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How can Civil Engineering

thrive in a Smart City World?


Growing urbanisation is placing pressures on cities the

likes of which we have never seen before. There is no other profession that is in a
There is no other profession that is in a better position to tackle the issue of how to better position to tackle the issue of how
manage the demands of a growing population than civil engineering. From water
and sanitation to energy and transport, the way that infrastructure is designed, to manage the demands of a growing
delivered, operated and maintained has a critical impact on everyone’s lives. population than civil engineering.
If we get it right civil engineers can proudly claim to have made life better for
people across the globe. If we do not, society will look to others for solutions
as the digital era makes it easier for new players to step up to the plate with This report gives us a great insight into the change in mind set that all of us,
innovative answers to the world’s problems. as individuals, businesses and professional bodies need to achieve in order to
thrive and not just survive in the face of radical digital change.
Civil engineers have throughout time, always innovated to solve the issues
of the day. Bazalgette, Telford and Brunel are rightly feted for being ahead of The recommendations will require civil engineers to step outside of their
their time in seeking to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles to transform comfort zone, but we must address the lack of ‘soft infrastructure’ that exists
people’s lives. within our industry if we are to flourish as an industry and become digital
leaders rather than followers.
The Institution of Civil Engineers is celebrating its 200th anniversary in 2018
and can count these engineering giants as past members. There is no doubt in ICE is already at the forefront of encouraging industry transformation.
my mind that these great innovators would have grasped the opportunities we Project 13, the industry-led initiative to improve the way high performance
now have at our disposal with both hands. As an industry we must follow their infrastructure is delivered, has already begun to challenge the status quo.
lead and swap ‘faster and cheaper’ for ‘smarter and more effective’. We must The recommendations in this report provide us with an opportunity to work
think about achieving better outcomes for the societies we serve, and we must with industry to develop a strategy that will not only allow us to compete in the
embrace the new tools that the digital era offers us. digital era, but to lead the way in using technology to improve people’s lives.

Nathan Baker
Director, Institution of Civil Engineers

Executive summary Section 3: Where we need to go

Solving challenges with soft infrastructures
Purpose of this report
The missing piece
Our approach
Soft infrastructure 1: Potential for commercialisation
The need for new business models
Report structure
New digitally-enabled business models
Challenges to business model change
Section 1: Fighting challenges in the digital city
Bringing about change
Context: Cities cannot exist without the civil engineer. Recommendations to the civil engineering profession
What do civil engineers do?
Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process
Where do civil engineers work?
The need for new approaches to governing innovation?
Change: An approaching smart city age What do we mean by frameworks?
What do we mean by the smart city? How can these frameworks reduce uncertainty while still providing freedom to innovate?
Increased data availability How should these frameworks be developed?
Better connectivity Recommendations to the civil engineering profession
Increased processing power
Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital
The theoretical case for digital technology in civil engineering Why do civil engineers need to change their knowledge, skills and behaviours?
What opportunities could digital technology bring to civil engineers? What will this change look like for different career stages?
How can civil engineers leverage these opportunities to address the Is there a need for new roles in civil engineering?
challenges they face?
Recommendations to the civil engineering profession

How digital innovation creates value – tomorrow
Section 2: Where we are today
The reality on the ground
Three challenges to radical change
Summary of recommendations
Perception of high risk
Perception of limited value Authors
Poor understanding of role About us
How digital innovation creates value – today Bibliography

Executive Summary

Fighting challenges in the digital city Where we need to go

Civil engineers make cities work. Their many constructions support We believe in an alternate path forward. The challenges we have seen This report tells the story
systems from energy to transport to sanitation; without them, urban are symptomatic of a wider issue: a lack of soft infrastructures – cultural of civil engineers moving
living as we know it would not exist. systems that govern human behaviours. Our analysis focuses on three
connected instances: from surviving to thriving
New opportunities are on the horizon. ‘Smart cities’ is on the tip of
every mayor’s tongue: a vision that digital capabilities may bring Civil engineers need to perceive the wider potential of digital in the face of radical
value to our urban areas. Passion for this paradigm may lead to radical innovation. However, this value is irrelevant if engineers cannot
translate wider outcomes to profitable Commercial Practice. A
digital change.
digital change in the civil engineer’s habitat – and possibly, within the
profession itself. need for new business models is created. Even with a lucrative
arrangement, delivering digital innovation remains an elusive,
Three digital capabilities stand out – better connectivity, a greater amorphous and risky process, warranting new Governance and
availability of data and a rise in processing power. These could Process. These new structures will place individuals in distinctly
empower civil engineers to be more efficient and more effective, different roles and we do not believe civil engineering’s Human
better combating challenges in individual infrastructures, across Capital will suffice. New approaches to knowledge, skills and
infrastructure systems, and throughout society as a whole. behaviours are necessary.
Investigating each, we make recommendations to individual engineers,
But are civil engineers ready for radical digital change?
engineering organisations, and the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Where we are today The change needed is substantial, the recommendations difficult
and improvement areas lie outside the profession’s comfort zone.
The Civil engineer is no stranger to digital innovation. Our research
In history, however, the civil engineering profession has shown the
however shows modest progress: a profession with isolated instances
ability to deliver significant soft infrastructure change in times of
of innovation, focusing on efficiently producing outputs, blinkered to
significant technological change.
individual infrastructure and the short term.
The profession needs to rewrite its strategy to digital innovation. It
Civil engineers paint digital innovation as an unappealing pursuit;
must broaden its world view, invest in soft infrastructures, and draw
stakeholders describe a view of high risk, limited value, and a poor
on its roots as an innovative profession that brings great societal
understanding of their role in its delivery. Injecting the profession with
good. While digital innovation may be at odds with the profession’s
hard infrastructure – specific digital technologies – has not delivered.
current culture, it is highly complementary to its purpose.
A “faster and cheaper” philosophy can only go so far. Soon it will
We believe, if we can rise to this challenge, civil engineering will
become a distraction. If the civil engineering profession continues its
thrive – not only in tomorrow’s smart city age, but also in the UK’s
current approach to digital innovation, no matter the vigour, we predict
industry as it stands today.
new competitors, rising commodification and shrinking influence.
At present, civil engineers may best aspire to survive in a smart city age.


Purpose of this report

The city is the playground of A rising urban population, the changing climate and increased resource scarcity present the
profession with an increasingly challenging realm in which to engineer.

the civil engineer. A myriad of In parallel, new digital technologies are disrupting professions with new ways of doing
and being.

connected constructions provide This new urban context presents challenges and opportunities for civil engineers. The
emergence of “smart city” thinking – where digital capabilities create value – may
the essential infrastructure accelerate the use of digital innovation around the civil engineer. This could present
a context for change and improvement: this could present a context for stagnation

citizens need to live, work and and obsolescence.

This focussed study considers how the role of civil engineering could change as “smart

play. Without them, the cities of solutions”, or digital technologies, become more commonplace in our cities, and
potentially, in how infrastructure is designed, delivered and maintained within (and

today would not exist.

between) them.
Extensive research has already been undertaken on the technical nature of digital
technologies. This study focuses instead on their use by civil engineers, how the

In a future, ‘smart city’ age, civil profession’s culture shapes their interpretation and what change is necessary achieve to
achieve more of the benefits that digital innovation has to offer.

engineers will need to solve Digital technologies are not new to civil engineering. Through this research, we will
acknowledge and assess the state of digital innovation within the profession, explore what

challenges in a more digital

success in a more digital future might look like, and assess the challenges to
this end.

habitat. But are they ready for Comparative to other implementation research, this report concerns radical digital change
over smaller, evolutionary improvements. Analysis of the profession will be unflinching
against this stretching lens: a number of uncomfortable truths should be expected herein.
radical digital change? We aim to provide advice to civil engineers as to how their profession should evolve in
the face of digital technology. This study is supported by the ICE, but offers a strictly
independent perspective. Whilst the focus of our study has been the UK, we expect that
many of our findings will be more widely applicable.

Our Approach

Method Report structure Section 3: Where we need to go

Between July and October 2017, Arup, with support from The remainder of the report is structured into three sections -- Solving challenges with soft infrastructures introduces
the University of Bristol, carried out the following tasks: as follows: the importance of a type of intervention – ‘soft
infrastructure’ – alongside hard digital technology, in
-- A desk study and literature review, exploring both Section 1: Orchestrators of the digital city.
achieving change.
commercial and academic literature relating to smart -- Context: Cities cannot exist without the civil engineer
cities, civil engineering and the built environment. explores the purpose of civil engineers and their vital -- Soft infrastructure 1–3 each explore a specific soft
-- Interviews with key stakeholders working in digital role in cities. infrastructure, detailing our analysis and recommended
technology, smart cities and civil engineering. interventions.
-- Change: An approaching smart city age explores the
Interviewees were sought from the public and private context of the smart city, setting a clear definition of this -- How digital innovation creates value – tomorrow
sector, from infrastructure operators, contractors and term and contributing digital capabilities. summarises the value we believe civil engineering could
consultants, and from across all career stages.
-- The theoretical case for digital technology in civil draw from digital innovation through the pursuit of our
-- A workshop with experts from a range of key engineering provides a theoretical overview of the recommendations.
infrastructure sectors, including water, energy and opportunities digital innovation could bring to civil
transport, with expertise ranging from civil engineering -- Conclusion: Surviving in a smart city age concludes
to digital technology to legal and commercial. Section 3 with the likely future of civil engineering in a
Section 2: Where we are today. smart city age, if it embraces a different path
-- Analysis and reporting of the data collected above.
-- The reality on the ground provides a practical This report ends with a summary of our recommendations
This report is kindly supported by an Institution of Civil overview of the status quo of digital innovation in and a list of the authors.
Engineers Research and Development Enabling Fund grant. civil engineering, drawn from our observations of the
-- How digital innovation creates value – today
summarises the value digital innovation creates for civil
engineers today.
-- Conclusion: Surviving in a smart city age concludes
Section 2 with a consideration of civil engineering’s
likely fate in a “smart city age” based on its current path.

Framework 1. Fighting challenges
2. Where we are today
This report focuses in the digital city
on digital innovation
in the civil engineering

How we
profession. In the course
of our study, we have
created a framework
What do civil How this
that communicates and
connects our findings.
engineers do creates
To support the narrative
in cities? value
of our story, we will
punctuate our report
with snapshots of
the framework‘s innovation
development. To begin
with, sections will hold
placeholders with the
questions we wish to
answer. Visual answers
will be added as they 3. Where we need to go
are introduced, chapter
by chapter. The initial

How we
placeholders can be
seen here.
What do we How this
mean by creates
“digital”? value

Section 1

Fighting challenges
in the digital city

Context: Cities cannot exist without the civil engineer

What do civil engineers do?

Civil engineering deals with the design, construction, and
maintenance of the physical and natural built environment,
in and between urban areas. Civil engineers improve
and maintain this environment to enhance the quality
of life for present and future generations1. In essence, 3
civil constructions are required for everything from the
provision of food and water, to effective sanitation, to
reliable transport.
Through their work, civil engineers have a key role
in solving a wide variety of challenges in the built
environment, from the smallest infrastructure faults 2
to global resource shortages. These challenges are not
confined to the scale of individual pieces of infrastructure,
but also span the systems these infrastructures collectively
form, and in the wider society that depends on them.
We will not exhaustively investigate civil engineering 1
challenges within this report, but have identified an
example for each level. We will return to these levels later
in our analysis as a means to assess the potential of digital
This answers “What do civil engineers do in cities?”
in the framework.

“Civil engineering is everything you

see that has been built around us.”
Institution of Civil Engineers

What do civil engineers do in cities– Civil

engineers solve challenges at the levels of:
1) individual infrastructures, 2) infrastructure
systems, 3) wider society

Context: Cities cannot exist without the civil engineer

Individual infrastructures At this level, civil engineers face challenges including Where do civil engineers work?
Civil engineering projects often focus on a single piece the increasing complexity and interdependency of
Civil engineers may have a unified purpose, but they
of infrastructure – a building, a bridge, a tunnel. Civil infrastructure systems, as observed over the past 50
practice their profession in a diverse range of organisations.
engineers work to create, maintain, upgrade and operate years2. There is increasing overlap between different
This can span many sectors, including four we have
these individual infrastructures, to meet the needs of infrastructures – for example, the electrification of vehicles
focused on in this report:
citizens. is creating new interdependencies between transportation
and energy systems. This presents an increase in risk: -- Transport (rail, road, aviation, urban mobility)
One particular challenge at this level is the need to a minor fault in one part of the electrical distribution -- Energy (generation, storage, transmission, distribution,
restore ageing infrastructures – almost half of London’s network could result in significant consequences across use)
water mains are over 100 years old, and 70% of the UK’s the connected transport network.
buildings that will be in use in 2050 already exist2,3. -- Water (supply, processing, distribution, waste water
Replacing this infrastructure is often prohibitively Wider society treatment, flood protection)
expensive, and an increase in the proportion of repair While their work is usually focused on specific -- Property (housing, commercial, public)
and maintenance construction (as is expected with infrastructures or systems, civil engineers’ fundamental
ageing infrastructure) has been linked to the issue of low role is to improve the built environment for society. Civil engineers can be employed by a number of
productivity in the construction sector4. commercial or non-commercial entities in each sector,
Whether directly or indirectly, civil engineering contributes such as:
Infrastructure systems to solving challenges at the wider societal level, including
large-scale issues such as climate change, inequality and -- Professional bodies (e.g. ICE)
Cities form a convergent point of many different resource scarcity. -- Government (local and national)
infrastructures, connecting to form large and complex
systems. The positive synergies emerging from these The wider societal issue of climate change, for example, -- Civil engineering consultants
connected systems are what make cities liveable. poses a twin challenge for civil engineers: to provide -- Civil engineering contractors
solutions that are resilient to the coming environmental
In addition to solving problems at the individual changes, while also minimising their contribution to -- Academic institutions
infrastructure level, civil engineers can use their worsening these changes. -- Infrastructure asset owners
understanding to ensure that individual infrastructures
work well within a system. Civil engineers work to The construction sector (and therefore civil engineers) have -- Infrastructure asset maintenance and operation firms
understand and control these systems effectively, with the a significant opportunity to minimise this contribution:
aspiration to improve outcomes for citizens. energy from fossil fuels consumed in the construction and
operation of buildings alone accounts for 50% of the UK’s
CO2 emissions. This is in addition to the impact in other
infrastructures such as energy and transportation. Civil
engineers have both an immediate impact in this respect,
and influence long term user behaviour6.

Change: An approaching smart city age

What do we mean by the smart city? Examples of digital technologies Digital trends Digital capabilities
(Existing, Emerging and Future)
Having undergone a boom of interest since the 90s,
the term ‘smart city’ now has many interpretations and Smaller, cheaper, more versatile
definitions8. sensors
New ways to collect data
For simplicity, in this report we define smart cities as 3D LiDAR
urban areas where digital capabilities create value. This
is a recurrent theme across many definitions. Recent smart Open data Increased
city literature emphases the importance of citizen-centric Greater accessibility of existing data data
thinking – ensuring that the value this creates has a tangible New data markets
and wholly positive impact on the quality of citizen life.
Social media
We have identified three key digital capabilities used to Increasingly digital lifestyles
create value in the smart city: Contactless payment systems

1. Increased data availability

2. Better connectivity
Faster, higher capacity networks with
3. Greater processing power Li-Fi
better coverage

These capabilities are being enabled by a series of 5G

digital trends, which themselves are brought about by Better
the development of both new digital technologies and VR/AR connectivity
innovative ways of using existing technologies.
Social media
One trend can also enable new technologies to drive other New digital interfaces
trends: the development of higher capacity networks, for Smaller, cheaper, more versatile
connectivity devices
example, is enabling the use of cloud computing, thereby
providing a new way of accessing greater processing power. Wearable technology

Digital innovation is the process of using digital technology

in a way to create value – regardless of whether the novelty Machine learning More intelligent processing
is in the technology itself, or in the means in which it is used. Greater
The diagram across shows some example interactions of Cloud computing processing
technologies, trends and capabilities. These are explained Nano computing
Availability of faster processing
in more detail overleaf.
Quantum computing
This constitutes the “What do we mean by “digital?” in the
framework. What do we mean by “digital?” – the interaction
of technologies, trends and capabilities.

Change: An approaching smart city age

Increased data availability Better connectivity Increased processing power

An increased availability of data – in terms of volume, Greater connectivity, between and among both people and The power to meaningfully process this data is also
velocity, veracity and variety (‘4V’)12 – is being things, driven by: increasing, enabled by:
driven by: Faster and higher capacity wireless networks An increase in availability of greater processing power
New, more effective methods of creating New wireless technologies have the capability to transmit “Moore’s Law” states that the speed of processors doubles
and collecting data information at increasingly high speeds and capacities. In every year continues to hold true despite scepticism,
New methods include sensor networks enabled by sensors addition to existing 4G technology, future technologies providing more power (for the same price) to process the
that are increasingly smaller, more functional, and cost- include 5G and Li-Fi, which will use visible light to data17. Even as Moore’s Law might falter in the future, new
effective, and new scanning technologies (such as LiDAR) transmit information at speeds up to 100 times that of forms of computing such as cloud and quantum computing
which provide 3D data at an unprecedented level of conventional Wi-Fi9. promise access to completely new ways of processing data
resolution. faster and with more flexibility18.
Greater coverage of these networks
Greater accessibility of existing datasets 4G LTE coverage is 53% in the UK, increased from 3% Increasingly intelligent processes.
The “open data” movement is driving the development of in 2013 (although still poor when compared with other Self-learning programs may reduce the time and power
platforms that make large third-party datasets accessible, developed countries such as South Korea and the USA, required to process information by carrying out repetitive
such as those provided by the Met Office, Ordnance with 96% and 81% respectively)10,11, providing potential processes quickly. Alternatively, such systems may
Survey, and the UK Government’s platform13,14,15. for people and things to be connected across wider highlight trends and patterns in data more readily, reducing
geographical areas. the need for detailed human review.
Increasingly digital lifestyles
The general public are leading increasingly digitally- New and innovative interfaces among and between
enabled lifestyles, which are creating more data – 94% humans and objects
of adults in the UK now own a mobile phone, with 52.4 Social media is providing the potential for rich interactions
million 4G mobile subscriptions16. between huge numbers of users. Increasingly vivid
augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) experiences allow
humans to collaborate more effectively with each other,
and gain an improved understanding of their designs.
Smaller, cheaper and more versatile ways of connecting
devices are enabling objects to communicate with each
other forming an ‘Internet of Things’.

1. Fighting challenges 2. Where we are today
in the digital city

How we
How this

Civil engineers tackle societal challenges

3. Where we need to go

How we
Digital technologies

How this

Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities

The theoretical case for digital technology in civil engineering

What opportunities could digital technology Efficiency

bring to civil engineers? Opportunity comparison Improved efficiency –the opportunity for civil engineers to
Context do what they already do using less time, cost or material
Digital technologies are meaningless in isolation. They
add value by facilitating opportunities to better address resources – is a key opportunity provided by digital
challenges across the aforementioned three levels. technology. Both in theoretical research and practical
experimentation, it is the most thoroughly explored
In this section, we will consider exactly what these opportunity to date.
opportunities are and how they can be applied to the
three levels of challenge. Efficiency has two main incarnations: improving the
efficiency of internal processes, and streamlining
Evidence from the literature and interviews collaborative work.
highlighted that digital technology presents civil A civil engineer designs the drainage system for a new development.
engineers with two distinct opportunity groups. Firstly, Automation
to work more efficiently, doing what they already do How could digital innovation improve the design’s…
Automated, intelligent processes can allow laborious
but faster and cheaper; and secondly, to work more
week-long calculations and processes to be completed
effectively, adding greater value to their solutions.
in a matter of seconds, and with minimal risk of human
error. Although these may require an initial investment to
develop, they can often be scaled up for use on different
projects and easily tweaked for different applications.

For example, when Crossrail digitised its Redline drawing

process using cloud computing and automated reports, the
Efficiency? new method ran at 2.5 times the speed and 40% of the cost
The engineer writes a program to optimise the network to minimise
the amount of materials required.
of the original7.

More streamlined collaboration

In an industry where collaboration has traditionally been a
significant influence on (and often hindrance to) efficiency,
digital technology could present a way of facilitating and
Leak detected: urgent
integrating collaborative processes and saving time. Digital
maintenance required tools such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality could
facilitate remote collaboration, reducing the need for travel,
Effectiveness? and allowing easier involvement of multiple stakeholders at
The engineer also decides to install sensors Drain all stages of a project.
in the network so that maintenance can be Building
predicted and carried out before significant
damage is done to the system. Sensor

The theoretical case for digital technology in civil engineering

In addition, when guided by collaborative frameworks A greater understanding of the problem space. Greater integration of infrastructure solutions.
such as those provided for Building Information The three core digital capabilities could provide new ways Digital capabilities could allow elements of infrastructure
Modelling (BIM), digital tools could facilitate the for civil engineers to improve their understanding of the could have greater integration across:
involvement of more stakeholders at each stage of the problems they need to solve.
process. This could potentially aid in ensuring that work is -- Geographic areas, through the potential to connect
streamlined and reduce time-consuming re-work in fixing This could be from a number of perspectives, such as: infrastructure in different areas using new connectivity
design clashes19. -- Understanding the social context of the problem, devices and networks.
by gaining greater insight into user behaviour and -- Infrastructure life cycles, by having greater knowledge
Effectiveness stakeholder views and opinions. of how the infrastructure will be used over its life cycle
Greater effectiveness is the opportunity for civil engineers -- For example, from 2012 to 2015, mobile data was and the ability to automatically adapt the infrastructure
to use digital technologies to add greater value to their used to understand visitor footfall and demographics to meet demand.
projects. Effectiveness is about achieving an outcome. in Margate. This provided an improved level of -- Different sectors and disciplines, by using newly
This may involve creating more effective civil engineering insight compared to manual surveys, and was used to available data to understand how infrastructure in
outputs. However it may also involve finding ways to inform urban water management and infrastructure different sectors interacts and designing infrastructures
solve challenges with fewer outputs, for example reducing planning20. to generate positive synergies.
congestion on a road (an outcome) without building higher-
-- Understanding the environmental context of the For example, the Ecological Sequestration Trust is
capacity roads (an output).
problem, by gaining greater insight into the physical developing a regional-scale digital interface platform
Focusing too much on efficient outputs can have constraints of the problem to allow multiple separate stakeholders to design in an
unintended negative outcomes. For example, using -- For example, on Crossrail, 250,000 sensors were integrated and collaborative way21.
efficiencies to save cost and so as to create a larger, higher used to monitor ground movement patterns around
capacity road (an output) may reduce congestion initially, its tunnels. This information was quickly relayed More digital functionality for solutions
but may increase car usage over time and generate further to field engineers, improving risk management and In addition to utilising these new trends and technologies
congestion elsewhere (an outcome). forecasting of soil displacement4. to improve their work, civil engineers can also integrate
This greater understanding can then be either used by civil technologies into the solutions they create. This leads to
engineers themselves to improve the effectiveness of their added functionality, improving the infrastructure’s value to
solutions, or provided to the client as standalone insight, clients.
providing a new valuable service. This functionality could help improve the main purpose of
For example, in 2014, Arup measured and modelled the infrastructure (such as by moving more cars per second
pedestrian flows through St. Pancras station in order to down a motorway) or provide a secondary function (such
optimise the locations of emergency exits. In addition to as also monitoring air quality).
allowing Arup to tailor their design more closely to the For example, Arup provided Highways England’s Smart
behaviour of its users, the data then provided benefit to the Motorways programme with digital solutions to manage
client in supporting the pricing of retail space within the motorway traffic – helping to reduce congestion, without
station. the need to build significant additional infrastructure.

The theoretical case for digital technology in civil engineering


How can civil engineers leverage

these opportunities to address the Level Example challenge Greater automation More streamlined collaboration

challenges they face? Automating the operation of

The opportunities presented by digital infrastructure can reduce the risks from
Individual infrastructures human error, allowing for smaller safety Less latency in collaboration means
technology are not beneficial in isolation – their factors and greater utilisation of existing ageing infrastructure can be dealt with
value lies in helping civil engineers to address infrastructure. more quickly, reducing downtime and
the challenges they work to solve, at the three the risk of failure.
levels identified in Context: Cities cannot exist Ageing infrastructure Arup’s Australian highways team Crossrail’s red line drawing process
automated the production of over 5,000 facilitates digital drawing procedures,
without the civil engineer. models to replace a 34km stretch of reducing the confusion involved in
The table across shows how each of the road, allowing them to deliver a huge the drawing process and making
amount of detail and transform 2D
opportunities might contribute to addressing significant time and cost savings7.
models to 3D models based on
a challenge at each level, and case studies accurate geometry.
examples of where this has been undertaken.
Being able to accommodate more
The two principal opportunities, applied to
Challenge levels

Automation allows complexity to be stakeholders, more easily, means that

address challenges across the three levels, Infrastructure systems managed without the constant input of interdependencies can be managed
the engineer, reducing risk and allowing
constitutes the basis of how we will assess “How multiple connected systems to be
effectively from multiple points of view.
does this create value?” for digital innovation in managed effectively. During the London 2012 Olympics, the
the framework. Complexity and
Comma Energy Efficiency is developing
London Traffic Control Centre (TCC)
interdependency co-located coordinators from different
smart autonomous control systems for
transport modes, with individual
water supply infrastructure: all control
communication and information
modules are connected to a central
systems, to provide a central point
system and can either be manipulated in
for monitoring and coordinating all
real time or work autonomously23.
transport operations24.

Wider society
Stakeholders collaborating across
Automation can help to optimise the previously significant boundaries
efficiency of infrastructure operations, can help to understand the effects
Climate change
helping to reduce its impact on the of infrastructure on the environment
environment. across long timescales, distances or
geopolitical boundaries.

The theoretical case for digital technology in civil engineering


Level Example challenge Better understanding of problem Better integration of solutions More digital functionality

Having a greater understanding of asset

conditions can allow engineers to make
Individual infrastructures
better decisions about prioritising the Integrating infrastructures in an effective
repair and replacement of infrastructure. Introducing digital functionality to an ageing
way can result in positive outcomes for
infrastructure asset could allow its owner
The London Heat Map, developed by the individual infrastructures – effectively
Ageing infrastructure a greater understanding of its condition,
Greater London Authority, allows people distributing demand can mean reduced
and to respond quickly to changes in its
to identify opportunities for district heating load placed on an existing, ageing
condition, reducing downtime.
projects in London, based on a variety of piece of infrastructure.
factors including the location of supply
plants, and heat density25.

Integrating infrastructure systems means

that their complexity can be managed
Infrastructure systems A greater understanding of the complexity more effectively, as information can be Digital functionality could allow asset owners
Challenge levels

and interdependencies of infrastructure transferred between systems in order and operators to better understand the
systems can allow these systems to be to allow infrastructures to adapt to interactions of their infrastructure systems,
managed more effectively. meet demand and changes in external enabling the prioritisation of investments.
Amey’s and Staffordshire Council created conditions. In collaboration with Laing O’Rourke,
Complexity and interdependency ‘Project Heinken’ in 2016, a smart Severfield-Watson Structures placed
SAS Green + Schneider Electric created
roadworks collaboration that aligns an integrated system to manage its RFID tags on the steel beams created
maintenance windows for subterranean for Manchester City Football Club’s
car share scheme, at the same time as
assets from a range of infrastructure firms, Etihad Stadium. Awareness of upstream
managing the electricity supply to SAS’s
allowing expensive excavations to be delays allowed for adjustments to project
consolidated41. head offices, using an algorithm to ensure management40.
that power distribution matched

Better synergies between infrastructures

Having a greater understanding of the
in order to minimise impact, and more
Wider society impact of climate change on infrastructure, Engineers can design digital systems to
holistic design can create more resilient/
and vice versa, could guide investment allow cities to respond quickly and effectively
effective infrastructure in the wake of
into sustainable infrastructure. to the effects of climate change.
natural disasters
Climate change In Margate, mobile data was used to The Rio Operations Control Centre uses an
In Rotterdam, software is used to move
improve the understanding of how algorithm to predict how much rain will fall
storm surge barriers to protect against
water and environmental events (such in different areas – and sends out warnings
flooding, without restricting ship traffic.
as pollution) impact footfall, helping to each department in the city so they can
Smart dikes then use sensors to feed
to “enhance an evidence base for prepare for potential floods27.
information back to a control/crisis
sustainable infrastructure”20.

1. Fighting challenges 2. Where we are today
in the digital city

How we How this
approach creates


digital value
Civil engineers tackle societal challenges

3. Where we need to go


How we How this

Digital technologies

approach creates

digital value
Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities

Section 2

Where we are today

The reality on the ground

Three challenges to radical change

Risk averse culture
How has civil engineering approached these opportunities?
There is an overall culture of risk aversion in the
Literature presents a strong case that civil engineers are profession, and in the built environment sector in
not currently making the most of the opportunities digital Risk averse culture
general28. Public sector projects and organisations were
innovation presents. A report by McKinsey identified the Perception of described as being particularly risk-averse and less open
‘construction sector’ as being the least digitised in Europe4 high risk Legal, security and to innovation29; however, interviews with civil engineers
– an issue which is tied closely to its historically low ethics concerns indicated there are exceptions.
productivity and fragmented ways of working7. Interviews also highlighted that this risk aversion is not
We explored the reality on the ground through the limited to only civil engineers themselves, but also other
interviews undertaken. engineers, clients, and other professionals working with
the built environment. This has a compounding effect on
Our study led us to 11 key observations of the current state Challenge: Perception of high risk a project basis and the overall direction of travel.
of digital in civil engineering. Uncertainty around the wider implications of digital
These observations connect to three key challenges gaining innovation was seen to result in a perception that digital
more value from digital capabilities in civil engineering: innovation carries a high level of risk. Companies do not
want to expose themselves to potential negative issues.
-- A perception that digital innovation carries a high level For example, collecting infrastructure on how citizens
of risk interact with a road network without being sure of the
-- A perception that digital innovation is limited in the legal requirements. Combined with the risk-averse nature
of the civil engineering profession, this perception forms a Legal, security and ethics concerns
value it can provide to civil engineers
significant challenge to implementing digital technology. There are uncertainties about the wider implications of
-- A poor understanding of the role of the civil engineer in digital innovation, specifically from legal, security, and
digital innovation; both in terms of the profession itself ethical perspectives, and a perception that these could be
and of specific individuals. significant. Participants were concerned about their right
to collect data, the possible public reaction to its use and
Overall, these observations constitute the framework’s the threat of cyber attack leaking sensitive information.
‘How we approach digital innovation’ for civil engineering
This was often described as due in part to the lack of
standardisation of and around digital technology in the
The rest of this section details these three challenges. construction industry33.

The reality on the ground

Focus on CAPEX Benefit uncertainty

CAPEX focus
When considering digital technologies and their benefits, Participants spoke of lack of clarity around the potential
there is a focus on capital expenditure (CAPEX) rather benefits of digital innovation, particularly that beyond
Focus on BIM than operational expenditure (OPEX) or even total efficiency opportunities.
Perception of expenditure (TOTEX). This was seen most clearly through This was apparent in interviews, where there was a
limited value the prevalence of CAPEX-based business models in the significant difference in opinion between different civil
Benefit uncertainty industry, which disincentives, for example, reflecting on in- engineers. Participants vehemently disagreed on efficiency
use data to reduce OPEX costs7. versus effectiveness, and incremental improvements
Focus on efficiency versus radical change.
Civil engineers confessed that implementing digital
technologies was often seen as an “add-on”. The
Challenge: Perception of limited value Focus on BIM greatest value was in the novelty appeal to clients, rather
Civil engineers currently perceive the value in digital There is an overwhelming focus on BIM in digital than in any quantifiable benefits – even for efficiency
innovation to be limited. innovation within civil engineering. By this report’s opportunities.
There is a strong focus on efficiency improvements segmentation, BIM is an efficiency opportunity. Implementations of digital innovations were described
in civil engineering, typified by a strong focus on BIM. BIM has enjoyed the greatest level of analysis and as isolated and ad-hoc, rather than part of a structured
The profession was seen to fixate with particular guidance development for civil engineers. Significant approach. This prevents consistent uptake and as a result,
value types, such as capital costs, and to emphasise efforts have been made to standardise and encourage the benefits are rarely visible to a wider audience, and so
evolutionary improvements to such ends. There was take-up of BIM, most recently the mandate of Level 2 the underlying concepts never scaled32.
a lack of clarity around any other potential benefits in BIM on all public sector projects, and the release of the
particular the effectiveness benefits discussed in section national BIM Level 3 strategy19.
3.1.1). In interviews, civil engineers often regarded BIM as
During the course of this study, many professional ‘business as usual’, in stark comparison to the “novelty
events focused on exploring the possibility of digital value” of other digital technologies such as sensors. Focus on efficiency
innovation in the built environment took place in the However, in some areas, BIM was described as having Efficiency opportunities are the clear focus of digital
civil engineering community in the UK. However, when slow – or more specifically, “patchy” – take-up31, with innovation in civil engineering – both in discourse and
interviewed individually, civil engineers presented a some civil engineering leadership pointing out that private practice. These were moderately well understood by
consistent perception of limited digital innovation sector clients are still often unable to realise tangible the average interviewee. In comparison, effectiveness
value was seen to exist across organisations, sectors benefits from its use. opportunities were scarcely understood. It was often
and career levels. Participants argued this scepticism volunteered that under the existing business models,
was not unique to them, but shared also among “BIM has been well publicised, and clients therefore
the value of more effective design is only as a market
architects, town planners, and other built environment take a lot of interest in it. However, many contractors
differentiator than anything quantifiable (which are more
stakeholders. are not yet well versed.”
clearly provided by efficiency improvements). A relative
Associate Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy lack of tangibility around effectiveness opportunities also
drives disinterest.

The reality on the ground

Lack of targeted guidance Lack of training

Lack of targeted
guidance Literature highlights a lack of guidance targeted at civil Interviews highlighted a lack of training on how to
engineers specifically. The vast majority of guidance on implement digital technologies in different ways or how
Lack of framework digital innovation in built environment is either general, or to identify those that produce the most value in a given
Poor for innovation aimed at other professionals. situation.
understanding Interviewees stated a need for the civil engineer’s role to Many civil engineers, particularly those in midcareer
of role Lack of training change, but identified a significant lack of understanding project management roles, felt that there was insufficient
in what this change could or should look like. Specific investment of time and resources in developing the
Poor inter-system detail on variation for specific career stages, sectors or knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary. Senior staff
compatibility types of organisation was absent. were often uncertain what skills were needed at the top.
Junior staff did not feel empowered to influence training
With the exception of technical skills such as coding,
There is currently significant uncertainty around how practices ‘bottom-up’.
literature scarcely identifies knowledge, skills or behaviours
civil engineers should drive digital innovation. A lack of needed for civil engineers to succeed in whatever the new A further nuance was expressed in getting skills to the
guidance, frameworks and training for digital innovation all roles may bring. Civil engineers were left uncertain about correct depth rather than ‘blanket approaches’. Midcareer
contribute. Poor interoperability of early digital innovations their personal development. staff want to be able to audit digital innovation, but not
further exacerbates. This uncertainty applies to engineering necessarily code models from scratch.
“There has been no thought as to the required skill set
companies not only at an industry level, but also individual
of future engineers” “There is very little time to develop digital skills –
civil engineers on a day-to-day basis.
Director, Infrastructure Service Provider particularly on smaller projects with tight budget
Civil engineers admitted fault. They have a ‘responsibility’ constraints”
to define their role and push the interpretation in the Senior Engineer, Civil Engineering Consultancy
industry – but have not done so.
Lack of frameworks for innovation
This task is complicated by confusion regarding the role of
digital innovation across the wider industry. Civil engineers There are very few frameworks for digital innovation in
argued other professionals (e.g. planners, architects and civil engineering. On a given project, civil engineers felt Poor inter-system compatibility
software developers) also had a poor understanding of presented with little information on how they approach There is poor interoperability between different disciplines,
digital innovation. Civil engineers want to define their digital innovation, either in isolation or with others. sectors, and organisations in the built environment. The
role in relation to others but struggle. Ambiguous data The construction sector is not investing significantly literature highlighted the current fragmented and solid
management is a common consequence; mid-project in research and development – crucial for developing nature of the industry7,30.
clarifications lead to poor interoperability and therefore digital innovation good practice – spending only 1% of This extends to digital activities. In interviews, civil
delays. its turnover on R&D. This is less than a third of that in engineers highlighted numerous problems with
Poor understanding of the civil engineer’s role in a more the automotive and aerospace industries, which have collaborative work when the interfaces between
digital world drives confusion during individual digital undergone revolutionary change in their use of new digital disciplines were poor – for example mismatching software
implementations, and a lack of solidarity for profession- technology29. There is a powerful exception to this – packages or data types.
wide digital change. and that is BIM. However as examined later, while BIM
receives praise for its prevalence, it receives criticism for its “We need to join up the use of digital over different
curtailment of creativity. industries and disciplines”
Director, Civil Engineering Contractor

1. Fighting challenges 2. Where we are today
in the digital city

How this
Perception of
Perception of


limited value high risk
of role

The profession is unable to embrace all opportunities

Civil engineers tackle societal challenges

3. Where we need to go


How this

How we
Digital technologies

approach creates

digital value


Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities

How digital innovation creates value – today

Modest progress
Engineer’s Individual Infrastructure Wider
The three challenges can be seen to have a profound effect activity infrastructure systems society “There’s frequently
on how the civil engineering profession considers digital
an assumption
Collectively, the challenges steer the profession to an
that digital means
implementation of digital innovation that is limited to: improving efficiency
-- Individual instances of infrastructure and less Automate flood volume
Lower cost to develop – doing things faster
-- commonly, infrastructure systems or for less. People
-- Almost exclusively efficiency-type opportunities tend to ignore the
-- A consideration of benefits over the short term
notion of digital
Where this is successful, it creates meaningful value for enabling things to
civil engineers. Evidence has been observed of notable cost
savings on projects. For certain mechanisms, these have be done differently.”
even had a tangible impact at an industry level, as seen Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy
with BIM.
Business as usual – digital capability enabling an efficiency opportunity for a individual infrastructure
However, it is a stretch to call this value transformative.
When benefits at a level of Wider Society are considered,
it is difficult to argue economic growth, climate change Civil engineers interviewed presented a clear consensus The importance of world views to digital innovation is also
or citizen happiness have been notably moved by civil that the perceived benefits of using digital technology were clear.
engineering’s use of digital innovation to date. currently limited to improving efficiencies and so as to The status quo has a powerful influence over the
improve profits by current business models. profession’s collective mind. Over time, perception of
The possibility of infrastructure becoming more effective, digital innovation possibilities has become deeply anchored
“The civil engineering or considering impacts beyond the project in question are in what is currently practiced. In essence, stakeholders
rarely considered. In fairness, other engineers highlighted perceive that this is the full extent of what is possible. A
profession has yet to consider that the connection between these levels is not always reinforcing loop maintains the status quo.
digital innovation beyond clear, and is typically absent from the written scope of the Although new approaches to digital innovation were not
civil engineer’s work.
simply ‘faster and cheaper.’” Overall, these observations constitute the framework’s
readily imaginable, many interviewees had strong, often
emotive concerns for the profession in the face of digital
Reader, Department of Civil Engineering, UK University ‘How this creates value’, with respect to digital innovation innovation taking place around them. Four main threats
today. were identified.

How digital innovation creates value – today

Competitive threats “Engineers need to have their research

A fear of new competition was common, radars switched on – so they are a part
particularly from major technology companies of new digital trends, before those trends Greater
attempting to enter the market. Some suspected become their competition, and they are understanding
this would be slow and stealthy. Others suggested of the problem

a sudden ‘uber style’ disruption could hit the left turning the wheel on what remains.”
industry through smaller start-ups. Director, Architecture Practice Greater
“Big engineering companies are not Shrinking influence of solutions

very agile; we are likely to see new Across interviews, there was a sentiment – More digital
small-scale competitors who keep up sometimes explicit, but more often implied – that
with the pace of digital technology.” all of these factors would combine to lower the
influence of the civil engineering profession in
Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy society. This included influence over politics;
Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy over other professions such as architecture; Greater

and with respect to their standing in the eyes Automation
The surviving zone – at present the
Shrinking staff force of society as a whole. Putting their own careers opportunities presented by digital
More innovation are both practiced and
A smaller staff force might be necessary if the aside, civil engineers feared for a society where streamlined appreciated narrowly.
fixation with efficiency opportunities continues those with the knowledge to solve societal collaboration
and alternative valuable uses of time are not challenges were regulated from the decision-
identified. Some Civil engineers feared for their making table.
future livelihoods.
In summary, most of the potential of digital
“We need to avoid a future where fewer innovation is not only rarely practiced, it is
scarcely perceived to exist.
and fewer people are needed.”
BIM Manager, Civil Engineering Consultancy
This misses great positive value in and of itself,
but has serious negative consequences when
Comoditisation appreciated in the wider civil engineering market
and those innovating around it.
Both new competitors and the efficiency focus
were associated with a fear of increasing
commoditisation in the industry. Participants
“We are told radical change is coming, but we still do
suggested this would lower price points for things as we always have. For us, so far, ‘smart cities’
services, lower client appreciation of the is‘everything is different, but nothing has changed.’”
importance of creativity in design and decrease
job satisfaction for civil engineers. CEO, Infrastructure Service Provider

1. Fighting challenges
2. Where we are today
in the digital city



2 Perception of
Perception of
limited value high risk
of role

The profession is unable to embrace all opportunities The profession exists in the surviving zone

Civil engineers tackle societal challenges

3. Where we need to go More streamlined collaboration


How we How this

Digital technologies

approach creates

digital value
Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities

Section 2 – Conclusion: Surviving in a smart city age

Today, digital innovation in the civil engineering

profession is a story of modest progress.
Civil engineering has achieved commendable incremental improvements focused on
improving the efficiencies of outputs. However, regardless of the enthusiasm with which
these are advanced going forward, it seems probable that continuing the ‘faster and
cheaper’ philosophy we have observed will at best result in diminishing returns, at worst
distract from the possibility of more radical and more productive change.
Many elements are absent in civil engineering. There exists no shared vision of what ‘better’
innovation may look like, nor why this is strategically important. Engineers are without
specific learning guidance; companies lack effective frameworks; and the profession is left
naïve as to how to commercialise digital innovation’s full potential.
Threats to the profession are growing on the horizon. Business models are ageing. New
types of competition presents itself as more innovative and more agile. In parallel, citizen
expectations of infrastructure continue to grow as a result of their own digital experiences.
Fear of a sudden, über-scale disruption is brewing, but feels too distant to catalyse change.
There is no evidence to suggest civil engineers will vanish in the future, but there are
indications here that the number of professionals, remit of role, and share of market
may all diminish.

On its current course, the civil engineering may at best aspire to

survive in a smart city age.

Section 3

Where we need to go

Solving challenges with soft infrastructures

The missing pieces Commercial practices

Civil engineering’s mixed progress with digital innovation -- Harnessing new digital opportunities at new challenge
cannot be explained solely by technical shortcomings of the levels does not automatically benefit the civil engineer.
hard infrastructures. Neither the new digital technologies The profession needs to be able to commercialise these
nor the pre-existing civil infrastructures are at fault. and to do so before competing industries. New digitally- Commercial
compatible business models should be developed. practices
Instead, we perceive that the challenges to further uptake
are symptomatic of a lack of definition of three key “soft Governance and process
infrastructures”. Soft infrastructures are cultural systems -- New digital opportunities, delivered in new commercial
that influence how individuals behave. models, presents uncertainty. To provide structure and
manage the risks, effective governance and standard
We believe that these soft infrastructures are key to
processes will be required. These are well defined
successfully realising benefits from digital capabilities,
in some areas, such as BIM, but achieving a balance
crossing the gap of implementation between technologies
between structure and creativity remains difficult. Governance
and outcomes.
Coherent approaches for most other technologies are and process
We still believe hard infrastructures, such as new IT lacking.
systems and technologies, will also be required for change.
Human capital
However, we believe these are not currently doing the -- In order for these digital innovation processes to
profession back. Their exact form will also depend on these succeed, civil engineers will need to develop the right
soft infrastructures. The notion of soft infrastructure for sets of knowledge, skills and behaviours. Exactly what
digital innovation is underrepresented in civil engineering will be required of different civil engineers is currently
literature. Therefore these are not included in the scope of unclear and insufficiently tailored. These should be Human
our suggested interventions. considered from a variety of perspectives, including but capital
The focus of our recommendations is therefore on these not limited to career levels, disciplines, and sectors.
three soft infrastructures, which are as follows:
These constitute the “How we approach digital innovation”
in the future. Each soft infrastructure can be linked to
the aforementioned challenges in how civil engineering Soft infrastructures – three areas of cultural
improvement for the civil engineering profession.
approaches digital innovation today.

For each, we will now detail the need for the soft
infrastructure, how the soft infrastructure can be developed,
and who needs to act to bring this to fruition.

1. Fighting challenges 2. Where we are today
in the digital city


Perception of Perception of
limited value high risk
1 of role

The profession is unable to embrace all opportunities The profession exists in the surviving zone

Civil engineers tackle societal challenges More streamlined collaboration

3. Where we need to go


How this

Digital technologies

Data Commercial Governance and Human

Availability Practice Process Capital
Does it make
commercial sense?
Are the appropriate
processes and
frameworks in
Do we have the
right knowledge,
skills and
behaviours to
Increased deliver?

Developing soft infrastructure will

Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities empower the profession to respond

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

The need for new business models Although interviewees typically viewed these concepts as
Throughout our research, evidence has suggested existing “The profession has been largely immature and not yet viable players in the market, their
speed of growth and unpredictability – seen in initiatives
business models in the civil engineering profession are shielded to the threat of job losses such as Google’s Flux – meant they remained a significant
not effective at commercialising the full gamut of benefits
digital innovations bring. This in turn limits the motivation through automation – many who would medium to long term threat.
for civil engineers to embrace them. have been automated have retired, Civil engineers are faced with several possible responses
– replicate this expertise themselves, or find new, less
Five key factors are driving the obsolescence of these
business models, creating a clear need for new models
others have been put to work creating procedural and more creative ways of adding value that are
that are more complimentary to digital innovations. and monitoring models. This is unlikely difficult for algorithms to replicate. Such new processes
may be difficult to sell in traditional business models that
Conflict of pricing and automation to be the reality going forward.” often rely on the production of standardised deliverables.
Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy A need for new models therefore arises.
Interviewees emphasised the popularity of time-based
fees in the profession. Lump sum fees were also described Digital assets
as common, but were similarly constructed based on the Many sampled held a deep concern that automation – if
Mid and entry-level civil engineers proudly cite new client-
estimated time cost of providing a service rather than continued under current business models – will result
facing software tools – such as dashboards – as a product
focusing on the value of an output to a client. in a significant reduction in staff.
of digital innovation within the profession.
Innovations that deliver automation in the form of staff Competitive threats from AI There is a recognition that these tools often have
time savings are in conflict with this approach. If the civil
Our research identified organisations in the technology great potential for re-applicability between projects.
engineer sells their time, then minimising a task’s duration
sector using digital innovation to rapidly develop design Commonality of needs between clients is high, and the
shrinks their income.
capabilities that could serve as competitive threats to civil digital nature of deliverables makes them transferable to
Civil engineers of all seniorities expressed concern with engineers. different parties at negligible transactional cost – starkly
not only this prospect, but also with some proposed different to physical assets such as a bridge.
remedies. Suggestions that automation gains could New entrants to the market are gathering large datasets of
civil engineering projects and standards and attempting However, the process of commercialising these tools has
be ‘hidden’ from the client do not stand up to market
to replicate civil engineering procedures. The degree challenges. Firstly, clients would likely use these tools
dynamics – one firm is likely to reduce their price because
of accuracy is initially poor until datasets expand and over an extended period. Neither, time-based fees nor lump
of the saving, forcing others to follow. Suggestions that
machine learning algorithms improve. However, such sums account for how long clients use the tool nor what
engineers will have more time available for more creative
services do not need to be perfect to have value – and pose value they take from it. Secondly, if clients are charged
or innovative exercises was seen as valid in principal,
a threat. Order of magnitude estimates can be valuable to the cost it took to create the tool, the first client would pay
but convincing clients to maintain fee levels on this
clients early on in the project life cycle. a disproportionally high price; all later users would pay
speculation alone was seen as challenging.
minor adjustment fees. Thirdly, if the tool is sufficiently
effective, clients may have less need of civil engineers.
New business models are needed to accommodate digital
assets’ unique features.

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Confidence vs. Risk The civil engineer is unable to take on more risk as a New digitally-enabled business models
Civil engineers expect an increase in the availability of result of this confidence to achieve greater reward – and
Interviewees described a fear of ‘looming disruption’. No
data associated with the infrastructure they are designing. so a need arises for new models with more flexible risk
one of these factors was deemed likely to bankrupt the
This spanned data regarding the need for an infrastructure, arrangements.
profession in the short term. Individuals are aware of the
data regarding the use of the infrastructure and data Supply chain cooperation increasing inadequacy of business models for a future age,
regarding how the infrastructure may respond to use. but that the consequences are not yet considered significant
Combined with an expectation for greater processing The delivery of major civil engineering infrastructure
enough to warrant action.
power, this is anticipated to provide civil engineers with relies on extensive and diverse supply chains to deliver
more confidence on the best solutions to client problems. component parts. Discussion with interviewees highlighted
that before new digital technologies can be affixed to civil
However, it was recognised that this confidence is not infrastructure, a supply chain must be in place that can “New digital business models are not
readily commercialisable by current models. Firstly, clients
often present civil engineers with requests for support that
reliably deliver these. nearly defined enough. Sadly, there
Logistically, this was considered a significant challenge –
already contain a highly-specified solution, restricting the
a clear and consistent need for a given technology needs
is insufficient movement towards
ability to propose better performing alternatives. Secondly,
civil engineers rarely receive remuneration for solutions to be presented to suppliers if a market is to emerge. changing this.”
that perform better than others, and where such incentives Suppliers are unlikely to gamble developing capability
do exist, these are often restricted in scope to the delivery or stocks for technologies that appear to have a transient Head of Technology, Infrastructure Service Provider

of an output (e.g. how long a bridge takes to construct) than interest or niche compatibility.
Throughout this project, we have sought inspiration on
the outcome (e.g. how much the bridge reduces congestion). More significant challenges were flagged regarding
what new business models more compatible with digital
collaboration along the supply chain as a result of digital
innovations may look like. This draws upon:
innovation. Interactions between buyer and supplier in civil
engineering are often highly transactional – contractually -- Theoretical views proposed by interviewees
“There is a tendency for clients – isolating specific requirements for each stakeholder, rather -- Demonstrators currently undergoing testing by civil
particularly the public sector – to than collectively working to achieve outcomes. As a result, engineering firms
stakeholders can be reluctant to share data regarding their
bound the solution as much as actions on a project for fear of litigation – even if this
-- Mature models in implementation in other industries,
which could viably be transferred to civil engineering
possible to reduce risk and increase knowledge could help mitigate impacts.
We have identified five models that we believe could have
comparability of tender.” There is a need for new business models that allow the
a significant positive impact on the profession in the future,
supply chain to collaborate more closely, implement digital
Head of Innovation, Infrastructure Service Provider three of which we have examined in detail with stakeholders.
innovations and share the benefits.
This section will overview each model, exploring its core
mechanism, its strengths and weaknesses, and where it
may have the greatest suitability in the civil engineering

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Value-Based Fees Value-Based Fees

Also known as “performance based contracting” Overview
Value-Based Fees is a long-standing concept in other
professions where remuneration for a service is based
on the value it adds.
Digital innovation can facilitate this model by an improved
ability to predict performance in advance, cheaper
Digital performance assessment, and more contextualisation
of performance – linking it to wider client outcomes.
A key detail of value-based fees is the definition of
Time or lump sum “Performance” ‘value’. This can vary from the narrow, such as timescales
Share of benefits based on infrastructure’s… of delivery for infrastructure, to the wide, such as the
• Supply of data reducing cost / risk of assessment contribution of a piece of infrastructure to air quality
improvement. Similarly, remuneration can be a set

Increasing risk / reward

• Better data management giving confidence of
connection of outcomes to specific infrastructure …qualities? e.g. maintenance costs
financial bonus, or a direct share of the supposed financial
benefits of the achieved value.
…service? e.g. capacity cars/hour

…societal e.g. congestion/air

contribution? quality/jobs

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Opportunities Challenges Application

Value-based fees presents the opportunity for civil Value based fees represent a significant commercial change, Value based fees lend themselves to projects with tangible
engineers to create more innovative, better performing and present challenges in the form of risks, complexities means of measuring performance and a tangible value
solutions and be more fairly remunerated for them. and contradictions to relationship norms. associated with it.
Philosophically, those undertaking the ‘best’ civil Civil engineers need to absorb a greater level of risk. To Participants suggested clients described as ‘long term
engineering succeed. Digital innovations, particularly those mitigate this, they would need to lever more datasets to perspectives’, ‘fair’, and ‘intelligent’ might be the
that support new types of solution or new functionalities, understand external variables and increase integration of first to warm to such models. Describing public sector
are more likely to make commercial sense. design internally, ensuring all parts of a design perform. procurement rules as slow to change, the private sector
In theory, this would also improve procurement processes All parties are subject to the risk of creating incentives appears an easier test bed. The sectors of energy – where
that often focus on minimising risk through high that work to deliver the wrong outcomes. If assessments energy savings are easily monetizable and transport –
specification. By linking requirements more closely metrics are too specific, engineers could ‘game’ the system, where performance is already frequently measured, were
to the desired outcome, clients can avoid paying out delivering numerically impressive performance that misses, seen as key targets.
when solutions do not perform. In situations of public or even intensifies the wider problem. Similarly, if clients
infrastructure, value-based fees encourage maximising the are ‘firefighting’, there could be a tendency to request
infrastructure’s contribution to public good, channelling quick fixes that exacerbate problems
civil engineering skills to the betterment of society. in the long term.
The clients of civil engineers are also unlikely to be
familiar with these models; standard procedures of ‘the
lowest bidder’ and renegotiating contracts midway are at
odds with the principles of value-based fees.
Value based fees are also inherently complex. Whether part
of a solution or not, digital sensing infrastructure is likely
required to assess performance, as well as an independent
assessor to undertake the task.

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Civil Infrastructure-as-a-Service
While design processes can span multiple years, after the
completion of civil engineering infrastructure, engineers
described their involvement coming to an abrupt end.
• Design for lifecycle performance
• Design to specification • Responsible for maintaining up time
The civil engineer may have significant knowledge on how
• Definitive handover Digital and necessary refurbishment
• Responsibility for operational
to maximise performance and minimise operational costs –
either in design or on-going, but the client instead takes on
responsibility for the infrastructure themselves.
Infrastructure as a Service reverses this, with civil
engineers taking a degree of responsibility of the asset
for its lifetime.
• Ability to monitor remotely
• Ability to install digital technologies that improve Digital sensing technology means that civil engineers are
operational performance able to monitor the state of the infrastructure without costly
Engineer involvement Engineer involvement site visits.
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Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Opportunities Challenges Impact areas

Civil infrastructure as a service presents the ability for civil Similar to value-based fees, civil infrastructure as a service Civil engineers described infrastructure as a service as
engineers to monetise sector knowledge by designing for involves the civil engineer taking on more risk. From sitting best with long-term clients, particularly those whose
the lowest lifetime cost and predictively maintaining the the outside, engineers must carefully model the expected assets suffered from high and unpredictable operational
infrastructure throughout its life. This in turn translates to lifespan of the asset, and ensure all design and operation costs and where forms of monitoring may already be in
long-term revenue streams, with a 3-year project having perspectives are effectively integrated in the solution. place. Water utilities, buildings services and toll roads
the potential to be 30 years. Considerations such as how projects will interface with (where the model is already in use in some geographies)
Clients should as a result enjoy better performing other infrastructure and how that may change will be stood out as key targets.
infrastructure with a lower and potentially more predictable critical. Although not essential for the model, civil Partnerships between designers and contractors were
lifetime cost. engineers may be required to invest capital in the project. seen as a beneficial step to piloting more instances of
Challenges also present themselves in the marketplace. infrastructure as a service. Together, this union of civil
Civil engineers will need to persuade clients to think in engineering could both understand and demonstrate how
terms of life cycle costs, rather than exclusively CAPEX these models may deliver better outcomes for clients.
metrics. Contracts will also need to have a degree of
flexibility, to avoid civil engineers being penalised for
unforeseeable societal or technological changes in the long
term. Digital monitoring systems will need to be robust
and valid and clients will need to commit to a degree of
data sharing to support the civil engineers job.

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Data as an Asset How to Overview
create value? Civil engineers consistently described data as a highly
valuable resource. However, individuals were sceptical
that this value was being effectively captured by civil
Sell it? engineering organisations. Views were fragmented on the
best mechanism for capturing this value, but participants
were resolute that it should be elevated to a higher position
within civil engineering business models.
Inform future designs?
Data as-an-Asset raises the collection, management
and exploitation of data from a secondary issue, to
the core determinant of business success. Techniques
Provide strategic
insights to clients?
for commercialising data include selling, reiterative
design improvement, providing strategic insights, or for
identifying better connections between projects – internally
or externally. Many others likely exist.
Exchange with adjacent
• Significant increase in data from sensors and
automated design processes
projects for synergies?

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Opportunities Challenges Impact areas

The mechanisms harness fundamental characteristics of In general, all of these mechanisms rely on civil engineers Situations where sectors were moving towards an increased
data, particularly that it is very cheap to gather, and can having effective data gathering and management expertise, recognition of data as an asset – such as energy – were
be used for multiple purposes without being degraded. a competency that was questioned by many participants. seen as useful starting points for civil engineers to develop
However, the four mechanisms capture value in distinctly Similarly, doubts were raised about the sufficiency general data processing and management expertise.
different ways: of internal infrastructure, although many cited new Projects where civil engineers had longer term
-- Selling data presents the opportunities for new revenue investments in this space. engagements with assets were perceived to be those most
streams. Ethical, security and legality risks were all raised as likely to provide the most fruitful data, such as railways or
-- Reiterative design improvement allows firms to learn concerns with the mechanisms, particularly where data highways. Projects with clear interdependences were also
from the strengths and weaknesses of designs based on leaves the control of a firm, particularly in data selling. highlighted, such as electric vehicle infrastructure, where
real time observations. Confusion regarding the ownership of data was described transport and energy factors are increasingly interlinked.
as a common feature of many projects. While participants Developing ‘data service contracts’ at the start of the
-- Over time, data on the context of client problems may demonstrated confidence that in time clear standards would
allow engineers to provide advice to clients at a more project could help set the ground work for data exploitation
be developed, the situation is uncertain in the interim. later on in the project, creating bespoke agreements
strategic level.
Engineers also cited the likelihood of other parties having up front, rather than standardised agreements as an
-- As data from individual projects grow, civil engineers superior data in terms of quality and quantity, which afterthought.
may be able to consolidate construction activities with significantly restricts the viability of data sales to scenarios
others or other such synergies. Two further new business models were identified, but not
where only civil engineers have exclusive data access. extensively explored within this report:

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Software-as-a-Service represents a transition from bespoke
software development as a product to the centralised
development of software, provided as a service to many
clients simultaneously.


• Software more commonly made • Creating flexible tools that can be • Single piece of software developed to have
bespoke as an investment on a project customised to different projects applicability to many projects
• Tools becoming more powerful • Licences (e.g. monthly subscription) allow 3rd
parties access to the tool

Digital Incubator / Venturer

Digital Incubator/Venturer
How to
Civil engineering companies discussed the potential for
SME SME create value? exporting or absorbing SMEs that may be able to innovate
with digital technologies faster than the host firm.
Digital Bring in? Spin out?
Valuable contributions
to projects

Revenue from external

Large sales of services
Speed of change
• Need for some deep technical digital skills Organisation
• Need for agile teams Increase in value
• Re-applicability of services of equity taken

Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Challenges to business model change Some participants suggested that experimenting with
The process of creating new business models in any “Civil engineers would do well to heed a new business models would create valuable intellectual
property that they would wish to keep to themselves. This
industry has been shown to be a complex and difficult cautionary tale from the music industry – may be a logical concern, however coopertition approaches
process [34]. Our study has identified several further
factors that exacerbate this for civil engineers: if you do not pre-empt digital and adjust in other industries have demonstrated that the short term
loss of competitive differentiation can be outweighed by
Difficulty with commercially innovative thinking
your business model you will vanish.” the shared mutual benefits of collective action.
Civil engineers described commercial innovation as a skill Chief Executive, Technology Innovation Centre
Bringing about change
that did not come naturally to them culturally. There is a clear need for new business models in civil
Failure of experiments entrenches norms
engineering, yet emerging “digitally-compatible”
Bringing in new business models require significant testing, solutions are highly speculative, each with their own
“We need to start asking the question – refinement and proof of success before they stand a chance challenges. Furthermore, there exists further obstacles that
of being mainstream in the profession. Civil engineers
do we need to teach entrepreneurialism shared anecdotes of commercial innovations that were seen
hinder an already difficult change process. The path to
transformation appears arduous.
better in a digital age?” to have ‘failed’ and so served only to entrench existing
models further. Little consideration appears to be given for
evaluating what could have been improved. “Digital business model change is very
Reader, Department of Civil Engineering, UK University

The traditional business models of civil engineering are Collective action is uncommon much like changing the fan belt while
long standing, so few interviewed had prior experience of
experimenting. Engineering education was described as
While individual pilots may lead to pockets of capability the engine is running.”
and awareness, business models are unlikely to become
having only passing reference to commercial skills and mainstream if civil engineering organisations maintain
Chief Executive, Technology Innovation Centre

the idea of civil engineers as entrepreneurs was relatively isolated efforts. In other industries such as mobile
nascent. Fortuitously, many of these new models have
telecommunications and automotive manufacturer, complimentary characteristics – for example, an element
‘coopetition’ has been employed, where competing companies of Value Based Fees is likely to suit an Infrastructure as a
Client inaction
come together to set new standards and change en mass. Service arrangement – so the profession need not bet on
The market for civil engineering services is heavily
the development of any one in particular.
influenced by demand. However, participants were of the
strong opinion that clients are unlikely to be requesting Ultimately, these models can be seen to have the potential
new business models in the short term, and civil engineers “We need to work to grow the pie for to not only allow civil engineers to commercialise the
have a duty to show them the benefits. everyone, rather than fighting over benefits of digital innovation, avoid new competitive
threats, but also lead to working practices that deliver
Practitioners feel that waiting for change to be shaped by individual pie slices, otherwise Google better societal outcomes. There is little sentiment to
clients alone is unlikely to result in fast change, nor the
most favourable arrangements for civil engineers. will eat it all.” suggest that current business models can be adequately
reworked, so commercial decline appears the only other
Research Engineer, Civil Engineering Consultancy
likely alternative.
Soft infrastructure 1: Commercial practice The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Recommendations to the Civil engineering

profession Civil engineering organisations Institution of civil engineers
We believe that the profession has not only a self-interest Pilot new business model Raise business model innovation
but also a societal duty to lead on business model change. innovations with targeted clients as a key theme in the Digital
To this end recommended the following actions: Our study has highlighted possible Transformation agenda
new digitally-compatible business As the neutral party representing
models, and where their suitability may the best interest of the industry, the
be greatest. We call on civil engineering organisations ICE is ideally placed to shepherd collaboration on
Individual civil engineers to undertake their own feasibility studies, followed the sensitive topic of commercial practices. We so
View commercial innovation on a by targeted experimentation. This will help develop recommend the ICE place more emphasis on the
parity with technical innovation capability for engineers and awareness for clients. need for business model innovation as part of the
Civil engineers should value We recommend engineers start by viewing clients digital innovation journey.
commercial innovation and technical as partners, rather than customers. This will facilitate Possible mechanisms include the creation of a
innovation equally. collaborative initiatives such as pilots, central depository of business model innovation
A recognition that technology alone cannot bring living labs and public private people partnerships. examples, encouraging and applauding those who
change could take many forms, including: increasing We encourage projects to have sufficient scale to come forward with examples of their successful and
the value associated with entrepreneurship; develop show value – to both the profession and clients. unsuccessful endeavours.
an interest in business model disruption in other Companies will need to accept that the perfect From this, the ICE could develop standardised
industries; practicing a mental exercise of ‘how could model may take several iterations – but these should guidance of key questions that need to be asked
this project be delivered with a different commercial not be seen as failures, rather experiments that as different stages in civil engineering projects,
model?’ for every project undertaken. yielded valuable learning. making the topic of business model innovation more
Strive for coopetition to establish new business accessible to a wider group. This could include, but
model precedents should not be limited to, the ICE’s existing work on
data standards.
We propose embracing the concept of coopetition
– rival engineering firms should enter partnerships to Finally, with access to key policy markets, the ICE
develop new business models collaboratively and should work to lobby the public sector for business
publicly. This could consist of developing shared model change in public sector procurements – a
thought leadership, approaching clients collectively circumstance civil engineers viewed as facing the
or participating in joint ventures. The combined effort most barriers to implementation.
of research and marketing is likely to have a greater One lever may be collaborating with academics
impact than the sum of its parts. The civil engineering to produce independent thought leadership
firms need to grow the size of “the pie” for all of the investigating the quantified connections between
profession, rather than fighting for a bigger slice infrastructure and wider societal outcomes.

Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

The need for new approaches to -- The civil engineer’s role in digital innovation Case study – BIM
governing innovation? -- The legal and commercial implications of digital Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the process
innovation of creating and managing digital information about a
In order to motivate the use of, and realise value from
-- The security aspects of digital innovation built asset. In 2011, the UK Government Construction
digital technology, civil engineers need an environment
Strategy (GCS) required BIM Level 2 to be implemented
which encourages innovation. However, it was observed -- The ethical implications of digital innovation on all centrally procured government projects by 2016.
that the following characteristics of the profession are
In order to reduce this uncertainty, and effectively manage This specifies that all project and asset information,
currently not provided in this environment:
digital innovation, the profession needs to provide more documentation and data must be electronic at the design
-- Long project timescales effective governance of, and processes for dealing with, and construction stages of a project, and is underpinned by
-- A low risk appetite each of these issues. This study investigated the potential a series of standards and best practice documents produced
of frameworks as a method of accomplishing this, one that by the British Standards Institute (BSI) and Construction
-- Uncertainties about the risks, benefits and roles in digital Industry Council (CIC). BIM is arguably the most
not has been extensively utilised for digital innovation in
innovation widespread implementation of digital technology in civil
civil engineering. There exists the very notable exception
Long project timescales are inherent to the often large- of BIM, but this, we argue, has flaws. engineering – and the UK has been considered a “world
scale, multi-stakeholder nature of civil engineering leader” in the area35.
projects. This is unlikely to change significantly, even with What do we mean by frameworks? We hypothesise that BIM itself is a set of frameworks
improvements in the efficiency of work and collaboration. We define frameworks as the principles and guidelines for the use of information on construction projects, as
Similarly, the risk-averse nature of civil engineering is an that govern innovation and implementation of digital the standards which define BIM were seen to fulfil the
important characteristic of the profession, and exists for technologies in civil engineering. These can exist in purpose of a framework as it is defined above, as shown
a good reason. Through their work, civil engineers are many forms (and some frameworks take more than one), overleaf. We also hypothesise that the nature of BIM, as a
responsible for the safety and wellbeing of society, and the including: set of frameworks, is in part what has led to its relatively
risks of failure can be very significant. It would therefore widespread use in the UK.
-- Guidance documentation
be unwise to suggest changing this risk appetite (although Of the four main areas of uncertainty identified earlier
-- Official standards
as previously highlighted, new business models can help in this section, the only area not addressed by BIM is
to distribute this risk more effectively). -- Formalised processes ethics. However, this is likely due to ethical concerns
In order to incentivise innovation, the civil engineering -- Best practices being considered in the provision of legal, commercial and
profession therefore needs to focus on reducing uncertainty. security guidance, rather than its own separate standard.
-- Legislation
Through both the literature review and the interviews, four
main areas of uncertainty were observed: These frameworks can be developed at a number of levels,
from nationwide to an individual basis. However, for the
purposes of this report it is considered that there are three
main levels at which most frameworks are developed in
civil engineering: individual projects and programmes,
civil engineering companies, and industry-wide.

Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

How can these frameworks reduce

uncertainty while still providing freedom to
Provide legal CIC best practice for
and commercial Professional Indemnity innovate?
guidance Insurance using BIM However, there is an important balance to be struck: to
allow freedom for civil engineers to be innovative on
projects, while also providing enough governance to reduce
uncertainty to within the appetite of the organisation or
PAS 1192-5 Currently, digital innovations in civil engineering are
Specification for security- rarely subject to a standardised method, which often does
Provide guidance minded building information
on security aspects modelling, digital built not bring the best results. For example, it was highlighted
environments and smart asset by senior civil engineers that often automation is done by
management individuals, and the tools are not standardised or shared.
This often leads to work being duplicated and multiple,
separate tools being developed for the same issue. The
efficiency value of these tools not being realised, as time
PAS 1192-2/3 was wasted in redeveloping them, and therefore their use is
Specification for information
Define roles,
responsibilities and
procedure BS 1192-4 However, care must be taken when providing guidance
Method for collaborative so as to not be overly prescriptive, as this can limit
production of information freedom to innovate. Anecdotal evidence from workshop
participants indicated that BIM itself is currently perceived
The purpose of BIM – The development of
as stifling innovation; one participant described BIM as a
frameworks for roles and responsibilities in digital “straitjacket”.
innovation is likely to be a circular process
It will be important for those creating these frameworks
– including civil engineers – to ensure that they strike
an appropriate balance to allow for both certainty and

Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

How should these frameworks be developed? The development of frameworks to guide roles and Commercial and legal
responsibilities is likely to be somewhat iterative. Guidance
Roles and responsibilities
is needed from a high level, but the wide variety of projects
worked on by civil engineers means that the initial change “There is a need for a legislative
to role of the engineer is likely to be bottom-up, driven by
“The data we need usually exists in changes on individual projects and programmes.
framework to manage digital
some usable format – problems are The initial change to the civil engineer’s role is likely to technologies. Such frameworks exist
often due to the fact that there is no be somewhat organic, represented by gradual changes in for housing, water, and other sectors,
the roles and responsibilities of the engineer as defined
funding or governance around the in contracts for individual projects or programmes. In so one will need to exist for digital.”
provision or management of data.” particular, as higher-level guidance around commercial Director, Infrastructure Service Provider
and legal aspects is put in place, individual contracts
Senior Engineer, Civil Engineering Consultancy
should place greater emphasis on digital roles, such as Literature and interview evidence highlighted a number
responsibilities for data transfer and data formats. The latter of emerging commercial and legal issues which contribute
was often highlighted by civil engineers as a responsibility to overall uncertainty. Although there was a level of
that is often left unclear in contracts, leading to issues with awareness of the potential impact of these issues, there
unsuitable or incompatible data. was also a perception of there being very little practical
Roles on
projects This change in defined project roles is likely to lead guidance for how to deal with them.
change individual companies to change their skills profiles in These include, but are not limited to: Who has
response. Companies should issue clear training and intellectual property of automated tools?
development requirements for frameworks – this is a
-- There is uncertainty over who owns tools and the
discussed more in the Human Capital soft infrastructure.
analysis they produce. Should this be the developer, or
However, acting in a purely reactive way is likely to put the owner? What if tools are passed between companies
change skill civil engineering companies at a disadvantage in guiding or organisations, and edited before being used again?
profiles digital change.
Industrial bodies and professional associations such as
the ICE need to provide more targeted guidance for civil
engineers as to what their future roles and responsibilities
might be as a result of new business models and available
“We need to significantly improve
guidance technologies. There is also a need to respond to the project- our understanding of ownership and
and company-based changes by guiding the development
of new education requirements for civil engineers in
intellectual property, and how this
schools and universities. applies to digital innovation.”
Normalising frameworks – BIM can act as a framework for
the use of digital technologies on civil engineering projects Director, Infrastructure Service Provider

Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Who is accountable for the results of these tools? Individual companies and engineers then have a role to At a high, industry-wide level, security and ethics
-- This is more straightforward with standard automated feed back into the development of this regulation; this considerations are likely to be contained within legal and
tools, but needs to be addressed in more detail as should not exclude early career engineers using digital commercial frameworks defining accountability, rather than
increasingly intelligent, machine learning automation technologies on a day-to-day basis, who may be most in their own separate framework. However, the industry
becomes more prevalent. As tools are able to develop aware of emerging digital innovation. In addition, as has a role to provide some guidance on these issues, not
themselves over time in ways that may not be visible to individual companies develop new digital innovations only to reduce uncertainty in general within the profession,
the engineers who initially created them, it may be less themselves, they should consider the legal implications of but also in order to allow individual organisations to
clear who is accountable for its outputs. these, and do so in conversation with those creating the develop their own guidance. Ethics in particular is a highly
legislation. subjective issue. The civil engineering industry should
Who should own data gathered on a project? foster collective debate, engaging also the end users of
Security and ethics infrastructure, ensuring a spectrum of public views are
-- This is particularly relevant concerning data gathered
Many civil engineers highlighted the implications of considered.
from the public, with recent suggestions that members
of the public should own their own data36,37. In digital technologies with regard to security and ethics –
addition, with new business models revolving around particularly those pertaining to the availability of more
the monetary value of data, it will be important for data, and more sophisticated automation – as an area
engineers to understand the commercial implications of for concern. However, different individual projects and
data ownership. organisations are likely to take different approaches
to security and ethics. For example, a nuclear energy
Commercial and legal guidance is likely to develop in a project is likely to have a much more developed security
top-down basis, as there is a need for these guidelines to requirement than the replacement of a small piece of water
be consistent across the industry. Historically, the pace infrastructure.
of technological development has been faster than the As digital capabilities present new ethical and security
speed at which legislation comes into place, resulting in challenges, civil engineering organisations should dedicate
issues with technology being used inappropriately. The resources specifically to addressing these – both from an
case of drone technology in the UK is illustrative, where organisation-wide perspective and on individual projects,
potentially dangerous use cases appeared before the where necessary.
technology had been fully regulated38. Industrial bodies and
professional associations should therefore work to develop
and release legal guidance and regulation quickly, in order
to reduce this risk, and ensure that technologies are used

Soft infrastructure 2: Governance and process The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Recommendations to the civil engineering profession

In order to fully harness the potential of the digital capabilities, it will be imperative for civil engineering
as a profession to maximise the value of its human capital. We believe this change will take shape through
redefining the knowledge, skills and behaviours that civil engineers need to develop in order to succeed.
To this end we recommended the following actions:

Individual civil engineers Civil engineering organisations Institution of Civil Engineers

Take an active role in providing feedback to, Work with professional institutions Provide practical guidance for civil
and maintaining, governance systems and other stakeholders to engineering organisations on how
Individual civil engineers have an important role implement governance systems to deal with uncertainties related
to play in ensuring that these systems are fit for for digital innovation and to digital technology.
purpose; in particular, as those developing them may implementation. At a high level, the industry needs to
not always be working with them on In order to develop and implement governance move further than “thought pieces” around ethical
a daily basis. Individual civil engineers systems that are fit for purpose, civil engineering issues related to digital technology. Professional
should be proactive in evaluating organisations need to work collaboratively, with a institutions and industry regulators need to work
these systems and communicating number of other stakeholders. These are likely to with civil engineers, in addition to other stakeholders
with those at a higher level in their vary depending on the organisation, its activities, and such as the legal profession, to move beyond simply
organisations and in the industry, in order to ensure individual projects, but could include: discussing these issues and actually implementing
that the frameworks governing their work do not -- Other built environment professional institutions, practical frameworks for managing new uncertainties.
become redundant. to adapt industry-wide guidance to meet the Assess how digital technology has affected
In particular, civil engineers should also communicate organisation’s needs, and provide feedback on other industries in the past, and take lessons
effectively where they feel that these frameworks fail this guidance. learnt into consideration when developing new
to maintain the balance of facilitating creativity while -- the legal profession, to understand in more detail frameworks.
reducing uncertainty. the legal implications of digital technology and The industry should work with professionals
how best to manage these. from other industries and sectors that have been
impacted by digital technology, to look at how
success was achieved and what lessons were
learnt. In particular, the industry should look to
others such as the automotive industry where
creativity has thrived at the same time as digital
technology being implemented, and learn from
their examples to ensure that the balance of
certainty and freedom is achieved.

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Why do civil engineers need to change their However, the exact nature of this change does not seem to
knowledge, skills and behaviours? be well-defined: existing literature on the skills required “I know that digital innovation
for digital innovation rarely refers specifically to “the civil
Human capital is the value that individual civil engineers engineer”, let alone specific career stages or sectors. In is going to happen to me, but I
collectively bring to the organisations they work in. In
this report, we define human capital as consisting of three
addition, the exact nature of the skills is often unclear: “soft do not know what my role will
skills” were identified as being increasingly important, but
components: Knowledge, skills and behaviours. These there was little detail on which soft skills were important involve. Except more BIM.”
comprise the personal attributes civil engineers (or indeed for which kinds of engineers7. Graduate Civil Engineer, Civil Engineering Consultancy
any other profession) need in order to effectively fulfil their
role in the work they do. On the ground, interviewees appeared lost as to how to
improve their human capital. A lack of clarity and a lack
-- Knowledge is what civil engineers need to know.
of specificity were common views surrounding personal
-- Skills are what civil engineers need to be able to do. digital development.
-- Behaviour is how civil engineers need to act.
What will this change look like for different
The evidence showed that digital technology is likely career stages?
to – and to some extent, already has – caused the civil
engineer’s role to change. In particular, digital technology In this report, we have identified three key “tiers of
is likely to remove the need for much of the laborious, engagement” – representing common groupings of
repetitive work that has traditionally been a significant different career stages of civil engineers. These do not
element of the civil engineer’s role. In tandem, as new represent every discrete stage of a civil engineer’s career,
opportunities appear around the three digital capabilities, as civil engineers in different companies, industries and
civil engineers are likely to take on new roles with their projects are unlikely to have the same responsibilities.
additional capacity. Instead, these are designed to identify with as many civil
engineers as possible, in different types of roles, with
In order to thrive in these new roles, there will therefore different responsibilities, and with different levels of
need to be a significant change to the knowledge, skills familiarity with digital technology.
and behaviours of the civil engineer.
These tiers of engagement are illustrated by three
characters: Anna, Tarek and Claire.

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Future civil engineer

Anna is a civil engineer working in a technical role at a built
environment consultancy. She has been working for two years since
leaving university. Anna is a digital native: she has grown up using
digital technology from a young age, and is able to quickly familiarise
herself with new digital technologies.
Anna’s responsibilities include:
-- Automating calculation and design processes: many of which used
to be manual, laborious tasks carried out by her predecessors
-- Processing and interpreting data: taking raw data from a variety of
sources and translating this data into valuable information, either
for internal insights or to external clients and contractors
-- Performing task-level innovation: finding and developing new and
innovative ways to allow herself (and others) to perform tasks more
efficiently and effectively using digital technology

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Future civil engineer

Tarek is a civil engineer working in a mix of technical and project
management roles at a civil engineering contractor. He is at a
mid-career level, having worked in the industry for just under 10
years. Tarek is not a digital native: although he is familiar with digital
technology, he has not grown up using it and as a result does not
have the same level of familiarity as Anna.
Tarek’s responsibilities include:
-- Auditing the automation that junior colleagues like Anna carry out:
checking that this automation is correct, robust, and future-proof
-- Communicating with clients and contractors: working both
internally and externally with clients and contractors, to manage
collaboration using digital tools
-- Taking accountability for the project outcomes: Tarek is responsible
for the outcomes at a project level – in interviews, civil engineers in
project management roles felt that digital innovation sometimes felt
unviable on projects as it presented a risk to the project achieving
its targets of time or cost
-- Performing innovation at a process scale: finding innovative ways
to manage projects and processes such as commercial, design,
and collaboration procedures

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Future civil engineer

Claire is a director at a civil engineering consultancy. She trained as
an engineer, worked in a wide variety of roles throughout her career,
including project management, and now acts as a business leader in
her company. Claire is aware of the increasing importance of digital
technologies, but does not use them in her work on a day-to-day
Claire’s responsibilities include:
-- Identifying future commercial and technological trends: assessing
which of these should be prioritised, how these might affect the
business and the industry on a wider scale
-- Providing the strategic direction of the business: deciding on which
commercial areas, industries, and types of projects to focus on,
and where the best areas of focus for the business are
-- Developing and implementing new digital business models: finding,
adapting and implementing new ways of generating value from the
increasingly digitally-enabled work her company does

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Anna, Tarek and Claire’s different responsibilities reflect

their need for different sets of knowledge, skills and
behaviours. Some of the key behaviours they will need to
maintain, develop and gain are highlighted as follows:


Awareness of digital trends Improve Automation Improve Creativity Improve

In order for Anna to ensure that the innovation she carries out One of Anna’s main responsibilities is to automate processes. Part of Anna’s role is using her “digital native” understanding to
is making the most out of the available digital capabilities, she This will require her to have new technical skills, including come up with innovative ways of using the digital capabilities to
needs to maintain her awareness of new digital technologies and coding. Anna is likely to need to know how to code in a variety improve her work, such as automating design processes, adding
trends. of languages, appropriate for different situations and types of functionality or using data in new ways to gain new insights.
While business leaders such as Claire may be more aware of Anna needs to be creative in order to perform this task-level
high-level digital trends and business models, it will be important innovation. In addition to knowing about what digital technologies
for Anna to understand the specific new technologies which Data analysis New are available, Anna needs to be creative and imaginative in
are emerging, as she is most likely to use these technologies coming up with new ways of using the technologies.
on a day-to-day basis. Her abilities as a digital native also mean
that she is most likely to quickly pick up on and use these Anna is increasingly responsible for turning raw data into
technologies, and can provide significant value by harnessing valuable information and insights. In order to do this, she needs
new technologies early on. to understand how to manipulate data, recognise patterns and
trends, and manage and organise data effectively.

Technical & theoretical civil engineering knowledge Maintain Digital/Non-digital “translation” New An attitude of collaboration Improve

Although Anna may be carrying out fewer manual calculations In order to allow others to check and validate her automated Anna needs to ensure that her work is collaborative for three key
and design processes, she needs to understand the underlying tools, and in order for others to understand insights from reasons.
theory in order to automate them. She therefore needs to her data analysis, Anna will need to be able to communicate
Firstly, to ensure that the innovation she carries out is not siloed,
maintain her technical and theoretical knowledge of civil effectively with those who are not digital natives.
and the benefits and knowledge that come from it are shared
engineering concepts.
She will need to know how to communicate complex concepts with a broad range of colleagues.
This is critical to ensure that the automation is correct, and does to people – who may be her immediate supervisors and
Secondly, through interaction Anna’s tools can be suitable for
not become a “black box” which she uses without considering colleagues – who do not have the same ingrained understanding
others to use and understand, so they are future-proof.
the theory behind. of digital technology that she does. This will be critical to ensure
her tools can be validated and her insights are trusted. Thirdly, Anna needs to work with others to ensure that the
This is also important to allow Anna to contribute to higher-level,
benefits of her automation and data interpretation are clear; to
initial design processes, which require an understanding of basic
ensure that there is no ‘reinventing of the wheel’, and to ensure
technical principles.
insights from data analysis are reflected upon on future projects.

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act


Client drivers Improve Selling digital Improve Coordinating Improve

In order to ensure that his clients (and contractors) see the value In his role as a manager, Tarek often collaborates with One of the issues highlighted by staff in manager roles was that
of using digital technologies on their projects, Tarek needs to external clients and contractors. While he may have a good automation is often uncoordinated with the wider project, and so
ensure that he understands their motivations. This is likely to understanding of the benefits of using digital technologies on as such does not produce a significant benefit.
change, particularly in the advent of newer digitally-enabled a project (whether for project management purposes or to add
Tarek has a role to integrate automation activities into project
business models. value to a solution), this may not be as clear to his clients and
management, ensuring the engineers he manages perform their
Changes in policy, government and economic climate may affect roles in a coordinated way. This includes putting automation
the motivations of his clients, so Tarek should maintain an up-to- Tarek needs to be able to effectively communicate the tasks on the critical path, not duplicating data or re-automating
date knowledge of wider trends. opportunities that digital technologies present, and match them tools from previous projects and ensuring that tools are
with the drivers of his clients and contractors. understandable by others.

Technical & theoretical civil engineering knowledge Maintain Digital quality assurance New Focusing on outcomes Improve

Tarek is likely to be auditing, and utilising, the tools created Although Tarek may not be carrying out automation himself, he Although Tarek is likely to be focused on meeting targets, what
by digital natives like Anna. Tarek will need to maintain his will be responsible for ensuring that these new automated tools these targets are needs to change. This will be facilitated to
knowledge of theoretical civil engineering concepts, so that he are correct, suitable, and future-proof. some extent by new, value-based business models described
can ensure that automated tools are being done right. in Commercial Practice, but also requires a behavioural change
This may not be as simple as checking through a calculation,
from managers like Tarek.
In addition, Tarek needs to maintain this knowledge so that he and therefore Tarek will need to develop a new set of skills in
can sense-check designs and continue to perform “back-of-the- order to do this, as he will be responsible for the outputs of these Particularly when selling the value of digital technology to clients,
envelope” calculations in situations where a quick estimate is tools. This may involve elements of coding, code structuring, and Tarek will need to focus on potential effectiveness outcomes,
required. data analysis techniques, to allow him to understand the work of rather than traditional efficiency savings in cost or time, as this is
digital natives like Anna. likely where significant untapped value lies.

Core design skills Maintain

Digital project management tools are likely to free up more time

for Tarek to spend on the creative design aspects of projects,
which currently cannot be automated. Therefore, Tarek needs
to maintain his core abilities in design, as this is likely to be an
area where a great deal of “human value” can be added to his
Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act


Future business models Improve Balancing “Annas” and “Tareks” Improve Taking responsibility for risk Improve

In order to provide strategic direction for her company, Claire The need to encourage innovation among digital natives (such as Civil engineers will need to quickly take advantage of new
needs to remain up-to-date with new and emerging digital Anna) is likely to come into conflict with the need for managers digital technologies in order to remain competitive. Although
business models within the industries she works. In addition, (such as Tarek) to maintain structure on projects and reduce governance and process can help to reduce the risks of
Claire should know about business models in other industries commercial risk. implementing digital technology, civil engineers may not have
such as software development (and others less associated with the time to wait for these to be developed perfectly.
Claire therefore needs to be able to manage a balance between
civil engineering), as these may become more relevant to civil
these two streams, by providing young engineers like Anna As the business leader, Claire needs to be willing to take
engineering in future.
with sufficient room and budget for creativity, while at the same ownership of these new risks, particularly at a business level.
While not all of these might be directly relevant to her work, time ensuring that this does not have a negative impact on the This will be necessary to avoid mid-level managers such as
she will need to maintain an understanding of these in outcomes of projects, for which Tarek takes responsibility. Tarek feeling that they are overly responsible for the risks of
order to identify future competitive threats and to effectively digital implementations, as this could stifle innovation by younger
commercialise the opportunities the opportunities the digital engineers such as Anna.
capabilities present.

Competitive threats Maintain Humility Improve

As new business models emerge based around software and As Claire may have worked for most of her career in non-digital
infrastructure, it is likely that civil engineers will face new types of environments, it may be that not all of the expertise she has
competitors from new industries. gained is relevant to emerging digital technologies, business
models, and ways of working. In particular, she needs to respect
In order to ensure that her business remains competitive, Claire
that they will grow and develop in paths that look unlike hers.
needs to maintain and constantly update her understanding of
these potential competitive threats. This includes not only other Claire therefore needs to be humble and receptive to ideas from
civil engineering companies, but also newer competitors in other younger, more digitally-native engineers. This is crucial in order to
industries such as software development. allow the business to respect digital natives contribution to digital

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Is there a need for new roles in civil Interviewees highlighted the civil engineer cannot be
everything, and we do not suggest technical knowledge
engineering? will become less important in the future profession – a
balance is crucial.
“The failure to address the potential The industry needs to consider how, as the role profile
of the civil engineer changes, some existing KSB will
loss of civil engineering jobs, and what become irrelevant. Similar shifts have happened before:
new kinds of jobs will exist in future, for example, manual engineering drawing techniques
have become comparatively (although not completely)
is a fundamental blindside in the redundant since the advent of Computer Aided Design
educational system.” (CAD) software in the 1980s.
Director, Infrastructure Service Provider Very few KSB are likely to become completely irrelevant.
For example many interviewees cautioned against
removing the need for young engineers to understand
Both literature and interview evidence highlighted
fundamental civil engineering theory, in order to prevent
new knowledge skills and behaviours (KSB) that civil
automated tools becoming “black boxes” that are used
engineers need to develop, including those in the above
but not understood. However, it will be important for
matrices. However, in interviews there was incongruity to
industry leaders to understand that civil engineers cannot
which civil engineers believed they would take on more
develop infinite competence in every knowledge, skill and
digital-related work (such as programming and software
behaviour, and some will need to be prioritised over others.
development) or whether this should be left to specialised
members of staff. Civil engineers are well positioned to become integrators
of skills in the delivery of digitally-enabled solutions.
Many civil engineers interviewed highlighted that they felt
As such, there is a need for the industry to consider new
a pile-on of skills requirements; they had been told what
types of job in civil engineering – perhaps an automation-
new KSB they needed to develop (rather than solicited
focused engineer, or data analysis-focused engineer –
for their own views), but there was no mention of which
‘T-shaped’ individuals with a mix of digital, engineering
KSB would become less relevant. There was a perception
or commercial skills. Rather than trying to up-skill all
observed that many engineers felt it was inappropriate
engineers in the same digital competencies, this would lead
to try and up-skill all engineers in the same digital
to more diversity of roles within the profession, allowing
competencies. There was also a perceived need to consider
each civil engineer to focus on one aspect of digital
which KSB would become redundant in the future, to
innovation in civil engineering.
“make room” for new, digital-related KSB.
Rather than existing in a separate silo of “digital
engineering”, these roles could slot in to existing
engineering teams, ensuring that digital capabilities are
integrated with technical engineering knowledge.

Soft infrastructure 3: Human capital The need
How it can be
Who needs
to act

Recommendations to the civil engineering

profession Civil engineering organisations Institution of Civil Engineers
To develop and implement governance frameworks that Consider whether there is a need Consider the appropriate
are fit for purpose, input is necessary from all levels and for new, digital-based roles to changes in human capital in
all sources of civil engineering. Although the industry as a be integrated with existing civil different sectors and types
whole, as represented by professional institutions such as engineering teams of organisations, and provide
the ICE, is likely to have a very significant role, as we have Civil engineering organisations need targeted guidance for these.
seen, others cannot be neglected if sustainable change is to to consider how to integrate digital-based roles We have begun to assess how human capital
be achieved. into their existing functions, and how they should might need to change at different career levels
To this end we recommended the following actions: develop their human capital to enable this. Not for civil engineers. However, the required change
all organisations will take the same approach, is unlikely to be uniform across different types
as some might have more of a need to integrate of organisations, and across the many sectors
Individual civil engineers than others, and new business models are likely civil engineers work in. The ICE should work with
Build awareness of emerging digital trends and to affect how human capital is distributed in an engineers to provide targeted guidance for each.
their link to wider societal benefits organisation. Support educational institutions in balancing
Civil engineers need to maintain their This understanding should then be fed back to the traditional theory and digital skills development.
own understanding of digital trends individual engineers, to guide them in driving their “Black boxes” need to be avoided. The civil
to ensure that the uptake of digital own development. engineering profession should consider how
technology is not purely top-down. Consider the best mechanisms to enable the curricula will allow future engineers to develop the
However, an understanding is not changes in human capital digital-related skills they need to succeed, without
enough – individuals need to continuously consider Organisations should also consider in more detail losing a core understanding of engineering theory.
how these may affect their role. By understanding the best mechanisms of enabling this change Consider ‘continuous chartership’
how technologies link to societal outcomes, in human capital. This is likely to depend on a In other professions, such as medicine and
engineers can have confidence in promoting new number of factors, including: the specific type of accounting, chartership and accreditation involves
uses, and new human capital that is required. knowledge, skill or behaviour; the organisational a degree of lifelong learning. Civil engineers
Proactively develop personal human capital structure; the profile of the individual engineers; need competencies that fit fast-moving digital
and the training capability of the organisation itself. technologies and the ability to manage staff,
Civil engineers need to then be proactive in Some of the potential mechanisms for this change
changing their own knowledge, skills and projects and businesses in more a digital age. The
might include: ICE should consider chartership reviews at key
behaviours. This may be enabled by guidance from
their organisation, but as no two civil engineers will • Integrating learning with practical, project- career stages. This is not an additional examination
based activities of ability, but a means of ensuring individuals are
have exactly the same responsibilities, individuals
should take an active role in assessing how they • Completing formal training courses guided to be most effective in changing times and
can maximise the value of their own human capital. • Partnerships with educational institutions are able to communicate this on their CV to others.

How digital innovation creates value – tomorrow

How digital innovation creates value – Engineer’s Individual Infrastructure Wider

tomorrow activity infrastructure systems society

Ultimately, civil engineers should aspire to achieve wider

societal benefits through their work.
For civil engineers – and so society – to fully harness the
value digital innovation presents, civil engineering needs to Lower risk of human Lower risk of flood
expand its consideration to: error/inaccuracy damage to water
infrastructure Lower risk of flood
• Challenge levels of Infrastructure Systems and Wider
damage to water
Society Automate flood volume infrastructure Increased resilience of
calculations local area to flooding
• Effectiveness opportunities as well as Efficiency Lower risk of flood
damage to energy
• A consideration of benefits in the long term as well as infrastructure
the short. Efficiency opportunities
Overall, these predictions constitute the framework’s ‘How More time spent
More suitably placed
Reduced impact
Lower impact on local having impact at the levels
deciding placement of on local housing
this creates value’, with respect to digital innovation in a flood storage flood storage development community of Infrastructure Systems
preferable future. and Wider Society

It is important to clarify that this is not a recommendation

to abandon efficiency opportunities. The impact of Engineer’s Individual Infrastructure Wider
activity infrastructure systems society
efficiency can be significant, but it needs to also be
considered at the additional levels of infrastructure systems
and wider society – seen across, top. The connection
is important. Having clear objectives to outcomes at
infrastructure system and wider societal levels will help to
direct to the most meaningful efficiencies. Greater understanding Lower risk of flood
of localised potential damage to water
impacts of climate infrastructure Lower risk of flood
change damage to highways
Overall increased
“Civil Engineers do not build bridges
resilience of local area
Utilise digital sensors to Lower risk of flood
or bore tunnels for their own
to flooding
measure water levels in damage to energy
local rivers over longer infrastructure
entertainment. We exist because we time frame
Effectiveness opportunities
deliver certain societal outcomes.” Provide Augmented
Reality experience to Greater community having impact at the levels
view potential flood awareness of flooding of Infrastructure Systems
Tim Broyd, President of Institution of Civil Engineers
Concluding remarks, Shaping a Digital Nation 2017 storage locations and Wider Society

How digital innovation creates value – tomorrow

Starting with expanding how efficiency opportunities Either approach must be careful to appreciate longer We believe, empowered through the new soft
are understood was described as by many engineers in timelines. The benefits that digital technology may be infrastructures explored in this section, civil engineering
interviews as “the next step” in realising benefits from most significant in the long term. Effectiveness benefits in can access new world of digital innovation: one with
digital technologies. particularly will often not materialise until after the project more variety, more impact and a closer association with
itself has been completed. the societal challenges they were founded to solve.
“We need to have a better understanding of
whether digital is actually bringing tangible
benefits to projects – and what more is possible.”
Director, Civil Engineering Consultancy
Ultimately however, through this study we have seen that of the problem

the opportunities for increased effectiveness are likely to
be both more numerous, more significant in the degree Greater
they bring benefit and the most unexploited at present. integration
of solutions
Civil engineers should investigate the potential of using
digital technologies to make their outcomes more effective. More digital
This would be a step-change compared to approach to functionality The thriving zone –
digital innovation in civil engineering today. empowered by new soft
infrastructure, civil engineering
“It’s about having sight of the outcomes, and can embrace digital innovation
of all theoretical opportunities
how we apply digital technology to achieve across all challenge levels.

those outcomes.” Greater


Programme Manager, City Council

This will require consideration of outcomes and benefits More

beyond a single organisation or project, and may require streamlined
new methods of measuring value beyond traditional return
on investment. These new measures are likely to require
collaborative development, to account for the complexity
and subjectivity that is encountered. This is likely to
require an element of creative and divergent thinking.
“We also need to take a holistic, blank canvas
view of how we use these technologies.”
Programme Manager, City Council

1. Fighting challenges
2. Where we are today
in the digital city



Perception of Perception of
limited value high risk
1 of role

The profession is unable to embrace all opportunities The profession exists in the surviving zone

Civil engineers tackle societal challenges

More streamlined collaboration

3. Where we need to go


Digital technologies

Data Commercial Governance and Human
Availability Practice Process Capital

Does it make Are the appropriate Do we have the
commercial sense? processes and right knowledge,
frameworks in skills and behaviours
place? to deliver?

Developing soft infrastructure will

Digital technologies provide radical new capabilities empower the profession to respond The profession expands to the thriving zone

Section 3 – Conclusion: thriving in a smart city age

We believe there is an alternative path forward Despite the future facing nature of this report, it is important to reflect
that the civil engineering profession has demonstrated the ability to
for civil engineers. produce bursts of innovation historically.
Digital innovation clearly demonstrates great potential to the civil In the ‘golden age of civil engineering’, Brunel created new business
engineering profession; possible benefits manifest themselves across models through ownership of his own infrastructure; Locke lobbied
two opportunity types and spanning 3 challenge levels. for new frameworks around designing and delivering railway tunnels;
In reality, injecting hard infrastructure alone does not deliver this. and Baker demonstrated new ways of teaching civil engineering
Just as we have suggested that digital innovation should not be principles through practical demonstrations of the suspension bridge.
simply undertaking existing processes faster and cheaper, we do not We do not propose Brunel would have created a better BIM, but
think that civil engineering can resolve existing difficulties simply by the prioritisation of soft infrastructure had a demonstrable effect on
investing more heavily in the innovation approach used to date. the ability to implement technological innovations emerging from the
Currently, Civil engineering captures only a small fraction of digital industrial revolution.
innovation’s potential, ignoring the benefits of effectiveness, the History aside, the profession is running out of time to change.
concept of societal outcomes or long-term perspectives. The Societal challenges are exacerbating, competition is approaching,
barriers around improving are not technical, but focus around soft and digital innovation in wider society is inevitable. At the ICE’s
infrastructure. Three stand out to us as powerful enablers of change- Shaping a Digital World 2017, 91% of participants said the ‘Digital
commercial practices; governance and process; and human capital. Revolution’ had already started.
Civil engineering needs to take a bolder, more proactive role in These changes are substantial, require the support of others on the
shaping its future if it is to succeed in a smart city age. The profession journey, and intentionally address areas that the profession admit are
needs to come together to achieve digital solidarity. Civil engineers long standing difficulties. However, while digital innovation may be at
should transition from a view of isolated infrastructure outputs to odds with the profession’s current culture, it is highly complementary
industry-wide societal outcomes. This is essential to maintaining to its purpose.
competitiveness and purpose in the future’s markets; this is essential
for addressing the societal challenges the profession was founded out If engineers can rise to this challenge, we believe
to achieve.
the pursuit of our recommendations will result in a
Civil engineering may have a reputation for being slow to change.
However, we have seen little to suggest this has to remain the case.
civil engineering profession that can thrive – both
today and long in to a coming, smart city age.

Summary of recommendations

Through our study, we make the case that digital innovation in the civil
engineering profession is currently restricted by a lack of three key soft
infrastructures. We make targeted recommendations to develop these,
summarised below, to steer the profession on to a preferable future.


Soft infrastructure
Individual civil engineers Civil engineering organisations Institution of Civil Engineers

• Pilot new business model

innovations with targeted clients • Raise business model innovation
Commercial • View commercial innovation on a
as a key theme in the Digital
Practices parity with technical innovation • Strive for coopetition to establish Transformation agenda
new business model precedents

• Consider the balances of skills in • Consider the appropriate changes

the company, and whether there is in human capital in different sectors
• Build awareness of emerging
a need for new, digital-based roles and types of organisations, and
digital trends and their link to wider
to be integrated with existing civil provide targeted guidance for these.
societal benefits
engineering departments.
Human Capital • Work with educational institutions
• Be proactive in developing their own
• Consider the best mechanisms to consider the balance between
human capital to fulfil new roles.
to enable the changes in human theoretical teaching and digital skills
capital. development.
• Consider “Continuous Chartership”

• Provide practical guidance for civil

engineering organisations on how
• Work with professional institutions to deal with uncertainties related to
• Take an active role in providing and other stakeholders to digital technology.
feedback to, and maintaining, implement governance systems • Assess how digital technology
and Process
governance systems for digital innovation and has affected other industries in the
implementation. past, and take lessons learnt into
consideration when developing new


Authorship team With thanks to

Lottie MacNair Phil Harrison Neil Carhart Catherine Wenger
Peter Cooper Luke Cooper Graham Herries Tim Chapman
Ann Cousins Sarah Niven Luke Loveridge Ian Gardner
Theo Tryfonas Henrietta Ridgeon Henry Chan Lynne Goulding
Dan James Jayne Evans Matthew Evans Cian O’Donnchadha
Wendy Tipper Dave Hunt Tim Stonor Tim Gammons
Philippa Ivens Amit Dutta Jeremy Watson Lucy Anderson
Sam Stacy Ellie Cosgrave Emily Bowden-Eyre
Graphic design Louise Ellis Dan Byles James Rickerby
Cerys Wilcox Rick Robinson Amanda Clack
Eddie Ion Helen Charlick Chris Gage
Matt Cox

About us

Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, Bristol is one of the most popular and successful With over 91,000 members worldwide, ICE supports civil
engineers, consultants and technical specialists working universities in the UK and was ranked within the top engineers and technicians throughout their careers.
across every aspect of today’s built environment. Together 50 universities in the world in the QS World University We award professional qualifications that are the industry
we help clients solve their most complex challenges, Rankings 2018. standard, lead the debates around infrastructure and the
turning exciting ideas into tangible reality as we strive to We aim to bring together the best minds in individual built environment and provide an unmatched level of
find a better way to shape a better world. fields, and encourage researchers from different disciplines training, knowledge and thinking.
Established in 1946, Arup has over 12,000 employees and institutions to work together to find lasting solutions to One of our key themes is Digital Transformation, exploring
based in more than 92 offices across 40 countries, working society’s pressing problems. how the industry can embrace and understand new digital
on up to 10,000 projects at any one time. Its unique The University of Bristol conducts world-leading research technologies for the good of all.
structure, with the firm held in trust on behalf of our in one of the top Civil Engineering departments in the
employees, gives us complete independence. 2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the founding of
UK. In particular, we are a founding partner in the UK the Institution of Civil Engineers.To celebrate ICE is
We live in a digital world that continues to evolve at Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities running a year of events and activities that show how civil
an astonishing pace. The ever-changing digital built (UKCRIC) which will extract greater value from our engineering has for over 200 years transformed the way we
environment presents new opportunities to enhance the infrastructure and cities, whilst simultaneously improving live.
way we live and work. their sustainability and resilience, and improving the
wellbeing of our citizens. As civil engineers we need to do more to help explain
why our work is important to society and how what we
The University was one of the first to offer a course in do everyday helps the modern world work. We support
smart cities, and regularly publishes in this field from an research such as this report that explores how civil
interdisciplinary perspective. engineers can continue to deliver for society in the face of
new technological trends.


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