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Bag € B88 w0e8) Ot Sx Persirer ug} All Rahs Reserved Teeng® GOmoS OTE} Meat nates = Gund ioresrende wsvahp Garand - Banegity «eval amuxd[—~ “er I a BA gowns WAL - 2017 Second Term Evaluation -2017 oG8 od 1] Tage rene aya Gwonh aonpprei- tt FyeeG vappumeec Two Hours English Language Paper | & II Part I Answer all questions AWOL. Match the statements in column A with the statements in column B. write the ‘OCcorrect letter in the box. First ome is done for you. = a ; ! | Mohan always sweeps and dusts histed [id a, He is polite, o™ (G Me Kemal won the first place in the National b, He is punctual. GWE Compettons * 111, Nimal studied hard and entered the «He iskind SS university. Sv. Kumar always goesto school before 7.15 d. He is clean. S am. Vy. Ruwan always helps the poor people e. He is intelligent Vie Amal never fights with is fiends and te [| He ishard working, speaks softly. 1XS5=05 marks 02. Each word has a silent letter. Select that letter and write it in the space. given. First one is done for you. = ‘This is the picture of a (i)ghildren's park. Two boys (ii) b. ie d. f£ could honest knife comb doubt bridge = bicycles. Some boys middle (iv) (1) C2 2 (2 C) CL) First one is done for you. on her lap. An old man (vi) A boy (vii), (viii), running around the ground, There are some foot prints (x), OS ground is 03. Study the picture and fill in blanks. . listen » know = (_) |. tsunami (_ +) write C9) island = ( (ride) . The lady in the (play) with a (keep) a puppy. It (v) (sleep) (sit) on the garden chair. (fly) akite. The boy next to the garden chair (exercise). (ix) (dry/wet) (Four/Five) boys are (oWin) the ground, The (1X10=10 marks) 04 Insert punctuation marks and en eee capital letters and rewrite the paragraph. The first my mother goes to market every sunday She buys vegetables fruits eggs fish and chicken then she goes to the grocery shop to buy rice sugar flour green grams and butter. Mymother. (12 X 10= 05 marks). 05 Read the passage and mark whether the statements given below are (ruc oF false. (1X5-5 marks) Penguins, Penguins are birds that cannot fly. Their wings are called flippers which help them travel up to thirty miles per hour in water. They also use their flippers for balancing as they walk. Penguins eat fish. They spend most of their time in the water. Penguins lay their eggs and raise their young on land. There are many kinds of penguins. Emperor penguins are the largest species of penguins and can grow to be about four feet tall and weigh about one hundred pounds. ‘A penguin isa fish. L ‘A penguin can swim up to thirty miles per hour. se ° Penguins spend most of their time on land. sl Penguins cannot fly. ©. The Emperor penguins can grow to be about four feet tall.

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