Theory of Karma

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Theory of Karma

Theory of Karma

1. What is Theory of Karma?

2. Does it mean happiness alone is goal of life?
3. What about those people who sacrifice their own
happiness for sake of others?
4. Are thoughts everything? What about actions?
5. How do we decide what thoughts will lead to happiness
and what thoughts will not?
6. How do we decide what is truth?
7. How does Theory of Karma works?
8. What about animals and lower species? How can they
exercise their will?
9. What about accidents and events on which we have no
control through our thoughts?
10. Why do we not remember our past lives?
11. Why we get punishment for acts of past life we do not
even remember?
12. Why do good people have to face so many miseries
when they have good thoughts and good actions?
13. Why we see bad people getting so powerful?
14. What is the purpose of Theory of Karma?
15. Why does God test us?
16. What is the goal of life?
17. Even Sex, Boozing, Sensuality et al give us
happiness? Is it right as per Theory of Karma?
18. Does God not forgive all our past sins, if we seek
apology for our misdeeds?
19. Is there a framework to understand how to start using
this Will properly?
20. Where can I learn it?

1 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

Question: What is the thoughts towards
Theory of Karma? achievement of bliss.

Put simply, theory of

Question: Does it
Karma states that
mean happiness alone
1. Your thoughts become is goal of life?
Exactly. The only goal of
2. Inversely, your present
life is to achieve happiness
reality is nothing but a
or bliss. And the way
cumulative manifestation
to achieve it is through
of whatever thoughts you
proper understanding of
decided to think of till date.
the mechanism of the life
These include both the
system and directing our
conscious and unconscious
thoughts towards most
optimal use of this system.
3. The purpose of this
reality is to help you rise
Question: What about
above sorrow and achieve
bliss. And you can change
those people who
your reality to higher bliss sacrifice their own
by changing your thoughts. happiness for sake of
Thus, life is not an
unplanned random
They do not sacrifice their
chemical reaction. Instead,
happiness, they merely
life and world around is
sacrifice their short-term
a well-planned system
conveniences in pursuit of
built to guide you towards
higher levels of happiness.
bliss. And the way to use
The satisfaction derived
this system effectively
from selflessness is way
is through directing 2
above the happiness Question: Are
derived from mundane thoughts everything?
activities. You can compare
What about actions?
it with our own lives. As
children, we enjoy many Thoughts are not
activities like eating soil. everything. But they are
But as we grow up, we the only starting point
seek higher levels of we have in our control.
pleasure and will never be Everything else including
eager to exchange these our actions are next steps
pleasures with many of the of the process that starts
childish pleasures. with each thought. All we
As you will realize, the do and achieve starts with
way the world has been a thought in the mind.
designed, we are all closely Even the thought of ‘empty
interdependent like various thinking without action’
molecules of water in a is a thought we decide to
pond. We cannot maximize accept that leads us to the
our individual happiness resulting consequences
without maximizing as per Theory of Karma.
the happiness of the And decision to act is also
world. So smart people a thought we decide to
trade-off their short- accept.
term conveniences for And as we would realize,
significantly higher levels thoughts that do not
of happiness derived from culminate into actions,
thinking about and acting in general, lead us away
for betterment of the from bliss. In complete
world. framework, three aspects
of this thought should go
hand in hand – Knowledge,

3 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

Actions and Contemplation. we face. If we direct our
A thought system that Will to pursuit of Truth,
encompasses all the three we will move closer to
is necessary. Bliss. And away from Bliss

Question: How do we The rest of the ways are

decide what thoughts merely expansions of this
will lead to happiness basic principle, Truth =
and what thoughts
will not?
Question: How do we
There are various ways decide what is truth?
to decide it. But the
fundamental principle is There are various
that ways. Basically its an
evolutionary approach.
Decision of truth demands
Consider two forces to exclusion of all sorts
be operating in our lives: of blind beliefs and an
Knowledge and Ignorance. openness to change the
Knowledge leads us to stand as and when we get
truth and Ignorance away new information and facts.
from truth. And they are The essential component is
controlled by our most again, a Will or Sankalpa to
fundamental thought – accept the truth.
the Will or Sankalpa in
The various methods
Sanskrit. This Sankalpa
or Will leads to further
thoughts which result in a. Process of elimination.
consequent actions and Like a smart CAT or GMAT
these result in the reality aspirant, one should 4
immediately reject those Question: How does
choices which are obviously Theory of Karma
false, based on reasoning
and fact. For example,
when we know that earth It works instantaneously.
is round, all theories Each thought in the mind
based on hypothesis of produces a a certain
earth being flat, including pattern of neuron firing
so-called religious books in the mind. Based on
should immediately be this, various physiological
rejected. changes start taking
b. Testing for internal place including change in
contradictions in an hormonal levels, heart-
hypothesis. For example, rate etc. Further, even the
a theory says that God is neurological patterns start
just. And then it says that adapting to this thought.
He shall put more women Thus, if you think of same
in Hell. Now both these thing again and again, the
statements contradict each neurons create a pattern
other. Hence they are worth that next time it is easier to
immediate rejection. take that thought process
ahead. That is why we see
c. Internal analysis and people getting into good or
reasoning. bad habits. These thoughts
d. Verification of facts etc. define one’s thinking
patterns, and hence his or
This is a science in itself her personality, health and
requiring detailed analysis actions.
and contemplation. But
the only prerequisite to Thus, each thought
understand it is a Will influences who we are.
seeking truth. And by changing this

5 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

thought, we can decide hence the system decays
who we would be. Further, to death. But the soul,
the same process is who was controlling this
happening among all system, is unaffected.
humans. And when we
Now it gets into another
interact with them, based
emerging system (mind-
on our thought patterns we
body) and starts its journey
produce a myriad of social
again. Because memories
patterns and behaviors,
are part of brain cells,
which further influence
they get destroyed in this
who we are.
migration process. But the
Not only humans and soul carries a vital body
society, this influence is with it which carries the
also extended to nature Sanskaars (traits) with it.
in general because we God ensures that the new
are designed to exchange system provided is the
matter and energy best fit for uninterrupted
continuously with nature. journey ahead for the
Thus we would see that soul. Now, based on traits,
merely by will-power, the soul develops its
at times, unbelievable personality again. It also
miracles happen in medical continues interaction with
science. the world outside in the
same manner as it was
Thus thoughts become our
doing earlier and continues
destiny. We, the souls, are
to evolve itself.
different from our body and
mind. And when we die, At each moment, God
the body and mind (brain) ensures that situation we
stop having sustainable face in the world is best
exchange of matter and suited for our pursuit of
energy with nature, and ultimate bliss. This is a 6
continuous optimization with those born insane or
process. If we exercise our terminally ill.
will to do stupid things,
Please note that it is a
stupid situations emerge
multi-dimensional world.
and we start a descending
So depending upon the
to unhappiness. If we
thought patterns in these
exercise our will to do
various dimensions and
things in pursuit of truth,
aspects of life, the potential
we ascend. This process is
combinations are virtually
uninterrupted by death.
infinite. It is not a discrete
system but completely
Question: What about continuous. Thus
animals and lower conditions vary for birth
species? How can of each soul – in different
species, conditions, health,
they exercise their
society etc.

Broadly speaking, only Question: What about

humans have the potential accidents and events
to exercise their will.
on which we have no
Other species can only
control through our
accept what happens to
them and cannot exercise thoughts?
their will? When a soul
Critically analyzing, on
descends too low that it
most of these events we
no more exercises its will
have a control through
as a human, then it gets
our collective intelligence.
birth as animals where
Thus, collectively we all are
these tendencies that
responsible for terrorism
it had collected can be
and environmental
purged out. Same is case

7 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

damage. And we all can do on certain other aspects
something about it even that we may have missed
individually. We can never so far. Remember, its a
absolve ourselves of any multi-dimensional world
responsibility on pretext with variety of aspects to
of we being one single look into.
individual, as per Theory of
Question: Why do we
The birth we got on this not remember our
earth was best suited to past lives?
our future growth (as bliss
seekers) given our traits Because in general, they
and tendencies so far. are unnecessary to fulfill
These include our exercise our goals. Remember
of will in social aspects as that this is a completely
well. So the events we face optimized process with no
are also consequence of scope for redundancies.
our actions. If we remember our past
lives, we would not be able
There are certain events
to look ahead. Thus, most
we face without any
of the events of even this
apparent control of ours.
birth are not remembered
They result out of our past
by us, forget about past
actions. In any case, none
life. Its a natural law that
of the events hamper our
only what is relevant is
eligibility to seek further
remembered. And when
happiness ever. At best,
people try to break this
there may be a temporary
law by living in past, they
delay, based on theory
get into a variety of mental
of Karma. And even this
problems because of
delay can be used to
indulgence in an unnatural
further elevate ourselves 8
act. out of blue. There are no
discontinuities in Theory of
The maximum pleasure we
derive in life is by living in
present and directing our An example is case of
efforts to future. That is diabetes. It does not
why, perhaps the common happen suddenly one night.
word to mean Ghost and On contrary, due to bad
Past is Bhoot in Sanskrit. lifestyle habits, we keep
accumulating diabetes.
(By the way, there are no
And when symptoms start
ghosts as per Theory of
manifesting in middle
age, we term ourselves
as diabetic. But in reality,
Question: Why we get this did not happen in
punishment for acts one single day. We were
of past life we do not always diabetic from first
time we did something
even remember?
contrary to good health
There is no concept of habits. And each moment
punishment and reward, that we lived healthy, we
in the sense we normally moved away from diabetes.
understand, in Theory But each moment, we
of Karma. There is ignored health issues.
only a continuous self- we were a step closer.
correcting optimization The final manifestation
process directed towards of the disease represents
maximization of bliss cumulative effect of the
or happiness. Unlike entire journey. Now we may
commonly believed, it not remember even 1% of
is never that suddenly a the acts we did to cause
disaster happens in life our diabetes, but still we

9 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

turn diabetic, because our Question: Why do
tendencies were diabetic. good people have to
Similarly, even though face so many miseries
we do not remember when they have good
our past lives, our thoughts and good ac-
current tendencies are a tions?
cumulative summary of
our entire history. Details 1. Happiness is a state
of specific events are not of mind. What we often
important. The so called consider as misery is
punishments that seem nothing but short-term
to come out of blue are inconveniences that anyone
nothing but continuation would gladly trade-off for
of those traits that got higher levels of happiness.
manifested into visible For example, when we
symptoms presently. play sports, we pant, get
injured, get exhausted,
And the way out again is
but we still keep playing.
simple- refine our thought
Because the happiness
process. As we refine
we derive is much higher
our thought process and
compared to these petty
start learning how to use
pains. In fact we enjoy this
our Will for increased
happiness, we shall stop
accumulating tendencies 2. Many of these miseries
that cause grief. And are due to cumulative
then these so-called tendencies of past which
punishments will cease to start showing symptoms
erupt. now.

3. Many other are similar

to what happens when we 10
start exercising after a Question: Why we see
long time. It pains for a few bad people getting so
days because our system is
not adapted to the healthy
habit. But in a few days, the The inverse of above is true
pain vanishes and we start in most cases.
getting the benefits.
1. These bad people are
4. Many other are those never at internal peace.
natural troubles which Nature did not design us
we can never get rid of in to tolerate being corrupt,
life. And one of the goals cheat, criminal, crooked
of using our Will is to etc. Even if we learn to
learn how to ignore being ignore symptoms, these do
affected by these mentally. cause their adverse effects.
5. Some miseries are Despite having material
because even good people power, these people are
are not good in all aspects. the most unhappy ones we
Thus, one may be a very know – always insecure,
honest person. But he tense, trusting none and
does not have a strong facing mental troubles. Bad
body and did not learn how habits or bad traits are like
to defend himself. He is unhygienic or junk food.
killed by goons because he 2. Again, the world is
was weak. This is because multi-dimensional. Good
of his lack of right Will in or bad is not a singular
matters of health and self- adjective to give to anyone.
defense. Remember, being One maybe bad in almost
powerful goes in sync with all aspects of life, but has
knowing truth. great confidence, self-
belief and tactfulness,
which are positive traits.
11 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas
Accordingly, he would only manages this system
succeed in certain areas as per Theory of Karma
of life including material for us. and has given us
aspects, but would fare complete liberty to decide
miserably in other areas. our fate. What we think to
be a test by God, is nothing
but our own previous traits
Question: What is the
that we are battling.
purpose of Theory of
Question: What is the
So that we all can achieve goal of life?
the ultimate levels of bliss.
Its a complete meritocracy To gain ultimate level of
with no favoritism or happiness, by using this
whimsicalness. As we Theory of Karma.
think, so we become. It all
depends on direction and
Question: Even Sex,
intensity of our thoughts. If
Boozing, Sensuality et
we examine life critically,
we will get enough clues al give us happiness?
to see this theory at work. Is it right as per Theo-
And we can then use it ry of Karma?
to gain our happiness,
without depending on No, they do not give
others’ whims. happiness. Instead they
create illusion of happiness
by numbing our senses
Question: Why does and intellect. Anything
God test us? that causes us to act
without using the faculty
No, God never tests us. of thinking, is actually a
Thats a false notion. God 12
surest recipe for miseries. Does that happen in real
Our happiness increases life? Do we get healed after
only when the source of an accident due to careless
that happiness is less and driving by saying sorry?
less dependent on external If one could get away so
sources. This can happen easily by saying sorry,
only through knowledge people would get lazy and
accumulation and acting simply say sorry when
with full-control over mind. troubles come. Nature and
Another way to look at it is its laws are nothing but
by asking ourselves, “What physical manifestations of
is the purpose of this God’s system. The rules
act?” If answer is merely that apply here are applied
entertainment or habit or elsewhere also. In Vedic
other vague excuse, thats parlance, it is called, “Yat
not the right act as per Pinde, Tat Brahmande”
Theory of Karma. – Whatever happens in
micro-system happens
The goal of life is to
elsewhere also.
liberate ourselves from
these false excuses by There is no place for
enhancing our knowledge. apology in Theory of
And any act that dumbs Karma. There is scope
us moves the vehicle in only for improvement.
opposite direction. And this is exactly like
starting to exercise after
years of laziness. It will
Question: Does God
pain initially. System will
not forgive all our take time to adapt to it. But
past sins, if we seek the more the will-power,
apology for our mis- better we come in shape.
deeds? No miracle will happen

13 Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas

out of blue. But sure-shot Question: Where can I
progress will definitely learn it?
happen with right Will.
You are already learning
it if you are resolving
Question: Is there a
to be on path of Truth
framework to under-
and Happiness. Its an
stand how to start us- automatic internal process.
ing this Will properly? Experts can help you
provide distilled knowledge
There is indeed the that you can start applying
framework of Vedic Yoga in your life and get results
for this. This has nothing faster. But remember,
to do with the so-called unlike other arts, this is a
acrobatic exercises and process of internalizing.
poses you see. This is an No teacher or guide can
approach to master the help you provide absolute
Self and master the art knowledge. They can
and science of living each provide directions and
moment as per Theory you will have to decide
of Karma. It is extremely as per your own intellect.
intuitive and based on In Theory of Karma,
sound principles that there is no transfer
anyone can appreciate. Its of responsibility. That
the only system that works. remains 100% yours.
But its a practical science
and needs practice like If you want more details,
martial arts or gymnastics. mail me at agniveer@ 14

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