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University of Technology, Jamaica

Theory Lesson Plan

Section 1

School: Merl Grove Highschool

Subject: Electrical technology

Name of Student Teacher: Mr. R. Bonner

Supervising Teacher: Mr. W. Nunes

Date: Oct 11, 2018

Time: 10:00 am – 10:40 am Duration of Lesson:40 min.

Grade/Level: Grade 10

No. of Students: 20

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 1 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica

Section 2

Topic of Lesson: Introduction to the Basic laws of Electromagnetism

Teaching Strategy: Explanation, Question and answer, Cooperative Learning,


General Objectives:

1.1 know the definition for electromagnetism.

1.2 Understand the basic laws of electromagnetism.

1.3 Differentiate the basic laws of electromagnetism from one another.

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1.1 1. Define the term electromagnetism with the aid of the prescribed text.

1.2 1. Distinguish three basis laws of electromagnetism using the handout provided.

1.3 1. Using the text, draw a table matching the basic laws of electromagnetism with

their respective diagrams with 70% accuracy.

1.3 2. Share the table that was done with the rest of the class for correction.

Instructional Materials/Teaching Aids/Equipment:


Reference Materials:

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 2 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica

Electrical circuit theory and technology by john bird, Chapter 09 pg. 90 - 100

Previous Knowledge: Understanding of magnetism as it pertains to permanent magnets

Introduction: The teacher gets the students into the mindset for class but instructs them

to have their notebooks out but not open. The teacher will give a Rationale for the

importance of electromagnetism as opposed to magnetism (The teacher will then give

an example of an item that has magnets in it (Electric bell), how long it rings

depends on the attraction exerted by an electromagnet on a soft iron core.). The

teacher will use the Projector to establish the introduction to electromagnetism. The

teacher will recall previous concepts by asking about Fleming’s Left Hand and Right-

Hand Rule.

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 3 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica

Development of Lesson
Key Points Expansion
Teacher Learner
Definition of Electromagnetism 1.1 1. Define the term Project the definition of Student will listen to the
electromagnetism with the aid Electromagnetism and expand teacher then briefly make notes
of the prescribed text. on the definition on what they understand. (Not
A branch of physics that deals NECESSARILY word for
with the study of word)
electromagnetic force;
magnetism developed with the
use of an electric current

Basic laws of electromagnetism 1.2 2. Distinguish three Teacher Directs student to the Students use the text to simplify
basis laws of electromagnetism chapter and pages prescribed the definitions of the Three
using the handout provided. laws to be focused on in class.
Faraday’s law, Ampere’s law
and Gauss’s law

Illustrate the basic laws of 1.3 Using the text, draw the Teacher gives students 10-12 Students complete the activity
Electromagnetism. magnetic field lines of a minutes to complete the by having two members each
solenoid without the use of the activity in three groups.. focus on one law.

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 4 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica

Development of Lesson
Key Points Expansion
Teacher Learner
text with 70% accuracy in
1.4 Share the table that was
done with the rest of the class.

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 5 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica

Application: Students will be placed in groups of two and be given the task of drawing
up a table, they will outline and illustrate with the name of the law in one column, the
definition in the next column, and a simplified diagram conceptualizing the law of

Teacher will summarize the lesson by reviewing the Basic laws of

Electromagnetism with students paying attention.

Briefly Mention A unique device that has an electromagnet, if it was not brought
up in class. Take role call then mention the topic for next class. The teacher will then
dismiss the class for the session



Define, “What is Electromagnetism?”

State, “What is an electromagnet?”

State the general function of electromagnets in electrical devices.

October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 6 of 4 Pages

University of Technology, Jamaica


A. Were the strategies employed effective? If not, then explain why?


B. Were the teaching aids used efficient?


C. Did the lesson’s objectives meet the needs of the students? If not, then explain

D. What worked in this lesson and why?


E. What would I do different if I was to re-teach this lesson?



October 25, 2018 Compiled by Errol L. Clarke Page 7 of 4 Pages

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