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Kabar Itah

Edisi 4: Oktober-Desember 2004

Greetings, Review of Village Development Planning and the Regional

Development Support Program
This final issue of Kabar Itah for 2004 brings us
to the threshold of a new year with much greater Village Development Planning
clarity on how we want to focus our future efforts.
In 2004 we concentrated primarily on two new YTS has been working
initiatives: experimenting with a village on a village
development planning methodology that could development planning
be used to link local aspirations with external mechanism and
programs and resources; and introducing the process since the
concept of a multi-stakeholder partnership for beginning of 2004.
integrated regional development in Kalteng One of the main
province. intentions was to see
if this mechanism
Both of these initiatives were positively received. would be helpful in
Villagers appreciated the opportunity to analyze improving the linkages
their own situation, to create a preliminary plan and service delivery
for future development, and to present this plan between local
to local government. In their turn, government government and the Presentation of Village Development Plans at the District

officials recognized the value and usefulness communities under

of the village plans for their own planning their jurisdiction. The
process. other objective was to strengthen planning and development capacities at
village and household levels, and to empower and enable families and
The regional development message was a communities to make better use of local, as well as external, resources. It is
wake up call for province and district also expected that the information generated about local conditions, and
government about the necessity to create a more the lessons learned
attractive and conducive environment for could be incorporated
investment and development. The outside into the regional KALIMANTAN

development community is watching with some development process Sintang oh

Murung Raya
interest how this process will move forward, and Regency

already there are some agencies that want to The first phase of this

process was just


join in once things really get moving. Ka

recently completed on
For YTS this year was a time of learning and December 3rd in the DERAJOI


change. It quickly became clear that our most district capital, Kuala RANGAN HIRAN
Kurun, when villagers KSK CoW
effective future is not in delivering services Regency TBG. MASUKIH

presented their

TBG. MANYOI Gunung Mas

directly to villages. This would be too limiting for MANGKUHUNG Regency

our small resources, and there are far better preliminary annual TBG. BUNTOI

agencies to do this work. Our niche is to be plans to 30 officials TBG. KOROI

catalytic, to help find ways that will bridge the from various sections KAROMBANG

gap between local people and the outside in the district TBG. MAHUROI
services and resources they so badly need. government. The KARETAU
subdistrict head from TBG. LAPAN


Several articles in this issue chronicle our efforts Tumbang Miri also RAMBANGUN

on these two fronts. We hope you continue to attended. This same TBG. MERAYA

enjoy reading Kabar Itah, and we want to extend group, three persons Ri

our warm wishes to everyone for 2005. each from two villages TEWAH

in the Miri River and KUALA

from one village in the LEGEND:
River Capital of Regency 2 Provinces

Bardolf Paul Kahayan River, made Road

Province Boundary
Capital of District
4 Regencies
4 District
Regency Boundary Population of 27 Villages 10 Kilometer
YTS Villages Assistance
Director a similar presentation District Boundary = 21,000 People

at subdistrict level on
Villages supported by YTS, close to KSK’s Contract of Work area
October 21st.
Kabar Itah Both presentations
Kabar Itah is the quarterly newsletter
were positively
of Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta, an affili- received, although
ate of PT. Kalimantan Surya Kencana
the villagers felt
more time was
needed for
discussion and to
get feedback on
their proposals.
Contents of "Kabar Itah"
Edition 4, October-December 2004 The positive
response was a
Greetings ............................. 1
good indicator for
Review of Village Development YTS to continue
Planning and the Regional
Developmant Support Program developing this
mechanism, and
Village Development Planning ....1 now the yayasan
Regional Development will expand the
Support Program ......................... 2 coverage to all 27
Rubber Cultivation Training.........3 villages in the
upper Kahayan Aerial view of a village along the Kahayan River
A New Focus for 2005.................... 3 catchment area.
Opening of Ethno
This expansion
Botanical Garden .........................3 process may take up to five years.

JICA and Yayasan Dian Desa,

Workshop in Yogyakarya............... 4
The entire area includes three complete subdistricts in one district, and YTS believes that the area
contains sufficient diversity so that it can be used as a pilot for refining and demonstrating the viability
Study Visit to Word Education, of the planning mechanism, before being scaled up and applied in other areas.
Pangkalan Bun.............................. 4

Green Forum Meeting..................4

Kalimantan Kids Club Regional Development Support Program


Upcoming Activities.....................4

Published by
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 32A
Palangka Raya 73112
Central Kalimantan-Indonesia
Phone. +62 536 37184
Fax. +62 536 29187

Mayang Meilantina

Editorial Staff
Ros Siana
Yapet M. Siwung
Saefudin Muthohar

Bank Account
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
Danamon Bank Morning view of Mount Matihan in KSK’s Contract of Work area
Palangka Raya Branch
Number 11655412
The regional development support program concept has been well received both inside and outside
the province. It does however need to find the right ‘champions’ within the government at province and
district to carry the initiative forward, because it is essential that the process is led by the government.
A recent meeting with the provincial secretary was encouraging, but so far nothing has been done to
form the working groups that will take on the work at province and district levels.

YTS continues to canvas potential partners - donors, development agencies, and NGOs - and there is
a high level of interest. We are also building a better understanding of relevant development programs
We welcome any news , comments
and articles related to community and that are running or soon will start up in the province, as there may be some useful linkages for sharing
regional development efforts, but we perspectives and experiences. It may also be possible to influence the selection of locations, if there
reserve the right to edit any material
in order to fit the available space. is a perceived advantage for a project to locate to the same area where we are working.

2 Kabar Itah - Edition 4

Rubber Cultivation Training

A training in ‘Sustainable Rubber Cultivation’ took

place in Tumbang Manyoi village on October 6-7. The
training was facilitated by Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
in cooperation with the Forestry and Plantation
Services of Gunung Mas district and CARE
International, Palangka Raya. This training was well
received by the 33 villagers that attended from
Tumbang Manyoi and Mangkuhung. The training was
part of the follow up support to the Village
Development Plan in both villages.

YTS is trying to support these communities in

developing sustainable livelihoods through local
resource use. Rubber is a traditional cash crop that
local people plant and harvest. In some places it
has become the main income source for
communities in the upper Kahayan area. However,
existing management practices are not very efficient,
Villagers learning rubber tapping from Mr. Kema, a district government official
so the training was aimed at improving traditional
cultivation and harvesting techniques by providing
villagers with new information and technologies. The training covered topics on seedling selection, grafting techniques, effective
tapping methods, and latex processing. Representatives from the Gunung Mas Forestry and Plantation Services outlined a
government program that provides free rubber seedlings.

A New Focus for 2005

In 2004, YTS changed its development approach from one of delivering technical services to one in which YTS facilitates planning
and linking to external resources. This change was based on the belief that it is better to empower individuals and communities
to choose their own development path and then provide assistance to help them achieve their immediate objectives. By working
in this way, YTS will also be able to expand the number of villages it can work in. Village level activities are now focused on
assisting with participatory village development plans, and facilitating meetings with local government. This process is expected
to become a mechanism for annual planning and budgeting, and will strengthen the ability of the village to communicate their
development needs to local government. Through this process, villagers become planners and implementers of development
activities. In addition, limited resources for development will be used effectively to achieve the best results and will better match
the needs of the community.

So far the village development plans are mainly focused on improving economic activities, although matters related to health and
education have been touched upon. It is most important to develop sustainable livelihoods that are appropriate with local
conditions. Needs in health and education will be directed first to government services to see if there is an appropriate solution.
In addition to strengthening linkages with the government, YTS also will help connect villages with technical experts and institutions
that have the capacity to address their problems. Over the next 4-5 years, YTS will expand its activities to cover all 27 villages in
three subdistricts in Gunung Mas district.

At the regional level, YTS continues to work on the

formation of a multi-stakeholder partnership that will
promote greater investment activity in Central
Kalimantan. This partnership involves four key
players - government, private sector, civil society and
NGOs, and donors - sitting together to create a
framework and program for regional development.

Opening of Ethno-Botanical Garden

Mansur Geiger, Director of PT Kalimantan Surya

Kencana, took an active role in the official
opening of the ethno-botanical garden at the
Palangka Raya museum on November 8th by
planting one of the first seedlings. The opening
was sponsored by the museum and the Central
Kalimantan Cultural Cooperative. Mansur Geiger planting a traditional medicinal plant at the Palangka Raya museum

Kabar Itah - Edition 4 3

JICA and Yayasan Dian Desa Workshop in Yogyakarta
The directors and staff of
On December 6-7, Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta attended the national workshop
PT. Kalimantan Surya Kencana
of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) that was organized in
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
cooperation with Yayasan Dian Desa in Yogyakarta. In March, YTS attended
a similar workshop sponsored by JICA in Makasar. At the Yogya event there Wish you:
were representatives from over 150 institutions from across Indonesia, from
government, NGOs, private sector, and donor agencies. Happy Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1425 H
Merry Christmas 25 December 2004
Participants discussed types of partnerships that could support different Happy New Year 1 January 2005
aspects of development in Indonesia, and were able to share their experience
and knowledge of working in community and regional development.

YTS visited the clean water support program that was developed by Yayasan Green Forum Meeting
Dian Desa and supported by JICA. The project was started in 1973. The
water source is located on Mount Merapi; it provides clean water to seven YTS hosted the Green Forum meeting
villages surrounding the mountain. on November 27th and presented both
the ‘Village Development Plan’ and
‘Regional Development Support
Program’ concepts. There were some
Study Visit to World Education, Pangkalan Bun misconceptions about the concepts that
required careful explanation. Two of the
main concerns were creating overly
dependent communities and doing the
work of the government. At the end of
the meeting most participants had a
better understanding of what YTS was
trying to achieve on the ground and with
various levels of government. Some
were interested in getting involved in the

Kalimantan Kids Club Scholarship

In the second semester of the Kalimantan
Kids Club scholarship program in 2004,
nine new beneficiaries joined. Six are
Sabuai villagers observing paddy caterpillars in tidal wetlands
university students and three are senior
high school students. Currently there is a
total of 17 beneficiaries. This support will
lighten the burden of their education costs,
From December 6-10, two YTS staffers visited the World Education
and will enable them to go to school
community development project site near Pangkalan Bun, in the south
coastal area of Central Kalimantan. The reason for the visit was to learn
about the approach and methodology that World Education uses in
delivering village development support.
Upcoming Activities
World Education uses a participatory adult learning method, which they call
‘Farmer Field School‘. The emphasis is on direct experience and learning Annual planning 2005. Annual review and
in the field through study groups. They start the process with a Training activity planning for 2005 will take place at the
Needs Assessment to understand problems and opportunities in the village, beginning of January to determine the 2005
and then identify ‘learning topics’ according to the main issues that have program of support for community
been raised. The field school emphasizes direct observation, visualization, development and regional development.
discussion, and follow up planning.
Consultation and coordination of expanded
World Education organizes and facilitates multi-stakeholder meetings with village support program. This activity will be
local government and other NGOs that are working in community carried out together with local government in
development in the Tanjung Puting National Park. This kind of event helps Gunung Mas district and subdistricts.
villagers to link with institutions that are able to support their village plan,
especially government departments. They have developed this approach Identification of new villages. YTS staff will
carefully, and their programs are running very well. begin the identification and selection process
of four new villages.

Kabar Itah - Edition 4 4

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