Importación - Regimen

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United States, officially United States of America, abbreviated U.S. or

U.S.A., byname America, country in North America, a federal republic of 50
states. Besides the 48 conterminous states that occupy the middle
latitudes of the continent, the United States includes the state of Alaska, at
the northwestern extreme of North America, and the island state of
Hawaii, in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The conterminous states are bounded on
the north by Canada, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by
the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The
United States is the fourth largest country in the world in area (after Russia,
Canada, and China). The national capital is Washington D.C. , which is
coextensive with the District of Columbia, the federal capital region
created in 1790.

Government type: Constitutional Federal Republic

The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a

representative democracy, "in which majority rule is tempered by minority
rights protected by law". The government is regulated by a system of
checks and balances defined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves as the
country's supreme legal document. For 2016, the U.S. ranked 21st on the
Democracy Index (tied with Italy) and 18th on the Corruption Perceptions

In the American federalist system, citizens are usually subject to three

levels of government: federal, state, and local. The local government's
duties are commonly split between county and municipal governments. In
almost all cases, executive and legislative officials are elected by a plurality
vote of citizens by district. There is no proportional representation at the
federal level, and it is rare at lower levels.

The federal government is composed of three branches:

● Executive: The President is the commander-in-chief of the military,

can veto legislative bills before they become law (subject to
Congressional override), and appoints the members of the Cabinet
(subject to Senate approval) and other officers, who administer and
enforce federal laws and policies.

● Judicial: The Supreme Court and lower federal courts, whose judges
are appointed by the President with Senate approval, interpret laws
and overturn those they find unconstitutional

● Legislative: The bicameral Congress, made up of the Senate and the

House of Representatives, makes federal law, declares war, approves
treaties, has the power of the purse, and has the power of
impeachment, by which it can remove sitting members of the


The US has the most technologically powerful economy in the world, with
a per capita GDP of $59,500. US firms are at or near the forefront in
technological advances, especially in computers, pharmaceuticals, and
medical, aerospace, and military equipment; however, their advantage has
narrowed since the end of World War II. Based on a comparison of GDP
measured at purchasing power parity conversion rates, the US economy in
2014, having stood as the largest in the world for more than a century,
slipped into second place behind China, which has more than tripled the
US growth rate for each year of the past four decades.

In the US, private individuals and business firms make most of the
decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and
services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy
greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in
decisions to expand capital plant, to lay off surplus workers, and to develop
new products. At the same time, businesses face higher barriers to enter
their rivals' home markets than foreign firms face entering US markets.
United States Economic Growth

The near-term outlook remains bright thanks to buoyant activity, tax-cut

effects and large federal spending increases expected throughout H2 2018.
Looking further ahead, however, growth is likely to dampen in 2019 and
beyond as tax-cut effects fade while inflation heightens and interest rates
continue rising. The now full-fledged trade war between China and the U.S.
is the main downside risk, which could strike a heavy blow to both
consumer spending, as well as to business investment and economic
momentum amid heightened uncertainty

United States Economy Data

United States’ Trade Structure

The U.S. is the 2nd leading exporter of goods and services in the world and
the number one leading importer. The U.S. has consistently run a trade
deficit, mainly due to the dependence on foreign oil to meet its energy
needs and high domestic demand for consumer goods produced abroad,
however thanks to advances in domestic oil production, the energy gap is
closing. The main trading partners of the U.S. are Canada, China, Mexico
and Japan. Canada is the main destination for U.S. exports, whereas China
is the main source of imports.

The U.S. plays a major role in the international trade system and is
generally seen as a proponent of reduced trade barriers and free trade
agreements. The United States currently has more than a dozen free trade
agreements in place. Among them are the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), which was created in conjunction with Canada and
Mexico in 1994. The United States is also an active member of the World
Trade Organization (WTO).

Exports from the United States

Although the United States has lost some of its competitive edge in recent
decades, material goods still represent two thirds of its total exports. The
United States mainly exports high-value capital goods and manufactured
products, including industrial machinery, airplanes, motor vehicles and
chemicals. In 2015, the U.S. exported USD 1.510 trillion in goods.

The United States is the world’s leading exporter of services. This includes
financial and professional business services as well as other knowledge-
intensive services. Travel, transportation and tourism services are also a
major export. Services represent about one third of total exports.

Imports to the United States

More 80% of total imports brought to the United States from abroad are
goods. Roughly 15% of these imports are in the form crude oil, fuel oil and
petroleum products. Industrial machinery, supplies and equipment
represent another 15% of imported goods. Almost 25% of imported goods
are capital goods, such as computers, computer accessories, electronics,
medical equipment, and telecommunications equipment. Consumer
goods represent another 25% of imported goods. Cellphones,
pharmaceuticals, toys, household equipment, textiles, apparel, televisions,
and footwear are the main types of consumer goods imported to the
United States. An additional 15% of imported goods are automotive
vehicles, parts, and engines. Food and beverages represent only about 5%
of imported goods. Services represent only 20% of total imports, and are
primarily financial services, as well as travel and transportation.


1. Subheading duty location:

You must locate your product or merchandise subhead by the costume

duty, to recognize the taxes, rights and regulation that it has to fulfill. DIAN
is the designated organization to determinate the import duties in

2. Import Registration (RUT):

You must be part of the common regime. Being register in the commerce
camera and have a unique tributary registration, specifying the main
import activity that is realized.

3. Market Research ( costs, wastes, prices, etc)

It’s an economic feasibility, it analyses: price of the product in the market,

cost of the product transport, cost of nationalization and other costs that
need to be supplied during the process.

4. Product Identification:

• You need to verify the costumes tributes that your product must
have and the import requirements.
• You need to look if the product is attached to the inscription of
entities like ICA, INVIMA, Mines Ministry, ANLA, Transport Ministry,
Agriculture Ministry, Superintendence of surveillance and private security,
Industry and Commerce superintendence, AUNAP, among another.
For products that are valued in more than 1.000 USD:
• You’ll need a virtual sign or a certificate after the load of programs
and the user manual.
For products that are valued below 1.000 USD:
• You’ll need to do the import register online, certificate of the
commerce chamber and the RUT.

5. Changing procedure in imports:

You must realize your payments by the commercial banks and financial

6. Other formalities:

• Where and when the transfer is produce.

• Delivery place of the merchandise.
• Who hires and pays for the transport.
• Who pays and hires the insurance.
• Which documents process each part and its costs.
• In the case of the merchandise that must be transport while is
nationalize, you must hire the transport company and make it to the port.

7. Nationalization process:

• If the value of the import it’s more than 5.000 USD, you must realize
and Andina’s Declaration of Value in Costume, which is the base of the
Tributary Costumes payments.
• Then you need to liquidate the costume tributes through the import
• Lifting: When you already have canceled the costume tributes you
must go to the place where your merchandise is and deliver the follow
document to a costume agent:

1. Commercial invoice
2. Package list
3. Import registration
4. Transport document
5. Andina’s Declaration of Value in the costume

After you have showed this documents in order your lifting process starts.
● Transportation document
● Commercial invoice (with three copies), issued by the seller, with the
value per unit and total, and the description of the merchandise.
● Manifest of cargo or income, "Customs form 7533" or Immediate
Dispatch to "Customs form 3461"


EXIT: 25 MAY - 2018

ARRIVAL: 4- JUN -2018




MISION: It is our mission to offer a one stop shop for aquatic packaging
and knowledge regarding the successful transportation of aquatic pets.
Let's face it, maintaining tanks and rearing fish can be extremely tough.
These issues will always command our greatest attention. The ability for a
hobbyist to share their labors with others out there should come easy and
it is our mission to help bridge the gap from one's tank to one's customer.

With the new website we hope to encourage the growth of our hobby and
open the gates to hobbyists who once thought transporting their pets was
too difficult. We will continue to educate those out there who wish to ship
aquatic pets and provide the necessary items to do so.


Breathing Bags are a completely new approach to the shipping of live

fishes and aquatic invertebrates.

• Stocked sizes include:

- 7" x 14"
- 9" x 16"
- 12" x 19"

• Breathing Bags allow the transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen

through the plastic wall of the bag.

• Carbon dioxide exits the bags at 4 times the rate oxygen enters the
bags, thereby constantly purging the water of toxic carbon dioxide.

• With no need for an air space shippers can fill the entire bag full of
water. This in turn provides more room for the occupants and also
prevents stressful sloshing that occurs in transport. An unlimited source of
atmospheric oxygen allows shippers to choose slower and more
economical methods of transport.


Bank Collection

Taking into account that, for the first time, we have decided to carry out an
import process from the United States to Colombia and that the price of
the product is not very high, we agree to make the payment through a
bank collection, due to the security provided by this type of payment and
the orientation that you have through the bank.


Return Policy

If we have incorrectly filled your order or damage has occurred during

shipment one has 14 business days from the order's delivery date to
contact us. If you do not contact us within 14 days of delivery we reserve
the right to deny your return requests regardless of fault.

Shipping charges, if any, are not refundable. Customers are responsible for
any shipping charges on the return merchandise unless a prior
arrangement has been made. In order to return any products they must
be returned in brand new condition and with all of the original packaging. is also not responsible for any order quantity, item, invalid
coupon code or shipment method errors which occur on the part of the

If for any reason you have questions about our return policies please
contact us prior to ordering.

Disclaimer does not assume responsibility for the misuse of our products.
Any damages that occur from the misuse or customer negligence are their
sole responsibility.

We do not ascertain that our products will guarantee successful delivery of

aquatic pets. We do know that using our products properly will help insure
you give yourself the best chance of making a successful delivery.

If you have any questions about using our products properly please visit
the SHIPPING GUIDE section of our website.


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