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1.1. Background

There is only one SMP for subscriber and service management on the AIS WIN network before AIS WIN Project
Phase VI: All subscriber management and service management tasks are executed by the centralized SMP. See
Figure 1:

Figure 1

But, there is capacity limitation for the current SMP1: 1 SMP can support only maximum 16 SCPs and 10M
subscribers. To solve this problem, AIS wants to add a new SMP. The final network looks like Figure2.

Currently, AIS application MD and ATM connect to SMP1 via MML interface SMOI to perform subscriber
management and recharge OTC number by bank account. To support the new network configuration of two SMPs,
AIS application MD and ATM must support special routing function as following:

1. If the msisdn belong to SMP1, MD and ATM should be able automatically connect to SMOI
of SMP1;

2. If the msisdn belong to SMP2, MD and ATM should be able automatically connect to SMOI
of SMP2;

But, the problem is that, the current version of MD and ATM can’t support those above routing function. This problem
affects seriously the progress of Phase VI project.

Figure 2

To solve the SMP capacity problem, AIS and Huawei have discussed closely to find out solution for Intelligent
Network managing over AIS GSM network with 10M capacity and going to expand capacity to 14M in this year 2003.
Finally, adopting HP N4000 mini-computer to function Service Management Platform is the solution. However,
currently HP N4000 is working as SCP2 with capacity about 770K PPS subscribers. Therefore, to move N4000 to be
SMP, we have to migrate all subscribers to other SCPs that after discussed AIS agree to migrate to SCP15, which
can handle subscriber more than 1M subscribes. Hereby adopting SMP function over HP N4000 is able to handle IN
subscriber up to 20 M users base on AIS current services traffic. On the other hand, implement RP5470 mini-
computer to be SCP system is able to support up to 159K subscribers base on 1.8 BHCA of RTBS service.

Here is detail of SCP capacity after apply RTBS service:.

In capacity point of view, RTBS service will drop SCP capacity about 25%. Therefore, after SCP N4000 migration, the
subscribers will be distributed to SCP9-SCP18 about 61.1K per each SCP (61.1K comes from 770K-159K). So, those
SCPS will handle capacity up to 1.06 M that a bit higher than estimated maximum capacity as above table. However,
the system is designed base on 20% buffer hence we believe that it is able to support up to 1.06 M users.

1.2. Requirement

According to the huge capacity SMP solution, the requirement could be summarized as follow:

1. Migrate subscriber from N4000 SCP2 to SCP15;

2. Re-install the N4000 SCP system into huge capacity SMP;

3. Upgrade the SMP software to solve the limitation of only maximum 16 SCPs can connect to
the current version of SMP;

4. Re-install the RP5470 HP server from SMP system into SCP system

1.3. Tasks to Satisfy the Requirement

According to the huge capacity SMP solution, Huawei engineering team must finish the following tasks:

According to the original Phase VI configuration, two SMP solution, the engineering tasks for Huawei implement
team only includes hardware installation, software installation, acceptance test and cut over for one SMP system.
After AIS decided to adopt the huge capacity SMP solution, there are some additional tasks for Huawei implement
team. We can summarize it as follow table:

ID Task Title Comment
Work or not
1 Migrate 770K Subs from SCP2 to SCP15 Yes

Re-install the N4000 SCP2 into huge capacity

2 Yes

Upgrade the SMP software to solve the limitation

3 of only maximum 16 SCPs can connect to the Yes
current version of SMP

SMS and SMOI function acceptance test for the

4 No
huge capacity SMP before cut over
Migrate sub’s data, service data, report data from
5 Yes
SMP1 to N4000 huge capacity SMP
6 N4000 SMP cut over No
Re-install RP5470 from SMP configuration to SCP
7 Yes
8 RP5470nce SCP acceptance test and cut over Yes

Table 1

1.4. Solution Design

Regarding the complexity of WIN system and the task itself, we need Huawei R&D provide tool to implement it. The
detailed procedure is presented in the follow part of this document.

1.5. Profit from The Tasks

1. AIS no need to upgrade MD and ATM;

2. WIN Project Phase VI can be finished early;

3. AIS no need to manage two SMP;

4. More easy for WIN system maintenance;

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