical skills and understanding of design concepts and

expand on their knowledge of the design process. Students must exhibit a thorough understanding of the

objectives provided in the differentiated lessons in order to successfully progress in this subject.

When planning a unit of work (UOW), age and stage level of the students must be considered. This UOW has

been developed for a group of Stage 4 learners in which appropriate strategies from Blooms Revised

Taxonomy (2001) have been implemented to establish learning goals and progress of students. The UOW

consists of 15 sequenced lessons, over the course of 5 weeks, which aim for students to develop their

ability to ‘Remember, Understand and Apply’ knowledge, and to begin showcasing their skills in


Commencing the UOW, an informal diagnostic assessment is used for the teacher to assess students prior

knowledge. Students are invited to the front of the class to openly express their knowledge of a logo. This

initiative promotes inclusivity 3.4 on the QT Model (Ladwig & Gore, 2009), and can be used to document

individual student progress throughout the unit which addresses AITSL Standard 5.1 ‘assess student
learning’. Heavily based group activity in this lesson and throughout the UOW promote social support 2.4

(Ladwig & Gore, 2009).

The central concept ‘Logo Design’ has been maintained throughout the UOW, in which a Universal Design

for Learning (UDL) approach has been implemented to explore the topic through multiple means of

representation (CAST, 2012) including narrative, literacy, visual literacy, group work, video, class discussion

and information and communication technologies (ICT). This enables students at all learning levels to

analyse the work of designers, addressing Outcome 4.3.1 (NESA, 2002).

The lessons have been scaffolded to engage students in problematic knowledge 1.3 (Ladwig & Gore, 2009)

by recognizing and reporting on multiple ideas and processes to create a Logo. Fun and engaging tasks have

been incorporated for students to develop their literacy and numeracy skills, which are kept simple with

minimal text to ensure students with lower literacy and numeracy skills are not intimidated by the task

(Lewthwaite et al. 2015). An example of this is in week 3 in which students create a survey or vote and

collect and analyse data to identify common trends demonstrating students understanding of the content

(Blooms Revised Taxonomy, 2001).

Weeks 2 is heavily focused on the development of graphical skills, enabling students to explore multiple

means of Action and Expression (CAST, 2012) in the chosen form of techniques adhering to outcome 4.5.1

(NESA, 2002).
The lessons are sequenced to prompt students to think about how issues and trends influence designers and

vice versa adhering to outcome 4.3.1 (NESA, 2002), in which students can build upon.

The portfolio task that has been included in this UOW is essential for the formal assessment of student

progress and understanding. It enables the teacher to monitor students participation aswell as provide

prompt and good quality feedback, which is a vital tool to assist students understanding of the modules. By

ensuring students are on task, will also create a more positive class environment which will help to prevent

discipline problems before they occur, assisting in a smoother running lesson (Edwards & Watts 2004).

A high use of teacher/student oral communication is implemented throughout the UOW which is an

appropriate decolonizing methodology for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander students as it resembles

their history of a non-written language (Chilisa, 2012). Various other means of representation are also used,

including written lesson outlines and visual examples, which are valuable tools for students with language

difficulties or hearing impairments, and offer students an opportunity to choose their own preferred way of

processing information (Strain, Kohler, & Goldstein, 1996). Providing written guidelines also help to support

students with challenging behaviour to understand lesson expectations more clearly ensuring high explicit

quality criteria is met, addressing Standard 3.5 ‘use effective classroom communication’.

The differentiated learning strategies implemented in this UOW also offer support for the Gifted and talented

students. Tasks are developed to be flexible, which enable individual learners to develop skills at their own

depth and rate. Gifted and talented students who are capable of producing work with more complexity are
encouraged to do so in each lesson, advancing their skills in ‘applying’, ‘analyzing’ and ‘evaluating’ (Blooms

Revised Taxonomy, 2001) more rapidly than their peers, without overloading them with additional work

which creates frustration and negativity towards education (Rowley, Jennifer L, 2008). An example of this is

in week 4 when Gifted and Talented students are able to go beyond the initial technical task of drawing a

logo and commence experimentation with design concepts using a computer program including photoshop

or illustrator, illustrating they have been supplied with multiple means of expression adhering to the UDL

(CAST, 2012). Each lesson in the UOW is scaffolded so that the teacher is the facilitator of learning, enabling

students to have the opportunity to engage in higher-order thinking Standard 1.4 (Kanevsky, 2002).

At the end of the UOW students are invited to present their completed work to the class. This

creates a positive and rewarding experience for students which establishes a sense of

belongingness in the classroom (Jackson, 2011).

The use of multiple means of representation, engagement and expression are used throughout this

UOW to establish diverse and engaging lessons that enable students of all learning levels to

undertake meaningful and challenging work, through the use of appropriate and differentiated

Resource A
Resource B
Resource C
Resource D, E, F, G Sourced from: Graphic Pear -
Resource H

Australia Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2014). Retrieved from

CAST, (2017). Retrieved from

Crosland, K. and Dunlap, G. (2012). Effective Strategies for the Inclusion of Children With Autism in
General Education Classrooms. Volume: 36 issue: 3, page(s): 251-269

Chilisa, B. (2012). Indigenous research methodologies. California, USA: Sage.

Edwards, C.H. and Watts, V. (2004). Classroom Discipline and Management an Australasian
Perspective. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Eggen, P. and Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms. New Jersey:

Harris. A. (1999). Teaching and Learning in the effective School. Haunts, UK: Ashgate Publishing

Jackson. Y. (2011). The Pedagogy of Confidence. NYC, USA: Teachers Collage Press

Ladwig, J.G. & Gore, J.M. (2009). Quality teaching in NSW Public Schools: a classroom practice
guide. Sydney Australia: Department of Education and Training. Retrieved from

Ladwig, J.G. & Gore, J.M. (2006). Quality teaching in NSW Public Schools: an assessment practice
guide. Sydney Australia: Department of Education and Training. Retrieved from
Lewthwaite, B. E., Osborne, B., Lloyd, N., Boon, H., Llewellyn, L., Webber, T., Laffin, G., Harrison, M.,
Day, C., Kemp, C., & Wills, J. (2015). Seeking a Pedagogy of Difference: What Aboriginal Students and
Their Parents in North Queensland Say About Teaching and Their Learning. Australian Journal of Teacher
Education, 40(5). Retrieved from

NSW Education Standards Authority (2012). Retrieved from

Rowley, Jennifer L. Teaching Strategies to Facilitate Learning for Gifted and Talented Students.
Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, Vol. 17, No. 2, Dec 2008: 36-42. Retrieved from

APA> ISSN: 1323-9686. [cited 10 Aug 17].

Strain P. S., Kohler F. W., Goldstein H. (1996). Peer-mediated interventions for young children with autism.
In Jensen P., Hibbs T. (Eds.), Psychosocial treatments of child and adolescent disorders (pp. 573-586).
Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health

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