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- Event Name

5th Wild Ideas

- Event Schedule

5th of April

- What will we do? (activity description)

Are you having a hard time thinking about ideas for the upcoming internal competition, or
perhaps, are you running out of ideas? Well look no further than this event! In the 5th Wild Ideas,
we will accompany you and your team and help give insights about this year’s internal competition
event, which is about an innovation of a water/wastewater treatment! Together, we will give you
many examples of water treatment methods, and also there will be a brainstorming session where
you can discuss about your ideas along with the other members!

- Targets

Member of Cartala FTUI 2018

- Last year documentaries(if available)

- Why you should come to the 5th Wild Ideas?

Of course you have to! Because, not only your team will have an insight about certain
ideas for the ongoing internal competition of Cartala, but also you will have much knowledge
thanks to the brainstorming session, and you will come up for one or two (maybe even
more!) ideas about your paper!

- Expected Outcomes

1. The participants will gain insights regarding this year’s internal competition’s theme

2. The participants will have an active discussion among members of Cartala

3. The participants will be accompanied by Environmental Division to come up with

4. The participants will gain the upper hand regarding water and wastewater treatment

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