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Job Title: Mentor Program Coordinator

Level/Salary Range: $10.00-$15.00 depending on Position Type: Part-time (10 - 12 hrs/wk)

Experience Most hrs from 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Applications Accepted By:

Job Description


The Mentor Program Coordinator is responsible for REACH One. REACH One is a mentorship program in our local
schools: WASD & CWC. REACH One strives to develop long-term relationships between mentors & mentees,
providing encouragement, consistency and support as the mentee ages.
● Match Mentee & Mentor – done in conjunction with teachers, ASK Coordinators, Family Advocate &
School Counselors
● Recruit & Develop Mentors
o Applications
o Background Checks
o Training
o Build Mentor relationships and provide ongoing support
o Move mentors into Stage 2 – ability for mentor to meet mentee outside of school
o Provide continued training
● Recruit Mentees
o Request names from schools, teachers, parents
o Applications, parental permission and release forms
● Communicate mentee attendance between schools, mentors & mentees
● Plan and coordinate REACH One events
o M&m Nights – a social night for mentors & mentees
o Mentor Nights – meetings with just mentors to discuss how relationships are going
o Plan Excursions – Plan events for Mentors & Mentees : e.g attend Alto Fair
● Cultivate an understanding in the community of the importance of REACH One
Education: High School – 2 to 3 years experience working in teams and/or leading groups preferred

Preferred Skills
Ability to communicate well with others, organizational skills, flexibility, self-starter, understanding of how to
handle sensitive situations

The Mentor Program Coordinator answers to the REACH Board and is supervised by the Executive Director.
Hours for this position are based on need. Most weeks will be 10 hrs, but there will be weeks with a need for more
hours and other weeks there will be fewer hours needed.

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