Help From The Sky: Leveraging Uavs For Disaster Management

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Help from the Sky:

Leveraging UAVs for
Disaster Management
This survey of advances in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for
network-assisted first response to disaster management covers disaster
prediction, assessment, and response, presenting network architectures
for geophysical, climate-induced, and meteorological disasters based on
interaction between the UAV and wireless sensor network.

arge-scale natural disasters test the and response. When a disaster occurs, the most
most fundamental human instinct important issue is preserving human lives. In
of survival by inflicting massive and this context, the first 72 hours after the disas-
often unpredictable losses of life and ter hits are the most critical, which means that
property. Various types of natural search and rescue (SAR) operations must be
disasters, such as geophysical (earthquake, tsu- conducted quickly and efficiently. The major
nami, volcano, landslide, and avalanche), hydro- problem is the lack of communication and situ-
logical (flash-floods, debris flow, and floods), ational awareness during a disaster, forcing first
climatological (extreme temperature, drought, responder teams to improvise and thus degrad-
and wildfire) and meteorologi- ing the efficiency of the rescue mission.2
cal (tropical storm, hurricane, This article reviews the latest advances in
Milan Erdelj and Enrico Natalizio sandstorm, and heavy rain- UAVs for network-assisted first response to di-
Sorbonne Universités, UTC CNRS fall), have resulted in the loss of saster management and identifies open issues
Kaushik R. Chowdhury many lives. There has also been that need to be solved. In particular, we pres-
Northeastern University, Boston an increase in material losses ent an approach for classifying disasters, and
caused by such disasters on the we outline suitable network architectures for
Ian F. Akyildiz order of 100–150 percent over effective disaster management based on these
Georgia Institute of Technology the past 30 years.1 Many efforts classifications.
are underway to recognize and
forecast the occurrence of natu- UAV-Assisted Disaster Management
ral disasters to help us react in a The response time of disaster management per-
timely manner and quickly and efficiently assess sonnel during a natural disaster is key in sav-
the damage, address the outages, and restore ing the lives of those in the affected areas. The
normalcy. most efficient situational awareness is achieved
Acknowledging the need for bolstering di- through aerial assessment—UAV networks.
saster resilience, here we describe a vision for Different regulations apply to the usage of
leveraging the latest advances in wireless sen- UAVs, depending on the country, but during
sor network (WSN) technology and unmanned a disaster, special authorizations are usually
aerial vehicles (UAVs) to enhance the ability of granted to flying devices to help first responders
network-assisted disaster prediction, assessment, assess the situation as quickly as possible.

24 PER VA SI V E computing Published by the IEEE CS n 1536-1268/17/$33.00 © 2017 IEEE

Using UAVs, first responders can bet- centrally might not translate to the same • Damage assessment—UAVs can help
ter understand which structures were exact locations in the corresponding assess the damage though different
affected by the event, the extent of the 3D airspace. Unpredictable air drafts, methods, such as structural health
damage to these structures, the state of inaccuracies in the 3D channel mod- monitoring and UAV video inspection.
the transportation infrastructure, and els, and on-field changing conditions
the potential number of people affected can require sudden and unanticipated In addition, the following set of disas-
by the event. However, the UAV net- changes in UAV localization. Protocols ter management applications could be
work can’t efficiently cope with issues that rely on next-hop forwarding, link- managed more efficiently with the use
of power supply limitations, processing- layer retransmissions, and error con- of UAVs:
power limitations, unreliable communi- trol, among other approaches, must
cation channels, unexpected node fail- adjust to these situations in real time. • Media coverage—UAVs could help
ures, maximal physical load size, and deliver timely information to viewers
maneuverability in harsh conditions.3 Multi-objective downtimes. Given the en- for informational purposes (in con-
The need for real-time knowledge in ergy demands, UAVs engaged in SAR trast to providing situational aware-
driving SAR missions can’t be underes- functions require multiple rounds of re- ness for rescue teams).
timated, and a recent Red Cross report charging. Each such downtime recalls • Medical applications—although
advocates for UAVs as one of the most the UAV to the nearest charging center, restrained in the means of payload
promising and powerful new technolo- which raises interesting questions regard- weight, specialized drones could au-
gies for this purpose.4 From their high ing whether the same network can be tomatically deliver supplies essential
vantage point, teams of UAVs can pro- maintained (by introducing redundancy) to keeping people alive, even in the
vide reconnaissance and mapping sup- or the entire topology must be proactively case of a destroyed transport infra-
port; perform structural assessment; changed (at the cost of performance). structure with cut-off roads.
identify stranded survivors and direct • Infrastructure (re)construction—­
them to safe locations; and serve as an Applications of UAVs using a network of UAVs could speed
ad hoc communications infrastructure UAVs have been used in many different up the process of inspections and im-
to connect mobile devices to the near- disaster management applications,6 but prove the efficiency and precision of
est radio access network (RAN), rely- mostly for the following: infrastructure reconstruction.
ing on different types of UAVs, such as
blimps, balloons, and fixed-wing and • Monitoring, forecasting, and early The research community hasn’t suffi-
rotary-wing UAVs.5 warnings—using structural and envi- ciently studied these application areas,
ronmental monitoring and analyzing and we hope these areas receive more
Features of UAV Networks information for forecasts, UAVs can attention in the near future.
Although the UAV can play a power- act as early warning systems (EWSs).
ful role in a disaster scenario, naively • Disaster information fusion and UAV Usage in an Example
launching multiple UAVs won’t guaran- sharing—by combining different Scenario
tee a successful SAR mission. This ar- sources of available information or In an example scenario of UAV usage
ticle delves into some critical aspects of providing a bridge between different for disaster monitoring, we propose
the network design, which differ from information technologies, UAVs can having UAV stations equipped with
classical sensor networks. In particular, support other applications during di- fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAVs.
the UAV network must accommodate saster management. Specifically, we propose using a fixed-
the following. • Situational awareness and logistics wing UAV that can quickly survey the
and evacuation support—UAVs can disaster area. Once people or vehicles
Energy-effectiveness tradeoffs. Cur- help gather information during the have been detected,7 quadcopters can
rently available off-the-shelf UAVs can disaster phase, especially regarding be sent to these critical spots to gather
remain airborne for approximately the movement of affected people and the real-time information. (See Table 1
15–20 minutes at a time. Thus, their deployed rescue teams. for a list of different drone types and
mission must be highly optimized, and • Standalone communication system— their characteristics.)
suboptimal topologies with reduced UAVs can re-establish the damaged or Assuming a quadcopter with 20–25
movement might actually result in destroyed communication infrastruc- minutes of airborne operation duration
longer-lived, more successful missions. ture during the disaster. and 60–80 minutes of battery charge
• SAR missions—UAVs can search for duration is used for the monitoring
Dynamic topologies. Theoretical or a and rescue people lost, injured, or task, we estimate needing four UAVs
priori placement optimizations done trapped by debris. per position, but we’d add an extra

january–march 2017 PER VA SI V E computing 25


Various types of drones.

Drone type Pros Cons Application Price range (US$)

Fixed-wing Large area coverage Inconvenient launch and landing Surveying an area, structural $20,000–$150,000
Price inspection
Rotary-wing Hover flight Price Aerial inspection, supply delivery $20,000–$150, 000
(helicopter) Increased payload
Rotary-wing Availability (price) Low payload Aerial inspection, filmography, $3,000–$50,000
(multicopter) Hover flight Short flight duration photography

in natural disaster management. The

Stage I Stage II Stage III lifecycle comprises three stages:
Preparedness Assessment Response and recovery
1. Pre-disaster preparedness—UAVs
survey related events that precede
Real-time Supporting SAR missions the disaster, offer static WSN-based
Static threshold
threshold sensing, and set up an EWS.
sensing Building communication 2. Disaster assessment—UAVs provide
links to RAN situational awareness during the di-
Controller-directed Damage study
surveying for logistical Insurance/governmental saster in real time and complete dam-
planning policy-related surveying age studies for logistical planning.
3. Disaster response and recovery—
UAVs support SAR missions, form-
WSN effectiveness ing the communications backbone,
and they provide insurance-related
UAV effectiveness
field surveys.

Each stage imposes a set of UAV task

Figure 1. Disaster stages and UAV-assisted operations. As the disaster stages demands of different lengths of time
progress, static wireless sensor network (WSN) deployments become less effective. and with varying priority levels.
We argue that a single optimized but
static network for all three stages is no
UAV for sufficient redundancy in con- ing, while the operator can manually longer sustainable; rather, the network
stant surveillance. A fixed or mobile correct the hovering position of a UAV must continuously evolve in topology and
first-response UAV station should thus based on multimedia input. capability. As the disaster stages progress,
be a vehicle that can store at least five Commercial UAVs should be used and as is evident from the typical func-
quad-copters and one fixed-wing UAV for disaster management because of tions involved as shown in Figure 1, static
and is equipped with a long-distance their availability, affordability, and WSN deployments become less effective.
communication antenna, an electricity ease of use. Once our proposed ap- Figure 2 provides a classification of
generator, and a system for automatic proach for disaster management in- these disaster stages and possible re-
UAV battery recharging. The mobile volving commercial UAVs has been lated activities, based on the disaster
UAV station could be operated by a sin- implemented, it’s possible that future type, which we outline as follows:
gle human operator, mostly to maintain applications could employ even more
the station and to act as a safety super- powerful and durable quadcopters and • type A: geophysical (earthquake, tsu-
visor if something goes wrong during fixed-wing UAVs. Although the cost nami, volcano, landslide, avalanche)
the UAV network operation. This kind of such applications might be signifi- or hydrological (flash-floods and de-
of UAV station could also implement an cantly higher, that investment would bris flow);
approach for automatic battery replace- be justified by improved reliability and • type B: climatological (extreme tem-
ment,8 together with an approach for robustness. perature, drought, wildfire), hydro-
vision-based formation control9 to al- logical (floods), or human-induced
low a simplified yet effective control of Disaster Stages (industrial hazard, structural collapse,
a group of UAVs. We assume that the Figure 1 shows our proposed opera- power outage, fire, hazardous mate-
system can rely on the GPS position- tional lifecycle for UAVs participating rial contamination); or

26 PER VA SI V E computing

Disaster stages Disaster type and impact on technology

Type A: Geophysical or Type B: Climatological, Type C: Meteorological

Hydrological hydrological, or human-induced

WSN not operational WSN partially operational WSN fully operational

UAVs fully operational UAVs fully operational UAVs partially operational



User User User

WSN with limited UAV roles
Monitoring and surveying
Early Warning Systems (EWS)
Different types of wireless sensors are statically deployed in the potential disaster area
An occurrence of a disaster triggers WSN reporting with optional UAV support

Assessment: Partial
Situational awareness No WSN UAV UAV WSN No UAV
Damage assessment
Structural inspection Damage assessment and structural Damage assessment is done by WSN information fusion for
inspection is being done by UAVs UAVs, backed up by the operational situational awareness
part of WSN

Response and recovery: Partial

Rescue missions WSN
Supply delivery
Sensing, monitoring, SAR, and UAVs restore the broken connectivity Integration of aerial surveys and
Communication system
communication restoration is being and SAR operations using a ground observations for efficient
done by UAVs combination of WSN and UAVs decision support systems

Figure 2. Disaster types, their impact on technology, and system classification.

• type C: meteorological (tropical storm, tions. In this case, the WSN must play to a centralized location, where the
hurricane, sandstorm, heavy rainfall). a dominant role, with partial support information is logged. Here, the sim-
made available through UAVs. plest option is to use commercial, off-
Note that type A disasters render the the-shelf cellular modem technology in
existing WSN infrastructure for moni- Stage 1: Disaster Preparedness the sensors, although this increases the
toring nonoperational. The assessment The preparedness phase doesn’t have weight and cost of the sensors. Simone
and response and recovery phases are a predefined duration and could start Frigerio and his colleagues presented a
performed mainly using UAVs. Type B several years before the anticipated di- deployment scenario of landslide moni-
disasters partially impact the existing saster event, culminating with its actual toring in the Italian Alps,10 where the
WSN infrastructure. In this case, the occurrence. For all three disaster types, WSN integrated different sensors to
role of UAVs is twofold: to reconnect the WSN plays the lead role, receiving monitor displacements caused by land-
the operational parts of WSN and to limited support from the UAV. Figure 3 slides and trigger an alarm in the case
perform other dedicated tasks. Type illustrates a case study for flood and of debris flow.
C disasters mainly focus on meteoro- landslide monitoring. Aerial surveillance via UAVs has
logical events, because the UAV can’t In the example scenario, multiple de- limited use in such types of disasters,
operate reliably during the assessment ployed sensors collect physical informa- which require ground-based measure-
phase and has limited operational use tion—the water level at the monitored ments, because the operational time of
in the disaster response and recovery bank and vibration/displacement on the UAVs might not be sufficient to cap-
phase due to unstable weather condi- the mountain side—and forward it ture the different trends in the natural

january–march 2017 PER VA SI V E computing 27


Sensor and robot network Radio network In the case of type B disasters, the
WSN infrastructure is partially opera-
tional, so it might still be used in con-
junction with the deployed UAV net-
Sensor network Radio access network work, which can serve as bridging nodes
and sustain the overall WSN topology.
Sensor-actor network architectures,
which have been studied extensively
Standby robot network Connected users elsewhere,12 can be adopted in this sce-
nario. Mobile actors—UAVs here—
might move closer to regions of network
partitions caused by loss of multiple sen-
sors and act as forwarding relays for the
WSN. Although type B disasters bring
about interesting joint roles of UAVs and
Sensor network sensors, there are additional consider-
ations. For example, the UAV can serve
as the relay node to bridge the network
Figure 3. An example mixed-WSN-UAV deployment scenario for disaster partition only for a short duration, so
preparedness for flood and landslide monitoring. Multiple sensors collect physical the comparatively long-lived WSN must
information—the water level at the monitored bank and vibration/displacement on buffer and distribute packets along the
the mountainside—and forward it to a centralized location. end-to-end chain.
Gurkan Tuna, V. Cagri Gungor, and
Kayhan Gulez have presented an inter-
parameters being sensed. Instead of When the task assignment is completely esting network paradigm in the context
sensing, UAVs can play a role by as- centralized, it’s possible to partition the of mobile robots that can also be con-
suming the load of data delivery from physical space into known regions and sidered for UAVs.13 In their work, be-
the resource-constrained sensors. For assign one or more UAVs per region. cause the WSN is still operational and
example, as shown with the “standby When the task assignment is decen- able to route packets to the remote sink,
robot network” in Figure 3, stand-by tralized, the UAVs must first establish the mobile units perform more of the
UAVs can be called into active opera- an aerial mesh that allows a fully con- exploratory tasks but then leverage the
tional service to perform the function of nected network through local coordi- WSN as the data-forwarding backhaul.
so-called data mules. nation (see Figure 4). Multiple UAV For type B disasters, we recommend
Our recommendation for this stage is stations, strategically deployed over a taking advantage of the existing WSN
to optimize WSN data acquisition and wide geographical area, can guarantee infrastructure and dedicating a part of
data analysis to assess the probability that at least some parts of the UAV in- the UAV network for WSN infrastruc-
of future disaster occurrences, using frastructure are operational, even af- ture reconnection. The WSN can not
UAVs as data mules (see Table 2). ter the disaster has occurred. Recent only acquire environmental data but
works, such as that by Marco Di Fe- also help reconnect disjoint parts of the
Stage 2: Disaster Assessment lice and his colleagues,11 rely on using UAV network.
This stage occurs when a disaster is in attraction and repulsion spring forces Given the particular nature of type
progress, rendering parts of the topo- in defining actions of UAVs, with sep- C disasters, there are instances of vio-
graphical region unusable for vehicular arate air-to-air springs (to form the lent turbulence, strong winds, and other
traffic or human habitation. The focus aerial mesh), air-to-ground springs (to weather-related artifacts that don’t al-
of the wireless network shifts from mon- connect the users), and air-to-frontier low safe airborne operation of the UAVs
itoring to providing an accurate assess- springs (to allow for the exploration of during the assessment phase. When sit-
ment of the situation. The main task here new spatial locations). uational awareness must be delegated
is surveying the land area for available Consequently, for type A disasters, to the WSN alone, a viable approach
resources and relaying this data back to we recommend using heterogeneous seems to be to use deployments such as
the control center, all in real time. UAV networks comprising fixed-wing DistressNet, an ad-hoc wireless archi-
For type A disasters, the UAVs must UAVs to scan the area and identify im- tecture that supports disaster response
form an independent network, with- portant points to be covered and sur- with distributed collaborative sensing,
out support from the ground sensors. veyed by rotary-wing UAVs. topology-aware routing using a multi-

28 PER VA SI V E computing

Recommendations for WSN and UAV use during a disaster. The recommendation for Stage 1 is the same regardless
of the type of disaster, but recommendations differ by type for Stages 2 and 3.

Disaster stage
Disaster type 1. Preparedness 2. Assessment 3. Response and recovery
Type A (geophysical Optimize WSN data acquisition Use heterogeneous UAV networks Use different camera types and
or hydrological) and data analysis to assess the comprising fixed-wing UAVs to scan specialized sensors and actuators
probability of future disaster the area and identify important mounted on UAVs, dedicated for
occurrences, using UAVs as points to be covered and surveyed by rescue missions and supply delivery.
data mules. rotary-wing UAVs.
Type B Same as above Exploit the existing WSN infrastructure Maximize the data provided by
(climatological, and dedicate a part of the UAV network the WSN to improve the efficiency
hydrological, or for WSN infrastructure reconnection. of the search and rescue missions
human-induced) The WSN can acquire environmental executed by UAVs.
data and help reconnect disjointed
parts of the UAV network.
Type C Same as above Focus on the data provided by the Use the fully functional WSN to
(meteorological) WSN and other available information reconnect the impaired UAV
sources (such as social networks). networks.

channel protocol, and accurate resource

localization.14 DistressNet is imple- UAV network A Surveying (active) UAVs
mented on a set of available sensors; B Relay UAVs
mobile and static gateways; and a set of C Replacement UAVs
servers providing network services, data A
analysis, and decision support. B

Our recommendation for type C

disasters is to focus on the data pro-
vided by the WSN and other available
information sources (such as social C

networks). UAV station:

– UAV control
User control/information flow:
– Data acquisition
Stage 3: Disaster Response – UAV maintenance
and Recovery
The UAV network will play a critical
task in this phase by first establishing
Figure 4. Network architecture for aerial connectivity plane. Multiple UAV stations,
short-distance cellular connectivity
strategically deployed over a wide geographical area, can guarantee that at least some
with the affected users and then transfer-
parts of the UAV infrastructure are operational even after the disaster has occurred.
ring data to the backbone cellular infra-
structure via a relay network (Figure 4).
The network can also give feedback to
users about safe areas and evacuation An interesting new paradigm will ent camera types and specialized sen-
routes based on the information gath- emerge at the crossroads of wireless soft- sors and actuators mounted on UAVs
ered following the disaster assessment ware-defined networking (WSDN) and dedicated to rescue missions and supply
phase. the need to establish the aerial connec- delivery.
For a type A disaster, the aerial con- tivity plane, especially in large-scale di- For a type B disaster, when the sup-
nection plane involves creating a multi- sasters with thousands of affected users. porting WSN is fully operational, it can
hop relay network of UAVs that extends This scenario can be envisaged as a set of be used to assist the UAV operation by
from isolated blocks of users to the open-flow switches embedded inside the offloading some of the non-time-criti-
nearest functional RAN. This results UAVs, whose routing functions can be cal tasks. For example, when two major
in a multiobjective optimization prob- dynamically altered through commands earthquakes occurred in the Emilia-Ro-
lem of maintaining the intermediate issued by a remote controller.15 magna region in Northern Italy, UAV
forwarding capability and the last-mile Our recommendation for type A di- operators were overwhelmed by infor-
connectivity to the users.11 sasters is to focus on the use of differ- mation-retrieval tasks.16 Here, closely

january–march 2017 PER VA SI V E computing 29


monitoring the information that flows ous issues that the use of UAVs implies, the designated location, although this
back and forth from the disaster area to we have chosen the ones with the most involves higher transmission power and
the end controller caused human errors important impact on communication. increased impact on the 3D propagation
in the operation of the UAV, and nega- environment. On the other end, there
tively impacted its performance in the Type A and B Disasters is a tradeoff between the advantage of
rescue mission. Focusing on type A and B disasters, the aerial stability during handover-related
An existing WSN can also contrib- following are the issues and challenges messaging with low transmission power
ute to the on-the-fly establishment of that need to be addressed. and the correspondingly lengthy dura-
multihop wireless access networks. tion for completing the entire handover
The architecture Quang Tran Minh Creating and maintaining the informa- process.
and his colleagues have proposed17 ex- tion relay network. The relaying net-
tends Internet connectivity from sur- work formed by the UAVs is completely Type C Disaster: Strengthening
viving access points to disaster victims aerial and must have a high level of re- Hardware
through individual mobile devices. silience toward link outages owing to With a type C disaster, UAV physical
Similar concepts can be extended for motion-related changes or energy-level constraints compromise communica-
the mixed WSN-UAV architecture, changes among the UAVs. Addressing tion. In the context of disaster man-
where UAVs form the virtual access this issue requires a two-stage process: agement, one of the most important
points and the WSN connects to this an initial round of centralized determi- constraints imposed on the use of UAV
UAV network. nation of optimal relay points (which networks is their resistance to weather
Our recommendation for a type B di- we call anchors) that connect the disas- conditions. In effect, it’s reasonable to
saster is to maximize the data provided ter region to the nearest RAN, followed assume that the appearance of a natu-
by the WSN to improve the efficiency by a round of decentralized correction ral disaster is followed by other natural
of the SAR missions executed by UAVs. during deployment. calamities that would disable the use of
In a type C scenario, UAVs are lim- UAVs. Therefore, it’s important to fo-
ited in their ability to gather useful Supporting in-network data fusion. The cus on the development of specialized
information from the disaster site, but video/images collected by the UAVs hardware suitable for disaster environ-
they can operate from the periphery. present an overview of the situation. ments, as well as control algorithms
Assuming the disaster involves major However, affected humans might also that could improve the collective be-
destruction to the communications use various social media or forward havior and agility of a UAV network.
infrastructure, where cellular towers text messages and images via the UAV
or fixed base stations are rendered in- relay network. Such activity offers General Issues
effective, the only solution is for sen- fine-grained on-the-ground informa- Issues that need to be tackled regardless
sors to forward their data using low tion that can be fused at the control of the disaster type can be summed up
power, forming multihop relay chains center with the high-definition UAV in the following.
to the edge of the affected region. The feeds. Existing source/channel coding
advantage of using UAVs is that the from the domain of multimedia sen- Automating network maintenance and
pick-up point at this edge can be dy- sor networks isn’t sufficient, because UAV charging. Battery-powered UAVs
namically decided based on the sur- existing coding considers a static net- might need to intermittently dissoci-
viving elements of the initial architec- work topology with varying channel ate from the relay network for charg-
ture. The use of mobile UAV stations conditions.18 ing. Duty-cycling these UAVs—that is,
proposed in our work can ensure the selecting their alternating operational
rapid UAV deployment and prompt Addressing handover issues. Unlike and charging durations—requires
UAV network setup, thus lowering handoff in cellular systems, the hand­ careful optimization formulations
the response time and increasing the over among UAVs—such as during to maintain relay-path connectivity,
disaster recovery rate. recharging events—is considerably provide an adequate level of service to
Our recommendation is to use the more involved. A handover involves rep- users, and minimize the downtime of
fully functional WSN to reconnect the licating the exact operational state in the each UAV.
impaired UAV networks. incoming UAV—including forwarding Interesting problems exist in this
tables, packets in the buffer, and data space. The first is performing optimal
Open Issues and Challenges fusion rules—which escalates the mes- handoffs between the roles of survey-
Involving UAVs in disaster manage- saging between the UAVs. The hand­ ing, last-mile communication with
ment has several networking-related over process can begin early, during users, and data relaying. Another is
research challenges. Among the numer- the approach time of the UAV toward choosing the charging duration—that

30 PER VA SI V E computing

is, making tradeoff decisions regard- the Authors
ing whether charging instants should Milan Erdelj is a postdoctoral research fellow at the CNRS (Centre National
be proactive, even if their battery isn’t de Recherche Scientifique) Heudiasyc Laboratory of Université de Technologie
completely depleted. The final problem de Compiègne (Sorbonne Universités, France). His research interests are in dis-
tributed control and communication systems for wireless sensor and robot net-
deals with optimizing the number of works. Erdelj received his PhD in computer science from the University Lille 1,
hops by building accurate 3D channel France. Contact him at
models for various weather conditions
and land topologies.
Enrico Natalizio is an associate professor at the CNRS (Centre National de
Increasing UAV network security and Recherche Scientifique) Université de Technologie de Compiègne (Sorbonne
robustness. To provide robust UAV Universités, France). His research interests include robot and sensor networks
and swarm communications with applications on networking technologies for
network control and information ac- disaster prevention and management. Natalizio received his PhD in computer
quisition, emphasis must be placed on engineering from the University of Calabria. He is an associated editor of Else-
communication security. Malicious vier Ad hoc Networks and Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks. Con-
tact him at
attacks are closely related to UAV net-
work operation, so robust communica- Kaushik R. Chowdhury is an associate professor with the Electrical and Com-
tion protocols play a critical role. puter Engineering Department, Northeastern University. His research interests
include wireless cognitive radio ad-hoc networks, energy harvesting, and intra-
body communication. Chowdhury received his PhD from the Georgia Institute
Handling UAV failures. To ensure the of Technology. He is chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation and
fail-safe operation of the overall sys- area editor of Ad Hoc Networks, Computer Communications, and EAI Transac-
tem, a human operator must be pres- tions on Wireless Spectrum. Contact him at

ent to supervise the UAV station. This

human supervisor can reset or stop the Ian F. Akyildiz is the Ken Byers Chair Professor in Telecommunications in the
UAVs by engaging a kill-switch or by School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technol-
manually overriding the UAV control. ogy; the director of the Broadband Wireless Networking (BWN) Laboratory;
and chair of the Telecommunication Group at Georgia Tech. His research inter-
Once the system proves feasible in prac- ests include wireless sensor networks in challenged environments, 5G cellular
tice, more advanced automated failure- systems, nanonetworks, Terahertz Band, and software-defined networks. Aky-
handling procedures should be envi- ildiz received his PhD in computer engineering from the University of Erlangen-
Nurnberg, Germany. He is editor-in-chief of Computer Networks and a fellow
sioned and implemented. of IEEE and the ACM. Contact him at

Ensuring privacy and trust. Using UAVs

to gather multimedia information
about the people affected by a natu- new perspective for classifying disasters assetpool.shared/Documents/5_Touch/_
ral disaster can raise important ques- and developing suitable network archi- 2014-Loss-events-worldwide.pdf.
tions of information privacy and trust. tectures is just the start when it comes
Indeed, video footage recorded by a to UAVs for disaster management, as di- 2. S.F. Ochoa and R. Santos, “Human-Cen-
UAV during the disaster response can saster victims will be increasingly look- tric Wireless Sensor Networks to Improve
Information Availability During Urban
contain sensitive frames (such as dead ing to the sky for relief. Search and Rescue Activities,” Informa-
or wounded people) that should be au- tion Fusion, Mar. 2015, pp. 71–84.
tomatically censored, especially if the Acknowledgements
footage is used by the media. 3. D. Chen et al., “Natural Disaster Moni-
This work has been carried out in the frame- toring with Wireless Sensor Networks:
A Case Study of Data-Intensive Applica-

work of the IMATISSE (Inundation Monitoring
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