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European Journal of Neurology 2010, 17: 1113–1123 doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2010.02999.


EFNS guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of neuropathic

pain: 2010 revision
N. Attala,b, G. Cruccua,c, R. Barona,d, M. Haanpääa,e, P. Hanssona,f, T. S. Jensena,g
and T. Nurmikkoa,h
EFNS Panel Neuropathic Pain; bINSERM U987, Centre d ÕEvaluation et de Traitement de la Douleur, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, APHP,
Boulogne-Billancourt, and Universite´ Versailles-Saint-Quentin,Versailles, France; cDepartment of Neurological Sciences, La Sapienza
University, Rome, Italy; dDivision of Neurological Pain Research and Therapy, Department of Neurology, Universitatsklinikum Schleswig-
Holstein, Kiel, Germany; eRehabilitation ORTON and Department of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland;
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Clinical Pain Research and Pain Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska
Institutet/University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; gDepartmen of Neurology and Danish Pain Research Center, Aarhus University Hospital,
Aarhus, Denmark; and hPain Research Institute, Neuroscience Research Unit, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool,

Keywords: Background and objectives: This second European Federation of Neurological Soci-
neuropathic pain, painful eties Task Force aimed at updating the existing evidence about the pharmacological
diabetic polyneuropathy, treatment of neuropathic pain since 2005.
post-herpetic neuralgia, Methods: Studies were identified using the Cochrane Database and Medline. Trials
trigeminal neuralgia, were classified according to the aetiological condition. All class I and II randomized
central neuropathic pain, controlled trials (RCTs) were assessed; lower class studies were considered only in
evidence-based conditions that had no top-level studies. Treatments administered using repeated or
recommendations, single administrations were considered, provided they are feasible in an outpatient
pharmacological setting.
treatment, randomized Results: Most large RCTs included patients with diabetic polyneuropathies and post-
clinical trials herpetic neuralgia, while an increasing number of smaller studies explored other
conditions. Drugs generally have similar efficacy in various conditions, except in tri-
Received 13 October 2009 geminal neuralgia, chronic radiculopathy and HIV neuropathy, with level A evidence
Accepted 2 February 2010 in support of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), pregabalin, gabapentin, tramadol and
opioids (in various conditions), duloxetine, venlafaxine, topical lidocaine and capsa-
icin patches (in restricted conditions). Combination therapy appears useful for TCA-
gabapentin and gabapentin-opioids (level A).
Conclusions: There are still too few large-scale comparative studies. For future trials,
we recommend to assess comorbidities, quality of life, symptoms and signs with
standardized tools and attempt to better define responder profiles to specific drug

first guidelines on pharmacological treatment of NP [7].

Background and objectives
Since 2006, new randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
Neuropathic pain (NP) may be caused by a lesion or a have appeared in various NP conditions, justifying an
disease of the somatosensory system [1] and is estimated update.
to afflict as high as 7–8% of the general population in The objectives of our revised Task Force were (i) to
Europe [2,3]. The management of NP is challenging examine all the RCTs performed in various NP condi-
because the response to most drugs remains unpredict- tions since 2005, (ii) to propose recommendations
able [4] despite attempts to develop a more rationale aiming at helping clinicians in their treatment choice for
therapeutic approach [5,6]. In 2006, the European Fed- most NP conditions, and (iii) to propose studies that
eration of Neurological Societies (EFNS) produced the may clarify unresolved issues.

Correspondence: N. Attal, INSERM U 987, Centre dÕEvaluation Methods

et de Traitement de la Douleur, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, APHP,
Boulogne-Billancourt, France (tel.: +0033149095946; We conducted an initial search of the Cochrane Library
fax: 0033149094435; e-mail: from 2005. Whenever the Cochrane search failed to

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1114 N. Attal et al.

identify top-level study for a given NP condition or a elevated blood pressure and clinically significant
potentially effective drug, we expanded the search to ECG changes were reported in 5% of patients. The
Medline and other electronic databases including Web efficacy of duloxetine is established by three large-
results from major unpublished company trials (Janu- scale trials in diabetic PPN [12], with similar efficacy to
ary 2005–September 2009). As in the first guidelines, we that of gabapentin/pregabalin based on one industry-
produced individual chapters and guidelines based on funded meta-analysis [13], although direct comparisons
aetiological conditions. Each chapter was assigned to are lacking; the effect is reported to persist for one year
two or more Task Force participants. Classification of [14]. Frequent adverse events are nausea, somnolence,
evidence and recommendation grading adhered to the dry mouth, constipation, diarrhoea, hyperhidrosis
EFNS standards [8]. and dizziness; discontinuation rates are 15–20%
Inclusion criteria were the following: controlled class I [15,16]. Duloxetine induces no/little cardiovascular side
or II trials (lower class studies were evaluated in condi- effects, but rare cases of hepatotoxicity have been
tions in which no higher level studies were available); reported [15]. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
trials including patients with probable or definite NP [1] (SSRI) or mianserin provides little or no pain relief
or trigeminal neuralgia; chronic NP (‡3 months); pain [7,17].
considered as the primary outcome (e.g. studies in which
dysesthesia were the primary outcome, as in chemo- Antiepileptics
therapy-induced neuropathy, were excluded); minimum Gabapentin and pregabalin are effective in diabetic
sample of 10 patients; treatment duration and follow-up PPN [18,19], with dose-dependent effects for pregabalin
specified; treatment feasible in an outpatient setting; (several negative studies for 150 mg/day, mainly posi-
studies evaluating currently used drugs or drugs under tive studies for 300–600 mg/day) [19] and similar effi-
clinical phase-III development: full paper citations in cacy between gabapentin and the TCA nortriptyline in
English. a recent class I study [20]. Side effects include dizziness,
Exclusion criteria included duplicated patient series, somnolence, peripheral oedema, weight gain, asthenia,
conditions with no evidence of lesion in the somato- headache and dry mouth. In a recent comparative trial,
sensory system (e.g. CRPS I, fibromyalgia, low-back only two side effects differentiated gabapentin and
pain), studies using non-validated primary outcome nortriptyline: dry mouth (more frequent with nortrip-
measures, disease modifying treatments (i.e., alphali- tyline) and concentration disorders (more frequent with
poic acid for diabetes) and pre-emptive treatments. gabapentin) [20]. Discontinuation rates for pregabalin
We extracted information regarding the efficacy on range from 0 (150 mg/day) to 20% (600 mg/day)
pain, symptoms/signs, quality of life, sleep and mood [19,21]. All the other trialled antiepileptics show vari-
and side effects (see Appendices 1 and 2). able and sometimes discrepant results. Smaller class III
trials (carbamazepine) suggest efficacy [7], while larger
placebo-controlled studies usually show no or limited
benefit (Table 1) [7,22–29]. One reason for this vari-
Our search strategy identified 64 RCTs since January ability could be a large placebo effect [30].
2005 using placebo or active drugs as comparators and
three subgroup or post hoc analyses of prior RCTs. Opioids
Oxycodone, tramadol [31,32] and tramadol/acetami-
nophen combination [33] reduce pain in diabetic PPN.
Painful polyneuropathy
Side effects include mainly nausea and constipation,
Painful polyneuropathy (PPN) is a common NP con- but long-term use of opioids may be associated with
dition. Diabetic and non-diabetic PPN are similar in misuse (2.6% in a recent 3-year registry study of
symptomatology and with respect to treatment res- oxycodone in mainly diabetic NP, although higher
ponse, with the exception of HIV-induced neuropathy. rates were also reported) [4,34]. Tramadol should be
used with caution in elderly patients because of risk of
Antidepressants confusion and is not recommended with drugs acting
The efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) is largely on serotonin reuptake such as SSRIs [7,32]. The
established in PPN (notably diabetic), although mainly tramadol/acetaminophen combination appears better
based on single centre class I or II trials [7,9,10]. Three tolerated [33].
RCTs reported the efficacy of venlafaxine ER in PPN,
although this seems lower than imipramine on Others
responders and quality of life in a comparative trial Recent studies reported efficacy of botulinum toxin type
[7,11]. Side effects are mainly gastrointestinal, but A [35], nitrate derivatives [36,37] and a new nicotinic

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Treatment of neuropathic pain 1115

Table 1 Classification of evidence for drug treatments in commonly studied neuropathic pain (NP) conditions and recommendations for use.
Treatments are presented in alphabetical order. Only drugs used at repeated dosages are shown here (with the exception of treatments with long-
lasting effects such as capsaicin patches). Drugs marked with an asterisk were found effective in single class II or III studies and are generally not
recommended. Drugs marked with two asterisks are not yet available for use.

Level A/B rating for Recommendations

Level A rating for Level B rating Level C rating inefficacy or Recommendations for second or
Aetiology efficacy for efficacy for efficacy discrepant results for first line third line

Diabetic NPa Duloxetine Botulinum toxin* Carbamazepine Capsaicin cream Duloxetine Opioids
Gabapentin-morphine Dextromethorphan Phenytoin Lacosamide Gabapentin Tramadolc
TCA Gabapentin/venlafaxine* Lamotrigine Pregabalin
Gabapentin Levodopa* Memantine TCA
Nicotine agonist** Mexiletine Venlafaxine ER
Nitrate derivatives** Mianserin
Oxycodone NK1 antagonist**
Pregabalin Oxcarbazepine
Tramadol alone or with Topical clonidine
acetaminophen Topiramate
Venlafaxine ER Valproate

PHN Capsaicin 8% patch** Capsaicin cream Benzydamide topical Gabapentin Capsaicin

Gabapentin Valproate* Dextromethorphan Pregabalin Opioids
Gabapentin ER** Fluphenazine TCA
Lidocaine plasters Memantine Lidocaine plastersd
Opioids (morphine, Lorazepam
oxycodone, Mexiletine
methadone) COX-2 inhibitor**
Pregabalin Tramadol

Classical Carbamazepine Oxcarbazepine Baclofen* Carbamazepine Surgery

trigeminal Lamotrigine* Oxcarbazepine
neuralgia Pimozide*

Central paine Cannabinoids Lamotrigine (CPSP) Carbamazepine Gabapentin Cannabinoids (MS)

(oro-mucosal **, TCA (SCI, CPSP) Gabapentin Pregabalin Lamotrigine
oral) (MS) Tramadol (SCI)* Lamotrigine (SCI) TCA Opioids
Pregabalin (SCI) Opioids Levetiracetam Tramadol (SCI)
S-ketamine iont.
Diabetic neuropathy was the most studied. Only TCA, tramadol and venlafaxine were studied in non-diabetic neuropathies. bAmitriptyline,
clomipramine (diabetic neuropathy), nortriptyline, desipramine, imipramine. cTramadol may be considered first line in patients with acute
exacerbations of pain especially for the tramadol/acetaminophen combination. dLidocaine is recommended in elderly patients (see section 2).
Cannabinoids (positive effects in MS) and lamotrigine (positive effects in CPSP but negative results in MS and SCI except in patients with
incomplete lesion and brush-induced allodynia in one study based on post hoc analysis) are proposed for refractory cases. iont., iontophoresis;
CPSP, central post-stroke pain; ER, extended release; MS, multiple sclerosis; PHN, post-herpetic neuralgia; SCI, spinal cord injury; TCA, tricyclic
antidepressants; SSRI, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

agonist [38]. Of the other drugs trialled in PPN, one Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) in two studies [20,40,41],
reported a positive outcome (levodopa), another while a small study suggested superiority of the
showed discrepant results (NMDA antagonists), while gabapentin/venlafaxine combination compared with
the rest had limited or no efficacy (Table 1) [10,39]. gabapentin and placebo [7].

Combination HIV neuropathy

Three class I studies found a superiority of the gaba- Most initial trials of HIV neuropathy were negative
pentin-opioids (morphine, oxycodone) and gabapentin/ (Table 1) [7,42]. Only lamotrigine was moderately
nortriptyline combinations compared to each drug effective in patients receiving antiretroviral treatment
alone in patients with diabetic PN including Post- [43]. Recent RCTs found efficacy of smoked cannabis

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(1–8% tetrahydrocannabinol for 5 days) on pain Topical agents

intensity but not mood or functioning [44,45]. A one-off Lidocaine plasters (5%) are effective based on 5 class I
application of high concentration (8%) capsaicin patch or II RCTs in PHN with brush-induced allodynia, but
applied to the feet for 30, 60 or 90 min was superior to the therapeutic gain is modest against placebo, and the
low concentration (0.04%) in the 30- and 90-minute level of evidence is lower than for systemic agents [7,53].
group from weeks 2 to 12 without detectable changes in The largest recent trial including patients with or
sensory thresholds [46]. However, another study without allodynia (with enriched enrolment design) was
reported in a systematic review [47] was negative on the negative on the primary outcome (time-to-exit), but the
primary outcome. groups were not balanced at baseline, and many
patients withdrew prematurely from the study [54]. In
Recommendation. We recommend TCA, gabapentin, an enriched-design open-label trial, lidocaine plaster
pregabalin and SNRI (duloxetine, venlafaxine) as first- was better tolerated than pregabalin [55]. Lidocaine
line treatment in PPN (notably related to diabetes) plasters are safe because of their low systemic absorp-
(level A). Tramadol (level A) is recommended second line tion and well tolerated with local adverse effects only
except for patients with exacerbations of pain (for the (mild skin reactions) [54–56].
tramadol/acetaminophen combination) or those with Randomized controlled trials have reported benefit
predominant coexisting non-neuropathic pain (in view from topical capsaicin 0.075% [7], but as a result of the
of its largely established efficacy in nociceptive pain). burning effect of capsaicin, blinding was probably com-
Third-line therapy includes strong opioids because of promised. A one-off application of high concentration
concerns regarding their long-term safety including (8%) capsaicin patch applied to the skin for 60 min was
addiction potential and misuse, which warrants further more effective than a low concentration patch (0.04%)
RCTs [4,48]. Treatments with drug with no or equivocal during 12 weeks [57]. Although a post hoc analysis sug-
effect are listed in Table 1. In HIV-associated polyneur- gests that blinding was successful, patient randomized to
opathy, only lamotrigine (in patients receiving antiret- the high concentration patch required more rescue
roviral treatment) (level B), smoking cannabis (level A) medication immediately after application. Adverse
and capsaicin patches (level A) were found moderately effects were primarily attributable to local capsaicin-
useful. related reactions at the application site (pain, erythema).
Efficacy of capsaicin patches was demonstrated in two
other studies reported in a systematic review [47].
Post-herpetic neuralgia

Post-herpetic neuralgia is a common aftermath of her- Others

pes zoster in the elderly. NMDA antagonists, lorazepam and a selective Cox2
inhibitor do not provide pain relief in PHN (Table 1)
Antidepressants [7,58].
Systematic reviews concur that TCA are effective in
PHN [9,49] with superiority over SSRI [7,50]. No Recommendation
studies were found on the efficacy of SNRI. We recommend TCA or gabapentin/pregabalin as first-
line treatment in PHN (level A). Topical lidocaine (level
Antiepileptics A, less consistent results) with its excellent tolerability
Gabapentin and pregabalin have established efficacy in may be considered first line in the elderly, especially if
PHN with no difference shown between gabapentin and there are concerns regarding the CNS side effects of oral
nortriptyline in a further comparative study [20,49] An medications. In such cases, a trial of 2–4 weeks before
extended release formulation of gabapentin was more starting other therapy is justified [54]. Strong opioids
effective than placebo [51]. Good efficacy was reported (level A) and capsaicin cream are recommended as
with divalproex sodium in a small RCT, but only results second choice (see section 1). Capsaicin patches are
from completers were reported [52]. promising (level A), but the long-term effects of re-
peated applications particularly on sensation are not
Opioids clarified.
Oxycodone, morphine and methadone are effective in
PHN [49] and have similar or slightly better efficacy
Trigeminal neuralgia
compared to TCA in one comparative trial but are
associated with more frequent discontinuation due to Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) typically presents with very
side effects [7,49]. Tramadol was negative on the pri- brief attacks of pain (electric shocks) and is divided into
mary outcome in one class I trial [7]. ÔclassicÕ when secondary to vascular compression of the

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Treatment of neuropathic pain 1117

trigeminal nerve in the cerebellopontine angle or when Antiepileptics

no cause is found, or ÔsymptomaticÕ when secondary in The efficacy of pregabalin was demonstrated in a
particular to cerebellopontine angle masses or multiple multicentre study of traumatic SCI pain [68] and
sclerosis [59]. confirmed in various CP conditions in a single centre
study [20,69]. Discrepant results were reported with
Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine gabapentin and lamotrigine [7,43,67,70]. Negative
Carbamazepine is the drug of choice in TN, but its results were obtained with other antiepileptics
efficacy may be compromised by poor tolerability and (Table 1) [7,71].
pharmacokinetic interactions. Two class II RCTs found
similar effects of oxcarbazepine compared to carba- Opioids
mazepine on the number of attacks and global assess- Evidence for efficacy of opioids in CP is based on only
ment [60,61]. one study comparing high and low doses of levorphanol
in which patients with peripheral or central NP par-
Others ticipated [72]. A recent RCT showed beneficial effect of
Several drugs (i.e., lamotrigine, baclofen) have been tramadol on pain intensity, but not pain affect but
reported efficacious in TN based on small single trials many side effects were observed and caused attrition in
each [61,62] (Table 1), but a Cochrane review [63] 43% of cases (17% for the placebo) [73].
concludes that there is insufficient evidence to recom-
mend them in TN. Small open-label studies also sug- Cannabinoids
gested therapeutic benefit from botulinum toxin A and Cannabinoids (tetrahydrocannabinol, oromucosal
some antiepileptics [62,64,65] (Table 1). sprays 2.7 mg delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol/2.5 mg
cannabidiol) were effective in MS-associated pain in
Symptomatic TN two class I trials [7]. Adverse events (dizziness, dry
There are only small open-label class IV studies in mouth, sedation, fatigue, gastrointestinal effects, oral
symptomatic TN associated with multiple sclerosis [62]. discomfort) were reported by 90% of patients in long-
term extension study (up to 3 years), but no tolerance
Recommendation was observed [74].
In agreement with previous guidelines [7,61,62], carba-
mazepine (level A) and oxcarbazepine (level B) are con- Others
firmed first line for classical TN. Oxcarbazepine may be Negative results were obtained with low-dose mexiletine
preferred because of decreased potential for drug inter- in SCI pain and S-ketamine iontophoretic transdermal
actions. Patients with intolerable side effects may be in CP [7,75].
prescribed lamotrigine (level C) but should also be con-
sidered for a surgical intervention. We deplore the per- Recommendation
sistent lack of RCTs in symptomatic TN. We recommend pregabalin (level A), amitriptyline
(level B, level A in other NP conditions) or gaba-
pentin (level A in other NP conditions) as first line in
Central neuropathic pain
CP (Table 1). Tramadol (level B) may be considered
The most frequent central neuropathic pain (CP) states second line. Strong opioids (level B) are recommended
are caused by stroke (central post-stroke pain, CPSP), second or third line if chronic treatment is not an
spinal cord injury (SCI) or multiple sclerosis (MS). issue. Lamotrigine may be considered in CPSP or SCI
pain with incomplete cord lesion and brush-induced
Antidepressants allodynia (level B) and cannabinoids in MS (level A)
The beneficial effects of TCA were suggested in CPSP, only if all other treatments fail.
but one large-scale study was negative in SCI pain
probably because of low doses and lack of specific
Other NP conditions
evaluation of NP [7,66]. A recent RCT in SCI pain
showed that high doses of amitriptyline (150 mg/day) The level of evidence for drugs in other NP conditions is
relieved pain more effectively than diphenhydramine and reported in Table 2.
gabapentin (3600 mg) in depressed patients [67]. Despite
its limitations (small study, high dose of amitriptyline), it Cancer NP: There is level A evidence for the efficacy
suggests that TCA can justifiably be considered for SCI of gabapentin (one study), level B for TCA and
patients particularly those with depression. No RCT has tramadol and inefficacy of valproate [7,76,77]. Trau-
evaluated the efficacy of SNRI in CP. matic NP: Gabapentin was reported to be ineffective

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Table 2 Classification of evidence for drug treatments in less commonly studied neuropathic pain (NP) conditions. Treatments are presented in
alphabetical order. Drugs marked with an asterisk were found effective in single class II studies

Level A/B rating for

Level A rating Level B rating inefficacy/poor efficacy
Aetiology of NP for efficacy for efficacy or discrepant results

HIV neuropathy Capsaicin 8% patch Lamotrigine Amitriptyline

Smoked cannabis Capsaicin cream
Lidocaine plasters
Post-traumatic Amitriptyline* Cannabinoids
or post-surgical NP Botulinum toxin-A* Capsaicin
Venlafaxine ER
Chronic radiculo-pathy Morphine*
Nortriptyline-morphine *
Pregabalin (unpublished)
Cancer NP Gabapentin Amitriptyline* Valproate
Phantom pain Morphine Amitriptyline
Tramadol Gabapentin
Multi-aetiology NP Bupropion Methadone Amitriptyline/ketamine
Cannabinoids TCA (nortriptyline, topical
(oromucosal, clomipramine) CCK2 antagonists
synthetic analogue) Dextromethorphan
Levorphanol Dihydrocodeine
Venlafaxine ERa
Lidocaine plasters
Lidocaine plasters
These drugs were found effective in some spontaneous NP symptoms (gabapentin) or only on brush-induced or static mechanical allodynia
(mexiletine, venlafaxine) in single trials. ER, extended release; TCA, tricyclic antidepressants.

on the primary outcome in a large multicentre trial but opioids (levorphanol, methadone) and cannabinoids
improved several secondary outcomes and may be [7,86–92].
beneficial in a subgroup of patients (level A) although
predictors of the response need to be identified [78];
Effects on pain symptoms and signs and predictors of
antidepressants have level B evidence, good results
the response
were reported for botulinum toxin A, and discrepant
or negative results were obtained with other drugs Randomized controlled trials increasingly assess
[79,80]. Radiculopathy: Pregabalin (level A), TCA and symptoms and signs [60] and suggest that drugs
opioids and their combination (level B) are ineffective (gabapentin, oxycodone, topical lidocaine, cannabi-
or slightly effective (the combination TCA/opioids was noids) have differential effects on the quality of NP (i.e.,
effective on maximal pain only in one study) [81–83]. burning, deep, paroxysmal) [7,93,94] and that some
Phantom pain: Efficacy of tramadol and morphine was may alleviate brush-induced and/or static mechanical
reported (level A), while gabapentin induced discrep- allodynia based on single trials (TCA, pregabalin,
ant results [84,85]. Results in multi-aetiology NP are cannabinoids, topical lidocaine, venlafaxine, NMDA
positive mainly for antidepressants (bupropion, TCA), antagonists but not lamotrigine) [7,50,87,88,95].

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Treatment of neuropathic pain 1119

Although predictors of response to some drugs (e.g., To date, the choice between these different treatments
opioids, lidocaine plasters) were identified in post hoc is mainly in their ratio efficacy/safety and in the
analyses [79,96,97], no RCT has yet been designed to patientsÕ clinical condition (e.g. comorbidities, contra-
detect predictive factors of the response based on indications, concomitant treatments). However, in a
baseline phenotypic profile (level C). recent study investigating more than 2000 patients with
neuropathic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy and
post-herpetic neuralgia, Baron and colleagues [103]
Effects on Quality of Life (QoL), sleep and mood
found that patients with these conditions could be
Quality of Life, sleep and mood are frequently impaired subgrouped according to specific sensory profiles. A
in patients with NP [98,99]. Generally, the effects on classification per sensory profiles rather than based
pain are related to improvement in QoL [100; however merely on aetiology could contribute to minimize
see 75]. Beneficial effects of duloxetine, pregabalin and pathophysiological heterogeneity within study groups
gabapentin were reported on these outcomes in class I and increase the positive treatment responses [104,105].
trials [7,40,99,101]. However, the most consistent effects We propose the following strategy for future trials:
were observed with pregabalin and gabapentin on sleep (i) Efficacy should be based on standardized end-points
quality [40,98], and poor results were reported with [60]; in establishing such efficacy, symptoms/signs and
pregabalin on QoL or mood in 6 trials. Three trials QoL in addition to overall pain should be identified;
reported the efficacy TCA on QoL [40,99,102]. Opioids (ii) Identification of responder profiles based on a
and tramadol improve pain impact on sleep but have detailed characterization of symptoms and signs using
discrepant effects on QoL [99], cannabinoids alleviate sensory examination and specific pain questionnaires
QoL or sleep [44,45,87], but these drugs generally do should contribute to more successful neuropathic pain
not improve mood [32,72,73,76,87]. management; (iii) Identical criteria for assessing
harmful events should be obtained; (iv) Large-scale
comparative trials of drugs should be conducted;
Final recommendations and issues for future trials
(v) More large-scale trials are needed to determine the
The present revised EFNS guidelines confirm TCA (25– value of combination therapy.
150 mg/day), gabapentin (1200–3600 mg/day) and
pregabalin (150–600 mg/day) as first line for various
Conflicts of interest
NP conditions (except for trigeminal neuralgia, section
3) and lidocaine plasters (up to 3 plasters/day) first line The following authors (initials) did trials or have been
in PHN particularly in the elderly (section 2). We now consultants for the following pharmaceutical compa-
are able to recommend SNRI (duloxetine 60–120 mg/ nies:
day, venlafaxine 150–225 mg/day) first line in painful NA: Grunenthal, Novartis, Pfizer, Eli Lilly/Boeh-
diabetic polyneuropathies based on their more estab- ringer, Pierre Fabre, Sanofi-Pasteur Mérieux. RB: Pfizer,
lished efficacy. TCA raise safety issues at high doses and Genzyme, Grünenthal, Mundipharma, Allergan, Sanofi
in the elderly, they are not more effective than gaba- Pasteur, Medtronic, Eisai, UCB, Lilly. GC: Boehringer
pentin based on one comparative trial [20], but they are Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Medtronic, Pfizer. MH: Boehringer-
less costly [98]. Pregabalin has pharmacokinetic Ingelheim, Janssen-Cilag, GlaxoSmithKline, EMEA,
advantages compared to gabapentin (bid dosing, dose- Merck, Mundipharma, Orion, Pfizer, Sanof-Pasteur.
dependent efficacy) but has similar efficacy and tolera- PH: Bioschwartz, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly/Boehrin-
bility based on meta-analyses. Second-line treatments ger Ingelheim, Grunenthal, Lundbeck, Neurosearch,
include tramadol (200–400 mg/day) except in select Pfizer. TSJ: Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Grunenthal,
conditions (section 1) and capsaicin cream in PHN. Pierre Fabre Takeda Pfizer. TN: Allergan, AstraZeneca,
Strong opioids are recommended as second/third line GlaxoSmithKline, GWPharma, Napp, Novartis, Pfizer,
despite established efficacy in neuropathic non-cancer Renovis, SchwarzPharma.
pain because of potential risk for abuse on long-term
use, as there are still too few long-term safety trials in
neuropathic pain [48] Capsaicin patches are promising
for painful HIV neuropathies or PHN (level A). 1. Treede RD, Jensen TS, Campbell JN, et al. Neuropathic
pain: redefinition and a grading system for clinical and
Cannabinoids (level A in MS and peripheral NP) are
research purposes. Neurology 2008; 70: 1630–1635.
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is recommended for patients who show partial response characteristics in the general population. Pain 2008; 136:
to drugs administered alone. 380–387.

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Appendix 1

Primary Secondary Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments Authors Methods Main results outcomes outcomes outcomes Class

Diabetic Neuropathy
N. Attal et al.

Duloxetine 60 mg QD Raskin Parallel Duloxetine QD or NRS pain intensity Worst pain, night pain, All outcome measures similarly I
or BID vs. placebo et al. 2005 groups 12 weeks, BID > placebo (average) (diary) baseline PGIC, CGIC, BPI, improved except allodynia
n = 348 to endpoint SF-MPQ sensory, (weak at baseline) but modest
dynamic allodynia difference/placebo (0.87–0.9/
(examination) 10 on average pain intensity)
Duloxetine 20, 60, Goldstein Parallel groups, Duloxetine > placebo NRS pain intensity Analgesic use, worst pain, All outcome measures similarly I
120 mg vs. placebo et al. 2005 12 weeks, n = 457 for 60 and 120 mg (average) (diary) baseline night pain, PGIC, improved except allodynia
to endpoint CGIC, BPI, SF-MPQ (weak at baseline)
sensory, dynamic
Duloxetine Wernicke Parallel groups Duloxetine > placebo NRS pain intensity Analgesic use, worst pain, All outcome measures similarly I
60 BID or et al. 2006 12 weeks, n = 334 (average) (diary) baseline night pain, PGIC, improved except allodynia
QD mg vs. to endpoint CGIC, BPI, SF-MPQ (weak at baseline)
placebo sensory, dynamic
Meta-analyses Kajdascz N = 1139 patients NNT 5.2 (3.8–8.3) for NNT 50% pain relief SR
of 3 duloxetine et al. 2007 (800 duloxetine, 339 60 mg/day NNT 4.9 LOCF and BOCF; class I
trials placebo) 12 weeks (3.6–7.6) for 120 mg/day NNH based on
Venlafaxine ER Kadiroglu Parallel groups, Venlafaxine > placebo VAS pain intensity at No specification of Significant effects on all II
75–150 mg (flexible) et al. 2008 8 weeks, n = 60 visits (SFMPQ); NRS primary and secondary outcome measures
vs. vitamin pain intensity; SFMPQ outcomes
combination (B1B6) Categorical response
Escitalopram 20 mg Otto Cross over, 5 weeks Escitalopram > placebo 6 point categorical Pain NRS of total and NP Symptoms equally improved I
vs. placebo et al. 2008 per treatment relief symptoms; paracetamol but not analgesic uses and
n = 48 (37 use: QST, SF36, MDI, sleep, SF36 and MDI
completers) NNT, sleep
Meta-analysis of Wiffen 4 placebo controlled Gabapentin > placebo NNT 50% pain relief SR
gabapentin trials in et al. 2009 studies and 3 active NNT 2.9 (CI 2.2–4.3) Relative risk class I
NP including dia controlled studies
betic NP (Cochrane)
Treatments (diabetic Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome Results on secondary outcomes EFNS
neuropathy) Class
Oxcarbazepine (OXC) Grosskopf Parallel groups OXC = placebo VAS pain intensity Global assessment of Only one measure of pain No I
1200 mg vs. placebo et al. 2006 12 weeks, n = 141 (average) (electronic therapeutic effects, sleep, effect on any measure
diary) SF36, POMS

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Primary Secondary Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments Authors Methods Main results outcomes outcomes outcomes Class

Oxcarbazepine Dogra Parallel groups OXC > placebo VAS pain intensity Global assessment of VAS, GATE similar effects; I

 2010 The Author(s)

300–1800 mg vs. et al. 2005 12 weeks, n = 146 (average) (electronic therapeutic effects sleep improved but not SF36
placebo diary) NNT (GATE), sleep, SF36,
Pregabalin, 150, Richter Parallel groups Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity Sleep, SF-MPQ (sensory, All measures improved except I
600 mg vs. placebo et al. 2005 6 weeks, n = 246 (average) (diary) NNT affective total), VAS SF36 less sensitive (1 domain
(50% pain relief) pain intensity, improved only)
Pregabalin Arezzo Parallel groups, Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity Sleep interference (NRS), Significant effects on all I
600 mg/day vs. et al. 2008 13 weeks, n = 167 (average) (diary) at SFMPQ, VAS and PPI outcome measures No effect
placebo endpoint + weekly pain (SFMQP) PGIC, on nerve conduction
scores, responders CGIC, + safety
parameters (Nerve
Pregabalin 150, Tölle Parallel groups Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity Sleep interference (NRS), Effects on all outcomes of the I
300, 600 mg/day vs. et al. 2008 12 weeks, n = 396 (highest dosage) (average) (diary) PGIC, CGIC, EQ-5D, highest dosage only except
placebo (endpoint, weekly, NNT EQ-5D more sensitive to all
8 weeks) dosages; centre effect
Pregabalin flexible Freynhagen Parallel groups Pregabalin (fixed, NRS pain intensity MOS-sleep, PGIC All measures equally sensitive I
150–600 mg vs. fixed et al. 2005 12 weeks, n = 338 flexible) > placebo (average) (diary) NNT:
600 mg vs. placebo 30%, 50%

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
(including PHN
Meta-analysis of 7 Freeman N = 1510 (ITT Reduction in endpoint Pregabalin > placebo all PGIC, safety measures, Discontinuation rates: absent SR
pregabalin trials in et al. 2008 population, 7 least squares mean pain doses -correlation with time to onset of pain (150 mg) to 20% (600 mg); class I
diabetic PN studies) scores doses; 150 mg not relief, NNT 30–50% other outcome measures
effective in single trials pain relief, proportion of improved; Side effects
but effective in pooled responders, sleep dose-dependent
Lamotrigine, 200, 300, Vinik Parallel groups, Lamotrigine = placebo NRS pain intensity Sleep, pain intensity End of trt (observed scores): I
400 mg (2 RCTs) vs. et al. 2007 19 weeks, n = 360 (LOCF) > placebo (average) (diary) (walking) SF-MPQ, PGIC, walking pain intensity,
placebo per study (observed scores) Responders (30%, 50%); Neuropathic pain scale NPS:significant for some
Large placebo effect (NPS), CGI, Rescue doses; No effect on other
analgesics outcomes
Lamotrigine up to Jose Cross over, 6 weeks Lamotrigine = Pain relief, overall McGill pain question- No difference in secondary II
200 mg vs. et al. 2007 per trt, n = 53 amitriptyline improvement naire, Likert pain scale outcome but lamotrigine had
amitriptyline up less side effects (43% vs. 75%)
Treatment of neuropathic pain

to 75 mg

Appendix 1 (Continued)

Primary Secondary Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments Authors Methods Main results outcomes outcomes outcomes Class

Lacosamide 400 mg Rauck Parallel groups, Lacosamide > placebo NRS pain intensity SF-MPQ including Measures of pain equally I
vs. placebo et al. 2007 10 weeks, n = 119 (average) (diary) Effect VAS-PPI, NPS, sleep improved; No effect on
N. Attal et al.

(94 completers) size (NRS), SF36, POMS, POMS; SF36 only 2 domains
pain free days, CGI improved including pain
Lacosamide 200, 400 Wymer Parallel groups Lacosamide NRS pain intensity last Sleep NRS), PGIC, 40% discontinuation in the I
and 600 mg vs. et al. 2009 18 weeks, n = 370 400 mg > placebo; 4 weeks (diary) activity (diary) 600 mg group for adverse
placebo (64% completers) 600 mg > placebo effects; 23% in the 400 mg
observed cases (9% placebo)
Lacosamide 200, 400 Shaibani Parallel groups, Lacosamide 400 mg NRS pain intensity last PGIC, responders (50% Responders ns improvement; I
and 600 mg vs. et al. 2009 12 weeks, n = 468 approached significance; 4 weeks (diary) and 30% pain relief), no significant effect on sleep
placebo 600 mg ns pain free days
Zonisamide 540 mg Atli and Parallel groups, Zonisamide = placebo VAS/NRS pain intensity Sleep, daily functioning, No effect on any outcome II
vs. placebo Dogra 2005 12 weeks, n = 25 (average) (diary)- pain interference measures
Opioids and tramadol
CR Oxycodone, mean Gimbel Parallel groups, Oxycodone > placebo NRS pain intensity NRS current/worst pain Effective on all measures of I
37 mg (10–99) vs. et al. 2003 6 weeks, n = 159 (average) (diary) (diary), satisfaction, pain but only 2 items of BPI
placebo Jensen sleep scale, BPI interference and no effect on
et al. 2006 interference, Rand SF36, Rand, SIP except
(post hoc Mental Health ambulation NPS:effects on
analysis Inventory, SIP, SF 36, deep, sharp, dull not sensitive
of NPS) NPS, discontinuation,
time to mild pain, days
of mild pain
CR Oxycodone (Oxy) Hanna Parallel groups, Oxy-gaba > NRS pain intensity (box Rescue analgesics, sleep All measures of pain equally I
10–80 mg + et al. 2008 12 weeks, n = 338 gabapentin-placebo scale) at each visit (n of disturbed night improved; Sleep disturbance
gabapentin (gaba) sleeps, quality of sleep), improved but not quality of
(100–3600 mg) vs. SF- BPI, SF-MPQ, sleep-No statistics for
placebo+gabapentin EuroQol EuroQol
Tramadol 37.5 Freeman Parallel groups, Tramadol/APAP > NRS pain intensity Sleep interference, PGIC, All outcome measures I
acetaminophen 325 et al. 2009 8 weeks, n = 311 placebo (average) (diary) from QoL, mood significantly improved
vs. placebo (up to baseline to final week Nausea:the only adverse
1–2 tablets 4 times effect; similar discontinuation
daily) rates (8.1% for active;
6.5% for placebo)
Other treatments
SC Botulinum Yuan Cross over, 12 weeks, BTX-A > placebo VAS pain intensity, No primary outcome specified; II
toxin-A (max 300 U) et al. 2009 n = 20 (18 Pittsburgh sleep quality effects on VAS and sleep
vs. saline completers) index, SF36 (4 weeks) but not SF36

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
 2010 The Author(s)
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Primary Secondary Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments Authors Methods Main results outcomes outcomes outcomes Class

Glyceryl trinitrate Agrawal Cross over, 4 weeks GTN spray > placebo VAS pain intensity at SFMPQ (total score) All outcome measures equally II
spray (feet) vs. et al. 2007 per trt, n = 48 (43 visits NRS pain intensity, PPI, sensitive
placebo completers) NNT for pain relief
NK-1 receptor Sindrup Parallel groups TKA = placebo VAS pain intensity CGI, rescue medication, No effect on any outcome I
antagonist TKA731 et al. 2006 2 weeks, n = 87 (average) (diary) sleep questionnaire, VAS measure
vs. placebo for neuropathic
ABT-594 (150, 225, Rowbotham Parallel groups, ABT > placebo for all NRS pain intensity NRS pain intensity each Responders improved but too I
300 mg BID) vs. et al. 2009 7 weeks (1 week dosages without dose final week (diary) week, Proportion of many side effects and
placebo titration) response responders, NPS score dropouts (up to 66%) NPS ns;
and symptoms, SF36, SF36 only physical subscore
rescue medication improved but mental
component deteriorated
Combination (in diabetic PN and PHN)
Gabapentin, 2207 mg Gilron Cross over 5 weeks Gabapentin = placebo NRS pain intensity SF-MPQ (sensory SFMPQ, BPI, SF36, BDI I
vs. morphine 45 mg et al. 2005 per trt, n = 57 Morphine > placebo (average) (diary) affective total, significant for gabapentin,
vs. combination (41 completers) Combination > VAS-PPI), BDI, BPI morphine and combination;

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
(morphine mor > gaba (interference), SF36, NRS less sensitive to
34 mg + gaba And > pbo MMSE, global pain gabapentin
1705 mg) vs. placebo relief, blinding
Gabapentin 2433 mg Gilron Cross over, 6 weeks Combination > NRS pain intensity BPI, SF-MPQ, blinding, Better effects of the I
vs. nortriptyline et al. 2009 per trt, n = 56 gabapentin or nor (average) (diary) SF36 combination on BPI, BPI
61.6 mg vs. (45 completers) Gabapentin > interference with sleep, mood
combination placeboNor > placebo (/nor), SFMPQ, SF36; dry
2180 + 50.1 mouth > with nor and weight
gain > for gabapentin
Treatment of neuropathic pain

Appendix 1 (Continued)

Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

N. Attal et al.

Fluoxetine 60 mg vs. Rowbotham Parallel groups, Similar effects of the VAS pain intensity Pain relief scale VAS and pain relief I
imipramine 150 mg vs. et al. 2005 6 weeks, n = 38 3 drugs (average) at visits (6 items) BDI, QST scale similarly
amitriptyline 150 mg (allodynia to brush) improved Allodynia
sensitive to TCAs
Nortriptyline Chandra Parallel groups, Nortriptyline = NRS pain intensity VAS sleep, VAS pain No difference in II
25–100 mg et al. 2006 8 weeks, n = 76 (70 Gabapentin (diary) from baseline SF-MPQ, disability outcome measure
vs. gabapentin as intent to treat) to end of study (categorical scale) between active
300–1200 mg vs. pain categorical treatments
placebo (0–5) CGI (0–4); Categorical scales
proportion not commonly used
responders (50%) (some not validated)
Meta-analysis of Wiffen et al. 2009 2 RCTs of gabapentin Gabapentin > NNT Relative risk SR
gabapentin in NP vs. placebo placebo NNT 3.9 class I
including PHN (95% CI 3–5.7)
Gabapentin ER Irving et al. 2009 Parallel groups, Gabapentin NRS pain intensity Sleep interference Effects on sleep for I
1800 mg/day twice Jensen et al. 2009 n = 158, 4 weeks ER > placebo for (diary) from baseline score NPS twice daily and once
daily or once daily (posthoc analysis Enrichment design twice daily to endpoint daily administration;
vs. placebo of NPS) administration only dizziness and
somnolence most
common AE
Differential effects of
gabapentin on NP
symptoms (hot, cold,
Pregabalin 150, 300, Van Seventer Parallel groups, Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity Sleep CGI (patient) All measures equally I
600 mg vs. placebo et al. 2006 13 weeks n = 370 (average) (diary) sensitive
NNT 30–50% relief
Pregabalin 150–600 vs. Stacey et al. 2008 Parallel groups Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity % responders (‡30% Pain/allodynia I
300 mg vs. placebo 4 weeks, n = 269 (diary) (criteria:time or 50%); PGIC; VAS correlated; more
to onset of pain (SFMPQ, anxiety); severe baseline
relief) VAS allodynia to allodynia:less
brush Daily response to PGB;
interference scores odds ratio for ‡50%
PR: 1.30 (0.71–2.36)

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Results on secondary EFNS

Treatments (PHS) Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Meta-analysis of Moore 5 RCTs, n = 1417 NNT 50% PR:6.9 (4.8–13) NNT 50% PR, SR

 2010 The Author(s)

pregabalin studies in et al. 2009 for 150 mg; 5.5 (3.8–8.1) for NNH class I
PHN (Cochrane) 300 mg and 4.0 (3.1–5.5) for
600 mg
Valproate 1000 mg vs. Kochar Parallel groups Valproate > placebo SF-MPQ, VAS CGI (patient) All measures equally sensitive II (only
placebo et al. 2005 8 weeks, n = 45 (PPI), NRS, results from
NNT completers)
Opioids vs. antidepressants
Morphine 91 mg or Raja et al. 2002 Cross over, Opioids = tricyclics > NRS pain Preference with All pain measures improved; I
methadone 15 mg vs. Edwards 8 weeks per trt, placebo intensity Pain treatment; MPI effects on sleep and preference
nortriptyline 89 mg et al. 2006 n = 76 (44 relief (physical, sleep) Beck; with trts; Predictors for
or desipramine (predictors completers of 3 (0%–100%) Cog- Treatment preference, response:higher heat pain
63 mg vs. placebo for response) periods) nitive function NNT (50% PR), QST thresholds at baseline, higher
baseline pain, younger age
Topical agents
Lidocaine patch, 5% Binder Parallel groups, No difference in the full Time to exit Allodynia to brush, pain Significant in the perprotocol II (groups
(max 3/day) vs. et al. 2009 enriched analysis set in the primary relief, SF-MPQ, mean population; no direct statisti not
placebo in PHN enrolment, outcome but only in pain intensity cal comparisons of secondary balanced,
patients 2 weeks per trt perprotocol population endpoints between lidocaine many early
after 8 weeks (n = 34) and placebo;only 2.8% adverse withdrawals)
open label run-in events in the double blind phase
phase, n = 265 (13.8% for lidocaine in the study
(71 randomized) including run in period)
High concentration Backonja Parallel groups, NGX-4010 > placebo NRS average pain Proportion of responders Effects on pain, PGIC, SAT but I

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
capsaicin patch et al. 2008 Assessment up to intensity (diary) (30% pain relief); no significant effects on BPI,
NGX-4010 (8%) vs. 12 weeks from week 2–8 Gracely pain scale, SFMPQ, SF36, ‡50% reduction
low concentrations N = 402 SFMPQ, PGIC, CGIC; pain (not shown); no effect on
(0.04%) 60 min in BPI; SF36, Self rescue medication – blinding
PHN assessment of perhaps compromised due to
treatment (SAT); more initial pain in the high
concomitant treatments concentration patch
COX-2 inhibitor Shackelford Parallel groups, COX-2 = placebo but NRS average pain NPS; allodynie severity No statistical effect on primary II
(GW40381) 25 or et al. 2009 3 weeks duration of trial may intensity (diary) (brush) SF-MPQ; PGIC; and secondary endpoints except
50 mg vs. placebo N = 209 be too short from baseline to CGIC; PR score; discon for the NPS in the 25 mg group
last week tinuation due to lack of
effect:rescue medication
Meta-analysis of Hempestall 25 analysable NNT for TCA combined 2.64 NNT, NNH, ratio SR class I
drug treatments et al. 2005 RCTs (2.43–7.99); NNT for NNT/NNH
gabapentin 4.39 (3.34–6.07)
NNT for opioids 2.67
Treatment of neuropathic pain

(2.07–3.77); NNT for

tramadol 4.76 (2.61–26.97)

Appendix 1 (Continued)

Results on secondary EFNS Class

Treatments Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Systematic review and Cruccu SR of all treatments in CBZ: NNT = 1.8 (1.3–2.2) Efficacy on number of Adverse events SR class I
N. Attal et al.

guidelines of diagnosis et al. 2009 TN including drugs; one class II and 1 class II attacks, paroxysmal
and treatment including Gronseth 12 RCTs analysed trial (n = 147); OXC pain, brush-evoked pain,
drug treatments in et al. 2008 600–1800 mg similar effect and global assessment
trigeminal neuralgia as CBZ on number of
attacks and global
assessment in 2 class II
RCTs (n = 130); other
drugs have poor efficacy or
effective in single trials
Central Pain
Amitriptyline 150 mg Rintala Cross over Amitriptyline > VAS pain intensity Proportion responders VAS and proportion II
vs. gabapentin et al. 2007 8 week per gabapentin (average) at visits (30%) VAS pain responders responsive to trts
3600 mg vs. placebo trt n = 38 Gabapentin = intensity (worst) No effect on rescue trts
(diphenhydramine) (22 completers) placebo Rescue analgesics
SCI pain
Tramadol 150 mg vs. Norrbrink and Cross over, Tramadol > placebo NRS pain intensity Multidimensional Pain Diff./placebo on pain II
placebo SCI pain Lunderberg 4 weeks, = 36 Inventory; HAD; sleep intensity, PGIC, anxiety,
2009 (35 analysable) questionnaire; PGIC; sleep but not mood, pain
Brush induced allodynia unpleasantness, pain
(tooth-brush); pain interference, distress. 43% of
unpleasantness, maximal withdrawal due to side
and minimal pain (NRS) effects with tramadol vs.
17% placebo
Pregabalin, Siddal Parallel groups, Pregabalin > placebo NRS pain intensity SF-MPQ, % responders All measures of pain equally I
150–600 mg vs. et al. 2006 8 weeks n = 137 (average) (diary) (30, 50%), sleep, POMS, sensitive 21%
placebo (SCI pain) CGI discontinuation for adverse
events vs. 13% placebo
Pregabalin, Vranken Parallel groups Pregabalin > placebo VAS pain intensity SF36, EuroQol, PDI Only one measure of pain; I
150–600 mg vs. et al. 2008 4 weeks n = 40 (average) at weekly PDI and SF36 less sensitive
placebo (SCI, brain) visits than EQD5 (SF36 -pain
Lamotrigine up to Breuer Cross over, Lamotrigine = NRS pain intensity Rescue analgesics, NPS Pain responses similar but II
400 mg vs. placebo et al. 2007 11 weeks per placebo Inclusion from the BPI (worst, Multiple sclerosis NS; Carryover effect for the
(multiple sclerosis) trt n = 12 criteria 4/10 on any least, average pain) QOL-54 item «sensitive» of the NPS;
NPS item (diary) Responders BPI-interference underpowered study
from BPI average
pain (>30%)

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Results on secondary
Treatments Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Levetiracetam Finnerup Cross over, Levetiracetam = Average pain intensity Pain relief (categorical), No effect on any outcome II

 2010 The Author(s)

500–3000 mg/day vs. et al. 2009 5 weeks per placebo (NRS) MPQ, NPSI, proportion measure Possibly
placebo (SCI pain) tret, washout of pain relief (33%), underpowered for secondary
1 week n = 36 sleep interference, use of outcome measures (evoked
(24 completers) rescue analgesics, evoked pain, spasms)
pain (pinprick, brush,
cold evoked), PGIC,
spasm (NRS, Penn),
Ashworth, blindness
S-ketamine Vranken Parallel groups Ketamine = placebo VAS pain intensity at Measures of quality of life No effect on pain but effects I
iontophoretic et al. 2005 7 days n = 33 (primary outcome) each visit and disability:PDI, on all measures of QOL with
transdermal 50 and EuroQol, SF 3 the high dosage
75 mg vs. placebo
(NP screened with
THC/cannabidiol Rog et al. 2005 Parallel groups THC/CBD > NRS pain intensity Sleep NRS NPS cognitive Pb with NP screening (some I
(CBD) 2.7/2.5 5 weeks n = 64 placebo (average) (diary) function had spasticity) Similar
oromucosal vs. HADS-Multiple effects on NRS, total score
placebo max 48 sclerosis related NPS and sleep NPS:signifi
sprays/day disability CGI (patient) cant effect for some items
(intense, dull, sensitive)
Tramadol Arbaiza Parallel groups Tramadol > placebo NRS pain intensity at Karnovsky scale, ADL Non validated scales (AED II
1–1.5 mg/kg per 6 h et al. 2007 6 weeks n = 36 each visit including sleep and use, ADL) Similar effects on

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
appetite (yes/no), Zung pain, AED rescue,
depression, Beck Karnovski, ADL, but not
anxiety, SEPs, AED use mood
on a scale (0–5)
Other Neuropathic Pain Conditions
HIV neuropathy
Memantine 40 mg/ Schiffito Parallel groups Memantine = VAS pain and No effects on pain or II
day or et al. 2006 16 weeks n = 45 placebo paresthesia intensity paresthesia
max tolerated dose at
vs. placebo 16 weeks
Smoked cannabis Abrams Parallel groups 5 days Smoked VAS pain intensity Current pain VAS Measures of pain improved I
(3.56% THC) vs. et al. 2007 n = 55 cannabis > placebo (average) (diary) (immediate effect) NNT No effect on pain induced by
placebo cigarettes; 30% pain relief Pain heat but attenuation of
1 cig TID intensity (VAS) induced heat/capsaicin hyperalgesia
by 45C for 1 mn; at day 1 No effect on the
Treatment of neuropathic pain

Heat/capsaicin POMS
sensitization; POMS

Appendix 1 (Continued)

Results on secondary
Treatments Authors Method Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Smoked cannabis (1 Ellis Cross over 5 days Smoked Pain intensity Mood and functioning Significant effects on pain but II
and et al. 2009 n = 34 cannabis > placebo (Descriptor Proportion of no difference on mood and
N. Attal et al.

8% THC) vs. pla- Differential Scale) responders (30% functioning

cebo pain relief)
High concentration Simpson Parallel groups, NGX-4010 > NRS average pain % change in NRS All measures equally sensitive I
capsaicin patch et al. 2008 Assessment up to placebo intensity (diary) from present, worst pain to treatment No effect on
NGX-4010 (8%) vs. 12 weeks n = 307 week 2–12 intensity (diary) % sensory function
low (274 completers) change from baseline of
concentrations (dur- average NRS;
ing proportion responder
30, 60, 90 mn) in (30% pain relief);
HIV Gracely pain scale,
neuropathy SFMPQ, PGIC, CGIC;
BPI composite score;
Nerve trauma
Gabapentin up to Gordh Cross over 5 weeks Gabapentin = VAS pain intensity Pain relief (categorical), PR and PGIC more improved I
2400 mg vs. placebo et al. 2008 per trt, n = 120 placebo on the (present pain twice a sleep interference (VAS than VAS; sleep significant;
VAS ‡ 3 at inclusion primary outcome day) (electronic diary electronic diary), SF36, 3 items of the SF36
Placebo effect % responders (30%, CGI, rescue analgesics improved; NNT depends on
superior during the 50% pain relief) the measure
first period

Treatments Results on secondary EFNS

(other conditions) Authors Methods Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Levetiracetam Vilholm Parallel groups, Levetiracetam = NRS pain intensity, No specification of No effect on any outcome II
3000 mg/day vs. et al. 2008 4 weeks n = 27 Placebo relief, NP symptoms; primary and secondary
placebo (25 completers) rescue analgesics; endpoints
SC Botulinum toxin A Ranoux Parallel groups BTX-A > placebo NRS pain intensity NNT 50% pain relief Effect on global pain/pain I
(BTX-A) (max 200 U) et al. 2008 6 months n = 29 (average) (diary) PGIC, % pain relief, relief and CGI similar Better
vs. saline in peripheral NPSI, average pain VAS effect on NPSI symptoms/
neuropathic pain at each visit, QST(area dimensions (burning,
(traumatic, PHN) with of allodynia to brush paroxysmal pain, allodynia);
allodynia and punctate, thermal Only 2 items of BPI-inter
testing) BPI-interference, ference improved Predictors
HAD Blinding of response based on QST
assessment (patients with severe thermal
deficits less improved)

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Treatments Results on secondary EFNS

(other conditions) Authors Methods Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

Phantom pain

 2010 The Author(s)

Gabapentin, Smith Cross over, 6 weeks, Gabapen- NRS Pain intensity Categorical pain relief No effect on any outcome II
300–3600 mg vs. et al., 2005 n = 24 tin = placebo scale, benefit and side measures Categorical scales
placebo effects; BPI; blinding; not validated
Morphine 112 mg vs. Wu Cross over 6 weeks Morphine > pla- NRS pain intensity % pain relief (0–100%) Effects on pain but not on self I
mexiletine 933 mg et al. 2008 per trt wash out cebo (averagediary) NNT for 50 and 33% reported levels of activity
vs. 1 week n = 60 and mexiletine throughout the study pain relief, functional
placebo (stump and phantom activity (MPI) (general
mixed) and ntererence scales)
Cancer NP
Gabapentin Caraceni Parallel groups, Gabapen- NRS pain intensity Neuropathic symptoms Effects on pain intensity but I
600–1800 mg vs. et al. 2005 10 days n = 121 tin > placebo (average) (diary) NNT 33% pain relief not on analgesic use or on
placebo (cancer NP) Allodynia at neuropathic symptom
Rescue analgesics
Nortriptyline 25– Khoromi Cross over 7 weeks No effect of treat- NRS pain intensity Global pain relief Average pain: II
100 mg et al. 2007 per trt n = 55 (28 ments (average and (categorical) Oswestry ns -Combination > placebo
vs. morphine 15– completers) maximal) (diary) disability scale BDI, for worst pain and pain
90 mg SF-36, NNT (pain relief) relief/placebo (chance
vs. combination vs. Blinding effect?) No blinding

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Topiramate 200 mg Khoromi Cross over 6 weeks Topiramate NRS pain intensity NRS pain intensity (back, Average leg pain less II
vs. et al. 2005 per trt n = 41 margin- (average) (diary) global pain), worst pain, improved than global
diphenhydramine (29 completers) ally > placebo for leg pain Pain relief (categorical) assessment or worst pain
40 mg (primary out- Oswestry, BDI, SF36
Pregabalin Pfizer, protocol Single blind run in Pregabalin = Increase in pain over the PGIC, sleep interference, No effect on any outcome II (numerous
150–600 mg vs. A0081007 –20 phases with placebo placebo double blind treatment HADS, EQ-5D, MOS, measure protocol
placebo may 2008 then pregabalin, then period in patients pain treatment violations)
5 weeks double blind randomized to placebo satisfaction scale,
period, n = 217 compared to Roland Morris disability
(187 completers) pregabalin
Multiaetiology NP
Gabapentin Yelland N of 1 method, 3 Only 29% patients Aggregate measure for: II many
600–1800 mg vs. et al. 2009 double-blind RCT showed a positive VAS for pain intensity, withdrawals
Treatment of neuropathic pain

placebo cross over trials response to sleep-VAS, functional (35%)

N = 73 gabapentin, 69% limitation VAS, treatment
(48 completes) no difference preference,side effects

Appendix 1 (Continued)

Treatments Results on secondary EFNS

(other conditions) Authors Methods Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class
N. Attal et al.

Lamotrigine 200, 300, Silver Parallel group, Lamotrigine = NRS pain intensity Sleep interference No difference/placebo, No I
400 mg. vs. placebo et al. 2007 14 weeks n = 220 placebo Large (average) (diary), SF-MPQ, NPS total outcome measure more
placebo effect responders score Rescue analgesics, sensitive -No predictors –
(30%, 50%) CGI dizziness, rash, somnolence
in >5% of patients
Lidocaine patch, 5% Meier Cross over 7 days Lidocaine > VAS spontaneous pain Descriptors partially Short period assessment I (II for
(max 4/day) vs. et al. 2003 per trt n = 40 placebo and allodynia intensity derived from the MPQ (7 days)- Non validated Wasner
placebo in patients Wasner et al. (diary) QOL (how did you scales (symptoms, sleep); et al.)
with allodynia 2005 sleep) on a 5-point categ Better effect on ongoing
(PHN, postsurgical, (subgroup scale; NNT for 50% pain/allodynia (NNT) - ES
peripheral analysis) pain relief and allodynia 0.4; Reduction in number of
neuropathy) relief; effect size QST symptoms only; sleep ns,
and QSART in a Better effects of lidocaine in
subgroup of 18 PHN patients with impairment of
patients nociceptor function
Lidocaine patch 5% Ho Cross over 1 week Amitriptyline = VAS pain intensity at Daily NRS, MPQ, rescue Outcome measures equally II
vs. topical amitripty- et al. 2008 per trt, n = 35 lidocaine = the end of trt period analgesics, patient improved
line (ami) 5% vs. placebo; satisfaction(categorical),
placebo Lido-caine>ami degree of pain relief
Topical amitriptyline Lynch Parallel groups Ami = NRS pain intensity SF-MPQ, dynamic No effect on any outcome I
2% vs. topical keta et al. 2005 3 weeks n = 92 ketamine = (average) (diary) allodynia, pinprick measure
mine 1% vs. combi combination = hyperalgesia, PDI,
nation vs. placebo placebo patient satisfaction
Venlafaxine 75 mg vs. Yucel Parallel groups Venlafaxine = VAS pain intensity Patient satisfaction VAS-PI reduced in the 3 II
150 mg vs. placebo et al. 2004 8 weeks n = 55 placebo (VAS-PI) (average) (categorical) Effect on groups (placebo effect); No
at visits daily activities Rescue effect on rescue analgesics-
analgesics Global Slight effect on satisfaction
efficacy QST (allodynia) and daily activity (75 mg);
Effects on brush-induced
allodynia (QST) > PI
Nabilone 2 mg vs. Frank Cross over, 6 weeks Nabilone < VAS pain intensity Anxiety and depression Dihydrocodeine > nabilone I
dihydrocodeine et al. 2009 (2 weeks washout) Dihydrocodeine (HAD), SF36, sleep on all outcomes but effect
240 mg n = 96 (numbers of hours slept moderate in all cases Effect
(73 available) each night) of nabilone on the role
physical of SF36

 2010 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2010 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 17, e67–e88
Appendix 1 (Continued)

Treatments Results on secondary EFNS

(other conditions) Authors Methods Main results Primary outcome Secondary outcome outcomes Class

THC/CBD Nurmikko Parallel groups, Sativex > NRS pain intensity NPS, PDI, PGIC pain All measures of pain I

 2010 The Author(s)

oromucosal 2.7/2.5 et al. 2007 5 weeks, n = 125 placebo (average) (diary) and allodynia, GHQ-12 improved – no change in
vs. placebo-max 8 (mood, anxiety); NRS pain threshold but decrease
sprays/2 h sleep; Cognitive tests; in pain evoked by punctate
self-titration allodynia (dynamic, stimuli No effect on CHG-Q
(peripheral NP) punctate); NNT ongoing
pain, allodynia

BDI, Beck depression inventory; BOCF, baseline observation carried forward; BPI, Brief pain inventory; CGIC, clinical global impression of change; HDRS, Hamilton depression rating scale; LANSS,
Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs; LOCF, last observation carried forward; MDI, major depression inventory; MMSE, mini mental scale examination; MPI, Multidimensional Pain
inventory; MPQ, Mc Gill Pain questionnaire; NIS, Neuropathy impairment score; NNT, number needed to treat; NPS, neuropathic pain scale; NPSI, neuropathic pain symptom inventory; NRS,
numerical rating scale (or Likert scale); NS, not significant; NWC, number of words chosen; PDI, Pain disability index; PHN, post herpetic neuralgia; PN, polyneuropathy; PGIC, patient clinical global
impression; POMS, profile of mood scale; PPI, present pain intensity; PR, pain relief; QOL, quality of life; QST, quantitative sensory testing; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SF-MPQ, short form Mc
Gill pain questionnaire; SIP, Sickness Impact Profile; SF36, Short Form 36 (QoL measure); STAI, Spielberger trait anxiety inventory; Trt, treatment; VAS, visual analogue scale; VRS, Verbal rating
scale; vs., versus.

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