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Main Functions Food sources Possible symptoms

Fat-soluble vitamins

A.Vitamin A Promotes good vision and Fortified Dry skin

helps form and maintain milk,cheese,cream,butter,marg
healthy teeth, skeletal and soft arine,eggs and liver. Dry eyes
Night blindness

Delayed growth

B. Beta carotene Dietary source of Vitamin A Carrots,sweet potatoes.dark Night blindness

and it is essential for normal leafy leafs such as spinach
growth and development, Fatigue
immune system,healthyskin
Skin issues
and vision.
Weakened immune system

C. Vitamin D Needed for proper absorption Egg yolks, liver, fatty fish, milk, Fatigue
of calcium; stored in bones. margarine. When exposed to
sunlight the skin can make Vit. Bone and Back pain
Impaired wound healing

Haair loss

Muscle pain

D.Vitamin E Antioxidants; protect cell wall Polyunsaturated plant oils Difficulty with walking or
(soybea,cottonseed,safflower); coordination
leafy vegetables
Muscle pain

E. Vitamin K Needed for proper blood Leafy green vegetables, Easy bruising
clotting spinach, broccoli, asparagus
Oozing from nose or
gumsHeavy menstrual perios

Blood in urine or stool

Water soluble vitamins

A. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Produces cellular energy from Cereals, whole grains,potatoes, Weight loss
food; required for synthesis of pork,seafood,liver and kidney
DNA and RNA. Prevents beans Anorexia
disease “Beriberi”
Muscle weakness

B. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Energy production; helps keep Liver,fish,chicken,lean red Disorientation

the skin, nervous system and meats,nuts,whole grains,dried Aparthy
digestive system healthy. beans and enriched refined
grains Swollen mouth

Scaly pigmented rash


C. Vitamin B3 (Panthothenic Influences normal growth and Found in almost foods Fatigue
acid) development

Stomach pains, burning feet

D. Vitamin B6 (Cobalamin) Helps break down protein; Fish,liver,pork,chicken,potatoe Skin rashes

helps maintain the health of s,wheat,bananas,dried beans
RBC, the nervous system, and Sore, glossy tongue
the parts of the immune
Weakened immune system
Mood changes
Low energy

Cracked and sore lips

E. Vitamin B12 Plays role in the body ’ s Eggs,meat,poultry,shellfish,mil Heart palpitation

growth and development and k and milk products
nerve function Aparthy

Swollen mouth

Scaly pigmented rash


F. Vitamin C Necessary for growth and Citrus,strawberries,blueberris, Splitting hair

repair of tissus in all parts of broccoli, green peppers,
the body. It may also help to spinach, and tomatoes Discoloration of gums
shorten cold duration and
Poor healing of wounds
reduce symptom severity.

G. Folic Acid Helps prevent birth defects of Lettuce, asparagus, Fatigue

the brain and spinal, known as cauliflower, citrus fruits,beans,
neural tube defects. whole grains Lethargy

Pale skin


Shortness of breath

H. Biotin Helps breakdown protein and Peanuts, liver,egg Fungal infection

carbohydrates; helps the body yolks,bananas, mushroom,
make hormones. watermelon and grapefruit. Seborrheic dermatitis

Hair loss

Birth defect


A. Calcium Regualting muscle contractions Milk, dairy products Rickets in children

Helping build strong bones and Green leafy vegetables Osteoporosis in adults

B. Magnesium Helps in the synthesis of fatty Almonds,shrimps and Numbness

acids and proteins sunflower seeds
Muscle cramps


C.Phosphorus Helps in formation of bones Meat and milk Rickets in children

and teeth
Cereals Osteoporosis in adukts

D.Potassium Plays a role in blood pressure, Bananas, oranges Excessive sweating

nerve impulses and muscle
contractions Green leafy vegetables Kidney disease

H. Sodium Important for fluid balance Process foods Muscle cramps


Trace Elements

A. Chromium Helps control blood sugar Broccoli,potatoes,meats,poultr Craving for sweets

levels y,fish,some cereals Depression

Decrease in the body's

abilityto metabolize glucos
e and fats, an inhibition in the
body's production of protein

Increased production of
too much cholesterol and

B. Copper Helps ypur body process irons Seafood,nuts,seeds.whole Fatigue and Weakness.
grains Frequent Sickness.
Weak and Brittle
Problems With Memory and
Difficulties Walking
Sensitivity to Cold
Pale Skin
Premature Gray Hair.

C. Fluoride Small amounts of fluoride help Tea and Kombucha Tooth decay
reduce tooth decay. Adding
fluoride to tap water (called Non-organic fruits, juices and Brittle bones
fluoridation) helps reduce wine,vegetables Bone loss
cavities in children by more Non-organic meat, processed Hormonal problems
than half. foods,canned seafood

D. Iodine Helps thyroid hormones Seaweed, seafood dairy Swelling in the Neck
products,iodized salts Unexpected Weight Gain.
Fatigue and Weakness
Hair loss
Dry, Flaky Skin
Feeling colder than usual
Changes in Heart Rate
Trouble learning and

E. Iron Needed for RBC and many Fortified cereals,beans Extreme fatigue
enzymes beef,soybeans, spinach Weakness
Pale skin
Chest pain, fast heartbeat
or shortness of breath
Headache, dizziness or lig
Cold hands and feet
Inflammation or soreness
of your tongue
Brittle nails
F. Manganese Helps form bones and make Nuts,beans and ther Poor bone growth
some enzymes legumes,tea or skeletal defects
Slow or impaired growth
Low fertility
Impaired glucose tolerance, a
state between normal glucose
maintenance and diabetes
Abnormal metabolism of
carbohydrate and fat.
G. Molybdenum Needed to make enzymes Legumes, leafy vegetables, Tachycardia
grains,nuts Tachypnea

H. Selenium Protect cells from damage Organ Infertility in men and women
meats,seafoods,dairy,brazil Muscle weakness
Helps manage thyrid hormone nuts Fatigue
Mental fog
Hair loss
Weakened immune system
I. Zinc Support immune system and Red meats, some seafood, Skin, nails and hair
nerve fucntion fortofied cereals Zinc deficiency may manifest
as acne, eczema, xerosis
Also important for (dry, scaling
skin), seborrheic dermatitis,
or alopecia (thin and sp
arse hair)
Vision, smell and taste
Weak immune system
Cognitive function and
hedonic tone
Psychological disorders.

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