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PAID ADVERTISEMENT DEAR MR. PRESIDENT, We need your help! The rapidly growing American cannabis industry represents an extraordinary economic opportunity for our country, yet Canada is threatening to deprive American farmers, workers and businesses from the prosperity that rightly belongs within our borders. The legal cannabis sector has proven its ability to stimulate our domestic, economy and provide well-paying jobs to Americans in numerous states from coast to coast. Data from legal states also shows a reduction in opiate abuse and associated overdoses, which as you have said on multiple occasions, is a national crisis that should not be ignored. Existing regulations on production ensure that every aspect of the cannabis supply chain occurs within state borders, which means no shipping of US dollars and US jobs overseas or across borders. As you may know, this sector is in the process of creating 1 million jobs for our citizens and billions more dollars in tax revenue. There is no doubt since legalization began in many states, cannabis has made meaningful contributions to the tax base and has generated sustainable economic growth in the jurisdictions that have voted to permit its use. AMERICA IS RAPIDLY LOSING ITS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE TO CANADA. The cannabis industry is legal in 31 states, yet most domestic companies do not have access to traditional banking or institutional financing. As a result, many US companies are being forced to move to the Canadian public markets to access capital and build their businesses. In addition, several Canadian companies are taking advantage of US investor interest in cannabis to raise and deploy significant capital to acquire US assets, Regrettably, this will put what should be one of our homeland's greatest economic drivers in foreign control. Unless we act now! To prevent this critical growth opportunity from becoming heavily dominated by foreign ownership, the federal government MUST allow states to enact their own cannabis regulation so that we can fairly compete and protect our domestic industry before it's too late. Please help us Mr. President! Sincerely, Z. Derek Peterson, CEO & Chairman Terra Tech Corp. ten UU Odin. ‘This isnot an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities.

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