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Clinical science

Eye features in three Danish patients with

multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome
Hans Ulrik Moller,1 Hans C Fledelius,2 Dianna M Milewicz,3
Ellen S Regalado,3 John R Ostergaard4
Department of Ophthalmology, ABSTRACT grossly dilated pulmonary arteries, a patent
Regional Hospital Central Background A de novo mutation of the ACTA2 gene foramen ovale and a wide patent ductus arteriosus,
Jutland, Viborg, Denmark encoding the smooth muscle cell a-actin has been which was ligated. When the child became a young
Department of Ophthalmology,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, established in patients with multisystemic smooth toddler the ascending aorta was markedly enlarged.
Denmark muscle dysfunction syndrome associated with patent Psychomotor development was normal. When
Department of Internal ductus arteriosus and mydriasis present at birth. the patient was a young school child a transient left
Medicine, University of Texas Objective To describe the structural ocular findings in hemiparesis was present. MR imaging and MR
Health Science Center at
Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
three Danish children with this new syndrome and angiography (MRI/MRA) demonstrated a right
Centre for Rare Diseases, evaluate the possible functional consequences for visual hemisphere infarction, considered non-acute, and
Department of Pediatrics A, development of the poorer imaging condition. bilateral internal carotid artery dilatation proximal
Aarhus University Hospital, Results Unresponsive mydriatic pupils with scalloping to occlusions at the C2 level. The child underwent
Aarhus, Denmark
wisps of persistent pupillary membrane from the iris a two-step bilateral neurosurgical bypass for cere-
Correspondence to collarette were an early indicator of this rare genetic bral revascularisation, complicated by an extensive
Dr Hans Ulrik Moller, Eye Clinic, disorder in all three cases. Tortuousity of retinal arterioles non-haemorrhagic infarction of the right hemi-
Hospital Viborg, DK 8800 was the main posterior pole finding, apparent during the sphere. After partial recovery, the patient unex-
Viborg, Denmark; hans.ulrik. first year of life and with a tendency to increase with pectedly died 2 years later. At autopsy no new brain
age. In one case, it progressed to an aneurysmal-like pathology was found, and no dissection or rupture
Accepted 20 May 2012 state with breakdown of the blooderetinal barrier. of the greater vessels (case A).1
Conclusions Congenital mydriasis is an extremely rare
pupil anomaly and is the feature for the early diagnosis of Eye findings
this new syndrome. The ophthalmologist should act in Ophthalmic examination of the patient a few
close collaboration with other specialists owing to the weeks old showed fixed dilated 6 mm pupils,
risk of aortic and cerebrovascular diseases and other unresponsive to light and cycloplegic eye drops.
complications associated with this disorder. There was no iris tissue centrally to the collarette,
where remnants of the pupillary membrane were
prominent as a delicate rete (figure 1). Fundus
INTRODUCTION vessels were somewhat tortuous. Glasses correcting
Multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction a +3 D hyperopia were used when the child was
syndrome (OMIM # 613834) is a recently described a toddler. Distance acuity of around 0.8 was kept
genetic disease. Clinically, it is characterised by throughout. The patient could read fine print with
dysfunction of the smooth muscles throughout the bifocals; the accommodative capacity was not
body, leading to congenital fixed dilated pupils with specified.
lack of accommodation, persistent ductus arteri-
osus, aortic and cerebrovascular disease, hypotonic Case No 2
bladder, intestinal hypoperistalsis and pulmonary Case No 2 was a full-term baby born after an
hypertension. It is due to a p.R179H mutation in uneventful pregnancy and delivery. Tachypnoea
the ACTA2 gene, chromosome 10q23.3,1 which is was present at day 4. Echocardiography disclosed
predicted to express a mutant a-actin in smooth a wide patent ductus arteriosus, which was ligated.
muscles. Psychomotor development was normal until the
Congenital mydriasis is an extremely rare pupil child was a few years old when headaches and
anomaly and is a feature for early diagnosis of this impulsive/hyperactive behaviour began. MRI
entity. Further, recognition of deficient optical showed signal changes, particularly in the frontal
imaging and the need for ophthalmic follow-up are white matter. One year later transient left hemi-
considered important as is recognition of associated paresis occurred, and MRI disclosed an infarction.
aortic and cerebrovascular signs leading to neuro- Direct angiography showed bilateral internal
logical sequelae. carotid artery occlusion. The patient recovered after
bilateral bypass surgery.
Repeated echocardiograms were normal until the
CASE HISTORIES early teens when the ascending aorta was dilated;
Case No 1 there was also a hypotonic bladder. A few years
Case No 1 was a full-term baby born after an later MRI and MRA remained unchanged (case B).1
uneventful pregnancy and delivery. At day 1,
tachypnoea was apparent. A few weeks later, Eye findings
echocardiography and heart catheterisation Except for fixed dilated pupils, eye examination
demonstrated hypertrophy of the right ventricle, including ophthalmoscopy during the newborn

Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:1227–1231. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301462 1227

Clinical science

Figure 1 Fixed dilated pupil. No iris visible centrally to the collarette.

period was normal. As a toddler visual acuity was >0.7

( 1.75 D), and markedly tortuous retinal arterioles were seen. At
school age the patient had a 6 mm mydriasis, which showed no
change after cyclopentolate. Blood-filled thin vessels crossing the
lens surface originated from irregular wisps at the iris collarette
(figure 2A,B). The myopia insidiously increased to the present
teenage level of 5 D; near vision without spectacles was
normal (0.3/0.3).
Figure 3 Tortuosity of the retinal arterioles.
As a young teenager, the patient presented dilated tortuous
arterioles and precapillary vessels loops (figure 3), and in the
upper temporal-central sector of the right eye focal dilatations Case No 3
and occasional minute haemorrhages were seen. Fluorescein Case No 3 was a full-term baby born after an uneventful preg-
angiography disclosed minor late leakage points (figure 4A and nancy and delivery. On day 1, the patient developed tachypnoea
B), and laser burns were applied. Angiographies repeated twice and tachycardia. When a few weeks old, the patient had
a few years later still showed vessel loops but no leakage. a cardiac arrest related to intravenous amiodarone medication
The patient’s corrected visual acuity remained as 1.0 and 0.8 and was resuscitated. A patent ductus arteriosus was ligated
( 5 D). While wearing myopia correction, the patient could when the child was a few weeks old. After extubation, left vocal
only decipher larger print, but not the small N 4 1/4 standard cord paralysis was demonstrated. This and the 4.9 mm non-
print on the Royal Air Force (RAF) near-vision ruler. A near add reacting pupils were initially thought to be midbrain sequels to
of 2 D, however, allowed such fine reading at a distance of asphyxia and mechanical factors during the cardiac operation.
26 cm. Ishihara and contrast sensitivity (PellieRobson) tests Subsequent psychomotor development appeared normal.
were normal, and semidarkness did not impair reading of the When the patient was a young school child, MRI of the
distance visual chart. Kinetic Goldman perimetry was normal brain, heart and great vessels was carried out, as well as
except when tested for a small object (I, 4e), which showed an ultrasonography of the urinary tract owing to suspicion of
inferior altitudinal relative defect in the left eye, whereas the multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome. White
laser-treated right eye had only marginal visual field loss. An matter abnormalities of the brain were described, without
ultrasound B scan showed a normal round contour of the eye,
the retina attached and no vitreous opacities. Right and left eye
axial lengths were 24 mm (IOL-Master) and the corneal curva-
ture radius averaged 7.69 mm.

Figure 2 (A) Blood-filled vessels in the pupil. (B) Irregular wisps

originating from the collarette. Figure 4 (A, B) Minute haemorrhages and minor leakage points.

1228 Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:1227–1231. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301462

Clinical science

frank ischaemic lesions. The ascending aorta was dilated, and describing this syndrome,1 and case 3 has a de novo ACTA2
he showed signs of a hypotonic bladder dysfunction. Genetic missense mutation R179L responsible for similar clinical
testing revealed a de novo ACTA2 missense mutation p.R179L. manifestations.
The combination of congenital fixed dilated pupil and patent
Eye findings ductus arteriosus was present in all patients known with this
At a few months of age, the patient’s 5 mm pupils were non- syndrome. As this pattern recognition should help in the diag-
reactive to light and to pilocarpine and epinephrine. Slight nosis, we feel it important to describe the ophthalmological
retinal vessel tortuosity was first noted when the patient was findings in detail.
a young toddler and subsequently increased (figure 5). When the
patient was a few years old, tinted glasses with +2 D were Anterior eye segment
prescribed, and a visual acuity of 0.8 recorded, but the child In reported cases of congenital mydriasis, a grey or pale iris is
rejected the spectacles. During the school years of the young usually described as hypoplastic with a flat contour devoid of
child, visual acuities were 0.8 and 1.0, irrespective of correction crypts, and absent pupil contraction to light and conver-
(+2.0 D and +0.75 D). Near points of accommodation on the gence.2 There is also no pharmacological response to pilocar-
RAF ruler could only be recorded using a reading add of +2 D; he pine and epinephrine. Filiform strands or wisps as the outer
could then see 0.3/0.75, which means less perfect than corre- part of a persistent pupillary rete may convey a scalloping
sponding to his distance acuities. He had straight eyes and borderline contour to the collarette (figures 1 and 2), and the
normal eye movements. Even gross Titmus stereopsis appeared pupillary sphincter muscle appears absent. Such features are
absent. Ishihara testing was normal. Visual fields for finger hardly specific for the ACTA2 mutation, but should be
movements and on tangent screen (white 5/1000) were normal. a strong reminder of this diagnostic possibility when seen in
Visual problems in darkness were not observed. Nidek auto- neonates.
keratorefractometry readings were identical before and after Less is known about the ciliary muscle function in the few
cyclopentolate. Fundus photos showed markedly tortuous arte- published reports of patients with large fixed pupils. The func-
rioles, but no indication of microvascular changes. For ethical tional state is similar to that seen after anticholinergic eye
reasons (age), fluorescein angiography was not done. A normal dropsdthat is, fixed mydriasis and markedly reduced or abol-
eye shape on ultrasound B scan was found, with the retina ished accommodation. For pupillotonia, the tonic pupil of Adie’s
attached and no vitreous opacities. Axial lengths and mean syndrome is not invariably large, and accommodation may be
corneal curvature radius were about 21.8 mm (IOL-Master) and reduced, or recover/remain unaffected, respectively.3 In our cases
7.79 mm, respectively. Nos 2 and 3, a markedly reduced accommodation was confirmed
by relevant testing.
Recently, we reported that de novo mutation in ACTA2 (R179H) Posterior eye segment
causes a syndrome characterised by dysfunction of smooth Based primarily on own data, we can state that retinal vessels
muscle throughout the body, leading to aortic and cerebrovas- may be normal in the neonatal period, but arteriolar
cular disease, fixed dilated pupils, hypotonic bladder, malrota- tortuousity soon develops, a pattern also reported elsewhere
tion, and hypoperistalsis of the gut and pulmonary hypertension (figures 3 and 4).4 In our oldest patient (No 2) we observed
(multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome; OMIM focal loops at the junction between the arteriole and capillary
# 613834). Two of our cases were included in the original paper in a 408 mid-periphery sector (figures 3e5). If directed
towards the camera, the photos showed that the loops
imitated aneurysmal dilatations. Venules generally appeared
Early retinal tortuosity is mainly considered an occasional
finding on routine fundus examination. When slight or
moderate, it is regarded as ’constitutional’ and unrelated to eye
pathology. An exception is the general retinal tortuosity some-
times seen as a permanent neonatal sequel to advanced reti-
nopathy of prematurity, providing a contrast to the later onset
and progression found in those with the ACTA2 R179H or
R179L mutation under study.5 Later onset of tortuosity has been
seen in various hereditary lysosymal storage diseases, considered
due to accumulation of abnormal metabolites in endothelial and
smooth muscle cells, and is found also in LoeyseDietz
syndrome.6 7 To our knowledge, there are no other reports of
infant or childhood tortuosity associated with congenital
mydriasis manifesting during the first year(s) of life and prob-
ably increasing over time.
Most related clinical reports are not specific about visual
parameters and details of the ocular fundus. Funduscopy was
merely recorded as normal in the few previously published
studies of children, who also exhibited congenital mydriasis and
surgery for patent ductus arteriosus.2 8e10 Brain imaging data
were not obtained and genetic testing was not carried out,
except in the case of Adès et al,8 which was included in the
Figure 5 Fundus vessels showing loopy arterioles. original description of this syndrome.1

Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:1227–1231. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301462 1229

Clinical science

Eye size and stature event in cases of congenital mydriasis is childhood hyperopia ’as
Except for the findings mentioned above, the eyes and usual’. Myopia was reported only for our case No 2.
ophthalmic regions were without dysmorphology. Axial eye
lengths were measured in two of our cases. Both were within
the normal range, though in the short tail of the distribution CONCLUSION
according to refraction and age. In all three patients, corneal A de novo mutation of the ACTA2 gene encoding the smooth
diameters were about 11.5 mm, and corneal curvatures and body muscle cell a-actin has been established in patients with
heights were within the median range. multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome associated
with patent ductus arteriosus and mydriasis present at birth.
Based on three cases with congenital mydriasis and a patent
Fluorescence angiography of retinal vessels ductus arteriosus, this study focused on the ophthalmic mani-
Patient No 2 had a fluorescence angiography performed at age festations and their impact on visual development and refrac-
14 years. It depicted abnormally tortuous arterioles, in contrast tion. Tortuosity of retinal arterioles was the main posterior pole
to the straight and normal venules (figure 4A,B). Arteriovenous finding, apparent during the first year of life and with a tendency
transit time was slightly prolonged (18e21 s), and the larger to increase with age. One of our cases had minute focal intra-
vessels were tight. However, microvascular changes were seen in retinal microvascular abnormalities in mid-periphery.
an upper sector of the right eye. Laser burns were applied to the The typical unresponsive mydriatic pupils with scalloping
retinal mid-periphery, with reference to small-vessel loops and wisps of persistent pupillary membrane from the iris collar-
a few late fluorescein leakage points and minute haemorrhages; ette, which anatomically appears at the free end of the iris
these lesions had disappeared at follow-up angiographies 1 and tissue in such cases, is an early indicator of this rare genetic
2 years later. disorder. Retinal vessel tortuosity is usually regarded as an
The laser treatment was inspired from current strategies for occasional finding, but when combined with persistent ductus
diabetic retinopathy aiming at reducing metabolism and oxygen arteriosus and the extremely rare occurrence of congenital
demand of the retinal photoreceptor layer. However, an important mydriasis, attention should be drawn to the multisystemic
difference was that the angiographic appearance of our patient did smooth muscle cell dysfunction syndrome (OMIM #613834)
not indicate capillary loss and dark areas of focal ischaemia, which due to an ACTA2 missense mutation, leading to the produc-
are typical of diabetic retinopathy that has progressed to micro- tion of mutant cellular a-actin.1 Evidently, the ophthalmol-
vascular abnormality with precapillary loss of pericytes and ogist should act in close collaboration with other specialists
basement membrane pathology.11 12 With some support from owing to the risk of aortic and cerebrovascular diseases, and
mouse model studies, we regard the microvascular changes as of other smooth muscle cell complications associated with
probably related to the abnormal a-actin in the pericytes and the this disorder.
smooth muscle cells of the retinal vessel walls.13 To ensure that the relevant spectacles are provided in due time
and to safeguard overall visual development, the children should
Timing of the ocular events be followed up by paediatric ophthalmologists. Furthermore,
Reports of congenital mydriasis uniformly specify pupillary retinal vasculopathy may eventually warrant vitreoretinal
dysfunction as an early event and probably present from birth, attention, if it progresses to breakdown of the blooderetinal
all suggesting a general state of hypoplasia of the smooth barrier.
muscles of the eye. Interestingly, iris hypoplasia with irregular
wisps at the papillary margin was also was reported in three
Acknowledgements Dr Eva Ottovay, Sønderborg, Denmark & University Eye Clinic,
children with aorticopulmonary septal defect,14 a congenital Odense, Denmark. The study was presented in 2011 at the Nordic Paediatric
heart disease originating from a failure of fusion of the two Ophthalmology Group and European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society.
conotruncal ridges, normally occurring in the fifth gestational Competing interests None.
week. This coincides with the gestational age at which the
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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