Chapter 8, Solution 1.: FBD Block B

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COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 1.

FBD Block B:
Tension in cord is equal to W A = 25 lb from FBD’s of block A and
ΣFy = 0: N − WB cos 30° = 0, N = WB cos 30°

(a) For smallest WB , slip impends up the incline, and

F = µ s N = 0.35WB cos30°

ΣFx = 0: F − 25 lb + WB sin 30° = 0

( 0.35cos30° + sin 30° )WB = 25 lb

WB min = 31.1 lb

(b) For largest WB , slip impends down the incline, and

F = − µ s N = − 0.35 WB cos30°

ΣFx = 0: Fs + WB sin 30° − 25 lb = 0

( sin 30° − 0.35cos30° )WB = 25 lb

W B max = 127.0 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 2.

FBD Block B:

Tension in cord is equal to WA = 40 lb from FBD’s of block A and

(a) ΣFy = 0: N − ( 52 lb ) cos 25° = 0, N = 47.128 lb

Fmax = µ s N = 0.35 ( 47.128 lb ) = 16.495 lb

ΣFx = 0: Feq − 40 lb + ( 52 lb ) sin 25° = 0

So, for equilibrium, Feq = 18.024 lb

Since Feq > Fmax , the block must slip (up since F > 0)

∴ There is no equilibrium

(b) With slip, F = µk N = 0.25 ( 47.128 lb )

F = 11.78 lb 35°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 3.

FBD Block:
Tension in cord is equal to P = 40 N, from FBD of pulley.

( )
W = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N

ΣF y = 0 : N − (98.1 N ) cos 20° + (40 N ) sin 20° = 0

N = 78.503 N

Fmax = µ s N = ( 0.30 )( 78.503 N ) = 23.551 N

For equilibrium: ΣFx = 0: ( 40 N ) cos 20° − ( 98.1 N ) sin 20° − F = 0

Feq = 4.0355 N < Fmax , ∴ Equilibrium exists

F = Feq F = 4.04 N 20°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 4.

Tension in cord is equal to P = 62.5 N, from FBD of pulley.

( )
W = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N

ΣFy = 0: N − ( 98.1 N ) cos 20° + ( 62.5 N ) sin15° = 0

N = 76.008 N

Fmax = µ s N = ( 0.30 )( 76.008 N ) = 22.802 N

For equilibrium: ΣFx = 0: ( 62.5 N ) cos15° − ( 98.1 N ) sin 20° − F = 0

Feq = 26.818 N > Fmax so no equilibrium,
and block slides up the incline

Fslip = µ x N = ( 0.25 )( 76.008 N ) = 19.00 N

F = 19.00 N 20°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 5.

Tension in cord is equal to P from FBD of pulley.

( )
W = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N

ΣFy = 0: N − ( 98.1 N ) cos 20° + P sin 25° = 0 (1)

ΣFx = 0: P cos 25° − ( 98.1 N ) sin 20° + F = 0 (2)

For impending slip down the incline, F = µ s N = 0.3 N and solving

(1) and (2), PD = 7.56 N

For impending slip up the incline, F = − µ s N = − 0.3 N and solving

(1) and (2), PU = 59.2 N

so, for equilibrium 7.56 N ≤ P ≤ 59.2 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 6.

FBD Block:

( )
W = ( 20 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 196.2 N

For θ min motion will impend up the incline, so F is downward and

F = µs N

ΣFy = 0: N − ( 220 N ) sin θ − (196.2 N ) cos 35° = 0

F = µ s N = 0.3 ( 220 sin θ + 196.2 cos 35° ) N (1)

ΣFx = 0: ( 220 N ) cosθ − F − (196.2 N ) sin 35° = 0 (2)

(1) + ( 2 ): 0.3 ( 220 sin θ + 196.2cosθ ) N

= ( 220 cosθ ) N − (196.2sin 35° ) N

or 220cosθ − 66sin θ = 160.751

Solving numerically: θ = 28.9°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 7.

FBD Block:

For Pmin motion will impend down the incline, and the reaction force R
will make the angle

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°

with the normal, as shown.

Note, for minimum P, P must be ⊥ to R, i.e. β = φs (angle between

P and x equals angle between R and normal).

(b) β = 19.29°

then P = (160 N ) cos ( β + 40° )

= (160 N ) cos 59.29° = 81.71 N

(a) Pmin = 81.7 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 8.

FBD block (impending motion


φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.25 ) = 14.036°

(a) Note: For minimum P, P⊥R

So β = α = 90° − ( 30° + 14.036° ) = 45.964°

and P = ( 30 lb ) sin α = ( 30 lb ) sin ( 45.964° ) = 21.567 lb

P = 21.6 lb

(b) β = 46.0°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 9.

FBD Block:

For impending motion. φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.40 )

φ s = 21.801°

Note β1,2 = θ1,2 − φ s

10 lb 15 lb
From force triangle: =
sinφs sinβ1,2

 15 lb  33.854°
β1,2 = sin −1  sin ( 21.801° )  = 
10 lb  146.146°

So θ1,2 = β1,2 + φ s = 

So (a) equilibrium for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 55.7°

(b) equilibrium for 167.9° ≤ θ ≤ 180°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 10.

FBD A with pulley:

Tension in cord is T throughout from pulley FBD’s

ΣFy = 0: 2T − 20 lb = 0, T = 10 lb

FBD E with pulley:

For θ max , motion impends to right, and

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°

From force triangle,

20 lb 10 lb
= , 2sin φ s = sin (θ − φ s )
sin (θ − φs ) sinφ s

θ = sin −1 ( 2sin19.2900° ) + 19.2900° − 60.64°

θ max = 60.6°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 11.

FBD top block:

ΣFy = 0: N1 − 196.2 N = 0

N1 = 196.2 N

(a) With cable in place, impending motion of bottom block requires

impending slip between blocks, so F1 = µ s N1 = 0.4 (196.2 N )
F1 = 78.48 N
FBD bottom block: ΣFy = 0: N 2 − 196.2 N − 294.3 N = 0
N 2 = 490.5 N
F2 = µ s N 2 = 0.4 ( 490.5 N ) = 196.2 N
ΣFx = 0: − P + 78.48 N + 196.2 N = 0
P = 275 N
FBD block:

(b) Without cable AB, top and bottom blocks will move together

ΣFy = 0: N − 490.5 N = 0, N = 490.5 N

Impending slip: F = µ s N = 0.40 ( 490.5 N ) = 196.2 N
ΣFx = 0: − P + 196.2 N = 0

P = 196.2 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 12.

Note that, since φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.40 ) = 21.8° > 15°, no motion
FBD top block:
will impend if P = 0, with or without cable AB.
(a) With cable, impending motion of bottom block requires impending
slip between blocks, so F1 = µ s N
ΣFy′ = 0: N1 − W1 cos15° = 0, N1 = W1 cos15° = 189.515 N

F1 = µ s N1 = ( 0.40 )W1 cos15° = 0.38637 W1

F1 = 75.806 N

FBD bottom block: ΣFx′ = 0: T − F1 − W1 sin15° = 0

T = 75.806 N + 50.780 N = 126.586 N

( )
W2 = ( 30 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 294.3 N

ΣFy = 0 : N 2 − (189.515 N ) cos (15° ) − 294.3 N

+ ( 75.806 N ) sin15° = 0
N 2 = 457.74 N
F2 = µ s N 2 = ( 0.40 )( 457.74 N ) = 183.096 N
ΣFx = 0: − P + (189.515 N ) + ( 75.806 N ) cos15°
FBD block:
+ 126.586 N + 183.096 N = 0
P = 361 N
(b) Without cable, blocks remain together
ΣFy = 0: N − W1 − W2 = 0 N = 196.2 N + 294.3 N
= 490.5 N
F = µ s N = ( 0.40 )( 490.5 N ) = 196.2 N
ΣFx = 0: − P + 196.2 N = 0 P = 196.2 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 13.

FBD A: Note that slip must impend at both surfaces simultaneously.

ΣFy = 0: N1 + T sin θ − 16 lb = 0

N1 = 16 lb − T sin θ

Impending slip: F1 = µ s N1 = ( 0.20 )(16 lb − T sin θ )

F1 = 3.2 lb − ( 0.2 ) T sin θ (1)

ΣFx = 0: F1 − T cosθ = 0 (2)

ΣFy = 0: N 2 − N1 − 24 lb = 0, N 2 = N1 + 24 lb

= 30 lb − T sin θ

Impending slip: F2 = µ s N 2 = ( 0.20 )( 30 lb − T sin θ )

= 6 lb − 0.2 T sin θ
ΣFx = 0: 10 lb − F1 − F2 = 0

10 lb = µ s ( N1 + N 2 ) = ( 0.2 )  N1 + ( N1 + 24 lb ) 

10 lb = 0.4 N1 + 4.8 lb, N1 = 13 lb

Then F1 = µ s N1 = ( 0.2 )(13 lb ) = 2.6 lb

Then (1): T sin θ = 3.0 lb

( 2 ): T cosθ = 2.6 lb

3 3
Dividing tan θ = , θ = tan −1 = 49.1°
2.6 2.6
θ = 49.1°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 14.

Note: Slip must impend at both surfaces simultaneously.
ΣFy = 0: N1 − 20 lb = 0, N1 = 20 lb

Impending slip: F1 = µ s N1 = ( 0.25 )( 20 lb ) = 5 lb

ΣFx = 0: − T + 5 lb = 0, T = 5 lb

ΣFy′ = 0: N 2 − ( 20 lb + 40 lb ) cosθ − ( 5 lb ) sin θ = 0

N 2 = ( 60 lb ) cosθ − ( 5 lb ) sin θ

Impending slip: F2 = µ s N 2 = ( 0.25 )( 60cosθ − 5sin θ ) lb

ΣFx′ = 0: − F2 − 5 lb − ( 5 lb ) cosθ + ( 20 lb + 40 lb ) sin θ = 0

− 20cosθ + 58.75sin θ − 5 = 0

Solving numerically, θ = 23.4°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 15.

For impending tip the floor reaction is at C.

( )
W = ( 40 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 392.4 N

For impending slip φ = φs = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 )

φ = 19.2900°
0.8 m 0.4 m
tan φ = , EG = = 1.14286 m
EG 0.35

EF = EG − 0.5 m = 0.64286 m

EF 0.64286 m
(a) α s = tan −1 = tan −1 = 58.109°
0.4 m 0.4 m

α s = 58.1°
(b) =
sin19.29° sin128.820
P = ( 392.4 N )( 0.424 ) = 166.379 N

P = 166.4 N

Once slipping begins, φ will reduce to φk = tan −1 µk .

Then α max will increase.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 16.

First assume slip impends without tipping, so F = µ s N

ΣFy = 0: N + P sin 40° − W = 0, N = W − P sin 40°

F = µ s N = 0.35 (W − P sin 40° )

ΣFx = 0: F − P cos 40° = 0

0.35W = P ( cos 40° + 0.35sin 40° )

Ps = 0.35317 W (1)
Next assume tip impends without slipping, R acts at C.
ΣM A = 0: ( 0.8 m ) P sin 40° + ( 0.5 m ) P cos 40° − ( 0.4 m )W =0

Pt = 0.4458W > Ps from (1)

∴ Pmax = Ps = 0.35317 ( 40 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 )
= 138.584 N

(a) Pmax = 138.6 N 

(b) Slip is impending 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 17.

FBD Cylinder:
For maximum M, motion impends at both A and B
FA = µ A N A; FB = µ B N B

ΣFx = 0: N A − FB = 0 N A = FB = µ B N B

FA = µ A N A = µ Aµ B N B

ΣFy = 0: N B + FA − W = 0 N B (1 + µ Aµ B ) = W

or NB = W
1 + µ Aµ B

and FB = µ B N B = W
1 + µ Aµ B

µ Aµ B
FA = µ Aµ B N B = W
1 + µ Aµ B

1 + µA
ΣM C = 0: M − r ( FA + FB ) = 0 M = Wr µ B
1 + µ Aµ B

(a) For µA = 0 and µ B = 0.36

M = 0.360Wr
(b) For µ A = 0.30 and µ B = 0.36
M = 0.422Wr

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 18.

(a) FBD Drum:
 10 
ΣM D = 0:  ft  F − 50 lb ⋅ ft = 0
 12 
F = 60 lb

F 60 lb
Impending slip: N = = = 150 lb
µs 0.40

FBD arm:
ΣM A = 0: ( 6 in.) C + ( 6 in.) F − (18 in.) N =0

C = − 60 lb + 3 (150 lb ) = 390 lb

Ccw = 390 lb 
(b) Reversing the 50 lb ⋅ ft couple reverses the direction of F, but the magnitudes of F and N are not changed.

Then, using the FBD arm: ΣM A = 0: ( 6 in.) C − ( 6 in.) F − (18 in.) N =0

C = 60 lb + 3 (150 lb ) = 510 lb

Cccw = 510 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 19.

FBD’s: For slipping, F = µ k N = 0.30 N

(a) For cw rotation of drum, the friction force F is as shown.
From FBD arm:
ΣM A = 0: ( 6 in.)( 600 lb ) + ( 6 in.) F − (18 in.) N =0

600 lb + F − 3 =0
F = lb
Moment about D = (10 in.) F = 666.67 lb ⋅ in.

M cw = 55.6 lb ⋅ ft 
(b) For ccw rotation of drum, the friction force F is reversed
ΣM A = 0: ( 6 in.)( 600 lb ) − ( 6 in.) F − (18 in.) N =0

600 lb − F − 3 =0
F = lb
 10  600 
Moment about D =  ft  lb  = 45.45 lb ⋅ ft
 12  11 
M ccw = 45.5 lb ⋅ ft 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 20.

FBD: (a) ΣM C = 0: r ( F − T ) = 0, T = F

Impending slip: F = µ s N or N = =
µs µs

ΣFx = 0: F + T cos ( 25° + θ ) − W sin 25° = 0

T 1 + cos ( 25° + θ )  = W sin 25° (1)

ΣFy = 0: N − W cos 25° + T sin ( 25° + θ ) = 0

 1 
T + sin ( 25° + θ )  = W cos 25° (2)
 0.35 
1 + cos ( 25° + θ )
Dividing (1) by (2): = tan 25°
+ sin ( 25° + θ )
Solving numerically, 25° + θ = 42.53°
θ = 17.53° 

(b) From (1) T (1 + cos 42.53° ) = W sin 25°

T = 0.252W 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 21.

FBD ladder:
4.5 m 12 13
Note: slope of ladder = = , so AC = ( 4.5 m ) = 4.875
1.875 m 5 12

4.875 m 3 1
L = 6.5 m, so AC = = L, AD = L
6.5 m 4 2

and DC = BD = L
For impending slip: FA = µ s N A , FC = µ s NC

 12 
Also θ = tan −1   − 15° = 52.380°
 5
ΣFx = 0: FA − W sin15° + FC cosθ − NC sin θ = 0

10 10
FA = W sin15° − µ s W cosθ + W sin θ
39 39
= ( 0.46192 − 0.15652µ s )W

ΣFy = 0: N A − W cos15° + FC sin θ + NC cosθ = 0

10 10
N A = W cos15° − µ s W sin θ − W cosθ
39 39
= ( 0.80941 − 0.20310µ s )W

But FA = µ N A : 0.46192 − 0.15652µ s = 0.80941µ s − 0.20310µ s2

µ s2 − 4.7559µ s + 2.2743
µ s = 0.539, 4.2166
µ s min = 0.539 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 22.

FBD ladder:
Slip impends at both A and B, FA = µ s N A , FB = µ s N B

ΣFx = 0: FA − N B = 0, N B = FA = µ s N A

ΣFy = 0: N A − W + FB = 0, N A + FB = W

N A + µs N B = W

( )
N A 1 + µ s2 = W

( 6 m ) N B + 
5  5 
ΣM O = 0: m W −  m  N A = 0
 4  2 

6µ s N A +
( 5
N A 1 + µ s2 − N A = 0
µ s2 + µs − 1 = 0
µ s = − 2.4 ± 2.6 µ s min = 0.200

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 23.

FBD rod:
L L 
(a) Geometry: BE = cosθ DE =  cosθ  tan β
2 2 
L cosθ
EF = L sin θ DF =
2 tan φ s

1  L cosθ
So L  cosθ tan β + sin θ  =
2  2 tan φs

1 1 1
or tan β + 2 tan θ = = = = 2.5 (1)
tan φ s µ s 0.4
Also, L sin θ + L sin β = L
or sin θ + sin β = 1 (2)

Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) numerically θ1 = 4.62° β1 = 66.85°

θ 2 = 48.20° β 2 = 14.75°
Therefore, θ = 4.62° and θ = 48.2°
(b) Now φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.4 = 21.801°
and =
sin φs sin ( 90 + β − φ s )

sin φs
or T =W
sin ( 90 + β − φ s )

For θ = 4.62° T = 0.526W

θ = 48.2° T = 0.374W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 24.

Assume the weight of the slender rod is negligible compared to P.
First consider impending slip upward at B. The friction forces will be
directed as shown and FB,C = µ s N B,C

( L sinθ ) P −  
ΣM B = 0:  NC = 0
 sin θ 
L 2
NC = P sin θ
ΣFx = 0: NC sin θ + FC cosθ − N B = 0

NC ( sin θ + µ s cosθ ) = N B

L 2
so NB = P sin θ ( sin θ + µ s cosθ )
ΣFy = 0: − P + NC cosθ − FC sin θ − FB = 0

P = NC cosθ − µ s NC sin θ − µ s N B

L 2 L
so P = P sin θ ( cosθ − µ s sin θ ) − µ s P sin 2 θ ( sin θ + µ s cosθ ) (1)
a a
Using θ = 35° and µ s = 0.20, solve for = 13.63.
To consider impending slip downward at B, the friction forces will be
reversed. This can be accomplished by substituting µ s = − 0.20 in
equation (1). Then solve for = 3.46.
Thus, equilibrium is maintained for 3.46 ≤ ≤ 13.63

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 25.


ΣM C = 0: 0.045 m + ( 0.30 m ) sin 30° ( 400 N ) sin 30°

+ 0.030 m + ( 0.30 m ) cos 30° ( 400 N ) cos 30°

 12   5 
− ( 0.03 m )  FBD  − ( 0.045 m )  FBD  = 0
 13   13 
FBD = 3097.64 N

FBD Blade:
ΣFx = 0: N − ( 3097.6 N ) = 0 N = 1191.4
F = µ s N = 0.20 (1191.4 N ) = 238.3 N

ΣFy = 0: P+F− ( 3097.6 N ) = 0
P = 2859.3 − 238.3 = 2621.0 N

Force by blade P = 2620 N 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 26.

Note: The plate is a 3-force member, and for minimum µ s , slip
impends at C and D, so the reactions there are at angle φ s from the
From the FBD, OCG = 20° + φ s

and ODG = 20° − φ s

Then OG = ( 0.5 in.) tan ( 20° + φs )

 1.2 in. 
and OG =  + 0.5 in.  tan ( 20° − φs )
 sin70° 

Equating, tan ( 20° + φs ) = 3.5540 tan ( 20° − φs )

Solving numerically, φ s = 10.5652°

µ s = tan φs = tan (10.5652° )

µ s = 0.1865 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 27.

FBD pin A: From FBD Whole the force at A = 750 lb

ΣFx = 0: ( FAB′ − FAB ) = 0, FAB′ = FAB
ΣFy = 0: 750 lb − 2 FAB = 0, FAB = 625 lb

FBD Casting:
ΣFx = 0: N D′ − N D = 0, N D′ = N D = N

Impending slip FD = FD′ = µ N D , or N D =

ΣFy = 0: 2FD − 750 lb = 0, FD = 375 lb

375 lb
ND =

ΣM C = 0: (12 in.) N − ( 6 in.) F − ( 42.75 in.) ( 625 lb ) = 0
375 lb 4
(12 in.) = ( 6 in.)( 375 lb ) + ( 42.75 in.) ( 625 lb ) = 0
µs 5

µ s = 0.1900 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 28.

From FBD Whole, and neglecting weight of clamp compared to 550 lb plate, P = − W Since AB is a
two-force member, B is vertical and B = W .
ΣM C = 0: (1.85 in.)W − ( 2.3 in.) D cos 40°
− ( 0.3 in.) D sin 40° = 0, D = 0.94642W


ΣM E = 0: ( 0.9 in.) NG − (1.3 in.) FG − (1.3 in.) N D cos 40° = 0

Impending slip: FG = µ s NG

Solving: ( 0.9 − 1.3µ s ) NG = 0.94250W (1)

FBD Plate:
By symmetry NG = NG′ , FG = FG′ = µ s NG

ΣFy = 0: 2 FG − W = 0, FG = , NG =
2 2µ s

Substitute in (1): ( 0.9 − 1.3µ s ) = 0.94250W
2µ s
Solving, µ s = 0.283, µsm = 0.283

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 29.

FBD table + child:

( )
WC = 18 kg 9.81 m/s 2 = 176.58 N

WT = 16 kg ( 9.81 m/s ) = 156.96 N


(a) Impending tipping about E , N F = FF = 0, and

ΣM E = 0: ( 0.05 m )(176.58 N ) − ( 0.4 m )(156.96 N ) + ( 0.5 m ) P cosθ − ( 0.7 m ) P sin θ =0

33cosθ − 46.2sin θ = 53.955

Solving numerically θ = −36.3° and θ = −72.6°
Therefore −72.6° ≤ θ ≤ −36.3° 
Impending tipping about F is not possible
(b) For impending slip: FE = µ s N E = 0.2 N E FF = µ s N F = 0.2 N F

ΣFx = 0: FE + FF − P cosθ = 0 or 0.2 ( N E + N F ) = ( 66 N ) cos θ

ΣFy = 0: N E + N F − 176.58 N − 156.96 N − P sin θ = 0

N E + N F = ( 66sin θ + 333.54 ) N

So 330 cosθ = 66sin θ + 333.54

Solving numerically, θ = −3.66° and θ = −18.96°
Therefore, −18.96° ≤ θ ≤ −3.66° 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 30.

Geometry of four-bar:
Considering the geometry when α = 0,
1/ 2
LCD = ( 60 mm − 52 mm ) + ( 36 mm + 22 mm ) 
2 2
= 58.549 mm
 
In general, 52 mm − ( 36 mm ) sin α = 60 mm − ( 58.549 mm ) sin β
 36sin α + 8 
so β = sin −1  
 58.549 
(a) FBD ACE: α =0 β = 7.8533°, note that the links at E and K are prevented from pivoting
downward by the small blocks
ΣFy = 0: FCD sin β − FE = 0, FCD =
sin 7.8533°

( 60 mm )  
ΣM A = 0:  cos 7.8533° − ( 32 mm ) FE − ( 212 mm ) N E = 0
 sin 7.8533° 
Impending slip on pad N E = , so
 212 
 435.00 − 32 −  FE = 0 µ s = 0.526
 µs 
(b) α = 30°, β = 26.364°
ΣFx = 0: − FAB + FCD cos 26.364° − N E = 0
ΣFy = 0: − FAB + FCD sin 26.364° − FE = 0
Eliminating FAB , FCD ( 0.89599 − 0.76916 ) − N E + FE = 0
Impending slip FE = µ s N E , so 0.126834 FE = (1 − µ s ) N E
ΣM A = 0: ( 60 mm ) FCD cos 26.364°
− ( 212 mm ) N E − ( 32 mm ) µ s N E =0
53.759 FCD = ( 212 − 32µ s ) N E = 0
212 − 32µ s 53.759
= µ s = 0.277
1 − µs 0.12634

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 31.


ΣΜ D = 0: (15 mm ) N A − (110 mm ) FA = 0
Impending slip: FA = µ SA N A

So 15 − 110µ SA = 0 µ SA = 0.136364

µ SA = 0.1364 

ΣFx = 0: FA − Dx = 0, Dx = FA = µ SA N A
FBD Pipe:

r = 60 mm

ΣFy = 0: NC − N A = 0, NC = N A


ΣM F = 0: ( 550 mm ) FC − (15 mm ) NC − ( 500 mm ) Dx = 0

Impending slip: FC = µ SC NC = µ SC N A

So, 550µ SC N A − 15N A − 500µ SA N A = 0

550µ SC = 15 + 500 ( 0.136364 )

µ SC = 0.1512 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 32.

FBD Plate:

Assume reactions as shown, at ends of sleeves,

For impending slip FA = µ s N A , FB = µ s N B

ΣFx = 0: P sin θ − µ s N A − µ s N B = 0

N A + N B = 2.5 P sin θ

ΣFy = 0: N A − N B − P cosθ = 0, N A − N B = P cosθ

Solving: N A = ( 2.5sin θ + cosθ ) , NB = ( 2.5sin θ − cosθ ) (1)
2 2
ΣM B = 0: ( 23.5 in.) P sin θ − (16 in.) N A + (1 in.) FA = 0
( 23.5 in.) P sin θ − 16 in. − 0.4 (1 in.)  ( 2.5sin θ + cosθ ) = 0 (2)
4sin θ − 7.8cosθ = 0, θ = 62.9°
For θ > 62.9°, the panel will be self locking, ∴ motion for θ ≤ 62.9°.
As θ decreases, N B will reverse direction at 2.5sin θ − cosθ = 0,
(see equ. 1) or at θ = 21.8°. So for θ ≤ 21.8°

ΣFx = 0 : P sin θ − µ s ( N A + N B ) = 0

N A + N B = 2.5 P sin θ

ΣFy = 0: N A + N B − P cosθ = 0, N A + N B = P cosθ

∴ 2.5sin θ = cosθ , θ = 21.8°

So impending motion for 21.8° ≤ θ ≤ 62.9° W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 33.

FBD Plate:

Assuming reactions as shown, at ends of sleeves,

For impending slip FA = µ s N A , FB = µ s FB
ΣFx = 0: P sin θ − µ s ( N A + N B ) = 0
N A + N B = 2.5 P sin θ (1)
ΣFy = 0: N A − N B − P cosθ = 0, N A − N B = P cosθ (2)
Solving: NA = ( 2.5sin θ + cosθ ) , NB = ( 2.5sin θ − cosθ )
2 2
Note that, for θ < 21.8°, N B becomes negative, so we must change equ. 2 to
N A + N B = P cosθ , ( 2′ )
but equ. (1) does not change. Solving (1) and ( 2′ ) gives P cosθ = 2.5P sin θ ,
or θ = 21.8°, so the lower limit for impending slip is θ = 21.8°.
For θ ≥ 21.8°, the forces are as shown, and

ΣM B = 0: ( 23.5 in.) P sin θ + xP cosθ + (1 in.) FA − (16 in.) N A = 0

( 23.5 in.) P sin θ + x P cosθ + 0.4 (1 in.) − (16 in.)  ( 2.5sin θ + cosθ ) = 0
or 4sin θ − ( 7.8 in.) − x  cosθ = 0, tan θ = 1.950 −
4 in.
(a) For x = 4 in., tan θ = 1.950, θ = 43.5°. For θ > 43.5° self locking

∴ impending motion for 21.8° ≤ θ ≤ 43.5° W

(b) As x increases from 4 in., the upper bound for θ decreases, becoming
21.8° ( tan θ = 0.4000 ) when x = ( 4 in.)(1.950 − 0.400 ) = 6.2 in.

Thus xmax = 6.20 in. W

at which θ must equal 21.8°.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 34.

FBD Collar:
Impending motion down: a
Stretch of spring x = AB − a = −a
 a   1 
Fs = kx = k  − a  = (1.5 kN/m )( 0.5 m )  − 1
 cos θ   cos θ 

 1 
= ( 0.75 kN )  − 1
 cos θ 
ΣFx = 0: N − Fs cosθ = 0

N = Fs cosθ = ( 0.75 kN )(1 − cosθ )

Impending motion up:
Impending slip: F = µ s N = ( 0.4 )( 0.75 kN )(1 − cosθ )

= ( 0.3 kN )(1 − cosθ )

+ down, – up
ΣFy = 0: Fs sin θ ± F − W = 0

( 0.75 kN )( tan θ − sin θ ) ± ( 0.3 kN )(1 − cosθ ) − W = 0

or W = ( 0.3 kN ) [ 2.5 ( tan θ − sin θ ) ± (1 − cosθ )]

with θ = 30°: Wup = 0.01782 kN ( OK )

Wdown = 0.0982 kN ( OK )
Equilibrium if 17.82 N ≤ W ≤ 98.2 N W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 35.


1 m − ( 0.5 m ) cos α  tan θ = ( 0.5 m ) sin α

tan θ ( 2 − cos α ) = sin α

θ = 30° → α = 60°

then LAB = (1 m ) cos 30° = m

 kN   3 1 
FBD B: Fs = k ( LAB − L0 ) = 1.5   m − m
 m  2 2 

Fs = 0.75 ( )
3 − 1 kN = 549.04 N

ΣFx = 0: F + W sin 60° − 549.04 N = 0

F = 549.04 N −

ΣFy = 0: N − W cos 60° = 0, N = W
For impending slip upward, F is as shown and F = µ s N , so

W 3
549.04 N − = 0.40 W, Wmin = 648.61 N
2 2
For impending slip downward, F is reversed, or F = − µ s N , so

W 3
549.04 N − = − 0.40 W, Wmax = 3575 N
2 2
m= so 66.1 kg ≤ m ≤ 364 kg W
( 9.81 m/s )2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 36.

FBD Collar:

Note: BC is a two-force member, and for M max , slip will impend to the

ΣFy = 0: FBC cosθ − N = 0, N = FBC cosθ

Impending slip: F = µ s N = µ s FBC cosθ

ΣFx = 0: FBC sin θ − F − P = 0

FBD AB: FBC ( sin θ − µ s cosθ ) = P

ΣM A = 0: M − ( 2l ) FAB cosθ = 0

M = 2l cosθ
sin θ − µ s cosθ

2 Pl
M max = W
tan θ − µ s

For µ s = tan θ , M max = ∞ 

 self locking W
For µ s > tan θ , M max < 0 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 37.


+ −
θ = cos −1 2 4 2 = 60°

For min slip will impend to right and reactions will be at
φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900° from normal.
FBD AB: Note: AB is a three-force member

CD = a tan ( 60 + φs ) = ( L − a ) tan ( 60° − φ s )

a tan ( 79.29° ) = ( L − a ) tan ( 40.71° )
6.1449 = −1
= 0.13996
min = 0.1400 W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 38.

Note: Rod is a two force member. For impending slip the reactions are at
φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.40 ) = 21.801°
Consider first impending slip to right
9 lb
FAB = = 3.8572 lb
FBD B: tan 66.801

ΣFy = 0: N B − ( 3.8522 lb ) sin 30° − ( 6 lb ) cos 30° = 0

N B = 7.1223 lb, FB = µ s N B = 0.40 ( 7.1223 lb )

FB = 2.8489 lb
ΣFx = 0: − 2.8489 lb + ( 3.8572 lb ) cos 30° − ( 6 lb ) sin 30° − P = 0
Pmin = − 2.508 lb


Next consider impending slip to left

FAB = ( 9 lb ) tan 66.801° = 21.000 lb

ΣFy = 0: N B − ( 21 lb ) sin 30° − ( 6 lb ) cos 30° = 0, N B = 15.6959 lb

FB = µ s N B = 0.4 (15.6959 lb ) = 6.2784 lb

ΣFx = 0: 6.2784 lb + ( 21 lb ) cos 30° − ( 6 lb ) sin 30° − P = 0

Pmax = 21.465 lb

equilibrium for − 2.51 lb ≤ P ≤ 21.5 lb W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 39.


ΣM A = 0: 8 in 2 + 4 in 2 ( N ) − M A = 0

N =
(12 lb ⋅ ft )(12 in./ft ) = 16.100 lb
8.9443 in.
Impending motion: F = µ s N = 0.3 (16.100 lb ) = 4.83 lb
Note: For max MC, need F in direction shown; see FBD BC.
FBD BC + collar:

1 2 2
ΣM C = 0: M C − (17 in.) N − ( 8 in.) N − (13 in.) F =0
5 5 5
17 in. 16 in. 26 in.
or MC = (16.100 lb ) + (16.100 lb ) + ( 4.830 lb ) = 293.77 lb ⋅ in.
5 5 5
( MC )max = 24.5 lb ⋅ ft 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 40.

FBD yoke:

ΣFx = 0: P − N = 0, N = P = 8 lb

For impending slip, F = µ s N = 125 ( 8 lb )

F = 2 lb

For M max , F on yoke is down as shown

FBD wheel and slider: For M min , F on yoke is up.

(a) For M max the 2 lb force is up as shown.

ΣM B = 0: M B − ( 3 in.) sin 65° ( 8 lb ) − ( 3 in.) cos 65° ( 2 lb ) = 0

M B max = 24.3 lb ⋅ in. W

(b) For M min the 2 lb force is reversed, and

ΣM B = 0: M B − ( 3in .) sin 65°  ( 8 lb ) + ( 3 in.) cos 65°  ( 2 lb ) = 0

M B min = 19.22 lb ⋅ in. W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 41.

FBD Rod:

ΣM A = 0: ( 20 in.) N1 − (12.5 in.)(12 lb ) = 0

N1 = 7.5 lb.

FBD Cylinder:

ΣFy = 0: N 2 − 7.5 lb − 36 lb = 0, N 2 = 43.5 lb

since µ1 = µ2 and N1 < N 2 , slip will impend at top of cylinder first, so

F1 = µ s N1 .

F1 = 0.35 ( 7.5 lb ) = 2.625 lb

ΣM D = 0: ( 4.25 in.) P − (12.5 in.)( 2.625 lb ) = 0, P = 7.7206 lb

Pmax = 7.72 lb W

To check slip analysis above, ΣFy = 0: N 2 − 36 lb − 7.5 lb = 0

N 2 = 43.5 lb

F2max = µ s N 2 = 0.35 ( 43.5 lb ) = 15.225 lb

ΣFx = 0: P − F1 − F2 = 0, 7.72 lb − 2.625 lb − F2 = 0

F2 = 5.095 lb < Fmax , OK

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 42.

FBD pulley:

Note that φSA = tan −1 µ SA = tan −1 ( 0.5 ) = 26.565° < 30°, Cable is needed
to keep A from sliding downward.

ΣFy = 0: 2T − WB = 0, T = , WB = 2T (1)

FBD block A:

(a) For minimum WB , there will be impending slip of block A

downward, and FA = µ SA N A as shown.

ΣFy′ = 0: N A − WA cos 30° = 0, N A = WA cos 30°

= 23.544 N cos 30° = 20.390 N

( )
WA = ( 2.4 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 23.544 N FA = ( 0.50 )( 20.390 N ) = 10.195 N

FBD block C:

ΣFx′ = 0: T − WA sin 30° + FA = 0

T = ( 23.544 N ) sin 30° − 10.195 N = 1.577 N

3.154 N
From (1) WB = 2T = 3.154 N, mB = = 0.322 kg,
9.81 m/s 2 )
mB min = 322 g 

ΣFy = 0: NC − WC = 0, NC = 58.86 N

FC max = µ SC NC = 0.30 ( 58.86 N ) = 17.658 N

Since T = 1.577 N < FC max , block B doesn’t slip and above answer for
mB min is correct.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

(b) For mB max assume impending slip of block C to left, FC = Fmax

ΣFx = 0: − T + FC = 0, T = FC = FC max = 17.658 N

WB 35.316 N
From (1) WB = 2T = 35.316 N, mB = = = 3.6 kg
g 9.81 m/s 2

From FBD block A,

ΣFx = 0: T − WA sin 30° + FA = 0, FA = WA sin 30° − T

FA = ( 23.544 N ) sin 30° − 17.658 N = − 5.886, FAmax = 10.195 N

Since FA < FA max , A does not slip M B max = 3.6 kg 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 43.

For impending motion A must start up and C down the incline. Since the
normal force between A and B is less than that between B and C, and the
friction coefficients are the same, Fmax will be reached first between A
and B, and B and C will stay together.
ΣFy = 0: N1 − ( 4 lb ) cos 30° = 0, N1 = 2 3 lb

Impending slip: F1 = µ s N1 = 2 3µ s lb
ΣFx = 0: T − ( 4 lb ) sin 30° − 2 3µ s lb = 0

( )
FBD B and C:
T = 2 1 + 3µ s lb (1)

ΣFy = 0: N 2 − 2 3 lb − ( 3 lb + 8 lb ) cos 30° = 0

N2 = 3 lb
Impending slip: F2 = µ s N 2 = 3µ s lb
 15  
ΣFx = 0: T +  2 3 + 3  µs  lb − ( 3 + 8) lbsin 30° = 0
 2  

 11 19 
T = − 3µ s  lb (2)
2 2 
FBD B: Equating (1) and (2): ( )
4 1 + 3µ s lb = 11 − 19 3µ s

23 3 µ s = 7, µ s min = 0.1757 W
To check slip reasoning above:
ΣFy = 0: N3 − 2 3 lb − ( 3 lb ) cos 30° = 0, N3 = 3 lb
F3max = µ s N3 = 3µ s
ΣFx = 0: − ( 3 lb ) sin 30° + 2 3µ s lb − F3 = 0
F3 = 2 3 ( 0.1757 ) lb − lb = − 0.891 lb
F3 < F3max , OK

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 44.

FBD rod:
3 in.
ΣM A = 0: N B − ( 4.5 in.) cosθ  W = 0

or N B = (1.5cos 2 θ )W

Impending motion: FB = µ s N B = (1.5µ s cos 2 θ )W

= ( 0.3cos 2 θ )W
ΣFx = 0: N A − N B sin θ + FB cosθ = 0

or N A = (1.5cos 2 θ )W ( sin θ − 0.2 cosθ )

Impending motion: FA = µ s N A

= ( 0.3cos 2 θ )W ( sin θ − 0.2 cosθ )

ΣFy = 0: FA + N B cosθ + FB sinθ − W = 0

or (
FA = W 1 − 1.5cos3 θ − 0.3cos 2 θ sin θ )
Equating FA’s

0.3cos 2 θ ( sin θ − 0.2cosθ ) = 1 − 1.5cos3 θ − 0.3cos 2 θ sinθ

0.6cos 2 θ sin θ + 1.44cos3 θ = 1

Solving numerically θ = 35.8° W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 45.

FBD pin A:

12 3
ΣFx = 0: FAB − FAC = 0
13 5
5 4
ΣFy = 0: FAB + FAC − P = 0
13 5
13 20
Solving: FAB = P, FAC = P
21 21


12 13 12
ΣFx = 0: NB − ⋅ P = 0, NB = P
13 21 21
For Pmin slip of B impends down, so FB = µ s N B = NB
11 12 5 13
ΣFy = 0: ⋅ P− ⋅ P − 18 lb = 0, Pmin = 236.25 lb
20 21 13 21
FBD C: (For P < 236.25 lb, A will slip down)

4 20 16
ΣFy = 0: NC − 80 lb − ⋅ P = 0, NC = 80 lb + P
5 21 21
For Pmax slip of C impends to right, FC = µ s NC
11  16  44
or FC =  80 lb + P  = 44 lb + P
20  21  105
3 20 12 44
ΣFx = 0: ⋅ P − FC = 0, P = 44 lb + P
5 21 21 105
Pmax = 288.75 lb
∴ equilibrium 236 ≤ P ≤ 289 W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 46.

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.4 ) = 21.801°, slip impends at wedge/block wedge/wedge and block/incline
FBD Block:

R2 530 lb
sin 41.801° sin 46.398°

R2 = 487.84 lb

FBD Wedge:

P 487.84 lb
sin 51.602° sin 60.199°

P = 441 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 47.

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.40 ) = 21.801°, and slip impends at wedge/lower block, wedge/wedge, and upper
block/incline interfaces.
FBD Upper block and wedge:
R2 530 lb
sin 41.801° sin 38.398°

R2 = 568.76 lb

FBD Lower wedge:

P 568.76 lb
sin 51.602° sin 68.199°

P = 480 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 48.

( )
WD = (18 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 176.58 N

Fs = kx = ( 3.5 kN/m )( 0.1 m ) = 0.35 kN = 350 N

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.25 ) = 14.0362°

FBD Lever:
ΣM C = 0: ( 0.3 m )( 350 N ) − ( 0.4 m )(176.58 N )
− ( 0.525 m ) RA cos 4.0362°

+ ( 0.05 m ) RA sin 4.0362° = 0

RA = 66.070 N

ΣFx = 0: ( 66.07 N ) sin 4.0362° + Cx = 0, Cx = − 4.65 N

ΣFy = 0: ( 66.07 N ) cos 4.0362° − 350 N − 176.58 N = 0

FBD Wedge:
P 66.070 N
sin18.072° sin 75.964°
P = 21.1 lb

(a) P = 21.1 lb

(b) C x = 4.65 N

C y = 461 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 49.

( )
WD = (18 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 176.58 N

Fs = kx = ( 3.5 kN/m )( 0.1 m ) = 0.35 kN = 350 N

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.25 ) = 14.0362°

FBD Lever:
ΣM C = 0: ( 0.3 m )( 350 N ) − ( 0.4 m )(176.58 N )
− ( 0.525 m ) RA cos 24.036°

− ( 0.05 m ) RA sin 24.036° = 0

RA = 68.758 N

ΣFx = 0: C x − ( 68.758 N ) sin 24.036° = 0, Cx = 28.0 N

ΣFy = 0: C y − 350 N − 176.58 N + ( 68.758 N ) cos 24.036° = 0

C y = 464 N
FBD Wedge:
P 68.758 N
sin 38.072° sin 75.964°
(a) P = 43.7 N

(b) C x = 28.0 N

C y = 464 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 50.

For steel/steel contact, φ s1 = tan −1 µ s1 = tan −1 ( 0.3) = 16.6992°

For steel/concrete interface, φ s2 = tan −1 µ s2 = tan −1 ( 0.6 ) = 30.964°

FBD Plate CD:

ΣFy = 0: N − 90 kN = 0, F = 90 kN

Impending slip: F = µ s1 N = 0.3 ( 90 kN ) = 27 kN

ΣFx = 0: F − Q = 0, Q = F = 27 kN

FBD Top wedge assuming impending slip between wedges:

ΣFy = 0: Rw cos 26.699° − 90 kN = 0, Rw = 100.74 kN

ΣFx = 0: P − 27 kN − (100.74 kN ) sin 26.699° = 0

P = 72.265 kN, (a) P = 72.3 kN

(b) Q = 27.0 kN

To check above assumption; note that bottom wedge is a two-force member so the reaction of the floor on that
wedge is Rw, at 26.699° from the vertical. This is less than φ s2 = 30.964°, so the bottom wedge doesn’t slip
on the concrete.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 51.

For steel/steel contact, φ s1 = tan −1 µ s1 = tan −1 ( 0.30 ) = 16.6992°

For steel/concrete contact, φ s2 = tan −1 µ s2 = tan −1 ( 0.60 ) = 30.964°

FBD Plate CD and top wedge:

Q = 90 kN tan 26.6992° = 45.264 kN

90 kN
Rw = = 100.741 kN
cos 26.6992°

FBD Bottom wedge: slip impends at both surfaces

P 100.714 kN
sin 57.663° sin 59.036°

(a) P = 99.3 kN

(b) Q = 45.3 kN

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 52.

FBD Wedge:

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.4 ) = 21.801°

By symmetry RB = RC

ΣFy = 0: 2RC sin ( 29.801° ) − P = 0, P = 0.9940 RC

FBD Block C:
RC 175 lb
= , P = 367.3 lb
sin 41.801° sin18.397 lb

(a) P = 367 lb

b) Note: That increasing friction between B and the incline will mean that block B will not slip, but the above
calculations will not change.
(b) P = 367 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 53.

FBD Block C: φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.4 ) = 21.8014°

ΣFx = 0: RACx − RCFx = 0

ΣFy = 0: RCFy − RACy − 175 lb = 0

RCFy RACy 175 lb

so − =

cot ( 20° + φ ) − cot ( 32.2° ) > 0

φ < 12.2° < φ s = 21.8°

so block C does not slip (or impend)

FBD Block B:

(a) φ B = tan −1 µ B = tan −1 ( 0.4 ) = 21.8014°

RB 175 lb
= , RB = 161.083 lb
sin 41.8014° sin 46.3972°

(b) φ B = tan −1 µ B = tan −1 ( 0.6 ) = 30.9638°

RB 175 lb
= , RB = 224.65 lb
sin 50.9638° sin 37.2330°

FBD Wedge:
= , P = 1.09163 RB
sin 59.6028° sin 52.1986°
(a) RB = 161.083 lb, P = 175.8 lb

(b) RB = 224.65 lb, P = 245 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 54.

Since vertical forces are equal and µ s ground > µ s wood, assume no impending motion of board. Then there
will be impending slip at all wood/wood contacts, φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°
FBD Top wedge:
8 kN
R1 = = 8.4758 kN

R1 P
sin 52.710° cos 56.580°

P = 8.892 kN

To check assumption, consider

FBD wedges + board:
F1 = µ1 8 kN = 0.35 ( 8 kN ) = 2.8 kN

ΣFy = 0: NG − 8 kN = 0, NG = 8 kN

FG max = µG NG = ( 0.6 )( 8 kN ) = 4.8 kN

ΣFx = 0: FG − F1 = 0, FG = F1 = 2.8 kN

FG < FG max , OK

∴ P = 8.89 kN

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 55.

Assume no impending motion of board on ground. Then there will be impending slip at all wood/wood
FBD Top wedge:

Wedge is a two-force member so R 2 = − R1

and θ = 2φs = 2 tan −1 µ s = 2 tan −1 ( 0.35 )

θ = 38.6°

To check assumption, consider

FBD wedges + board:
F1 = µ1 8 kN = 0.35 ( 8 kN ) = 2.8 kN

ΣFy = 0: NG − 8 kN = 0, NG = 8 kN

FG max = µG NG = ( 0.6 )( 8 kN ) = 4.8 kN

ΣFx = 0: FG − F1 = 0, FG = F1 = 2.8 kN

FG < FG max , OK

∴ P = 8.89 kN

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 56.

FBD Cylinder:

Slip impends at B
φ SC = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°
ΣM A = 0: r RC cos (12° + 19.29° ) − W =0

RC = 0.49665, W = 124.163 lb

FBD Wedge:
φ SF = tan −1 µ SF = tan −1 ( 0.50 ) = 26.565°

P 124.163 lb
sin 58.855° sin 63.435°

P = 117.5 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 57.

FBD tip of screwdriver:

φs = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.12 ) = 6.8428°

by symmetry R1 = R2

ΣFy = 0: 2R1 sin ( 6.8428° + 8° ) − 3.5 N = 0

R1 = R2 = 6.8315 N

If P is removed quickly, the vertical components of R1 and R2 vanish, leaving the horizontal components
H1 = H 2 = ( 6.8315 N ) cos14.8428°

= 6.6035 N
Side forces = 6.60 N 
This is only instantaneous, since 8° > φ s , so the screwdriver will be forced out.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 58.

As the plates are moved, the angle θ will decrease.

(a) φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.2 = 11.31°. As θ decreases, the minimum angle at the contact approaches
12.5° > φs = 11.31°, so the wedge will slide up and out from the slot.

(b) φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.3 = 16.70°. As θ decreases, the angle at one contact reaches 16.7°. (At this
time the angle at the other contact is 25° − 16.7° = 8.3° < φ s ) The wedge binds in the slot.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 59.

FBD Wedge:
φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°

by symmetry R1 = R2

ΣFy = 0: 2 R1 sin 22.29° − 60 lb = 0

R2 = 79.094 lb

When P is removed, the vertical component of R1 and R2 will vanish, leaving the horizontal components

H1 = H 2 = ( 79.094 lb ) cos 22.29°

= 73.184 lb

Final forces H1 = H 2 = 73.2 lb

Since these are at 3° ( < φs ) from the normal, the wedge is self-locking and will remain in place.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 60.

FBD Cylinder:

( )
W = ( 80 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 784.8 N

ΣM G = 0: FA − FB = 0, FA = FB (1)
ΣM D = 0: dN B − dN A + rW = 0, N A = NB + (2)
so N A > NB, FA max > FB max

∴ slip impends first at B. FB = µ s N B = 0.25 N B

ΣM A = 0: ( r cos 30° ) N B − ( r sin 30° )W − r (1 + sin 30° )( 0.25 N B ) = 0

N B = 1.01828W = 799.15 N
note d = = 3r FB = 0.25 N B = 199.786 N
tan 30
784.8 N
From (2) above, N A = 799.15 N + = 1252.25 N
From (1), FA = FB = 199.786 N

ΣFy = 0: NC − (1252.25 N ) cos10° + 199.786 N sin10° = 0

FBD Wedge: NC = 1198.53 N

Impending slip FC = µ s NC = 0.25 (1198.53 N ) = 299.63 N

ΣFx = 0: P − 299.63 N − (199.786 N ) cos10°

− (1252.25 N ) sin10° = 0

P = 714 N 20.0°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 61.

FBD Cylinder:

( )
W = ( 80 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 784.8 N

For impending slip at B, FB = µ sB N B = 0.30 N B

ΣM A = 0: ( r cos 30° ) N B − r (1 + sin 30° )( 0.30 N B )

− r sin 30°W = 0

N B = 1.20185W = 943.21 N

FB = 0.30 N B = 0.36055W

ΣM G = 0: r ( FA − FB ) = 0, FA = FB = 0.36055W

ΣFx = 0: N A sin 30° + FA cos30° − N B = 0

− ( 0.36055W ) cos30° + 1.20185W

NA =
sin 30°

N A = 1.77920W

For minimum µ A , slip impends at A, so

FA 0.36055W
µ A min = = = 0.2026
N A 1.77920W

µ A min = 0.203

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 62.

FBD plank + wedge:

ΣM A = 0: (8 ft ) N B − (1.5 ft )( 48 lb/ft )( 3 ft )
− ( 2 ft ) ( 48 lb/ft )( 3 ft )
 5  1
−  3 +  ft  ( 96 lb/ft )( 5 ft ) = 0
 3  2

N B = 185 lb

 48 + 96 
ΣFy = 0: NW + 185 lb −  lb/ft  ( 3ft )
 2 
+ ( 96 lb/ft )( 5 ft ) = 0
NW = 271 lb

Since NW > N B , and all µ s are equal, assume slip impends at B and between wedge and floor, and not at A.

Then FW = µ s NW = 0.45 ( 271 lb ) = 121.95 lb

FB = µ s N B = 0.45 (185 lb ) = 83.25 lb

ΣFx = 0: P − 121.95 lb − 83.25 lb = 0, P = 205.20 lb

Check Wedge for assumption
ΣFy = 0: 271 lb − RA cosθ = 0

ΣFx = 0: 205.2 lb − 121.95 lb − RA sin θ = 0

so tan θ = = 0.3072 < µ s + tan 9°
so no slip here
∴ (a) P = 205 lb

(b) impending slip at B

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 63.

FBD plank + wedge:

ΣM A = 0: (8 ft ) N B − (1.5 ft )( 48 lb/ft )( 3 ft )
− ( 2 ft )( 48 lb/ft )( 3 ft )
 5 
−  3 +  ft  ( 96 lb/ft )( 5 ft ) = 0
 3 
NW = 185 lb
 48 + 96 
ΣFy = 0: N A + 185 lb −  lb/ft  ( 3ft )
 2 
− ( 96 lb/ft )( 5 ft ) = 0
N A = 271 lb
Since N A > NW , and all µ s are equal, assume impending slip at top and bottom of wedge and not at A. Then
FW = µ s NW = 0.45 (185 N )
FW = 83.25 lb
FBD Wedge:
φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.45 ) = 24.228°
ΣFy = 0: 185 lb − RB cos ( 24.228° + 9° ) = 0
RB = 221.16 lb
ΣFx = 0: ( 221.16 lb ) sin 33.228° + 83.25 lb − P = 0
P = 204.44 lb

Check assumption using plank/wedge FBD

ΣFx = 0: FA + FW − P = 0, FA = 204.44 lb − 83.25 lb = 121.19 lb
FA max = µ s N A = 0.45 ( 271 lb ) = 121.95 lb
FA < FA max , OK
∴ (a) P = 204 lb
(b) no impending slip at A

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 64.

( ) (
WA = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N, WB = ( 50 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 490.5 N )
Slip must impend at all surfaces simultaneously, F = µ s N
FBD I: A + B

ΣFy = 0: N B − 150 N − 98.1 N − 490.5 N = 0, N B = 738.6 N

impending slip: FB = µ s N B = ( 738.6 N ) µ s

ΣFx = 0: N A − FB = 0, N A = ( 738.6 N ) µ s

FBD II: A ΣFy′ = 0: FAB + ( 738.6µ s ) N  sin 20° − (150 N + 98.1 N ) cos 20° = 0

FAB =  233.14 − ( 252.62 ) µ s  N

ΣFx′ = 0: ( 738.6µ s ) N  cos 20° − (150 N + 98.1 N ) sin 20° − N AB = 0

N AB = 84.855 + ( 694.06 ) µ s  N

FAB 233.14 − 252.62µ s

µs = =
N AB 84.855 + 694.06µ s

µ s2 = 0.48623µ s − 0.33591 = 0
µ s = − 0.24312 ± 0.62850
Positive root µ s = 0.385

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 65.

( ) (
WA = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N, WB = ( 50 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 490.5 N )
Slip impends at all surfaces simultaneously
FBD I: A + B
ΣFx = 0: N A − FB = 0, N A = FB = µ s N B (1)

ΣFy = 0: FA − (150 N + 98.1 N + 490.5 N ) + N B = 0

µ s N A + N B = 738.6 N (2)

738.6 N 738.6 µ s
Solving (1) and (2) N B = , FB = N
1 + µ s2 1 + µ s2

FBD II: B ΣFx′ = 0: N AB + ( 490.5 N ) cos 70° − N B cos 70° − FB sin 70° = 0

738.6 N
N AB = ( cos 70° + µ s sin 70° ) − ( 490.5 N ) cos 70° (1)
1 + µ s2

ΣFy′ = 0: −FAB − ( 490.5 N ) sin 70° + N B sin 70° − FB cos 70° = 0

738.6 N
FAB = ( sin 70° − µs cos 70° ) − ( 490.5 N ) sin 70° = 0
1 + µ s2

Setting FAB = µ s N AB ,

µ s3 − 6.8847µ s2 − 2.0116µ s + 1.38970 = 0

Solving numerically, µ s = − 0.586, 0.332, 7.14

Physically meaningful solution: µ s = 0.332

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 66.

FBD jack handle:

See Section 8.6

ΣM C = 0: aP − rQ = 0 or P = Q

FBD block on incline:

(a) Raising load

Q = W tan (θ + φ s )

P= W tan (θ + φs )


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


(b) Lowering load if screw is self-locking ( i.e.: if φs > θ )

Q = W tan (φs − θ )

P= W tan (φs − θ )
(c) Holding load is screw is not self-locking ( i.e: if φs < θ )

Q = W tan (θ − φs )

P= W tan (θ − φ s )

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 67.

FBD large gear:

ΣM C = 0: (12 in.)W − 7.2 kip ⋅ in. = 0, W = 0.600 kips

= 600 lb

Block on incline:
0.375 in.
θ = tan −1 = 2.2785°
2π (1.5 in.)

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.12 = 6.8428°

Q = W tan (θ + φ s )

= ( 600 lb ) tan 9.1213° = 96.333 lb

FBD worm gear:

r = 1.5 in.

ΣM B = 0: (1.5 in.)( 96.333 lb ) − M =0

M = 144.5 lb ⋅ in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 68.

FBD large gear:

ΣM C = 0: (12 in.)W − 7.2 kip ⋅ in. = 0

W = 0.600 kips = 600 lb

Block on incline:
0.375 in.
θ = tan −1 = 2.2785°
2π (1.5 in.)

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.12 = 6.8428°

Q = W tan (φ s − θ )

= ( 600 lb ) tan 4.5643° = 47.898 lb

FBD worm gear:

r = 1.5 in.

ΣM B = 0: M − (1.5 in.)( 47.898 lb ) = 0

M = 71.8 lb ⋅ in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 69.

Block/incline analysis:

0.125 in.
θ = tan −1 = 2.4238°
2.9531 in.

φ s = tan −1 ( 0.35 ) = 19.2900°

Q = 47250 tan ( 21.714° ) = 18.816 lb

d  0.94 
Couple = Q= in.  (18.516 lb ) = 8844 lb ⋅ in.
2  2 
Couple = 7.37 lb ⋅ ft

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 70.

FBD joint D:

By symmetry: FAD = FCD

ΣFy = 0: 2FAD sin 25° − 4 kN = 0

FAD = FCD = 4.7324 kN

FBD joint A:

By symmetry: FAE = FAD

ΣFx = 0: FAC − 2 ( 4.7324 kN ) cos 25° = 0

FAC = 8.5780 kN
Block and incline A:

2 mm
θ = tan −1 = 4.8518°
π ( 7.5 mm )

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.15 = 8.5308°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


Q = ( 8.578 kN ) tan (13.3826° )

= 2.0408 kN

Couple at A: M A = rQ

 7.5 
= mm  ( 2.0408 kN )
 2 
= 7.653 N ⋅ m

By symmetry: Couple at C: M C = 7.653 N ⋅ m

Total couple M = 2 ( 7.653 N ⋅ m ) M = 15.31 N ⋅ m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 71.

FBD joint D:

By symmetry: FAD = FCD

ΣFy = 0: 2FAD sin 25° − 4 kN = 0

FAD = FCD = 4.7324 kN

FBD joint A:

By symmetry: FAE = FAD

ΣFx = 0: FAC − 2 ( 4.7324 kN ) cos 25° = 0

FAC = 8.5780 kN
Block and incline at A:

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


2 mm
θ = tan −1 = 4.8518°
π ( 7.5 mm )

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.15

φ s = 8.5308°

φ s − θ = 3.679°

Q = ( 8.5780 kN ) tan 3.679°

Q = 0.55156 kN

Couple at A: M A = Qr

 7.5 mm 
= ( 0.55156 kN )  
 2 
= 2.0683 N ⋅ m

By symmetry: Couple at C : M C = 2.0683 N ⋅ m

Total couple M = 2 ( 2.0683 N ⋅ m ) M = 4.14 N ⋅ m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 72.

FBD lower jaw:

By symmetry B = 540 N

ΣFy = 0: − 540 N + A − 540 N = 0, A = 1080 N

(a) since A > B when finished, adjust A first when there will be no force
Block/incline at B:
4 mm
(b) θ = tan −1 = 6.0566°
12π mm

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35) = 19.2900°

Q = ( 540 N ) tan 25.3466° = 255.80 N

Couple = rQ = ( 6 mm )( 255.80 N ) = 1535 N ⋅ mm

M = 1.535 N ⋅ m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 73.

FBD lower jaw:

By symmetry B = 540 N

ΣFy = 0: − 540 N + A − 540 N = 0, A = 1080 N

since A > B, A should be adjusted first when no force is required.

If instead, B is adjusted first,
Block/incline at A:

4 mm
θ = tan −1 = 6.0566°
12π mm

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.35) = 19.2900°

Q = (1080 N ) tan 25.3466° = 511.59 N

Couple = rQ = ( 6 mm )( 511.59 N ) = 3069.5 N ⋅ mm

M = 3.07 N ⋅ m
Note that this is twice that required if A is adjusted first.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 74.

0.25 in.
θ = tan −1 = 2.4302°
1.875π in.

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.10 ) = 5.7106°

Q = (1000 lb ) tan ( 8.1408° ) = 143.048 lb

Couple = rQ = ( 0.9375 in.)(143.048 lb ) = 134.108 lb ⋅ in.

M = 134.1 lb ⋅ in.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 75.

FBD Bucket:

rf = r sin φ s = r sin tan −1 µ s )
= ( 0.18 m ) sin tan −1 0.30 ) = 0.05172 m

ΣM A = 0: (1.6 m + 0.05172 m ) T − ( 0.05172 m )W =0

T = 0.031314W
 kN 
= 0.031314 ( 50 Mg )  9.81 
 Mg 

= 15.360 kN

T = 15.36 kN !


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 76.

FBD Windlass:

rf = rb sin φs = rb sin tan −1 µ s )
( )
= (1.5 in.) sin tan −1 0.5 = 0.67082 in.

ΣM A = 0: ( 8 − 0.67082 ) in. P − ( 5 + 0.67082 ) in. 160 lb = 0

P = 123.797 lb

P = 123.8 lb 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 77.

FBD Windlass:

rf = r sin φs = r sin tan −1 µ s )
( )
= (1.5 in.) sin tan −1 0.5 = 0.67082 in.

ΣM A = 0: ( 8 + 0.67082 ) in. P − ( 5 + 0.67082 ) in. (160 lb ) = 0

P = 104.6 lb 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 78.

FBD Windlass:

rf = r sin φs = r sin tan −1 µ s )
( )
= (1.5 in.) sin tan −1 0.50 = 0.67082 in.

ΣM A = 0: ( 8 + 0.67082 ) in. P − ( 5 − 0.67082 ) in. (160 lb ) = 0

P = 79.9 lb 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 79.

FBD Windlass:

rf = r sin φs = r sin tan −1 µ s )
( )
= (1.5 in.) sin tan −1 0.50 = 0.67082 in.

ΣM A = 0: ( 8 − 0.67082 ) in. P − ( 5 − 0.67082 ) in. (160 lb ) = 0

P = 94.5 lb 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 80.

(a) FBD lever (Impending CW

ΣM C = 0: ( 0.2 m + rf ) ( 75 N ) − ( 0.12 m − rf ) (130 N ) = 0
rf = 0.0029268 m = 2.9268 mm

sin φs =
 −1 rf   −1 2.9268 mm 
µ s = tan φs = tan  sin  = tan  sin 
 rs   18 mm 

= 0.34389
µ s = 0.344 
(b) FBD lever (Impending CCW

ΣM D = 0: ( 0.20 m − 0.0029268 m )( 75 N )
− ( 0.12 m + 0.0029268 m ) P = 0

P = 120.2 N 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 81.

Pulley FBD’s:
Left: rp = 30 mm

( )
rf = raxle sin φk = raxle sin tan −1 µ k

= ( 5 mm ) sin tan −1 0.2 )
= 0.98058 mm


ΣM C = 0: ( rp − rf ) ( 600 lb ) − 2rpTAB = 0
30 mm − 0.98058 mm
or TAB = ( 600 N ) = 290.19 N
2 ( 30 mm )

TAB = 290 N 

ΣFy = 0: 290.19 N − 600 N + TCD = 0

or TCD = 309.81 N TCD = 310 N 

ΣM G = 0: ( rp + rf ) TCD − ( rp − rf ) TEF =0

30 mm + 0.98058 mm
or TEF = ( 309.81 N ) = 330.75 N
30 mm − 0.98058 mm

TEF = 331 N 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 82.

Pulley FBDs:
Left: rp = 30 mm

( )
rf = raxle sin φk = raxle sin tan −1 µ k

= ( 5 mm ) sin tan −1 0.2 )
= 0.98058 mm

ΣM C = 0: ( rp + rf ) ( 600 N ) − 2rpTAB = 0
30 mm + 0.98058 mm
or TAB = ( 600 N ) = 309.81 N
2 ( 30 mm )
TAB = 310 N 

Right: ΣFy = 0: TAB − 600 N + TCD = 0

or TCD = 600 N − 309.81 N = 290.19 N

TCD = 290 N 

ΣM H = 0: ( rp − rf ) TCD − ( rp + rf ) TEF =0

30 mm − 0.98058 mm
or TEF = ( 290.19 N )
30 mm + 0.98058 mm
TEF = 272 N 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there is
little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79, µ s = 0.50,
and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 83.

FBD link AB:

Note: That AB is a two-force member. For impending motion, the pin

forces are tangent to the friction circles.
θ = sin −1 f
25 in.

( )
where rf = rp sin φs = rp sin tan −1 µ s

( )
= (1.5 in.) sin tan −1 0.2 = 0.29417 in.

0.29417 in.
Then θ = sin −1 = 1.3485°
12.5 in.
(b) θ = 1.349° 
Rvert = R cosθ Rhoriz = R sin θ

Rhoriz = Rvert tan θ = ( 50 kips ) tan1.3485° = 1.177 kips

(a) Rhoriz = 1.177 kips 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 84.

FBD gate:

W1 = 66 kg 9.81 m/s 2 = 647.46 N)
W2 = 24 kg 9.81 m/s 2 = 235.44 N)
rf = rs sin φs = rs sin tan −1 µ s )
( )
= ( 0.012 m ) sin tan −1 0.2 = 0.0023534 m

ΣM C = 0: ( 0.6 m − rf )W1 + ( 0.15 m − rf ) P − (1.8 m + rf )W2 = 0

(1.80235 m )( 235.44 N ) − ( 0.59765 m )( 647.46 N )
( 0.14765 m )
= 253.2 N

P = 253 N !


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 85.

It is convenient to replace the ( 66 kg ) g and ( 24 kg ) g weights with a single combined weight of

(1.8 m )( 24 kg ) − ( 0.6 m )( 66 kg )
( 90 kg ) ( 9.81 m/s2 ) = 882.9 N, located at a distance x = = 0.04 m to the
90 kg
right of B.
( ) ( )
rf = rs sin φs = rs sin tan −1 µ s = ( 0.012 m ) sin tan −1 0.2

= 0.0023534 m
FBD pulley + gate:

0.04 m 0.15
α = tan −1 = 14.931° OB = = 0.15524 m
0.15 m cos α

rf 0.0023534 m
β = sin −1 = sin −1 = 0.8686° then θ = α + β = 15.800°
OB 0.15524 m

P = W tan θ = 249.8 N
P = 250 N !


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 86.

FBD gate:

( )
W1 = 66 kg 9.81 m/s 2 = 647.46 N

W2 = 24 kg ( 9.81 m/s ) = 235.44 N


( )
rf = rs sin φs = rs sin tan −1 µ s

( )
= ( 0.012 m ) sin tan −1 0.2 = 0.0023534 m

ΣM C = 0: ( 0.6 m + rf )W1 + ( 0.15 m + rf ) P − (1.8 m − rf )W2 = 0

(1.79765 m )( 235.44 N ) − ( 0.60235 m )( 647.46 N )
0.15235 m
= 218.19 N

P = 218 N !


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 87.

It is convenient to replace the ( 66 kg ) g and ( 24 kg ) g weights with a single weight of

(1.8 m )( 24 kg ) − ( 0.15 m )( 66 kg )
( 90 kg )( 9.81 N/kg ) = 882.9 N, located at a distance x = = 0.04 m to the
90 kg
right of B.
FBD pulley + gate:

( ) ( )
rf = rs sin φs = rs sin tan −1 µ s = ( 0.012 m ) sin tan −1 0.2

rf = 0.0023534 m

0.04 m 0.15 m
α = tan −1 = 14.931° OB = = 0.15524 m
0.15 m cos α

rf 0.0023534 m
β = sin −1 = sin −1 = 0.8686° then θ = α − β = 14.062°
OB 0.15524 m
P = W tan θ = 221.1 N
P = 221 N !


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 88.

FBD Each wheel:

rf = raxle sin φ = raxle sin tan −1 µ )
ΣFx = 0: − R sin θ = 0

ΣFy = 0: R cosθ − =0

∴ tan θ = or P = W tanθ

rf raxle
but sin θ =
sin tan −1 µ )
(a) For impending motion, use µ s = 0.12
0.5 in.
sin θ =
5 in.
sin tan −1 0.12 ) θ = 0.68267°

P = W tan θ = ( 500 lb ) tan ( 0.68267° )

P = 5.96 lb 
(b) For constant speed, use µ k = 0.08
sin θ =
sin tan − 1 0.08 ) θ = 0.45691°

P = ( 500 lb ) tan ( 0.45691° )

P = 3.99 lb 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 89.

FBD Each wheel:

For equilibrium (constant speed) the two forces R and must be equal
and opposite, tangent to the friction circle, so
sin θ = where θ = tan −1 ( slope )

rB sin tan −1 µ k )
sin tan −1 0.03 = ) rw

rw = (12.5 mm )
sin tan −1 0.12 ) = 49.666 mm
sin ( tan −1

d w = 99.3 mm 


( )
Note to instructors: In this manual, the simplification sin tan −1 µ ≈ µ is NOT used in the solution of journal
bearing and axle friction problems. While this approximation may be valid for very small values of µ , there
is little if any reason to use it, and the error may be significant. For example, in Problems 8.76–8.79,
µ s = 0.50, and the error made by using the approximation is about 11.8%.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 90.

ΣM O = 0: (8 in.) Q − M = 0, Q=
8 in.

but, from equ. 8.9,

2 2  7 in. 
M = µk WR = ( 0.60 )(10.1 lb )  
3 3  2 

= 14.14 lb

so, Q= , Q = 1.768 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 91.

2 R3 − R13 1 D23 − D13

Eqn. 8.8 gives M = µ s P 22 = µ s P
3 R2 − R12 3 D22 − D12

( 0.030 m )3 − ( 0.024 m )3
M = ( 0.15 )( 80 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2
) ( 0.030 m )2 − ( 0.024 m )2
M = 1.596 N ⋅ m

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 92.

∆N k
Let the normal force on ∆A be ∆N , and =
∆A r

As in the text ∆F = µ∆N , ∆M = r ∆F

The total normal force

2π  R k 
P = lim Σ∆N = ∫ 0  ∫ 0 rdr  dθ
∆A → 0  r 

( R
P = 2π ∫ 0 kdr = 2π kR or k =
2π R

2π  R k 
The total couple M worn = lim Σ∆M = ∫ 0  ∫ 0 r µ rdr  dθ
∆A → 0  r 

R R2 P R2
M worn = 2πµ k ∫ 0 rdr = 2πµ k = 2πµ
2 2π R 2

or M worn = µ PR

Now M new = µ PR [Eq. (8.9)]

M worn 1 µ PR 3
Thus = 2
= = 75%
M new 2
µ PR 4

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 93.

∆N k
Let normal force on ∆A be ∆N , and =
∆A r

As in the text ∆F = µ∆N , ∆M = r ∆F

The total normal force P is

2π  R k 
P = lim Σ∆N = ∫ 0  ∫ R 2 rdr  dθ
1 r
∆A → 0  

P = 2π ∫R 2 kdr = 2π k ( R2 − R1 )
or k =
1 2π ( R2 − R1 )

2π  R k 
The total couple is M worn = lim Σ∆M = ∫ 0  ∫R 2 r µ rdr  dθ
∆A → 0  1 r 

( rdr ) = πµ k (
πµ P R22 − R12 )
M worn = 2πµ k ∫
R22 − R12 )= 2π ( R2 − R1 )

M worn = µ P ( R2 + R1 )

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 94.

Let normal force on ∆A be ∆N , and = k,

so ∆N = k ∆A ∆A = r ∆s∆φ ∆s =
sin θ

where φ is the azimuthal angle around the symmetry axis of rotation

∆Fy = ∆N sin θ = kr ∆r ∆φ

Total vertical force P = lim Σ∆Fy

∆A → 0

P = ∫0

krdr ) dφ = 2π k ∫ R2

P = π k R22 − R12 ) or k =
π ( R22 − R12 )
Friction force ∆F = µ∆N = µ k ∆A

Moment ∆M = r ∆F = r µ kr ∆φ
sin θ

2π  R µ k 
Total couple M = lim Σ∆M = ∫ 0  ∫R 2 r 2dr  dφ
∆A → 0  1 sin θ 

µ k R2 2 2 πµ
M = 2π ∫ r dr =
− R33 )
sin θ R1
3 sin θ π R2 − R32
( ) 2

2 µ P R23 − R13
M =
3 sin θ R22 − R12

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 95.

If normal force per unit area (pressure) of the center is PO , then as a function
 r
of r, P = PO 1 − 
 R 

2π R  r
ΣFN = W = ∫ PdA = ∫ 0 ∫ 0 PO 1 −  rdrdθ
 R

2π  R R3 
W = PO ∫ 0  −  dθ = 2π P
3R 
 2 6

so PO =
π R2
For slipping, dF = µk ( PdA)

2π R  r
Moment = ∫ rdF = µk PO ∫ 0 ∫ 0 r  1 −  rdrdθ
 R

2π  R R4 
= µ k PO ∫ 0  −  dθ = 2πµ P
4 R 
k O
 3 12

3W R3 1
so M = 2πµ k = µ k WR
π R 2 12 2
ΣM O = 0: (8 in.) Q − M =0

1  7 in. 
( 0.6 )(10.1 lb )  
2  2 
Q= =
(8 in.) 8 in.

Q = 1.326 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 96.

FBD pipe:

0.025 in. + 0.0625 in.

θ = sin −1 = 1.00257°
5 in.

P = W tan θ for each pipe, so also for total

P = ( 2000 lb ) tan (1.00257° )

P = 35.0 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 97.

FBD disk:

tan θ = slope = 0.02

b = r tan θ = ( 60 mm )( 0.02 )

b = 1.200 mm

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 98.

FBD wheel:

r = 230 mm

b = 1 mm

θ = sin −1

 b
P = W tan θ = W tan  sin −1  for each wheel, so for total
 r

( 
P = (1000 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 tan  sin −1

1 

230 

P = 42.7 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 99.

FBD wheel:

rf = raxle sin φ = raxle sin tan −1 µ , ) µs or µk

rf b
rw = +
sin θ tan θ
rf + b
For small θ , sin θ tan θ , so tan θ

ΣFy = 0: R cosθ − =0
ΣFx = 0: − R sin θ + =0
Solving: tan θ =
rf + b
so P = W tan θ = W

 0.5 in. 
(a) For impending slip, use µ s , rf = 
 2 
 sin tan 0.12 = 0.029786 in.

0.02986 in. + 0.25 in.

so P = ( 500 lb ) = 55.96 lb
2.5 in.

P = 56.0 lb 

 0.5 in. 
(b) For constant speed, use µ k , rf = 
 2 
 sin tan 0.08 = 0.019936 in.

so P = ( 500 lb )
( 0.019936 + 0.25) in. = 53.99 lb
2.5 in.

P = 54.0 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 100.

FBD wheel:
For equilibrium (constant speed), R and are equal and opposite
and tangent to the friction circle as shown

( )
rf = raxle sin tan −1 µk = (12.5 mm ) sin tan −1 0.12 ( )
rf = 1.48932 mm

rf b
From diagram, rw = +
sin θ tan θ
rf + b
For small θ , sin θ tan θ , so rw
tan θ
1.48932 mm + 1.75 mm
tan θ = slope rw = = 107.977 mm
d w = 216 mm 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 101.

Two full turns of rope → β = 4π rad

T2 1 T2
(a) µ s β = ln or µs = ln
T1 β T1

1 20 000 N
µs = ln = 0.329066
4π 320 N

µ s = 0.329 

1 T2
(b) β = ln
µs T1

1 80 000 N
= ln
0.329066 320 N

= 16.799 rad

β = 2.67 turns 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 102.


WA = (10 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 98.1 N)
ΣFx = 0: TA − WA sin 30° = 0, TA =

ΣFx′ = 0: WB sin 30° − TB = 0, TB =

(a) Motion of B impends up incline and mB = 8 kg

TA 1 TA 1 W
= eµs β , µs = ln = ln A
TB β TB β WB
1 mA 3  10 kg 
= ln = ln  
β mB π  8 kg 
From hint, β is not dependent
on shape of support
µ s = 0.21309
µ s = 0.213 
(b) For maximum mB , motion of B impend down incline
TB 0.21309
= eµs β , TB = TAe 3 = 1.250TA
∴ WB = 1.25WA and mB = 1.25 mA = 1.25 (10 kg )

mB max = 12.50 kg 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 103.

ΣFx = 0: TA − WA sin 30° = 0, TA =

ΣFx′ = 0: WB sin 30° − TB = 0, TB =

For mB min , motion of B impends up incline

TA 0.50
And = e 3 = 1.68809

m A WA T
But = = A = 1.68809

so mB min = 5.9238 kg
From hint, β is not dependent
on shape of C
For mB max , motion of B impends down incline
mB W T µ 0.50
so = B = B = e s β = e 3 = 1.68809

so mB max = 16.881 kg

For equilibrium 5.92 kg ≤ mB ≤ 16.88 kg 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 104.

β = 1.5 turns = 3π rad

For impending motion of W up

P = We µs β = (1177.2 N ) e(
0.15 )3π

= 4839.7 N

For impending motion of W down

P = We− µs β = (1177.2 N ) e ( )
− 0.15 3π

= 286.3 N

For equilibrium

286 N ≤ P ≤ 4.84 kN 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 105.

Horizontal pipe: Vertical pipe

Contact angles β H = Contact angle βV = π
µ sH = 0.25 µ sV = 0.2
For P to impend downward,
µ π µ π
( ) µ π
( )µ π
P =  e sH 2  Q =  e sH 2  e µsV π R =  e sH 2  e µsV π  e sH 2  (100 lb )
       

Pmax = e ( sH sV )  (100 lb ) = (100 lb ) e0.45π = 411.12 lb

π µ +µ
 
For 100 lb to impend downward, the ratios are reversed, so

100 lb = Pe0.45π , Pmin = 24.324 lb

So, for equilibrium, 24.3 lb ≤ P ≤ 411 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 106.

Horizontal pipe Vertical pipe

Contact angles β H = Contact angle βV = π
µ sH = 0.30 µ sV = ?
For Pmin , the 100 lb force impends downward, and

100 lb =  e

µ sH
2 R =  e µ


 eµ sV π
)Q =  e µ s π π2

 eµ sV π
) e µ sH π2 P

100 lb = e (
π 0.30 + µ sV ) 
 
( 20 lb ) , so eπ ( 0.30 + µsV ) = 5
(a) For Pmax the force P impends downward, and the ratios are reversed, so Pmax = 5 (100 lb ) = 500 lb 

(b) π ( 0.30 + µ sV ) = ln 5

µ sV = ln 5 − 0.30 = 0.21230 µ sV = 0.212 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 107.

FBD motor and mount:

Impending belt slip: cw rotation

T2 = T1e µs β = T1e0.40π = 3.5136 T1

ΣM D = 0: (12 in.)(175 lb ) − ( 7 in.) T2 − (13 in.) T1 = 0

2100 lb = ( 7 in.)( 3.5136 ) + 13 in. T1

T1 = 55.858 lb, T2 = 3.5136 T1 = 196.263 lb

FBD drum at B:

ΣM B = 0: M B − ( 3 in.)(196.263 lb − 55.858 lb ) = 0

M B = 421 lb ⋅ in. 
r = 3 in. (Compare to 857 lb ⋅ in. using V-belt, Problem 8.130)

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 108.

FBD motor and mount:

Impending belt slip: ccw rotation

T1 = T2e µs β = T2e0.40π = 3.5136 T2

ΣM D = 0: (12 in.)(175 lb ) − (13 in.) T1 − ( 7 in.) T2 =0

2100 lb = (13 in.)( 3.5136 ) + 7 in. T2 = 0

T2 = 39.866 lb, T1 = 3.5136 T2 = 140.072 lb

FBD drum at B:

ΣM B = 0: ( 3 in.)(140.072 lb − 39.866 lb ) − M B =0

M B = 301 lb ⋅ in. 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 109.

FBD lower portion of belt:

ΣFy = 0: 48 N − N D = 0, N D = 48 N

Slip on both platen and wood

FD = µkD N D = 0.10 ( 48 N ) = 4.8 N

FE = µkE N E = ( 48 N ) µ kE

FBD Drum A (assume free to rotate) ΣFx = 0: TA − TB − 4.8 N − µ kE ( 48 N ) = 0

TB = TA + 4.8 N + µ kE ( 48 N ) (1)

ΣM A = 0: rA (TA − TT ) = 0, TT = TA (2)

FBD Drive drum B

ΣM B = 0: M B + r (TT − TB ) = 0

2.4 N ⋅ m
TB = TT + = TT + 96 N
0.025 N

Impending slip on drum, TB = TT e µs β = TT e0.35π

so TT + 96 N = TT e0.35π , TT = 47.932 N

TB = 143.932 N

From (2) above, TA = TT , so (a) Tmin lower = 47.9 N 

From (1) above, 143.932 N = 47.932 N + 4.8 N + µkE ( 48 N )

So (b) µ kE = 1.900 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 110.

FBD Flywheel:
ΣM C = 0: ( 0.225 m )(TB − TA ) − 12.60 N ⋅ m = 0
TB − TA = 56 N, TB = TA + 56 N

Also, since the belt doesn’t change length, the additional stretch in
spring B equals the decrease in stretch of spring A. Thus the increase
in TB equals the decrease in TA.

Thus TB + TA = ( 70 N + ∆T ) + ( 70 N − ∆T ) = 140 N

(TA + 56 N ) + TA = 140 N, TA = 42 N

TB = 42 N + 56 N = 98 N

(a) TA = 42.0 N 

TB = 98.0 N 

1 TB
For slip TB = TAe µk β , or µ k = ln
β TA

1 98
µk = ln = 0.2697
π 42
(b) µ k = 0.230 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 111.

FBD Flywheel:

Slip of belt: TB = TA e µk β = TA e0.20π

Also, since the belt doesn’t change length, the increase in stretch of
spring B equals the decrease in stretch of spring A. Therefore the
increase in TB equals the decrease in TA , and the sum is unchanged,
so TA + TB = 80 N + 80 N = 160 N

( )
∴ TA 1 + e0.20π = 160 N, so TA = 55.663 N

TB = 104.337 N (a) TA = 55.7 N 

TB = 104.3 N 

ΣM C = 0: ( 0.225 m )(TB − TA ) − M C = 0

M C = ( 0.225 m )(104.337 N − 55.663 N )

(b) M C = 10.95 N ⋅ m 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 112.

FBD Lever:

ΣM E = 0: ( 60 mm )( 240 N ) − ( 40 mm ) FBD cos 30° = 0

FBD = 415.69 N

FBD Drum:

Belt slip: T2 = T1 e µk β
0.25( 5.5851)
= ( 415.69 N ) e

= 1679.44 N

ΣM C = 0: r (T2 − T1 ) − M = 0

( 0.08 m )(1679.44 N − 415.69 N ) − M =0

M = 101.1 N ⋅ m 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 113.

FBD Drum:
(a) With M E = 125 lb ⋅ ft

ΣM E = 0: ( 7 in.) (TA − TC ) − (125 lb ⋅ ft ) = 0

TA − TC = 214.29 lb

Belt slip: TA = TC e µk β = TC e
( )
0.30 76π
= 3.0028 TC

so 2.0028 TC = 214.9 lb, TC = 106.995 lb

TA = 321.28 lb
FBD Lever:
ΣM B = 0: (15 in.) P + ( 2 in.) TC − ( 7.5 in.) TA = 0 (1)

( 7.5 in.)( 321.28 lb ) − ( 2 in.)(106.995 lb )
17 in.

P = 129.2 lb 

(b) With M E = 125 lb ⋅ ft , the drum analysis will be reversed, and will yield TA = 106.995 lb,

TC = 321.28 lb
Eqn. (1) will remain the same, so

( 7.5 in.)(106.995 lb ) − ( 2 in.)( 321.28 lb )
17 in.

P = 9.41 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 114.

FBD Lever:
If brake is self-locking, no force P is required
ΣM B = 0: ( 2 in.) TC − ( 7.5 in.) TA = 0
TC = 3.75 TA

For impending slip on drum: TC = TA e µs β

∴ e µs β = 3.75, or µ s = ln 3.75

With β = , µ s = 0.361 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 115.

FBD Lever:

ΣM B = 0: ( 40 mm ) TC − (100 mm ) TA = 0, TC = 2.5 TA

FBD Drum:
(a) For impending slip ccw: TC = Tmax = 4.5 kN

so TA = = 1.8 kN
ΣM D = 0: M D + ( 0.16 m )(1.8 kN − 4.5 kN ) = 0

M D = 0.432 kN ⋅ m

M D = 432 N ⋅ m 

(b) For impending slip ccw, TC = TA e µs β

1 TC 3
or µ s = ln = ln 2.5 = 0.21875
β TA 4π

µ s = 0.219 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 116.

(a) For minimum mC with blocks at rest, impending slip of A is down/left.

Note: φs = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.30 = 16.7° < 30°, so mC min > 0


( )
WA = ( 6 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 58.86 N

ΣFy = 0: N A − WA cos 30° = 0, N A = WA cos 30°

Impending slip: FA = µ s N A = 0.30WA cos 30°

ΣFx = 0: TA + FA − WA sin 30° = 0, TA = WA ( sin 30° − 0.30 cos 30° )

= 14.1377 N
FBD Drum:
If blocks don’t move, belt slips on drum, so
14.1377 N = TA = TC e µk β = TC e (
0.2 0.87266 )
= 1.19069 TC
so TC = 11.8735 N

ΣFy′ = 0: NC − WC cos 20° = 0, NC = WC cos 20°

Impending slip: FC = µ s NC = 0.30WC cos 20°

ΣFx′ = 0: 0.30WC cos 20° + WC sin 20° − 11.8735 N = 0

WC = 19.0302 N, mC = = 1.93988 kg
9.81 m/s 2
mC = 1.940 kg 


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

(b) For motion of A to impend up/right

As in part (a) N A = WA cos 30°, FA = 0.30WA cos 30°

ΣFx = 0: TA − WA ( sin 30° + 0.30cos 30° ) = 0

TA = 44.722 N

44.722 N
Also, as in part (a) TA = TC e µk β = 1.19069 TC , so TC =
TC = 37.560 N
As in part (a) FC = 0.30WC cos 20°

ΣFx′ = 0: WC ( sin 20° − 0.30cos 20° ) − 37.560 N = 0

WC = 624.83 N, mC = = 63.69 kg
9.81 m/s 2

mC = 63.7 kg 

(c) For uniform motion of A up and B down, and minimum mC , there will be impending slip of the rope on
the drum.
FBD A is same as in (b) but FA = µk N A = 0.20WA cos30°

and ΣFx = 0: TA − WA ( sin 30° + 0.20cos 30° ) = 0, TA = 39.625 N

Drum analysis, with impending slip, TA = TC e µs β

0.30( 0.87266 )
39.625 N = TC e = 1.29926 TC

or TC = 30.498 N

FBD C is same as in (b), but FC = µ k NC = 0.20WC cos 20°

and ΣFx′ = 0: WC ( sin 20° − 0.20 cos 20° ) − TC = 0

30.498 N 197.934 N
WC = = 197.933 N, mC =
0.154082 9.81 m/s 2

mC = 20.2 kg 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 117.

Geometry and force rotation:

50 mm
Let EBC = α = cos −1 = 60° = s DBE , FAE , GAE
100 mm

Then contact angles are β B = 360° − 120° = 240° = rad for cord on
upper cylinder, and β A = 30° = rad for each cord
contact on lower cylinder.
Let the force in section FC = TF

Let the force in section DG = TG

With A fixed and the cord moving,

TG = We µk β A = We
( )
0.25 π6
= 1.13985W
For maximum W, slip impends on drum B, so

TB = TF e µs β B or TF = TG e− µs β B

TF = 1.13985We
( )
−0.30 43π
= 0.32441W
For slip at F

W1 = TF e µk β A = 0.32441We
( )
0.25 π6
= 0.36978W

so W = 2.7043W1 and m = 2.7043 in.

= 2.7043 ( 75 kg )

m = 203 kg 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 118.

Geometry and force notation:

r π
Note: θ = sin −1 = 30° = rad, so contact angles are:
2r 6
π π 2π
βC = β D = + = , βE = π
2 6 3

(a) For all pulleys locked, slip impends at all contacts

If WA impends downward, T1 = (16 lb ) e µs β E , T2 = T1e µs β D , WA = T2e µ s βC

0.20( 73π )
so WA = (16 lb ) e s ( C D E ) = (16 lb ) e
µ β +β +β
= 69.315 lb

If WA impends upward all ratios are inverted, so WA = (16 lb ) e

( )
−0.20 73π

= 3.6933 lb

For equilibrium, 3.69 lb ≤ WA ≤ 69.3 lb W

(b) If pulley D is free to rotate, T1 = T2 while the other ratios remain as in (a)

0.20( 53π )
For WA impending down WA = (16 lb ) e s ( C E ) = (16 lb ) e
µ β +β

WA = 45.594 lb

For WA impending upward, WA = (16 lb ) e

( )
−0.2 53π
= 5.6147 lb

For equilibrium 5.61 lb ≤ WA ≤ 45.6 lb W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 119.

Geometry and force notation:

r π
θ = sin −1 = 30° = , so contact angles are:
2r 6
π π 2π
βC = β D = + = , βE = π
2 6 3
(a) D and E fixed, so slip on these surfaces. For maximum N A , slip impends on pulley C

WA = T2e µs βC , and T1 = T2e µk β D , (16 lb ) = T1e µk β E

so WA = (16 lb ) e
− µk ( β E + β D ) µ s βC
e = (16 lb ) e
( )e0.20( 23π )
−0.15 53π
= 11.09 lb 

(b) C and D fixed, so slip there. For maximum WA , slip impends on E

so T1 = (16 lb ) e µs β E , T1 = T2e µk β D , T2 = WAe µk βC

so WA = (16 lb ) e µs β E e
− µk ( βC + β D )
= (16 lb ) e0.20π e
( )
−0.15 43π
= 16 lb

WA = 16.00 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 120.

Geometry and force notation:

5 in. π
θ = sin −1 = 30° = rad, so contact angles are:
10 in. 6

π 5π π π 2π π
βC = π − = , βD = + = , βE =
6 6 2 6 3 2
(a) All pulleys locked with impending slip at all.

If WA impends upward, T1 = WAe µs βC ,

T2 = T1e µs β D , (16 lb ) = T2e µs β E , so

WA = (16 lb ) e
− µ s ( βC + β D + β E )
= (16 lb ) e
( )
−0.20 56 + 46 + 63 π

WA = 4.5538 lb

If WA impends downward all ratios are inverted

+0.20( 2π )
so WA = (16 lb ) e = 56.217 lb

For equilibrium, 4.55 lb ≤ WA ≤ 56.2 lb 

(b) Pulley D is free to rotate so T1 = T2 , other ratios are the same

If WA impends upward, WA = (16 lb ) e

− µ s ( βC + β E )
= (16 lb ) e
( )
−0.20 43π

WA = 6.9229 lb

If WA impends downward, ratios are inverted, WA = (16 lb ) e

( )
+0.20 43π

WA = 36.979 lb

For equilibrium 6.92 lb ≤ WA ≤ 37.0 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 121.

Geometry and force notation:

5 in. π
θ = sin −1 = 30° = rad, so contact angles are:
10 in. 6

π 5π π π 2π π
βC = π − = , βD = + = , βE =
6 6 2 6 3 2
(a) D and E fixed, so slip at these surfaces,
For maximum WA , slip impends on C.

WA = T1e µs βC , T2 = T1e µk β D , 16 lb = T2e µk β E

− µ k ( β D + β E ) µ s βC
so WA = (16 lb ) e e

= (16 lb ) e
( ) e0.20( 56π )
−0.15 76π
= 15.5866 lb

WA max = 15.59 lb 
(b) C and D fixed, so slip at these surfaces—impending slip on E

T1 = WAe µk βC , T2 = T1e µk β D , T2 = (16 lb ) e µs β E

so WA = (16 lb ) e
− µk ( βC + β D ) µ s β E
e = (16 lb ) e
( ) e0.20( π2 )
−0.15 32π

WA = 10.8037 lb, WA max = 10.80 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 122.

FBD drum B:
ΣM B = 0: ( 0.02 m )(TA − T ) − 0.30 N ⋅ m = 0
0.30 N ⋅ m
TA − T = = 15 N
0.02 m

Impending slip: TA = Te µs β = Te0.40π

Solving; T e0.40π − 1 = 15 N)
T = 5.9676 N
If C is free to rotate P = T
Pmin = 5.97 N 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 123.

FBD drum B:
ΣM B = 0: ( 0.02 m )(TA − T ) − 0.3 N ⋅ m = 0
TA − T = 15 N

Impending slip: TA = Te µs β B = Te0.40π

Solving, T e0.40π − 1 = 15 N)
T = 5.9676 N
If C is frozen, tape must slip there, so

P = Te µk βC = ( 5.9676 N ) e
( )
0.30 π2
= 9.5599 N

Pmin = 9.56 N 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 124.

FBD pin B:

(a) By symmetry: T1 = T2

 2 
ΣFy = 0: B − 2  T =0 B= 2T1 = (1)
 2 1 
or 2T2
 

For impending rotation :

T3 > T1 = T2 > T4 , so T3 = Tmax = 5.6 kN

Then T1 = T3e− µs β L = ( 5.6 kN ) e

−0.25 π4 + π6 )

or T1 = 4.03706 kN = T2

and T4 = T2e− µs β R = ( 4.03706 kN ) e

−0.25 34π ( )

or T4 = 2.23998 kN

ΣM F = 0: M 0 + r (T4 − T3 + T2 − T1 ) = 0

or M 0 = ( 0.16 m )( 5.6 kN − 2.23998 kN ) = 0.5376 kN ⋅ m

M 0 = 538 N ⋅ m

(b) Using Equation (1)

B= 2T1 = 2 ( 4.03706 kN )

= 5.70927 kN

ΣM D = 0: ( 0.05 m )( 5.70927 kN ) − ( 0.25 m ) P = 0

P = 1.142 kN

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 125.

FBD pin B:
(a) By symmetry: T1 = T2

 2 
ΣFy = 0: B − 2  T1  = 0 or B= 2T1 (1)
 2 

For impending rotation :

FBD Drum:
T4 > T2 = T1 > T3 , so T4 = Tmax = 5.6 kN

Then T2 = T4e− µ s β R = ( 5.6 kN ) e

( )
−0.25 34π

or T2 = 3.10719 kN = T1

and T3 = T1e− µs β L = ( 3.10719 kN ) e

−0.25 π4 + π6 )

or T3 = 2.23999 kN

ΣM F = 0: M 0 + r (T2 − T1 + T3 − T4 ) = 0

FBD Lever: M 0 = (160 mm )( 5.6 kN − 2.23999 kN ) = 537.6 N ⋅ m

M 0 = 538 N ⋅ m

(b) Using Equation (1)

B= 2T1 = 2 ( 3.10719 kN )

B = 4.3942 kN

ΣM D = 0: ( 0.05 m )( 4.3942 kN ) − ( 0.25 m ) P = 0

P = 879 N

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 126.

FBD wrench:

Note: EC =
( 0.2 m ) , EA = EC − 0.03 m
sin 65°

θ = 65°
so β = 295° = 5.1487 rad

 0.20 m   0.20 m 
ΣM E = 0:  − 0.03 m  F −  cos 65° − 0.03 m  T = 0
 sin 65°   sin 65° 
T = 3.01408F
ΣFx = 0: N sin 65° + F cos 65° − T = 0

F  sin 65° 
Impending slip: N = , so F =  + cos 65°  = T
µs  µs 
sin 65°
or + cos 65° = 3.01408
µ s = 0.3497
Must still check slip of belt on pipe
FBD small portion of belt at A:
ΣFn = 0: N1 − N 2 = 0
Impending slip, both sides: F1 = µ s N1, F2 = µ s N 2
so F1 = F2 = F
ΣFt = 0: 2 F − TA = 0, TA = 2F

Impending slip of belt on pipe: T = TAe µs β

1 T 1 3.01408
or µ s = ln = ln = 0.0797
β 2F 5.1487 2
Above controls, so for self-locking, need µ s = 0.350

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 127.

FBD wrench

Note: EC =
( 0.20 m ) , EA = EC − 0.03 m
sin 75°

θ = 75°
so β = 285° = 4.9742 rad

 0.20 m   0.20 m 
ΣM E = 0:  − 0.03 m  F −  cos 75° − 0.03 m  T = 0
 sin 75°   sin 75° 
T = 7.5056 F
ΣFx = 0: N sin 75° + F cos 75° − T = 0

F  sin 75° 
Impending slip: N = , so F =  + cos 75°  = T = 7.5056 F
µs  µs 
sin 75°
+ cos 75° = 7.5056
µ s = 0.1333
Must still check impending slip of belt on pipe
FBD small portion of belt at A
ΣFn = 0: N1 − N 2 = 0

Impending slip F1 = µ s N1, F2 = µ s N 2

so F1 = F2 = F
ΣFt = 0: 2 F − TA = 0, TA = 2 F

Impending slip of belt on pipe T = TAe µ s β

1 T 1 7.5056
or µ s = ln = ln = 0.2659
β 2F 4.9742 2
This controls, so for self locking, µ s min = 0.267

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 128.

ΣFn = 0: ∆N − T + (T + ∆T )  sin =0

or ∆N = ( 2T + ∆T ) sin

ΣFt = 0: (T + ∆T ) − T  cos − ∆F = 0

or ∆F = ∆T cos

Impending slipping: ∆F = µ s ∆N

∆θ ∆θ sin ∆θ
So ∆T cos = µ s 2T sin + µ s ∆T
2 2 2

In limit as ∆θ → 0: dT = µ sTdθ , or = µ s dθ

T2 dT β
So ∫ T1 T = ∫ 0 µ s dθ ;

and ln = µs β

or T2 = T1e µs β 

Note: Nothing above depends on the shape of the surface, except it is

assumed to be a smooth curve.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 129.

Small belt section:

Side view: End view:

∆N α ∆θ
ΣFy = 0: 2 sin − T + (T + ∆T )  sin =0
2 2 2

ΣFx = 0: (T + ∆T ) − T  cos − ∆F = 0

∆θ 2T + ∆T ∆θ
Impending slipping: ∆F = µ s ∆N ⇒ ∆T cos = µs sin
2 α 2

µ sTdθ dT µs
In limit as ∆θ → 0: dT = or = dθ
α T α
sin sin
2 2

T2 dT βµ
∫ T1 T = α ∫ 0 dθ

T2 µβ
or ln = s
T1 α

µ s β /sin α2
or T2 = T1e

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 130.

FBD motor and mount:

Impending belt slip, cw rotation
µs β
sin α2
T2 = T1e
( 0.40π )
T2 = T1e sin18° = 58.356T1

ΣM D = 0: (12 in.)(175 lb ) − (13 in.) T1 − ( 7 in.) T2 =0

2100 lb = 13 in. + ( 7 in.)( 58.356 )  T1

T1 = 4.9823 lb, T2 = 58.356T1 = 290.75 lb

FBD drum at B:

ΣM B = 0: M B + ( 3 in.)( 4.9823 lb − 290.75 lb ) = 0

M B = 857 lb ⋅ in. 
(Compare to 421 lb ⋅ in. using flat belt, Problem 8.107)

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 131.

2 in.
θ = sin −1 = 7.1808° = 0.12533 rad
16 in.

β A = π − 2θ = 2.8909 rad
Since β B > β A , impending slip on A will control the
maximum couple transmitted
ΣM A = 0: 60 lb ⋅ in. + ( 2 in.)(T1 − T2 ) = 0

T2 − T1 = 30 lb
µs β
sin α2
Impending slip: T2 = T1e

 ( 0.35)( 2.8909 ) 
so T1  e sin18° − 1 = 30 lb
 
 
T1 = 1.17995 lb
T2 = 31.180 lb

ΣFx = 0: P − ( 31.180 lb + 1.17995 lb ) cos 7.1808° = 0

P = 32.1 lb 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 132.

FBD block:

ΣFn = 0: N − (1000 N ) cos 30° − ( 200 N ) sin 30° = 0

N = 966.03 N

Assume equilibrium:

ΣFt = 0: F + ( 200 N ) cos 30° − (1000 N ) sin 30° = 0

F = 326.8 N = Feq.

But Fmax = µ s N = ( 0.3) 966 N = 290 N

Feq. > Fmax impossible ⇒ Block moves 

and F = µk N

= ( 0.2 )( 966.03 N )

Block slides down F = 193.2 N 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 133.

FBD block (impending

motion to the right)

φ s = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 ( 0.25 ) = 14.036°

sin φs sin (θ − φ s )

sin (θ − φs ) = sin φs W = mg

(a) m = 30 kg: θ − φ s = sin −1 

 ( 30 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 )

sin14.036° 
 120 N 

= 36.499°

∴ θ = 36.499° + 14.036° or θ = 50.5°

(b) m = 40 kg: θ − φs = sin −1  (

 ( 40 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 ) sin14.036°
 120 N 

= 52.474°

∴ θ = 52.474° + 14.036° or θ = 66.5°

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 134.

Top block: (a) Note: With the cable, motion must impend at both contact surfaces.

ΣFy = 0: N1 − 40 lb = 0 N1 = 40 lb

Impending slip: F1 = µ s N1 = 0.4 ( 40 lb ) = 16 lb

ΣFx = 0: T − F1 = 0 T − 16 lb = 0 T = 16 lb

ΣFy = 0: N 2 − 40 lb − 60 lb = 0 N 2 = 100 lb
Bottom block:
Impending slip: F2 = µ s N 2 = 0.4 (100 lb ) = 40 lb

ΣFx = 0: − P + 16 lb + 16 lb + 40 lb = 0

P = 72.0 lb
FBD blocks:
(b) Without the cable, both blocks will stay together and motion will
impend only at the floor.
ΣFy = 0: N − 40 lb − 60 lb = 0 N = 100 lb

Impending slip: F = µ s N = 0.4 (100 lb ) = 40 lb

ΣFx = 0: 40 lb − P = 0

P = 40.0 lb

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 135.

FBD ladder:
Motion impends at both A and B, so
FA = µ s N A and FB = µ s N B
a a 7.5 ft
ΣM A = 0: lN B − W =0 or NB = W = W
2 2l 39 ft
or NB = W
Then FB = µ s N B = µ s
5 12
ΣFx = 0: FA + FB − NB = 0
13 13
12.5 30
µs N A + µ sW − W =0
(13) 2

NA −
W ( 30 − 12.5µs )
a = 7.5 ft
(13) 2
l = 19.5 ft
12 5
a 5 ΣFy = 0: NA − W + FB + NB = 0
= 13 13
l 13
 30 − 12.5µ s  W
b 12  + 30µ s + 12.5  =W
µs  (13)
= 
l 13
or µ s2 − 5.6333µ s + 1 = 0
µ s = 2.8167 ± 2.6332
or µ s = 0.1835 and µ s = 5.45
The larger value is very unlikely unless the surface is treated with
some “non-skid” material.
In any event, the smallest value for equilibrium is µ s = 0.1835

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 136.

FBD window:

( )
T = ( 2 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 19.62 N =
ΣFx = 0: N A − ND = 0 N A = ND

Impending motion: FA = µ s N A FD = µ s N D

ΣM D = 0: ( 0.36 m )W − ( 0.54 m ) N A − ( 0.72 m ) FA =0

W = N A + 2µ s N A
NA =
W = ( 4 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2
) = 39.24 N 3 + 4µ s

ΣFy = 0: FA − W + T + FD = 0

FA + FD = W − T

Now FA + FD = µ s ( N A + N D ) = 2µ s N A

W 2W
Then = 2µ s
2 3 + 4µ s

or µ s = 0.750 W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 137.

FBD Collar:
Stretch of spring x = AB − a = −a
 a   1 
Fs = k  − a  = (1.5 kN/m )( 0.5 m )  − 1
 cos θ   cos θ 
 1 
= ( 0.75 kN )  − 1 = ( 750 N )( sec θ − 1)
 cos θ 
ΣFy = 0: Fs cosθ − W + N = 0

or W = N + ( 750 N ) (1 − cosθ )
Impending slip:
F = µ s N (F must be +, but N may be positive or negative)

ΣFx = 0: Fs sin θ − F = 0

or F = Fs sin θ = ( 750 N )( tan θ − sin θ )

(a) θ = 20°: F = ( 750 N )( tan 20° − sin 20° ) = 16.4626 N

F 16.4626 N
Impending motion: N = = = 41.156 N
µs 0.4

(Note: for N < 41.156 N, motion will occur, equilibrium for

N > 41.156)

But W = N + ( 750 N )(1 − cos 20° ) = N + 45.231 N

So equilibrium for W ≤ 4.07 N and W ≥ 86.4 N W
(b) θ = 30°: F = ( 750 N )( tan 30° − sin 30° ) = 58.013 N

F 58.013
Impending motion: N = = = 145.032 N
µs 0.4
W = N + ( 750 N )(1 − cos 30° ) = N ± 145.03 N

= −44.55 N ( impossible ) , 245.51 N

Equilibrium for W ≥ 246 N W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 138.

FBD pin C:

FAB = P sin10° = 0.173648P

FBC = P cos10° = 0.98481P

ΣFy = 0: N A − W − FAB sin 30° = 0

or N A = W + 0.173648P sin 30° = W + 0.086824P

FBD block A:
ΣFx = 0: FA − FAB cos 30° = 0

or FA = 0.173648P cos30° = 0.150384P

For impending motion at A: FA = µ s N A

FA 0.150384
Then NA = : W + 0.086824 P = P
µs 0.3

or P = 2.413W
ΣFy = 0: N B − W − FBC cos 30° = 0

N B = W + 0.98481P cos30° = W + 0.85287 P

FBD block B:
ΣFx = 0: FBC sin 30° − FB = 0

FB = 0.98481P sin 30° = 0.4924 P

For impending motion at B: FB = µ s N B

FB 0.4924P
Then NB = : W + 0.85287 P =
µs 0.3

or P = 1.268W
Thus, maximum P for equilibrium Pmax = 1.268W W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 139.

φs = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.25 = 14.036°

FBD block A:

R2 750 lb
sin104.036° sin16.928°

R2 = 2499.0 lb

FBD wedge B:

P 2499.0
sin 73.072° sin 75.964°
P = 2464 lb
P = 2.46 kips 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 140.

Block on incline:

0.1 in.
θ = tan −1 = 3.0368°
2π ( 0.3 in.)

φs = tan −1 µ s = tan −1 0.12 = 6.8428°

Q = ( 500 lb ) tan 9.8796° = 87.08 lb

Couple on each side

M = rQ = ( 0.3 in.)( 87.08 lb ) = 26.12 lb ⋅ in.

Couple to turn = 2M = 52.2 lb ⋅ in. 

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 141.

FBD pulley:

ΣFy = 0: R − 103.005 N − 49.05 N − 98.1 N = 0

R = 250.155 N

ΣM O = 0: ( 0.12 m )(103.005 N − 98.1 N ) − rf ( 250.155 N ) = 0

rf = 0.0023529 m = 2.3529 mm

φ s = sin −1

 rf   −1 2.3529 mm 
µ s = tan φs = tan  sin −1  = tan  sin 
 rs   30 mm 

µ s = 0.0787 W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 142.

FBD wheel:

ΣM E = 0: − M E + ( 7.5 in.)(T2 − T1 ) = 0

or M E = ( 7.5 in.)(T2 − T1 )

FBD lever:
ΣM C = 0: ( 4 in.)(T1 + T2 ) − (16 in.)( 25 lb ) = 0
or T1 + T2 = 100 lb

Impending slipping: T2 = T1e µs β

or T2 = T1e
( )
0.25 32π
= 3.2482T1

So T1 (1 + 3.2482 ) = 100 lb

T1 = 23.539 lb

and M E = ( 7.5 in.)( 3.2482 − 1)( 23.539 lb ) = 396.9 lb ⋅ in.

M E = 397 lb ⋅ in. W

Changing the direction of rotation will change the direction of M E and

will switch the magnitudes of T1 and T2 .
The magnitude of the couple applied will not change. W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System

Chapter 8, Solution 143.

FBD block:

ΣFn = 0: NC − ( 200 lb ) cos 30° = 0; N = 100 3 lb

ΣFt = 0: TC − ( 200 lb ) sin 30° ∓ FC = 0

TC = 100 lb ± FC (1)

FBD Drum: where the upper signs apply when FC acts

(a) For impending motion of block , FC , and

FC = µ s NC = 0.35 100 3 lb = 35 3 lb )
So, from Equation (1): (
TC = 100 − 35 3 lb )
But belt slips on drum, so TC = WAe µk β

−0.25( )
( )

WA =  100 − 35 3 lb  e 3
 
WA = 23.3 lb W

(b) For impending motion of block , FC and FC = µ s NC = 35 3 lb

From Equation (1): (

TC = 100 + 35 3 lb )
−0.25( )
( )

Belt still slips, so WA = TC e− µk β =  100 + 35 3 lb  e 3
 
WA = 95.1 lb W


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
COSMOS: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System


(c) For steady motion of block , FC , and FC = µk NC = 25 3 lb

Then, from Equation (1): ( )

T = 100 + 25 3 lb.

Also, belt is not slipping on drum, so

−0.35( )
( )

WA = TC e− µ s β =  100 + 25 3 lb  e 3
 
WA = 68.8 lb W

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 8/e, Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr.,
Elliot R. Eisenberg, William E. Clausen, David Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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