Ntse QP.04 Test

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CLASS - X NTSE STAGE-1 Date: 10-09-2016

Max.Time : 180 min WEEKLY TEST NO - 4 Max. Marks : 180
Instructions :
1. The question paper consists of 180 questions numbered from 1 to 180.
2. Each question is followed by four options out of which there is only one correct
3. The question paper consists of Mental ability (MAT) 50 questions. Language
Comprehension Test 40 questions and Aptitude test 90 questions.
4. Each correct answer carries 1 mark. There is 1/3 negative marking for every wrong
5. The answers to each question should be marked in the OMR Sheet provided.

Directions: (1 to 15)In each of the following questions, complete the missing portion of the
given pattern by selecting from the given alternatives (a), (b), (c), (d).




Directions: Each of the following problems, contains four Problem Figures marked A, B, C, and
D and five Answer Figures marked (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Select a figure from amongst the
Answer Figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem Figures.























33. `














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51. Despite his best efforts to conceal his anger .
(a) we could detect that he was very happy.
(b) he failed to give us an impression of his agony.
(c) he succeeded in camouflaging his emotions. (d) he could succeed in doing it easily.
(e) people came to know that he was annoyed.
52. Even though it is a very large house .
(a) there is a lot of space available in it for children.
(b) there is hardly any space available for children. (c) there is no dearth of space for children,
(d) the servants take a long time to clean it. (e) the municipal taxes on it are very heavy.
53. Practically, very little work could be completed in the last week as it was .
(a) full of working days. (b) a very hectic week. (c) full of holidays.
(d) a very busy week. (e) loaded with work.
54. It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the huttnent-dweller when the Government officials
told him that .
(a) he had to vacate the hutment which he had been unauthorisedly occupying.
(b) he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multi-storeyed building.
(c) he would be arrested for wrongfully encroaching on the pavement outside his dwelling.
(d) they would not accede to his request.
(e) they had received the orders from the court to take possession of all his belongings.
55. Although he is reputed for making very candid statements,
(a) his today's speech was not fairly audible. (b) his promises had always been realistic.
(c) his speech was very interesting, (d) people follow whatever he instructs them.

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(e) his todays's statements were very ambiguous.

56. I felt somewhat more relaxed
(a) but tense as compared to earlier. (b) and tense as compared to earlier.
(c) as there was already no tension at all. (d) and tension-free as compared to earlier.
(e) because the worry had already captured my mind.
57. With great efforts his son succeeded in convincing him not to donate his entire wealth
to an orphanage
(a) and lead the life of a wealthy merchant. (b) but to a home for the forsaken children.
c) and make an orphan of himself. d)as the orphanage needed a lot of donations.
(e) as the orphanage had been set up by him.
58. Asian countries, stiff tariffs and other import barriers, plus undervalued currencies
(a) make imported goods prohibitively expensive. (b) do not encourage smuggling.
(c) make the economy non-bompetitive. (d) give rise to sharp economic inequalities.
59. In the third world, the most over-militarised countries tend to be
(a) the oil rich countries. (b) the ones who have traditionally had a military past.
(c) neighbours scared of each other. (d) the ones economically interdependent.
60. It is neither the acquistion of knowledge nor the use of knowledge that distinguishes the
outstanding performer, but rather the cognitive skills that are
(a) inborn and unalterable. (b) learnt with great determination and effort.
(c) inherited and are passed on from one generation to another.
(d) developed and exercised in the process of acquiring and using knowledge.
61. The value of a work of art is seldom precisely measurable in terms of
(a) aesthetic harmony. (b) goods produced, or manhours saved or an increase in the GNP.
(c) the abstract sense of harmony the work exudes. (d) the labour invested in it.
62. Where there is no order, human beings attempt to impose it
(a) that proves the point that humans everywhere are orderly beings.
(b) that's why we do not have anarchy anywhere. (c) disorder is alien to human nature.
(d) we look at the welter of stars in the night sky and see bears, dippers, crabs and scorpions.
63. Until recently psychologists believed certain mistreatment and poverty bred these kids-to-
adult criminals, and that they were psychotics. But
(a) now it is proved that they are not necessarily psychotic.
(b) this point appears to be illogical.
(c) the environment factors, it is now proved, do not have any significant effect on man's ability
to adjust socially.
(d) according to a bold new theory of the criminal mind, some kids just choose to be criminals,
just as the others opt to be lawyers, teachers, or musicians.
64. Some kids bully their friends and shun the love showered on them. Eventually, they
(a) grow up to be good law-abiding citizens.
(b) become disgusted with their way of life and take a turn for the better.
(c) grow up to be poets and artists of great merit. (d) grow up to rob, rape and kill.
65. Somewhat further in the future lies the auspicious possibility of creating geo-thermal wells
where none naturally exists. This could be accomplished by
(a) harnessing thermal energy from the seas and storing it in these wells in unlimited quantity.
(b) building atomic reactors underground which use the earth's heat for fuel.
(c) splitting underground rocks heated naturally by volcanic activity deep in the earth and then
pumping in water to produce steam.

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(d) altering climatic conditions which would make it possible to have these wells in any part of
the world.

66. A. Every family has a crazy streak in it somewhere.

C. Before him was our uncle Khosrove.
(a) He was an enormous man with a large head. (b) He was also a man of temper.
c) In our family my cousin Mourad was said to have inherited it.
(d) He was so impatient that he stopped anyone from talking by roaring.
67. A. The boy-urchin stood on the pavement outside the shop.
C. An elderly gentleman was sitting at a table in a cafe across the street.
(a) He was observing the boy closely.
(b) He looked longingly at all the cakes and cookies in the display window.
(c) Leaving his table, the gentleman crossed the street.
(d) Walking up to the boy, he tapped him on the shoulder.
68. A. ‘Vipasana’, the ancient form of meditation, is charming the Indian elite once again.
C. The Chief feels that this form of meditation is of vital importance as it cools down pent
up anger.
l. He feels that ‘ Vipasana’ will relieve one from the tensions born out of frustration and anger.
2. The supercop and SIT Chief are the new people to be attracted to it.
3. The Additional Director-General of the CRPF recommends that every Indian cop should
undergo this,-therapy to make India a peace-loving paradise.
4. Now that’s the step in the right direction.
69. A. The landfill began when refugees from former East settling on the banks of the water body
after partition.
C. The banks are dotted with shops, huts, a garage and heaps of waste.
(a) Restoration work has been started but the whole pond cannot be done because the people
cannot be evicted.
(b) The encroachment continued even after the influx of refugees stopped.
(c) Some local residents allege that shops and huts had been built on land that was originnally a
part of the pond.
(d) The first round of excavation will start soon.
70. A. Duringthe mid 1600s, the Sun King, Louis XIV created a new fad of platform shoes simply
because he had the royal power to do so,
C. buring the same time women in Florence were wearing platform shoes known as Chopines.
(a) The chopines were worn to increase a woman’s height
(b) The platform shoes soon became the symbol of nobility
(c) They were often 24 inches off the ground and the ladies had to be escorted through the
(d) Some historians believe the modern day high heel originates from the chopine.

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71. A. The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded every year for a novel written by a writer
from the Common wealth countries or the Republic of Ireland and aims to represent the very
best in contemporary fiction.
C. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, "Booker".
(a) Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced so that a writer. a critic,
an editor; an academic and well-known persons are included.
(b) Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but judges can also ask for
books to be included which they think are suitable.
3. The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, which was the name of the
company that sponsored it.
4.However, when the panel of judges has been finalized, they are left to make their own
decisions without any further interference from the prize sponsor.
72. A. Developing the next breed of Jobs, Gates and Zuckerberg is something B- schools are keen
to facilitate.
C. Many prospective entrepreneurs still feel there is little reason to do so.
(a) It was their technological prowess and creative thinking that created their empires.
(b) However, it is important to note that none of them studied for an MBA.
(c) But, not all ideas pioneered by ‘techies’reach a global market.
(d) Many prospective entrepre-neurs still feel there is little acumen and commercial skills.
73. A. Yesterday evening a gang of more than fifly armed people robbed the villagers.
C. While the looting was going on, the police were called repeatedly over the telephone.
(a) Angry villagers blocked the highway for several hours to protest police inaction.
(b) It is alleged, however, that the police arrived at scene of crime several hours later.
(c) Many people who tried to prevent the crime were beaten mercilessly by the robbers.
(d) The blockade was lifted after the DSP himself arrived and promised that action would taken.
74. A. We have been brought up for centuries to believe in’ men’s superiority.
C. But the reality is, when it comes to mental capacity, a few individuals prove to be superior.
(a) Logically speaking, not all men are superior and some women are superior.
(b) It may be true in terms bone structure, hormones etc.
(c) This logical thought taught us that our conception of male power is wrong.
(d) So also in our underestimation of female power.
75. A.Ram Mohan Roy was a lover of his country.
C.David was a watchmaker.
(a)He said that it would be a good plan to build an English school or college.
(b)One evening he was taking with David and a few friends on the wisest way of uplifting the
mind and character of the people of India.
(c)But he thought of subjects beyond watches.
(d)Indians and Europeans met next year to put this idea into shape.
76. A.The role of the precious yellow metal is undergoing a dramatic change.

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C.In developing countries like India, where gold is used like mainly for ornaments, a distinct
change in attitude is in the offing.
(a)Slowly, the use of gold form of ornaments will be on the decline and even if prices shoot up,
women would not like to sell off on the ornaments.
(b)The yellow metal will soon be treated as an investment instrument.
(c)The maxim, "Larger the gold reserves, richer the country will not hold good. for a long time.”
(d)Again, it would not be an economic proposition to buy or sell gold ornaments as an
instrument of investment, buying would be costlier and selling will be at a discotmt.
77. A.The December dance and music season in Madras is like the annual tropical cyclone.
C.A few among the new aspirants dazzle with the colour of youth, like fresh saplings
(a)It rains an abundance of mu-sic for over a fortnight.
(b)Thick clouds of expectation charge the atmosphere with voluminous advertisements.
(c)At the end of it one is left with the feeling that the music of only those artists, seasoned by
careful nurturing, stands tall like well rooted trees.
(d) Many a hastily planted shrub gets washed away in the storm.
78. A. The coming of the computer sparked the need for re-motely operated controls.
C. When you press the button on the remote control, the chip sets off an electronic vibration.
(a) It is the silicon chip that is at the heart of the remote control.
(b) This produces an infra-red beam, which is made up of electromagnetic waves.
(c) The beam carries a coded sig-nal such as switch on, raise volume, etc.
(d) The code is based on binary digits.
79. A. Go to the library and see the clerk.
C. Then you are usually given two or three tickets with your name and address on them.
(a) When "you have chosen the books you wish to take home, you take them to the clerk with
the tickets.
(b) You will probably have to sign a form promising to take care of the books.
(c) The clerk keeps the tickets until you return the books.
(d) He stamps the books with a date.
80. A. There were no finger prints anywhere.
C. First of all it was impossible even for a child to enter through the hole in the roof.
(a) When the investigators tried to reconstruct the crime, they came up against facts.
(b) Moreover, when the detectives tried to push a silver vase, it was found to be double the size
of the hole.
(c) Again, the size of the hole was examined by the experts who said that nothing had passed
through it.
(d) These conclusions made the detectives think it was a fake theft.
81. A. In the middle of one side of the square sits the Chairman of the committee, the most
important person in the room.
C. As the meeting opens, he runs briskly through a number of formalities.
(a)For a committee is not just a mere collection of individu-als.
(b)On him rests much of the responsibility for the success or failure of the committee.

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(c)While this is happening we have an opportunity to get the ‘feel’ of this committee.
(d)From the moment its members meet, it begins to have a sort of nebulous life of its own.
82. A.Over the centuries the face of the earth has become crowded with monuments and
C.Some people however would contend that antiquity should be preserved for fu-ture
(a)Films, pictures and even miniature models can be made of the dies for posterity interested in
knowing about them.
(b)If they were all to be pre-served we will have very little space for other, more useful
(c)Personally, 1 do not agree with their contention.
(d)We must have more space for building new things and developing open country-side.
83. A.Helen Keiler has an ageless quality about her in keeping with her amazing life story.
C.She is an inspiration to both—the blind and the seeing everywhere.
(a)Although warmed by this human reaction, she had no wish to be set aside from the rest of
(b)When she visited Japan after World War II, boys and girls from remote villages ran to her,
crying "Helen Keller".
(c)Blind, deaf and mute from early childhood, she rose above her triple handicap to become one
of the best known characters in the modern world.
(d)She believed the blind should live and work with their fellows, with full responsibility.
84. A.This year many states have been badly affected by the drought situation prevailing in the
C.Especially pitiable is the plight of the poor fanner who cannot afford a tubewell to irrigate his
(a)No better is the situation elsewhere, where floods have ravaged the standing crop.
(b)Though some have been less affected, even these are fac-ing an uphill task in manag-ing the
(c)Here the predicament is more equitable, for everybody's land is similarly submerged under
ten feet of water.
(d)Either way, it seems the lot of the Indian farmer has to be at the mercy of the elements.
85. A. Love for the country is a necessity.
C.Provincialism has to be sacrificed in the interest of the nation as a whole.
(a)Similarly nationalism has to be sacrificed at the altar of internationalism.
(b)But it should in no way exceed the limits and take the shape of jingoism.
(c)There is no reason why the nations of the world cannot live together with harmony and
(d)God created the globe, but man drew lines of hatred and enmity on it.
86. A.Let us look at the statement. ‘It is not what you say but it is what you do’.
C.Actions do speak louder than words.
(a)Words can influence others. We do not deny.

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(b)The statement is mostly true.

(c)This does not mean that words fall on deaf ears.
(d)But when words and actions diverge, people focus most on what they see in terms of
87. A.It is said that deep down we are alike.
C.However in the broadest sense we can say people are all alike.
(a)This statement is essentially false.
(b) But the individual differences are far more illuminating.
(c) For instance, it is true that all people have similar attitudes, likes and dislikes, feelings and
(d) People differ in intelligence, personality, emotional display values, priorities and the like.
88. A. No one knows when tea was first discovered, or how it came to be such a popular drink.
C. Records going back to the fourth century A.D. refer to tea.
(a) By the eighth century A.D. most Chinese were drinking tea, both because they liked it as a
beverage and for its medicinal value.
(b) Tea was so popular that one of the most distinguished poets of the Tang dynasty, a man
called Lu Yu, even wrote a holy scripture about it.
(c) The beverage is generally accepted to have originated in China hundreds of years ago.
(d) It was called Cha’s Ching, which, translated, means Tea Scripture.
89. A. The Egyptian tomb was not only a resting place for the mummy but also a house for the
dead man’s spirit or double his Ka.
C. It did there the things the dead man had done in life.
(a) In that sense, it was quite human and didn't relish be-ing forgotten.
(b) It ate there and drank there, and then it had all its earthly wants supplied.
(c) The Ka passed much of its life in the tomb.
(d) Friends and relatives had to keep bringing it things and doing things for it all the time.
90. A. One of the most widely spread of bad habits.
C. which is now smoked or chewed by men
(a) is the use of tobacco (b) and even by children
(c) often by women (d) almost all over the world.

91. you have three equal resistances r. The maximum possible number of different resistance
values that you can offer is
(a) 4 (b) 5 c) 6 (d) 7
92. What is the effective resistance between points A and B?

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R 4R 2R R
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 3 3 2
93. What is the effective resistance between points P and Q?

(a) 5  (b) 10  (c) 15  (d) 20 

94. Which of the following wires, all made of the same material, has the highest resistance?
(a) l=100cm,r=0.1cm (b) l=200cm, r=0.2 cm
(c) I=300cm,r=0.3 cm (d) l=400cm,r=0.4cm
95. A wire of resistance R is stretched so that H8 length increases by 10%. The resistance of wire
increases by
(a) 11% (b) 15% (c) 21% (d) 28%
96. Two metallic wires whose masses are 12 g and 18 g have lengths in the ratio of 3 : 4. Their
resistances are in the ratio of
(a) 4:3 (b) 9:18 (c) 18:27 (d) 27:32
97. The smallest resistance which can be obtained with ten 0.1 ohm resistors is
(a) 1 ohm (b) 0.1 ohm (c) 0.01ohm (d) 0.001 ohm
98. We have n resistors each of resistance R. The ratio of the combination for maximum and
minimum values is
(a) n (b) n2 (c)n3 (d)
99. For a given voltage V, if resistance is changed from R to   , power consumed changes
from P to
(a) nP b) (c) n2p (d) 2
n n
100. A lamp is marked 60 W, 220 V. If it operates at 200 V, the rate of consumption of energy
(a) decrease (b) increase (c) remain unchanged (d) first increase then decrease
101. Watt is equal to
(a) A  (b) A2 (c) A  2 (d) A  2 s-1

102. Acid + Base  Salt + Water. This reaction is known as
a) neutralisation reaction (b) decomposition reaction
(c) precipitation reactions (d) displacement reaction
103. Sodium hydroxide is
(a) a base (b) an acid (c) an alkali d) both base as well as alkali
104. Calcium hydroxide is also known as
(a) limestone (b) slaked lime (c) quick lime (d) washing soda
105. The reaction of acetic acid and sodium hydroxide results in the formation of

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(a) acidic salt (b) basic salt (c) neutral salt (d) none of these
106. A solution of sodium chloride will turn
(a) red litmus blue (b) blue litmus red (c) red litmus orange
(d) not change the colour of either red or blue litmus
107. The reaction of ammonium hydroxide and carbonic acid results in the formation of
(a)ammonium chloride and water (b) ammonium carbonate and water
(c) only ammonium carbonate. (d) only water
108. Hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid are known as mineral acids because they
(a) attack minerals (b) are obtained from minerals
(c) are obtained from crude oil (d) both (a) and (b)
109. The formula of Baking soda is
(a) sodium carbonate (b) sodium bicarbonate
(c) calcium carbonate (d) sodium hydroxide
110. Which of the following is a weak base?
(a) NaOH (b) KOH (c) NH4OH (d) None of these
111. A basic salt that is used in daily life is
(a) sodium acetate (b) sodium chloride
(c) ammonium sulphate (d) sodium carbonate
112. Which of the following is a hydrated salt?
a)Ca(OH)2 (b) MgCO3 (c) MgSO4.7H2O (d) BaSO4
113. What happens when hydrated copper sulphate is heated?
(a) it becomes colourless (b) it turns into anhydrous salt
(c) it loses water of crystallization (d) all of the above

114. Heparin in blood is released from
(a) clumped platelets (b) mast-cell granules (c) non-granulocytes (d)granulocytes
115. A clot of blood contains
(a) prothrombin (b) fibrinogen (c) fibrin (d) thrombin
116. The function of vitamin K is in
(a) regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism
(b) blood clotting (c) respiration (d) carbohydrate metabolism
117. In mammals, oxygenated blood enters the heart at the
(a) right atrium (b) left atrium (c) right ventricle (d) left ventricle
118. Which chamber of a bird heart does oxygen-rich blood first enter?
(a) right atrium (b) right ventricle (c) left ventricle (d) left atrium
119. When the right ventricle of heart contracts, the blood goes to
(a) all parts of the body b) pulmonary arteries (c) aorta (d) lungs
120. In the heart of man the bicuspid valve is situated between
(a) right ventricle and pulmonary aorta (b) left auricle and left ventricle
(c) right auricle and right ventricle (d) postcaval and auricle
121. Chordae tendinae are found in
(a) ventricle of brain (b) aria of heart (c) ventricle of heart (d) truncus arteriosus
122. Systole causes
(a) entry of blood into lungs (b) entry of blood into heart
(c) exit of blood from heart (d) exit of blood from ventricles

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123. The diastolic pressure in a healthy person is

(a) 60mm (b) 80mm (c) 100mm (d) 120mm
124. One heartbeat in an average man lasts
(a) 0.8 second (b) 0.2 second (c) 0.5 second (d) 1 minute
125. A heart murmur indicates a defective
(a) sinoatrial node (b) atrioventricular node
(c) heart valve (d) pulmonary artery or aorta

3m  2n 4 p  3n 2 p  3m
126. If m  2, n  3, p  4, q  0, r  7 and s=10, then the expression  
q p qr qm
has the value
(a) 5 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d)13
3 3 3
127. If a=29,b=24 and c=27, find the value of a +b +c -3abc.
(a) 1620 (b) 1640 (c) 1520 (d) 1580
128. The simplified value of the expression (a  b  c) 2  2  a  b  c  a  b  c    a  b  c  is

(a) 0 (b)4a2 (c) 4b2 (d)c2

129. If p+q=2, then the value of p3  q3  6 p 2  5q 2  6 pq is
a) 19 (b) 18 (c)15 (d) 23
1 1
130. If x   3, then the value of x 3  3 is
x x
(a) 27 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 42

131. If a  15, b  12 and c=9, find the value of

 2a  2b  2c  a  .
2  a  b  2b  c 
(a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 3
4 5 9
132. The value of x that satisfies the equation   is
x  3 x  5 x  13
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
133. If 0.3x-0.37=0.37x-0.3, then x has the value
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 2 (d)-2
a    ay 
x yz z

134. What is the value of  x 

a   a 
y x z

(a) 1 (b) a x (c) a xy (d) a xyz

a b ca
 xa   xb   xc 
135. The value of  b   c  a  is equal to
x  x  x 
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) x (d) x a b  c
m 1 2 m  n m  n n
2 .3 .5 .6
136. The value of is equal to
6m.10n 2.15m
(a) 50 (b) 1/25 (c) 1/50 (d) 1/5
2 x x 2
3 9
137. The value of is equal to

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(a) 1/3 (b) 1/24 (c) 1 (d) 1/9

 27  3  8
138. The value of n is equal to
162  2
(a) 2n (b) 3n (c) 3 3n (d) 35n
6n  22 n  33n
139. The value of is equal to
30n  32 n  23n
(a) 1 (b) (.3)-n (c) 3-n (d) 35n
1 1 1 2 7
2 2 3 3  4 4
4 3
5 5
140. The value of 1 3
 3 1
is equal to
10  5 5
4 6 5 5 3

(a) 10 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 18

2n  2n 1
141. The value of n 1 n is equal to
2 2
(a) 1.5 (b) 2/3 (c) 2 (d) 4
142. If 9n  n , the value of n is
(a) 4/3 (b) 1/3 (c) 2/3 (d) 2
x 2
143. If 32  64  8 x, the value of x is
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) 1/8 (d) 2
3 2 1
144. If x  , find the value of x 2  2 .
3 2 x
(a) 38 (b) 98 (c) 62 (d) 47
3 3
145. If x  3  8, y  3  8, find the value of x  y
(a) 195 (b) 199 (c) 198 (d) 201

146. Over the past few decades, sex ratio in India
(a) Has not changed (b) Has gone down
(c) Has increased (d) Has shown a fluctuating trend (e) None of these
147. Participation of women in public life is relatively low in countries like
(a) Norway (b) Sweden (c) Finland (d) Bangladesh (e) None of these
148. The process of shifting from one occupation to another, being practised by the new generation is
(a) Social change (b) Secular state (c) Occupational mobility
(d) Communal representation (e) None of these
149. Select the laws enacted by the Parliament for the the welfare of women.
(a) Special Marriage Act of 1955 (b) Dowry Prohibition Act of I 961
(c) Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 (d) All of these (e) None of these
150. Consider the following statements on the meaning of communal politics. Communal politics is based
on the belief that:
A. One’s religion is superior to that of others.
B. People belonging to different religions can live together happily as equal citizens.
C. Followers of a particular religion constitute one community.
D. State power cannot be used to establish the domination of one religious group over others.
Which of the statements is/are correct?

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(a) A, B, C and D (b) A, B and D (c) A and C only

(d) B and D only (e) None of these
151. In India seats are reserved for women in
(a) Lok Sabha (b) State legislative assemblies (c) Cabinets
(d) Panchayati Raj bodies (e) None of these
152. Women in India are discriminated against in
(a) Political life (b) Social life (c) Economic life (d) All of these (e) None of these
153. Caste hierarchy means
(a) Shift from one occupation to another
(b) A ladder like formation in which all the caste groups are placed from the ‘highest’ to the
‘lowest castes’. (c) Religious equality
(d) Communal harmony and peace on the basis of caste (e) None of these
154. ‘Sexual division of labour’ signifies that
A.Gender division emphasises upon division on the basis of nature of work
B. Division between men and women C. Caste is the basis of gender division
D. Work decides the division between men and women.
(a) A, C and D (b) A, B and D (c) A and C (d) D and A (e) None of these
155. When we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to
(a) Biological difference between men and women
(b) Unequal roles assigned by the society to men and women
(c) Unequal child sex ratio (d) Absence of voting rights for women in democracies
(e) None of these
156. Where was the earliest kind of print technology developed?
(a) England (b) Germany (c) China (d) Russia
157. For what purpose, the earliest text books were printed in China?
(a) To recruit the Civil servants through written examination
(b)To teach the religious priests (c)To train the factory workers (d)None of these
158. What was the oldest Japanese book printed in Japan round about 868 A.D?
(a) The Buddhist Diamond Sutra (b)The Jain Diamond Sutra
(c)The Manusmiriti (d) The Jatakas
159. Who was Gutenberg?
(a) A great inventor of France (b)A great inventor of Germany
(c)A great Russian inventor (d) A great British inventor
160. For which invention Gutenberg is so famous?
(a) For the invention of printing press (b) For the invention of gunpowder
(c)For the invention of flying shuttle (d) For the invention of aeroplane
161. During which period printing presses were set up in most countries of Europe?
(a) 1250-1350 AD (b)1350-1450 AD (c) 1450-1550 AD (d) 1550-1650 AD
162. Who was Martin Luther?
(a) Religious reformer of Germany (b) Religious reformer of France
(c) Religious reformer of Austria (d) Religious reformer of Holland
163. What is meant by Reformation?
(a) It was a reform movement to reform the Catholic Church
(b) It was a reform movement to reform the Protestant Church
(c)It was a reform movement to reform Jews
(d) It was a reform movement to reform the Hindu religions
164. Who were scribes?
(a) They were factory workers (b) They were the clergymen
(c) They wrote the manuscripts by hand (d) They were the farmers
165. What were the cheap books known in England and France?
(a) Chapbooks (b) Biliotheque Bleue (c) Handbooks (d) Textbooks

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166. The sectors are classified into public and private sectors on the basis of
(a) Employment conditions (b) The nature of economic activity
(c)Ownership of enterprises (d)Number of workers employed in the enterprise
167. Production of a commodity, mostly through the natural process, is an activity in _____
(a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary (d) Information technology
168. GDP is the total value of ____ produced during a particular year.
(a) All goods and services (b) All final goods and services
(c)All intermediate goods and services (d)All intermediate and final goods and services
169. In terms of GDP the share of tertiary sector in 2003 is ______
(a) Between 20 percent to 30 percent (b) Between 30 percent to 40 percent
(c)Between 50 percent to 60 percent (d) 70 percent
170. The largest producing sector in 1973 was:
(a) Primary sector (b) Secondary sector (c) Service sector (d) None of the above
171. Which of these statements is not an argument in favour of multi-purpose river projects?
(A) Multi-purpose projects bring water to those areas which suffer from water scarcity
(B Multi-purpose projects by regulating water flow helps to control floods
(C)) Multi-purpose projects lead to large scale displacements and loss of livelihood
(D) Multi-purpose projects generate electricity for our industries and our homes
172. Choose two states which have only 40% of net sown area under irrigation
(A) Punjab (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) Rajasthan (D) Haryana
173. Which two purposes are served by the Multipurpose pojects?
(A) To irrigate the land (B) To generate electricity
(C) To uproot the people (D) To make the land better
174. What have the canal roofs?
(A) They are small islands made by the remains of the canal over a long period
(B) They are islands made by earthquakes in the sea - bed
(C) They are islands made by the Tsunami Storms
175. What is the mean annual inflow of Indian rivers?
(A) About 1569 million Cubic metres (B) About 1669 million Cubic metres
(C) About 1769 million Cubic metres (D) About 1869 million Cubic metres
176. How much surface water is covered by the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra?
(A) About 20% (B) About 30% (c) About 40% (D) About 60%
177. Which one of the following is not a multi-purpose River-Valley Project of North India?
(A) Tungabhadra Project (B) Bhakra Nangal Project
(C) Damodar Valley Project (D) Chambal Valley Project
178. Choose two main sources of irrigation in lndia?
(A) Canals (B) ocean currents (C) Jet Streams (D) Tubewells
179. Which Indian leaders had said “River dams are t of modern India"?
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai (B)Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
(C) Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya (D) Subhash Chandra Bose
180. Choose the two regions which suffer from water scarcity?
(A) Rajasthan (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) Uttarkhand (D) Kutch

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