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Administration Report-2009

Department of Co-operative Development, Northern Province

1. Introduction
The origin of co-operation is perhaps as old early civilization itself. As a movement
however, it is about two centuries old. It was the chaotic situation in the political and
economic spheres of the European life which gave rise to co-operation as a movement.
The credit for starting the first set of co-operative institutions goes to England under
Owner’s initiative. The first workable model society was founded by the Rochdale
Pioneers, a group of weavers. The policies and organization they adopted have become
the principles of theoretical co-operation. Thus Rochdale became founders of a
worldwide, self help movement viz. The co-operative movement, while others were only
forerunners. The pioneers however, had no intention of launching an economic
movement nor did they know that they were laying the foundation of a practical
economic concept. Rochdale’s success crossed the boundaries of England and the
concept was adapted under every economic system in diversified economic fields and
activities to eliminate exploitation which was a common feature all over the world.

1.1 Need of Co-operative Societies

Co-operative society is established for serving the common needs of the people in the
world. International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) conference held in Manchester in 1995
declares that.

“A co-operative institution is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily

to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a
jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise.”

Co-operative society is a form of organization where members join together as human

beings to satisfy their common economic, social and cultural needs. Co-operatives
were conceived in Sri Lanka as an answer to the small man to the moneylender – trader
nexus and it was seen as an instrument of self-help among the poorer segments of the
population. The co-operatives are expected to attend more services with less profit.
They are also expected to supply essential goods on one hand and credit facilities and
marketing their products on the other. The emphasis is not on profitability and the co-
operatives should work on a no profit-no loss basis. In case they make some profit; they
should plough it back into expansion of the business and improvement in the quality of
service. Other than the provision of economic services in terms of cheap availability of
goods to the co-operative community, the co-operatives are conceived as social
organizations, which educate the people in economic management. They also spread a
sense of togetherness among co-operators and generate loyalty to the co-operative

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1.2 Members Owned and Members Managed

For the effective functioning of the co-operative movement enlightened members are
the poles of the co-operatives. These are members who are knowledgeable, about co-
operatives and their ideals and philosophy. These members will make aware of the
problems and have the willingness to contribute to the progress of the co-operatives.
Such membership ensures members participations in the business and managerial
affairs of the co-operatives. Vigilant members prevent financial irregularities and the
emergences of vested interest in co-operatives. Does the health of co-operatives
improve? As against enlightened members, ignorant, sleepily, inactive, non-participating
and indifferent members become a problem in themselves. They are prone to
exploitation by the covered elements in the society. So the members in the society must
be highly enlightened people.

Democracy is the basic value of co-operatives. In a democratize organization, the

general body is the supreme body and the committee of management is elected by
them to administer and look after the day to day affairs.

In the context of co-operatives the essence of democracy is “conscious decision” waste

on free will of the members. In Co-operative meetings, all members take their own
decisions. No external factors force them to take particular decisions. The Rochdale
pioneers have embodied a typical set of members involved in the society to meet their
day-to-day requirements.

1.3 Department of Co-operative Development and its Composition:

Provincial Council Act No.42 of 1987 and 13th amendment to the constitution have given
mandate to the Provincial Department of Co-operative Development to perform
statutory function which described in this report.

The Department of Co-operative Development comes under the purview of the Ministry
of Local Government, Relief and Rehabilitation, Co-operative Rural Development,
Industries, Social Services and Probation & Child Care Services. The Commissioner of Co-
operative Development and Registrar of Co-operative Societies is the head of the
Department and extend his power and duties directly through the 5 Assistant
Commissioners at the district levels.

Provincial Co-operative Training institute is the only institute which has been functioning
for 18 years for training for all personnel such as Departmental officers Board of
Directors, members and employees of the Co-operative Societies. This is the only Tamil
medium institute in the island and extended its activities for the Tamil medium
personnel in the rest of the Island

The future development of this sector depends on the implementation of various

development programmes and working in close collaboration with allied
Departments/Ministries in Central and Provincial as well as the nongovernmental
organizations in a concerted manner.

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2. Organization
2.1 Vision, mission and activities

2.1.1 Vision
To be a partner in the provincial as well as the national development by creating
the environment for empowerment of co-operative movement as a people’s

2.1.2 Mission
Share the Socio and Economic Resources amongst the people through co-
operative values and ensure to upgrading their quality of life.

2.1.3 Object
Provide inspiration for development of Co-operative Movement to stand as
people’s enterprise and intervene in broad lines to build up co-operative
societies having good Governance.

2.1.4 Activities
The Department of Co-operative Development is providing services to the people
who need the services of the co-operative movement, playing a significant role in
development process and acts as viable institution to implement the
Government and Provincial Council Policies through accomplishing its mission.

Objectives of this department to achieve the above mission are as follows;

a) Strengthening co-operative societies for ensuring co-operative identity and

elaborate of co-operative movement.

b) Promoting contribution of the co-operative sector for a sustainable


c) Developing professional and managerial activities on co-operative values.

d) Promulgating development strategies and entrepreneurial setup within the

frame work of market economy to face market challenge.

e) Providing necessary assistance to carry the co-operative message amongst


f) Implementing Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Reconstruction programme

with the help of the Central Government and Provincial Agencies and non
Government Organizations.
g) Re-organization and reactivation of Co-operative institution affected during
the last two decades in view of the conflict.

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2.1.5 Key Functions

1. Organization and registration of co-operative societies.

2. Supervision of co-operative societies and providing necessary advises and

guidance to the societies in the provision of services essential for community

3. Auditing of co-operative societies

4. Performance of statutory functions such as the settlement of disputes, the

holding of inquiries, conducting investigations, inspections of co-operative
societies and liquidations of cancelled societies.

5. Training and development of co-operative development officers, co-

operative employees and co-operators via exhibition, training classes, short
term courses and publicity meetings and efficiency bar examinations.

6. Work in close co-ordination with ministries and agencies engaged in

development work and act as liaison between co-operative societies and
such ministries / agencies.

2.2 Co-operative Ethics

 Self – help  Self responsibility

 Democracy  Equality
 Equity  Co-operation
 Honesty  Openness
 Member liability  Consideration for others

2.3 Principles of Co-operation

 Voluntary and open membership

 Democratic control of members
 Participation by members in the economy
 Autonomy and independence
 Education, training and information
 Co-operation among co-operative bodies
 Consideration for society (Community)

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3. Human Resources:
3.1. Cadre and Staff position:

The agreed cadre and the present position of this department are given below;
Staff Position – Department of Co-operative Development
S. Agreed Existing Cadre Vacant
Post Service Grade
No Cadre
01 CCD & RCS SLAS I 01 01 01
(Re -employment)
02 Asst. Commissioner- Administration SLAS III 01 - 01
03 Asst. Commissioner - Department Non SLAS 06 04 02
04 Accountant Slacks II / II 01 Acting 01
05 District Officer 9 9 -
06 Administrative Officer MAS Supra 01 01 -
07 Development Assistant 01 - 01
08 Co-operative Development Officers I / II 210 86 124
09 Programme Assistant 47 15 32
10 Management Assistant MAS I 05 - 05
11 Management Assistant MAS II / III 20 24 -
12 Data Entry Operator 01 - 01
13 Head Quarters Co-operative Officer 01 01 -
14 Drivers IIB, IIA 06 04 02
15 Watcher OES II - - -
16 Roneo Operator OES I 01 - 01
17 Messenger OES II - - -
18 Book Binder OES I - - -
19 Office Employee OES III, II, I 11 9 02
20 Office Labour OES III - - -
21 Sanitary Labour OES III - - -
22 Department Labour III - - -
Total 322 155 173

Staff Position – Co-operative Training Institute:

S. Agreed Existing Vacant
Post Service Grade
No Cadre Cadre
01 Director SLAS II 01 Acting 01
02 Lecturers 04 - 04
03 Librarian - - -
04 Management Assistant MAS I - - -
05 Management Assistant MAS II / III 05 02 03
06 Programme Assistant - - -
07 Warden - - -
08 Driver - - -
09 Messenger 01 01 -
10 OES cum Audio Visual Technician 01 - 01
11 Office Employee 01 01 -
12 Watcher 01 - 01
Total 14 04 10

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3.2 Promotion
• During this year 49 Co-operative Development Officer-Gr-III ware promoted to Gr
– II
• During this year 01 Management Assistant was promoted to Supra Gr – I and 01
Management Assistant Gr - II was promoted to Gr-I

3.3 New Appointment

Mr.A. Nanthakumar, Management Assistant was appointed to this Department
by the Provincial Public Administration from 01.01.2009

3.4 Transfer
Mr.S.S.Manmatharajah, Management Assistsnt Gr I transferred from RDHS office
Mannar to this Department as a Acting Accountant from 06.02.2009

The under mentioned officers were transferred from this department during this year.
Officers Transferred from this Department
Date of
S.No Name of the officer Designation Transferred to
01. Mr.R.Ramesh PA 02.03.2009 Building Department
02. Mrs.F.M.Sebastiampillai MA (Supra) - RDHS Office Jaffna
03. Mrs.T.Rahumohan DA 01.07.2009 DCS Planning
04 Mr.K.Sathees OES 07.09.2009 Eastern Province
05 Mr.K.Santhirasegar Driver 02.02.2009 Eastern Province
06 Mr.J.Nagatharsanan Driver 18.11.2009 Ministry of Infrastructure NP
07 Mr.R.EdmanJude OES 11.06.2009 RDD
3.5 Retirements:
During this year the following officers were retired from their services.
Date of
S. No Name of the officer Designation
01. Miss.MPA.Nicolas CDO 28.05.2009
02. Mrs.T.Thangarajah CDO 10.04.2009
03. Mr.P.Sivalingam ACCD 06.04.2009
04. Mr.S.Kanagasapabathy ACCD 25.07.2009
05 Mr.M.I.Hussain CDO 01.03.2009

3.6 Release
During this year the following officers were released from this Department
for another service.

S.No Name of the officer New Service Date of Release

01 Miss.K.Kethini Social Service Officer 24.02.2009
02 Miss.V.kalaivani Teachers Service 06.01.2009
03 Mr.F.C.Sathiyasothi Sri Lanka Administrative 02.03.2009
04 Mr.T.Navaneethan Rural Development officer 25.03.2009
05 MR.A.Cristyruban Sri Lanka Overseas Service 18.05.2009
06 Mr.K.Sasikaran Teachers Service 05.01.2009
07 Mr.P.Satheeswaran Rural Development 25.02.2009
08 Mr.T.Selvakulendran MA 01.01.2009

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3.7 Vacated Post

Name Designation
N.Navaneethan CDO

4. Management
The management of this Department is coordinated through
a. General Administration
b. Supervision & Guidance to the management of Co-operative Societies
c. Audit, Investigation, inquires liquidation, settlement of disputes and other legal
matters of Co-operative society
According to the above, the work of the above units has been allocated among five
Assistant Commissioners Viz. Administration, Societies and Legal and assisted by the
Senior Co-operative Development Officers. Director of Provincial Co-operative Training
Institute handles the Administration and Management work of the Training Institute.
Assistant Commissioners in charge of five Districts are responsible for the development,
audit, and legal and other development programmes of their respective districts. The co-
operative development officers had been entrusted the work includes the supervision,
auditing, development activities and legal matters of all co-operative societies and they
are supporting implementation of Livelihood Development Programmes.
The power of the Commissioner of Co-operative Development & Registrar of Co-
operative Society delegate with Conferment of Power in accordance with Co-operative
societies Low No.5 of 1972 and amended by Co-operative societies (Amendment) Act,
No.32 of 1983 and the Co-operative societies (Amendment) Act No.11 of 1992 read in
conjunction with Provincial Councils (Consequential Provisions) Act No.12 of 1989.

By virtue of the powers vested on Hon. Governor of the Province by section 02(2) of the
Co-operative Societies law, No.5 of 1972 as amended by the Co-operatives Societies
(Amendment) Act, No. 32 of 1983 and the Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No.
11 of 1992, read in conjunctions with Provincial Councils (Consequential Provisions) Act,
No. 12 of 1989, Hon. Governor of Northern Provincial Council conferred on each of the
persons in named Column I in the schedule hereto, who have been appointed to assist
the Commissioner of Co-operative Development and Registrar of Co-operative Societies
of the Northern Province. Such powers of the registrar under the Co-operative Societies
law, No. 5 of 1972 as amended by Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 32 of
1983 and the Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 11 of 1992 and the rules
their under and which are more fully described in Column III of the said Schedule in
respect of the Northern Province, with effect from the dates shown in Column II of the
said Schedule, to be exercised by the aforesaid during their tenure of office.

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S.No Colunmn I Colunmn II Colunmn III

1 Sittampalam Thavarasa 12.02.2007 All the powers of the Registrar under

section 3,4 [Expect 4(2)]
5,6,7,8,33,39,42,43,44,[Expect 44 (6)]
2 Kumarasingam Arunthavanathan 21.03.2007 45,46,50,52,53,54,58 [Expect 25(2)(A)
and 58(5)],59,68,nd 72 of the Co-
operative Societies Law. All the powers
3 Gnanapragasam Stanilaus Mangalathasan 30.04.2007 of the Registrar under rules
4 Kumarasinham Raveenthiranathan 27.10.2007 39,40,41,42,43,48,49[Expect 49)xii)]
52and 53 of rules.
5 Kathirkamar Sinnarasa 02.12.2007

Management Structure – Annexure – 1

5.1 Land & Building

Institution Land Square Own Rent Addl. No. of
Sq.ft Occupied Building Building Space Others Store
Sq.ft Sq.ft Sq.ft Sq.ft Qrs Space
Head Office - - - - - - -
Jaffna 217.84 - - - - - -
Mannar - - - - - - -
Vavuniya - - - 1560 1 -
Kilinochchi - - Damaged - - - -
Mullaitivu - - Damaged - - -
Co-operative Training 2.095
Institute Head tear 15335 15335 - - 3 -

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5.2 Vehicle

Three Motor
Institution Pick- up Jeep Bicycle Van
Wheeler Bike

Head Office 1 - - - 3 1
Jaffna 1 - - 8 3 -
1(not in
Mannar - condition) - - 2 -
Vavuniya - - - 1 2 1
Kilinochchi 1(Missing) - - - 2(Missing) -
Mullaitivu - - - 2(Missing) - -
Co-operative Training
Institute - - 1 - 4 -
Total 2 1 1 9 10 2

Nissan Van holding registration No. NA 5584 is handed over to Chief Secretary’s
Secretariat on 28 July 2007

5.3 Furniture

Institution Table Chair Other
Head Office 32 33 15 13
Jaffna 45 107 13 5
Mannar 14 35 5 2
Vavuniya 26 52 17 4
Kilinochchi 11 03 05 -
Mullaitivu 07 02 07 -
Co-operative Training Institute 95 249 16 78
PCFLCMS 14 14 13
Total 244 495 91 102

5.4 Equipment & Machinery

Computer/ Photo Printer/ Type

Institution Telephone Fax Generator Scanner
Laptop Copier Roneo Writer

Head Office 5 2 5 2 3 1 - 1
Jaffna 10 1 5 5 1 1 - 1
Mannar 2 - 2 4 1 1 - -
Vavuniya 2 1 2 3 1 1 - -
Kilinochchi - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Mullaitivu - 1 - - 1 1 1 -
Training Institute 36 1 3 4 1 1 1 1
PCFLCMS 6 3 4 - - 1 - -
Total 61 10 22 18 9 7 2 3
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6. Capacity Building
The following officers have successfully completed (STEPS) course conducted by GTZ &
British Council.

Name of the officer Designation Course
01. MS.Sathana Logeswaran Management Assistant STEPS
02. Ms.Thusyanthini Vevekananthan Management Assistant STEPS
03 Mr.M.Jasokaran Management Assistant WSPS
04. Mr.R.Giritharan Management Assistant STEPS
05. Mr.R.Thayakaran CDO STEPS

7. Provincial Treasury Provision for the department

7.1 Recurrent Expenditure
Amount Amount Amount
Percentage on
Particulars Allocated Released Spent
Released funds
in Rs in Rs in Rs

Personal Emoluments 59,886,000.00 44,729,000.00 49,816,349.64 83%

Other Expenditure 7,864,860.00 6,771,000.00 6,770,721.16 87%

Capital Expenditure
Amount Amount Amount Indicator
Source of fund allocated Released Spent Percentage on
in Mn in Mn in Mn Released funds

CBG 32.00 26.00 23.68 74%

PSDG (LEAD) 36.60 36.60 36.60 100%

7.2 Audit Queries

Audit queries were received and all were answered and settled. The details are given
No. of Queries Received
Replied & Settled Pending
12 12 -

7.3 Co-operative Development Fund

This fund is administering by the Commissioner of Co-operative Development and
Registrar of Co-operative Societies and may utilize the fund for the following purposes
under section 43 of Co-operative rules Gazetted under 61 of Co-operative act No.5 of
1. Co-operative Education, extension and publicity
2. Improving the management efficiencies of co-operative societies
3. Rendering assistance to existing co-operative societies

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7.4 Business Development
When 300,000 Peoples displaced during the humanitarian operation in Kilinochchi,
Millaithivu and part of Mannar and Vavuniya and housed in welfare centre at
Cheddikulam area, financial assistant by the way of loan from the Co-operative fund
provided to the following societies to improve the Management efficiency , Business
Development and Reactivating the activities of the Society.

Name of MPCS District Loan Amount

Cheddikulam MPCS Vavuniya 1,000,000.00
Vavuniya MPCS Vavuniya 500,000.00
Vavuniya South MPCS Vavuniya 500,000.00
Vavuniya North MPCS Vavuniya 500,000.00
Manthai West MPCS Mannar 500,000.00
Marittiempattu MPCS Mullaithivu 500,000.00
Putukudiyiruppu MPCS Mullaithivu 500,000.00
Muthaiyankaddu MPCS Mullaithivu 500,000.00
Visuvamadu Farmers Society Mullaithivu 500,000.00
Panangamampattu MPCS Mullaithivu 500,000.00
Karachchi South MPCS Kilinochchi 500,000.00
Karachchi North MPCS Kilinochchi 500,000.00
Mannar MPCS Mannar 500,000.00
Nanaddan MPCS Mannar 500,000.00
Musali South MPCS Mannar 500,000.00
Poonagari MPCS Kilinochchi 500,000.00
Total 9,000,000.00

8. Statutory Functions
8.1. Audit Work
Audit work of co-operatives societies are handling by the Commissioner of Co-operative
Development according to the powers given under section 44 of the co-operative
societies law Act No. 05 of 1972 delegating authorities to the Co-operative Development
Officers on the basis of the annual work plan. Accordingly the details of the audit
progress are given below.

Division Target Achievement

Jaffna 248 251
Kilinochchi 64 46
Mullaitivu 17 15
Mannar 808 788
Vavuniya 285 268
Total 915 852

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8.2 Arbitration – Settlement of Disputes
Under the section 58 of the co-operative societies act No. 05 of 1972 the Commissioner
of Co-operative and Registrar of Co-operative Societies is empowered to mediate to
settle dispute.
Details Vavu Man Mull Kili Jaff Total
No. of disputes as at 01.01.2009 09 - - - 17 26
No. of disputes received during the year
02 - - - 09 11
No. of disputes referred for arbitration 11 - - - 26 37
Awards Granted 08 - - - 08 16
Pending 03 - - - 18 21
Appeals Received - - - - 01 01
Decision Given 01 - - - 15 16

Pending appeals as at 31.12.2009 03 03 18 10 23 57

8.3 Liquidation of Societies

Details Vavu Man Mull Kili Jaff Total

Liquidation as at 01.01.2009
17 27 09 03 63 119

50B Reported this year - - - - - 0

Liquidated during the year.
- 01 - - 01 02
Liquidation as at 31.12.2009
17 26 09 03 62 117

8.4 Inquiries under section 46 (1)

Details Vavu Man Mull Kili Jaff Total

No. of inquiries held during the year. - 01 - - 02 03

No. of inquiries completed during the year - 01 - - 01 02

Pending as at 31.12.2009 - - - - 01 01

8.5 Legal Issues

Court Cases
The following court case is still pending in the High Court - Jaffna

S.No. Case No Petitioner Action

1206/09 High Court Mr.Ramalingam Postponed by High
01 Jaffna Sivasundaralingam Court

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9.1 Provincial Co-operative Training Institute

The Provincial Co-operative Training Institute is the only institute in the field of co-
operation. This institution which has been functioning for over 20 years is responsible
for impart of training for all personnel such as Officers, Board of Directors, Members and
other co-operators. This is the only Tamil medium institute in Sri Lanka and extended its
activities for the Tamil medium officers in the other parts of the island.
To accelerate Training programmes, a work plan has been drawn for 2009 for the
development of human resources.

Staff grade officers and non staff grade officers have under gone skill development
training. Details are given below.

Name of the Programme Designation Duration Venue

Training Programme on Project Proposal Writing CDO / DO / PA 30 05 Days PCTI Vavuniya

Training Programme on Microsoft Access & Excel CDO / DO / PA 30 05 Days PCTI Vavuniya

Training Programme on Micro credit

CDO / DO / PA 30 05 Day PCTI Vavuniya
Training Programme on Arbitration Inquiry
CDO / DO / PA 30 03 Days PCTI Vavuniya
Training Programme on Effective Management CDO / DO / PA 30 05 Days PCTI Vavuniya

 The entire premises of this Training Institute were taken by the Ministry of
Defence in May 2009 to house the surrenders of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam.
In view of this the entire Training Programmes planned for the year 2009 came

9.2 Examination Result

The following Examination was held by the PCTI in year 2009. Details as follows

Name of the
Place No of Candidates Passed
Employees Ordinary Jaffna 32 31
Level Examination -

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9.3 Strengthening of Co-operative Training Institute

There are 2165 books in the field of Management, Accounting, Economics, Information
Technology, Auditing, Law etc. These books are available at the library of Provincial Co-
operative Training Institute, Vavuniya for trainee’s reference.

During the Year the following Items were purchased to the Co-operative Training
Institute for the purpose of Training Programme.

1. Television 21” 01
2. Conference table 12
3. Visitor Chairs 50
4. Executive Chairs 02
5. Visual Audio System set
6. Plastic Chairs 100
7. Towel Rack 34
8. Mattress 34
9. Office table 23
10. Steel cupboard 34
11. Iron beds 34
12. Steel Table 34
13. DVD Player 01
14. Refrigerator 01

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10 Provincial Co-operative federation for Livelihood Credit
Management Services (PCFLCMS)
PCFLCMS is established by virtue of powers under the provision of the 13th
amendments to the constitution of Sri Lanka and approved by Hon. Governor on
December 2008 as a semi autonomous body (unit) within the Provincial Administration
of Northern Province. PCFLCMS is functioning as a Federation according the registration
under Co-operative Act. PCFLCMS called as “Livelihood Credit Project”.

Be a preferred financial provider for livelihood development in Northern

Create and strengthen credit network in the Northern Province.

 To promote advancement of livelihood development.
 To create and sustain environment conducive to livelihood development.
 To improve those affected by disasters, natural or otherwise towards their
rehabilitation and reconstruction and for the socio-economic community
 To monitor, control, mobilize micro credit implementing by various agencies such
as Co-operative Institutions, Rural Development Societies, Saving Groups, Non
Governmental Organizations and International Non Governmental Organizations
and other related community based organizations etc..
 To provide brooder institutional framework to harness and promote livelihood
development efforts and to support the organizations involving in livelihood

• To establish a Livelihood Credit Fund for the Northern Province.
• To aid and assist the stakeholder institutions within the Northern Province in
managing livelihood credit facilities.
• To establish credit managing system to promote livelihood activities
• To develop and implement ancillary to promotion of livelihood activities.
• To implement programmes so as to inculcate good credit practices among the
borrowers and lending institutions.
To establish and maintain procedural system and resources that is essential to
achieve the objectives of the PCFLCMS.

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10.4 Livelihood micro Credit & PLF Mechanism

PCFLCMS Unit Related Ministries/
Consortium (PMU) Le

Beneficiaries Recommendation

District Credit & Saving District

Committee (DCSC) Level

District Credit & Saving
Committee (DCSC)
Related District Head
of Departments
District Office Level
District (Jaffna, Killinochchi,
Secretary Mulaitivu, Vavuniya, Micro Finance
Mannar) Institution
Div. Secretary
Departmental Divisional e
Related Department
Level Officers l
(DS Division & Local
Authority) Micro Finance Institution
Local Authority INGOO/NGO

Community Based

Small Small Small Small Saving

Saving Saving Saving Group
Group Group Group
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10.6 Staff Position PCFLCMS

Post Service Proposed Cadre Excising Cadre Vacant

Micro Finance
Director 01 01 -
Deputy Micro Finance
01 - 01
Director Specialist
PA 05 04 01
PA (Finance) 01 01 -
PA 04 04 -
Finance PA 25 07 18
MA 06 - 06
OES OES 01 - 01
Driver Driver 01 - 01
Total 45 17 28

10.7 Micro Credit Scheme

The Micro Credit Scheme is implemented through the PCFLCMS for the increasing of
livelihood of the people who lives in Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaithivu, Mannar and
Vavuniya, under Northern Province.

District Source of Fund No.of Group Beneficiary Loan Amount

Vavuniya CBG, PSDG, LEAD 118 376 11330000

Mannar CBG, PSDG, LEAD 92 490 10525000

Jaffna CBG, PSDG, LEAD 140 436 15916000

Kilinochchi CBG, PSDG, LEAD 16 81 810000

Mullaithivu CBG, PSDG, LEAD 18 96 960000

Total 384 1479 39541000

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10.8 Training Programme
During the year following Training programme were conducted to the Beneficiary

Name of the Programme District No.of Programme

Group Formation Vavuniya 658 04

Group Formation Mannar 479 02

Group Formation Jaffna 744 02

Entrepreneur Identification Mannar 90 03

Entrepreneur Identification Vavuniya 180 06

Entrepreneur Identification Jaffna 90 03

Capacity Development Mannar 30 01

Capacity Development Jaffna 30 01

Capacity Development Vavyniya 60 02

Business plan Preparation Mannar 50 01

Business plan Preparation Vavuniya 100 02

Business plan Preparation Jaffna 50 01

Subject Oriented Mannar 30 01

Subject Oriented Jaffna 30 01

Subject Oriented Vavuniya 60 02

Total 2681 32

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11 Vadakkil Vasantham Programme

Jaffna District

Work Items Source of fund Financial

Progress (Mn)
Purchase of office Equipments – CBG 0.15
ACCD Office
Providing Micro Credit CBG 3.27
Providing Micro Credit PSDG 7.00
Opening Mini Co-op cities Line Ministry 24.00
Repairs of Veerasingam Hall CBG 1.50

Kilinochchi District

work Item Progress Source of Fund Mn
Purchasing office equipment – 0.15 CBG
ACCD Office
Opening Mini Co-op Cities 1.80 Line
Providing Micro Credit 2.80 PSDG
Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 3.06 MNB&EID
- Head office building
Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 1.40 MNB&EID
- Kanagapuram Out let
Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 0.97 MNB&EID
- Uruthirapuram East Out let

Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 1.18 MNB&EID

- Puthumurippu Out let
Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 1.40 MNB&EID
- Jayanthinagar Out let
Repairs of Karachchi South MPCS 1.40 MNB&EID
- Krishnapuram Out let
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS - 4.90 MNB&EID
Head office building Jayapuram

Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 0.80 MNB&EID

Jayapuram Co-op city
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 0.90 MNB&EID
Jayapuram Modern Shop
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 3.40 MNB&EID
Nachikkuda Modernshop
Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 19 Administration Report 2009
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 1.30 MNB&EID
Mulankavil Modern Shop
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 0.90 MNB&EID
Kiranchi Out let
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 0.70 MNB&EID
Kiranchi Modern Shop
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 1.30 MNB&EID
Veravil Out let
Repairs of Poonakari MPCS 1.00 MNB&EID
Jayapuram Canteen

Mullaithivu District

Source of
work Item Progress
Purchasing office equipment – ACCD
Office 0.150 CBG

Opening Mini Co-op Cities Line

0.900 Ministry
Providing Micro credit 2.900 PSDG

Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.572 MNB

Thunukkai MPCS - Thunukkai
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.346 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS -
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.256 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Iyankankulam
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 1.420 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS –
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.645 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS - Therankandal
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.793 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Barathynagar
Reconstruction of Sales outlet of 0.793 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Thirunagar
Reconstruction of Head Office of 1.790 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Thunukkai
Reconstruction of Rice Mill of 2.780 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Thunukkai
Reconstruction of Co-op City of 1.160 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Mallavi
Reconstruction of Paddy Store of 1.620 MNB
Thunukkai MPCS – Mallavi
Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 20 Administration Report 2009
Reconstruction of outlet building 0.534 MNB
of Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of Co-op City of 0.620 MNB
Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of outlet building 0.636 MNB
of Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of outlet building 0.332 MNB
of Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of outlet building 0.324 MNB
of Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of outlet building 0.414 MNB
of Muththaiyankaddu MPCS –
Reconstruction of sales outlet 0.516 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Pandiyankulam
Reconstruction of sales outlet 0.820 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Selvapuram
Reconstruction of sales outlet 0.516 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Vannivalankualm
Reconstruction of sales outlet 0.516 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Karumpilliyan
Reconstruction of sales outlet 0.398 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Naddankandal
Reconstruction of sales outlet .820 MNB
building of Panankamampattu
MPCS - Vinayagarpuram

Dept. of Co-operative Development Administration Report 2009

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Vavuniya District

Source of
work Item Progress
Purchasing office equipment - ACCD
0.15 CBG
Building & Structure - ACCD Office 0.50 CBG
Balance work for staff quarters,
Construction of Kitchen & dining Hall - 10.00 CBG
PCTI Vavuniya
Procurement of appliance
2.50 CBG
for Women Hostel - PCTI Vavuniya

Construction of temporary sales

outlets in IDPWelfare Camps - 2.10 PSDG

Upgrading temporary Sales Line

outlets in IDP Camps - Cheddikulam Ministry
Providing Micro Credit 4.50 PSDG
Providing Micro Credit 2.67
Providing Micro Credit 1.50
Opening MiniCo-op Cities 4.50
Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya
South MPCS - Poomaduwa
Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya
South MPCS - Mamaduwa
Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya
South MPCS - Pirappamaduwa

Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya

South MPCS - Madukanda

Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya

MPCS - Ilamaruthamkulam
Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya
MPCS - Nochchimoddai

Reconstruction of sales outlet of Vavuniya

MPCS - Omanthai

Reconstruction of sales outlet of 0.12 Society Fund

Cheddikulam MPCS - Periyapuliyankulam
1.10 OFAR
Reconstruction of sales outlet of
Cheddikulam MPCS - Kandasamynagar
0.52 Society Fund
Reconstruction of sales outlet of
Cheddikulam MPCS - Kannaddy

Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 22 Administration Report 2009

Mannar District

work Item Source of Fund
progress (Mn)
Purchasing office equipment ACCD
Office 0.15 CBG

Providing Micro Credit 2.50 PSDG

Providing Micro Credit 2.34 CBG /PCFLCMS
Providing Micro Credit 6.50 PSDG /PCFLCMS
Repairs of Keeri Rice Mill 1.65 Ministry
Providing Working Capital for Musali Line
MPCS 2.00 Ministry

Repairs of Manthai South MPCS - Reawakening

Parapankandal Outlet Project

Repairs of Manthai North MPCS - Reawakening

Nedunkandal Outlet Project

Repairs of Manthai North MPCS - Reawakening

Kaththankulam Branch Project

Repairs of Manthai North MPCS -

1.9 CBG
Alankulam Store Branch

Repairs of Manthai North MPCS -

0.5 Society
Alankulam Outlet
Repairs of Manthai North MPCS -
0.7 CBG
Head Office
Repairs of Manthai North MPCS - Reawakening
Adkaddiveli outlet Project
Repairs of Musali MPCS - Reawakening
Kokkupadayan Outlet Project
Repairs of Musali MPCS - Reawakening
Saveriyarpuram Outlet Project
Repairs of Musali MPCS -Arippu East Reawakening
Outlet Project
Repairs of Musali MPCS -Pandaraveli Reawakening
Outlet Project

Repairs of Manthai west MPCS - Reawakening

Parappukkadanthan Outlet Project

Repairs of Manthai west MPCS -

2.00 CBG
Head Office

Repairs of Manthai west MPCS -

1.00 CBG
Vidaththaltheevu Outlet

Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 23 Administration Report 2009

Repairs of Manthai west MPCS -
1.00 CBG
Moondampiddy Outlet

Repairs of Manthai west MPCS -

2.00 CBG
Iluppaikkadavai Outlet

12 Special Development Programmes

12.1 Co-op City Project
In Year 2008, the 47 Co-op cities were opened by the Northern Provincial Co-
operative Societies.

Details of Co-op cities

No.of No.of Co-op Amount Received from
MPCSs Cities Treasury
Jaffna 23 25 22,720,800.00
Mullaitivu 06 06 6,000,000.00
Mannar 07 05 5,000,000.00
Kilinochchi 07 07 7,000,000.00
Vavuniya 04 04 4,000,000.00
Total 47 47 44,720,800.00

02 more co-op cities were opened by MPCS of Jaffna and Vali East (ND) by their own

Displaced & damaged Co-op cities.

The following co-op cities were displaced & fully damaged due to the humanitarian
operation in Vanni area during the year 2008 & 2009.

District No Name of the MPCS Location of the Co-op city

01 Karachchi North MPCS Karachchi North
02 Karachchi East MPCS Karachchi East
03 Karachchi South MPCS Karachchi South
Kilinochchi 04 Poonakary MPCS Poonakary
05 Akkarayan MPCS Akkarayan
06 Pachchilaipalli MPCS Pachchilaipalli
07 Vadamarachi East MPCS Vadamarachi East
08 Maritimepattu MPCS Maritimepattu
09 Puthukkudiyiruppu MPCS Puthukkudiyiruppu
10 Muthuiyankaddu MPCS Muthuiyankaddu
11 Visuvamadhu MPCS Visuvamadhu
12 Thunukkai MPCS Thunukkai
13 Panankamampattu MPCS Panankamampattu
Mannar 14 Manthai west MPCS Manthai west
Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 24 Administration Report 2009
15 Manthai North MPCS Manthai North
16 Madhu MPCS Madhu

Vavuniya 17 Vavuniya North MPCS Vavuniya North

12.2 Mini CO-OP City Project

All Mini Co-op cities project proposal were submitted and funds were released after
the approval was granted. At the present 119 Mini Co-op cities has been opened in
Northern Province.

Details of Mini Co-op City Opened

No.of No.of Mini Co- Amount Received from
MPCSs op Cities Treasury
Jaffna 24 80 24,000,000
Mullaitivu 06 03 900,000
Mannar 07 15 4,500,000
Kilinochchi 08 06 1,800,000
Vavuniya 04 15 4,500,000
Total 47 119 35,700,000

12.3 Financial Assistance received by the Co-operative Societies for the

development of infrastructure and Strengthening of societies from various

Line Ministry
Name of the Society District Description of
benifited work
Vali East Northern Jaffna Reconstruction of 1,650,000
Division MPCS Grinding Mill
Vali East southern Jaffna Construction of 1,934,400
Division MPCS Grinding Mill
IDP welfare centre Vavuniya 30 Branches 3000,000
Cheddikulam MPCS Vavuniya Reconstruction of 3000,000
Filling Station
Mannar MPCS Mannar Reconstruction of 1,650,000
Keeri Rice mill
Musalai North South Mannar Working capital fund 2000,000

Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 25 Administration Report 2009

Upfront Activity
Name of the Society District Description of
benifited work
Karachchi South MPCS Kilinochchi Peoples ‘Shop 279,157
Poonagari MPCS Kilinochchi Construction of MPCS 472,344
Thunukkai MPCS Mullaithivu Peoples ‘Shop 202,830
Muthaiyankaddu MPCS Mullaithivu Peoples ‘Shop 201,894
Panagkamampattu Mullaithivu Mallavi Model Shop 238,985
Vavuniya South MPCS Vavuniya Peoples ‘Shop 204,790

Provincial Fund
Name of the Society Discrict
Description of work Amount
IDP welfare centre Vavuniya Constructions of MPCS Branches 2100,000

13. Important Events

PEACE Project
Under this project 2.35 Million was released for Micro Credit activities in Vavuniya
District through the Co-operative Rural Bank and loan granted to 134 beneficiaries.

Name of Rural Bank Beneficiaries Loan Amount

Vavuniya MPCS 71 1,150,000
Vavuiya South MPCS 99 1,203,000
Total 170 2,353,000

Dept. of Co-operative Development Page - 26 Administration Report 2009

14. Snap Show
Capacity Development Training Programme

Disbursement of Micro Credit

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