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Teleology (Consequentialism) Deontology Virtue Ethics

 Morality is about good  Morality is about good  Morality is about good

outcomes rules people
 Decisions should be  Good logical should  Becoming more
made based on what will system should be forms courageous, honest,
mostly likely result in the and always follow that no generous and
outcomes we want matter what compassionate is the
 The ends justify the key. People like that will
means make good moral
decisions without any
need of abstract moral


 The reading by John Stuart Mill

 Whatever maximizes the total happiness while minimizing total pain
 “Secure the greatest good for the greatest number.”
 Example: The Trolley Problem
 Act Utilitarianism / Rule Utilitarianism
o Example” The terminally ill murderer
 What is right or wrong based on outcomes—the main question we ask.
 Problems:
o Finding standard: Cultural relative and moral subjectivism

Kant’s Principle

 The reading
 Will is important…not the outcome
 Ask two basic questions:
o Can I rationally will that everyone act as I propose to act?
o Does my action respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using them for my
own purposes?
And, we should refrain ourselves from doing this if the answer is a no.
 Example – own dealing with beggars on Bangladeshi streets
 The formula of universal law—that it applies universally irrespective of any relativism
 Driven by categorical imperative—unconditional imperative—as opposed to hypothetical
 Becoming an ethical person following Kant’s principle: doing something which is your duty
regardless of whether you like it or not
o Example—winning a bonus—whether to go for a trip or buy dresses for family
 Why intention matters: example—two drunks driving home
Rawl’s Theory of Justice

 Rule setters must free and neutral—have a veil of ignorance

 Principle 1: equal right
 Principle 2: differentiated principle is justified if all of have equal opportunity to join the club
 Example: Income tax, living standard, government jobs

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