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DIII Study Program. NURSING 2B


In this modern age, many people have a busy life in their daily lives. This
makes them not apply a healthy lifestyle. For example, a person who is busy
overtime to work will sleep late and wake up early. They may only sleep 2-4
hours per day. Even though humans have to sleep enough to not have a negative
impact on their health. So, those who do not have a healthy lifestyle will be easily
affected by disease, illness and so forth.

However, the provisions of a healthy lifestyle are not enough if only with health
science. A healthy lifestyle needs to be applied with the principles of Religion
Science. Because, in carrying out all the activities of Muslims must be guided by
the Qur'an.

1. Definition of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is everything that humans do routinely and continuously and

gives meaning to one's life, both for themselves and the surrounding environment.
Understanding of a healthy lifestyle certainly does not escape the existence of
habits and rules that are used as a benchmark or judgment of a person in life.

2. Healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition

The concept of four healthy five perfectly created in 1952 by the Indonesian
Nutritionist, Prof. Poerwo Soedarmo. However, since 1990 the concept is no
longer valid as Indonesia's nutritional reference. Now the Republic of Indonesia
healthy living guidelines have been refined to become a Balanced Nutrition
Guidelines (PGS).

PGS is a daily food arrangement that contains nutrients in the type and amount
that suits the body's needs, taking into account the principle of diversity or variety
of food, physical activity, cleanliness, and ideal body weight (BB).
The fundamental difference between 4S5S and PGS lies in the principle. If 4S5S
only regulates the type of food, it is different with PSG which regulates the
portion of the meal. Here are some PSG principles:

1). Eat Diverse Foods

Humans need food not only to survive but also to meet their nutritional needs. So
that the food needed by humans is also very diverse as foods that contain protein,
carbohydrates, vitamins and others. The need for substances also varies in each
age group. As in adults, it is recommended for foods that contain fiber and avoid
fat. And avoid cooking with frying. For salt, a maximum of 5g / day or equivalent
to one teaspoon. The maximum sugar limit is 30g or equal to three tablespoons
and consumption of water is 2-3 liters per day.

2). Running a Clean Lifestyle

Cleanliness is the key to balanced nutrition. The pattern of nutritious food will not
work if our lifestyle is not clean. Here are some ways to maintain a balanced
nutritional diet according to a clean lifestyle.

• Wash hands before eating with clean water and soap

• Serving food in a state that is always closed so as not to be infested with

insects / flies

• Cooking meals with the right temperature so the germs die

• Wash vegetables and fruits clean, as well

• Keep food and drinks from being contaminated by heavy metals

In addition to doing the things above, avoiding consumption of cigarettes, alcohol

and things that can endanger health is also a clean lifestyle.

3). Active and Sports Lifestyle

Regular exercise and implementing an active lifestyle are PGS principles. The
entry of food intake into the body must be accompanied by the release of energy
to prevent fat accumulation.

With the advancement of current technology, several facts show that the average
energy expenditure of the population decreases due to lack of physical activity.
This lifestyle tends to encourage more problems with excess nutrition which
results in obesity and degenerative diseases. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence
of these diseases, make it a habit to live actively and exercise regularly.

4). Maintain Ideal Weight

The ideal body weight can be a benchmark for food intake and the activities we do
are balanced or not. A healthy body can be seen from the body's ability to
maintain an ideal body weight (BB). That's why it's important to maintain our
weight. Periodically monitor your weight to maintain our ideal body weight and
anticipate weight gain.

Here are 10 guidelines for balanced nutrition

1. Wash hands with soap with running water

2. Get used to breakfast

3. Get used to drinking enough and safe water

4. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

5. Get used to reading labels on food packaging

6. Be grateful and enjoy a variety of foods

7. Get used to eating a variety of staple foods.

8. Limit consumption of sweet, salty and fatty foods

9. Perform enough physical activity and maintain an ideal body weight.

10. Get used to eating side dishes that contain high protein.

•Enough rest

A lot of people have many activities that sometimes forget and ignore our
rest time. If you have a messy sleeping pattern like sleeping too late at night and
having to get up early to work. Even if lack of rest can cause a lack of

We recommend that you rest while working during the day, at least we can
take a nap for 20 minutes so that our minds can be refreshed. But we must be able
to arrange our good sleep patterns so that sleep can be on time and will also make
our body healthy.

Well, that was an explanation of how to live a healthy lifestyle that you
can practice with your family at home, a healthy friend!

1. Understanding a Healthy Lifestyle in the Qur'an

Talking about healthy life is not spared from the pleasure given by God Almighty,
the pleasure of Allah is very abundant and immeasurable. As the letter An-Nahl
verse 18 "then if you want to count the blessings of Allah, surely you will not be
able to calculate it," Among the very valuable and invaluable favors are health. In
the perspective of Islamic teachings, it is strongly advocating how to live healthy
and orderly, because the purpose of the presence of Islam itself is to preserve
religion, reason, soul, body, property and descendants of humanity.

Allah has also made it clear again in the letter Al-verse Ala verse 14 about the
health of a person who is aware of himself in maintaining cleanliness so God will
provide health to him as a form of reward for what he has done. If in maintaining
cleanness and health is always upheld, there will be a healthy life and a good
quality of life.
1. Healthy Lifestyle in the Qur'an

The pattern of life is a habit of a person in his daily life regularly and
repeatedly. In this case the Al-Qur'an regulates life patterns covering several
aspects, including:

1. Maintain physical and spiritual cleanliness

Maintaining physical and spiritual cleanliness is also a healthy lifestyle

explained in the Qur'an, including discussing the following:

• Washing

1. Ablution

Al-Maidah verse 6 gives an explanation that in obtaining a healthy life

God commands ablution as a form of human self-purification from hadast, one of
which is before he performs prayers which are done with intentions, holy water
and are carried out in an orderly manner.

2. Take a shower

cleanliness (body) by means of a bath is the first absolute requirement for

a Muslim if he wants to worship Allah Almighty. Many interpretations provide an
explanation that if a person wants to worship, they are obliged to take a bath so
that they remain clean and healthy.

• Washing from Unclean

In the Qur'an, the letter Al-Baqarah verse 222, Asma bint Abu Bakr said,
the Prophet said about menstrual blood concerning clothing, "you erode, you rub
with water and then flush it, then you can pray, with that garment," (muttafak

Abu Hurairah said, Khaulah once asked Rosulallah, "even though the
blood is not lost?" He replied, "you just wash it with water and the marks are fine"
(HR Turmudzi)

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