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Due date: October 16, 2018


1) A population of insects in a region will grow at a rate that is proportional to their current
population. In the absence of any outside factors the population will triple in two weeks. On
any given day there is a net migration into the area of 15 insects and 16 are eaten by the local
bird population and 7 die of natural causes. If there are initially 100 insects in the area will the
population survive? If not, when do they die out? Write and solve a differential equation.

2) Establish a method by adapting the Doolittle method for evaluating the inverse of a matrix
(by making an analogy to Gauss-Jordan method) and then find the inverse of matrix A.

80 -20 -20
A= -20 40 -20
-20 -20 130

3) Calculate the mass flow rates (F) of each outlet stream by setting up mass balances for (a)
the total mass flow rate, (b) the mass flow rate of species 1, and (c) the mass flow rate of species
2. Use Gauss Elimination for solving the problem.

F2 = x1
w1,2 = 0.04
w2,2 = 0.93
w3,2 = 0.03
F3 = x2
w1,3= 0.54
F1 = 10 w2,3 = 0.24
w1,1 = 0.2 w3,3= 0.22
w2,1 = 0.6
w3,1 = 0.2

F4 = x3
w1,4 = 0.26
w2,4 = 0
w3,4 = 0.74

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