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Repair and Protection Systems

27-28 March 2012


Özgür Afacan
Marketing Manager CS, ASEAN
• Reinforced concrete was considered an everlasting building

• The accelerated deterioration of the structures is, actually, a

particularly complex international problem which affects all types of
construction, on the ground or underground. This phenomenon may
have several origins, possibly combined, and is amplified in ASEAN
because of the climatic conditions.
Assessment of damages and their
The process of assessment of the structure shall include but not be limited to
the following*:
1. the visible condition of the existing concrete structure;

2. testing to determine the condition of the concrete and reinforcing steel;

3. the original design approach;

4. the environment, including exposure to contamination;

5. the history of the concrete structure, including environmental exposure;

6. the conditions of use, (e.g. loading or other actions);

7. requirements for future use.

The results of the completed assessment shall be valid at the time that the protection
and repair works are designed and carried out.
* According to EN1504-9
Analyzing the damage
ACI 364.1
The scope and methodology of a preliminary investigation can involve one or more of the
following steps, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

1. Review of plans, specifications, and construction records

2. Site observations of conditions
3. Measurement of geometry, deflections, displacements, cracks, and other damage
4. Nondestructive testing
5. Exploratory removal
6. Sampling, testing, and analysis

It should be noted that only a limited amount of investigation within each step is generally
required to establish the feasibility of the rehabilitation project. Detailed studies are generally
deferred until the detailed investigation phase, if such investigation is deemed
Common causes of deterioration
and relevant tests (EN 1504-9)

Non Destructive Non Destructive

 Visual • Cover meter
 Hammer + • Half-cell
sound testing potential
 Crack + strain mapping
gauge testing • Corrosion
Destructive measurement
 Pull-off
 Core samples Destructive
 Moisture with • Carbonation
CM testing depth analysis
• Chloride ion
• Microscopic
analysis to
determine AAR

Causes of concrete damage

Mechanical Chemical Physical Electro-chemical

Causes of concrete damage

Mechanical Chemical Physical Electro-chemical

agent (e.g.
acid, soft H2O)
Chemical Damages
Alkali Silica Reaction

 Structural Damages
• ASR – Alkali Silica Reaction
Chemical Damages
Acid Rains

• Acid Rains
– Sulfates and nitrates in the air reacts with
water and creates sulphuric acid and
nitric acid which falls on earth as acid

– Acid rain reacts with the calcium

components in the concrete and
deteriorates concrete

Chemical Damages
Chemical attack

 Structural Damages
• Chemical Attack
Chemical Damages
Chemical attack

 Structural Damages
• Chemical Attack
Causes of concrete damage

Mechanical Chemical Physical Electro-chemical


 Structural Damages
• Hydraulic Erosion

 Structural Damages
• Freeze- Thaw Cycle
Causes of concrete damage

Mechanical Chemical Physical Electro-chemical

•Stray currents
Electro-Chemical Damages

• Carbonic Acid
– CO2 in the atmosphere
reacts with water and forms
carbonic acid.

– Carbonic acid changes the

alkalinity of concrete and
accelerate corrosion

Electro-Chemical Damages

 Structural Damages
• Carbonation
• Calcium carbonate leaching
Substrate Testing

• Use phenolphthalein indicator
solution to test depth of carbonation
• pH > 9 = purple  rebar protected
• pH < 9 = no colour  metal corrosion

pH > 9 <9

27/03/2012 18
Electro-Chemical Damages
Chloride Penetration

 Structural Damages
• Extended Corrosion – Marine structures
• Chloride penetration

ECS - August, 2009 - 19

Electro-Chemical Damages
Chloride Penetration

 Structural Damages
• Extended Corrosion – Marine structure
• Chloride penetration
Substrate Testing
Chloride Contamination

1. Testing by drilled dust sampling

and assessment via laboratory

2. According to EN 1504 0.2-0.4%

on weight allowable

3. Either caused by initial

contamination of fresh concrete or
by ingress of chlorides after
Electro-Chemical Damages
• Chloride induced corrosion
– Generally the reason for corrosion in marine structures. (e.g. wharfs,
piers, jetties)

– Generally the reason for corrosion of bridges in areas where de-icing

salts are used.

– In structures near the coast (although salt spray effects reduce rapidly
within 1 km of the coast)

• Carbonation induced corrosion

– Most common cause in cities and inland infrastructure

• Effect is the same although the chloride induced corrosion can take
place faster.
Structural Damages

 Extended Corrosion
 Serious structural damages requires strengthening with FRP systems

ECS - August, 2009 - 23

Structural Damages

 Extended Corrosion
 Serious structural damages requires strengthening with FRP systems

ECS - August, 2009 - 24

Structural Damages
New Build Structures

 Structural Damages
• Deep Holes
Structural Damages
New Build Structures

 Structural Damages
• Deep Segregation
Structural Damages
New Build Structures

 Structural Damages
• Deep Segregation

ECS - August,
In General

 The high pH of the concrete passivates the steel, and prevents corrosion.
Substrate Testing

Corrosion on rebar
• Visual inspection concrete surface
• Half-cell potential mapping
• Corrosion current measurement
• Opening concrete if necessary

Substrate Testing
Core testing

Test on concrete cores

• Significant information can be obtained from cores taken from
selected locations within the structure.
EN 1504 – Part 9
Common causes of defects

Degradation due to

Mechanical Chemical Physical Carbonation Chloride attack Stray currents

• Impact • Alkali-aggregate • Freeze / Thaw • mixed-in

• Overload reaction • Thermal chlorides
• Movement • Aggressive agents • Salt • de-icing salts
(e.g. settlement) (e.g. sulphates, crystallization • Other
• Explosion soft water, salts) • Shrinkage contaminants
• Vibration • Biological • Erosion
activities • Wear
Aspects of the repair process

• Repair principles (EN 1504 part 9)

Principle 1 [PI] Protection against ingress

Principle 2 [MC] Moisture control

Principle 3 [CR] Concrete restoration

Principle 4 [SS] Structural strengthening

Principle 5 [PR] Physical resistance

Principle 6 [RC] Resistance to chemicals

Principle 7 [RP] Preserving or restoring passivity

Principle 8 [IR] Increasing resistivity

Principle 9 [CC] Cathodic control

Principle 10 [CP] Cathodic protection

Principle 11 [CA] Control of anodic areas

EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1- 6
Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended Products *

Principle 1 Protection against Ingress 1.1 Impregnation Masterseal 530

[PI] Applying liquid products which penetrate the
concrete and block the pore system
Reducing or preventing the ingress of
aggressive agents, e.g. water, other 1.2 Surface coating with and without crack bridging Masterseal 300 H, Masterseal 540
liquids, vapour, gas, chemicals and ability
biological agents.
Masterflex 3000
1.3 Locally bandaged cracks(1)
1.4 Filling cracks Concresive injection materials

1.5 Transferring cracks into joints(1) Masterflex 472 / 474 / 700 FR

1.6 Erecting external panels(1)(2) NA

1.7 Applying membranes(1) Conipur/Conideck

(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series
(2) Inclusion of methods in this standard does not imply their approval

Method 1.2 Method 1.4 Method 1.7

Masterseal protective coatings, available Concresive crack Conideck membranes

as rigid, flexible, acrylic, EP or PU injection rigid, flexible, Chemical, wear resistant EP, PU
materials, protect against all kinds of foaming EP or PU guarantee the highest level of protection
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1 - 6
Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended
Products *

Principle 2 [MC] Moisture Control 2.1 Hydrophobic impregnation Masterseal 303

2.2 Surface coating Masterseal 300H,
Adjusting and maintaining the Masterseal 555S,
moisture content in the concrete Masterseal 540
2.3 Sheltering or over cladding(1)(2)
within specified range of values NA
2.4 Electrochemical treatment(1)(2)

(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series
(2) Inclusion of methods in this standard does not imply their approval

Method 2.1 Method 2.2 Method 2.2

Masterseal 303 hydrophobic Humidity or moisture in the Masterseal 555S, 540waterproofing

treatment, silane based emulsion, concrete can be controlled with coatings cement based
can be applied in many Masterseal protective coatings rigid, flexible
different situations or conditions acrylic., EP, PU rigid, flexible
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1 - 6

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended

Products *

Principle 3 Concrete Restoration 3.1 Applying mortar by hand Emaco Nanocrete

[CR] R4 / R2 / FC
- Restoring the original 3.2 Recasting with concrete Emaco S322M /
concrete of an element of the Masterflow 88UW
structure to the originally
specified shape and function 3.3 Spraying concrete or mortar Emaco Nanocrete
R4 / R2
- Restoring the concrete
structure by replacing part of 3.4 Replacing elements
it. NA

Method 3.1 Method 3.3 Method 3.2

Emaco Repair mortars The highest quality and ease Emaco Repair mortars
Emaco Nanocrete of application can be achieved Emaco S322M
R4 / R2 / FC with Emaco Repair mortars recasting of elements
hand applied Emaco Nanocrete R4/R2
spray applied
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1 - 6
Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended Products *

Principle 4 Structural Strengthening 4.1 Adding or replacing embedded or external Masterflow grouts
[SS] reinforcing steel bars
Increasing or restoring the 4.2 Installing bonded rebars in preformed or Concresive 1438, Masterflow
structural load bearing capacity of drilled holes in the concrete MBrace Systems
MBrace and
an element of the concrete
4.3 Plate bonding be presented separately
Concresive adhesives

4.4 Adding mortar or concrete Emaco Nanocrete;

4.5 Injecting cracks, voids or interstices Concresive injection materials
4.6 Filling cracks, voids or interstices Concresive injection materials
4.7 Prestressing – (post tensioning)(1) NA
(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series
Method 4.3 Method 4.5 & 4.6 Method 4.1 & 4.4

MBrace structural strengthening Concresive injection Structural strengthening with

glass, carbon, aramid laminates, products used for force Emaco Nanocrete R4 Fluid
rods transmitting filling (load
transfer) of cracks
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1 - 6

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended Products *

Principle 5 Physical resistance 5.1 Overlays or coatings Mastertop flooring systems

Mastertop resurfacing mortars
Increasing resistance to physical or
5.2 Impregnation NA
mechanical attack

Method 5.1 Method 5.1 Method 5.1

Mastertop flooring systems Mastertop coatings abrasion Increased physical or mechanical

cement, EP, PU resistant, and much more resistance can be obtained with
considerably increase the Mastertop resurfacing mortars
physical resistance of
the concrete
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 1 - 6

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended Products *

Principle 6 Resistance to Chemicals 6.1 Overlays and coatings SOGIC,

Ucrete flooring;
Increasing resistance of the
Masterseal 180, SP120 PF
concrete surface to deterioration by
chemical attack

6.2 Impregnation NA

Method 6.1 Method 6.1 Method 6.1

Masterseal 180, SP 120PF Masterseal systems Ucrete, PU-cement,

chemical resistant coatings 180, 120PF Epoxy chemical, and temperature
ECC542 Epoxy-cement resistant flooring
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 7-11

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended

Products *

Principle 7 Preserving or Restoring 7.1 Increasing cover to reinforcement with additional Emaco Nanocrete
[RP] Passivity cementitious mortar or concrete R4 / / Emaco S322M

7.2 Replacing contaminated or carbonated concrete Emaco Nanocrete

Creating chemical conditions in R4 / Emaco S322M
which the surface of the NA
7.3 Electrochemical realkalisation of carbonated
reinforcement is maintained in or is
returned to a passive condition
7.4 Realkalisation of carbonated concrete by Masterseal
diffusion 550 / 588

7.5 Electrochemical chloride extraction(1) NA

(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series

Method 7.1 Method 7.4 Method 7.2

Increasing reinforcement Realkalisation by diffusion Emaco Nanocrete R4/R2

cover with spray applied using cement based used to replace chloride
Emaco Nanocrete R4 Masterseal 588 contaminated concrete
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 7 - 11

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended

Products *

Principle 8 Increasing resistivity 8.1 Limiting moisture content by surface treatments, Conipur/Conideck
[IR] coatings or sheltering membranes;
Increasing the electrical resistivity Masterseal 300H,
of the concrete 555S, 180, 303

Method 8.1 Method 8.1 Method 8.1

Masterseal waterproofing Conipur waterproofing Hydrophobic treatment

and protective coatings systems eliminate water using Masterseal 303
penetration and allow the
concrete to dry out
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 7 - 11

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended

Products *
Principle 9 Cathodic Control 9.1 Limiting oxygen content (at the cathode) by Protectosil CIT
[RP] saturation or surface coating(2)
Masterseal136 / 138 /
Creating conditions in which 190
potentially cathodic areas of
reinforcement are unable to drive
an anodic reaction

(2) Inclusion of methods in this standard does not imply their approval

Method 9.1 Method 9.1 Method 9.1

Corrosion at the cathodic Masterseal 136/138/190 Masterseal coatings

areas of the reinforcement coatings limit the oxygen applied directly on the
is inhibited by the use of transport through the concrete to protect the
Protectosil CIT concrete underlying reinforcement

27/03/2012 41
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 7 - 11

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended

Products *

Principle 10 Cathodic Protection 10.1 Applying electrical potential(1) Emaco CP 10

Emaco CP 30
Emaco CP 60
Emaco CP 15 Grout

(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series

Method 10.1 Method 10.1 Method 10.1

The conductive coating Activated titanium anodes

Emaco CP 60 spray applied,
Emaco CP 30 cathodically are embedded in Emaco
conductive anode system
protects reinforced CP10, specially designed
used since 1991 in all
concrete without significant for optimum compatibility
kind of cathodic protection
additional dead load with the CP anode
situations, has an expected
life of > 25 years
EN 1504 – part 9
General Principles 7 - 11

Principle N° Principle Definition Methods based on principle Recommended Products *

Principle 11 Control of Anodic areas 11.1 Painting reinforcement with coatings Emaco Nanocrete AP
[CA] containing active pigments
Creating conditions in which 11.2 Painting reinforcement with barrier coatings Emaco S40ZR
potentially anodic reactions of
11.3 Applying inhibitors to the concrete(1)(2) Protectosil CIT (a)
reinforcement are unable to take
part in the corrosion reaction

(1) These methods may make use of products and systems not covered by the EN 1504 series
(2) Inclusion of methods in this standard does not imply their approval
(a) Protectosil CIT has been independently tested in-situ by internationally accepted methods
and shown to repassivate already corroding reinforcement

Method 11.1 Method 11.3 Method 11.2

Emaco S40ZR
forms an impermeable
Protectosil CIT, Corrosion barrier for corrosive
Active corrosion protection Inhibitor Technology. agents
with Emaco Nanocrete AP

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