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#nationataglance Typhoon entering PHL on Saturday TYPHOON YUTU, wich was stil 2.380, /lometers en) cast of Cental Luzon aot Thursday morning, expected to ete the Phipone res by Saturday ad wll ‘aly named Resa, Yalu was moving west tvest wth maximum stains wines 0210p aur andgustinss of up to 260 amd, according to weather ureouPAGASK Oct. 25 update. Rota expat to ‘seep hough the este sie of ale, Aurea this weekend and Togugaro Cry, Cogan by Tuesday. PAGASA sail storm signal "nay erased as ear a5 Mond roing (29 OC tobe) over abla and Cagayan area” ‘Some Phileath claimants exempted from 60-day rule after system upgrade PHILIPPINE HEALTH insurance orp (Piel) cians, whose application were fled ‘nine and with he 6 day faling within Aug 6-3 have been exerted rom the 60-day fing rutin consideration of ayers uprade undertaken bythe agency. nan advisory pubsned on Oct. 25, Pines sad the recent systems update affected the submission of ins, “athough the sues were aeay adresse Itstressed that “al electronic claims submited online ether diet by the HCI Heath Caelrsttutons) rth hele IT serie providers, whose 6 ayo fing fs within the period Aug, 603, 201, stall not be denen the system" As such, Hs no longer have to undergo the cas appeal proces. Spokesman clarifies Dutert’s trade vs online gambling PMALACRRANG ON Trusay axles PesidntRorigoR Outer’ atest amar en “nine gambling, say the leader was onl refering to operation ht donot hae pet its Ina speech atthe Palace st Medes, Mi Duet said one gambling” il be ‘suppressed Hesaid “Ido nt want gambling Stop it because ot god, aman an (iat enout,aeng, “Paro Yung onine-nine bing (But the one bing), wit be suppressed, no gabing” na pes bifing on Tusdy, Present Spokesman Shade Poel eile,” thnk he retrsony othe olin gambia These whe hae been ‘ranted icnses,| cont think. Afar know, hat ees onl to ilegal online garbina” = Aray Balan WESTERN VISAYAS: BORACAY, MALAY “Overhauled? security system ready for Boracay reopening AS RESORT ln Boracay eopes on Oct, 26 fe asicmanih lsureforrehabltaton ar tours ply reshaping the Php ine Nationa Poice (PNP sald itis ora to provide improved secuty eases. "long withthe bith of Boracay e ar proud twshowcase aswell a completely overhaded seat stem and peace andor raram hat wi aces the perennial sues ard cones that we hare experienced ding te prevus cal ‘waismopeatonsrortote simon retabltaton wor sce Api” PNP chi Decor Gavel Oar D. Alaa saidin atte ment on Ths, ct. 25.~ Vinge Angelo. Fereras >> Seefulstory on ian gM ui te THEBRENN CENTRAL VISAYAS: CEBU. Race for Cebu governor: Magpate files disqualification case vs Garcia CEBU VCE-GOVERNOR Agnes A Magpae ho runing for goverorinthe 2019 elections hasfeda dsuafica- ton case agaist her oppanent 3 Distt Representative Gendolyn Gata. Ms, Maso sald the petton was fled atthe Commission on Bion (Comele) cent office in Mais anata she i corfiert wil had wat She dd not dsclse ne wounds ofthe dscuaicaton, Another etton was fled eae by lanyer Es ca, itn that Ms Ga edn er Ceiicat of Canioy when stesadshe has ot bee the subject of acout ‘ing tha finds er guilty and basher rom tong publ oes The casestems tom the acing fhe Contovesial Ball roperty in Nag Cy when Ms. Ga es ger MS, Garcia, onthe cor and asters thet the Ombudsman rung apis er isnot yet inal ard executor 25 et appeaisstl pending before the Court of Apes. — The Freeman >> Sete story an ts/00aHAZAa 71 [NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION: PARARIAQUE CITY Parafiaque landnort opens by Nov. 5 THE PARAIAQUE Integatd Terminal Exchange (PTX), aad to Nesawide-Watermart (MM) Terminal In sto open on No.5, the Deprtment of Tansportton announced on Thursday. "Hand 3 p0 farming butsan ang kaure-unahan nating indoor (eae ready to open our fist ndport, DOT Secretary Artur P Tugade seidina tateret describing thelandtrespart terminal as one with faites and sence ike an apart This isnot ust your ordinary terial, but landmark rensportation ht According toDOr, the PIT hasamaximum doily capa of 10,000 passengers, with is er dy at aprosimately 1060 arrivals and 9349 departures i wilhave 59 bays for provincial and cy buses, 43 for UV ‘express and jeeneys and 852 a park ings. will asohouse acentalzed shopping enter. The project i expectedto reduce numberof bases lying Met Mania, prt along Tat Avenue Pasay and EDSA. The 459-hectare terminal was awarded to Megawide under bald trenstr-operate publ private partneship contrat witha concession period of 35 years The DOT negotiated for the removal ofthe anal rato’ fe amounting 10100 milion forthe whale concession eto. The negation epedsave the ‘goverment Pilon, te DOT sid — Reicelene Joy Iacio ZZAMBOANGA PENINSULA: ZAMBOANGA CITY Zamboanga fisheries sector makes wishlist to boost production "WE FISHER sector in Zamboanga Ci has cewn vp proposal designed to inceese production andhaestin fstoonds, seoweed fas, ad common fishing ‘pounds as walls impeovetheincoe of those engepedin fish and ded fs train, Camencta CC Sanchez ffcerin-charge of the City At ‘aturst Oe (CA, sd the ropsa waste sector epresertativsoutout cing the food cui staked contain conducted by the CADLast wed. “They waned postharvest facies esl ders warehouse and ding facies one tuck paloaer win baling mace. anda sea weed nists” Ms. Sanchez sei nastatement leased the city gore ‘ment. Zamboanga Cy ccey has a east 50 fstr-ying plants which englos about 1950 rect wort." hese proposal requests ad recommending the food surntwllbe subsite the cy ‘ovement for al agerva ad fr funding” she said ~ Albert Arla DoE optimistic on investor interest in PCECP “THE DEPARTMENT of nergy (ODE recently concuded its roadshow on the Phibyne Conventional nergy Cotracting Prooram fr Petreum PCECP)in Zamcanaa Cy. andisnow preparing fer the aunch in Mari, optimistic of having sliulted investor interest inthe program. “The DoE pursuing intaves tense the afore celable ad sus tanabie ener through PCECP).w wil launch PCECPon 72 November, sismoel Ocampo, assistant retr ot ‘meDoE' Errgy Resource Development Bureau Margene egandy Perit, cece esearch spect ofthe D's Ptoleum Resources Development Dison, ced te advatagesineporing the cour natrlesources: under ‘lord hyrorarbon ptetal nt 10% of which ad been exlre very atactve cl ems, exganng inten energy make an tecnolgy-netl pol. "We need intenty te ert to expire our ingens lM. er tte sid — Abe Arla

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