Agriculture Essay

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In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go

Why is this the case?
What can be done about this problem?

It is true that people in developing countries are facing scarcity of basic human needs, mainly
of food. Although there are several reasons for this trend, governments and societies can
contribute to resolve this issue.

There are several reasons why people are not getting enough food, regardless of
advancements in the field of agriculture. The foremost reason of this scenario is that the
population in growing nations has significantly increased over the past decade, and because
of this, food demand and consumption were also increased. This trend led to the over
utilization of food resources than normal. Another reason why people lack food is that the
poverty rate is increasing in many countries. Many people in different countries are below the
poverty line, and due to this they cannot afford to purchase food for their families. The final
reason is that no strict government regulation against the wastage of food has been
implemented, specifically in cities; hence people are not afraid to waste the large amount of
food in their family celebrations.

To solve these issues, politicians and societies need take multiple steps. The most important
step would be to implement new regulations on population control by the government. These
regulations should clearly indicate that the families having more than a single child need to
pay an additional tax to the government, and proceeds would be utilized to feed poor
families. Furthermore, government should make and implement new laws immediately
against the food wastage by the people. There should be heavy amount charged to the
individual, as a penalty, for breaking this law. Societies can also contribute by donating small
part of their earnings to the needy families, so they do not have to starve for the food.

In conclusion, governments and societies should take measurable steps to tackle

aforementioned problems that are responsible for the starvation among the people in growing

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