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Section A [10 marks] Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text. Teliti nota-nota di bawah dan gunakan maklumat yang diberi untuk metengkapkan teks. @®eags — tiny frog eggs laid by a female frog tadpoles — frog eggs hatch into tadpoles; use gills to breathe and have a tail © todpotes with legs — tadpoles grow legs, have a longer body, and a big head @ trogiets — breathe with lungs and still have some of the tail © adult frogs — breathe with lungs and have no tail Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information. Berdasarkan nota-nota, lengkapkan teks di bawah dengan makiumat yang betul. Do you know how tadpoles grow into frogs? A frog’s life cycle begins when a female frog lays (1) in the water, Then, the eggs hatch into tadpoles. The tadpoles spend their time swimming in the water, eating and =~ growing. ~The ~—tadpoles_—_ breathe 2) and have a fail, At the next stage, each tadpole (3) has a longer body and a big head. As (4) it is almost mature and breathes using lungs. Finally the ~—froglet- = furns-—info. © an adulf- —sfrog. it 4) because the tail has been absorbed by the body. Then, the cycle starts again. [10marks} Section B [15 marks] BC Sie the schedule on school trip to Pulau Langkawi and answer the following question in the spaces provided. Teliti jadual lawatan ke Pulau Langkawi di bawah dan jawab soaian berikutnya di ruang yang disediakan. SCHOOL TRIP TO PULAU LAWGKAWLE FOR YEAR # PUPILS 23" until 25" OCTOBER ee DATE TIME ACTIVITIES - * 234 October | 6:00am. Leave school for Pulau Langkawi by bus 12.30 p.m. @ Arive in Kuch 1.30 p.m. @ Check-in at Aseania Langkawi Resort 3.00 p.m. © Visit Underwater World and Eagle Square 8.30 p.m. @ Visit the night market 11.00 p.m. @ Bedtime 24" October | 7:00am. | @ Breakfast 8.00a.m. | ® Visit Perdana Langkawi Gallery Craft, Culture Centre and Mahsuri’s Tomb 1.30p.m. | Lunch 2.30 p.m. | lt! Shopping in Kuah and Langkawi Cable Car 7.00 p.m. ™ Dinner 830p.m, |W Leisure 11.00p.m. | ™ Bedtime 25" October | 7.00a.m. | @! Breakfast 9.00a.m. | 3 Check out of Aseania Langkawi Resort 11,30a.m. | @ Leave Pulau Langkawi 6.00 p.m. | a Arrive at school List three interesting places in Pulau Langkawi il, [3 marks] 2 8) Your bestfriend from Sarawak would like to visit some places of interest in Pulau Langkawi in December. He wants to know more about Pulau Langkawi. Write an e-mail to your friend telling him about at least three interesting places he can visit. Write your answer between 50 to 80 words. Sahabat kamu dari Sarawak ingin melawat beberapa tempat menarik di Pulau Langkawi dalam bulan Disember. Dia ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang tempat itu, Tulls e-me! kepada sahabat kamu itu dan beritahu dia tentang sekurang-kurangnya tiga tempat yang menarik yang boleh dilawati. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendakiah antara 50 hingga 80 patah perkataan.

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