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NAME: Jhanelly Flores Collarana

GRADE: 5° Biology DATE: May 23th



In English grammar, a partitive is a word or phrase (such as some of or a slice of) that indicates a
part or quantity of something as distinct from a whole.Partitive is also called partitive noun or
partitive noun phrase and is from the latin, "relating to a part."

Partitives can appear before mass (or noncount) nouns as well as count nouns. Although most
partitive constructions refer to a quantity or amount, some are used to indicate quality or
behavior ("the kind of teacher who").


 "You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of
them are golden only because we let them slip."(J.M. Barrie, "Courage." Rectorial Address
delivered at St. Andrew's University, May 3, 1922)
 "Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier
to do, don't need to be done."(Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes)
 "Now Murrell's eyes followed an ant on a blade of grass, up the blade and down, many
times in the single moment."(Eudora Welty, "A Still Moment." The Collected Stories of
Eudora Welty. Harcourt, 1980)


A collective noun is a type of noun that identifies groups of people and things. A collective noun
identifies nouns collectively.

Collective Noun Example:

My class is exceptionally bright.

In this sentence, “class” does not refer to a single individual but a group of people. Even though
the noun itself is singular, it includes multiple people.

This particular sentence refers to a group of students.

Different groups of collective nouns exist. Here is a list of collective nouns, which is by no means

Collective Noun Examples:


 team
 committee
 family

Animals (Things):

 herd
 litter
 flock


 pack
 bunch
 pile

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