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I reached the Carplus store around 4.30 Pm, after visiting the Reliance one in ambience mall. I
had first called them up on the phone to confirm their location. The person on the phone was
courteous and clearly answered my query regarding the location on the store.

Overall the visit was a pleasant experience with the sales employees answering most of my
queries to my satisfaction. They were properly dressed and were knowledgeable about the
products and services offered by the company. The person helping me also assisted me in
choosing the accessories, giving his advice and sharing the knowledge which he had about the

Duration in Shop: 40 - 50 min.

According to my observation and the displays, nearly all of the items were present in the store
and were neatly stacked. I asked questions regarding many products and their variants, most of
them were present. The assembly floor, where they work on the vehicles was clearly visible,
and clean, there were two cars being worked on at that time. Both the floors were well lit. The
items had price labels barring a few odd items.

When I entered the shop, everyone was busy, there were two people managing the counter,
one of them was busy assisting another customer while the other one was busy on the phone, I
had to wait for about 3-4 minutes before one of them greeted me.

As I asked a few queries, the person assisting me said that he’s a trainee over here and hence
he does not have much idea about the prices and all and he asked me to wait while he called
the other person. For another 2-3 minutes I was left to myself in the Music system demo room.
The demo room was fully functional and all the music systems and speakers installed over there
were working fine, I spend nearly 10 minutes over there, the person knew about them and
patiently explained all the things.

After that I enquired about other accessories that could be fitted in my car giving the
specifications like the car color, model, the way I want it to look etc. The person guided me to
the other sections, firstly we went to check out the alloy wheels, which were on the first floor, I
checked out some of them and asked for prices, he told about the various price ranges and also
told about the 10 5 discount that I would be getting. I pressed for some extra discount as I was
planning to buy a set of four items, but he refused saying that this is the maximum discount
that we can provide you with. Henceforth, for all the items I checked out, he himself was telling
informing me about the discount that can be provided.
After the alloy wheels, we checked out some other accessories, I asked that guy about what all I
could get for my car, he showed a few items, advised about the others. From here on we went
to check out the seat covers, he showed me quite a few of them, I selected one of them and
asked about the discount and all, the item I selected was costing about 7000 Rs, while the
others were in the range of 4000-5000, I asked for the reason and then the person explained
that its specifically designed for the car and would not get loose and has one year warrantee
and other specifications of the seat covers.

After selecting the seat covers I enquired about a counter that had GPS Navigation devices. I
enquired what exactly these devices do. They answered quite a few questions, but they could
have provided more information. No one offered me the brochure on the GPS navigation device
, which were lying right there, nor did they inform about the various types of devices, in fact
there was one which could work with a GPS enabled phone.

After that I asked about the central locking system, I was provided with comprehensive
information about them. The person also asked me to have a look at parking assistance device
also, and told me about their advantages. At this point of time I was provided with a glass of
water, nearly half an hour after I had entered the shop.

Then I asked the person to make a rough estimate of all the items that I have purchased. He
asked me to take a seat while he prepared the estimate. During that time I selected a car
perfume and asked him to bill it, I paid in cash and asked him there’s no need for the bill as I am
in a hurry, the person on counter insisted on the bill.

When I had the estimate, I said I will be coming after I get the delivery on my car. No one asked
for my contact no. , nor did they offer to give their contact no. I had to ask for the visiting card
of the shop, which he gave to me.

Throughout the time, the Store manager was sitting and chatting to a few people. While
leaving the store, the guard checked the bill of the item that I had bought.
Facade of the store and the surrounding area.

The Signage is visible from a distance and helps in easy location of the store. The pathway
leading to the store is not in that good a condition. The parking space is ample, and I did not
have any trouble in parking. There was sufficient parking space for both two wheelers and four
wheelers when I reached there and also when I was leaving.

The entrance of the shop is neat and clean and has a guard at the entrance, but if we see the
door of the service area, where the car are serviced, has small disfiguration and is visible from
the outside. Otherwise the shop is clearly visible, and there’s nothing to block the entrance to
the shop. All the employees were in proper dresses and the AC of the store was working
properly. The sitting area had a couch and TV, this was the place where the manager was sitting
with some people and talking. All the items were properly stacked and all of them labels above

Attached: Checklist

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