Azriel - The Wrathful Power of God

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Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

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Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God
by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:54 am

Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

Azriel is known as the “angelic prince of the wrathful palace,” or the “prince of the wrathful
emanation of the Holy Shekinah,” and corresponds with Strict Judgment, which is to say that Azriel
is a chief archangel of destruction; hence, Azriel is called the “angel of death.” This angel of God
has another emanation, however, Mahniel, which means “mighty camp,” and in this form he/she
receives prayers for deliverance and redemption, and uplifts them to the Throne of Glory; and so
when it is the will of Ha-Shem, and the divine authority is given, Mahniel takes action to deliver,
joined in the divine action by the many hosts that are with him.

This archangel presides over the angelic hosts of the wrathful palace, and spirits that are oath-
bound wrathful guardians, along with Abaddon, and Azriel joined by seven other archangels among
whom he-she is the chief angel: Kushiel (rigid one of God), Lahatiel (flaming one of God) Shoftiel
(judge of God), Makatiel (plague of God), Hutriel (rod of God), Pusiel (fire of God) and Rogziel
(wrath of God, also known as the “ice of God” or “hail of God”). These are the seven archangelic
princes that preside over the spiritual powers of the seven hells, but each has a corresponding
station in the seven heavens, and therefore along with a wrathful emanation they also have a
peaceful and blissful emanation. They are great powers of God that correspond with Din-Judgment,
and as you might imagine there are invocations taught in the oral tradition for each of them and
the range of their divine actions is vast.

There are many different reasons why Azriel or the wrathful palace might be invoked. Perhaps the
most obvious is for the sake of the defense of the Continuum and Community, or the faithful and
elect, from great evil, or great dark and hostile forces, “fighting fire with fire,” in a manner of
speaking. Likewise, in the Way of Transformation the wrathful palace is invoked for the
transformation of all forms of negativity, but most especially to overcome fear, anger and hatred,
the seeds of the greatest darkness and evil, or sorrow and suffering. Azriel, though, as the Lord’s
angel of death has deep knowledge of the process of dying and death, and of souls in the afterlife,
and all of the afterlife states, and so is invoked for knowledge of these mysteries. Azriel also has
knowledge of the “sending of souls,” and is invoked in the “rite of sending souls,” the inner form
of the Feast of St. Lazarus, or the inner and secret empowerment of initiates in the Order of St.

Azriel holds more knowledge of mysteries than this, however, for as we know the ascension of souls
through the heavens is a process of radical transformations, and in the process of the
enlightenment of the soul there is a need for multiple experiences of spiritual, or mystical death,
and rebirth. Azriel is invoked for the sake of these radical transformations and rebirths in the Way.
As we know, joined with this is the knowledge of the development of consciousness beyond the
body, and the generation of the presence of awareness throughout all transitions in consciousness
and states of consciousness; hence, the wisdom of the transference of consciousness. Azriel is
among the archangels that hold this wisdom, along with Ratziel, Tzafkiel, Metatron and Sandalfon.

Here we can share an open secret. The ultimate knowledge of “death” is the complete cessation of
ignorance, the cause of all sorrow and suffering, or sin and death. In this we may recall a teaching
from the Gospel of St. Philip, that those who think that they must die before they are resurrected
are mistaken, “for first you must be resurrected, and then you can die” – or experience perfect
repose, the complete cessation of ignorance (true enlightenment and liberation). Azriel holds this
wisdom that leads to perfect repose, or conscious reintegration with the source of our being, the
True Light.

“Death” is not death to a true Initiate in Christ, and so the “angel of death” is not the angel of
death; but rather is the angel of perpetual life, eternal life, the realization of bornless being
(Messiah Melchizedek)!

Azriel is truly a great power of God, not only in Judgment, but in Mercy and Compassion, and along
with the wrathful emanation of Azriel, so there are the peaceful and blissful emanations that are
very holy and glorious, and most beautiful to gaze upon.

Here it is given that we may speak another open secret. Azriel is the appearance of the angel of
death to the innocent and to the righteous, while Samael is the appearance of the angel of death
to the unrighteous and wicked.

The appearance of the Holy Mother and the Messiah in the wrathful palace is as Kali Imma and Kali
Shemesh (the Black Madonna and Child), and as such Azriel is called the “angel of Kali Imma,”
having knowledge of her mysteries, as well as knowledge of the mysteries of Kali Shemesh, the
emanation of the Messiah in his ministry within the hell realms and fierce spirit realms. As we
know, beings in hell are fascinated by magical power, and so Kali Shemesh appears to them with
great wonderworking power while preaching the Gospel. On account of this Azriel is associated
with knowledge of radical wonderworking in Crazy Wisdom that liberates souls from great bondage.

The full teachings and invocations of Azriel and the wrathful palace are inner and secret, and they
are shared in the Continuum with adept initiates, and only with those who have accomplished the
generation of the Sacred Heart, and have a passionate desire for the enlightenment and liberation
of all living spirits and souls. There are teachings elsewhere in the forums that give teachings and
practice of Kali Imma, as well as Lilatu (or Kali Kallah), and they hint at the invocation of the
wrathful palace. These are the teachings of the wrathful palace that can be openly shared.

Messiah Shalom!

The Seven Angels of Wrath

by Tau Malachi Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:02 pm

The Seven Angels of Wrath

The seven angels of wrath that appear with Azriel and Abaddon in the wrathful palace all have
their root in Gevurah-Severity and the sixth heaven, Makom, and yet each holds a station as a
guardian in one of the seven heavens, corresponding with the hell realm over which he/she
presides. As we know, the sixth heaven is said to contain all of the “plagues, judgments and wraths
of God,” all powers of destruction, and the experience of souls entering into this heaven is a great
vision of the End-Of-Days, the universe or great cosmic cycle passing into destruction. If and when
this is received without attachment and aversion, and a soul remains conscious, cleaving to the
Messiah and Yahweh, so it is through this that soul may enter the seventh heaven, Arabot, which
corresponds with luminous realms of formless bliss, or great peace and joy. In this we may
understand Azriel, Abaddon, and these seven, joined by Lilith, the elder and younger, as powers of
God liberating from self-grasping and self-will, and attachment and aversion; if and when a soul is
free from these, so all of these angels of God manifest as very holy and blissful divine powers.

Kushiel: “Rigid One of God”

This archangel presides over the first pit of hell, and so is a great guardian of the first heaven,
Tibel-Vilon, and so holds the knowledge of these. Having knowledge of the first heaven, the
paradise of earth, Kushiel holds knowledge of how souls are able to ascend into the second heaven,
and is an angelic presence that may help transport the souls of the righteous in their ascent.
Joined with this Kushiel holds knowledge great manifesting power, multiplication or the generation
of abundance, and materialization, and teaches the wonderworking art of the evocation of spirits
to visible appearance. He/she also holds great knowledge of the “Black Earth” (primordial earth)
and the elemental force of earth.

These seven angels of wrath are said to have accompanied Archangel Gavriel in the destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah, and as an example of the power of this archangel in wrathful emanation, it
is said in the Christian Kabbalah that when Lot’s wife disobeyed the command of the Lord not to
look back, and therefore was turned into a pillar of salt, it was Kushiel who transformed her body
into salt.

Lahatiel: “Flaming One of God”

This archangel presides over the second pit of hell, and so is a great guardian of the second
heaven, Rakiya, and therefore has knowledge of these. As you may recall from teachings on the
seven heavens, there is a great barrier of fire through which souls must pass in order to ascend into
the third heaven, and Lahatiel holds the knowledge of how souls are able to cross through it and
serves as a guide to righteous soul in their crossing.

Lahatiel also holds knowledge radical transformations, generations and movements of great force
or power, and insights or illuminations concerning hidden or secret things in the wonderworking
art, and likewise knowledge of creative and destructive fire, and the elemental force of fire.

This is an angelic presence that lashes out with flaming fire of incredible fury and force in wrathful

Shoftiel: “Judge of God”

This archangel presides over the third pit of hell, and so is a great guardian of the third heaven,
Shehakim, in which the spiritual light of the Messiah is revealed and known in the outer, astral
heavens. This holy angel of God holds the knowledge this pit of hell and this heaven, and knows
the way into the fourth heaven, and may serve as a guide to the righteous ones who are worthy of
this ascent.

Shoftiel holds great knowledge of the invoking, binding and releasing of spirits, and of the uplifting
and casting down of spirits and souls, and likewise has knowledge of sciences and ceremony in the
wonderworking arts. Joined with this he/she is also an angel of God who has knowledge of the
Great Dragon, its attributes and powers, and how it is ridden.

Makatiel: “Plague of God”

This is the archangel that presides over the fourth pit of hell, and so is a great guardian in the
fourth heaven, Zebul; thus this holy angel of God holds knowledge of these, and how souls ascend
into the spiritual heavens beyond the outer, astral heavens.

Makatiel holds knowledge blessing and cursing, miraculous healings, veiling or cloaking in the inner
dimensions, invisibility or vanishing, “riding the winds,” and such in the wonderworking art; and
likewise, he/she as knowledge of winds and the elemental force of air.

Hurtiel: “Rod of God”

This is the archangel who presides over the fifth pit of hell, and so is a great guardian of the fifth
heaven, Ma’on, bearing the knowledge of these, and how souls ascend into the sixth heaven and

This great angel of God holds special knowledge and power of the shattering of klippot and
uplifting of sparks, and holds knowledge of the invocation and movements of great celestial forces,
as well as “alien powers.”
Pusiel: “Fire of God”

This archangel presides over the sixth pit of hell, and so presides over the sixth heaven, Makom,
and therefore holds the knowledge of these. It is said that the power of all seven of these
archangels is in Pusiel, and that he she is the chief among them under Azriel and Abaddon.

The Holy Fire of this great angel is primordial and supernal, and is a “fire consuming fire” that
makes all “like unto itself.” Pusiel holds knowledge of radical shifts in the Great Matrix of Spiritual
Forces through the power of The Name, and along with Shoftiel, he/she is among the angels of God
having knowledge of the Great Dragon.

Rogziel: “Wrath of God”

This archangel presides over the deepest pit of hell, the seventh pit associated with “snow,” “hail”
and “ice,” and so is a great guardian of the seventh heaven; thus he/she bears the knowledge of
this hell and this heaven. Rogziel is a holy angelic presence who is near unto the Soul of the
Messiah, for he/she holds the knowledge of how the souls of the spiritual elect ascend into the
eighth heaven, the true kingdom of heaven – the Supernal Abode; and this is an angel of God
known to take souls up into this heaven of heavens through divine rapture.

This angel also known, however, for movements of the swift and utter destruction of dark archons,
fallen angels and great demons; hence, the full force and fury of the wrath of God.

Rogziel holds the knowledge of great wonders, and the invocations of great cosmic forces in the
wonderworking art, and is said to hold deep knowledge of Initiation and the Light Transmission;
joined with this, Rogziel holds knowledge of the nine gates of the Great Abyss, and the oath-bound
wrathful guardians of the eleven towers and twenty-two tunnels of the Other Side. This great and
holy angel of God is also associated with knowledge of the upper and lower firmaments, and the
elemental force of water.

These are the stations, knowledge and powers of the seven angels of wrath who are with Azriel and
Abaddon in the wrathful palace of the Shekinah. As perhaps you might intuit, these Great Wrathful
Maggidim also hold the knowledge of the seven Seals, Trumpets and Bowls, and their angels, in the
Apocalypse, and knowledge of all manner of mysteries and powers of the Apocalypse, and
especially Armageddon, the “Final Conflict.”

This is what it is given that we can share concerning these angels of Elyon, the Most High.

God’s Peace to you!

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by dallasgarrison13 Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:07 pm

Hello, my name is Dallas. Honestly, all this is very new to me. I briefly spoke with someone when
requesting to become a member about an odd thing that has been occuring in my life the last 5
years or so. I have never before even heard of the many Angels and their particular roles, but when
I finally did I was quite literally stunned. When I close my eyes to rest quite often a name will
come to mind, the name Azrael or Azriel, I had no idea it was the name of an Angel. I know it
probably means nothing but what intrigues me is the nature of my daydreams and how very alike
they are to this Angel and his disposition, if you will. I've never been a very "religous" man , more
philosophical in nature, but having read many of the topics on these forums, am becoming more
inclined to change that. I would just like to know if maybe there is something more going on here
than im aware of. If it could possibly be more than coincidence. This name has been in my mind
and dreams for a very long time, since I was 21 and returned from Iraq badically. I have always
been vigilant towards those who prey on the innocent, even fellow soldiers, and have been
preparing to go to Africa for sometime and battle the LRA because I believe that is where the evil
is greatest in this world so that is where i should be. Is Azriel being "the Angel of Death" in a sense,
a warning that i should not go? That death is near? I have absolutely no idea and would really like
some help understanding all of this. Thank you for your time. Dallas. Let me also say that I am very
ignorant of all this that seems so commonplace to you. You speak of Angels and such matter of
factly and I think it is beautiful. However, "mainstream" Christianity leaves a very bitter taste in my
mouth. You seem very much more open and less judgmental than that. I am curious why, at age 26
I am just learning of this particular sect of Christianity? Sect is probably the wrong word and I
apologize. My heart is open though, and would very very much love to learn more. Thank you. I
hope I dont come across like an idiot!

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by Elder Gideon Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:15 pm

Shalom Dallas:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armour of God, so
that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against
enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic
powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Therefore take up the whole armour of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil
day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth
around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on
whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these, take the shield
of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the
helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).

Very glad to meet you, even in such an intense context as Tau Malachi's post on these wrathful
emanations of the Holy One.

Pursuing evil anywhere as a vigilante invokes its eye of misfortune. Adonai Yeshua teaches how evil
is defeated very clearly and unambiguously. St. Paul grounds this with his teaching quoted above of
a battle not with flesh and blood, but with all manner of invisible beings-forces opposing divinity in
humanity. One distinguishes then how evil is skillfully matched and mastered first by going within.
In this vein, I'd invite you to consider a recent post in our forum dedicated to the spiritual warrior:
the Order of St. Michael.

There is no mastery of an external opponent until mastering the internal opponent. This is
evidenced throughout scripture, quite precisely where Jacob wrestles with the 'angel' of his wicked
brother Esau (Genesis 32). Many other examples abound. The thread through all of them is that the
internal battle is lost when it becomes external. To conquer evil is to conquer evil within one's

A less religious view of evil is simple narcissism and selfishness, the will to receive for oneself
divorced from sharing. From this grows every kind of evil, small and great. Cherishing oneself
above others, fixated on one's image, and everything relating to, and being about, one's experience
is what distorts and obstructs an innate, basic goodness that causes people to sabotage themselves
and others. The only way out of this hell is to turn towards others, to care about others as much,
to think about their needs and act accordingly.

In no way do I mean to sound condescending. Behind what I'm sharing here are many, many layers
of intricate metaphysical reasons why this simplicity is so deep. It's the grain of the Gospel itself,
which delivers from evil and oblivion. What religion adds to this simplicity is what human nature
adds to every simplicity. Set religion and religious people aside to hear how one might become
immune and invisible to evil. Fighting the devil within oneself—the shadow cast by the ego—is the
only war that can be won.

These basics are necessary, Dallas, before more subtle conversations about wrathful angels can
apply. I pray it's helpful to you. I wish you well in your journey, that you might meet how the Holy
One—not us—is a man of war.

Elder Gideon

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by dallasgarrison13 Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:50 pm

Thank you Elder Gideon for taking the time to respond to me. I believe I understand what you are
saying to me and am going to spend some time contemplating it. My spiritual awareness is only
very new and I'm doing the best I can to embrace it. I will look into the Order of St. Michael as you
say. I apologize that I am very uneducated in all this compared to yourself, but I promise I will do
my best to learn. The only question I would like to ask is why this name of all names is the one I
am seeing so clearly? If my question is foolish I apologize, I am very ignorant of so much it seems.
My gratitude. Dallas.

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:32 am

Grace and peace to you from Messiah Yeshua, our Adonai!

Greetings and welcome, it's good to see you here.

I do not know, dear brother, where the epicenter of evil or darkness is in this world, but I know
that there are many, many places plagued by great evil, great ignorance and injustice, and I know
that evil abounds in this world and that darkness rules the world. As many external conflicts as we
might take up, as many wars and battles that we might wage, they will never drive out evil from
this world. What Gideon has shared is true. The cause of evil, and all of the sorrow and suffering in
the world, is ignorance; hence, the play of self-cherishing, desire and fear (our selfishness).
Understanding this, the cessation of the ignorance, the experience of enlightenment, is the end of
evil, and all of the sorrow and suffering it produces.

Likewise, if we wish to end conflict in the world and bring peace, then we must resolve our own
inner conflict between the good inclination and evil inclination.

Understanding this may be integral to acquiring an answer to your question. You see, there are two
aspects to Azriel as the ‘angel of death,’ one corresponding with actual physical death and the
other corresponding with the experience of a spiritual death and rebirth. If and when we
experience a full spiritual death and rebirth, and we progress in our spiritual realization,
developing consciousness beyond the body, then death is no longer death to us; hence, we may
undergo a conscious transition and experience the Great Ascension – the enlightenment and
liberation of our mind, consciousness or soul.

Could the arising of this angelic name be an ill omen, a warning of your possible death and
destruction if you continue to follow your present direction in life? Yes, it very well could be. At
the same time, though, it can be a call to a sacred quest, a spiritual journey, and a radical
transformation of yourself and your life; hence, a spiritual death and rebirth. In truth it could be
both at the same time, calling you to shift directions in the circle of life. I suspect this is the case.

Given your background as a war veteran and your aspiration to go on as a mercenary in a fight
against evil, or terrorism, it isn’t surprising that the name of a principle angel of wrath or
judgment would arise in your mind. Perhaps God intends that you learn corresponding spiritual
practices, and learn the way of the righteous warrior, the peaceful warrior – a prayer warrior.

There is one, and only one, Holy War, and that is within oneself. It’s the resolution of the internal
conflict within us; hence, the acquisition of self-knowledge and the unfolding of our self-
Following the path of the desire for the destruction of all evil in the world courts becoming evil
itself. This is one of the reasons why the angel of death is also often given the name of the
Adversary or Evil One – Samael in Judaic teachings, which is akin to ‘Satan’ in Christian teachings.

Given what you have shared about wounds from negative experiences with mainstream Christianity,
and given some of your other experience thus far in life, this angelic name arising may also be a
call for active healing. If understood, Azriel can be a messenger of radical healing, and likewise
radical progress in our spiritual journey.

In the end the most significant part of the meaning of this angelic name arising for you will be your
interpretation of it, how it inspires you and what you choose to do with it – the blessings you
choose to draw from it.

These are some thoughts I can share with you. I wish you well in your journey.

Shalom Aleichem – Peace be upon you!

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by dallasgarrison13 Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:45 pm

I thank you so much Tau Malachi and Elder Gideon for taking the time and making me feel like I am
not crazy like others have. I am taking everything to heart and realizing so much from this. I just
want to help people who cannot help themselves, but now I see that it must begin within myself.
My greatest adversary is the evil in myself and I must first conquer it and become one with the
Lord before I can truly overcome evil elsewhere. I feel like I am alone though, like I have no one to
teach me how to achieve all this spirituality you speak of. I understand it but applying it is entirely
something else, if that makes sense. Before a few days ago, I had no idea of the ideals and beliefs
that are in all the forums on this site and Ive constantly been reading them ever since. How is it
that having gone to church for many years when I was younger and having many Christian family
members I have never ever heard even a tiny fraction of the truths and fundamentals that seem so
basic to you? I just want to learn and grow and become the best man I can be. I thank you so much
for your time. Dallas

by Elder Gideon Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:08 am

Shalom Dallas:

It encourages me to hear that what Tau Malachi has shared is making sense to you and opening up
some of the many layers of your experience. If churches don't possess greater detail of angels, it's
for the divorce quite early in the beginnings of Christianity from mystical Judaism. This lineage
intends to heal and reconcile this divide, which is why so much is available for free in this forum.

To meet us in real-time is also freely available every Tuesday night 6 pm PST in a chat lead usually
by Elder Sarah. The link to register and participate is the CHAT button in the tool bar on top the
main pages of our website. It's a great community there from many backgrounds and perspectives
that will surely assist your further interest in our Messianc Kabbalah.

As you interact with us over time and are benefitted, we can look into more support for you. I wish
you the heart space of Messiah looking upon the crowds cursing him while he hung on the Cross:
"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."

Elder Gideon

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by IngaK Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:18 pm
I came across this thread, and found it quite remarkable in so many ways. Ironically, my spiritual
journey proper started on an army base.

I, too, came across Azriel a couple of years ago. His name came to me in meditations, as I was
working on learning more about my soul and connecting to its energetic memory. He came to me as
almost a sort of a "guide" to assist me in accessing whatever was for my highest good. And, every
now and then, I would connect with him. I think angelic connection is soothing, but rather un-
emotional, it's hard to describe it in human terms, angels are not human, after all... In any case,
there was nothing bad or ominous about this, and I didn't really know much about archangels
anyway. I think I felt comforted and good about actually getting to know someone so "high up"

Later on I learned that as a soul, I have probably specialized in being a "guide" to the dying. I'm
sure there is another term for it in your tradition, but in practical terms this means in this life I
have always loved funerals, cemeteries, and on a couple of occasions would suddenly remember
someone and start praying for them, only to find our later that this was the time of their passing.
While I steer clear of mediumship experiences, I kind of feel this aspect (praying for the dying)
might be worth cultivating. So to me I felt that is why Azriel probably came in at that point of the

Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:14 am


You may wish to look into the teachings of the Order of St. Lazarus, also the teaching on the
afterlife experience given in "Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ."


Re: Azriel: The Wrathful Power of God

by IngaK Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:52 am


looking into it! Thank you and many blessings

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