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Social Welfare Situationer

A. Name of Community: Brookside

B. Location of the Community:
C. Historical Background of the Community:

In the olden days, according to early Ibalois who settled at the community before the
liberation, the place was just referred to as part of “Barrio Obrero”or roughly translated as the
“Workers Village.” Then featuring a lush vegetation, grass, crisp, and balmy air of pine scent and
wild animals, its early inhabitants was engaged in farming such as gardening, livestock raising,
and piggery. A brook, popularly known as the “Sagudin River” now “Balili River” that meanders
through the rolling hills from Pacdal that extends to La Trinidad is the main feature of the locality
in which the barangay adopted its name because it is located at the side of the brook.

During the mid- 40s, the residents of Brookside have had a simple form of association.
They organized themselves and choose a leader who can represent them to the city government.

Barangay Brookside was formally created through Presidential Decree 86, otherwise
known as a decree creating a Citizens Assembly, which was signed into law by then President
Ferdinand E. Marcos on March 31, 2017.

Followed by the Presidential Decree 86- A which strengthens and define the role of
Citizen Assembly that was signed into law on January 5, 1973. Presidential Decree 557 was also
a legal basis where all barrios in the Philippines was declared as barangay on September 21,

D. Geographic Data
1. Land Area and Boundaries

Barangay Brookside is located at the foot of Aurora Hill. The Barangay has a
land area of 9.7 hectares on the original subdivision plan, bounded by Barangay West
Modernsite on the North, Barangay Holyghost- Honeymoon and Holyghost- Extension on
the South, Barangays East Modernsite and Imelda Village on the East, and Barangays
Alfonso Tabora and Trancoville on the West. However, in 1981, it was reduced to 7.141
hectares per City Assessors Tax mapping.

The barangay is politically subdivided into seven puroks with each Purok being
supervised by a Kagawad in charge and assisted by their corresponding Purok Leaders.

2. Terrain

The Barangay is located at the side of the brook. It is 30% plain and 70% hilly
and of moderately steepy slopes. Its soil type is 60% clay loam and the rest of its soil
structure is sandy loam and loam.

3. Climate

Barangay Brookside has the same climatic conditions with other barangays in the
city of Baguio. It has an average temperature of 25 degrees centigrade at maximum and
12-1 degrees centigrade at minimum. The barangay is classified under the type I climate
having 2 pronounced seasons, dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the
4. Resources

Barangay Brookside is more of a residential area. The community has a day care
center and an elementary school. The community also has a community garden located
at Upper Brookside.

5. Land Distribution

The Barangay is mostly residential area, which most of the lots are now
converted into Miscellaneous Sales Application (MSA) where some have been titled. The
business sector is nestled along Rimando Road of Purok 1, Lower Brookside. The
Barangay is also strategically located as it is near the University Belt in which it is the
temporary abode of for students coming from different areas of the country. Furthermore,
majority of the Real Estate Lessors are located at Purok 1, 3, and 7. The whole
assessment dwelling structure in the barangay is mostly semi- permanent.

The land of the barangay is distributed into two; residential and commercial.
There are126 commercial establishments in the barangay, most of which (71) are
apartments, boarding houses, transient houses, and other real estate lessors.

E. Demographic Data (per zone/sitio)

1. Population (2016)


0-2 Years OLD 29 1.31 36 1.62% 65 2.93%

3-5 Years Old 62 2.80 47 2.12 109 4.92%

6-14 Years Old 139 66.28 134 6.05 273 12.32%

15-17 Years 54 2.44 59 2.66 113 5.10%

18-24 Years Old 212 9.58 261 11.79 473 21.38%

25-59 Years Old 486 21.47 506 22.87 992 44.84%

60 and Above 78 3.52 109 4.92 187 8.54%

TOTAL 1,060.00 47.92 1,152.00 52.07 2,212 100%

2. Number of Families
3. Number of Households (2017)

Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total

Number of
121 84 79 48 75 56 65 528

4. Age and Sex Groupings (2016-2017)

Age Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7

0-6 17 19 36 13 15 28 25 25 50 7 9 16 16 12 28 4 13 17 2 10 12
7-14 19 16 35 21 22 43 26 19 45 13 17 30 14 17 31 9 15 24 25 12 37
15-17 16 19 35 11 5 16 8 10 18 2 9 11 12 7 19 5 3 8 15 6 21
18-21 71 93 164 19 20 39 17 15 32 4 8 12 12 19 31 8 9 17 18 18 36
22-30 52 63 115 23 40 63 23 33 56 17 18 35 33 31 64 22 25 47 18 16 34
31-39 25 26 51 12 23 35 22 19 41 14 12 26 13 22 35 16 19 35 30 21 51
40-59 35 48 83 34 27 61 36 32 68 19 19 38 42 43 85 22 18 40 29 26 55
60 & 29 36 65 9 15 24 9 17 26 4 3 7 9 20 29 11 11 22 12 15 27
Grand 584 309 336 175 322 210 273

5. Population Density

Barangay Brookside has a total population density of 303.46.

F. Economic Data
1. Income
Since the barangay is situated near the University Belt, the business of most resident in
the barangay is house/ room rental. Accordingly, the average monthly income per family
ranges from Php 5, 000.00 to Php 25, 000.00

2. Occupation of People
 Doctor
 Nurse
 Teacher
 Government and Private Employee
 Caretakers of apartments or houses for rent

3. Income Opportunities
 Sari-sari Stores
 Eatery
 Water Refilling Station
 Computer Shops
 Laundry
 State Laser Board
 Construction Services
 General Merchandise

4. Skills
 House wiring
 Butchering
 Baking
 Masseur
 Pedicure/ Manicure
 Reflexology
 Carpentry
 Welding
 Cookery
 Sewing/ Dress Making and other skills being offered by TESDA under ALS.
G. General Situationer

1) Children
a. Demographic Status: No data given

b. Educational Status
1. Pre- School: 35
2. Elementary: 316

c. Health Status

1. Number of malnourished children

Underweight: 3
Overweight: 2
2. Children with Disabilities: 0
 When it comes to immunization, the barangay sees to it that all children are given
d. Social Status
No Reported Cases of the following:
a. Cases of abused children
b. Cases of CICLS
c. Cases of Child Trafficking
d. Number of Street Children

2) Youth

1. Demographic Status: No data given

2. Educational Status:
a) Educational Attainment
- Elementary Level
- Elementary Graduate
- Highschool Level
- Highschool Graduate

b) Number of in school youth: No data given

c) Number of out of school youth: 1
d) Number of youth enrolled in ALS: No data given

c. Economic Status
A. Number of OSY working: No specific data
d. Social Status: No recorded data
e. Political Status:
Number of Election Turnout: 70%
Number of Election Precincts: 8

3) Women

a. Demographic Status: No data given

b. Educational Status:
- Highschool Graduate
- Highschool Level
- College Level
- College Graduate
c. Civil Status: No data given
d. Economic Status:
Most of the women are caretakers of apartments, boarding houses, transient, and
others. Some also have their own sari- sari stores. Others are employed as government
employees. And some of them are housewives in charge of taking good care of their children.
e. Family Status:
The number of children of women ranges from 2-5.
f. Social Status: No reported cases of the following
a. Cases of WEDC
B. Types of abuse
g. Health Status
a. Disability: No reported cases
b. Complete Immunization: No data given
c. Number of pregnant women: 15
d. Number of lactating women: 24
e. Family Planning Practices: No data given

4) Senior Citizen
a. Demographic Status
1.Population per Sitio
Purok Number
1 33
2 25
3 23
4 22
5 30
6 24
7 30
Total 187

2. Age and Gender Groupings: No data Given

3. Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic
b. Educational Status
a. High School Graduate
b. College Level
c. College Graduate
c. Civil Status: No data given
d. Economic Status: No data given
e. Health Status: No data given
f. Social Status
 Practices in taking care of senior citizens- Some of the senior citizens are living with
their children and some are living all by themselves are their daily needs are just
provided by their children. While some are still fit to work.
 Cases of abuse: No reported cases

5) Solo Parents
a. Demographic Status
- Population per sitio
Purok Number
1 3
2 2
3 7
4 1
5 13
6 4
7 6
Total 36

- Age and Sex Groupings: No data given

b. Educational Status: No data given
c. Economic Status: No data Given
d. Civil Status: No data given
e. Health Status: No reported cases on types and causes of disability

6) PWD’S

Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total

PWD’S 1 3 1 0 4 0 1 10

7) Migrant Workers: No recorded data

Note: The barangay is still working on the sectoral situationer of the community. No available data of
some of the sectors were presented. Since the barangay finishes all their reports at the very end of
the year, data are lacking.

H. Leadership patterns and general attitude of the people

The leaders and officials of Barangay Brookside were able to organize different action teams
who are in charge of lessening crimes and poverty-related issues namely, “Barangay Disaster
Risk Management Council, Barangay Poverty Reduction Team, etc. The leaders and officials also
managed to keep the community clean and green. There is a strict sanitation in the barangay.

Community people are all kind and approachable. They give respect to each and every one,
they maintain a positive relationship to their own neighbors. There’s also privacy in the

List of barangay officials:


BARANGAY KAGAWAD Mary. Conception P.
BARANGAY KAGAWAD Jonathan N. Villena
Barangay Health Worker Precious Calaunan
Barangy Aid Sweeper Lucas Sacoy
Utility Worker Marciana B. Lobento
Barangay Tanod Jose B. Doligas Jr
Barangay Tanod Gordon C. Behis
Barangay Tanod John B. Calixto
Barangay Tanod Robert Marie Putiyon
Barangay Tanod Samuel B. Palit-ang
Barangay Tanod Gary Pagao

I. Sectoral Issues in the Community

The community is a very organized barangay. They were able to oraganize groups and
organizations catering all children, women, seniors, etc., and luckily, the barangay kept its stand
as an organized barangay. But, one reported case are the women. As per interview, women are
very hard to call (sometimes) during meetings because accordingly, they are busy taking good
care of their children and most often, their reasons is that they are the ones in charge of fetching
their children in school so they can’t attend the so-called meeting.

J. Community Programs and Initiatives

The community has organized livelihood programs focusing on women for them to have
source of income. As of now, women are making baskets, bags, and the likes made of
newspapers. The community also has a program to maintain child care. This is under the Health
and Sanitation Program. They see to it that all children in the community are immunized.

K. List of Groups/ Organizations in the Community

Name of Organization/ Group Contact Person Contact Number

Women’s Organization Juliet Allan 09182794340
Senior Citizen’s Organization Shirley Arucod 09999990239

L. List of Organizations assisting/ Helping the Community

Name of Organization Type of Organization Focus Sector Programs and Services

Ladies Circle NGO Women Women Empowerment
Stac 5 NGO PWD Therapy to PWD’S

M. SWOT Analysis

1) Strengths – The community people are very much organized. They are very active in the
organizations/ groups that are present in the community. The community is also highly monitored.
They have installed CCTV cameras to monitor the whole place in such cases that if there are
accidents or crimes, the people will be able to determine the perpetrator.

2) Weakness- One of the rules that is not strictly followed is the “Aso mo, Itali mo.” Dogs are the
main problem in the barangay because it got its chance to roam around and worse is, it defecate
anywhere. Dog’s feces is the main problem in the community. Another is the water pollution. The
Balili River is the one affected once people will start dumping garbage in the river. Community
people do not also strongly practice proper disposal of garbage that is why, the barangay is not
that maintained when it comes to cleanliness.

3) Opportunities- Mostly, the barangay is a residential area. They are not that famous when it comes
to commercial establishments. But, some residents in the barangay have their own apartments
and renting houses in which they let students from nearby universities like Saint Louis University,
Baguio Central University, University of Baguio, etc., stay because it is safe and apart from that,
the barangay is not that far from the universities.

4) Threats- There was a time that an unknown person entered the community and went roaming
around from house to house, destroying their locks, and getting some of the stuffs. The officials
are still working on the case and are searching who the perpetrator was.

N. Community Assessment

With the small population of the community, the barangay captain together with the other
officials were able to communicate with the residents for them to work in unity and cooperate with the
activities. Aside from that, the barangay captain was able to organize the residents in the community
and the community itself. Though, some simple rules are not being followed, the barangay officials
are doing its very best to keep the residents follow protocols.

O. Recommendations

The barangay is a well- organized barangay. Residents are active in all community activities.
Although, some of the rules in the environmental issues are not strictly followed, the barangay must
take immediate actions for its improvement. The barangay officials must conduct seminar with
regards to proper waste management, rules of “Aso mo, Itali mo”, and the “No Dumping of Garbage”
for community people to be educated.

Prepared by:


Social Work Student

Noted by:


Barangay Captain
Saint Louis University
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts
Social Work Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Social Work 9

(Community Organization)

Social Welfare Situationer

Submitted by: AUBREY M. PALIVINO


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