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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment

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High Pressure Processing for Foods Preserving

D.G. Yordanov & G.V. Angelova

To cite this article: D.G. Yordanov & G.V. Angelova (2010) High Pressure Processing for Foods
Preserving, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24:3, 1940-1945, DOI: 10.2478/

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D.G. Yordanov1, G.V. Angelova2
University of Food Technologies, Department of “Meat and Fish Technologies”,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
University of Food Technologies, Department of “Biotechnology”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Correspondence to: Galena Angelova

Consumers have a growing preference for convenient, fresh-like, healthy, minimal-processed food products with natural flavor
and taste and extended shelf-live. High pressure processing (HPP) is a promising “non-thermal” technique for food preservation
that efficiently inactivates the vegetative microorganisms, most commonly related to food-borne diseases allowing most foods to
be preserved with minimal effect on taste, texture or nutritional characteristics. The main advantage of high pressure processing
compared to thermal sterilization and pasteurization is maintenance of sensory and nutritional characteristic of treated food
products. HPP provides a means for retaining food quality while avoiding the need for excessive thermal treatments or chemical
preservation. High-pressure processing provides a unique opportunity for food processors to develop a new generation of value-
added food products having superior quality and shelf-life to those produced conventionally.
Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 2010, 24(3), 1940-1945 Microbial inactivation is one of the main goals for the
Keywords: high pressure processing, foods, non-thermal application of high pressure technology. The inactivation
preservation effect of high pressure processing results in extending shelf-
life and improving the microbial safety of food products.
Abbreviations used: high pressure processing: HPP
According to some researches high pressure treatment could
be accepted as a food safety intervention for eliminating
Introduction Listeria monocytogenes in processed meat products and cheese
Consumers have a growing preference for convenient, fresh- (19, 47). Hydrostatic pressure treatment is also effective in
like, healthy, minimal-processed food products with natural inactivating other hazardous microorganisms such as E. coli,
flavor and taste and extended shelf-live. To match these Salmonella, and Vibrio, as well as many yeasts, molds, and
demands without compromising safety, in the last decade bacteria responsible for food spoilage. The microbiological
alternative not-thermal preservation technologies as high shelf-life and food quality can be substantially extended by the
pressure processing (HPP), irradiation, light pulses, natural use of HPP (23, 24).
bio-preservatives together with active packaging have been
Bacterial spores represent a challenge for high pressure
proposed and further investigated (2).
technology and more information about their resistance is
High pressure processing is a promising “non-thermal” required. Microbial spores suspended in foods or laboratory
technique for food preservation that efficiently inactivates the model system could be inactivated by high pressure treatment
vegetative microorganisms, most commonly related to food- but compared to vegetative cells the treatment conditions
borne diseases. High pressure processing is carried out with must be extreme: higher pressure and long exposure time at
intense pressure in the range of 100-1000 MPa, with or without elevated temperature (28). When pressure-temperature is
heat, allowing most foods to be preserved with minimal effect combined at 690 MPa and 80oC for 20 minutes, the treatments
on taste, texture or nutritional characteristics. The main was effective with a significant reduction in the Clostridium
advantage of high pressure processing compared to thermal sporogenes spore count (13). Successful treatment of Bacillus
sterilization and pasteurization is maintenance of sensory and stearothermophilus is observed were pressure treatments
nutritional characteristic of treated food products (3). is combined with moderate temperature (70oC) (22). There
Pressure treatment can be used to process both liquid and are no published reports on the high-pressure resistance of
high-moisture-content solid foods. Pressure processing is a Clostridium botulinum spores, and their ability to withstand
lethal to microorganisms but at relatively low temperatures high pressure at low or high temperatures is unknown (35).
(0-40oC) covalent bonds are almost unaffected. The limited Pressure treatment can also be used to alter the functional
effect of HPP (at moderate temperature) on covalent bonds and sensory properties of various food components, especially
represents a unique characteristic of this technology because proteins. The tertiary and quaternary structures of molecules
HPP has a minimal effect on food chemistry (4). HPP provides which are maintained mainly by hydrophobic and ionic
a means for retaining food quality while avoiding the need for interactions are beneficially altered by high pressure above
excessive thermal treatments or chemical preservation (2). 200 MPa (25). The hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions
1940 Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 24/2010/3
are most affected but not the hydrogen bonds which stabilize and temperature exert antagonistic forces on molecular
α-helical and ß-pleated sheets (27). Meat, fish, egg and dairy structure and chemical reactions (4);
proteins can be denatured with HPP in the absence of elevated - isostatic principle: the principle of isostatic processing
temperatures. Increased viscosity and opacity are obtained with is presented in Fig. 1. The food products are compressed by
little change in fresh flavour. On the other hand, high pressure uniform pressure from every direction and then returned to
has very little effect on low-molecular-weight compounds such their original shape when the pressure is released (40). The
as flavour compounds, vitamins, and pigments compared to products are compressed independently of the product size and
thermal processes. Accordingly, the quality of HPP pasteurized geometry because transmission of pressure to the core is not
food is very similar to that of fresh food products. The quality mass/time dependant thus the process is minimized (12, 20,
throughout shelf-life is influenced more by subsequent 36).
distribution and storage temperatures and the barrier properties If a food product contains sufficient moisture, pressure will
of the packaging rather than by the high pressure treatments not damage the product at the macroscopic levels as long as the
(6, 7). pressure is applied uniformly in all directions (13).
Basic High Pressure Processing Principles High Pressure Equipment
High-Pressure technology has been cited as one of the best Even if the principles of HPP and its influence on microbial
innovations in food processing from the last 50 years. Some inactivation have been recognized since late 1800’s, the first
physical and chemical changes result from application of commercial installation for HPP appeared in Japan in 1990
pressure. Physical compression during pressure treatment (4, 48). Although high pressure technology is currently more
results in a volume reduction and an increase in temperature expensive than traditional processing technologies, the use of
and energy (27). high pressure offers new opportunities for food industry to
respond to the demand from consumers (25, 26).
A high-pressure system consists of a high-pressure vessel
and its closure(s) pressure-generation system, temperature-
control device and material-handling system (37). The
pressure vessel is the most important component of high-
hydrostatic-pressure equipment. Several aspects must be
taken into account in vessel design. It is necessary to design
the high-pressure vessel to be dimensionally stable in a safe-
fail way. If it fails it should fail with leak before fracture (14).
Pressure-transmitting fluids are used in the vessel to transmit
pressure uniformly and instantaneously to the products
sample. Most widely used fluids are water, glycol solutions,
silicone oil, sodium benzoate solutions, ethanol solutions,
inert gases and castor oil (48). The food products should be
packaged in a flexible packaging. The packages are loaded into
the high pressure chamber. The vessel is sealed and the vessel
filled with pressure transmitting agent. The high pressure is
usually carried out with water as a hydraulic fluid to facilitate
the operation and compatibility with food materials (17). The
basis for applying high pressure to foods is to compress the
water surrounding the food. At room temperature, the volume
of water decreases with an increase in pressure. Because liquid
compression results in a small volume change, high-pressure
Fig. 1. The principle of isostatic processing (40) vessels using water do not present the same operating hazards
as vessels using compressed gases (18). Ones the desired
The basic principles that determine the behavior of foods pressure is reached the pump or piston is stopped, the valves
under pressure are: are closed and the pressure can be maintained without further
- Le Chatelier’s principle: any reaction, conformational energy input. After holding the product for the desired time
change, phase transition, accompanied by a decrease in volume at the target pressure, the vessel is decompressed by releasing
is enhanced by pressure (12, 20, 36); the pressure-transmitting fluid (20). For most applications,
- principle of microscopic ordering: at constant products are held for 3-5 min at 600 MPa. Approximately 5-6
temperature, an increase in pressure increases the degrees of cycles per hour are possible, allowing time for compression,
ordering of molecules of a given substance. Therefore pressure holding, de-compression, loading and unloading. After
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pressure treatment, the processed product is removed from the temperature and requires very accurate temperature control
vessel and stored in a conventional way (1). within the entire internal volume of the pressure vessel (5).
High pressures can be generated by direct or indirect
compression or by heating the pressure fluid (15). Pressure-Temperature Effect
To understand and foresee the effect of HPP on foods it is
Direct compression necessary to take in attention the net combined pressure-
It is generated by pressurizing a fluid by a piston, driven at temperature effect on the treated foods.
its larger diameter end by a low pressure pump (Fig. 2). This
During the compression phase (t1-t2) of pressure treatment
method allows very fast compression, but the limitations of the
food products undergo a decrease in volume as a function
high-pressure dynamic seal between the piston and the vessel’s
of the pressure (Fig. 3). The product is held under pressure
internal surface restrict the use of this method to small-diameter
for a certain time (t2-t3) before decompression (t3-t4). Upon
laboratory or pilot plant systems.
decompression, the product will usually expand back to its
initial volume (18). The compression and decompression can
result in a transient temperature change in the product during
treatment. The temperature of food (T1-T2) increases as a result
of physical compression (P1-P2). Product temperature (T2-T3)
at process pressure (P2-P3) is independent of compression
rate as long as heat exchange between the product and the
surroundings is negligible. In a perfectly insulated (adiabatic)
system, the product will return to its initial temperature upon
decompression (P3-P4). In practice, however, the product
will return to a temperature (T4) slightly lower than its initial
temperature (T1) as a result of heat losses during the compression
phase. The rapid heating and cooling resulting from HPP
treatment offer a unique way to increase the temperature of
the product only during the treatment and to cool it rapidly
thereafter. The temperature of water increases about 3oC for
every 100 MPa of increased pressure at room temperature.
On the other hand, fats and oils have a heat of compression
value of 8-9oC/100 MPa, and proteins and carbohydrates have
intermediate heat of compression values (41, 44).

Fig. 2. Generation of high pressure by direct (top) and indirect (bottom) Fig. 3. Pressure-temperature history during high pressure processing (3, 41,
compression of the pressure-transmitting medium (37) 44)

Indirect compression High Pressure Processing and Microbial

This technique uses a high-pressure intensifier to pump a inactivation
pressure medium from a reservoir into a closed high-pressure
Microbial inactivation is one of the main goals for the
vessel until the desired pressure is reached (Fig. 2).
application of high pressure technology.
Heating of the pressure medium The extent of microbial inactivation that is achieved
It utilizes expansion of the pressure fluid with increasing by suitable high pressure treatment depends on a number
temperature to generate high pressure. This method is therefore of interacting factors, including type and number of
used when high pressure is applied in combination with high microorganisms, magnitude and duration of high pressure
1942 Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 24/2010/3
treatments, temperature and composition of the suspension most direct reason for cell death after high pressure treatment
media or food (2). (27).
The pressure sensitivity of microorganisms may vary Inactivation of key enzymes, including those involved
between species and probably among the strains of the same in DNA replication and transcription is also mentioned as a
species. Microorganisms can be divided into those that are possible inactivating mechanism (29).
relatively pressure sensitive and those that are pressure Bacterial spores have demonstrated pressure resistance and
resistant. Generally Gram-positive bacteria are more resistant the mechanisms through which they are inactivated are different
to pressure than Gram-negative bacteria, moulds and yeasts. from these for the vegetative cells. It has been suggested
Most resistant to high hydrostatic pressure are bacterial that the spore proteins are protected against solvation and
spores. The sensitivity of microbial cells depends on the stage ionization (21, 45). Microbial spores could be inactivated by
of the growth cycle at which the organisms are subjected to chosen suitable conditions for high pressure treatment: higher
high hydrostatic pressure treatment. In general, cells in the pressure and long exposure time at elevated temperature (21).
exponential phase are more sensitive to pressure treatments It was assumed that pressure caused inactivation of spores by
than cells in the log or stationary phases of growth (16, 42). first initiating germination and then inactivating germinated
The grater resistance to pressure when the cell metabolism is forms. The spore germination could be induced by hydrostatic
slowed down may be due to accumulation of cell components pressure of 100-300 MPa and resultant vegetative cells are
that reduce the effect of high pressure (31). Rich nutrient media sensitive to environmental conditions (33, 34).
such as meat reinforce the resistance of the microorganisms to Usually for pasteurization purpose the considered treatment
HPP. Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids also have a protective is generally in the range of 300-600 MPa for a short period
effect (35). A low water activity protects microorganisms of time, from seconds to minutes, inactivating vegetative
against pressure and tends to inhibit pressure inactivation with pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. For sterilization the
noticeable retardation as water activity falls below 0.95 (46). range is over 600 MPa and combination with high temperature
The extent and duration of high pressure treatment is needed because some spores are resistant even to pressure
influence the microbial inactivation. An increase in pressure over than 1000 MPa when the temperature is not higher than
increases microbial inactivation. However, the duration of 45-75oC (12). Most yeast are inactivated by exposure to
treatment is increased that does not necessary leads to an 300-400 MPa at 25oC within a few minutes, however, yeast
increase in the lethal effect. As mentioned above, the microbial ascospores may require treatment at higher pressure. Pressure
response to high-pressure treatments depends on the type of inactivation of moulds follows a model similar to yeast (46).
microorganism. For each of them, there is a pressure-level To explain the response of microorganisms to different
threshold beyond which no effects are detected by increasing pressure, high-pressure effects on several biological molecules
the exposure time. There also exists a pressure level at which have been studied. Protein denaturation, lipid phase change
increasing the treatment time causes significant reductions in and enzyme inactivation can perturb the cell morphology,
the initially inoculated microbial counts. genetic mechanisms, and biochemical reactions. However, the
The temperature during high pressure treatment influences mechanisms that damage the cells are still not fully understood
the range of inactivation of microbial cells. Some authors (43).
showed that the pressure resistance of microbial organisms is
maximal at temperature 15-30oC and decreases significantly at Aspects of Applications of High Pressure
higher or lower temperature (10, 11, 12). Processing of Foods
The treatment of microbial cell and spores with high pressure High-pressure processing provides a unique opportunity for
results in many changes in the morphology, cell membranes, food processors to develop a new generation of value-added
biochemical aspects and genetic mechanisms and all these food products having superior quality and shelf-life to those
processes are related to the inactivation of microorganisms. The produced conventionally.
lethal effect of high pressure on vegetative microorganisms is High pressure processing is a very promising technology
thought to be the result of a number of possible changes that for ready-to-eat (RTE) meats because there are few barriers
take place simultaneously in the microbial cell. to approval by regulatory authorities, no special labelling
The membrane is the most probable site of disruption (29). requirements because no chemicals are added, and if used
High-hydrostatic pressure treatments can alter membrane appropriately there are no changes to texture or flavour of the
functionalities such as active transport or passive permeability product. Researchers found that in RTE meats that are pressure
and therefore perturb the physicochemical balance of the cell treated at 600 MPa at 20°C for 180 sec, there were no changes
(43). There is a considerably evidence that pressure tends to in sensory quality, no difference in consumer acceptability, a 4
loosen the contact between attached enzymes and membrane log reduction in Listeria monocytogenes in inoculated product
surface as a consequence of the changes in the physical state of and the refrigerated shelf-life was extended (23). There is
lipids that control enzyme activity. The leakage of intracellular report that HPP treatment (600 MPa for 10 minutes at 30°C)
constituent through the permeabilized cell membrane is the could extend the shelf-life of food including cooked ham,
Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 24/2010/3 1943
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