Field Study 5

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Detailed Lesson Plan for Field Study 5 (SE3A)

The wedding dance (English/Literature)

Senior High Grade 11

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of a 60-minute period, the students will be able to:
a. Relate the similarities of the story to our present day lives
b. Argue if Awiyao’s choice is the right thing to do under such circumstances
c. Explain the meaning of each symbolic elements in the story; and
d. Discuss why “The wedding dance” by Amador Daguio is an important literary piece
in our Philippine literature


Topic: The wedding dance by Amador daguio (Philippine literature)
Materials: White cartolina, Marker, coloring materials.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Checking of attendance
Good morning class.! Good morning Sir!

Okay before we start our lesson, I want you to Ok Ma’am!
look at the pictures that I prepared and try to (Teacher will post the pictures one by one and the
remember them as we get further to our lesson for students will have to look and try to remember them)
they are very symbolic and play a crucial part in
our story

a. A single hand-held smooth-surfaced gong with

a narrow rim
Direction: Match the correct answer to its b. Son of the supreme god. He’s the one who
corresponding number execute the plan of god.
c. Four months
1. Gangsas d. Typical eyes of those Chinese and Mongolian
2. Kabunyan origin
3. Seven harvest e. Is a plant that produces seeds that are
4. Canyon removed from the pods and the remaining
5. Gongs husks are then used to make an extract. This
6. Slant eyed people extract is used as medicine
7. Worldly possession f. Seven years
8. Bonfire g. A long, deep, narrow valley with steep cliff
9. Four moons walls, cut into the Earth by running water and
10. Bean pod often having a stream at the bottom.
h. Something owned; any tangible or intangible
possession that is owned by someone
Answers: i. A large fire built in the open air, for warmth,
1. A entertainment, or celebration, to burn leaves,
2. B garbage, etc., or as a signal.
3. F j. A circular metal plate like percussion
4. G instrument, usually having a turned-down rim.
5. J In most forms it is struck in the center with a
6. D felt- or leather-covered beater, producing a
7. H sound of either definite or indefinite pitch.
8. I
9. C
10. E


Amador Daguio was born in the Ilocos province of

the Philippines in 1912. He began writing poetry in
high school and published his first poem before he
graduated. Throughout his career, he taught at a
(Teacher ask the student to read the authors number of schools in the Philippines and also worked
biography and after teacher will explain and add as a lawyer, editor, reporter, and public relations
additional information) officer for the Filipino government. In his writing,
Daguio seeks to establish a pure Filipino voice,
distinct from its colonizers. Even in English,
Daguio’s writing is Filipino in essence. In “The
Wedding Dance”, he draws upon the culture of his
ancestors to explore Filipino traditions along with the
universal themes of love, suffering, and societal

F. LESSON PROPER/DISCUSSION Awiyao and Lumnay most likely to belong to the
Igorot people who inhabit the mountain areas of
First let’s have a brief background in our literary Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines. The
piece which is our topic for today Philippine islands were settled by various migrants
from Southeast Asia for centuries. These peoples built
(Students will have to brainstorm and read the up a number of different cultures and clan-based
whole story and after, perform their role play) social structures on the many islands of the
archipelago. In the 1500s, Spain colonized the
Now I will divide the class into three groups islands, spreading Christianity and the Spanish
(Teacher divide the class into three group) language. Following Spain’s loss in the Spanish
American war of 1898, the Philippines became a
And what I want you to do is to create a role play territory of the United States. During World War II,
about the plot diagram of the story. the islands were occupied by the Japanese until
gaining their independence in 1945. The Igorot
(Teacher explain what plot diagram is and explain people maintained many of their traditional cultural
its individual function) practices through the late 19th century. Even today,
dance and gangsa music form an important part of
Class it’s up to you how will you find your scene their celebrations.
that is based in the story. I will be giving you 20
minutes to prepare your role play presentation. Group 1 will perform the beginning which is

Group 2 will be having the Middle part of the story


Group 3 will be having the ending part of the story


>Let’s give a round of applause for everyone that

had present their role-play and for giving their

Teacher will reinforce the plot diagram of the

story using visual aids and further explanation
Now we go to the major characters of the story,
and let us make their character sketch.

1. Awiyao
2. Lumnay (Student will be responsive to the activity and
3. Maduluminay questions that teacher will ask)

Teacher will be posting visuals and activity that

students will answer in front of the blackboard,
after doing the activity, teacher will ask some
question verbally and students will respond, and
after teacher will add additional explanation and
reinforce students’ idea.

Teacher will be posting the pictures that he/she The gangsas are culturally important. The sound of
had posted during motivation. Now he will be the gangsas represents the man in the wedding
asking the students how they are connected to the ceremony. Like the gangsas, they are strong and
story. provide a beat to the dance, or a "beat to life".

Student 2:
Culturally, the dancing is a celebration of happiness.
It is also a show of sexuality by the women. Because
Lumnay has not produced a child, she feels ashamed
to dance and show herself to the other men, as she
believes no one will look at her.

Student 3:
The Fire
The fire or flames signify the burning intensity of
both love and hate that Lumnay feels in the situation.
When Awiyao stirs the embers in Lumnay’s dark hut,
he stirs up both of these feelings in her. Later, as
Lumnay watches the bonfire from afar, her physical
distance from the fire reflects her emotional
separation from the man she loves.

Student 4:
The Beads
The beads in the story symbolize the promise that
Awiyao made to Lumnay. They are also very
precious and are worth 20 fields. The fact that
Awiyao gives them to Lumnay shows that he
cherishes her, and that he still believes she has worth.
Although Lumnay rejects the hut and field Awiayo
offers her, she accepts the beads, suggesting her
desire to remain connected to Awiyao.

Student 5:
The Floor
A number of times the narrator draws the reader’s
attention to the rattan floor as Lumnay pulls it apart.
This is symbolic of their marriage unraveling.

Student 6:
The Night
The nighttime setting symbolically adds to the
darkness and isolation that Lumnay feels as she runs
away from the village. As she works her way up the
dark mountain alone, she is unable to envision a path
to the future. The reader, too, is left in darkness with
the unresolved ending.


Ok class! What do you think is the theme and Student A:

moral lesson of the story?
Ma’am I think the theme and moral lesson of the
story is that If you truly love a person, you must let
them be happy Have you ever heard the saying “if
you love someone, let them go”? The story of
Lumnay and Awiyao wrestles with this difficult issue.
Despite how upsetting it is to Lumnay, she must let
Awiyao go, not only because of their culture, but also
because it is clear that he will not be happy without a
Very good! child.

Any other answer? Student B

I think it is about Man vs Society, because Nowadays

we make a lot of decisions that is not depend whether
we like it or not, nor if it would make us happy or
sad, we follow so many standards that is based on our
societies’ rule and standards, just like Awiyao and
Lumnay story is, they are force to separate their ways
just to follow their tribes belief and custom. Although
we can say that this story maybe fictional and too old.
But is relevant and still connected to our every lives
which is why it is still worth studying. And also I like
the way that Amador Daguio use the Folk of igorot’s
tribe as it is not only enlighten us about their culture,
but also a reflection that we are not too far when it
comes to our lives.
What a clear and direct to the point answer, let’s
give him a round of applause.
Direction: In 1 whole sheet of paper, answer this following questions, every answer in each
number should have at least 150 words.
1. Give an example in our modern day lives that have the same situation with Awiyao and
Lumnay. And if you under such situation, what will you do?
2. Do you think Awiyao’s choice of leaving Lumnay and marrying Maduluminay is the right
3. What is more important, your individual happiness or your Societies’ standards, customs, and

We will be grading you in the following rubrics:

Reasoning: 50 %
Creativity: 20%
Organization of the content: 30 %
A total of 100%

Search and read, why and how Amador daguio had created his literary piece “The Wedding

Class dismissed!

Prepared by:
Gerald Ponce De Leon
Danny Federico
Archie Ibay
Aina Piojo

Submitted to:
Merlyn U. Destura

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