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Scene 1

Close-up shot of clock (digital or otherwise) indicating 1:00 AM. Sounds of a computer game
and computer use play in the background. Cut to close-up of MC’s face, illuminated by the light
of the computer. Transition to medium shot, capturing the computer and MC. MC’s body is
angled to the computer in incorrect posture, hunched over the screen.

MC yawns and rubs her eyes, stretching back as she looks thoughtfully at the screen.

A loud knocking can be heard, and the MC’s expression becomes annoyed. Camera cut to
door, face height.

Tatay: ‘Nak? Anong oras na ba? Sinabi ko na patayin mo na ang kompyuter na yan!

MC: I’m reviewing for the midterms, it’s fine. I’ll sleep soon. *underneath her breath* Shit, the
volume’s too high.

Father’s voice is agitated and gets louder.

Tatay: Naririnig ko yan! Anong klaseng midterms may barilan?! Araw-araw ka nang nagpupuyat
sa paglaro, di mo kasi alam paano magtrabaho. ​Camera shot back to MC’s face. ​Pumunta ka
pa sa klase, sige.​ ​Walang kwentang klase na yan!

MC stops looking annoyed and puts on a headset with a blank expression. Medium shot.

Mother’s voice is softer, with less anger and more concern. Her voice is more distant.

Nanay: Kalma ka lang, bata pa lang siya. Matututo rin siya.

Father’s voice is softer, more distant, but still angry.

Tatay: Ilang milenya pa hihintayin natin? Bagsak pa rin mga marka niya. Ayaw niyang makinig
sa atin. Nakalock pa ang pintuan!

Nanay: Sandali nga.

Mother’s voice becomes less distant. Close-up to the back of MC’s head.

Nanay*​muffled​*: Matulog ka na rin, ha? Hinaan mo na ‘yang kompyuter para di na maka-abala

pa. Sana nga lang ay nag-aral ka talaga.

No more sounds can be heard beyond the door.​ ​MC keeps on playing. Feel free to use any kind
of shot to symbolize this. Fade to black.
End of Scene 1
Abrupt cut to morning. Quick cut to MC on computer, looking tired. Cut to computer screen
showing Google results for ‘undergrad jobs’. Several tabs are open, with all the results on
Google being purple.

MC: *forces herself to get off the chair, almost falling out of it*

Montage for getting ready for school. You may perform this however you want but
emphasize that she really doesn’t want to go to school and has a bad family relationship.
Maximum amount of time allotted for this is 30 seconds.

Scene 2

On her way to school when suddenly her phone dings (notification pop-up sound). She stops
walking then goes to the side to check her phone.

*notif sounds*
Sa screen : ​Ryan sends a message to your group.

Andrea: Ano nanaman kaya ito?

[Close up shot ng pag-open niya ng phone niya then focus sa mukha ng MC while
reading the hate messages from her bully.]

Hate messages [Groupchat] :

[while nagpo-pop out yung mga messages may voice-over]

Ryan: Sino sa atin yung english ng english hindi naman taga-America?

Lady: Sino pa edi si @Andrea HAHAHAHAH

Rap: Kaya siguro walang mga kaibigan, kawawa naman 😂😂😂

Danna: @Andrea Kala mo kung sino e puro bagsak naman yung mga grades

Menor: Aral aral din kase pag may time tsk tsk

*May magsesend ng picture ni Andrea sa gc*

Lady: Ano ba yan HAHAHAHAHA

Danna: Bakit ganyan yung itsura niya HAHAHAHA *sends laughing stickers*

Andrea: Bakit ba kayo ganyan sa akin? Hindi naman ako ganyan ah. Kala niyo kung sino kayo
pero pare-pareho lang tayo rito.

Datuharon: O ano iiyak ka na niyan? 😂😂😂

*note: pwede kayong magadlib ng mga pangbubully kay Andrea*

After basahin ni Andrea yung mga chat ng classmates niya gloomy yung mukha niya
yung tipong paiyak na.

Sa halip na didiretso siya sa gate ng school, tumalikod siya tapos tumingin siya sa langit
( makakakita siya ng airplane) at naglakad papalayo. [ longing look while staring at the

End of Scene 2

Scene 3

Camera cuts to medium shot of house. Background noises start a moment before a cut
to a body shot of Andrea reclining on the couch with a newspaper in hand. Camera is
angled, hiding the contents of what she’s reading, focus is on her face.

( Background sound: people eating)

Tatay: (In a cheery tone, loud and hearty) Anong ginawa sa eskwelahan ngayon, (Sister’s

Sister: *laughs*

(Small talk in the background, voices of sister and father clearly heard and distinguishable.
Ad-lib for petty topics is fine.) (*lower the volume of their conversation. They need to keep it up
till the end of the scene.)

*Footsteps can be heard approaching. Mother enters scene.*

Switch angle so that it’s over Mother’s shoulder, angled downward at Andrea. Don’t give
away Mother’s face, keep Andrea central to the shot.

(Andrea doesn’t look at her mother when she comes up.)

Nanay: Andrea anak, bakit ang aga ng uwian mo kanina? Alam ko dismissal mo sa alas-tres,
pero bumalik ka wala pang ala-una.

Cut to close-up shot of Andrea’s face from the side away from her Mother. Include the
Mother in the shot, but blur everything that isn’t Andrea and the newspaper.

(Andrea’s face is expressionless.)

Andrea: *hindi pinansin yung tanong ng nanay niya*

Nanay: *sighs* (Mother rubs her nose bridge in exasperation) Ay sya, halika muna at kumain,
sumabay ka na sa amin.

Andrea: (In a terse tone) Not hungry.

Cut to a shot of the newspaper in her hand. She’s looking for job applications. Cut to an
extreme close-up of a job title of Call Center Agent. A hand comes into view and
underlines the title with a pen. If that job title is unavailable, look for anything that says
‘Undergrad’, ‘Comprehension in English’, or ‘No experience required’. If none of those
can be seen, just show that she’s checking the job section of the newspaper.

(Mas maganda if yung ink ng pen is blue or red)

(Take a close shot of the encircling of jobs part)

End of scene 3

Scene 4

Setting: Andrea’s room

Si Andrea ay nakatingin sa may kawalan (wall or window) and is sitting in a slouched

position on a chair. Nakatulala siya at malalim ang iniisip. Camera is facing the back of
her head slightly below face height, angled so that it only catches the back of her head
and her left cheek (or right cheek).

(Give five seconds of silence or so.)

Andrea: (In a flat tone) … Life sucks.

(Ding notification sound comes from her laptop/PC/computer thingy) (Andrea turns her head,
but almost immediately goes back to staring at nothing in particular.)
Cut to a medium shot taken from the side at slightly above face height, with Andrea being
the only thing in focus. Background is blurry.

Andrea: *sighs*

(More dinging noises.)

(Andrea puts up with five seconds of constant dinging noises)

Andrea: *groans* I forgot to mute the group chat…

(Andrea turns her head to the computer) ​Blur Andrea, computer comes into focus. It’s on a
new tab in our favorite browser, Microsoft Edge™.

Cut to shot of Andrea from the perspective of the computer.

(Andrea, leans over and puts her fingers on the keyboard, not pressing anything, but making the
noise a keyboard makes when you set your fingers on it heavily without inputting anything.)

Cut to close up of tab selection. There are five tabs, with the new tab being the last.
Fourth is Facebook Messenger, third is a PDF of that Organic Chemistry book Nigel sent,
second is Twitter’s #walangpasok, the first tab being the ‘undergrad jobs’ Google search
she hadn’t closed yet.

Cut to medium shot of computer screen (hopefully, there’s no glare or harsh glow),
displaying the contents of the screen.

Andrea (voice in the background): Control W, Control W, Control W, Control W…

(For each Control W, emphasize the sound of the keyboard and make a tab disappear.)

(Andrea pauses.)

Andrea: Hmm…

Cut to medium shot of both Andrea and the computer. Andrea looks like she’s thinking.

Andrea: … Control E.

(Then she starts typing ‘how to make a resume’ quickly and presses Enter)

End the scene when she taps ‘Enter’, with a loud keyboard noise. ​Cut to black.
Scene re-opens with the sound of printing. Cut to tab selection. There are many tabs
open, ‘how to make a resume’, ‘undergrad jobs in manila’, ‘what is minimum wage’, ‘call
center agent entry-level openings’. Have a couple of tabs open to actual job search

Cut to a medium shot of Andrea retrieving the printed papers. Cut to a notepad paper
with essentials like ‘Food for one week’, ‘Water for two weeks’, ‘Three day’s changes of
clothes’ etc.

Slowly fade to black.

Andrea: *mumbles* I can do this. I can do this!

Cut. End of scene four.

Scene 5

Time transition. Editing guys, do what you will, I don’t know what’s the easiest way to do

Scene starts with Andrea in a shady place with red lights sneaking out of her house.
She’s carrying a very bulky backpack and a very bulky camping bag. Camera shot is a far
shot directly across from the door.

Andrea: (Looks to be rushing and checks over her shoulder every now and then)

(Door opens, revealing Sister)

(Andrea stops, looking like she still wants to keep moving.)

Cut to medium shot of Sister.

Sister: Saan ka pupunta, ate? Madami kang dala.

Cut to medium shot of both people at face height.

Andrea: (Stutters) Uh, I’m going to work. Lots of materials needed.

(Andrea shifts nervously, unused to lying.)

Sister: *confused* Wala namang pasok ngayon. Kailan ka babalik? Baka makakalimutan mo
namang kumain.
Andrea: I’ll probably be gone for a long time. Don’t worry, I’ve already told our parents.

(Note: She hasn’t.)

Sister: Okay. Kapag wala ka pa mamaya, sa akin na lang ang pagkain mo ah!

(Andrea nods hastily before walking very quickly away.)

Cut to black. Silence for three seconds.

*clatter of tableware*

Tatay: *angry concern* Ano?! Umalis siya?! Kailan mo ba nakita?

Nanay: *worried* Tawagin mo si tita, baka alam niya!

*frantic footsteps*

Kapatid: *tearful* Akala ko lang pupunta para gumawa ng project!

Tatay: Naniwala ka pa! Hindi naman siya ganyan kasipag!

Nanay: Hello?! Hello po, Tita (whatever), nakita mo ba si Andrea?! Nawawala siya!

*everyone starts talking over each other. Ad-lib whatever.*


End of scene five.

Scene starts with Andrea sleeping in a cardboard box in an alley entering a door to a
cheap-looking dormitory. She’s dressed in clothes suitable for a call-center agent.
Camera is angled towards the open side of the door.

Andrea: *sighs tiredly*

Camera cuts to the very trashy looking dormitory and the even trashier looking people.
They ignore her.

Andrea: (Walks past people and falls on bed facefirst.)

(Ding notification. Andrea brings out her phone. It’s her Sister.)
Andrea: Huh.

Phone screen shows a really long chain of messages from her sister, some angry at her
for lying, others begging for her to come back. All of them are seen and have no
response from her.

Kapatid: [dalawang taon na]

[bat di ka sumasagot?]
[unblock mo na si tay]
[hindi na siya galit sayo]

Cut away from phone to medium shot of bed.

(Andrea sets the phone aside. It keeps dinging.)

Roommate: Sino ba yan? Ang ingay niya ah!

Andrea: It’s fine. It’s only a person I didn’t feel like blocking.

Close-up of Andrea’s face. She looks happy.

Fade to black.

Final scene ends.

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