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Sexuality Midterm Study Guide

Chapters 1-7

1) Chapter One: Perspectives on Human Sexuality……………………….……..1

2) Studying Human Sexuality………………………………………………………..…….29
3) Female Sexual Anatomy, physiology, and response …………………….…68
4) Male Sexual Anatomy, physiology, and response………………………....105
5) Gender & Gender Roles……………………………………….…….125
6) Sexuality in childhood and adolescence……………...…….158
7) Sexuality in Adulthood……………..………………………….…….187
8) Love & communication in intimate Relationships…..….218

1. Perspectives on Human Sexuality

 Sexuality, Popular Culture, and the Media

o Media Portrayals of Sexuality
o Television
o Hollywood Films
o Computer Sex and Dial-a-Porn
 Sexuality Across Cultures and Times
o Sexual Impulses
o Sexual Orientation
o Gender
 Societal Norms and Sexuality
o Natural Sex
o Think About It: Am I Normal?
o Think About It: Declaration of Sexual Rights
o Normal Sex
o Sexual Behavior and Variations
o Think About It: My Genes Made Me Do It: Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology, and the Mysteries of

2. Studying Human Sexuality

 Sex, Advice Columnists, and Pop Psychology

o Information and Advice as Entertainment
o The Use and Abuse of Statistics
o Practically Speaking: Evaluating Pop Psychology
 Thinking Critically About Sex
o Value Judgments Versus Objectivity
o Opinions, Biases, and Stereotypes
o Confusing Attitudes and Behavior
o Common Fallacies: Egocentric and Ethnocentric Thinking
 Sex Research Methods
o Research Concerns
o Clinical Research
o Survey Research
o Practically Speaking: Answering a Sex Research Questionnaire
o Observational Research
o Experimental Research
 The Sex Researchers
o Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902)
o Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
o Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)
o Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956)
o William Masters and Virginia Johnson
 Contemporary Research Studies
o The National Health and Social Life Survey
o The Youth Risk Behavior Survey
o The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
o The National Survey of Family Growth
o The National AIDS Behavior Survey
o The Multicultural Men’s Health Study
 Emerging Research Perspectives
o Feminist Scholarship
o Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Research
o Directions for Future Research
 Ethnicity and Sexuality
o African Americans
o Latinos
o Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

3. Female Sexual Anatomy, physiology, and response

 Female Sex Organs: What Are They For?

o External Structures (the Vulva)
o Internal Structures
o Practically Speaking: Vaginal Secretions and Lubrication
o Other Structures
o The Breasts
 Female Sexual Physiology
o Reproductive Hormones
o The Ovarian Cycle
o The Menstrual Cycle
o Practically Speaking: Medical Care: What Do Women Need?
 Female Sexual Response
o Sexual Response Models
o Desire: Mind or Matter?
o Experiencing Sexual Arousal
o Think About It: The Role of the Orgasm

4. Male Sexual Anatomy, physiology, and response

 Male Sex Organs: What Are They For?

o External Structures
o Think About It: The Penis: More Than Meets the Eye
o Internal Structures
o The Breasts and Other Structures
 Male Sexual Physiology
o Sex Hormones
o Think About It: Does Testosterone Cause Aggression?
o Spermatogenesis
o Semen Production
 Male Sexual Response
o Erection
o Ejaculation and Orgasm
o Practically Speaking: Can an Erection Be Willed?
5. Gender & Gender Roles

 Studying Gender and Gender Roles

o Sex, Gender, and Gender Roles: What’s the Difference?
o Sex and Gender Identity
o Masculinity and Femininity: Opposites or Similar?
o Gender and Sexual Orientation
o Gender Theory
 Gender-Role Learning
o Theories of Socialization
o Gender-Role Learning in Childhood and Adolescence
o Gender Schemas: Exaggerating Differences
 Contemporary Gender Roles
o Traditional Gender Roles
o Changing Gender Roles
o Androgyny
 When Gender Is Ambiguous: Intersexuality, Transsexuality, and Transgenderism
o Intersexuality: Atypical Chromosomal and Hormonal Conditions
o Think About It: A New Approach in the Treatment of Sexual Ambiguities
o Transsexuality
o Think About It: Transsexual Surgery
o The Transgender Phenomenon

6. Sexuality in childhood and adolescence

a. Infancy & Childhood (ages 0 – 11)
i. Infancy and sexual response (0-2)
ii. Childhood Sexuality (3 – 11)
iii. The Family Context
b. Adolescence (ages 12 – 19)
i. Psychosocial Development
ii. Adolescence Sexual Behavior
iii. Teenage Pregnancy
iv. Sexuality Education
c. Summary
7. Sexuality in Adulthood
o Sexuality in early adulthood
 Developmental Concerns
 Establishing Sexual Orientation
 Being Single
 Cohabitation
o Sexuality In Middle Adulthood
 Developmental Concerns
 Sexuality in Established Relationships
 Divorce & After
o Sexuality in Late Adulthood
 Developmental Concerns
 Stereotypes of Aging
 Sexuality & Aging

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