WCS 2018 Writeup

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WCS Global Finals 2018 Write-up

by kochanfe

Group Analyses 2
Group A 2
Group B 3
Group C 6
Group D 8
Conclusion 11
Player Facts & Trivia 12
Record and Head-to-Head Tables 21
Serral 21
ShoWTimE 22
SpeCial 23
Neeb 24
HeRoMaRiNE 25
Has 26
Nerchio 27
Lambo 28
Maru 29
Classic 30
Stats 31
Zest 32
TY 33
Rogue 34
Dark 35
sOs 36

Match 1: It’s hard to describe just how big a favorite Maru is against Lambo. In
offline series against foreign Zergs, Maru has a career record of 20-2. One of his losses
came in a bo1 against Serral earlier this year in GSL vs. The World, and the other was
in 2013 during Heart of the Swarm against Scarlett. Lambo, on the other hand, is 0-10
in offline series against Korean Terrans (and just 3-23 in games). What’s more, in 2018
Maru is 18-2 in offline matches against all Zergs, with his only losses being against
Serral in August and against Rogue way back in March. Though the two of them have
not yet played one another in an offline series, Maru has only ever lost series against
two of the four greatest foreign Zergs of all time (and still sports winning offline records
against both of them). Meanwhile if Lambo beats Maru, the best Terran and the planet
right now, it will be the first win of his career in an offline match against a Korean
Match 2: In spite of the fact that Neeb has had a couple of great results this year,
including a Ro4 finish in GSL and a win at the 2018 StarCraft Carnival in Hangzhou, if
past performance is any indication, his chances of beating TY are actually almost as
bad as Lambo’s chances of beating Maru. TY’s offline record in series against foreign
Protosses is an impressive 16-2 (including 4-0 in series and 12-4 in games against
Neeb specifically). Meanwhile, Neeb’s offline record in series against Korean Terrans is
a rather anemic 2-12, with his only wins coming against aLive and Forte – two Terrans
who, while talented, are nowhere near TY’s level. While TY did lose 3-1 to Creator less
than a month ago, his only other losses versus Protoss in 2018 came at the hands of
Zest (4-3), Classic (2-1), Trap (against whom TY still has a winning record for the year),
and sOs (with whom TY maintains an even record for the year). Neeb, on the other
hand, just lost to the Canadian Terran player Semper at WCS Montreal last month, and
his PvT remains his weakest matchup statistically over his career.
Overall: Just looking at the stats, it’s tough to imagine a world where either
foreigner makes it out of the group. The reason why its so unlikely is that in a
hypothetical universe where one of them makes it out, between the two of them they
have to win at least one match (and more likely two) against Maru/TY. Between the two
of them, they’ve only ever won two offline series against Korean Terrans over the

course of their entire careers, and those two against aLive and Forte. Maru and TY are
universally regarded as the two best Terran players on in the world at this moment, so…
the odds of the that happening over the course of the five matches that are going to
take place this weekend are very, very low.
As for which Terran will advance in first place and which will advance in second,
it’s much less cut and dried. In offline games against Korean Terrans over the course of
their careers, the two are extremely close, with Maru at 63% and TY at 62%. In 2018
their offline TvT records are similar as well, with TY at 14-2 in matches and Maru at 12-
3 and each of them having lost one match to the other (TY beat Maru 2-1 at IEM this
past March and Maru beat TY 4-3 to win the GSL finals last month). All told, they are
19-17 in offline games against one another, with Maru slightly ahead. In short, in the
highly likely event that they play in the winner’s match, it’s pretty much a tossup.
However, whoever loses between the two is still an overwhelming statistical favorite to
advance from the group.
Considering that Maru would objectively be an even larger favorite against Neeb
than TY is, the most likely scenario by far in which a foreigner advances from this group
is a scenario where Maru beats Lambo, TY beats Neeb, Maru beats TY, Neeb beats
Lambo, and Neeb beats TY in their rematch. Neeb’s beating TY in two consecutive
bo3s is statistically so unlikely that it’s hardly worth considering, and even splitting bo3s
would be a tall order for Neeb under the best of circumstances. Furthermore, even if it
happened, he would still need win the right one (i.e. the second one), and beat Lambo
in between, which is hardly a given considering that Lambo has managed to take out
ShoWTimE, Zest, and Neeb himself in 2018.

Match 1: Zest versus HeRoMaRiNE is, on paper, a slightly more competitive
match than either of the matches in Group A. The two actually have quite a bit of history
between them, having met one another in four offline series. All of them were bo5s
taking place at HomeStory Cup events during the past two years, and all of them were
won by Zest, but among those four series were two 3-2 results, which may give
HeRoMaRiNE fans some cause for encouragement. Ultimately though, Zest’s record in

offline series against foreign Terrans is still 15-1 with his only loss coming at the hands
of TIME in June of 2017, while HeRoMaRiNE’s record in offline series against Korean
Protosses is 2-12 with his only wins coming at the expense of CranK and Patience way
back in 2013 and 2014. Superficially, the match bears a striking similarity to the match
between TY and Neeb, and the chances of an upset are about the same in both cases.
However, considering that Neeb is probably the favorite against Lambo while
HeRoMaRiNE is undoubtedly a huge underdog against Serral, HeRoMaRiNE’s chances
of advancing from his group are, on balance, even worse than Neeb’s.
Match 2: Contrary to the first match of Group B, sOs and Serral have no offline
history with one another (and none online either as it happens, at least not in
tournaments). Over the course of their careers, sOs is 14-5 (74%) in offline series
against foreign Zergs, and Serral is 10-7 (59%) in offline series against Korean
Protosses. However, these stats don’t tell the whole story – sOs’s wins include wins
over players like ParanOid, SaltTheWound, and Goswser who, while talented Zergs, are
a far cry from Serral, who can make a pretty strong case for the title of best foreigner of
all time. Furthermore, if the results are limited to the year 2018, sOs is 2-1 against
foreign Zergs (having beaten SortOf and Elazer 2-1 apiece and lost 1-4 to Scarlett),
while Serral is 5-1 against Korean Protosses with wins over Zest, Classic, and Stats –
the three best Protosses in the world along with sOs himself and, incidentally, the other
three Korean Protosses in this tournament.
In fact, Serral’s only loss in an offline ZvP series at all in 2018 was against
Classic way back in March at the IEM Season XII World Championship, where he
nonetheless went 3-1 in series and 7-6 in games against Korean Protosses on the
whole. In 2018 sOs has performed slightly worse than Classic and slightly better than
Stats and Zest against Zerg, but on balance it’s fair to say that Serral is a statistical
favorite against sOs, though not as large a favorite as Maru, TY, and Zest are against
Lambo, Neeb, and HeRoMaRiNE. He is, however, the only foreigner who is a clear
favorite against his first round Korean opponent as well as the only foreigner who is a
clear favorite to make it out of his group.
Overall: Assuming Zest beats HeRoMaRiNE and Serral beats sOs, Serral is the
favorite to make it out in first place. He’s a notably bigger favorite against Zest than

against sOs, considering the fact that he’s beaten Zest in both of their two offline
encounters as well as the fact that PvZ has been by far Zest’s worst matchup in 2018
(and moreover has proved to be his Achilles’ heel throughout his entire career – his win
ratio in offline matches against all Zergs this year is actually sub-fifty percent). Similarly,
sOs would be an even bigger favorite against HeRoMaRiNE than Zest is, with an
unblemished record of 7-0 in matches and 15-0 in games against foreign Terrans over
his career, including 3-0 victories over Kelazhur and SpeCial and a 2-0 victory over
HeRoMaRiNE himself earlier this year.
If the favorites in each of the first four matches advance, it seems as though the
final elimination match of the group is likely to be between sOs and Zest. Even if all
does not go according to plan, the two will probably face off against one another
regardless, because the second most likely outcome after the first two matches would
find Zest and sOs facing one another in the winner’s match. Rounded to the nearest
percentage point, both players have 62% win rates in offline games against other
Korean Protosses, which puts them in a very elite echelon. While the two have not yet
played one another in an offline series this year, their history goes back a long way.
Zest has a 9-5 edge in series over sOs over their careers, but eleven of those fourteen
‘series’ were actually Proleague bo1s. In actual boX series, Zest has beaten sOs in all
three encounters, but the most recent of those was back in April of 2017. In 2018, Zest
has the better offline record against Korean Protosses, having gone 22-13 in games
and 8-3 in series compared to sOs’s 16-13 in games and 5-5 in series. If the sample
data is limited solely to the past six months, however, Zest actually boasts an even
larger edge – an undefeated streak of 8-0 against fellow Korean Protosses (including a
recent win over Stats just last month) compared to sOs’s record of 1-3.
PvP at the highest level is always somewhat difficult to predict, but it’s fair to say
that in the likely event that Zest and sOs do meet in this group, the former should
probably be considered a slight favorite. Unfortunately for sOs, because of the way the
group is configured, if he is going to advance it is extremely likely that he’ll have to beat
Zest. While sOs has slightly better matchups against Serral and HeRoMaRiNE than
Zest does, the results of an encounter between Zest and sOs are more likely to be
decisive in determining who advances from the group than the results of an encounter

between sOs and either of the foreigners. Therefore, the most likely outcome for Group
B is for Serral and Zest to advance, although universes in which Serral and sOs or sOs
and Zest advance are also highly plausible.

Match 1: Stats versus Has should be pretty one sided. In 2018 Stats has a
sterling 14-2 record in offline PvP series with his only losses being against Trap (against
whom Stats still sports a winning record for the year) and against Zest (who beat him in
a close 3-2 series in Code S last month). This year, he is 5-2 in games against herO, 6-
3 against Trap, 5-3 against Classic, and 4-1 against sOs. Has on the other hand… well,
he did manage to 2-0 Creator in the GSL qualifiers in June and beat ShoWTimE in a 3-2
nail-biter at WCS Valencia in July, but it would be an understatement to say that there is
little to no reason to think that he could pull off an upset against Stats here.
Match 2: While ShoWTimE is undeniably strong and has put up some dazzling
results against Koreans in online tournaments this year, according to past performance
in offline settings he is still a massive underdog against the likes of Dark. Dark has only
ever lost two offline series to foreigners over his entire career. Elazer dealt him his first
defeat in the group stages of BlizzCon last year, and Serral beat him in GSL vs. The
World this past August. That’s it. He’s 12-0 in series against foreign Protosses and 27-1
in games (and 10-0 against Neeb, arguably the best foreign Protoss there is). To
ShoWTimE’s credit, he was the player who dealt Dark his one and only map loss to a
foreign Protoss, back in March of 2017, which is a cool bit of trivia going into this match.
All in all though, it’s unlikely to be of much help to him. In spite of having taken games
off of many Korean Zergs over the years, including Impact, Jaedong, HyuN, and soO
and having beaten three in series (Golden, viOLet, and TRUE), ShoWTimE just doesn’t
have the offline track record to support the notion that he has a reasonable shot at
taking out Dark.
In 2018, Dark’s record in offline series against Protoss is 17-7, he’s tied 3-3 in
series with Classic (who has had the best PvZ among the four best Protosses in the
world this year), and his worst loss has come at the hands of Hurricane. Meanwhile,
ShoWTimE’s best win this year in offline series against Zerg was probably his victory

over TRUE all the way back in January, and he has since lost series to the likes of
Scarlett, Reynor, Nerchio, and Lambo. While there is certainly no shame in any of those
losses, neither is there any reason to think that ShoWTimE will become the third
foreigner in history to topple Dark. He’s about as big an underdog in this match as Neeb
and HeRoMaRiNE are against TY and Zest.
Overall: If both Stats and Dark win their first round matches, which is a pretty
safe bet, they’ll face one another in the winner’s match. They’ve played just one offline
series so far in 2018, in the finals of the first GSL Super Tournament of the year, with
Stats winning 4-3. However, over the course of their careers, they’ve met one another
fifteen times, including three times in the finals of premier tournaments, with Stats
ahead 9-6 in series and 25-23 in games. While Stats has the edge in the head-to-head,
Dark’s ZvP has been substantially more solid overall than Stats’s PvZ so far in 2018
(49-26 in offline games compared to 27-25). All in all, it’s fair to say that Dark would be
a slight favorite if the two were to face off, but a Stats win shouldn’t be surprising in the
ShoWTimE versus Has is an interesting one, given the fact that Has knocked
ShoWTimE out in the semifinals of WCS Valencia earlier this year. It’s hard to say
whose PvP record has been better so far in 2018, because Has simply hasn’t played
that many offline PvPs. Their head-to-head record is even at one series and four games
apiece, and Has has only lost to Zest, Patience, and ShoWTimE, having beaten the
likes of fellow Taiwanese player Nice and Koreans Creator and JYP. Meanwhile,
ShoWTimE has only lost to Has, Neeb, Classic, and Dear and has beaten Zest as well
as foreigners like DnS, Nice, Neeb, Cyan, and Harstem – although RotterdaM just beat
Harstem in a PvP the other day, so I don’t know about that last one… It seems very
close to a tossup between the two, but ShoWTimE probably has a slight edge thanks to
having beaten a player as strong as Zest and to being the more solid player overall
between the two.
Has versus Dark, in the event that the two were to play one another (although
statistically it is probably the least likely coupling to occur between the six possible
pairings in the group), is even more lopsided than ShoWTimE versus Dark. While Has is
batting above .500 in PvZ so far in 2018, having notched wins against players as strong

as Nerchio and Elazer, he’s also been 2-0ed by Elazer, Stephano, Minato, RagnaroK,
and Dark himself. Stats versus ShoWTimE on the other hand, the likely fifth match of
this group if the favorites prevail in the other four matches, would probably be the
closest foreigner-Korean match of the four that are possible in this group.
While Stats would still be a massive favorite, the fact that as recently as August
ShoWTimE beat Zest (the only Protoss to boast a winning record against Stats in 2018)
in an offline bo5 speaks to a certain level of upset potential if this pairing were to occur.
It’s also worth mentioning that, although it occurred online in the BaseTradeTV Star
League rather than in an offline premier tournament setting, ShoWTimE did 3-0 Stats in
their only meeting this year (Stats 3-0ed ShoWTimE in the only instance where they’ve
met in an offline tournament however, back in November of 2017). In summary, Dark
and Stats are heavy favorites to make it out of the group, but if a foreigner is going to
make it out, it is much more likely to be at the expense of Stats than Dark, as Dark’s
ZvP renders him a bigger favorite against the two foreign Protosses in the group than
does Stats’s PvP (not to mention Dark only needs to prepare for one matchup).

Match 1: At first glance, one could be forgiven for thinking that there was some
pretty substantial upset potential in this match. After all, Nerchio’s career offline record
in series against Korean Protosses is 17-26, almost a 40% win rate (quite respectable
for a foreigner), and his head-to-head record against Classic is even 1-0 in Nerchio’s
favor. Over the past two years he’s accumulated multiple wins over Zest and even a win
over sOs. However, upon closer examination, almost half of his series wins against
Korean Protosses (eight of seventeen) were all the way back in Wings of Liberty, his
win over Classic came in 2016, and while his offline ZvP record of 16-7 in matches for
2018 isn’t bad, nine of those ‘matches’ were bo1s against random Polish players. He’s
lost series to the likes of Harstem, Has, and Hellraiser, and his best win in the matchup
this year was a single victory over ShoWTimE at WCS Montreal. Classic, on the other
hand, in spite of having lost series to both Reynor and Serral this year and having
dropped two games to Scarlett at GSL vs. The World, nonetheless has the cleanest PvZ
record for 2018 out of all four elite Korean Protosses at this tournament and remains an

enormous statistical favorite against Nerchio.
Match 2: As great as it would be to see SpeCial create a huge upset like he did
in the group stage last year, on paper this match is about as cut and dried as any round
one match in the tournament. Rogue has never lost an offline series to a foreign Terran
and has only ever dropped one game (to Iaguz back in 2014, before Rogue became the
beast that he is today). He is 2-0 in offline matches and 4-0 in games against SpeCial,
and both of those matches took place within the past year, during the first and third
seasons of GSL 2018. In fact, one recent loss to KeeN notwithstanding, the only
Terrans that have managed to beat Rogue in offline series in 2018 have been Maru,
aLive, and INnoVation, and Rogue retains a winning record for the year against
INoVation despite losing to him twice.
SpeCial, on the other hand, is 7-20 in offline series against Korean Zergs over
his career, and three of his seven wins were against viOLet more than two years ago.
While he hasn’t had any bad losses against Zerg in 2018 (his worst was against top
Chinese Zerg iAsonu at WESG back in March), and while he has amassed series
records of 3-0 against Snute, 2-0 against Bly, 2-0 against Lambo, and 2-1 against
Elazer, his highest-profile win was against an unrecognizably mediocre soO in the GSL
Code S Season 3 Ro32, and the only other Korean Zerg he’s beaten offline this year
has been Revival. In much the same way that (offline at any rate) Neeb has never won
a series against a Terran of TY’s caliber, HeRoMaRiNE has never beaten a Protoss in
the vein of Zest, Has has never overcome a Protoss as powerful as Stats, and Lambo
has never beaten a Korean Terran, period (much less one of Maru’s stature) – SpeCial
has never been able to beat a Korean Zerg as good as Rogue is right now. While
there’s a first time for everything, unfortunately there’s just not nearly enough data to
suggest that he has even a snowball’s chance in hell of toppling Rogue.
Overall: Amazingly, in spite of how long they’ve both been in the scene, Nerchio
and SpeCial have never met in an offline tournament. If however they do, as they likely
will in the loser’s match of this group, SpeCial is the pretty clear favorite. He’s got
winning records against all of the top foreign Zergs in 2018 save Reynor and Serral, and
Nerchio’s only offline victories against Terran in 2018 have come at the expense of
three random Polish players back in April and a couple of inconsequential Americans in

the early stages of WCS Austin. Not to mention, SpeCial has been preparing to face a
Zerg in his first match, while Nerchio is facing a Protoss.
Between Rogue and Classic, the favorite is not as clear. While the two have only
met once in 2018, in the finals of the IEM Season XII World Championship back in
March (with Rogue winning 4-0), they have met numerous times over the course of their
careers. Out of eleven offline matches, Classic has won seven and Rogue four, and
Classic is ahead 15-13 in games. Both have dropped series to elite foreigners in 2018,
with Classic getting knocked out of the GSL Code S Season 3 Ro32 by Reynor and
falling in the WESG third-place match to Serral while Rogue was taken out twice by
Neeb, in the semifinals of the Hangzhou StarCraft Carnival as well as the quarterfinals
of the GSL Code S Season 3. All in all, Rogue boasts a better win ratio in the matchup
in 2018 at 39-10 compared to Classic’s 50-30, which may be enough to give him a
narrow edge, but statistically a match between the two is basically too close to call.
The other two Korean-foreigner matchups that could conceivably take place in
the group are about as imbalanced as matches 1 and 2. While Nerchio has a perfectly
respectable 12-15 record in offline matches against Korean Zergs over his career, his
only series wins over the past two years have come at the expense of TRUE and
Impact, and both of the times he and Rogue have met in offline matches the games
have gone 2-0 in Rogue’s favor. Rogue, meanwhile, has only ever lost to Serral and
Scarlett when it comes to foreign Zergs, and he beat Dark 2-0 as recently as two
months ago. As for Classic against SpeCial, the two have never played in an offline
tournament, but SpeCial’s record in series against Korean Protosses is just 33%, and
while he did upset Stats to advance from the Ro16 of BlizzCon last year, there is little
reason to think that he could repeat the same feat against Classic, as the only game
Classic has ever dropped to a foreign Terran was in 2012 against ThorZain, back when
Classic played Terran himself. There’s little basis for thinking that SpeCial or Nerchio
will advance from the group and little reason to think that Rogue is anything more than a
slight favorite to advance in first place over Classic, but on balance there is probably
about as high a chance of a foreigner advancing from this group as from Groups A or C
(i.e. not high at all).

Conclusion: There is no certainty in StarCraft, thankfully, so many of these
predictions may turn out to be wrong. The above summary is simply meant to lay out a
loose framework for viewing each Ro16 group and its contingent matchups (based
primarily on past performance in offline tournament matches) as well as to provide an
abundance of relevant facts and statistics about the players in each group and their
collective history with one another.


Maru – Cho Seong Ju, Age 21

Total Earnings: $671,007
Rank 1 (WCS Korea) – 14,250 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 9th-16th in 2015 and 3rd-4th in
- Is currently the highest-earning player of all time according to prize money won
(second and third place happen to belong to his teammates Rogue and sOs)
- Has won four of the eight premier offline tournaments he has attended this year
(WESG and all three seasons of GSL Code S), reached the semifinals in two
(IEM Katowice and GSL vs. The World), and reached the quarterfinals of the
other two (the first and second GSL Super Tournaments). Maru’s success in
2018, as measured by average placing across all premier offline tournaments
attended, is second only to Serral’s 2018 in the annals of the most successful
years by progamers in SC2’s history. Not even Mvp’s 2011, during which he won
six premier offline tournaments, including 3 GSLs and BlizzCon, measures up to
Maru’s and Serral’s 2018 in this particular regard.
- Holds winning lifetime head-to-head records in games played against every
player in the WCS Global Finals field who he has met in tournament except
Serral, Classic, and Stats (with whom he is tied 3-3, 27-27, and 26-26
respectively), and Dark (who leads Maru 27-26)

Classic – Kim Doh Woo, Age 26

Total Earnings: $368,498
Rank 2 (WCS Korea) – 7,675 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 3rd-4th in both 2015 and 2014)
- Narrowly missed out on qualifying for the Global Finals in both 2017 and 2016,
finishing 11th and 9th in the WCS Korea point standings in those years,

- Is the only player in the WCS Global Finals field to have a winning record in
games played against Maru in 2018 (Serral, TY, and sOs are all tied against
Maru in 2018, with records of 3-3, 5-5, and 7-7 respectively)
- Has the second best record in offline matches this year among the Koreans at
just over 80% (behind Maru’s 82%) and third best overall (behind Serral’s 91%)

Stats – Kim Dae Yeob, Age 26

Total Earnings: $324,765
Rank 3 (WCS Korea) – 6,825 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 9th-12th in 2017 and 3rd-4th in
- Has a cumulative lifetime record of exactly 84-84 in matches and 228-228 in
games against the other fifteen players in the tournament
- Is one of three players in attendance to have previously entered the WCS Global
Finals as the number one Korean seed (which he did in 2017), the other two
being Dark (who was number one in 2016) and Zest (who was number one in
2014). Interestingly, in the six years that the WCS Global Finals has taken place,
no player who has entered the tournament as the number one Korean seed has
ever won. Both Stats and Zest were knocked out in the first round, and Dark
ended up taking second place.
- Stats has reached the semifinals or higher in more premier offline tournaments
held on Korean soil than any other Protoss in history, with an astounding thirteen
such finishes, winning three of them. Classic has reached nine, winning three.
sOs has reached nine, winning one. Zest has reached eight, winning four. herO
has reached eight, winning two. Rain reached seven, winning two. Dear has
reached six, winning one. PartinG reached five, winning none. Even MC, as great
as he was, only reached five, winning two of them.
- In fact, even among Terrans and Zergs there are no players who have matched
Stats’s feat. Dark is the closest, having reached the semifinals of twelve premier
offline tournaments held in Korea, winning just one of those. The next closest are
INoVation and Maru, both of whom have reached eleven, INoVation winning an

ungodly seven and Maru winning four. soO has reached ten and won one. Mvp
reached nine and won four. Life reached six, winning three. TY has reached six
and won none. Solar has reached five, winning one. The great NesTea and MMA
reached a mere four apiece, winning three and two respectively. DongRaeGu
and Soulkey each reached four and won one. Rogue, as skilled as he is, has
only ever reached one – the GSL Super Tournament 2 of last year, which he
won. All of this is merely meant to illustrate the remarkableness of the record that
Stats, of all people, currently holds.

Zest – Joo Sung Wook, Age 26

Total Earnings: $401,744
Rank 4 (WCS Korea) – 6,275 Points
- Playing in his fourth WCS Global Finals (placed 5th-8th in 2016 and 9th-16th in
2015 and 2014)
- Is the only Korean in this tournament to have played at least one match against
each of the non-Korean players in attendance in 2018
- Also happens to have the worst cumulative 2018 record against the cast of non-
Korean players in attendance, bearing losing records against four of the eight
- With six premier tournament victories over his career, including an IEM World
Championship and three GSL events (two seasons of Code S as well as the
2014 GSL Global Championship), Zest is tied with MC and herO for most premier
tournament wins by a Protoss in history

TY – Jun Tae Yang, Age 24

Total Earnings: $519,790
Rank 5 (WCS Korea) – 6,200 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 3rd-4th in 2017 and 5th-8th in
- Is the fourth highest-earning player of all time according to prize money won
(behind the JinAir trio of Maru, Rogue, and sOs)

- Is the only player in the field with a winning record in matches against Classic in
2018 (Serral, Stats, Zest, Rogue, and Dark, however, are all tied in matches
against Classic in 2018)

Rogue – Lee Byung Ryul, Age 24

Total Earnings: $565,920
Rank 6 (WCS Korea) – 6,150 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 1st in 2017 and 3rd-4th in 2015)
- Is the reigning world champion and one of just three players in the field that have
been in the Grand Finals of the WCS Global Finals (the other two being Dark,
who got 2nd in 2016, and sOs, who won in both 2015 and 2013)

Dark – Park Ryung Woo, Age 23

Total Earnings: $431,633
Rank 7 (WCS Korea) – 5,475 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 9th-12th in 2017 and 2nd in 2016)
- Is one of five players in the field to currently be playing in the WCS Global Finals
for the third year in a row, the other four being TY, Stats, Nerchio, and Neeb
- Has a winning lifetime record in tournament games against every single other
player in the field except for sOs (as well as Lambo and HeRoMaRiNE, naturally,
as he has not yet faced either of them in a tournament)
- Has the third best 2018 record against the field, behind Serral and Maru, and has
the second best cumulative lifetime record against the field, behind only Serral

sOs – Kim Yoo Jin, Age 25

Total Earnings: $542,374
Rank 8 (WCS Korea) – 4,325 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 1st in both 2015 and 2013)
- Has won both of the WCS Global Finals he qualified for, in spite of being the
twelfth overall seed in 2013 (and the lowest seed from the Korean region) and
the fourteenth overall seed in 2015 (a season where there was no regional

segregation) – this season he is the fifteenth overall seed (and once again the
lowest seed from the Korean region)
- Narrowly missed qualifying for the Global Finals last year, finishing in 9th place in
the WCS Korea standings
- Is the only player to win more than one WCS Global Finals event
- Has played the fewest recorded matches in 2018 out of all eight Korean players
in attendance and thus will likely enter the tournament as the biggest wildcard of
the bunch, if he wasn’t already

Serral – Joona Sotala, Age 20

Total Earnings: $302,226
Rank 1 (WCS Circuit) – 14,090 Points
- This is his second WCS Global Finals (placed 9th-12th in 2017)
- Has only lost offline matches to Scarlett, Classic, Maru, and soO in 2018
- Hasn’t lost a single offline match since his losses to soO on April 22, more than
six months ago
- Won all five premier WCS Circuit events that took place this year and finished in
at least the quarterfinals of all three of the other premier offline tournaments in
which he took part, finishing 5th-8th at IEM PyeongChang (losing to Scarlett, who
went on to win the tournament), taking 3rd-4th at the IEM World Championship
(losing to Classic, the highest ranked Protoss player in the WCS Korea
standings), and placing 3rd at WESG (losing to Maru, who also went on to win
the tournament)
- Has either a winning or tied record in 2018 matches against every other player in
the WCS Global Finals field (he’s winning against twelve and tied with three, 1-1
with Classic and 0-0 with TY and sOs)
- At 20 years old he is the youngest player in the tournament and is just one month
younger than Neeb
- Has a 90% win rate or above in offline matches in 2018 against all three races
as of the beginning of the WCS Global Finals and is the first and only player in
history to accomplish this feat

ShoWTimE – Tobias Sieber, Age 24
Total Earnings: $208,444
Rank 2 (WCS Circuit) – 3,270 Points
- Playing in his second WCS Global Finals (placed 5th-8th in 2016)
- I’ve got nothing. I’m not really sure why…

SpeCial – Juan Carlos Tena Lopez, Age 25

Total Earnings: $258,317
Rank 3 (WCS Circuit) – 3,150 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 3rd-4th in 2017 and 25th-32nd in
- Has the best lifetime record in games against Serral of any non-Korean in the
tournament, and the third best of any player in the tournament after TY and Dark
- Currently holds the joint record for the all-time highest placing by a non-Korean at
a WCS Global Finals after his 3rd-4th place finish last year (tied with Elazer, who
finished 3rd-4th in 2016 and Sen, who finished 4th in 2012). Interestingly, Sen is
the only one of the three who advanced to the semifinals by beating a Korean
player in the quarterfinals – SpeCial and Elazer both advanced by beating non-
Koreans in the quarterfinals, SpeCial by beating Elazer himself (although both
did defeat at least one Korean player in the previous stage to find themselves in
the round of eight in the first place)
- Although SpeCial is coming into the tournament with a sub-fifty percent win rate
in offline matches in both TvP and TvT for the year 2018, he faced arguably the
toughest average opponents throughout the year of any foreign player in
attendance. Six out of ten of his TvT defeats came at the hands of the four
hoursmen (TY, Maru, ByuN, and INnoVation) while the other four were against
TvT gurus GuMiho, aLive, and Keen. Meanwhile, five of his eleven TvP defeats
were dealt to him by Stats, Zest, sOs, and Dear.
- Despite winning numerous matches against lesser Korean players in 2018,
SpeCial has not managed to take a series from any of the Korean players at this

tournament. In fact, he’s only ever won two matches against this roster of Korean
players – the matches he won against Stats and TY this time last year to
advance to the quarterfinals of the 2017 WCS Global Finals. His combined
record in series this year against the eight Koreans at this tournament is an
appalling 0-17 (7-40 in maps) and his combined lifetime record is 2-28 (20-65 in

Neeb – Alex Sunderhaft, Age 20

Total Earnings: $380,904
Rank 4 (WCS Circuit) – 2,910 Points
- Playing in his third WCS Global Finals (placed 9th-12th in 2017 and 5th-8th in
- Currently rates as the highest-earning non-Korean player of all time according to
prize money won (and the twelfth highest-earning player of all time overall)
- Has played the most offline tournament games this year of any player in
attendance with 218 (which is 11% more games than the second most active
player, Maru, who played 196)
- With his 10 game wins against Rogue, Neeb is tied with Nerchio for most career
game wins against a single Korean member of the field by a non-Korean member
of the field (Nerchio has 10 game wins against Zest)
- Has the best record of any non-Korean in the tournament in 2018 games against
Serral, at 4-5, and the third best record of any player in the tournament after
Classic (4-3) and Maru (3-3)

HeRoMaRiNE – Gabriel Segat, Age 21

Total Earnings: $87,244
Rank 5 (WCS Circuit) – 2,760 Points
- Playing in his first WCS Global Finals
- Is one of three players in the field who is competing in his first WCS Global
Finals, the other two being Has and Lambo – interestingly, not only have all of

the Korean players in the field qualified for the Global Finals previously, but they
have all qualified at least twice previously
- Played the fewest offline tournament games this year of any player in attendance
with 122 (one fewer than sOs’s 123)
- Is the only player in the tournament who has not won at least one match in his
career against one of the eight Korean players in the tournament

Has – Ke Yu Feng, Age 21

Total Earnings: $107,405
Rank 6 (WCS Circuit) – 2,490 Points
- Playing in his first WCS Global Finals
- Posesses the worst cumulative record in lifetime matches against the other
fifteen players in the tournament at 5-24 (17%), below Lambo’s 18-58 (24%)
- Also played by far the fewest total games against the other fifteen players in the
tournament over the course of his career so far
- Is the newest to the competitive scene out of all sixteen players at the event,
according to the date of his first recorded tournament game, which was in May of
2013. The second and third newest by this metric among the non-Koreans are
ShoWTimE and Lambo, who played their first recorded competitive games in
July and June of 2012, respectively. In spite of being the two youngest players in
the tournament, Serral and Neeb both logged their first tournament games in

Nerchio – Artur Bloch, Age 26

Total Earnings: $355,210
Rank 7 (WCS Circuit) – 2,320 Points
- Playing in his fourth WCS Global Finals (placed 13th-16th in 2017, 9th-12th in
2016, and 17th-24th in 2012)
- Is the oldest foreigner out of the eight, at 26, and has earned the second most in
prize winnings, after Neeb

- Has qualified for more WCS Global Finals than any of the other foreigners, but
has never advanced past the first round
- Is one of just two players in the field to be playing in his fourth WCS Global
Finals, the other being Zest
- Is one of two players in the tournament, the other being SpeCial, who has lost at
least one series to every other player in the field
- Is the only foreigner in the tournament who has a winning lifetime record in
matches against Classic
- Is the only player in the field who hasn’t won a single game in 2018 against one
of the Korean players in the tournament
- Has a cumulative lifetime record of exactly 210-210 in tournament games against
the other fifteen players in the tournament

Lambo – Julian Brosig, Age 22

Total Earnings: $43,220
Rank 8 (WCS Circuit) – 2,295 Points
- Playing in his first WCS Global Finals
- Peculiarly, among the foreigners at this event, Lambo actually has the best
cumulative 2018 record against the Koreans in attendance (he’s undefeated,
having only played one match against Zest and won it 2-1)
- Despite being the lowest seed of the tournament, if Lambo’s 0-5 match-deficit to
Serral is omitted from the data Lambo actually has a cumulative record of 7-5
(58%) in series and 20-14 (59%) in games over the course of the year against
the rest of the field

2018 Record & Head to Head – Serral
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 14-1 (93%) 39-16 (71%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 9-1 (90%) 24-4 (86%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 26-3 (90%) 72-21 (77%)
2018 offline record (Total) 49-5 (91%) 135-41 (77%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs ShoWTimE 4-0 (100%) 8-2 (80%) 14-12 (54%) 32-27 (54%)
vs SpeCial 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 1-3 (25%) 4-6 (40%)
vs Neeb 2-1 (67%) 5-4 (56%) 3-4 (43%) 11-12 (48%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 6-0 (100%) 13-1 (93%) 12-1 (92%) 28-8 (78%)
vs Has 2-0 (100%) 6-1 (86%) 4-0 (100%) 10-1 (91%)
vs Nerchio 5-1 (83%) 15-3 (83%) 10-8 (56%) 33-17 (66%)
vs Lambo 5-0 (100%) 15-4 (79%) 7-0 (100%) 19-6 (76%)
vs Maru 2-1 (67%) 3-3 (50%) 2-1 (67%) 3-3 (50%)
vs Classic 1-1 (50%) 3-4 (43%) 1-1 (50%) 3-4 (43%)
vs Stats 1-0 (100%) 4-3 (57%) 1-0 (100%) 4-3 (57%)
vs Zest 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 5-1 (83%)
vs TY 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%)
vs Rogue 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%)
vs Dark 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 1-2 (33%) 3-6 (33%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs The Field 32-4 (89%) 82-28 (75%) 60-34 (64%) 158-98 (62%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – ShoWTimE
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 12-4 (75%) 31-14 (69%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 7-10 (41%) 19-24 (44%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 14-6 (70%) 34-22 (61%)
2018 offline record (Total) 33-20 (62%) 84-60 (58%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-4 (0%) 2-8 (20%) 12-14 (46%) 27-32 (46%)
vs SpeCial 1-3 (25%) 3-6 (33%) 5-6 (45%) 11-12 (48%)
vs Neeb 3-3 (50%) 9-9 (50%) 6-8 (43%) 22-28 (44%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 22-9 (71%) 54-34 (61%)
vs Has 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%) 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%)
vs Nerchio 3-2 (60%) 9-7 (56%) 13-22 (37%) 56-65 (46%)
vs Lambo 0-2 (0%) 1-5 (17%) 21-7 (75%) 48-24 (67%)
vs Maru 0-3 (0%) 1-8 (11%) 0-4 (0%) 1-11 (8%)
vs Classic 0-1 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 1-1 (50%) 2-1 (67%)
vs Stats 1-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 1-2 (33%) 4-5 (44%)
vs Zest 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 1-1 (50%) 3-2 (60%)
vs TY 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-4 (0%) 3-8 (27%)
vs Rogue 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Dark 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 0-2 (0%) 2-4 (33%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-1 (50%) 1-1 (50%)
vs The Field 10-21 (32%) 36-53 (40%) 84-82 (51%) 238-231 (51%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – SpeCial
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 7-11 (39%) 18-25 (42%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 9-10 (47%) 21-22 (49%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 17-11 (61%) 45-33 (58%)
2018 offline record (Total) 33-32 (51%) 84-80 (51%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 3-1 (75%) 6-4 (60%)
vs ShoWTimE 3-1 (75%) 6-3 (67%) 6-5 (55%) 12-11 (52%)
vs Neeb 0-1 (0%) 2-4 (33%) 2-7 (22%) 14-24 (37%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-1 (67%) 5-3 (63%)
vs Has 2-1 (67%) 5-2 (71%) 6-1 (86%) 14-4 (78%)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 4-4 (50%) 8-8 (50%)
vs Lambo 2-0 (100%) 4-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 6-2 (75%)
vs Maru 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%)
vs Classic 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs Stats 0-3 (0%) 0-7 (0%) 1-7 (13%) 6-17 (26%)
vs Zest 0-2 (0%) 1-4 (20%) 0-2 (0%) 1-4 (20%)
vs TY 0-3 (0%) 1-7 (13%) 1-7 (13%) 5-15 (25%)
vs Rogue 0-2 (0%) 1-5 (17%) 0-4 (0%) 1-9 (10%)
vs Dark 0-4 (0%) 3-10 (23%) 0-4 (0%) 3-10 (23%)
vs sOs 0-2 (0%) 0-5 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 1-6 (14%)
vs The Field 7-21 (25%) 25-52 (32%) 28-48 (37%) 83-121 (41%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Neeb
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 12-6 (67%) 29-23 (56%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 17-4 (81%) 43-14 (75%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 25-11 (69%) 66-43 (61%)
2018 offline record (Total) 54-21 (72%) 138-80 (63%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 1-2 (33%) 4-5 (44%) 4-3 (57%) 12-11 (52%)
vs ShoWTimE 3-3 (50%) 9-9 (50%) 8-6 (57%) 28-22 (56%)
vs SpeCial 1-0 (100%) 4-2 (67%) 7-2 (78%) 24-14 (63%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 2-2 (50%) 7-6 (54%) 2-2 (50%) 7-6 (54%)
vs Has 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%) 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%)
vs Nerchio 2-1 (67%) 7-6 (54%) 12-4 (75%) 34-26 (57%)
vs Lambo 1-1 (50%) 3-2 (60%) 3-2 (60%) 9-5 (64%)
vs Maru 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs Classic 0-1 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 0-3 (0%)
vs Stats 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-2 (33%) 3-4 (43%)
vs Zest 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 2-3 (40%) 5-6 (45%)
vs TY 0-1 (0%) 2-4 (33%) 0-4 (0%) 4-12 (25%)
vs Rogue 2-1 (67%) 6-5 (55%) 4-3 (57%) 10-10 (50%)
vs Dark 0-3 (0%) 1-7 (13%) 0-4 (0%) 1-10 (9%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%)
vs The Field 14-17 (45%) 47-54 (47%) 45-38 (54%) 142-134 (51%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – HeRoMaRiNE
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 9-6 (60%) 24-15 (62%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 13-3 (81%) 29-11 (73%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 11-6 (65%) 24-19 (56%)
2018 offline record (Total) 33-15 (69%) 77-45 (63%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-6 (0%) 1-13 (7%) 1-12 (8%) 8-28 (22%)
vs ShoWTimE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 9-22 (29%) 34-54 (39%)
vs SpeCial 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-2 (33%) 3-5 (37%)
vs Neeb 2-2 (50%) 6-7 (46%) 2-2 (50%) 6-7 (46%)
vs Has 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 4-0 (100%) 5-1 (83%)
vs Nerchio 2-0 (100%) 5-1 (83%) 5-8 (38%) 18-23 (44%)
vs Lambo 0-1 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 8-4 (67%) 22-14 (61%)
vs Maru 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Classic 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-4 (0%)
vs Stats 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Zest 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 0-4 (0%) 5-12 (29%)
vs TY 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Rogue 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Dark 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs sOs 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs The Field 5-12 (29%) 15-32 (32%) 30-57 (34%) 101-150 (40%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Has
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 6-3 (67%) 16-8 (67%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 9-9 (50%) 32-28 (53%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 10-8 (56%) 28-22 (56%)
2018 offline record (Total) 25-20 (56%) 76-58 (57%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-2 (0%) 1-6 (14%) 0-4 (0%) 1-10 (9%)
vs ShoWTimE 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%) 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%)
vs SpeCial 1-2 (33%) 2-5 (29%) 1-6 (14%) 4-14 (22%)
vs Neeb 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%) 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 0-4 (0%) 1-5 (17%)
vs Nerchio 1-0 (100%) 3-2 (60%) 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 0-1 (0%) 2-3 (40%) 0-2 (0%) 3-5 (38%)
vs Classic 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Stats 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%)
vs Zest 0-2 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 1-3 (25%)
vs TY 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Rogue 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs Dark 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs The Field 4-13 (24%) 16-33 (33%) 5-24 (17%) 21-53 (28%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Nerchio
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 16-7 (70%) 31-18 (63%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 5-2 (71%) 7-5 (58%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 23-10 (70%) 44-28 (61%)
2018 offline record (Total) 44-19 (70%) 82-51 (62%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 1-5 (17%) 3-15 (17%) 8-10 (44%) 17-33 (34%)
vs ShoWTimE 2-3 (40%) 7-9 (44%) 22-13 (63%) 65-56 (54%)
vs SpeCial 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 4-4 (50%) 8-8 (50%)
vs Neeb 1-3 (33%) 6-7 (46%) 4-12 (25%) 26-34 (43%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-2 (0%) 1-5 (17%) 8-5 (62%) 23-18 (56%)
vs Has 0-1 (0%) 2-3 (40%) 1-1 (50%) 4-4 (50%)
vs Lambo 2-2 (50%) 5-8 (38%) 15-3 (83%) 33-13 (72%)
vs Maru 0-1 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 2-7 (22%)
vs Classic 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-1 (67%) 5-3 (63%)
vs Stats 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-4 (33%) 5-8 (38%)
vs Zest 0-2 (0%) 0-4 (0%) 5-6 (45%) 10-12 (45%)
vs TY 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-1 (67%) 4-3 (57%)
vs Rogue 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 1-4 (20%)
vs Dark 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-1 (67%) 6-4 (60%)
vs The Field 6-20 (23%) 24-57 (30%) 77-67 (53%) 210-210 (50%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Lambo
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 9-2 (82%) 20-9 (69%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 7-12 (37%) 20-28 (42%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 16-11 (59%) 47-31 (60%)
2018 offline record (Total) 32-25 (56%) 87-68 (56%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-5 (0%) 4-15 (21%) 0-7 (0%) 6-19 (24%)
vs ShoWTimE 2-0 (100%) 5-1 (83%) 7-21 (25%) 24-48 (33%)
vs SpeCial 0-2 (0%) 0-4 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 2-6 (25%)
vs Neeb 1-1 (50%) 2-3 (40%) 2-3 (40%) 5-9 (36%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 1-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 4-8 (33%) 14-22 (39%)
vs Has 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Nerchio 2-2 (50%) 8-5 (62%) 3-15 (17%) 13-33 (28%)
vs Maru 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Classic 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Stats 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Zest 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%)
vs TY 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Rogue 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Dark 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%)
vs The Field 7-10 (41%) 24-29 (45%) 18-58 (24%) 66-140 (32%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Maru
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 19-6 (76%) 56-29 (66%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 12-3 (80%) 32-11 (74%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 18-2 (90) 51-17 (75%)
2018 offline record (Total) 49-11 (82%) 139-57 (71%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 1-2 (33%) 3-3 (50%) 1-2 (33%) 3-3 (50%)
vs ShoWTimE 3-0 (100%) 8-1 (89%) 4-0 (100%) 11-1 (92%)
vs SpeCial 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%)
vs Neeb 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Has 1-0 (100%) 3-2 (60%) 2-0 (100%) 5-3 (63%)
vs Nerchio 1-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 7-2 (78%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Classic 1-3 (25%) 5-9 (36%) 12-9 (57%) 27-27 (50%)
vs Stats 2-1 (67%) 7-6 (54%) 12-9 (57%) 26-26 (50%)
vs Zest 2-1 (67%) 10-4 (71%) 13-11 (54%) 27-24 (53%)
vs TY 1-1 (50%) 5-5 (50%) 10-6 (63%) 23-21 (53%)
vs Rogue 2-1 (67%) 8-5 (62%) 7-5 (58%) 19-17 (53%)
vs Dark 3-0 (100%) 10-5 (67%) 10-10 (50%) 26-27 (49%)
vs sOs 2-1 (67%) 7-7 (50%) 6-3 (67%) 14-13 (52%)
vs The Field 21-10 (68%) 73-48 (60%) 82-55 (60%) 192-165 (54%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Classic
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 10-3 (77%) 28-16 (64%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 16-1 (94%) 38-11 (78%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 19-7 (73%) 50-30 (63%)
2018 offline record (Total) 45-11 (80%) 116-57 (67%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 1-1 (50%) 4-3 (57%) 1-1 (50%) 4-3 (57%)
vs ShoWTimE 1-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 1-1 (50%) 1-2 (33%)
vs SpeCial 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs Neeb 1-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 4-0 (100%)
vs Has 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-2 (33%) 3-5 (38%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 3-1 (75%) 9-5 (64%) 9-12 (43%) 27-27 (50%)
vs Stats 2-2 (50%) 7-5 (58%) 8-12 (40%) 27-26 (51%)
vs Zest 1-1 (50%) 3-3 (50%) 6-12 (33%) 20-31 (39%)
vs TY 1-3 (25%) 7-9 (44%) 6-10 (37%) 18-23 (44%)
vs Rogue 1-1 (50%) 2-4 (33%) 11-6 (65%) 24-20 (55%)
vs Dark 4-4 (50%) 17-16 (52%) 8-16 (33%) 33-44 (43%)
vs sOs 4-1 (80%) 12-8 (60%) 8-6 (57%) 20-16 (56%)
vs The Field 20-14 (59%) 67-53 (56%) 63-78 (45%) 186-197 (49%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Stats
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 14-2 (88%) 35-12 (74%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 9-7 (56%) 26-18 (59%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 8-5 (62%) 27-25 (52%)
2018 offline record (Total) 31-14 (69%) 88-55 (62%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-1 (0%) 3-4 (43%) 0-1 (0%) 3-4 (43%)
vs ShoWTimE 0-1 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 2-1 (67%) 5-4 (55%)
vs SpeCial 3-0 (100%) 7-0 (100%) 7-1 (88%) 17-6 (74%)
vs Neeb 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-1 (67%) 4-3 (57%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Has 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 4-2 (67%) 8-5 (62%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 1-2 (33%) 6-7 (46%) 9-12 (43%) 26-26 (50%)
vs Classic 2-2 (50%) 5-7 (42%) 12-8 (60%) 26-27 (49%)
vs Zest 2-4 (33%) 6-11 (35%) 9-13 (41%) 31-40 (44%)
vs TY 1-1 (50%) 3-2 (60%) 10-12 (45%) 33-31 (52%)
vs Rogue 2-4 (33%) 6-8 (43%) 10-11 (48%) 27-25 (52%)
vs Dark 1-2 (33%) 5-8 (38%) 10-14 (42%) 30-39 (43%)
vs sOs 3-0 (100%) 6-2 (75%) 8-8 (50%) 16-17 (48%)
vs The Field 16-17 (48%) 49-53 (48%) 84-84 (50%) 228-228 (50%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Zest
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 11-5 (69%) 29-18 (62%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 14-2 (88%) 33-16 (67%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 13-12 (52%) 35-37 (49%)
2018 offline record (Total) 38-19 (67%) 97-71 (58%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-1 (0%) 0-2 (0%) 0-3 (0%) 1-5 (17%)
vs ShoWTimE 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 1-1 (50%) 2-3 (40%)
vs SpeCial 2-0 (100%) 4-1 (80%) 2-0 (100%) 4-1 (80%)
vs Neeb 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 3-2 (60%) 6-5 (55%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%) 4-0 (100%) 12-5 (71%)
vs Has 2-0 (100%) 3-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 3-1 (75%)
vs Nerchio 2-0 (100%) 4-0 (100%) 6-5 (55%) 12-10 (55%)
vs Lambo 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%)
vs Maru 1-2 (33%) 4-10 (29%) 11-13 (46%) 24-27 (47%)
vs Classic 1-1 (50%) 3-3 (50%) 12-6 (67%) 31-20 (61%)
vs Stats 4-2 (67%) 11-6 (65%) 13-9 (59%) 40-31 (56%)
vs TY 2-1 (67%) 7-6 (54%) 8-7 (53%) 29-28 (51%)
vs Rogue 3-5 (38%) 9-17 (35%) 14-14 (50%) 29-36 (45%)
vs Dark 1-4 (20%) 7-10 (41%) 9-10 (47%) 26-27 (49%)
vs sOs 1-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 13-5 (72%) 22-9 (71%)
vs The Field 20-19 (51%) 59-63 (48%) 98-77 (56%) 242-213 (53%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – TY
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 10-5 (67%) 27-17 (61%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 14-2 (88%) 33-13 (72%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 9-4 (69%) 26-14 (65%)
2018 offline record (Total) 33-11 (75%) 86-44 (66%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%)
vs ShoWTimE 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 4-0 (100%) 8-3 (73%)
vs SpeCial 3-0 (100%) 7-1 (88%) 7-1 (88%) 15-5 (75%)
vs Neeb 1-0 (100%) 4-2 (67%) 4-0 (100%) 12-4 (75%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Has 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-2 (33%) 3-4 (43%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 1-1 (50%) 5-5 (50%) 6-10 (37%) 21-23 (47%)
vs Classic 3-1 (75%) 9-7 (56%) 10-6 (63%) 23-18 (56%)
vs Stats 1-1 (50%) 2-3 (40%) 12-10 (55%) 31-33 (48%)
vs Zest 1-2 (33%) 6-7 (46%) 7-8 (47%) 28-29 (49%)
vs Rogue 3-1 (75%) 7-4 (64%) 10-9 (53%) 26-20 (57%)
vs Dark 2-5 (29%) 5-12 (29%) 6-16 (27%) 19-39 (33%)
vs sOs 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%) 4-10 (29%) 9-14 (39%)
vs The Field 17-12 (59%) 49-43 (53%) 72-72 (50%) 197-193 (51%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Rogue
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 16-4 (80%) 39-10 (80%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 10-7 (59%) 28-25 (53%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 9-3 (75%) 19-10 (66%)
2018 offline record (Total) 35-14 (71%) 86-45 (66%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-1 (0%) 1-2 (33%) 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%)
vs ShoWTimE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs SpeCial 2-0 (100%) 5-1 (83%) 4-0 (100%) 9-1 (90%)
vs Neeb 1-2 (33%) 5-6 (45%) 3-4 (43%) 10-10 (50%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Has 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs Nerchio 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 4-1 (80%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 1-2 (33%) 5-8 (38%) 5-7 (42%) 17-19 (47%)
vs Classic 1-1 (50%) 4-2 (67%) 6-11 (35%) 20-24 (45%)
vs Stats 4-2 (67%) 8-6 (57%) 11-10 (52%) 25-27 (48%)
vs Zest 5-3 (62%) 17-9 (65%) 14-14 (50%) 36-29 (55%)
vs TY 1-3 (25%) 4-7 (36%) 9-10 (47%) 20-26 (43%)
vs Dark 3-5 (38%) 9-12 (43%) 8-9 (47%) 18-19 (49%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 2-4 (33%) 6-9 (40%)
vs The Field 20-19 (51%) 62-53 (54%) 66-71 (48%) 169-167 (50%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – Dark
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 17-7 (71%) 49-26 (65%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 16-4 (80%) 43-20 (68%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 8-3 (73%) 22-10 (69%)
2018 offline record (Total) 41-14 (75%) 114-56 (67%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%) 2-1 (67%) 6-3 (67%)
vs ShoWTimE 1-0 (100%) 2-1 (67%) 2-0 (100%) 4-2 (67%)
vs SpeCial 4-0 (100%) 10-3 (77%) 4-0 (100%) 10-3 (77%)
vs Neeb 3-0 (100%) 7-1 (88%) 4-0 (100%) 10-1 (91%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Has 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-0 (100%) 3-1 (75%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Maru 0-3 (0%) 5-10 (33%) 10-10 (50%) 27-26 (51%)
vs Classic 4-4 (50%) 16-17 (48%) 16-8 (67%) 44-33 (57%)
vs Stats 2-1 (67%) 8-5 (62%) 14-10 (58%) 39-30 (57%)
vs Zest 4-1 (80%) 10-7 (59%) 10-9 (53%) 27-26 (51%)
vs TY 5-2 (71%) 12-5 (71%) 16-6 (73%) 39-19 (67%)
vs Rogue 5-3 (63%) 12-9 (57%) 9-8 (53%) 19-18 (51%)
vs sOs 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 3-4 (43%) 9-12 (43%)
vs The Field 29-15 (66%) 85-61 (58%) 92-56 (62%) 239-174 (58%)

2018 Record & Head to Head – sOs
Matches Games
2018 offline record versus Protoss 7-5 (58%) 21-13 (62%)
2018 offline record versus Terran 16-4 (80%) 41-16 (72%)
2018 offline record versus Zerg 7-3 (70%) 18-14 (56%)
2018 offline record (Total) 30-12 (71%) 80-43 (65%)

Head to Head Record Matches Games Matches Games

(online/offline) (2018) (2018) (all time) (all time)
vs Serral 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs ShoWTimE 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-1 (50%) 1-1 (50%)
vs SpeCial 2-0 (100%) 5-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 6-1 (86%)
vs Neeb 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-1 (0%) 1-3 (25%)
vs HeRoMaRiNE 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs Has 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–)
vs Nerchio 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-2 (33%) 4-6 (40%)
vs Lambo 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 1-0 (100%) 2-0 (100%)
vs Maru 1-2 (33%) 7-7 (50%) 3-6 (33%) 13-14 (48%)
vs Classic 1-4 (20%) 8-12 (40%) 6-8 (43%) 16-20 (44%)
vs Stats 0-3 (0%) 2-6 (25%) 8-8 (50%) 17-16 (52%)
vs Zest 0-1 (0%) 0-1 (0%) 5-13 (28%) 9-22 (29%)
vs TY 1-1 (50%) 2-2 (50%) 10-4 (71%) 14-9 (61%)
vs Rogue 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 4-2 (67%) 9-6 (60%)
vs Dark 0-0 (–) 0-0 (–) 4-3 (57%) 12-9 (57%)
vs The Field 6-11 (35%) 26-28 (48%) 46-48 (49%) 106-107 (50%)


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