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Questionnaire for the Workers

1. Name: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Gender: a) Male b) Female
3. Age: __________
4. Place: a) Local b) Migrant
5. If migrant, then mention your native place: ______________________________________
6. Educational Background: a) Illiterate
b) Up to primary level
c) Up to secondary level
d) Up to higher secondary level
e) Higher than higher secondary level

7. Source of Income of your family: ______________________________________________

8. Annual Income: a) Less than Rs. 1, 00,000

b) Rs. 1, 00,001 to Rs. 2, 00,000

c) Rs. 2, 00,001 to Rs. 3, 00,000

d) More than Rs. 3, 00,000

9. Do you have your own house: a) Yes b) No

10. If yes, then what kind of house is it: a) Pucca b) Kaccha c) Others

11. Family size: a) 2 b) 3-5 c) 6-10 d) More than 10

12. Do you have any health issue: a) Yes b) No

13. If yes, then please specify:___________________________________________________

14. Will you continue this work in future: a) Yes b) No

15. If no, then please specify the reasons: __________________________________________


16. Do you save money: a) Yes b) No

17. If yes, then where: a) Home b) Bank c) Friends & relatives d) Others

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