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Business rules

Attributes Relations
 Ward number (PK)  Wards must have one or many beds, and
 Ward name bed must be in one and only one ward.
Ward  Location  Ward must have one staf(Charge Nurse),
 Total number of beds and staf(Charge Nurse) must be in one
 Bed (PK) and only one ward
 Telephone extension  Staf must allocate to many wards, and
number ward must have more than one staf.
 Staf number (PK)  Patient may allocate to one and only one
 Name (first & last) bed, and bed may allocate to one and only
 Telephone number one patient.
 Date of birth  Patient’s next-of-kin may be with one and
 Sex only one Patient, and Patient may have
Staf  Position one and only one Patient’s next-of-kin.
 Salary  Patient appointment must have one only
one patient, and patient must have one or
 Qualifications (type & date
many patient appointments.
of qualification)
 Patient appointment must have one and
 Note: Staf can have many
only one staf, and staf must have one or
many patient appointments.
 Patient number (PK)
 Drugs may be given to one or many patient
 Name (first & last)
medications, and patient medications must
Patients  Sex
have one and only one Drug.
 Date registered  Patient medication must be given by one
 Details of the patient’s and only one staf, and staf may give one
next-of-kin or many patient medications.
Patient’s next-  Next-of-kin’s name  Patient medication must be given to one
of-kin and only one patient, and patient may
Patient  Appointment number (PK) have one or many Patient medication.
 Name  A patient can be ether outpatient or in-
Appointment patient. (Disjoint)
 Staf number
 Appointment date  The pharmaceutical supplies supply to
 Examination room each ward. (Overlap)
  The medication (pharmaceutical supplies)
Outpatients Patient number
given to each patient. (Overlap)
 Name (first & last)
 Sex
 Date of appointment
 Patient number
 Name (first & last)
In-patients  Sex
 Details of the patient’s
 Date of waiting list
 Ward required
 expected duration of stay
 Admission date
 Discharge date
 Drug number (PK)
 Drug name
Drugs  Description
 Dosage
 Quantity in stuck
 Cost per unit
Patient  Staf’s name (doctor)
medication  Staf number
 Patient name
 Patient number
 Medication date & time
 Start day
 Unit per day
 Finish date

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