Assignment IMNPD UC3F1802

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Assignment Question:

“For years, Apple and Samsung have ruled the high-end phone market, launching devices
with advanced features that other players can only aim to follow. Now, however, one Chinese
phone manufacturer is going all-out to change that.

Huawei, which stifled the iPhone’s momentum in China to become the world’s third largest
smartphone maker last year, has set its sights on competing with Apple and Samsung for the
attention of wealthy shoppers in Europe and the U.S. The Shenzhen-based company has been
cutting off lower-end product lines and investing billions of yuan every year in technology
and promotion campaigns – more than any other of its Chinese competitors – to launch
smartphones that are designed to rival the latest iPhones and Galaxies in specifications as
well as market hype.” (Forbes, 2017)

In order to capture the sales and demand of the smart phone in the USA and European
markets, you are required to develop and introduce new smartphones for Huawei. The new
smartphones also shall outperform existing smart phones in the market.

Elaborate and provide detailed information about your new product (smartphones) as below:

1) Discuss the “Newness” of the new product

2) Justify innovation of the new product
a. Problem addressed / opportunity, benefits or impact created
b. Uniqueness
c. Commercial viability ( Market demand & revenue model)
3) Discuss the application of Levitt’s idea in product development
a. Core Level
b. Actual Level
c. Augmented Level
4) Discuss the platform option used to develop new product
5) Discuss competitive strategy of new product
a. Differentiation & Positioning
6) Discuss new product growth strategy using Ansoff’s growth matrix.

BM050-3-3-IMNPD UC3F1802

A written essay of approximately 3,000 words that evaluates business issues from the topic in
the next page.

The assignment must adhere to standard academic documentation standards:

 Please use appropriate citation and reference according to the Harvard Name
Referencing System in order to avoid plagiarism.
 Font type should be Times New Roman.
 Font size should be 12 pts.
 Vertical/line spacing should be 1.5 line spacing.
 You must use enough of your own words to convince that you understand what you
are writing and are not just “cutting and pasting”. Normally your own words should
be no less than 80% of the total word count.
 You should on no account make reference to,, or the likes as sources for your work. These websites can be useful
to provide you with the definitions and the general ideas about the concepts within
module but it is not acceptable to be inserted into your academic writing.
 You may include diagrams, figures, tables etc. without word penalty.
 You are required to use at least 4 references with 50% of them are from relevant
textbooks, magazines and academic journals.

BM050-3-3-IMNPD UC3F1802

No Criteria Marks Allocation

1 Originality & Innovativeness 20

2 Application of Levitt’s concept 20

3 Product Platform Justification 15

4 Product competitive strategy 20

5 Application of Ansoff’s growth matrix 20

6 Reference 5

Total 100


When completing the assignment it should have the following general structure:
 Title page
 Marking scheme
 Executive summary
 Table of Contents
 Body
 Conclusions
 Reference
 Appendix

BM050-3-3-IMNPD UC3F1802
Marking Criteria
Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:
Grade Assessment Guidelines
Pass answers are expected to be legible, tidy, well organized and written in
General clear, understandable English. Students who grossly exceed the word limit
will be penalized.
Superficial analysis, concepts ad language of the subject is absent or scant.
Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key
issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are
often confused in application and or explanation.
Some understanding of the relevant models and concepts. Some elements of
an appropriate structure are present. Restricted analysis of some issues.
Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of
appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated. Key issues are identified
and analysed, although this may be restricted at times. Some source s are
Evidence of wider reading. The assignment effectively interprets the
information and exhibits the integration of ideas across the subject area. The
60-69% assignment has credible recommendations. A systematic approach to
development and evaluation is used. Most sources are acknowledged and
referenced using Harvard system.
70% Arguments are clear and convincing. Confident integration of theory and
and practices is demonstrated. Consistent referencing to sources using the Harvard
above system.

BM050-3-3-IMNPD UC3F1802
Submission and Administrative Information

 Individual should include the Coursework Submission and Feedback Form with their
submission. The lecturer will give the CSFF before the submission dates.
 Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Representation of another person's work as your own,
without acknowledgement of the source, for the purpose of satisfying formal
assessment requirements is considered plagiarism. The possible consequences of
plagiarism include:
 Reduced grade for this module
 Referral for this module
 Failure of this module
 Expulsion from the Institution
 You can avoid plagiarism by using correct referencing, attribution.
 You may not copy another individual’s work in any way.

BM050-3-3-IMNPD UC3F1802

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