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102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

Student’s Name: ______________________________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

Depth Study Investigation and Presentation Task No. 2

Subject: Physics
Weighting 30%

Stage: 6 Year: 12 HSC Total Marks 30

Topic Module 6: Electromagnetism

Submission Details and Instructions

 The Depth Study Date Issued: 19/03/18 and Due Date: 09/04/18.
 First-hand investigation must be of the DC electric motor from a practical
provided by your teacher or one found using ICT/secondary sources
performed at school with a teacher, which is completed 2 weeks before
the due date of the Conference PowerPoint Presentation.
 Conference PowerPoint Presentation displays knowledge and
understanding of the investigation relative to the motor effect with
background information.
 On a USB, the Conference PowerPoint Presentation is implemented that is
handed in by the due date on a USB in an envelope with the cover sheet.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Depth Study Student Acknowledgement

I, ______________________________ acknowledge that in agreement with the

School Assessment Policy and NESA guidelines, a Depth Study in Physics is due to
be handed in Monday the 09th of April 2018, during school hours.

Student’s Signature______________________________ Date: ____________

(This acknowledgement will be held by the teacher until the Depth Study has been
completed and submitted).

Western Sydney University 1

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

Outcomes Assessed

Knowledge and Understanding

PH12-13 explains and analyses the electric and magnetic interactions due to
charged particles and currents and evaluates their effect both
qualitatively and quantitatively

Working Scientifically Skills

PH12-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific


PH12-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and

secondary data and information

PH12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and

secondary data and information

PH12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical
thinking skills and scientific processes

PH12-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and

terminology for a specific audience or purpose

Learning Across the Curriculum

 Critical and creative thinking

 Ethical Understanding

The General Capabilities  Information and communication technology

 Intercultural Understanding

 Literacy

Western Sydney University 2

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824


In a conference (classroom), it is your job to demonstrate and explain the motor

effect to the students of Western Sydney University (WSU). During this
conference, you will identify, explain, distinguish and justify the first-hand
investigation of the DC electric motor applying scientific knowledge and
understanding of electromagnetism concepts and ideas. As the conference
speaker, it is your choice to assemble this depth study individually.

Task Description

1. A first-hand investigation to model the motor effect by creating a DC

electric motor is completed individually. Information’s and Communications
Technology (ICT) is integrated exploring secondary sources to find a DC
electric motor practical suitable for the class laboratory. The teacher will
observe as you perform the suitable first-hand investigation during class time.
In a PowerPoint presentation, your first-hand investigation of your DC electric
motor needs to include the following (15 marks):
 Summary
 A brief description of main points of investigation aim and hypothesis,
method, results, discussion, conclusion.
 Aim and Hypothesis
 The purpose, focus and supposition
 Equipment
 Galvanometer
 Methodology
 Record of results
 Voltage of the power supply
 Distance between the two magnets
 Direction of the current
 Discussion

2. In a Conference PowerPoint Presentation, you display the findings of the

reported first-hand investigations concerning the collection of qualitative and
quantitative data, and explanations of that data. The presentation slides should
display (15 marks):
 Background information

Western Sydney University 3

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

 Scientific theory (e.g. theory, laws and formulae)

 From the conducted investigation of the motor effect examine the
magnetic forces on a current-carrying wire using a current balance:
- Force vs current
- Force vs length of wire
- Force vs magnetic field strength
- Force vs angle of wire with field
 Procedure of first-hand investigation
 Discussion
 Research and report on the relationship between work and voltage.
 Using 𝐹 = 𝑞𝑣 ⊥ 𝐵 = 𝑞𝑣𝐵𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 calculate force on a charge for the
DC electric motor
 Calculate the torque on the coil in newton-metres (N.m) using:
𝜏 = 𝑛𝐵𝐼𝐴𝐶𝑜𝑠𝜃
 Identify what plane the maximum torque occurs
 Conclusion
 Implications
 Reflection
 What could have been done better
 How the investigation was relevant to the motor effect
 What worked and what didn’t
 Why the investigation was performed this way

Differentiated Learning Adjustments

 Modifications to the assessment e.g. extra time, rest breaks, adequate

environment, or the use of a teacher’s aide and/or scribe or specific
 Modifications to assessment tasks e.g. adjusting questioning or using basic
language, less questions or substituted arrangements for questions
 A substitution of response arrangements, e.g. written point form or notes,
scaffolded designed responses, small objective questions or multimedia
 An advisor may be employed to apply additional support with assessment
content e.g. assisting in first-hand investigation, putting together PowerPoint
presentation and guidance with referencing.

Western Sydney University 4

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824


The depth study requires you to perform a first-hand investigation of the DC

electric motor effect with procedures found from secondary sources or from your
teacher. A Conference PowerPoint Presentation is assembled with headings, sub-
headings and relevant content of knowledge and understanding of the depth study.


APA referencing is required to cite secondary sources used for the depth study to
gain appropriate and relevant information. This referencing site is an example of
how to reference your sources:

 Link:


 Comments on the First-hand investigation and Conference PowerPoint

Presentation will be available via Google docs or in class prior to receiving
 Grade/marks will be provided after comments and given individually to each
student to maintain personal discretion.

Western Sydney University 5

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

Marking Guideline/Rubric

Assessment Standards for Depth Study Assessment Task 2 (30%)

Criteria E (0-14) D (15-19) C (20-22) B (23-25) A (26-30)

Questioning and Attempts to classify Attempts to construct Elaborates Elaborates Elaborates and
Predicting inquiry and or investigative questions, investigative questions investigative questions evaluates investigative
hypothesis and or aim hypothesis and aim for and hypotheses by and hypotheses that questions and
for PowerPoint PowerPoint classifying ideas in the can be explored hypotheses by
presentation. presentation. PowerPoint scientifically for first- classifying ideas that
presentation. hand investigation. can be explored
Attempts to construct Assesses investigation. scientifically.
investigative questions, Adapts inquiries and
hypothesis and aim for hypotheses, then
investigation. reviews established on

Planning Investigations Attempts to create an Adjusts investigation Attempts to create an Creates investigations Creates investigations
appropriate for data collection in appropriate for data collection in for data collection and
investigation for data relation to student’s investigation for data relation to an inquiry or improves investigations
collection. inquiry. collection. scientific concept. established on results
Investigation is an Explains and assesses or classifies and
organised, objective the presence of conveys new
test permitting reliable scientific constant in investigations.
and valid data investigation. Explains, assesses the
collection. investigation design,
and adjusts this
investigation in relation
to new evidence.

Conducting Among help, an Monitors own Conducts planned Identifies problems of Efficiently conducts and
Investigations investigation is investigation and investigation for data the collection of data develops investigation
conducted following a records results. collection. during the investigation for data collection.
process. Finds secondary Applies appropriate and adjusts or modifies Applies technology to
Collection of data is sources and investigative investigation assess the accuracy of
obtained from acknowledges them for technology to assess appropriately. the investigation.
investigation with

Western Sydney University 6

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

relevant secondary PowerPoint the accuracy of Utilises technology to Selects reliable

data. presentation. investigation. evaluate the accuracy secondary sources and
Integrates secondary of investigations. obtains appropriate
sources that are Selects reliable information and
reliable in PowerPoint secondary sources and references secondary
presentation. references sources in sources with APA
PowerPoint referencing in
presentation. PowerPoint
Problem Solving Examines questions Accurately and critically Solves scientific Assesses procedures Evaluates processes,
instinctively with a examines second hand problems using and solves problems and solves problems
scientific foundation. data for DC electric evidence to support critically, regarding critically, regarding
motor. critical thinking. evidence to clarify evidence to clarify
understanding. understanding.
Recognises potential Discusses possible
changes to alternatives to
justifications. explanations.
Applies figures to justify Assesses the
experiences and application of figures to
construct estimates. justify experiences and
construct estimates.

Communication Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates

scientific understanding scientific understanding scientific understanding scientific scientific understanding
with incomplete using fundamental efficiently using understanding, concisely, rationally,
scientific language. scientific language and scientific terms and rationally, and and reliably using
Attempts to employs nomenclature. employs nomenclature. efficiently using accurate and exact
communicate scientific Attempts to Communicates accurate scientific scientific terms and
understanding within Communicate scientific scientific understanding terms and employs employs nomenclature
PowerPoint understanding in a using appropriate nomenclature in in diverse forms and
presentation. minimum of two distinct language and jargon in diverse forms and extensive choice of
arrangements within a variety of forms extensive choice of contexts.
PowerPoint throughout the contexts. Communicates
presentation. PowerPoint Communicates effectively at a family
presentation. scientific understanding discussion standard of
efficiently and can scientific
construct research and understanding.
evidence-based Constructs research
secondary sources and evidence-based

Western Sydney University 7

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

opinions in the secondary sources

PowerPoint posing opinions to
presentation. provide a justification in
the PowerPoint

Application of Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates detailed Demonstrates

Electromagnetism fundamental fundamental adequate understanding of advanced
Knowledge understanding of understanding of understanding of content and understanding of
content and content and content and comprehension of content and
comprehension of comprehension of comprehension of subject concepts, and comprehension of
subject concepts, and subject concepts, and subject concepts, and employs sophisticated subject concepts, and
employs some skills employs skills and employs skills and skills and procedures in employs exceedingly
and procedures with procedures in some procedures in a choice a choice of contexts. established skills and
direction. recognisable contexts. of recognisable procedures in an
contexts. inclusive choice of

Western Sydney University 8

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824


The Framework for School Development and Accountability for New South Wales
(NSW) government schools was established and implemented to apply effective
educational outcomes across the state for the diversity of students (Smith, 2005).
During 1989 and 1993 the frameworks of Australian National Curriculum and
assessment for all learning areas has developed significant outcomes especially on
Science Curriculums (Hackling, Goodrum & Rennie, 2001). When the 1993 collapse
of National Curriculum initiatives occurred the Australian States and Territories
revaluated the Science Syllabuses and Curriculum Frameworks (Hackling, Goodrum
& Rennie, 2001). Following this, redevelopment of new Science Syllabuses,
Curriculum and assessments frameworks was implemented, which included
important features of the old assessment frameworks (Hackling, Goodrum & Rennie,
2001). NESA (2017d) states that “the Syllabuses provide a set of broad learning
outcomes that summarise the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes
important for students to succeed in and beyond their schooling.” Based on this
information, the present Science Syllabuses and Curriculum Frameworks has been
adapted to offer a suitable, modern and progressive idea of the recommended
Science Curriculum, as conveyed in the Physics Stage 6 Syllabus incorporating
Australian Curriculum content (NESA, 2017d). Nonetheless, there is an absence of
national attention to Science education, with Australian States and Territories
incorporating their own specific Syllabuses and Curriculum Frameworks, boarding
minimal cooperative improvements that have the possibility to acquire exceptional
Curriculum resources or professional development programs (Hackling, Goodrum &
Rennie, 2001). Evidently NSW has instigated Science and Technology to be
combined into one key learning area, which is explored in the Physics Stage 6
Syllabus content of modules (Treagust et al., 2015; NESA, 2017d). This establishes
a modified national Science Curriculum developed by the States and Territories to
emphasis Science and technological specific content into pre-service teacher
education for suitable adjustment of pedagogical strategies represented in the
classroom (Treagust et al., 2015).

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2008

implemented the formation of the national school curriculum and evaluation of
student educational performance with the National Assessment Program (NAP)
(ACARA, 2013). Following in 2011, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School
Leadership (AITSL) was created that classifies and sustains the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at a national level with the authorised
process for initial teacher education programs (AITSL, 2011). AITSL have signified
improvements in education quality that focuses analytically on teacher quality to
increase student achievement (AITSL, 2011). The documented APSTs stated by
AITSL (2011) has been integrated as a successful approach to improve a teacher’s
pedagogy adapting teaching performance using effective scaffolding (Treagust et al.,
2015). Treagust et al. (2015) has found that every 3 years’ students of only year 6
have their scientific knowledge evaluated in Australia compared to the National
Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), which is evaluated every
year for years 3, 5, 7 and 9. However, there appears to be bias towards maintaining
subtraction of Science assessments in a measured program that is compared among
the nation, as this may counteract Science inquiry and interdisciplinary activities
being taught especially in Stage 6 Science subjects (Treagust et al., 2015).

Western Sydney University 9

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

Outdated assessment practices persist to be a substantial problem to educational

improvement in NSW secondary schools, due to teachers essentially teaching
excessive subject content catering to assessment preparation requirements for
students (Hackling, Goodrum & Rennie, 2001). On the contrary, Smith (2005) states
the School Measurement, Assessment and Reporting Toolkit (SMART) is integrated
across NSW schools for testing programs including the Basic Skills Test and Primary
Writing Assessments in Years 3 and 5, the Computer Skills Assessment (CSA) in
Year 6, and the English Language and Literacy Assessment (ELLA) and Secondary
Numeracy Program (SNAP) in Years 7 and 8. The expansion of SMART further
exercises learning achievement, however is still subject to minimal Science based
assessment measures. In this exclusion, the development of the new Physics Stage
6 Syllabus has integrated depth studies that focus specifically on Working
Scientifically skills coupled with knowledge and understanding in relation to Physics
Stage 6 modules concepts and ideas (NESA, 2017d). Depth studies in Physics
encompass choice, opportunity, in-depth understanding of ideas and concepts,
student responsibility, differentiation, engagement, support for all types of
assessment, and validates Working Scientifically skills (NESA, 2017d).

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) (2017b) identifies and explains the
types of assessment teachers integrate for their students to evaluate educational
achievement, known as assessment for learning, assessment as learning and
assessment of learning. Assessment for learning known as formative assessment
appears during the teaching and learning method to illuminate student learning and
understanding (NESA, 2017b). Assessment as learning establishes that students are
their own assessors encouraging students to take responsibility for their own
learning (NESA, 2017b). Assessment of learning known as summative assessment
appears at clear significant points throughout a unit of work or at a unit’s conclusion,
term/semester, and may be used to rank or grade students, its efficiency as a
prospect for learning varies on the type and quality of feedback (NESA, 2017b). The
increased emphasis on assessment is due to the impact on learning that discovers a
student’s level of educational ability. Conversely, aspects of valid formal tests require
a subjective approach, encompassing a teacher’s judgement improving student’s
behaviours of performance reliability in types of assessment (Stanley, MacCann,
Gardner, Reynolds & Wild, 2009). Hackling, Goodrum & Rennie (2001) found on
average that 55% of types of assessment are summative tests and the amount of
content and knowledge for these tests are too overwhelming for students. Instigating
an issue among student learning as types of assessment are mostly summative
focusing on unreliable content driven expectations instead of student outcomes.

Hackling, Goodrum & Rennie (2001) discovered that a third of students did not
receive productive and/or progressive feedback during class time, only marks or
grades, in respect to Science following syllabus content. Feedback based on marks
and grades displays minimal improvements in learning, while feedback projected in
comments portrayed reliable and valid results as it had the most positive effects in
student learning adjustments (Butler, 1988). For this result it was shown that
comments were unreliable if a mark was given due to students ignoring the
comments provided (Black, 2014). Although is still valid as it may be the
responsibility of teachers to give marks and comments due to parent inquiry and/or
school policy (Black, 2014). Feedback being delivered in only comments would

Western Sydney University 10

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

require a subjective, formative and differentiated approach cratering for suitable

judgement towards the diversity of each students learning ability (Black, 2014). A
useful strategy is student self-assessment with teacher’s feedback allowing students
to correct, justify and reflect on their own work (Black, 2014). Dweck (2000) outlined
that various methods of feedback develop important effects on students’
understanding of themselves to achieve educational improvements. Emphasising an
unreliable marking scheme as feedback portrays characteristics of being
unintellectual or intellectual without reasoning and explanation (Dweck, 2000). Gifted
and talented (GAT) students were noted to possibly approach this marks based
feedback with hesitation to take risks in summative assessments as this could
jeopardise potential assessment marks (Black, 2014). Students with special needs or
English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) will foresee failure and apply no
effort as there is no significance in the overall outcome (Black, 2014). Studies have
shown that these various methods of feedback in respect to types of assessment
can affect students’ resilience causing problems within the student’s future adult lives
(Dweck, 2000). Peer-assessment and self-assessment, types of formative
assessment, reflect on one another’s students own work in discussions adopting
positive feedback in the consideration of opinions and perspectives of assessments
(Black, 2014). This formative assessment approach of assessment develops deep
meaning in Physics concepts and ideas aimed at students becoming more confident
independent learners (Black, 2014). Black (2013) explored the teachers’ skills and
practices of summative assessment that developed a model concerning the role of
assessment in pedagogy. This model pinpoints assessment inside five steps of
guided instruction involved in planning and implementing teaching and learning that
clarifies aims, plans activities, implements formative activities, and engages informal
then formal summative assessment (Black, 2013).

Assessment instruments evaluate students learning progress and growth of Physics

based content experienced through the various types of assessment. Common
examples of assessment instruments and methods found in the US by Cao, Jung &
Lee (2017) include level of ability tests and level of performance assessments
coupled with educational interventions. These instruments and methods identify GAT
students, low achievers, students with special needs and students with EAL/D.
Qualifying the level of student’s ability that allows for observing development and
progression in these students and the evaluation of assessment instruments and
methods implemented (Cao, Jung & Lee, 2017). Differentiated approaches are
utilised by these various assessment instruments and methods to increase choice of
assessment and to improve usefulness and accuracy of assessments created (Cao,
Jung & Lee, 2017). Several evidence-based procedures are currently applied that
identify how the data collected in these assessment instruments and methods may
be employed to notify educational and associated choices (Cao, Jung & Lee, 2017).
Growth improvements in research and evidenced-based studies on assessment in
relation to GAT students has experienced a progressive increase in the last few
years and continues to do so (Cao, Jung & Lee, 2017). The study of Physics
provides the foundation knowledge and skills required to support participation in
student’s adult lives. The Physics Stage 6 syllabus applies advanced and inventive
thinking to accommodate new challenges aligned with the Australian Curriculum
(NESA, 2017d). Integrating assessment is an essential component of the teaching
and learning cycle and the types of assessment are approaches that enable
teachers to gather evidence and make effective judgements with feedback about

Western Sydney University 11

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

student achievement (NESA, 2017a). In conclusion, an effective school, with their

independent resources, continuously focuses on educational improvements and
achievement by incorporating self-evaluation, reporting, review and development,
which is identified in the NSW Framework for School Development and
Accountability (Smith, 2005).

Western Sydney University 12

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2011).

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2013).

The shape of the Australian Curriculum 4.0. Retrieved from

Black, P. (2014). Assessment and the aims of the curriculum: An explorer's

journey. Prospects, 44(4), 487-501.

Black, P. (2013). Pedagogy in theory and practice: Formative and summative

assessments in classrooms and state systems. In D. Corrigan, R. Gunstone, & A.
Jones (Eds.), Valuing assessment in science education: Pedagogy, curriculum,
policy (pp. 207–229). Amsterdam: Sage.

Butler, R. (1988). Enhancing and undermining intrinsic motivation: The effects

of task-involving and egoinvolving evaluation on interest and performance. British
Journal of Educational Psychology, 58(1), 1–14.

Cao, T. H., Jung, J. Y., & Lee, J. (2017). Assessment in gifted education: A
review of the literature from 2005 to 2016. Journal of Advanced Academics, 28(3),
163-203. doi:

Dweck, C. S. (2000). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality and

development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

Hackling, M. W., Goodrum, D., & Rennie, L. J. (2001). The state of science in
australian secondary schools. Australian Science Teachers Journal, 47(4), 6-17.
Retrieved from https://search-proquest-

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2017a). Assessment and

Reporting in Physics Stage 6. Retrieved from

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2017b). Assessment for, as

and of Learning. Retrieved from

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2017c). Differentiated


Western Sydney University 13

102091 – Secondary Curriculum 2B Student ID: 17464824

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2017d). Physics Stage 6

Syllabus. Retrieved from

Smith, M. (2005). Data for schools in NSW: What is provided and can it help?
Retrieved from

Stanley, G., MacCann, R., Gardner, J., Reynolds, L., & Wild, I. (2009). Review
of teacher assessment: What works best and issues for development. Oxford:
Oxford University Centre for Educational Development

Treagust, D. F., Won, M., Petersen, J., & Wynne, G. (2015). Science teacher
education in australia: Initiatives and challenges to improve the quality of teaching.
Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26(1), 81-98.

Western Sydney University 14

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