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1975 Math. USSR Izv. 9 443


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Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Math. USSR Izvestija
Ser. Mat. Tom 39 (1975), No. 3 Vol. 9 (1975), No. 3


UDC 517.5

Abstract. This paper considers the question of approximating analytic functions

by translations of the Riemann zeta-function.
Bibliography: 6 items.
I. Notation and statement of the theorem
Let p j , p2, . · · be the prime numbers in increasing order; and let θ ,θ , ...
be real variables indexed by the prime numbers.
If Μ is a finite set of primes, we define Cf^si Θ) by the equation

where s = σ + it e C (the field of complex numbers) and θ = (θ. , θ. , . . . ) . Further,


LJ will denote a separable real Hubert space; if u € L 2 , then ||«|| L is the norm
of u in L 2 . We let H^ denote the set of analytic functions <£(s) in the domain | s | < r
such that

(the Hardy space); by definition,

C(s) will denote the Riemann zeta-function. R is the field of real numbers. C,
c, c , , . . . will denote positive constants; e, 8, e^, . . . will denote arbitrarily small
positive constants, (a.) is the distance from α to the nearest integer.

Theorem. Let 0 < τ < 1/4 and let f (s) be a function which is analytic inside the
disc \s\ < r and continuous up to the boundary of the disc. If f{s) has no zeros in-
side the disc \s\ <r, then for every e > 0 there exists a real number Τ = T(e) such that

AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 3OA82; Secondary 30A16.

Copyright © 1976, American Mathematical Society


Remark. The analogous assertion holds for all Dirichlet L-functions.

II. Auxiliary lemmas

Lemma 1. Let a . , . . . , a», be real numbers which are linearly independent over
the field of rational numbers; let γ be a subdomain of the N-dimensional unit cube with
Jordan volume Γ. Further, let I {T) be the measure of the set of t £ (θ, T) for which

(aj, 04, . . . . aNt) e= γ mod 1;

i.e. for which there exists a set of integers (a . . . , aN) such that

(aj — alt a2t — a2, . . . , aNt — aN) e= y.

Then lim Ιγ(Τ)/Τ = Γ.

For the proof, see [l], §8.3.

Lemma 2. Suppose that the curve y(t) is uniformly distributed in the N-dimensional
unit cube, i.e. for any subdomain D of the N-dimensional unit cube having Jordan
volume d

where ID(T) is the measure of the set of t e (θ, Τ) for which γ(ί) € D. Then, for any
function F(F) which is Riemann integrable on the N-dimensional unit cube, the follow-
ing equation holds:
ι ι Γ
f... \F(x)dx1 ... dxn = lim±
J J 7"-»oo Τ
0 0 0

This lemma follows from the definition of the Riemann integral.

Lemma 3. Suppose that the curve γ(ί) is uniformly distributed in the unit cube
of the space R , that D is a Jordan measurable subdomain of the unit cube, and that
Ω is the family of continuous complex-valued functions defined on D. If Ω is uniformly
bounded and equicontinuous, then

uniformly in f e Ω (/0 . . . dt denotes integration over those t e (0, 7") for which
γ(ί) eD).

Lemma 4. Let *2.°?u, be a series made up of elements of L2 such that

If for every e e L~ with norm 1 the series Z.°?(.u,, e) converges conditionally for
some arrangement of the terms, then for any a e L2 there exists an arrangement of
the terms of %Tu, such that ~ϊ.°?η . = a.
IK !k

Lemma 4 follows from Theorem 1 in [2j.

Lemma 5. // / (z) is regular for \z - ζQ\ < R and if

Jf \f{z)fdxdy = H,
|z-z o |<R
• Η \V.

For the proof, see [l], §11.9, Lemma.

Lemma 6. Let σ > 0. Then

for some f in L2(— σ, + σ) if and only if F(x) e L2(- oo, + °o) and can be analytically
continued onto the entire complex plane, where F{z) = 0{e nz\) for every e > 0.

For the proof, see [3J, Chapter XVI, Theorem 7.2.

Lemma 7. Let the nth degree polynomial P(x) with real coefficients satisfy the
inequality \P(x)\ < 1 in the interval - 1 < χ < 1. Then \P'(x)\ <n2 for χ e [- 1, lL

See [4], Abschnitt VI, Aufgabe 83.

Lemma 8. Let π(χ) denote the number of primes less than x. Then

η (χ) = Γ-^L -\- 0 (xe-^i^).

J In α '

For the proof, see [5], Chapter IV, Theorem 8.3.

Lemma 9. Suppose that for Re s > σ η the function f(s) is represented by the
Dirichlet series Σ^α^/η 5 '. // f (s) is regular for R e s > α and has finite order, and
if the expression

J-j|/(a + «)|»d<
remains bounded as Τ -» °°, then for σ > a

* ,ι η

and this relation holds uniformly in any strip a < σ. < σ < σ..

For the proof, see [6], §9.51.

III. Fundamental lemma

Fundamental Lemma. Let 0 < τ < 1/4, and let f(s) be a function which is ana-
lytic inside the disc \s\ <r and continuous up to the boundary of the disc and for

which mini | < r |/(s-)| > 0. Then for arbitrary e > 0 and y > 0 there exists a finite set
of primes Μ = M(f, (, y) containing all p < y and such that

where θβ = (Ο, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, . . . ) .

Proof. Since f (s) is continuous, there exists γ > 1 such that γ r < 1/4 and


We set /j(s) = f(s/y2). The function /j(s) is analytic for \s\ < y2r and continuous in
the disc \s \ < γ r. Since f (s) has no zeros in the disc | s | < r, it follows that there
exists a function g(s) analytic in the domain \s < γ r and such that e8^s' = f.(s) for
s\ < γ r. The restriction of g(s) to the disc of radius yr will belong to Hy'T\
We consider the series

where ln(l - z)~ 1 is understood to mean ζ + z 2 / 2 + . . . (for \z\ < l).

We prove that for every function u(s) e H ^ there is an arrangement of the series
(2) such that S°^_jK^ (S) = g(s). This assertion will imply that there is an arrangement
of the series (2) such that
• oo

3 «*/(*) = £(«)· (3)

Applying Lemma 5, we obtain the Fundamental Lemma from (3) by taking a sufficiently
long partial sum of the rearranged series.
Thus, to prove the Fundamental Lemma it suffices to show that for every R, 0 <
R < 1/4, and for every u{s) e Η2 ' there exists an arrangement of the series (2) such
that Σ?_,u, {s) = u{s).
ι— ι κ j

#2 ' is' a Hubert space if the scalar product of two functions φχ and φ2 is
given by the formula

We shall consider Η2 ' as a real Hubert space. To do this we give the scalar
product of 0 j and φ2 by the formula

,9i(s))=Re JIfI 9φxχ(s)(^(s

(s) φ 2 (s
We now apply Lemma 4. Since the series (2) differs by an absolutely convergent series
from the series (\s\ < R)

it follows that we need only verify that the conditions of Lemma 4 hold for the series
In the first place,
« _ (β+—) - ϊ π ί — °° --+Λ
Slip* * *?<Σ\Ρ»' Ι 2 <°°·
In the second place, we verify that for any (£(s) e H ^ ' such that \\φ\\ = 1 the
~ _(S+L)_2ni*_
S(P* *e \<p(s)) (5)

converges conditionally for a suitable arrangement of terms. To do this we consider

the function of a real variable x

Δ(*) = JJ β• 4

Then the ^th term of (5) can be written in the form

- f s + - ) -«πί- -2πί£-
4 4
(pk β , 9 ( s ) ) = Re(e * Δ (tap*)). (6)
Let 0(s) = S ^ a ^ s " . Since ||^6|| = 1, we have


We transform the expression for A(x):

1 sx
/ »_ ~ r rr 5Λ; —τ- . . " ϊ " ' CΓ /"s ( — ) ) π η\
8 —
Σ - — ^ Si
η—η Ύ ** («+

From (7) we conclude that

Let F(M) = Σ~|8 η κ Π /η! . We prove that for every δ > 0 there exists a sequence
u^, ...-> + oo such that

Suppose the contrary. Then there exists a δ, 0 < δ < 1, and a constant C such that
\F{u)\ < C e - " for u > 0. This implies that
for « > 0,

for U<0.
In this case by Lemma 6 we have

for some /j e L 2 ( - 3, 3).
On the other hand, it follows from the conditions (10) that /. cannot be a function
of compact support. In fact, if it were we would have
/ι(|) = — Γ (e<1+e>« -F(u)) e-^dt

and it would follow from (10) that f γ{ζ) i s an analytic function in some strip near fhe
real axis. Hence for every δ > 0 there exists a sequence « - > + <*> such that (9) holds.
Consequently, setting x. — u./R, we have

with some positive constant c = c(R). If we decrease δ, we will have

- e ) *' (ID
for the sequence χ . -> + «=.
The inequality (11) is sufficient to prove that the series (5) converges conditionally
for some arrangement of the terms. In fact, a series with real terms converges condition-
ally for some arrangement of the terms if and only if the general term of the series
approaches zero and we can find subseries which approach + <χ> and - oo, respectively.
For example, we find a subseries of (5) which approaches + oo. (It follows from (8) that
the general term in (5) approaches zero.) We consider the values of Δ(χ) on the seg-
ment [x . - 1, x. + l ] . We make use of Lemma 7.
We approximate Δ(ΛΓ) by a polynomial on [x . — 1, χ . + l]. Let m = [x .] + 1. We

n=m' «=o

if χ e [x . - 1, χ . + l ] .
A similar estimate holds for e~*x/ . Thus Δ(Λ;) can be approximated on the interval
[x . — 1, χ . + l] by a polynomial of degree m = ([x ] + l) to within ο (e ; )·
It follows from Lemma 7 and from (11) that inside [x . — 1, χ. + l] there is an interval
τ. of length greater than c/m at all of whose points either the real part or the imaginary
part of A{x) is greater than e~ ' '/4 in absolute value. Without loss of generality
we may assume the first alternative.

For a subseries which approaches + oo we choose the terms with indices k for
which In p, falls in some τ. and for which k = 0 (mod 4) if Re Δ(χ) > 0 on τ. and
κ. ] ;

k Ξ 2(mod 4) otherwise.
Let τ. be an interval of the form [a, a + β]. We estimate the sum of the terms of
1 a
the subseries for which lnpk e [α, α + β]. There are V^in^e ^) - n{e )) + O(l) such
terms. Since by Lemma 8
— π (e ) = Γ — + 0 (e
J In χ

c a χ
α+ ρ e ' ι Xj

(for χ . sufficiently large), it follows that the sum of the terms of the subseries corre-
sponding to τ. is greater than c2e ' · (l/v?) · e~^ ~ 'XJ i.e. greater than c 2 e /x 9 .
By the same token we have proved that the series (5) converges conditionally for
some arrangement of terms. The Fundamental Lemma is proved.

IV. Proof of the theorem

Let γ > 1 be such that

yr <^ — and max

4 |s|<r

If we prove that for every e^ > 0 there exists Τ = Tie,) such that

then the theorem will follow from Lemma 5. Hence, to prove the theorem it suffices
to show the following: for every function /is) which is analytic and nonvanishing in-
side the disc of radius r < 1/4 and continuous up to the boundary of the disc, and for
every e > 0, there exists Τ - Tie, f) such that

We prove this assertion. Let y > 10 be a parameter which will be defined more pre-
cisely later. By the Fundamental Lemma, there exists a set of primes Μ such that

max {.i)l<e.
Since CMis + 3/4, # 0 ) is continuous as a function of the variables θ (with indices
p in M), it follows that there is a δ e (0, 1/4) such that

max — 5AI (s + | - , θ) | < 2e, (12)

|θρ-θ<,0)| - δ (13)

for all p e Μ (where the θ(ρ0) are defined by (έ^ 0 ) , θρ°\ . . .) = 0 Q ). By the definition
of Cf^s + 3/4, Θ) we have the equation
, 3 , .

where 0 ' = {τ\ηρι/2π, rlnp2/2n, . . . ) . Hence, if for all p £ Μ

it follows that

max 2ε. (15)

We estimate the following expression as Τ -» + <χ>:

A = i J' j j Ι ζ (s + 1 + t t ) - ζΜ (s + I + it) | dadtdx, (16)
2 |s\<r

where / 2 denotes integration over those τ in (2, T) for which the inequalities (14)
hold. Let Q = \p: p < z\, where z is a parameter. We shall assume that z > max p e M P-
By the Cauchy inequality, we have

s + I + it j Π dadtdx

a ls|<r
+ ~ + it - CQ (s + -| + i = 2^+25,.

We estimate Sl. We have


If \γΙ\

where £ (r) = (τΙηρι/2ττ, τ\ηρ2/2π, ...).

By Lemma 1, the curve γ{τ) = (r\np^/2n, . . . , τ^ηΡπ(Ζ\/2π) is uniformly distri-
buted in the unit cube of R . Since the family of functions of the argument θ

is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous in the parameter s for | s | < r, it follows by

Lemma 3 that uniformly in s


where D is defined by the inequalities (13).

Further, by the definition of 4^( s » Θ) we have


•2-.Θ - 1

(because of the definition of D and inequality (12)). Since D is defined by restrictions
on those θ whose indices are in M, we have

1 1

=measD- j . . . t
Representing CQ\M^S +
3/4, Θ) in the form of a Dirichlet series and integrating,
we obtain the estimate

J Pi
dvP. ... < Σ -4—r^of-r1
Thus, uniformly in s,

= 0 LeasD · [max\f(s)\ + 2ε] — (18)
\ y
From (17) and (18) it follows that

--=0 /measD ·

for Τ sufficiently large.


We now choose y so that for sufficiently large Τ

Γ \\ ία(s + - | + it) — ζΜ U + j +ix\ Γdadtdx< | Τ measD • ε. ( 1 9 )
2 |s|<r

We fix such a y.
We estimate S2. We have

8 |s|


Since for | s | < r


it follows by Lemma 9 that for every (^ > 0 there is a z Q such that for z > z Q and
Τ > T(z) we have, uniformly in s,

Hence we can find a z such that Q D Λ1 and for Τ > T{z) we have

Γ Γ Γ ζ U+ j + it\ - SQ (S + j + it) 1 Τ meas D · ε. (20)

2 |s|<r
It follows from the definition of S. and 5 . and from (19) and (20) that for Τ
sufficiently large
j " j . . . j Ι ζ U + j + it\ — ζΜ (s 4- I- + /τ) Γ ΛΤΛΛ < TmeasD · ε. (21)
2 |sl<r
By the definition of / 2 . . . dr and the linear independence of the logarithms of
prime numbers over the field of rational numbers, it follows from Lemma 1 that
lim — Γ dx =measD. (22)
T-*aoT J
Therefore we conclude from (21) and (22) that we can find a τ for which

jj (S + J + nr) ffdadt<2ε


max 1 / (s) - ζΜ (s + - + ix) 1 < 2ε.

|s|</· I \ 4 /I
By the same token we have proved the theorem.

Received 21/AUG/74

1. E. C. Titchmarsh, Theory of the Riemann zeta-function, Cambridge, 1930.
2. D. V. PecerskiT, On rearrangements of terms in functional series, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR 209 (1973), 1285-1287 = Soviet Math. Dokl. 14 (1973), 633-636. MR 47 #9120.
3. A. Zygmund, Trigonometric series. Vol. II, 2nd rev. ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, New
York, 1959. MR 21 #6498.
4. G. Polya and G. Szego, Aufgaben und Lehrsatze aus der Analysis. Vol. 2, 2nd ed., Die
Grundlehren der math. Wissenschaften, Band 20, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1954; English transl.,
Die Grundlehren der math. Wissenschaften, Band 216, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York,
5. K. Prachar, Primzahlverteilung, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957. MR 19, 393.
6. E. C. Titchmarsh, The theory of functions, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1939·

Translated by N. KOBLITZ

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