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My name is Christine Davies from MK north and very fortunate to have 

been given the opportunity as a visitor to attend this years Women’s   

Conference in Liverpool . James Barrett , Brad Bains , Nick Phillips and I 

attended the main Conference as delegates but because we were 
unable to send a delegate to the Women’s Conference I’ve decided to 
write this report. 

The women’s conference began in the main Conference hall on 

saturday the 22nd of September with speeches from Jennie Formby 


who stated that there were many talented women out there including 
those in and out of the shadow cabinet. She emphasised the 
importance of encouraging more women to become involved in the 
Labour Party . She also made clear that much more needs to be done 
regarding sexual harassment including rule changes which were being 
discussed during Conference . 

Welsh local government leader Debbie Wilcox followed, delivering an 

inspiring speech pointing out that we should put more women on the 
ballot paper as only 33% of councillors in England are women and only 
28% are women in Wales.  


Shadow minister for women and equalities Dawn Butler made it very 
clear in her amazing speech the importance of having a domestic abuse 
employment policy of 10 days paid leave to give survivors time to leave 
their partners and find a new home , emphasizing that no woman 
should be left behind.  

The only man to speak was our very own Jeremy Corbyn who received 
a rousing ovation and more ( oh Jeremy Corbyn). He showed how 
grateful he was for the contribution women have made within our party 
and keenly announced that we have more women members in the 
Labour Party than all members put together in both the Tory and 
Liberal Democrat Parties. 

The Women’s Conference brought together female members of the 

Labour Party and for the first time in many years allowed women to 
exercise their voice within the party and by voting on motions ( more 
than 60 ) increased our influence in the coming years. Constituencies 
and affiliates had prioritised women and the economy,childcare, 
abortion rights and women’s health and safety . Women members 
spoke passionately, often sharing their own emotional stories and 
experiences on these subjects and the consequences of austerity.  

The women’s Conference agreed the motion Women and the Economy 

( Separate report ) which was debated at Conference the next day.  


This year’s Conference represented a decisive move in the right 

direction giving women a greater voice and the opportunity to work 
together to Rebuild Britain , FOR THE MANY NOT THE FEW. 

Next year’s Women’s Conference will be seperate from the main 

Conference taking place in Telford on the 23/24th of February. 


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